HomeMy WebLinkAboutB08-0215.pdf NOTE: TH1S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSlTE AT ALL TIMES . TOWNOFVA!!, ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.4792149 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B08-0215 Project #: PRJ08-0251 Job Address: 2398 GARMISCH DR VAIL Status . . ISSUED location......: 2398 Garmisch(210311411022) Applied . . : 06/27/2008 Parcel No....: 210311411022 Issued. .. : 07/74/2U08 Expires , ... 01f10l2009 OWNER GISONDI, HEATHER M.-PRIEBE 07/28/2008 660 CLIPPER ST 212 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94114 APPLICANT PRIEBE, ERIC 06l27/2008 Phone:(970)476-6369 2550 KINNIKINICK,J3 VAIL CO 81657 License:27B-L CONTRACT�R PRIEBE, ERIC 06/27/2008 Phone: (970)476-6369 2550 KINNIKINICK, J3 VAIL CO 81657 License:278-L Description: NEW EXTERIOR STAIRS TO DECKS Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Valuation: $9,000.00 Type Construction:V B Total Sq Ft Added: 0 ....................».....,....,...........,,.«......»__,...,.,..�........_,..,.. FEE SUMMARY .....,<._._„_...,,..,,«.,..,.,..»...,...»_,......,......«......,.....,.,.....,.. Building Permit Fee------> $167.25 Will Cal Fee---------------------> $4.OD Total Calculated Fees-------------> $389.96 Plan Check--------------------> $108.71 Use Tax Fee---------------------> $O.DO Additional Fees-------------------- $0.00 ---> Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $110.00 Restuaranl Plan Review-----> �O.DO TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------� $389.96 Investigation----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $0.00 Payments------------------------------' $389.96 Total Calculated Fees-------> $389.96 BALANCE DUE-----------------------> $D.00 xwxxx.wwwHxw.ww.+.�xr:�r»kat+iaa+xaxxxx««wwwr.wwwwxrxra�e+r.aw.ktRxwwwex�xxw+xxwwxKwaxa�w���x+aa�xwxxxRwxw+xx+www:�+xxw�wKr:wwwxwHxxwM»��ir�ti++akixarw�+�++:xwwrR:wR.,�r;�wwaw�xwx+ww�wwwR�wx+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to compty with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4:00 PM. Signature of Owner or Contraclor Date Print Name bld_a�t_construct ion_pe rm it_041908 itxwAk#Y#i#+iFt/iYiii+###TT£x<RTxxxxwrtn£TxA»Wnwx�RAM1iM4#t+tk+#1+tikii{*xA/1txARTxTwwnrtKwAwAw%X%rwnMrtnrtrtnrtwxMi��knixikfxlfif�RTxxFRxxMtkTxwl+fRN+11R%iTwi##YWik##tW#ikir4iWi44+H#i*1 APPROVALS Permit#: B08-0215 as of 08-13-2008 Status: ISSUED �1+lMWenrt'If:1kRf*ik#YF#}1}fY#ii+*4TiY.lARTi}k�.Fkrt'I1TFWnrt'1R'Rhi-YY�iY#i#i+YYti#itFtH!'AR�.l�R�.!<1tfiRfFrtn!'.lfiiR#iF.101nWfnAfFrtikSifi%RMR1lilA4%iR�.liA##i!#iFi#1i#iYk#Yi-it#t#Yti*ftt**4tfikYtiki#ItFit{'kf#41 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/14/2008 JRM Action: AP 08/06/2008 JLE Action: AP REVISIONS SUBMITTED 8/6/08BT0 MOVE STAIR LOCATION APPROVED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/30/2008 Warren Action: AP 08/11/2008 Warren Action: AP The revisions have been approved TvlfTR�.lR;'�:rtT1A�/rhrtnrttff:vli#Yrt%FiYlitiY+i�FfiTRFTM+wnRTRTwrt:tTfRAf:rt+*iY#*HkftTiFiYf#t�RTR+%xxfilYVlfT1`TIr�vYwfinrt4kl�.lf:A++SRA%'R#1'R*4t#YFi#*%If+i4#*#}i4Y++kintYii!##Ft#4t4F4hxMRTfRxA-ARA4T'.lRt�n See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_ai�_consiru ction_perm it_041908 •RT1ff�AwwwnwFnxlrAwnFrtfrnKrRAiI%#iti#ntt+tYF4+irFTxTx/xrtnYw�KTTTtwwWyww%KTlFixYi%#itH#i#%#ttFi+iflt#}k4}HFftx;tT;ttxTfxFR*RTxkTTFxxFRfxT£RxRTxsTxxtARxwRSxTxffRT�Tt+IRaxw�%YfiYrtnfrt CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: BO8-0215 as of 08-13-2008 Status: ISSUED •fikrtn�l':�Mf�tM%rt£Frt�.lf�t1R%YYt+Ytt4tYiiFill+RtflfR'.l�YATkf1R#�wnrtn*T!'F:1R#Yi#'YYi�it4iHthttiH+#kRxR1R'.lTRT�tfffifi'k'.FrtT'T4fFrtTf'.FlrtTf:Mh�.!%RwT+�fMwkfTtrtR/irtwyi%y'�.Fn'Fnn'FnY:fFnIXf:YY�.l�RAR+v!l�.F+MitiliFi*4#ti#%i1 Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2003 IRC. bld_alt_construct ion_pe rm it_0419D8 NOTE; THlS PERMlT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS/TE AT ALL T/MES . 1CIWNOFYAII. ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 608-0215 Project #: PRJ08-0251 Job Address: 2400 GARMISCH DR VAIL Status . . ISSUED Location......: 2398 Garmisch(210311411022) Applied . . : 06/27/2008 Parcel No....: 210311411023 Issued . .. : 07I1412008 Expires . ..: 01/10I2009 OWNER SOHAM INVESTMENTS LLC 06/27/2008 2400 GARMISCH DR VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT PRIEBE, ERIC 06/27l2008 Phone: (970)476-6369 2550 KINNIKINICK, J3 VAIL CO 81657 License: 278-L CONTRACTOR PRIEBE, ERIC 06/27/2008 Phone: (970�476-6369 2550 KINNIKINICK,J3 VAIL CO 81657 License:278-L Description: NEW EXTERIOR STAIRS TO DECKS Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Valuation: $9,000.00 Type Construction:V B Total Sq Ft Added: 0 ...+.<......................s..,.=......,.._.,.,...,.......,..,.,.,,......,.«._,. FEE SUMMARY ,.,..,,.............,.,<.__,.«,.,._,.,....«....,.,..,..«......._„�,....,...<... Building Permit Fee------> $16725 Will Cal Fee---------------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-------------> $389,96 Plan Check-------------------a $108,71 Use Tax Fee--------------------> Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Additional Fees-----------------------> $0.00 $110 00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------a $389.96 Investigation----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $0.00 Payments-------------------------------> $389.96 Total Calculated Fees--------> $389.96 BALANCE DUE----------------------a $0.00 n'F'kTx'ARfMrtnrt'RARi*##HKietYFiHtRTfT*hqxARAk'krtI'Aliikii+ttiHtF}RTFARR�.lkT'F4TRrWVY',FRRVliFFtHiAt#YF+4ii�fTRARMilRT�.y�*hrtrtrtxnkfTR'AIkXh',Yn?nrt'R'k1nl:frRAkftrt+k4tf*�FY*#t\'Yki#'�+Yt4}TtiRxRTTT1/TrtwwnfFR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the informatior as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSP C�fON SHA E MADE TWENTY-FOUR H�URS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4:00 PM.. jP � • . ��.. e�— � Signat e o Owner or Con a�r D�e � � �'A��zr '�'� �� Print Name bld_a It_con struction_perm it_D41908 •+*:ax<*ti+t�+::xxxw.R.xwxx�Kxewww<Rwx��+raxx++t�ta.xxxw.rt=...w..aRwx•w«xxwx�+r.+ya+�r.ti+t+t*r�x.x:rwxwxRwxx.xxx�xw:Kxw*�.aww<wxrtwxww+xxwexaRx.�.xwwwwwwwwwrRw�Rx.rx.w�waix.xr�wsxyt� APPROVALS Permit#: B08-0215 as of 08-12-2�08 Status: ISSUED **'ki'Y#iitlt4iHilvlw}R1R�.li!}nrtTlf4rtFT'sf1Rfi*it##F;YitH4TRl:itiTxn+FT'I%'I£Iytrtnw'XYR�.!****#RiF;y+yryl4ARfSRTRT:liAR#krtkrtx'.FnYfi1RTT�.l4+YRMrtTnTFrt'kM'RfRf'kf%RAf+i*i#iYY#YHk4f+i+t};y#YF}#f1#kt*4A£tSTM1:T Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/14/200� JRM Action: AP 08/06/2008 JLE Action: AP REVISIONS SUBMITTED 8/6/08BT0 MOVE STAIR LOCATION APPROVED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/30/2008 Warren Action: AP 08111l2008 Warren Action: AP The revisions have been approved •I:fi1liR%#i4ti#iYtf4M#tFRTf�.lirt%wfa/ntrtnrt'.lSRYFit#f�Fiilik*�.11xRrtrtnfi�.lTfAkArtF'AR�.!'R'.FY#YYi!###Y#}#1tARTfTTTetrtrtnk'.�TRTiAnKnnnrtIXnrt'IVlMTrt�.!*h**i#ftiiY+*;�f#*it+tiiH*4}ry�.tiM£'FSVF.lilAiRlkrtY:nkrt<RT4Ax'knn See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_a It_cons Vucti on_perm it_041908 ..�rt�a-`r++.wr+aa+�wxRwR�Rx�ww.w�ww»ww.wk�w��++e+.+ra+�..:aRx.�ewweriRxwwwwwwxxx.+N++�aiawtxxti�*a++.wxxxFwxwx.xxxxxr•xew.*a.rixx�F»xrx.xRwxx»xnww..www«�rxxxxxw���w+��*waw�xi+++a�.+t+x CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B08-0215 as of 08-12-2008 Status: ISSUED .,„.................>.»..._.....>_......,....,,.,.,._,........,.,.»,..,...,...,.......,.,._,.,......,....,.,....,.,..,»,._..».,,.............,...,,...�.t.........,...._,,,,_„_.,.. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2003 IRC. bid_a�t_constru cti on_perm it_041908 ***�******************�*******�*********************�*�*�***�������*��»�**�***************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement «****+*********M.*****+****.***��*************��*�***r**+rr+�**r��**�***********+****+.***** Statement Number: R080001371 Amount: $110 .00 DS/12/200801 : 03 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Priebe 1263 Permit No: B08-0215 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-114-1102-3 Site Address: 2400 GARMISCH DR VAIL Location: 239B Garmisch (210311411022) Total Fees: $389. 96 This Payment: $110 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : $389. 96 Balance: $0. 00 ******a**►*w►t*******************��***********«**���********++�*******+********:v********xs** ACCOUNT ITEM L[ST: Account Code Description Current Pmts ----------------------------- ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 110 . 00 —------------—-—------------------------------------------—--—--------- Developmenf Review Coordinator! ' �,._.� 75 South Frontage Road �" ��; ' �;,- = � Vail, CO 81657 � � � ��� � �, '� � #�hon�: 47�`�4792128� �`" ��� � � � ..T�, �ax,97Q-��9 �i7�� '� � � ��"-�,� � � � � - I�speckior�x 97�1-�79 23�14 �,���g��� ���`�'�.;�,��''k '��"?' � . — -... ' ���_. � . � Revision/Information Transmittal All Revision submittals must include the Field Set of approved plans and a copy of the correction letter. . No further ins�ections will be performed until the revisions are a�proved and the permit is re-issued. i � � Permit#�s) information applies to: Attention: (�, Revisions � b� ' (�� �rj �,��j;4,� ��✓i C�✓ ( ) Response to Correction Letter j � t ( ) Deferred Submittal a_ � _ a _ ._ �;�..,�r_. � _. �...._ � . r._ .a ..... �� _m� __ ___ ' Contact Information � , r', n Reason for Revisions (include a list of all changes that ; � / � I I � � have been made from original approval): � � Company: �,,�m� j�,���,r �.t�Nl�Rft� tvP, �t_� RIt� _ � CompanyPh: Fax. �d� S'T�r9'lfC �V�N 10 [�E L6CfYf�� � � Contact Name:�.��'c P�.�L f�� `�-T �DC�� D� iZ�l`�3'1N1/UCn 1�}lL � Contact Ph: �7d' �V�p '.(��� Cell: G� - �C�-1 � ' � :r9-,rV'fJ "ra i}t-�vD oN N�K.TH- �Db E� E-Mail: �l �t'�� c2 �'J e2 � ��ti � _ e' c;r� �'' CSp �����.� °� = Towo of Vail Contractor Registration No: �7� �' L �6� ��CK �✓��1� L�-fs���� �'J��� / , � l � , =TO sTEFL 'RaST� �IVD R�T��/1/1N6, X �r '� Signature (reyu�red) � (/�1��-L /�I��M(1 rM �v'C��� x 3La" ��'��' �� : �, , ..,.M,,�_ r . �� e,,,�. � � : Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor 8� Materials) ; ��],}VIJ p �-{ �ST 5T� "IZ� �� �`1��� (DO NOT include original valuation) � E LEvF� �► � FI�vs�- W i i�--m� � � ; � Building$ O� {�� �.5fi .%T��s ��I�..I N� � Plumbing $ ' Electrical$ �D��'�"I L. I � M/��CH- ��C I �I I N cG ��; Mechanical$ ;,�1.� I�E M� 3/rr k %'� e/1; S � Total$ T"� � (Use additional sheet if ne��ess-ary� � l � • I �� i� ��� Date Received: ����� � �� �� - !` `��U�'�b i'f}RK�N� N��1-p�� �4�'�9c�.`p �fi .� (o �'1�� ?a:S7- ,�f D ,, . EXDST . `t�E'T,9��,�v��G �v�t.t_. �v �, __. _ ,_. � _.. ._ ..... ._. _.. __ _ __ __ ._ _i ��K. 3(�'x3��, L�uL� ���J/ '�' �4g„ . � � �`�; SSot,l � �- __. __ _ _._ __ ..... .... _ r _ .._. _ _ � � , � , / ., f �. - ��ct�51k3t�1�.�`� �,`�f€��t- / �--,�, 1 � .� __: ___ _ _ _.... _.,. . ��=.� — ' " rv:��:, 5`1�. PosT �.�.:�., �-. w � _rw � � �hRK1N�a �-1b�:. , ._..,.m.....�,. �...��� , � :�►Ps12S �-�'` . � � � � � ._ _' _ _ L _. _ �. _ ._ ..... ._. _ _ _ .� ' � �____ ��._._��. . � S a � �� � � ' � � , � c �' C� O ' � � � i KITrIiEI� �QO{� '� � ' ,(ti I � � Pp1N��SR � '•�� � M, �A71i �� , i � I i I � li , i i PNITRY � � � � i . . . I . P , { � .. � .�.�. . M. � , ,��R� � � _.,....�.. � �� !•In�!. 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