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B09-0045 M09-0011
NOTE': THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTLD ON JUBSlTE AT ALL TIIVIES . ,, �o�vQ�vn� ' Town of Vail, �ommunity Development, 75 South �rontage Road,Vail, Colorado$1657 p. 970.479.2139, f.970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479,2149 ADDtALT SFR BUILQ PERMIT Permit #: B09-0045 Pro�ect #: PRJ09-0020 Job Ad�lress: 7fi7 POTATO PATGH DR VAIL 5tatus. . . 15SUED Location......: UNIT 3,ELK CREEK 70WNhQMES Applied . . : 04l01/2009 Pa�cel No....: 2101063200D3 Issued... : 04l24I2009 Expires. ..: 14l21120D9 OWNER N►ELDS, MORGAIV W.&BELINDA 04/01/2D�9 4 SUNRISE DR ENGLEWOOD CO 8011�4 APPLICANT SUNSHINE SOLAR$�MECHAMCAL 04/41/2009 Phone: 970-547-8090 PO B07C 9992 BRECKENRIDGE CO $0424 Licens�:416-M CONTRACTOR SUNSHINE SOLAR&M�CHANICAL 04/07/2009 Phane: 970-547-6090 PO BOX 9992 BRECKENRIpGE CO 80424 License:416-M Description: NEW MECHAN4CAL SYSTEM Occupancy: IRC Valuatian: $9,OOO.QO Type Construction:IRC Tota1 Sq Ft Added: 0 .,.,..,..�..�»......,...�.t�.,,.,..�<.,,.,.,.,..,.,�....�,�.,.xr«..,�,�,...,,.,....,«„ FEE SUMMARY »,...�..w..,,...........,�w,�..,..�.�,.,».,.,.>..,,,.,.,,....,,,«................,..,...R,,.., Building Permit Fee-----> $167.25 Will Caf Fee-----------------> $4.D0 Total CalcuEated Fees----------> $279.96 plan Check-----------------> $108.79 Use Tax Fee--------------------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----------------------> �3.75 Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $D.dO Restuarant Plan Review-----� $D.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-----------� $283.71 lnvestigation----------------> $�.40 Recreation Fee------------> $0.00 Payments------------------------------> $283.71 Total Calculated Fees--------� $279.96 BALANCE DUE-----------------�------> $D.00 x.ewex:w,.rrnwxr�s�rw.ewr�k+we•rrx�+r+r+arWr�+r�:�nwrra++t+�rv,vn+.+�,rx��xi++���,t*�*t�+w»ewxx�ewax�,ewx.�.xxwwx�ewx.www,•�:iwwx�r+itwrwwx+.�r.w.K�iai+.r,�,eai�ttw�:atfa+�e+•at��w.r+aa-w.:�s+,�r�k• DEGI.ARATIONS k hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot pPan, and state that aH the informatiQn as required is correct. I agree to cornply with the information and plok plan,to compiy with all Town ordinances and state laws, and tv build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,design reuiew ap�roved, In#ernational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town appVicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE iNADE TV'VENTY-FOl1R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM S:O�AM- �;,.. ���' ��'""��7'�.� J ure of Qwner or Contractor ❑ate ���r����� �/����� Prini Name bld_alt_construction_perm it_041908 k�f*tHttftTk+*Ht+itfRf*�*YikiwR}4Se#ik#kwwR�KfiYwi#-wSNwRwlx�RlRlrfitfiYYYYdKrtWtfk#ik#i�tf���#+i+wYfR#a+#tit#f�*#+fk�lfftlki#+klwR*�l�kw�f�lf#4itfKwlt#*1ffl��t+t+ifARfiwtitif+NtR#itYWy APPR4VALS Permit#: B09-0d45 as of 04-24-2609 Status ISSUED Wflk#+*!*.YrtwM�R3tttfi�#f�#fYitiFirtfwf!*3#ttiR#f1f4+ii+��p�w�fN#lRRRfeARfiRki�}YHtYflililYW�YYrlWWMWYt*�+tt+i#iF:�ti#+iYrsk:lak4ititaM1n>k+�+.Y##w.Iewkitiwtrtk3�2ilft�Y�wlt+i+�#�f/rfi+iiftf:�H kii+�Y+Wktt+#*KW Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04114/2009 cg Action: AP Item: 05400 PtANNING DEPARTM�f�T 04/0612009 RLF Action; COND see conditions Item: fl5600 �IRE DEPARTMENT 041�612009 JJR Action: AP wsKwYlwwhwA'F�Y RwwwwR�x�fi#'MkwY�ftfiww�RflfrfRnwiYi�k*rtWlYettMkit+i'R:YkMl+i kikaY�R%+f tti ti4liF�w*l�iM+feMiFfkw:fiFf/rAylrfltf Rf��kf MwMRwfi'hRfMwflF�Fewlf MwrixARNMeif Mh�MFf kYnlYn�iFh k*iFw�RlMif Hk1�R+'Ati tfrtlrtYrAti t+ See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_alt_canstruction_perm it_041908 WWwfftlfl�fkftkftiM��xxtit+itwMtyktliitwefw�ak+YMekrpwRSHRw/rxwRwxKxYrfklR-R�wwF1iY�RiHwfftit+t#i*%�#ffa#f#�s#�+�itftKff>�+itftftl�tt#k�N�i��t#iRiti��#ti<aMwfttM#wMf%iYi'AVw�RYrFtYRwKwf w CQNDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit# 609-0045 as of D4-2�-2009 Status� ISSUED wN�k+�t+akl�f YRRtittirthEfrtrti+#kfY`wtrRf;if##}��#f 34liiypwRnwT}�eyrilpRNRwYrRAltwYMfeRlNYYYYf MRrtlrft1i+iX+Y�ftiNifiYMkf i+ikAtYrf iri t+iiYf k�R##i}#yy�yy�_ytiy*;yiy�kfiiYkilti�RW Yv#tiYfffNf4d PtiRtN'RlY�1 RYYw�wR Cond: �2 (BLt3�G.): FIELD �NSPECTI��JS ARE REQUfRED T� G�1ECK FOR GODE COMPLIANCE. Cnnd: CON0010624 The applicant shall paint the frame, support structure, and the associated pipes, etc to match the existing roo�. bld_alt_constru�tian_perm it_441908 r ..y: `' e,.- r .as� �: �^aa� �r��. �� s .»�:;.s,r`°�' .r.�;���'�",r '�',:;:,-� �r-.�^` �'T r��x;�ev.!�" �:.'^m�-,a�;a�:—:*� �? a�."�v�°��t�""�F5°� u , �;Nb �6 � ' � D�uelopment Reaiew,Coardir�ator°p" _ 75 Sa�th �rc�ntag� F�ca�d�'� „ � � ,�.m � ,. ' 4 y . U�i�� �C� ��f��� ::� � _._ Y :. F, � - � � � .� �'� , : , �„3 ; • , � �'l�c�r�e 9���-�7�'-2��� � . <.��: � > ,,'�M,'"�,.°��"„�a ; .. , ..... . . �� , . <� . . � �'�5� ������-����� � � , ;r,� �� ��_. ����������°� �.��� ��� ���� ��� � ins��c;�i���� :�7� 4�'�-�1��� ���� ���,.� . -����:��.����y . �� ,�9 m. �. SUfLDiNG PERMt�' APPLICATIaN Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc ,. . __. __ . . . _ _ _ _ __ �fjQ� __, _ ____ ____ _ ; ; Project Address Praj�ct# ��� '�� �`� � ; � �'✓Q � ��`�—" _ : ; - . °� . DRB# : �'���_- �_-_..____.��.��c�..m. �_�-�� __T.��___ . /�/'� [� _ , �Contractor Infarmation : Building Perm+t#: ��CIV -1 . i � 3 .......... ...._. ...m.� �,.m...� �.._�..,�.___._..�._.�,.�___�-..._ _.._._..� � Company: �-y c,',. �F; `':�r ,rv L'� `r�t:� �.'� �<� �"''J G�[�a�l ! Detailed Description of Work: /��=��'7�^-'� ; � � Company Address � C pr��t � l�� �L �� _ �C.• �,, � - �-X� G,�� C'��- � � ,q�r� �-° � �' ; � City: ���..C,'� ��'� v'c l�� State: T�V Zip: l � �--i y- � ' L,�v f /!;'�r'�`� f''-f�C'�L Lt: j ��1�1� �I`�NbL�� ��C�� ��i'_ i i Contacf tVame:��r��tq�": I+��;��i_�_� i s � �:i/ Contact Ph: ��C7�-��.''C�'S c��`� Cell: ; � � (Use additional sheet if necessary) ` �� ' E-MaiL L.^�-'. �` LCc ��:...' �.A ,�1�1''�+C%'_ �'L;��``"l .. __.. __ _ _ . . . _.._.,._ _.. ..._. _.__,. � Y Archit�ct( ) aesigner( ) Engineer( ) � Tor�un of Vail Cd�cto €iegistrataon No: _ _; Phone: � � ` ;- �� Fax: _ � , ` Corotractar Sigr�ature �requir ` E-nnaii: ; _._� _ _ __. . _ _._._ _ _ .. �. .. ...-�e em,_.rv _ _ .,� � __ .. .._� .__w... _.... . . ... ..... ; , �. .. _._. _...... . : __ _. � � Prroperty Information ; Work Class: i � � ` ' New S ) Addition ( ) '�emodel{ ) Re�air( )Other,(� ; € Parcel#: ,�1���� ��' �a��'..� ° � ._._ . _.. . .._. ._.m� , .._... . �..__ _.....__ �. _ __- ,. ! Legal Qescription: �.ot# Blk# Y Work 7ype. ' Intersor( ) E�erior{}{� Both{ ) : � Subdivision: , ....._ . __...�_ m..,,., _,�... _. . __. _ . ..__ . _,_. � , ���h r � Building Type: � ; � Job Name: ,/ �,� Single-Family� Two-Family( } Multi-�Family{ ) � � Owner Narn�:i'� 4"�`?��L�'�.�'.I�`.�-7 ����� ; Com�nercial ( ) Townhome{ ) Other( ) E � _v.�.._ �_���. , _.._., .�..r._ _.....m_ __ __._.. _._.�.�._ �r�..� ' Mailing Address: �{ �c�r-�7�/�� �il��!v������ #&Type of�xisting Fireplaces: Gas Appiiances(� : � (For Parcel#Contact Eagfe County assessors l]fficz at 970-328-8640 or � Gas Log ( ) Wood/Pellet{ ) Wood Buertirag{ ) � ; visit www eaglecounty.uslpatie) (��`'j'�{p/y I ' � ` __..,_... ._ ..�.—_ . ,..�...� _-..�...._�..._-._.L�._:42..�l4-,F�.�............. � i ; lJ�luations (Labor��Material) � #8�Type of Proposed Fireplaces� Gas App�iances O .. Gas Log( ) Wc�adfPe�let( ) Wood Burning( ) E Quilding$ a_..�.._ �_.._.�.. __�.. �.._ : ; Plumbing$ ' [�oes a Fire Alarin Exist: Yes (yC) No{ ) � � . .,.....��_ _ ._ _ _____ _..____ .,____._�, __ .. ..___._._�.._,.�. � ` Moni#or�d Alarm: Yes { ) h]o� ; i Electncaf$ _ ..__�_-__.�_._____ u,.�. ��W_.M.�__ ...__._, .�m.,___..�.� . i = Doas a Fire Sprinlcler System Exist Yes ( ) No(�(� ' ; .._..._ ._ ___. Mechanica�l$ � � _�__......�_�__,_��a _... �._- � �P ; Date Received : "fotal$ S��l�r� � �Q��f ,, � � � �� ! �_._�____�__�..____ �.�..__�____ ��. ` �� i� _ _ _ t � .� I�AR 31 �Da9 � � � - . ... e -f•rt��A.I h� r".:; ^e . . . .. �. . .-,-.�. - ' _ ' _ ., . , ,..-.� . _.,�, _ .. .. ..,.�.. �.1;. .� ._ _ _ _ �' .... �� .. '..�._. .'.-�,� j; rY_ • f __._..._ ��� ,` �. ��' '\ .. PUR �tifVGTt1N PROFESSIaNAL � NGINEERING , LLC � �- 1 � ,, .% ` Ma�rch 4, 2009 Ta�,� af Vail , �� � _ ._ __ . _ ___-_ �ob Ki�gston r �� �"'� �1 a ; - , .� . - , :. . �'' � , .., + - = = I�; �� - � �PY ��� � f�e-Afign,Techn�lo�y .� ,�, ��.,:� �� � 12519 Washirigton Lane, C2 � � Englewood, Co 80�.12 � �1�� � I ��!(�9 i ' _ � F;e: PPE Project No. 09-�27 � ,�f�`�,� (�� �1.��9, � Solar Pane� At�ditian to Existing Wood Framed Residence 7�7 Potat� Patch Drive #3 Vail, Colorado Dea�Mlr. Kingston, As requested, Purringtan Professionai Engineering has reviewed the photos and copies of the original can- struction documer�ts for the above referenced address.The review af the original c�onstruction documents revealed that the roof structure wher�the new 5alarHot Platinum wat�r fiEled solar panels are to be in- sta�led were speeifietf to be canstructed of 14'° TJI 35 roaf jaists at 16° on-center s�acing. Based on the calculated uplift live load (approximately 35 pounds per square foot) ,�er wind load criteria of 9n MPH Exposure 'C' (�003 IR�), it is our professional opinion that the So9arHot Adjusta�le Maunt system should be installed with a maxirnum footing spacing af 96". These faotings should be attached directly to the 14" TJ� 35 roof joists,through the existing sheathing, with 3/8" diameter Iag serews embedded a mini- mum of 2" into the roof joists (per manuf�cturer's specificatians). Please refer ta the attached worksheet for load breakdowr�. I�is our professianai opinion that the existing roaf structu�e, as a whole, will support tl�e additional dead load intro�uced of approximately five pounds per square foot {5 psf)for the SolarHot Platinutn water filled solar panels.Additionally, ot is our professional opinion that the individual framing members wil� support the additional p�int loads of a maximum of SO pounds (dead load), introduced at the SalarHoE Adjustable �tount footing locations. Should you ha've anyfurther questions regarc�ing this matter, please feel r'ree to cantact our office. ���r,��.�,.:_,; 5��c�re'ly, Reviewed , ��3 F�� �, P�IRRIN�TON P�OFESSIUNAL ENGINEERING, LLG 1 ,��,•. r,�. •���.�� M1 /� �. `` � � i A 1 ' • 1 '�° .—' r., : 'U v '',� � . �-t '� � F"''! � �"' i i 1 �' �y g, �.�.c7 ` :r;',;. _��, a IVI. Adam �ent�n Oiiver W. Ric ` -.`��,�` ` �,`�`°'° Project Engineer Senior Structural Manager . . 69�9-HigMnvay 73,S�tit��n 2�SunseY Drive,Suite 1 �vnrgrr�en;CO 80439 Basalt,CO$1621 Phr�ne: 303-674�7272 wsvw.puYrpCO.COm Phone: 970-927-0773 Fax: : 3U3-�i74-1�J�9 Fax: 97Q-927-07$6 I > TILT MDU�T - SolarHot �ot water collectors Minimum Design pull out per mounting foot as a function of design wind pressure ��� 20 psf 30 psf 40 psf S� psf 60 psf 70 psf Solarhiot �' x 80" (26.67 sq. ft.) 267 401 534 668 $Q1 935 4' x 8' (32 sq. ft.) 320 480 640 800 n/a n/a 4' x 10' (4� sg. ft.) 400 6p0 800 1040 n/a nJa Specific Design pull-out rs� Ca1CUlated a�ailable pull out force per Roo�truss lumber Gravity (ibsl�"penetration) SolarHot flush mounting foot�z��33 r-0� Douglas Fir - Larch 0.50 345 i z20 Dnuglas Fir - Suth 0�4b 269 1�7b Engelmann Spruce, Lodgepole Pine (�iSR 1550 f& higher) �.46 269 1076 Hem - Fir 0.43 243 J72 Hem Fir(North} 0.46 269 1076 Southern Pine 0.55 352 1408 Sp�uce, Pine, Fis 0.42 235 940 Spruce, Pine, Fir (� of 2 million psl ar�d higher grades of MSR and MEL) 0.50 305 1�20 �'} Each SolarHot hot water collecCor to be mo�nted with four (4) maunting feet; T'iit Mounted collectors to share a common set of(2) mounting feet between panels t�� Based on 2-3J8" 'lag szrews per mountir�g foot embecided 2" in a rafter or other structural roof inerrtber {�} Pull-out values incorporate a 1.6 safety factor and a 1�6 load duration factor ;��pa �n�F�`'� �'� ���w.l� .'����� ��. � >�. .<, ,� � �:.�t� r.. <a 7�;>`� : " .� ��;,� ,�.o`��.•;;y�;� , �� � �'f��"r�.t..Y� �'Y' ll�li�,:�9�.'r..,_,-�::�:�.: ***************�*��****�*��**����***�*���*��**�*���*�****��***�***������*��**�**�***�**��**� TQWN OF VAIL, COL�CZADO Statement *******�***�****:�*��������+�*���*���*���*��������*�**�*�******�****�***���**������**��*���*� Statement Number: R090Q00352 Amount: $283 .71 Og/29/200909:07 AM Payment Method: Check �nit: JLE Notation: 1069 CYNTHIA GUERIIV Permit l�o: 809-0045 Type: ADD/7�LT SFR BC7�LD PERMYT Parcel No: 21D1-063-20D0-3 Si�e Address: 767 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location; TJNIT 3, ELK CREEK TdWNHbMES Total Fees: $283 .71 This Payment: $283 .71 Total ALL Pmts: $283 . 71 Balance: $0.00 **********��**�*+�*****+*****�*****�************�**************�*��*�*****�*��*��****�****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts ---------------°---- ------------------------------ ------------ f3P p0100003111100 SUZLDING PERMIT FEES 167.25 PF 001000031I2300 PLAN CHECK FEES Id8 .7I 4dC OO100Q03112600 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4 .00 XC 00100003141111 XEROX COPIES/STUDIES 3 .75 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- � � '.,��I 4 � ' � Q�• �'1� � � � �` � c � � �, � �,,, ,� � �, _ � � �� :� � „ � �. _ �___.___ ,�.. � ..�� � '�� ^� �' ,� � � ,�. . -„� ``�-�. � �' � ,� � � �. 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T�iV�T Of YATL , Towvn of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Cvlorado 81657 p. 97d-479-2139 f.970.479.2�52 inspeciions. 970.479.2149 MECHANICAL PERMfT Permit #: M09-0011 AMF Project #: PRJ09�U020 Jab Address 767 P07A70 PATCH�R VAIL Status. . .: ISSU�D Location.....: UNIT 3, ELK CR�EK TOWNHOMES Appl�ed . . : 01l26l2009 Pareel No...: 2101p832D403 Issued. . . 01/26/2009 Expires. .: 0712512009 OWNER �JIE�pS, MORGAN W.&BELINDA 01/26/2009 4 S�NRISE DR E�[GLEWdOD CO 80110 APPLICANT SUNSHINE SOLAR&MECHANICAL 01J26/2009 Phane�970-547-8490 PD BOX 9992 BRECKENRIDGE CO 80424 LiCense:416-NI CONTRACTQR SUNS�IINE SOLAR&MECHANICAL 01I26/20D9 Phone: 970-547-8090 PO 80X 9992 BRECKENRIDGE CO 80424 License:416-M Desciption: NEW IMECHANIGAL SYSTEM:INSTALL BDILER, HOT WATER STORAGE TA�1K Valuation: $21,o0o.OQ if#iakf#Ir+Mkik##tik+e�/+n4i+ltit*++;y#i#*t#�yf***a#*}{�y�y�**k�4u*/�Rf*YrxMR*wwf*fe*t'rC�11■■•IIAI]�R**fif*#k#M##**1�kX#i*iitp�lfi#fHiti*A**!!#F*+L+kiiYl�#3Mi*W�YY�Y'FY'�f4iVfillwwRflrt�tirM%i#R� f-GG UIr11�lAR Mechanical Permit Fee---> $420.0a Wil1 Ca�l-----------� �4.00 Totaf Calculated Fees--� $748.00 Plan Ci�eck----------------> $105.00 l3se Tax Fee-----� $224.00 Additionaf Fees-----------> $0.00 Investigation---------------� $0.00 TdTAL PERM17 FEE—> $749.00 Total Calculated Fees—> $749.00 Payments---------------> $749.40 BALANCE DUE---------> SO.UO MReYrt+�ARi41iM#AFYR#Y�#a�!R�rt#M4M*1R*k*f*MRiF*MY*MR*/iR!!RF#kflf#A!Y*Rf1�R}RYkNftM1Rrtf 1ewfMRi*Af#!RM1*Aik�lfi#�RY#Mfi*n##�ti#*lt:Ffflrt*tFl1!#f1!!f1}�Y*MF#�Y*#t*Ri#*i*lihi##�l�Ff}i#*�Ft:YlrMial{itiYitYW#liYi#fl�tl�filR4 APPROVALS Item:05100 BIJILDING DEPARTMENT 01126/2009 JLE Action-AP OK TO APPROVE P�R CFIIRS GUNIpN h*i4w y#Vt*'k}*t#*M#f*f#t#�'#*i#�##�y�Ril;yki/�R;+di}lt##*M�k�FrtffS*Yr*MNif Mfk*A%#�k**#wf+tlef�4#frf Rf+k*v1Y'f�tRRM�RiMt�lt/1ti#Mir#►Rrt*lRa4*it►*�Ikl�FAY�4fY*+h*}#f}Yi**tt*f#ilki*i#i;Mrt}ikftf pW MtlfY4Atlkfk'1�tRYe#:YRlt1lrt#irt GON�ITION OF APPROVAL. Cond: 12 (BL�G.�: FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE F2EQUlRED TO CHECK FOR CODE GOMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (eLDG.): COMBUS710N AIR IS REQi}1RED P�R CHAPTER 7 OF 7H�2003!MC AND SEC71ptJ 304 flF THE 2003�FGC AS MOD�FIED BY TOWN OF VAfL. Cond:23 (BLDG.): BOkkLER 1N57ALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S dNSTRUCTiON5 AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 fMC. Cand: 25 (BLOG.):GA5 APPLIANC�S SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHARTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond:29 (BLDG.):ACCESS TO�MECHAh�ICAL EQl1lPM�NT MUST COMPLY WVTH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3�F THE 2043 IFGC.. Cond� 31 {BLDG.): 80{L�RS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUfJT1NG ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING, Cond: 32 (BLDG.): P�RMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS A/@UST BE POS7Ei7 IN MECHA#�IICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTIO�i REQUEST. Cond�30 (B�DG.)� BOILER ROOMS SHALL B�EQUIPPP�D WITH A�LOOR DRAlN OR�THER APPROVED MEANS F9R D15POSII�G OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION ti004.6. �,r+�e,ra+�erst+e,�aaert+�:+,�f t��+*��s+it�,�++�.r�aaa++ksti�k+,��i tik+a�:�a+:�cat�x+�,:f�,rti�+:+rit,r�:�f��i�itt+�ra�x3��,c+,�k,rr+�+iea�+rrtii�er+�e+�Ra s,er+:��raaaaxwwt»�w+���x,rx+rre**wa t+rxs+�:+,`rak�,�r�,r,r mecYtcan ocal_perm if_041908 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge t{�at I have read this applicaiion,filled oul in fuil the information required,completed an accurate plol plan,and state Ihat all#he informatinn as required is correct. i agree ta comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Tow�ordinances and state laws,and to 6uild this structure according to the t�wns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, lnternatianal Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town appiicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR IN PECTION SHALL BE MAf3 ENTY-F4l�R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR�FFICE FROM 8:0( AM-4 PM. -r. —,� �: �� � Si wner or Coretr�ctor Da#e ��'// � �=���� Print Name mechcanical_perm it_041908 , . ,, �� ��� .:� .��� "�,,� : r :�; .. ,�� �� � � ' � : . �- � .� : � Deti+eiapm�n� l�ev�evu ��4rd�nator :� �' °v 7� South Franta�e Ro�c� _� �.. ,� � . '' � !�'ail,`C� 316���; � �£ � . �'hc�ne. �7�-���-���� .,� ; ��� � ��,�� /� � ��:,�� ,��,�� ��7C �7� �'a,�-�.���`r � '` � � `���� IftS�e��tC7r,� �o�g �7�-���`� � 5��5�� �.���.s'a�� _ !�um� ���-��`�...�.,� ���, ,.a:���..���'� � . . . . .,.w� , . � ���J�9 C�F VA{L AMEC�iANICA�. PERMIT APPLIC/�►TIQN The followinq items MUST be attached to this permit a plication Mechanical Rovm Lavout drawn to scale tQ include: Mechanical Rpom DiGnensions � � _ Combusf'ron Air Duct 5ize and �ocation _ Flue,Vent and Gas Line Size and Location � � `'—"�ieat-C��s-Catculations - Equiprnent Cut!5pec 5heets �' � __�.�_..__,.._. �_.._._���..�..�._.�_��..�._._ �.._�,.___,_.�.., ;_._�,..�,__�..�_..W___�..�.___�,n_._.�__.__..._____.._.___ __._.._.._.T..�.��.�.�� �roject A�ddress . ! � � �7 <� Project#: ��"'1 � W [�`�' � ' �1�.���.�,� ������r��.��.�;� ° �m ConEractor Information } Building Permit#: ? V� �{� P , � W� � � i MeChanical Permit#: � � Company:�c:' � N���-c�-�`�l� L�-k`�. L.�.0 � � `� �„"""�,,�..e..�.._,...��..�.._��.._.,.,�....,,�,._..�.......��..�... ..�..�_,..,��,.�.�..� .�; � � Detailed Descri�tion of Work: ,�L ��(�Z � � Company Address: � �g,�._r �1�,S'tl�,; � ��ty==�,?�� �C�(�14�t_t.State:� zip- � ���,�,T� ���Z'�1,� �f tb�l,�'����, i \ � � E "� i Contaef Name: ' 4 � �-Fh:�24'Q�-(��r'J�� GeII:�7C�`.�iL��d � ' E Ma7�_ --��`� �. d � (lJse additional sheet if n�c�ssary) $ . j� ;.,��.,,� r.��:�.�,����:��..�„ „�.�.:z.�, ,_x_-.��-�,,�._�<�;��... Tawn of Vail Contraetor Re ' trat+on No: � E � � } Camplete Valuation far Mechanical Permit. � � � � � � Mechanical$ � � i � Contractor Signature (required� � � �j U -r � �...�_.�. �..�__ _�__._a.� .A,�..._..._ [ � Properiy Information Work Class: ���'P i�C� , � � i � ,�.,,� � New f ) Ad�ition O Remcrdel( } Repair O Other� Parce�#; �� � (��^� C"J�3 ,�_.�_�,.._�.... --�Y- _-�-�.. - �...�...�:� ��� Boiler l.ocatian: � Legal D�scription: Lot# 61k# � j � �..- � Interiar(���Exterjor( ) Other( ) �� � 5ubd' ' ion: , � � �fTy,�e Existing Fireplaces: � r Job Name: � � ��,��7� � Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs ( )WoodJPellet{ ) � r .F ��..�._.__.��.._._ _��.. ...�...��....�.�W_W__ _.,.� Q Qwner Name: t-'ZD��P�C� ��E��7� '��ype Propased Fireplaces: i a� _ Gas Appliances( ) Gas �ogs ( )Wood/Peflet( ) ` Mailing Address:�C``����i���> -:�`� (�C,��[a��_ � n�..�•�,...,,. -,u.��u.t;.,� � ' (�or Parcel#Contact Eagle Gounty assessors Offrce at 974-328-864a ar uisit �� � ���"� �T���� �� ��� ������'���������� �„�,� 4 www_eaglecounty.us/patie) �� ��3 ; Bwlding Type: �,y��,�.� .,�:.,�,,.� �.,�����- ,.x�., .�,,,��.�..�,T�.�.,�,a,,�am..�.�.�..�.,�.,�� � 7wa-Family� ) Multi-Family{ j � Archit�ct( } Designer( ) Engineer( } �� Cornmercial( ) Tvwnhome Other( ) � ' �Iame' " i : ' Phone: F� Date Received�.____._�_ ..�..�_..__._�..�.._.�._„__._�.�_� � Fax: ; j� � _� r u_..�m____-� � E-MaiL ; D � ���'`' , I I ; � � r �_��.�.___�.._..�m_.._�.�._�__�.� ..�..�..w...__.____.__�_�__ti._______ �_:_._..�__._��.._.�._a JAN �� 1��p9 jJ ��✓-Q��l?�G� `"TO"[�1'L. �(�Q.J��f �—�'� '��►�����N �� `f� � Towr� o� ����. ---�.-�.�...��... i � a fi --.._ -....,�, ,,; ,,,,,,,,,,� .�.. , ... �� . ,,., _. .,, . .- t��- .. ., . .. F x� . . �(��A�'' HOW D�D WE RATE WITH YOU? !'fease take#he time to#ell us how we performed during the develapment review process. We will use this information tv recognize our employe��w�ha serve you and we will also use it to improve our level of senrice. Pfease know we do care and will react to your suggestions. Thank you far yQ�r comrnents. George Ruther Direct4r of Community Development 1. '�41hat services did you use at Comer�unity Development today? Check all tha# apply Admin � Building Environment Fire Housing Pfanning P.W. 2. Was yvur visit today as a: Homeor�vner Contractor�y Arehitect Other 3. Please rate your satisfaction with the follawing aspects of the Cornrr�unityr Development Department. Use a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means "not at al4 satisfied" and 5 means "v�ry satisfied" to rate each of the following items. Please use DK {Don't KnowlNo Qpfr�ion} as appropriate. Please circle your response. Nat Very Satisfied Satis�ed Friendly and Courteous 1 2 3 4 � ` DK Knowledgeable 1 2 3 4 DK Timely ResponselCails Returned 1 2 3 4 DK Overall Exp�rience 1 2 3 4 DK 4. Was the review prvicess clearly explained to you? {i.e., how the Design Review Board and/or Pianning and Environmental Commission works, when tf�ey meek, what you n�ed to have when you aRply for th� planning and/or the building proc , ow long reuiew times ger►era{�y take, housing andlor environmental health palicy, etc.) : YES NO If NO, what a i iona� inforrnation wauld F�av� been helpful? 5. Did the p�anning process rneet your expectations? YES NO 6. Did the buiiding permit review process meet yaur ex�ectations? YES NO 7. Did the inspection process meet your expectations? �'ES N� 8. Did you feel the process was#air and efficient? YES NO Please expla�n your response{s). 9. If you were looking for infarmation (i.e., legal adciress file, plat map, plans, etc.) was the infarmation in a format that was helpful ! user friendly? YES NO 10. Are you aware� of the Cammunity Develapment Dept. in#armation available at http:/lwww.vailqov.com? YES NO Thank you for taking the time to complete#his evaluation. If indicated beiow, we will persvnally contact y�u Qn specific concerns. If it is your desire, you may contact the director by telephoning, 970-479-2145. Please feei free to e�se the back for additional camments. Name: Company: Ad�drsss: Telephone: City: State: zi� Cade: Date: **#�*�***��#**********#***********�******��*�**#****�**#*��#*�W�#��##**##**##*�##***#*###*�* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **�**�***�*��*******�***�*�+�*��x����***�*������**********�***�*******:��*****************��** Statement Number: R09QQOQQ75 Amount: $749 .OQ Dl/26/200903 :28 PM Payment MetYxod: Cheek Tnit: JLE Notation: 1032 SUNSHINE SDLAR & MECH ---------------------------------------------------------°----------------°- Permzt No: ivl09-0011 Type: MECHANTCAL PERMIT Parcal No: 2101-063-2000-3 Site Address: 767 PDTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: ZIN2T 3, ELK CREEK TOWNHOMES Total Fees: $749.OD This Payment: $749.00 Total ALL Pmts: $749. 00 Balance: $O. QO *�*�*�w**�*���*�*��**�*�*����x*****��*��**�**��x=��*�***********�**********�,�****+************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DesCription Current Pmts MP a010000311110Q MECHI-1NICAL PERMIT FEES 420,OQ PF Q01000�3112300 PL,AI� CHECK FEES 105.Q4 UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4� 220.40 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTIpN FEE 4.00 � ��0 , � �i �' � �.l t��� � � Q � A (� �► �� �` 1�� ,� `� �tl �� � � a c� V� � � � _ �,�� � � � � I ��- N %. ` �°r " � � �� £ �� -� � � � ;- �, � � � � �r � � � � � � � � � � +� �' � `9 � ' �`� � —� , ` � �,-� ' .� . • ^�-,�-(�'_' .-.-. 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Indicates Sensvr wire j ; Pump • �--- — Indicates 110VAC Diff Ctrl 1 ; Mixing; — Hok to House �_ : H ot to E lndirect Expansion Tank Relief Valve Check irom Plumbing 5ystem � ST12 Expansion ,``���"`��'�'�� � Cold from TOwn i And S irovent La Temp 1 -�-' Check,if Req'd Hi Ternp 2 astro sa3 cnec� Salar IPump with shutoff and Purge Dual Coil Tank Sunshine Svlar and Re-Align TechnQlogy January, 2C B09-0045: Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 12:16 11/22/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke AP solar approved. shahn 04/27/2009 A000124 need rated acess door in garage wall or 2x 101 - d�— --- - Total Rows: 1 Page 1 M09-0011: Entries for Item:390 - MECH-Final 12:16 11/22/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ _ K�_— AP shahn 04128/2009 A000124 115 Total Rows: 1 Page 1