HomeMy WebLinkAboutB08-0375 � NOTE: THIS PERMlT MUST SE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES : �o�roFU�, ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road,Uail, Gplprado 81657 p. 97p.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, ir�psections 970.479.2149 ADD/A'LT SFR BUILD PERMIT Perm�t #: B08-0375 Project #: PRJ08�0539 Job Address: 896 RED SANDSTONE CR VAIL Slatus . . : ISSUED Location......: Applied . . : 10/2212068 Parcel No....; 21Q�06303011 Issued . ,. : 10122/2008 Expires . ..: D412012609 OWNER WINDISCH, ERICH&ELENA B. 10l2212008 896 REd SAf�DSTONE RD VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT HORN BORTHERS ROOFING, INC 10/22/2008 Phone: 303-274-1111 2325 S. JASON ST DENVER CO BD223 License: 97'f-B CONTRACT�R HOR�E BORTHEf2S ROOFI�3G, INC 10122/2008 Phone: 303-274-1111 2325 S. JASON ST DENVER CO 8D223 License: 971-B Description: RE-ROQF Occupancy: Valuakion: 518.215.q0 Type Construction: Total Sq Ft Added: 0 .......-...........�,.,.,.,......,.,......,.,,....,...,.,«..�«..,,.....,.............. FEE SUMMARY ......�...,.,,..,........y...,.,,,,.,.,....,.�,.....,.,.....,.....a............,...... Building Per�rnit fee----> $3D7.25 Will Gal Fee---------------> $4.00 Tolal Ca1culated Fees------------> $675.26 Plan Check------------------> $199.71 Use Tax Fee--------------� 5164.30 Additional Fees------------------� �0.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-�-------> S67S,26 Investigation--------------� $0.00 Recreation Fee-------------> $bA0 Payments--------°-----�----------> b67S.26 Total Calcufiated Fees------� $675.2& BALANCE DUE--------------------> $0.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the iniormation required,completed an accu�ate piot plan,and slate that all the informalion as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plol plavr,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to lhe fowns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, Inlemalional Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Tvwn applicable t�ereto. REGIUESTS FQR INSP�CTION SHALL BE MA�E TWEN7Y-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2i49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8.U0 AM -4 D PM. � �:� , � �f�^ �� aa � 0 � Signature of Ow or Contractor Date c��.r-�.. � ���-. 'inl Name bld_a It_construction_perm it_041908 ...:....................................�,.�..,ti,..,.,.........,....,«.....,..�...,�.......,...,,R,,,.w....,�.....,.,.......,.�tt..,....,.....�,......,«..,,......,.,.,...,......,..>. APPROVAL� Permit#: B08-0375 as of 10-22-2008 5tatus: ISSUED wwf/rf�swRM���{r3ei�iyfyiikieaytitit>Rif+i+i R1rt#iftitlii3trt+}i+*+iki�tik3iHtii4i�iiri*f iitlMYYNMf Zf MfwwJtlRf IMYfiwHkMttf t#i t/�4tt�f+if+itA iitti4iiYf�H�A�f�RxY#wRw/r:YRwfrRHhR�4#t�tW ht�Mif• Item: �51d0 BUGLDING DEPARTMENT 10/22/2008 jIE Actian: AP ..:,.�..,...,..h......«.�,<..........................�.,....,.,��,�,..,�,..,.,......,�,,.....,..W...,,�....,...,....,....,.,.�,.,..,.,..,�,...�,<,..,�,.�....,..«..,.,........,,......x. See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_a It_construction_perm it_(?41908 . .....,.,....................,......,.,,�....,........x,..,«.«.>..«,.....,.,...,x..,...,,,,...,...,.....�,......,.,.......<...,,...,,,,.....,,.,.,�.,......,...,....,.,.,,�.,.,......,.,..... C�NDITIaNS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B08-0375 as of 10-22-2008 Status: ISSU�Q !�Yl�MtW W#�YiRYHltrflwMwlfifkfiRwHT��hwFNKR#�M*+�RfMWMMeFRrtMkYttfM�r>:Ffw'RY�kfL1r4R>Rrtwfiw/nTRRMh1rR:lAfi#1nY*tkii+i#irkii#iYt#tikii+ii-}etiFAHYiiiY�fl�R�AfeYfiW#:F#TniFlrlell�+!%�1w#itfi+f�i+#kYlk*!i#fafiii#lYii*iii Cond: 12 {BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CQMPLIANC€. b1d_ait_const ruction_perm it_041908 ;�.. . , ; " . ; ,� , Development Rewiew Coordinatar ; ,_ ��� � � �.°- - � � � � � �75 South Frantage Road� � � ;: � �. : ,� . . a ,�. . �,i� . . -F x �,. x�._; �- Vail, C�J �1f�7 ��'y � u ;, � �,,; i� ��� '�r, =W�:. hane: �370 47��2��8 ,�.n.,.w., „ , ; ,, v � T, ��� a` P � �� � - . � ',� ..�.; �� �� -- ` Fax: ��Q-4��-�`�7�. .. �' '� �.`;;�;�'�InspeCt��n�. ��t?-�7�-�34� ' ���}f�%,l�?��3 4 . .. . . . rr�i�'ca�.��'�` �'�� �.��p „�.� ��� ' . .. . ... . ... .., BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbin�, mechanical, fireplace, etc _ _ ,_,p� � -_, � Project Address �roject# � 1` �� �J`�� � `�"d`� � ��a �e��sTan� ��ti� paB# ��-``'h�`�' �`7�', -� - � _ _ __ _ _- -- — _,, ___ ___. Contractor lnformation ; Building Permit#: � � � Cvmpany: r#d cEt�! �}��`���-6CS _ �f1�`� ��l� Detailed Description of Wark: �£vneW� ��t r':�_;,,�� Com anyAddress: �� �.� � - ��1Sx7vt S I_ c'LS.cq'�IiC S�(1{� 1Qo�-� ,�,s� I� Q Gu r� City: State:�Zip: 8��.7 ,� } 1 �n ��'�%7 ��rs1��l �,� ��� 1livi; s�:�jd �� ' Contact Name: d�u ��"L � ContactPh:! d3._,��I�l. t�11 Cell: ��G'� .��y.71��! ; �4�,t� �A (J:M�� 1i�fse��s C�A.s�,� s�r� , (Use additional sheet if necessary) E-Mail: �A14, 1 '"' ��'Ru �Ibtc'j�5u's fSoa't':r�� _....... _ __ __ _ , �- ' Architsct( ) Desigr�er( ) Engineer( } , Town of Vail Contractor Registration No: �� c'h � ' � Phone: ' /� � �,�� �5�,', Fax: Contractor Signature {re�uired) E-Maii: _ _ ___ ___ Property Information Work C{ass: ; Parcel#: � �� 1� E, 3 p � C3� ( ( New( ) Addition ( ) Remodel { ) Repair( )Other( ) ' Legal Description: Lot# B�k# Work Type: Interior( ) Exterior¢ty Both ( ) Subdivision: __ � Building Type: Job Name: � '� V�� '�S�� Single-Family �) Two-Family( ) Multi-Family( ) Owner Name: � ; ��; S�.� _ � !£ +'�A Q Commercial ( ) Townhome( ) Other( ) ` �i65'j _ _ _.. Mailing Address: c�� b �t�,d ��•�c�Sia�; i�, U`A;� . #&Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas ApplGancss O {For Parcel#Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or ("',aS Log ( ) Wood/Pellet O Wood Burning ( ) ! visit www.eaglecounty.uslpatie) , _ __ _ _ Valuations(Labor&�llaterial} . #&Type of Propos�d Fireplaces: Gas Appliances� ) ; p '.� Gas Log( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming ( ) ; Building $ ��6 � ��� . _._.__. ! Pfumbing$ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes O No O ; _ -- -- � Monitored Alarra�: Yes ( ) No( ) � Electrical$ _ __ _ � Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes O �Io O � _ _.. . . .._._ _ _ _�_._< Mechanica�$ y Date Received Total � � � . r��� .' �� � � [� �- I - ' � . � lG, l!.J7 �J D �-_ �',�'T 2 '. 7�1(�fl ����r � . TO�.��� i T�WN�'VAEI.'° HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Please take the time to tell �s how we performed during the �evelopment review process. We wiil use fhis information to recognize our employees who serve you and we wiVl also use it to improve our level of service. Please know we do care and will react to your suggestions. Thank you for your comments. George Ruther [7irector of Community Develapment 1. What services did you use at Commu�ity Developrnent today? Check all tha# apply Admin _ Building Environment Fire Housing Planning P.W. 2. Was yaur visit today as a: Horneowner Contractor Architect Other 3. Please rate your satisfac�ion with the followin� aspects of the Community Development Department. Use a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means"not at all satisfied" and 5 means "very satisfied" to rate each of the following items. Please use DK (Don't Know/�lo Opinion) as apprvpriate. Please circle your response. �lot Very Satisfied Satisfied Friendly and Courteous 1 2 3 4 � DK Knawledgeable 1 2 3 4 5 DK Timely ResponselCalls Returned 1 2 3 4 5 DK Overall Experience 1 2 3 4 5 DK 4. W�s the review process cleariy ex�lained to yau? (i.e., haw the Design Review Board and/or Plannirtg and Environmen�al Commission wvrks, whe� they meet, whaf you r�eed to have when you appiy for the pfanning and/or the building p�ocess, how long review times generally take, housing and/vr environmental health palicy, etc.) YES NO If N�, what additional information would have been �elpful? 5. Did #6�e pfar�ning process meet your expectations? YES NO 6. Did the building permit review process meet your expectations? YES NO 7. Did the inspection process meet your expectations? YES NO 8. Did you feel the process was fair and efficient? YES IVO P�ease explain yaur response(s). 9. If you were looking for information (i.e., legaf address fle, plat map, plans, etc.) was the information in a#ormat that was helpful/ user friendly? YES NO 10. Are you aware of the Community �evelopment Dept. information available at http:/lwww.�ailqov.com? YES Nfl Thank yau for taking the time to complete this evaluation. If indicated below, we will personally contact yau on specifie concerns. If it is your desire, you may contact the drector by telephoning, 97Q-479-2145. Please feel fEee to use the back for additional comments. Name: Company: Address: Telephone: City: State: Zip Code: Date: � **��*�***�*�**��������******�***��***�*�***+��*******������****�*�*�**�*����*�*�:*��****�*��* TdWN QF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **��*�**���t�xw�r���r��r�r�**��*�x*���*�rww*�x**�**�******�****�k#*************�**�***��x�x��**�����*** Statement Number: R084DD2005 Amount: $675.26 10/22/200810:14 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JLE Notation: 19626 HORN BROS RQOFING -----------------------------------------------------------------------°°__-- Permit lVO: Bb8-0375 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERM2T Parcel No: 2101-063-(}301-1 Site Address: 896 RED SAND53'flI�IE CR VAIL Laeation: 'Total Fees: $675.26 This Payment: $675.26 TpCal ALL Pmts: $675.26 Balance: $D.00 **t��*��*****t�****��*t�*******�***********�************������**��*�***�**x�*���w��t�k�******** ACCOUNT 1TEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------°----- BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 307.25 PF 0010�00311230� PLAN CHECK FEES 199.71 UT 11000D03106000 CISE TAX 4% 164 .3D WC 0010000311280D WILL CAZL INSPECTION FEE 4.Of7 ------------—--------------------------------------------------------------- B08-0375: Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 14:43 11/22/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke AP New roof installed,OK. JGG 11/25/2008 A000120 352 Total Rows: 1 Page 1 �