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PRJ10-0430 M10-0150
� t ' NOTE: TH/S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES .3 l S ����AQ, � Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149 � MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M10-0150 AMF Project #: PRJ10-0340 �� Job Address: 4640 MEADOW DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL RACQUET CLUB BLDG 10 UNIT 11 Applied. . : 08/05/2010 Parcel No...: 210112405011 Issued. . : 08/10/2010 � Expires. .: 02/06/2011 � OWNER MANCHESTER,GARY 08/05/2010 APPLICANT ROD HALL COMPANY 08/05/2010 Phone:303-777-7700 � DBA COLORADO COMFORT 255 WYANDOT STREET � DENVER � CO 80223 License: 150-M CONTRACTOR ROD HALL COMPANY 08/05/2010 Phone:303-777-7700 DBA COLORADO COMFORT 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER � CO 80223 � License: 150-M Desciption: INSTALL GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $4,000.00 ..........,�...«.............,�.....,�,'....................:...........«.«........FEE SUMMARY.«...,..........«..*........»«...*......................».....«..............».......... Mechanical Permit Fee---> $80.00 Will Call-----------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> Plan Check--------------> $20.00 Use Tax Fee------> $104.00 $0.00 Additional Fees---------> $0.00 Investigation---------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> 5104.00 � Total Calculated Fees--> $104.00 Payments---------------a 5104.00 ,x BALANCE DUE--------> a0.00 ; Riri'*f}+ht**�Rf�tkAtRf'N*i+Mtff�OYrieieH##�t+tRRfhtfFftMfeR��tHk*►fFMRirRtN***#in!lrYefrfrfM#1�*#fl+R4tlftkftAR#r#Rt►�lkM*4Art#Yeiriei'#iM+Rk#�lnF4fFYeVeiMff#fM�RM*ARkttRRlf�t#fh�M#�JR#M*f'fi*RROOfHN4i'Rliftf��lR*R�RYefhtMfR# APPROVALS � Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT � 08/05/2010 JRM Action:AP � Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ..............«+..,.....».......................«........«..,'....�,.......»».......:.........«....,.......».»....................,�.....».............................:..............,�.. CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:42 (BLDG 2009)CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS�tEQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED PER 2009 IRC R315 � ,rR���►wwxwwx,„rw�►ww�rt*wr�ek�enrnww►►,tf.�::wx�vxwwwwwkwi�.rvy,exwx,ewwww�wr��►R+rn*�ww�ww:wtw�i,tf��w:wrtie�w�ww�.ri��wwrw�ww+.►►�*►►�rx,e�aer,rww,�www:tw�:,rxr,tw►�x�wi.��+rr►„y+rtwxwwr�r�w��w►�wwr*rrwxx DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( AM-4 PM. � � � �� 8��a ��� � ' ature of Owner or Contractor Date 3 � I O.J < < � � Print Name 1 z F � mechcanical_permit_041908 �. ; � 2 � i � ; � � � � ***��**************�***+��*******************�*********��****+*****+****+*********�****��*** � TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement '� ****�+***************�***************«*«***+**********��***********r**�***********��*****rr� � ;fi Statement Number: R100001032 Amount: $104 .00 08/10/201001:26 PM ,, � Payment Method: Check Init: LC � Notation: #1770 / � COLORADO COMFORT PRODUCTS INC ;� ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ° Permit No: M10-0150 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT x � Parcel No: 2101-124-0501-1 � Site Address: 4640 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL RACQUET CLUB BLDG 10 UNIT 11 � Total Fees: $104.00 � This Payment: $104.00 Total ALL Pmts: $104.00 � Balance: $0.00 � ****+********�**************�****************�*�********+*******�****+*�**********�**r****** � ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: � Account Code Description Current Pmts � -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ � MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 80.00 � PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 20.00 � WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 � i � ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- � � � � � � � � i 4 � � � € € � � � � P 1 � & �{ I � � { 4 b � �g i � °s � � � g 3 3 � � :� ,,� :� � � ,. . � � `�=� � �~ Department of Community Devetopinen�" � �� ' � � 75 3outh Frontage � � , .. :. �- � {��r�, r j` . ' ` . /�..� M. ; _; . .. �{�'��IDI��4 q �_ � {�' . ,s�►��'Tei'��� w , s� ;F' � - -,_� _ , �;.�►Qb: ' Qe�alopmen �'"° -�._ •„�, •�����:��� , , ��. � MECHI�NICI�►L PERMIT Bolfer/Furna AnnGcstions MU�"T include: Firepiace M�lieations MuST in�,lude: a Mechanlcal Room Layout/Plan with Dime�sions a Equipment GUt 5heet�for Fireplaoes/Log Sehs o Combustlon Alr Duct Size and t.ocation (Manufacturer's infv showing make,model 8c apprwal ilsNng) o Flue or Vent Size o Gas Plping Plan(ff applicable} ❑ Neai Lo�Cakvlafions* ,\ a Equlpment Cut Sheets for 8oeer/Fumace U •No�reOWrrd rbr same SJze(9TU)bol(er►tWacente��wi�tr rro sy�t�.�rr! d+arrges,or snow me/t � � Project treet A�ldress' Offiice Uae: 7 �� �� l� j ��i+- � f Pro,ed#: .Tld �s (Numbe�) (Strret) (3utte#1 ��,ilding Perm� � � Bu!ldl�g/Complex Name T l '� �� � M�chanical P Contractor tnfarrnation• lot#: Btodc# Subdivlsion: Company:�„�,�j ��� � _ _ n' Company Address���w �`-��� � ����ed Desciiptlon of Work�n�� dy� OT �,�j,,, Z-Z-_� �' � -�tr c�___o City:�X� �lJ�__State� Zip:--� --- t , Contad Neme� ��. �' (��'�2.1. �� �J�� I�(�',u'�IOC,K.- � �7� - ���----- __ �I �za��SS� �-�s►� �. 33 Contacx Phone: .__,. {use additiona�shael ff necesb.iry) E-Mail G1��.1.�P�c0� �' �s Piping Induded Town of Vail Contractor Reglstradon No.���-"' �� / � Gas Pipi�g by Others � � �I': Wood M Gas Fireplsae Conversion Boiler Location: tractor slgnature(required) Interior( ) E�fterior( ) Other( ) P�operly Informatlon / Parcel#: o��b!'� �� 't "�� � �f � ��mber of�cisting Fireplaces: (For parcel#,cornaa Eagle Cau�r Aase�ssors Office at 970-329-Eo40 or Ge511pplianCes� �Gas lOgs( )Wood/Pellet( } vislt www.eaglecouQr.t�paliej Number of Proposed Fireplaces: Tenant ntame: �---�---- ��9 qpp�;�,����Gas Logs( )WoodlPellet( ) (Commercial Properties) Owner Name:�T�-V�� _ Q,��C'-12.e� � Tg��e of eullding: Gomplete Valuation fOr Mer.�BnfC�1 Petmft� Singl�Famlty O puplex O Multi-Famiry(� Commercial O ''1 ��Q��q�,y Restaurant t ) (� � � (� �/J (� � Mechanical$: V�-� D �� " �� �"""��i�� �t?�te Received: � AUG 4 3 2010 � � t � `fi TOWN OF �fAlL ,��� x � 59/T0 �9�d SQd 1�4�1OJ 0�10� 691I���cO£ 9b�0i aT0Zl�0/80 I . _... .. . � �I- FI I r 1 � . - . .. . . . , . . . .. , . �... `� �^t+ f' �; ° ,,. : � . . . . ._. ...._._ _�_ .. ,- �� ' I � , _� , � ''� ; ���iy,,za,o ���, �� BGD36CFGN � - � - • � � • • - ..✓ ested as a haater to nNS12Z�.ea and CSA�.3's � Ven�ing.I^d 7' � UNtT 1NCWpES:ELECTRONIC iGNIT'iON GA$VALVE WITii DATTc'RV BACK-UP,ONtOFF 51NITCN AND BUIL7-IN ADJUSTABLE F�AMEAiEAT CONTRO�,STAINLESS STEEL F(,EX CONNECTqq WiTh&HUT b�f,DUAL ReCEPTAC�E JUNC7rON 80X,HINGED NEAT RESIgTANT G�aSS DOOR � PORCE�AIN REFLECTIVE PANEI.S,CLEAN FqCE FRC�NP 1YITM MINGED VAlY6 COMPARTMENT ACCESS DOOR,EXCLUSIVE CRYST4LINE*� �( EMBER 8ED WItH q PpTEN7E0'CRYSTnLtrES"qCC£ti7�NQ TM�EMgEfi BED,HAItDwARC,2o F7_WIRC ANO FIRESTOP, BATryROOMBEDROOMlBEDSRTING ROOMtMOSILE H4ME oPPpC�YED.7�,uon 8TU'S. NOTE:411 uaite efe ftatuni gae.It proFv�ap Is roquired-p�ynve.o.dnr convers�on kit. j • . .. �j�, Product Modei DestYipGon Finish �� � - itl� ' BG036CFGN Top/rear venl ctean(sr�Grepla�e wi[h biadc tloor-Naturel gns ; �� W175-0278 Copverslon k+t-Nawrai ga.(Q propsne . �� • •, _; I • ALTERMATE MED�A KITS ARE AvAfLABLE Tp REPLACE CRYSTALI ' E.MBER BED SUPPLIED WI' MKGK � metlia k�f �r__ ���� leas embere-black MKGB meeie ktt � glase emeea-blue ! MKGR meoia r.i� _�_,_�V 01ass emben•Rd MKOA modla kl� � glass embers•amber ALL MEDIA ENHANCEM6N?f(ITS ARE:?ESiGNED FOR RANDOM PLACEMENT WITHiN TME FIREBC ' AS aN ADDITIOro 70 E�TkER Ttt�CRYSTpt.iNE EMbER 6E0 OR ANY OF THE OTNER�PTIONA� � MEGK madia cnhancement A t 1 IC -� �— elase embas-bleck ,� MEGB media enhanrs,mcnt kit 7 tt: gleas embers-biue� �EGR media enhenr�rr;ent krt 1 ib. lase emDers-rsd MEGA media anhanoemem ki!t iu glass cmDers-amber , 'i � J36WlV 'Weve eurround dw!np 6 heanh aadn cNrome lrim brown � Ss9Wp 'Wave aursound uw Wp b,heaM saun chn:me fnm pewler � i'� S36CCN 'Con�ve surround uw wp d hearv,_ssdn chrome uim brown ��'j '` I S36CCD •Concsvo surtound vw top&neaM sacin rhrome 4im pcvNer L�" •� S36GVN 'Co��vex suiruund Uw to�8 heann aAGn chrome uim 6rown � v S3fiC�P 'Convex surlound dw tap�hdarth seiln cTror�o Nm Pax,�e� `�:.� CFT36W Upper tdm lor wave surround(a6ove glaes eoor) sa6n ehrome � ,� �`_ CfT36CC Upper uim!or toncave a�rteund(abovo 81ess door) 6atin chrome V�1a GFT36CV UpDer[nm fflr canvex surrounu(aDOro glass doo�j salin ahrome G0202S3 Tap door oim � brushed steinlees�te�� �Y-s:.. _._. ._.,.._..,.__r_ +.;�,;;�� GD-565•t KT Setery 9creen � 2?0 ?aint:7hurmslax-b;ack 17 oz.MU.ST CR(�cR iN MULTIPLES OF 12 � � GZ550-1 kT B�wrcr kit wrth vArlatle a�e�_d enci Rtc�oatatic conirol ��, 9aao.KT S10WAFBCOI�6Ry,w;th v�anb?r.apocJ and:hern,uytatic c�n[rol(far ZG Firepleces onry) {N�00-0039 Varpbl9 8FQ60 e•nitch w�;l n��;un!irt9 p�aie �.��"' f'�f GA-58A Hnt e?r e�stibuFun K.f1 v��r�--- � 4 Iy� -__...��.._.___—_. ,,,,� _IY�l QA-T2 Nut a;r exhawt��S(v:,-3�::6 ai,o rroqwfF.�J k I � f f;A, '_ �._�.......�._.�,..__�.. . s. � ti_;;; GA-70 Extension ki1,5 fl Rei vent E � 1 � :R ,' � � s ! � 50}ze ���d s��� !.���,�a,� c����� 69Ti:.�:Lca� �b :ei eiez,r�ef�e � k � � :� � 5 . . . . � �/GUR�1 F�l� �(�`i� ��r � � - I� . � �g�,; � ,�. e��r : � .,,3 � r�c � D �a��, ' �l ��7 �• �'�'p ` �I IPN_FT J7 5�t7 ' INLEf '� 3� �1 `i" EIECTRiC1il INLET aECtRICl�Inu�ET LEFT510'k F�GURE 6 IEFTSIDE ��a� . 27' A Da 20'li e�ow. d.� � �_---__-r r _ �� � �� ��' z3� 2s ;-. �►� � � � I— ao�-----� L�--a�•---� :�: • � . . � � • .� Sao Ihe sedion'MINIMUM MANTEI ANO ENCLO$UR@ F/GURE 7 CLEnRANCES' Sae the aectlons°MtNIMUM See the eactluns'MINI• ENCLOSURE CIEAR- MUM ENCLOSURE ANCES'fpr non. GIEARANCES'fa drywall cornb�soble mateAal (or othe�comOUS6de male�ial) "� 36e 4�B ee�tion � / �. 'VENTINO'an0 ` 'INSTALLAT�ON' � ` g See the aecoon � 'INSTALLA710N-FRAMING' See tha section �\ 'FRAM{NG' � � Sida Well G � � � � � . �;� B� �`�c'��i,L � sr�ie�, �� W47S.O661/C/Qp.ZQ:Qg � � SeI�O 39'�d �Qd l.�'s•'•JC:� i:�1U:� 69T���L£0E 9b�0T OTBZfE9r80 � 24 BGD36CF/G) It Is not necessary to install a hear:h extension wilh fhis breplece sys• �., ) N TO COM T! LE CONSTRUCTI�N fROM tam.ODJects placed in t�ni ot the fireplace shou�d be kept a minimum �.�.J�' MI�11M�M CLEARA CE 8Ug B ai 48"away from the ftont f&ce. FIREPLACE AND YEh1T SURFAC�3' I ,Jrn-C'-+AUSt1l!a tramina' �"+'�hen mugllirg in fhe fireplace,raise the fireplace to accommoCate R�(. G"'u i?�u�c-c�a.:.i;ua,,��c.r;a,��i tor the thio&ness of Ihe finishea Iloor mate►ials, I.e. tlle, carpeung. aean r,-,r�sur.��,n:, hard wood,whlch ff nol planned for w81 inteAere with the opening oF Combuslibla i�arnina the Iowzr access door and the installation of many decorative flashing Slaes.Oeck,and bonum of the unit U"to:�ana-o(ty 3CCes3ories. I '�p �?'1 �D�'"��"��"'f�''��'� EJ,Qjg;In order to avold�he posslblUty o(ezposed insulatio�orvapor r,�:.c�st:r-�,:`ar.�3_c_..,:� �aRier coming in contact with the Preplace body,il is recommended Non-cumtrusti6le finizhina: tnat Uie w3fls Of the Il�eplaCe enclosure be'finished'(ie:drywall/ Top 6 il2' if u>ln�apri�r�i c�e�n shootr+3ck),a,you would finls�any other oulslde wall ot a home. fau surcovnd 1'nis wdi ensure that cleaf3nce[o tombuslibles is maintainad withln ComGustiAle fiq;pJs��nishin�,' Side�,DotWm and top 0"in treplace ydgr, tt7e ca�ity. Enclosurv iop , 8 7;4"to icp of G+eple:e Combustlble malerials may be inr,tallad flu5h wfth the hUnt o(the P�e- Recessed aepth 17 1�4' place but must not cover any of the black face-areas of the fireplacY. Sides and botlam of the var!t R�Pe �� Nonycombusbble malenal(brick,stone or ceramk dte)may Drowde Top ot vent pipe, �° in thesa areas buc must not restrid glass door removal. CeiH�+g 72'ft�m Dcttn�si of unit HORIZQNT�VENT SEGTIQNS:-A minlmum eles!snc4 M�':�*.�na � � �;oo.,oi p�y�n ws�m-n mra ua�n caar m oro boQom and sides of lhe vrnl and Y. at Ihe top on alI tmrirvnlel rtrns lo J��� �•��a:����*�»+��+�����+ comhuaUDlesls+equlrad.UeeflreslopspaxrW0�0-�774(supp+kd)• I U"'W'eoyio'qRebun[durMeyaxe,tbmrrouxole�r� �eT1�;A�YENT SEGTION6:-A mlNmum o!t'all arpund�hy ven,o!pe � �''� �'f-"�"-a0"----...------•--.I-.._ .___.,.__ � on alI w�1ir�1 rLni In mm6usUbINS i6�HGu!reO eYU1p�ior CIp7��nC9b�n � i � ` //' lfreplace endosures� 3ee'MtNlMUM ENGlO3URE.CE.Ef+R.1t10E8' � � \� seclio�.Use firesbp SpACer W500-OOa6{not suppliedj. ytT�s Exir� / " • +2,,s•t��Retir� �I „a:w�x / 'Venlcal vent secilons!n flreptace enclosures raquira a m'n�m��m of �+�r�aa,u j� i �. � 1 112"all arnunO,Jbe vent plpe. ��:G�,�'� �' '1[`N�N' STEEGFE�pERRF.QNN@O�f S us�HCSPnowa tt�t wKa 4 �s�w+ounn ; BGQ 2CF `� � , . `. � � � , i , , . , ,µ� • I, j I I I MINIMUM CI.EARANCE TO CQM6U5T191E CONSTRUC'S10N FRQM ,. , �II FIREPLJ►CE AND YENT 9URiACEB: ' ��I � � � � mGu6upje frem�nn- � � � � � 0' � , � I �� Top,+�des,baCk and bet[om ol the unii p'lo s�nd-ott� •� �`i � ; � ( i �' Non-combueliqle finishina� �ti ; � i I I �` To0 E il.�.':c fimp�ae-e�:q�: �\ 1}f .> �' � i �6uaeble fredece finiahina• ��( ���µ' I S�des and batlom 0'.c l�ra�,laca�`Qa BGD36CFfG�.�+'� �sa• I � i Endosure loc 73�4'b lop ot:�.epla;� \ RecasseC eep1n 25 a w•. ; ' � � 7op,s�des and bauom of vent ppe 2• FIGURE 6T �� ' ' Ce�fln9 72'han bo¢nm as m�tt i ' ,,, � MO�ONTAL VEdT Q�CTIAN�;A minlmUm ttearan�si O}2'Bil d�ound fie vent Dipe on a11 horiLOnta1 N�s�o combus6bles ia requlr�,Use erP3;o0 spacer WOtO-1776(yuppGed). � VERTICALVE!(T'SEC710NS:Aminimumofl"alla�a»nBiiieven,��pe �� �v��������� ,�����b� deqwtQ aetrana for C�e�su In Yds tt'wt�a� on ail vertica�runs�n comeuse��ies�s Rau�ree.vee nreerop spe�r`A'tt'4- � ��+.r+..a da+o u,.uan a ew�es.No�n�arm+.a.r. 0028(nol Sup�eC). � °�� --- � • � / Bo1h the BGD36CF(G)and BGD42Cf are suppfled with two 31�ndofls. �N,�u.M � i i�r r.uz � For convenience,me sta�dolfs have Deen shlpPed Het arscf bra�ed on E��pSURE � � Ihe top at the(rant.Before framing ensure tha slandoffs ere bant vp and MEIGH7 � �p MIH� gcrewed inlo place ertsuring a helght of 4.5'. ! ! � �'�, BGD36 rtc_u57R�rrC?RI ; j ij + � � I �� , �,.._..� ,,�, ( �^ ; / �•, � � ''„'� ,I / �� � Ii (`i�lll��?'' A� ,` I� ' � � _ ; ' I '��y..� .ji.�+-;�� � 1 I 'y 'b�{ � `� I I � � ,�:;:� \ � 2��,.� . ' �; FIGURE 86 � � {;y �;-�' ' f� � a13s' l f �jQj�The infvrma1lDn 8nd dlRiensfCr.S in tF�i3 9ec:ion reP�6�����;� BGD42CF \ � � � minimdm tleerances to cambustible material. 'e���� •' F�cutz� � '• j �I� It is best to trame your ti►eplece after i�iy posAioned and Ine�ent sys- � 1em is in3lallea.Use 2x4's and Freme!c local budding codes �- -r� IBGU36GF(G)ON�Y�/i siec��hAaar-r�s re•�u.!M6 it�:Ir�s�op;i_;ra�c���r: (8C�3UCUUfC. wa�s�5s��c�nz zo.oa 50/b0 39'�d SQd ��4VG� O�l�� 69Z�L�'`L�O� 9b�Bt OT�Z/�0180 $ � ' 25 � *� ' ' � jf ,..:,: �. .. . ��� ,� , 1 41��! �' � � 45� }. � - p�' �! ���F� •\� F/GURE 73 � f' n � ;,' Q, �. � ,�. � ; r' r�' ' ! ,.....:w...,.,,..,.._ ..,,.., ._.._..,..... ,,,.. _..,...'^'-^.� .. - .,u.:. .�i„. ... T"'r'� . � � Z.v I . ;,. :.<, i� , ,, � ° ? ��'��' T 1N;if`7r , , . ,:, ir�siDE ' w �O� {'' CF�A.JC ZS I, , ' CHASE � � ..�_--�� � ap�h' g° ! . . �: , F/GURE 70 � � Fl� �`�--46'h' 6. '�� -�---------�--�.__ J ,�, ��-�-^-��-, �.. _ ,�._t,a,:�� � 4;� � �� ; I OUTS@E t7���,• OUTSIDE ' CNASE , � CHASE 25'/�" �, 'y � ; � ....�. ao�r� � .,a,-=� : - • - � ,��� rt '��y' �------46'li--� .,.. 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