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Hydraulic Summary Report Description: Residential Job Number: CH0178 Node Flow(gpm) Total Hose Streams 0.00 Safety MarginRequiredAvailable Node Hose FlowStaticResidualFlowTotal Demand (gpm)(psi)(psi)(gpm)(psi)(gpm)(psi)(psi)@@Name 8 119.738100.17819.5601363.0053.880120.000 85.74Water Supply Design EngineerJob Number Total Water Required (Including Hose Allowance) 85.74 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Additional Hose Supplies 0.00 Hose Allowance At Source Supplies 231.62gal Residential 0.100gpm/ft² 196.00ft² 232.61ft² (Actual 232.61ft²) 4 Occupancy Area of Application Coverage Per SprinklerNumber Of Sprinklers Calculated Density Job Suffix AutoPeak Results: Pressure For Remote Area(s) Adjacent To Most Remote Area Volume capacity of Dry PipesVolume capacity of Wet Pipes Maximum Velocity Under Ground 21.01 between nodes 4 and 3 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 4.2 K-Factor 19.60 at 21.778 Most Demanding Sprinkler Data System 305 MILL CREEK CIRCLEVail, CO. Job Site/Building Vail Fire and Emergency Services305 MILL CREEK CIRCLE AHJ 305 MILL CREEK CIRCLE Job State Certification/License NumberJob Name: PETER MAZENCH0178 Contractor Contractor Number Name of Contractor: Address 1 Address 2 Contact Name Contact Title ExtensionPhone FAX E-mail Web-SiteAddress 3 Address 1 Address 2 Drawing Name 305 Mill Creek Circle - DESIGN v2 System Flow Demand 85.74 Remote Area(s) Darcy-Weisbach Calculation Darcy-Weisbach equations are being used because the system requires special design considerations. The Darcy-Weisbach formula used in this hydraulic calculation to determine fluid/agent friction loss is: P = 0.000216 fLp(Q^2)/(d^5) Friction Loss factors are derived from the Moody Diagram. Reynolds Number is calculated using: Re=Q/d/k Relative Roughness of Pipe is: e/D K-Factors for Sprinkler Heads are adjusted based on the density of the fluid being discharged (Bernoulli-based formula). C-Factors are not relevant to this type of calculation. These are replaced with the Roughness e-value for the pipe. Description: Water/Antifreeze @ 0°F/-18°C, 40% Propylene Glycol by weight Product Name: Antifreeze solution in pipes within or passing through: Cold Areas: Warm Areas: Density: 65.487lb/ft³ Density: 64.800lb/ft³ Viscosity: 40.000cP Viscosity: 4.700cP NFPA Suggested Aged Pipe Roughness is being applied. Volume capacity of Antifreeze/Other Pipes 0.00gal Address 3 11/21/2013© M.E.P.CAD, Inc.Page 1AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.54.0 11:09:22AMDarcy-Weisbach Calculation Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length HWC/Roughness Hydraulic Analysis Job Number: CH0178 Report Description: Residential • • • • • Route 1 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv DR 1.0550 19.60 7.19 0.119412 7'-0 1.314 101 46'-8¼19.60 4.2 (adj)21.778 4'-0 -0.217 1 47'-2¼22.875 11'-0 0.004"Sprinkler 2T(2'-0) Pf Pe Pv BL 1.0550 39.36 14.45 0.466000 11'-8¾8.339 1 47'-2¼19.76 22.875 6'-0 0.072 2 47'-0¼31.285 17'-8¾ 0.004"Flow (q) from Route 2 2E(2'-0), T(2'-0) Pf Pe Pv BL 1.2910 62.17 15.24 0.405790 1'-0 0.408 2 47'-0¼22.81 31.285 -0.001 3 47'-0¼31.692 1'-0 0.004" Flow (q) from Route 3 Pf Pe Pv BL 1.2910 85.74 21.01 0.771718 29'-6¾31.633 3 47'-0¼23.57 31.692 12'-0 5.272 4 34'-10¼68.598 41'-6¾ 0.004" Flow (q) from Route 4 2E(2'-0), 2EE(1'-0), T(3'-0), C(3'-0) Pf Pe Pv BL 1.5270 78.11 13.68 0.263884 10'-10 3.737 4 34'-10¼68.598 3'-6 4.417 5 24'-8 76.752 14'-4 0.004" C(3'-6) Pf Pe Pv BL 2.0090 85.74 8.68 0.075346 52'-7¼6.547 5 24'-8 76.752 34'-6 2.529 6 18'-10 85.828 87'-1¼ 0.004" 7E(3'-6), 2T(5'-0), BV Pf Pe Pv FR 2.0090 85.74 8.68 0.053052 10'-3¾23.163 6 18'-10 85.828 11'-6 2.746 7 12'-6 111.736 21'-9¾ 0.000333" 2cplg(1'-0), sCV, E(3'-6), BFP(-13.500), Tr(1'-0), PRV(-8.500), T(5'-0), f(-0.000) Pf Pe Pv FR 3.8570 85.74 2.35 0.001778 249'-4 0.580 7 12'-6 111.736 77'-0 -12.139 8 18'-10 100.178 326'-4 0.000333" 11E(7'-0), S 85.74 0.00 Hose Allowance At Source 8 • • • • • Route 2 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv DR 1.0550 19.76 7.25 0.121297 4'-0 0.959 102 46'-8¼19.76 4.2 (adj)22.132 4'-0 -0.217 1 47'-2¼22.875 8'-0 0.004"Sprinkler E(2'-0), T(2'-0) • • • • • Route 3 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv DR 1.0550 22.81 8.37 0.160362 10'-0¼2.075 103 46'-4¼22.81 4.2 (adj)29.501 3'-0 -0.291 2 47'-0¼31.285 13'-0¼ 0.004" Sprinkler EE(1'-0), E(2'-0) • • • • • Route 4 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv DR 1.0550 23.57 8.65 0.170834 0'-6 0.427 104 46'-6¼23.57 4.2 (adj)31.482 2'-0 -0.217 3 47'-0¼31.692 2'-6 0.004" Sprinkler T(2'-0) • • • • • Route 5 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv BL 1.0550 7.63 2.80 0.019599 22'-0¾0.504 9 36'-0 1.00 68.642 4'-0 5.222 10 23'-11½74.369 26'-0¾ 0.004" Flow (q) from Route 6 T(2'-0), E(2'-0) Pf Pe Pv BL 1.0550 6.09 2.23 0.011321 5'-11¼0.067 10 23'-11½74.369 11 23'-11½74.436 5'-11¼ 0.004" Pf Pe Pv BL 1.0550 7.63 2.80 0.017771 34'-3 0.901 11 23'-11½1.54 74.436 14'-0 4.137 12 14'-5 79.474 48'-3 0.004"Flow (q) from Route 10 C(2'-0), 2E(2'-0), 4T(2'-0) Pf Pe Pv FR 1.0550 7.63 2.80 0.019599 12'-10 0.291 12 14'-5 79.474 2'-0 5.464 13 1'-9¾85.229 14'-10 0.004" T(2'-0) Pf Pe Pv BL 1.0550 7.63 2.80 0.017771 44'-6¼0.990 13 1'-9¾85.229 8'-0 14 1'-9¾86.219 52'-6¼ 0.004" 4E(2'-0) Pf Pe Pv FR 1.0550 7.63 2.80 0.017771 7'-10 0.139 14 1'-9¾86.219 -3.730 15 10'-5 82.628 7'-10 0.004" Pf Pe Pv BL 1.2910 7.63 1.87 0.006109 33'-6 0.295 15 10'-5 82.628 12'-0 -6.178 16 24'-8 76.746 45'-6 0.004" 4T(3'-0) Pf Pe Pv BL 1.5270 7.63 1.34 0.002603 2'-4¾0.006 16 24'-8 76.746 5 24'-8 76.752 2'-4¾ 0.000084" • • • • • Route 6 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv BL 1.2910 1.00 0.25 0.000111 16'-2¼0.003 17 36'-4¼7.63 68.459 12'-0 -2.427 18 41'-11½66.036 28'-2¼ 0.004" Flow (q) from Route 8 EE(1'-0), 4E(2'-0), T(3'-0) © M.E.P.CAD, Inc.11/21/2013 Page 4AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.54.0 11:05:08AM Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length HWC/Roughness Hydraulic Analysis Job Number: CH0178 Report Description: Residential Pf Pe Pv BL 1.0550 0.29 0.11 0.000065 34'-2¼0.002 18 41'-11½66.036 16'-0 0.000 19 41'-11½66.038 50'-2¼ 0.004" 5E(2'-0), 3T(2'-0) Pf Pe Pv BL 1.0550 1.00 0.37 0.000308 56'-6½0.026 19 41'-11½0.71 66.038 21'-0 2.578 9 36'-0 68.642 77'-6½ 0.004" Flow (q) from Route 9 2T(2'-0), 8E(2'-0), EE(1'-0) • • • • • Route 7 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv BL 1.0550 6.62 2.43 0.013401 0'-4¼0.031 17 36'-4¼7.63 68.459 2'-0 0.151 9 36'-0 68.642 2'-4¼ 0.004" Flow (q) from Route 8 T(2'-0) • • • • • Route 8 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv BL 1.2910 7.63 1.87 0.007076 53'-5½0.512 4 34'-10¼68.598 26'-0 -0.650 17 36'-4¼68.459 79'-5½ 0.004" C(3'-0) 3T(3'-0), 7E(2'-0) • • • • • Route 9 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv BL 1.0550 0.71 0.26 0.000154 12'-8 0.002 18 41'-11½66.036 0.000 19 41'-11½66.038 12'-8 0.004" • • • • • Route 10 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv BL 1.0550 1.54 0.57 0.001056 47'-4¾0.067 10 23'-11½74.369 18'-0 0.000 11 23'-11½74.436 65'-4¾ 0.004"T(2'-0) 5E(2'-0), 3T(2'-0) K-Factor conversion formula: 1.51 4.87 )(150 1.33 140 1.16 130 0.713 100 Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C=120 only) Actual Inside Diameter Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter = Factor C Value Multiplier Value Of C Multiplying Factor © M.E.P.CAD, Inc.11/21/2013 Page 5AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.54.0 11:05:08AM Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length HWC/Roughness Hydraulic Analysis Job Number: CH0178 Report Description: Residential Pipe Type Legend AO Arm-Over BL Branch Line CM Cross Main DN Drain DR Drop DY Dynamic FM Feed Main FR Feed Riser MS Miscellaneous OR Outrigger RN Riser Nipple SP Sprig ST Stand Pipe UG Underground Units Legend Diameter Inch Elevation Foot Flow gpm Discharge gpm Velocity fps Pressure psi Length Foot Friction Loss psi/Foot HWC Hazen-Williams Constant Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe Pf Pressure loss due to friction between points Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe Fittings Legend ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BalV Ball Valve BFP Backflow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90° cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DelV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90° Elbow EE 45° Elbow Ee1 11¼° Elbow Ee2 22½° Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow flg Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve PrV Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap © M.E.P.CAD, Inc.11/21/2013 Page 6AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.54.0 11:05:08AM Device (gpm) Actual Flow Minimum Flow (gpm)(K) K-Factor (psi) Pressure Summary Of Outflowing Devices Report Description: Residential Job Number: CH0178 Sprinkler 101 19.60 19.60 4.2 21.778 Sprinkler 102 19.76 19.60 4.2 22.132 Sprinkler 103 22.81 19.60 4.2 29.501 Sprinkler 104 23.57 19.60 4.2 31.482 Most Demanding Sprinkler Data © M.E.P.CAD, Inc.11/21/2013 Page 3AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.54.0 11:05:07AM Hydraulic Graph Report Description: Residential Job Number: CH0178 System Demand (Including Hose Allowance at Source) System Demand 53.880 @ 1363.00 Residual: Pressure 120.000 Static: Pressure Water Supply at Node 8 Hydraulic Graph Water Supply at Node 8 100.178 @ 85.74 100.178 @ 85.74 Available Pressure at Time of Test 119.738 @ 85.74 © M.E.P.CAD, Inc.11/21/2013 Page 2AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.54.0 11:05:05AM The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523 Bu l l e t i n 0 0 6 Re v . G Bulletin 006 Rev. G Model RFC30 (SIN RA0611) Model RFC43 (SIN RA0612) Model RFC49 (SIN RA0616) Residential Flat Concealed Sprinklers A Residential Flat Concealed Sprinkler engineered for a minimum design density of 0.05 gpm/ft2 with low GPM requirements. Features 1. Very low water flow requirements. 2. Cover plate attachment (Plain or Perforated) with ½” (13mm) Total adjustment. 3. Thread-On/Thread-Off or Push-On/Thread Off cover attachment option. 4. Smooth aesthetic ceiling profile. 5. Available in brass, chrome and black plated or painted finishes. Listings & Approval 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, and certified by UL for Canada (cULus) 2. NYC MEA 258-93-E UL Listing Categories Residential Automatic Sprinklers UL Guide Number VKKW Product Description Model RFC30, RFC43 and RFC49 Concealed Residen- tial Sprinklers are fast response residential fusible solder link automatic sprinklers. Residential sprinklers differ from standard sprinklers primarily in their response time and water distribution patterns. Model RFC30, RFC43 and RFC49 sprinklers discharge water in a hemispherical pattern below the sprinkler de- flector. Residential distribution patterns are higher and generally contain a finer droplet size than standard sprin- kler patterns. The combination of speed of operation and high dis- charge pattern required for residential sprinklers has dem- onstrated, in fire testing, an ability for controlling residen- tial fires, and thereby providing significant evacuation time for occupants. The RFC30, RFC43 and RFC49 Sprinklers provide the best form of fire protection by combining an attractive ap- pearance and ½” (13mm) of cover adjustment for ease of installation. The small diameter cover plate is easily and positively attached and blends into the ceiling, concealing the most dependable fire protection available, an automat- ic sprinkler system. The RFC30, RFC43 and RFC49 are UL Listed Residential Sprinklers to be installed in the residential portions of any occupancy in accordance with NFPA 13, 13R, & 13D. The RFC30, RFC43 and RFC49 can reduce the need for precise cutting of drop nipples. The threaded cover plate assembly can be adjusted without tools to fit accurately against the ceiling. The fire protection system need not be shut down to adjust or remove the cover plate assembly. Application and Installation The RFC30, RFC43 and RFC49, for residential installa- tions, use a 165°F (74°C) fusible solder link in a tuning fork style sprinkler frame with a drop-down deflector. This as- sembly is recessed into the ceiling and concealed by a flat cover plate. The cover plate is attached to the skirt, using 135°F (57°C) ordinary temperature classification solder. When the ceiling temperature rises, the solder holding the cover plate releases the cover allowing the deflector to drop into position and exposing the sprinkler inside to 2. ceiling temperature. The subsequent operation of the sol- der link opens the waterway and causes the deflector to drop into position to distribute the discharging water in a hemispherical pattern below the sprinkler deflector. Any adjustment of thread engagement between the cover plate and cup will assure that the drop-down deflector is properly located below the ceiling. The residential distri- bution pattern contains a finer droplet size than a standard sprinkler, and the pattern produces significantly higher wall wetting. After a 25/8 inch diameter hole is cut in the ceiling, the sprinkler is to be installed with the Model FC Wrench. When installing a sprinkler, the wrench is first positioned into the sprinkler/cup assembly and around the hexagonal body of the sprinkler frame. The Wrench must bottom out against the cup in order to ensure proper, safe installation. The sprinkler is then tightened into the pipe fitting. When inserting or removing the wrench from the sprinkler/cup assembly, care should be taken to prevent damage to the sprinkler. DO NOT WRENCH ON ANY OTHER PART OF THE SPRINKLER/CUP ASSEMBLY. MODEL RFC30, RFC43 AND RFC49 CONCEALED SPRINKLERS MUST BE INSTALLED ONLY WITH 135°F RATED COVERS. Note: A leak tight ½” NPT (R1/2) sprinkler joint can be ob- tained with a torque of 8-18 ft-lbs (10,8 - 24,4 N-m). Do not tighten sprinklers over maximum recommended torque. It may cause leakage or impairment of the sprinklers. Cover assemblies provide up to 1/2” (13mm) of adjust- ment. Turn the cover clockwise until the flange is in con- tact with the ceiling. For the push-on/thread-off option, the cover assembly is pushed onto the cup and final adjust- ment is made by turning the cover clockwise until the skirt flange makes full contact with the ceiling. Cover removal requires turning in the counter-clockwise direction. In ceilings that have a plenum space above the sprinkler, the plenum space may have neutral or negative pressur- ization but must not be positively pressurized. Inspect all sprinklers after installation to ensure that the gap between the cover plate and ceiling and the 4 slots in the cup are all open and free from any air flow impediment. Temperature Rating SprinklerCover PlateMax. Ambient Temp. 165°F/74°C135°F/57°C100°F/38°C Installation Data: RFC30 (SIN RA0611) Thread Size inch (mm) K Factor Sprinkler Spacing ft. (m) Maximum Distance to Wall ft. (m) Minimum Distance between sprinklers ft. (m) Minimum Required Sprinkler Discharge Flow gpm (Lpm) Press. psi (bar) ½” (15mm) ½” (15mm) 3.0 3.0 12 x 12 (3.6x3.6) 14 x 14 (4.3x4.3) 6 (1.83) 7 (2.13) 8 (2.43) 8 (2.43) 9 (34.1) 10 (37.8) 9.0 (0.62) 11 (0.76) Note: 1 bar = 100 Kpa Installation Data: RFC43 (SIN RA0612) Thread Size inch (mm) K Factor Sprinkler Spacing ft. (m) Maximum Distance to Wall ft. (m) Minimum Distance between sprinklers ft. (m) Minimum Required Sprinkler Discharge Flow gpm (Lpm) Press. psi (bar) ½” (15mm) ½” (15mm) ½” (15mm) ½” (15mm) ½” (15mm) 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 12 x 12 (3.6x3.6) 14 x 14 (4.3x4.3) 16 x 16 (4.9x4.9) 18 x 18 (5.5x5.5) 20 x 20 (6.0x6.0) 6 (1.83) 7 (2.13) 8 (2.43) 9 (2.74) 10 (3.05) 8 (2.43) 8 (2.43) 8 (2.43) 8 (2.43) 8 (2.43) 12 (45) 13 (49) 13 (49) 18 (68) 21 (79) 7.8 (0.54) 9.1 (0.63) 9.1 (0.63) 17.5 (1.21) 23.8 (1.64) Note: 1 bar = 100 Kpa Installation Data: RFC49 (RA0616) Thread Size inch (mm) K Factor Sprinkler Spacing ft. (m) Maximum Distance to Wall ft. (m) Minimum Distance between sprinklers ft. (m) Minimum Required Sprinkler Discharge Flow gpm (Lpm) Press. psi (bar) ½” (15mm) ½” (15mm) ½” (15mm) ½” (15mm)½” (15mm) 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.94.9 12 x 12 (3.6x3.6) 14 x 14 (4.3x4.3) 16 x 16 (4.9x4.9) 18 x 18 (5.5x5.5)20 x 20 (6.0x6.0) 6 (1.83) 7 (2.13) 8 (2.43) 9 (2.74)10 (3.05) 8 (2.43) 8 (2.43) 8 (2.43) 8 (2.43)8 (2.43) 13 (49) 13 (49) 13 (49) 17 (64.3)20 (75.7) 7.0 (0.48) 7.0 (0.48) 7.0 (0.48) 12.0 (0.83)16.7 (1.14) Note: 1 bar = 100 Kpa FOR SLOPED CEILING APPLICATIONS SEE RASCO BULLETIN 035. 3. Maintenance Model RFC30, RFC43 and RFC49 Concealed Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush or gen- tle vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler cover plate assem- bly which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging until used to minimize the potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-operation. Model RFC30, RFC43 and RFC49 Residential Concealed Sprinkler Specifi cation Sprinklers shall be cULus Listed low flow residential con- cealed sprinklers with drop-down deflector and adjust- able flat cover plate engineered for a minimum design density of 0.05 gpm/ft2. Sprinkler frame and deflector shall be of bronze frame construction having a ½” NPT thread. Thermal element shall consist of an approved black-painted beryllium-nickel fusible solder link with symmetric lever mechanism, maintaining a Teflon-coated Belleville spring washer and machined brass cap water seal assembly containing no plastic parts. Sprinkler K-factor shall be nominal 3.0 (44), 4.3 (62.4), and 4.91 (70) having a 5/16”, 3/8” and 7/16” orifice. Temperature rating shall be Ordinary 165°F (74°C); cover plate temperature rating to be 135°F (57°C). Cover plate assembly shall consist of a brass cover plate and copper alloy retainer flange allowing a ½” cover plate adjustment. Any secure engagement between the cover plate and the cup will assure that the drop-down deflector is properly located below the ceiling. A plastic protective cap shall be provided and factory installed inside the sprinkler cup to protect the drop-down sprinkler deflector from dam- age, which could occur during construction before the cover plate is installed. Standard cover finish: [Chrome] [White] [Specialty – specify]. Residential concealed sprinklers shall be Reliable Model RFC30, SIN RA0611 (Bulletin 006), Model RFC43, SIN RA0612 (Bulletin 006) or Model RFC49, SIN RA0616 (Bulletin 006). Ordering Information Specify: 1. Sprinkler Model 2. Cover Plate Finish 3. Thread-On or Push-On Feature Cover Plate Finishes(1) Standard Finishes Chrome White Paint Special Application Finishes(2) Bright Brass Finished Bronze Black Plating Black Paint Off White Satin Chrome (1) Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult factory for details. Coverplate custom paint is semi-gloss, unless specified otherwise. (2) For the perforated style cover- plate, consult factory for avail-ability on these and other cus- tom finishes. The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. (800) 431-1588 Sales Offices(800) 848-6051 Sales Fax (914) 829-2042 Corporate Offices www.reliablesprinkler.com Internet Address Manufactured by Recycled Paper Revision lines indicate updated or new data. EG. Printed in U.S.A. 05/12 P/N 9999970261 The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable. Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 90 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries. • Automatic sprinklers • Flush automatic sprinklers • Recessed automatic sprinklers • Concealed automatic sprinklers • Adjustable automatic sprinklers • Dry automatic sprinklers • Intermediate level sprinklers • Open sprinklers • Spray nozzles • Alarm valves • Retarding chambers • Dry pipe valves • Accelerators for dry pipe valves • Mechanical sprinkler alarms • Electrical sprinkler alarm switches • Water flow detectors • Deluge valves • Detector check valves • Check valves • Electrical system • Sprinkler emergency cabinets • Sprinkler wrenches • Sprinkler escutcheons and guards • Inspectors test connections • Sight drains • Ball drips and drum drips • Control valve seals • Air maintenance devices • Air compressors • Pressure gauges • Identification signs • Fire department connection Reliable offers a wide selection of sprinkler components. Following are some of the many precision-made Reliable products that guard life and property from fire around the clock. Reliable...For Complete Protection General Description The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flush Pendent Sprinklers (TY2284) are decorative, fast response, fusible solder sprinklers designed for use in residential occu-pancies such as homes, apart-ments, dormitories, and hotels. When aesthetics is the major consideration, the Series LFII Residential Sprinklers (TY2284) should be the first choice. The Series LFII Residential Sprinklers are intended for use in the following scenarios: • wet and dry pipe residential sprinkler systems for one- and two-family dwellings and mobile homes per NFPA 13D • wet and dry pipe residential sprinkler systems for residential occupancies up to and including four stories in height per NFPA 13R • wet and dry pipe sprinkler systems for the residential portions of any occupancy per NFPA 13 The flush design of the Series LFII Residential Sprinklers features a separable escutcheon providing 3/8 inch (9,5 mm) vertical adjustment. This adjustment reduces the accuracy to which the pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. The Series LFII Residential Sprinklers have been designed with heat sensitivity and water distribution characteristics proven to help in the control of residential fires and to improve the chance for occupants to escape or be evacuated. Dry Pipe System ApplicationThe Series LFII Residential Flush Pendent Sprinklers offers a laboratory approved option for designing dry pipe residential sprinkler systems, whereas, most residential sprinklers are labora-tory approved for wet systems only. Through extensive testing and as refer-enced in U.S. Patent 7,712,543, it has been determined that the number of design sprinklers (hydraulic design area) for the Series LFII Residential Sprinklers (TY2284) need not be increased over the number of design sprinklers (hydraulic design area) as specified for wet pipe sprinkler systems, as is customary for density/area sprinkler systems designed per NFPA 13. Consequently, the Series LFII Residential Sprinklers (TY2284) offer the features of non-water filled pipe in addition to not having to increase the number of design sprinklers (hydraulic design area) for systems designed to NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R. Non-water filled pipe will permit options for areas sensitive to freezing. NOTICE The Series LFII Residential Flush Pendent Sprinklers (TY2284) described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document and the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for main-taining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) TY2284 Page 1 of 8 AUGUST 2012 TFP420 RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Sprinklers 4.2 K-factor Flush Pendent Wet Pipe and Dry Pipe Systems IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the “INSTALLER WARNING” that provides cautions with respect to handling and installation of sprinkler systems and components. Improper handling and installation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its components and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. Worldwide Contacts www.tyco-fire.com 1A 1B 1C SPRINKLER AREA WRENCHING TOLERANCECEILING LEVEL LIMIT FITTING FACE OF SPRINKLER PROTECTIVE CAP (23,0±4,8 mm) 29/32±3/16" MOUNTING SURFACE 3/32" (2,4 mm) TYP. 2-15/16" (75 mm) DIA. IN OPERATEDPOSITION DEFLECTOR 29/32±3/16" (23,0±4,8 mm) 2" (50 mm) DIA. DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN COLLECTOR HEAT (57,2 mm) 2-1/4" NOMINAL MAKE-IN 7/16" (11,1 mm) 1/2" NPT 15/16" (23,6 mm) 9/16" (14,2 mm) FIGURE 1 RAPID RESPONSE SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL FLUSH PENDENT SPRINKLER (TY2284) DRIVE 3/8" SOCKET ACCEPTS WRENCH RECESS WRENCH COMBINATIONWRENCH & SOCKET#4948 #4947SOCKET FIGURE 2 SPRINKLER SOCKET WRENCH & SOCKET COMBINATION FIGURE 3 PROTECTIVE CAP REMOVAL TOOL TFP420Page 2 of 8 Technical Data ApprovalsUL Listed for use with wet pipe and dry pipe systems C-UL Listed for use only with wet pipe systems For details on approvals, refer to the Design Criteria section. Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coefficient K= 4.2 GPM/psi1/2 (60,5 LPM/bar1/2) Temperature Rating 162°F (72°C) Vertical Adjustment 3/8 inch (9,5 mm) Finishes WhiteChromeBlackAntique Brass Physical CharacteristicsBody................Copper Alloy Deflector.................Copper Valve Cap ............Copper Alloy Orifice Seal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PTFE Heat Collectors . . . . . . . . . . . Copper Operation The sprinkler assembly contains a small fusible solder element. When exposed to sufficient heat from a fire, the solder melts and enables the internal compo-nents of the sprinkler to fall away. At this point the sprinkler activates with the deflector dropping into its operated position (Figure 1C), permitting water to flow. Design Criteria The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flush Pendent Sprinklers (TY2284) are UL and C-UL Listed for installation in accordance with this section: Residential Sprinkler Design GuideWhen conditions exist that are outside the scope of the provided criteria, refer to the Residential Sprinkler Design Guide TFP490 for the manufacturer’s recommendations that may be accept-able to any local authority having jurisdiction. System TypesPer the UL Listing, wet pipe and dry pipe systems may be utilized. Per the C-UL Listing, only wet pipe systems may be utilized. Hydraulic Design (NFPA 13D and 13R)For systems designed to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R, the minimum required sprinkler flow rate are given in Tables A and B as a function of temperature rating and the maximum allowable coverage areas. The sprinkler flow rate is the minimum required discharge from each of the total number of “design sprinklers” as specified in NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R. The number of “design sprinklers” specified in NFPA 13D and 13R for wet pipe systems is to be applied when designing dry pipe systems. Hydraulic Design (NFPA 13)For systems designed to NFPA 13, the number of design sprinklers is to be the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers. The minimum required discharge from each of the four sprinklers is to be the greater of the following: • The flow rates given in Tables A and B as a function of temperature rating and the maximum allowable coverage area. • A minimum discharge of 0.1 gpm/ft2 over the “design area” comprised of the four most hydrau-lically demanding sprinklers for the actual coverage areas being protected by the four sprinklers. The number of “design sprinklers” specified in NFPA 13 for wet pipe systems is to be applied when designing dry pipe systems. Dry Pipe System Water DeliveryWhen using the Series LFII Residential Pendent Sprinklers (TY2284) in dry pipe sprinkler systems, the time for water delivery must not exceed 15 seconds for the most remote operating sprinkler. Obstruction to Water DistributionSprinklers are to be located in accor-dance with the obstruction rules of NFPA 13D, 13R, and 13 as applicable for residential sprinklers as well as with the obstruction criteria described within the Technical Data Sheet TFP490. Operational SensitivityThe sprinklers are to be installed in the flush position per Figure 1 with the provided escutcheon. Sprinkler SpacingThe minimum spacing between sprin-klers is 8 feet (2,4 m). The maximum spacing between sprinklers cannot exceed the length of the coverage area (Table A or B) being hydraulically calculated (e.g., maximum 12 feet for a 12 ft. x 12 ft. coverage area, or 20 feet for a 20 ft. x 20 ft. coverage area). Precautionary Warnings for Corrosive EnvironmentsThe Series LFII Residential Flush Sprinkler (TY2284) must be installed in a non-corrosive environment. The improper use of corrosive agents such as flux, or other products that contain chloride ions, whether applied internally or externally to the sprinkler system, may result in corrosion of the sprinkler heads, or stress corrosion cracking, which in turn may cause the sprinkler heads to develop leaks, operate unex-pectedly or improperly. Accordingly, it is essential that the Series LFII Residential Flush Sprinkler (TY2284) be installed only by expe-rienced fire sprinkler engineers, who comply fully with NFPA 13, 13D, 13R and 25, ASTM B 813, ASTM B 828 and Copper Development Association (CDA). Copper Sprinkler System PipingAny time copper piping is used in any part of a fire sprinkler system, the copper piping must be installed in conformance with all applicable standards and requirements for copper piping, including: NFPA 13, 13D, 13R and 25, ASTM B 813, ASTM B 828, and Copper Development Association (CDA). Any soldering in any part of a sprinkler system, either internally or externally, must be done with use of only an ASTM B 813 approved flux. Residual flux must be thoroughly removed from both the interior and exterior surfaces of the piping before installing the sprinkler heads. The use of improper flux, or the failure to thor-oughly remove proper flux, may result in corrosion of the sprinkler heads or stress corrosion cracking, which in turn may cause the sprinkler heads to develop leaks, operate unexpectedly or improperly. TFP420 Page 3 of 8 Maximum Coverage Area (a) Ft. x Ft. (m x m) Maximum SpacingFt. (m) WET PIPE SYSTEM Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure (b) For Horizontal Ceiling (c, d, e) (Maximum 2 Inch Rise for 12 Inch Run) For Sloped Ceiling (c, d, e) (Maximum 8 Inch Rise for 12 Inch Run) For Sloped Ceiling (c, d, e) (Maximum 8 Inch Rise for 12 Inch Run) 3 Sprinkler Design When There are More Than 2 Sprinklers in a Compartment 162°F (72°C)162°F (72°C)162°F (72°C) 12 x 12 (3,7 x 3,7)12 (3,7)13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 9.6 psi (0,66 bar)17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 16.4 psi (1,13 bar)14 GPM (53,0 LPM) 11.1 psi (0,77 bar) 14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3)14 (4,3)13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 9.6 psi (0,66 bar)17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 16.4 psi (1,13 bar)14 GPM (53,0 LPM) 11.1 psi (0,77 bar) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)16 (4,9)14 GPM (53,0 LPM) 11.1 psi (0,77 bar)17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 16.4 psi (1,13 bar)14 GPM (53,0 LPM) 11.1 psi (0,77 bar) 18 x 18 (5,5 x 5,5)18 (5,5)18 GPM (68,1 LPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar)22 GPM (83,3 LPM) 27.4 psi (1,89 bar)18 GPM (68,1 LPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1)20 (6,1)22 GPM (83,3 LPM) 27.4 psi (1,89 bar)22 GPM (83,3 LPM) 27.4 psi (1,89 bar)N/A (a) For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated, use the minimum required flow for the next highest coverage area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. (b) The Minimum Flow requirement is based on minimum flow in GPM (LPM) from each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are calculated using the nominal K-factor. Refer to Hydraulic Design under the Design Criteria section. (c) For NFPA 13D 2010 applications, Horizontal Ceiling criteria shall be used for certain sloped ceiling configurations up to 8:12 pitch. Refer to TIA 1028R for allowed sloped ceiling limitations when using horizontal ceiling criteria. (d) For NFPA 13R applications, Horizontal Ceiling criteria may be used for sloped ceiling configurations up to 8:12 pitch when acceptable to the local authority having jurisdiction. (e) For NFPA 13 residential applications, the greater of 0.1 gpm/ft.2 over the design area or the flow in accordance with the criteria in this table must be used. TABLE A SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL 4.2 K-FACTOR FLUSH PENDENT SPRINKLERS (TY2284) NFPA 13D, 13R, AND 13 HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA WET PIPE SYSTEMS Maximum Coverage Area (a) Ft. x Ft. (m x m) Maximum SpacingFt. (m) DRY PIPE SYSTEM Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure (b) For Horizontal Ceiling (Maximum 2 Inch Rise for 12 Inch Run) 162°F (72°C) 12 x 12(3,7 x 3,7)12(3,7)13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 9.6 psi (0,66 bar) 14 x 14(4,3 x 4,3)14(4,3)13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 9.6 psi (0,66 bar) 16 x 16(4,9 x 4,9)16(4,9)13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 9.6 psi (0,66 bar) 18 x 18(5,5 x 5,5)18(5,5)17 GPM (64,4 LPM) 16.4 psi (1,13 bar) 20 x 20(6,1 x 6,1)20(6,1)20 GPM (75,7 LPM) 22.7 psi (1,56 bar) (a) For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated, use the minimum required flow for the next highest coverage area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. (b) The Minimum Flow requirement is based on minimum flow in GPM (LPM) from each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are calculated using the nominal K-factor. Refer to Hydraulic Design under the Design Criteria section. TABLE B SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL 4.2 K-FACTOR FLUSH PENDENT SPRINKLERS (TY2284) NFPA 13D HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA DRY PIPE SYSTEMS TFP420Page 4 of 8 Beam Ceiling Design Criteria The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flush Pendent Sprinklers (TY2284) are UL and C-UL Listed for installation in only wet pipe systems for residential occupancies with horizontal ceilings (that is, slopes up to a 2 inch rise over a 12 inch run) with beams when installed in accor-dance with this section: General InformationThe basic concept of this protection scheme is to locate the sprinklers on the underside of the beams, refer to Figure 4, (not in the beam pockets); to identify the main beams that princi-pally run in one direction as “primary beams”; and, to identify the beams that run principally perpendicular to the main beams, as may be present (or in some cases may be necessary for proper sprinkler protection), as “secondary beams”. Primary and Secondary Beam TypesSolid surface, solid or hollow core, combustible or non-combustible. Primary and Secondary Beam PositioningDirectly attached to the underside of a combustible or non-combustible smooth ceiling at any elevation. Primary Beam Cross-SectionMaximum depth of 14 inches and the maximum width is unlimited. The cross- sectional shape of the primary beam may be rectangular to circular. Secondary Beam Cross-SectionMaximum depth to be no greater than the primary beam and the maximum width is unlimited. The cross-sectional shape of the secondary beam may be rectangular to circular. Primary Beam SpacingThe primary beams (Figure 5A) are to be 3 ft. - 4 in. to 6 ft. from the compart-ment wall to center of the nearest beam and from center to center between beams. Secondary Beam SpacingThe secondary beams principally run perpendicular to the primary beams. Secondary beams of a depth equal to the primary beam must be placed so that the beam pockets created by the primary beams do not exceed 20 feet in length (Figure 5B). When the beam pockets created by the primary beams exceed 20 feet in length, the installation will require the use of secondary beams as described above. Otherwise, secondary beams need not be present. Secondary beams of a cross-sectional depth greater than one-quarter the depth of the primary beams are to be a minimum of 3 ft.-4 in. from the compartment wall to center of the nearest beam and from center to center between beams (Figure 5C). Secondary beams of a cross-sectional depth no greater than one-quarter the depth of the primary beams may be placed at any compartment wall to center of the nearest beam distance and from any center to center distance between beams (Figure 5C). LintelsLintels over doorways exiting the compartment must be present. The minimum height for the lintels is 8 inches or no less than the depth of the Primary Beams, whichever is greater. Sprinkler TypesSeries LFII Residential Flush Pendent Sprinklers (TY2284), 162°F (72°C). Sprinkler Coverage Area and Hydraulic DesignThe sprinkler coverage areas and hydraulic design criteria as presented in the Table A for “Horizontal Ceilings” are to be applied. Sprinkler PositionThe bottom of heat collector to bottom of primary beams for the Series LFII (TY2284) Flush Pendent Sprinklers is to be 23/32 to 1-3/32 inches (Figure 4A). The vertical centerline of the Series LFII Flush Pendent Sprinklers (TY2284) is to be no greater than half the primary beam cross-sectional width plus 2 inches from the centerline of the primary beam (Figure 4B). NOTICE Core drilling of beams to allow the installation of sprinkler drops requires consulting with a structural engineer. Where core drilling is not permitted, the previously stated sprinkler position criteria for the Series LFII Residential Flush Pendent Sprinklers (TY2284) allows for the sprinkler drop to be placed adjacent to the primary beam. Beam and Soffit ArrangementsA soffit is permitted to be placed around the perimeter of a compartment with the beam arrangement within the soffit area (Figure 6). The cross-section of the soffit may be any size as long as it does not create an obstruction to water distribution per the obstruction rules of NFPA 13 for resi-dential sprinklers. When soffits are present, the previously provided 3 ft.-4 in. to 6 ft. “compart-ment wall to adjacent beam” distance for the primary and secondary beams is to be measured from the face of the soffit as opposed to the compartment wall. Although the distance to the beams is measured from the face of the soffit, the sprinkler coverage area is to be measured from the compart-ment wall. FLUSH POSITIONTY2284 ONE-HALF BEAMWIDTH PLUS2" (50,8 mm) MAXIMUM TY2284 23/32" (18,3 mm) MIN. 1-3/32" (27,8 mm) MAX. 1-3/32" (27,8 mm) MAX. 23/32" (18,3 mm) MIN. 4A 4B FIGURE 4 SPRINKLER POSITIONING UNDER PRIMARY BEAMS WET PIPE SYSTEMS ONLY (Refer to the “Beam Ceiling Design Criteria” section.) TFP420 Page 5 of 8 FIGURE 5 BEAM ARRANGEMENTS WET PIPE SYSTEMS ONLY (Refer to the “Beam Ceiling Design Criteria” section.) A AA PRIMARY BEAM SPANS UP TO 20'-0" (6,1 m) PRIMARY BEAM SPANS GREATER THAN 20'-0" (6,1 m) COMBINATIONS OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY BEAMS B B C C FOR SECONDARY BEAMS THAT ARE TO BE EQUAL INDEPTH TO PRIMARY BEAMSAND THAT MUST BE IN PLACE SO THAT PRIMARY BEAM POCKETS DO NOT EXCEED20'-0" (6,1 m) SECONDARY BEAMS HAVINGDEPTHS GREATER THAN 25% OF PRIMARY BEAMS B = 20'-0" (6,1 m) MAXIMUM C = 3'-4" (1,0 m) MINIMUM FOR or A = 3'-4" to 6'-0" (1,0 to 1,8 m)FOR PRIMARY BEAMS HAV- DEPTH ING A 14" (356 mm) MAXIMUM ONDARY BEAMS HAVING DEPTHS UP TO 25% OFPRIMARY BEAMS C = ANY DISTANCE FOR SEC- A = 3'-4" to 6'-0" (1,0 to 1,8 m) FOR PRIMARY BEAMS HAV- DEPTHING A 14" (356 mm) MAXIMUM A = 3'-4" to 6'-0" (1,0 to 1,8 m) FOR PRIMARY BEAMS HAV- DEPTHING A 14" (356 mm) MAXIMUM MAXIMUM 14" (356 mm) 20'-0" (6,1 m) MAXIMUM REFER TO FOR SPANSFIGURE 5B 20'-0" (6,1 m) EXCEEDING PRIMARY BEAM DISTANCES ARE COMPARTMENT TO CENTERLINES OF BEAMS WALL FACES AND MEASURED TO SECONDARYBEAM ALL FIGURES: COMPARTMENT WALLS PRIMARYBEAM COMPARTMENTWALLS SECONDARYBEAM PRIMARY BEAM COMPARTMENT WALLS A AA A AA FIGURE 5A FIGURE 5B FIGURE 5C * * TFP420Page 6 of 8 Installation The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flush Pendent Sprinklers (TY2284) must be installed in accordance with this section: General InstructionsThe Protective Cap is to remain on the sprinkler during installation until the ceiling installation is complete. The Protective Cap must be removed to place the sprinkler in service. A leak-tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained by applying a minimum-to-maximum torque of 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). Higher levels of torque can distort the sprinkler Inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for insufficient adjustment in the sprinkler by under- or over-tightening the Sprinkler/Support Cup Assembly. Re- adjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Each sprinkler must be inspected before installation. Do not use any sprinkler that exhibits any deformations or cracks, including cracks on the protective cap. Step 1. The sprinkler must be installed only in the pendent position and with the sprinkler waterway centerline perpendicular to the mounting surface. Step 2. Install the sprinkler fitting so that the distance from the face of the fitting to the mounting surface will be nominally 29/32 inches (23,0 mm) as shown in Figure 1A. Step 3. With pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand-tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 4. Tighten the sprinkler using only the Sprinkler Socket or Wrench & Socket Combination (Figure 2). The wrench recess of the socket is to be applied to the sprinkler wrenching area (Figure 1A). Step 5. Use the “ceiling level tolerance limit” indicator on the Protective Cap to check for proper installation height. Relocate the sprinkler fitting as necessary. If desired, the Protective Cap may also be used to locate the center of the clearance hole by gently pushing the ceiling material against the center point of the Cap. Step 6. After the ceiling has been completed with the 2 inch (50 mm diameter clearance hole, use the Protective Cap Removal Tool (Figure 3) to remove the Protective Cap and then push on the Escutcheon until its flange just comes in contact with the ceiling. Do not continue to push the Escutcheon such that it lifts a ceiling panel out of its normal position. If the Escutcheon cannot be engaged with the sprinkler, or the Escutcheon cannot be engaged sufficiently to contact the ceiling, relocate the sprinkler fitting as necessary. SOFFITFACE OF COMPARTMENTWALLS SECONDARY BEAM PRIMARY BEAM IN FIGURES 5A, 5B & 5C,EXCEPT MEASUREMENTS ARE TAKEN FROM FACESOF SOFFITS INSTEAD OFFROM COMPARTMENTWALL SURFACES USE DISTANCES SHOWN * * * FIGURE 6 BEAM AND SOFFIT ARRANGEMENTS WET PIPE SYSTEMS ONLY (Refer to the “Beam Ceiling Design Criteria” section.) TFP420 Page 7 of 8 Care and Maintenance The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flush Pendent Sprinklers (TY2284) must be main-tained and serviced in accordance with this section: Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. Absence of the outer piece of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, can delay sprinkler operation in a fire situation. The owner must assure that the sprin-klers are not used for hanging any objects and that the sprinklers are only cleaned by means of gently dusting with a feather duster; otherwise, non-operation in the event of a fire or inad-vertent operation may result. Sprinklers which are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or otherwise altered after leaving the factory. Modified or overheated sprinklers must be replaced. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the sprinklers - before, during, and after installation. Sprinklers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. The owner is responsible for the in spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer regarding any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are recommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for availability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler AssemblySpecify: Series LFII (TY2284), K=4.2, Residential Flush Pendent Sprinkler without Escutcheon and having a (specify) finish, P/N (specify). Chrome Plated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 51-123-9-162 Signal White (a) (RAL9003) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 51-123-4-162 Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 51-123-6-162 Antique Brass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 51-123-1-162 (a) Previously known as Bright White. EscutcheonSpecify: Escutcheon for Series LFII (TY2284), K=4.2, Residential Flush Pendent Sprinkler with (specify) finish, P/N (specify). Chrome ...................P/N 56-123-9-001 Signal White (a) (RAL9003) ...............P/N 56-123-4-001 Black .....................P/N 56-123-6-001 Antique Brass .............. P/N 56-123-1-001 AccessoriesSpecify: Wrench and Socket for Series LFII (TY2284) Residential Flush Pendent Sprinkler, P/N 56-000-4-948. Specify: Socket for Series LFII (TY2284) Residential Flush Pendent Sprinkler, P/N 56-000-4-947. Specify: Protective Cap Removal Tool for Series LFII Residential Flush Pendent Sprinkler (TY2284), P/N 56-000-4-300. TFP420Page 8 of 8 Copyright © 2012 Tyco Fire Products, LP. All rights reserved. GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS | 1400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 | Telephone +1-215-362-0700 a company A B G CD F E in.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmlbs.kg lbs.kg 3/42012305143567 3/41972 1/8543763 1/289512715 3/4400104.5125.5 1251333014 1/43627 3/41972 1/8543763 1/289512717 3/4451104.5146.4 1 1/432174321948310 15/162782 3/4703 1/28951276 3/41712255922102812.7 1 1/24017 3/84412050810 15/162782 3/4703 1/28951276 3/417123 1/858722102812.7 25018 1/247021 1/454010 15/162782 3/4703 1/28951276 3/417125 1/264822103415.4 WEIGHT LESS BALL VALVES WITH BALL VALVESDEFG MODEL SIZE A DIMENSIONS (approximate) A UNION BALL VALVES B LESS BALL VALVES C • 12" MIN 30" MAX PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE OPTIONAL WATER METER INLET SHUT-OFF AIR GAP DRAIN DIRECTION OF FLOW BATTERY MONITOR SWITCH AIR GAP FITTING 12" MIN. 30" MAX. FLOOR DRAIN DIRECTION OF FLOW FLOOR CENTRAL STATION ALARM PANEL Pipe size5 ft/sec7.5 ft/sec10 ft/sec15 ft/sec 1/8"1123 1/4"2235 3/8"3469 1/2"57914 3/4"8121725 1"13202740 1 1/4"23354770 1 1/2"32486395 2"5278105167 Capacity thru Schedule 40 Pipe 0 20 40 60 805 10 15 20 0 50 100 150 200 2505 10 15 20 Rated Flow (Established by approval agencies) FLOW RATES (GPM) PR E S S U R E L O S S ( P S I G ) 69 PR E S S U R E L O S S ( k p a ) FLOW RATES (l/s) MODEL 975XL 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" & 2" (STANDARD & METRIC) 35 3/4" (20mm)1" (25mm)1 1/4" (32mm) 2" (50mm)103 15.812. 1½" (40mm) 137 a company 500 WILKINS D B A C in.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmlbs.kg. 1/215SINGLE UNION4 1/210861521 5/8412 3/47031.5 3/420SINGLE UNION4 5/811861521 1/8292 3/47042.0 125SINGLE UNION5 1/81306 7/81751 5/8413 5/168463.0 1 1/432SINGLE UNION6 5/161607 1/41841 3/445410273.0 1 1/240SINGLE UNION8 5/16211102541 7/8485127146.5 250SINGLE UNION9 1/224110 3/42732 1/8546 1/2165209.0 2 1/265LESS UNION1025414 1/236837682032812.5 380LESS UNION11 1/8283164063 1/28982034420.0 SIZE CONNECTIONS WEIGHTDIMENSIONS (approximate) ABCD OPTIONAL PRESSURE GAUGE MODEL 850 SHUT-OFF VALVE DIR E C T I O N O F F L O W MODEL 500 TO HANDLE LOW DEMANDS (SET @ 65 PSI) DIRECTION OF FLOWMODEL 500FC TO HANDLE HIGH DEMANDS (SET @ 55 PSI) MODEL 975XL RPZ BACKFLOW PREVENTER PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE MODEL DU DIELECTRIC UNION OPTIONAL PRESSURE GAUGE 12" MIN. 30" MAX. DIRECTION OF FLOW FLOW RATES (GPM) FA L L O F F ( P S I G ) 0 5 10 15 0100200 300 69 104 6.312.6 18.9 FA L L O F F ( k p a ) FLOW RATES (l/s) MODEL 500 1/2" THRU 3" (STANDARD & METRIC) 3/4" (20mm) 35 20 1381/2" (15mm) 1" (25mm) 1 1/4" (32mm) 1 1/2" (40mm) 2" (50mm) 2 1/2" (65mm) 3" (80mm) 50150 250 3.2 9.5 15.8 Calculation for size of 13D expansion tank Minimum Insert data into yellow boxes only Tank Type of antifreeze used Size Propylene Glycol8.0 gallon Glycerine6.9 A. One formula for sizing the chamber is as follows. Other methods also exist. where: 11 L = change in antifreeze solution volume (gal) due to thermal expansion 12 S V = volume (gal) of antifreeze system, not including the expansion chamber 51 13 DL = density (gm/ml) of antifreeze solution at lowest expected temperature 1.062 1 1.146 14 DH = density (gm/ml) of antifreeze solution at highest expected temperature 1.016 2 1.103 15 This method is based on the following information: Adjusted where: GivenConverted 19 V EC = minimum required volume (gal) of expansion chamber 3 20 V 0 = air volume (gal) in expansion chamber at precharge (before installation) 3 21 V 1 = air volume (gal) in expansion chamber at normal static pressure 3 22 V 2 = air volume (gal) in expansion chamber at post-expansion pressure (antifreeze at high temperature) 3 23 P 0 = absolute precharge pressure (psia) on expansion chamber before installation 120 4 135 24 P 1 = absolute static pressure (psi) on water (supply) side of backflow preventer 120 4 135 25 P 2 = absolute maximum allowable working pressure (psi) for antifreeze system 175 5 190 26 T 0 = temperature (°R) of air in expansion chamber at precharge 68 6 528 27 T 1 = temperature (°R) of air in expansion chamber when antifreeze system piping is at lowest expected temperature 68 6 528 28 T 2 = temperature (°R) of air in expansion chamber when antifreeze system piping is at highest expected temperature 68 6 528 This equation is one formulation of the ideal gas law from basic chemistry. The amount of air in the expansion chamber will not change over time. The pressure, temperature, and volume of the air at different times will be related in accordance with this formula. The antifreeze in the system is essentially incompressible, so the air volume in the expansion chamber will decrease by an amount equal to the expansion of the antifreeze. It is assumed that there is no trapped air in the system piping, so the only air in the system is in the expansion chamber. This is a conservative assumption, since more air is better. In reality, there will be at least some trapped air. However, only the air in the expansion chamber can be relied upon to be available when needed. At precharge, the chamber will be completely full of air. NFPA 13 (02) 1 Density is based on -100F for 50% propylene glycol and is an estimate of the lowest expected temperature of the mixture in the entire system for a ranch style house. A higher temperature might be expected for a tri-level home. Use density for glycerine under the same conditions 2 Density is based on 1300F for 50% propylene glycol and is an estimate of the highest expected temperature of the mixture in the entire system for a ranch style house. A lower temperature might be expected for a tri-level home. Use density for glycerine under the same conditions 3 It is believed that values for V cancel since the total volume within the chamber does not change 4 The pre-charge pressure will be the same as static pressure at the street or pump churn pressure 5 The maximum allowable working pressure is the same as the maximum listed pressure for the sprinkler heads 6 The temperature chosen is based on expansion tanks installed in heated basements Revised 12/06/05 Page 1 of 2 a company DOCUMENT #:REVISION: WXT-WXTP4/05 Model WXTP Water Thermal Expansion Tank SPECIFICATION SUBMITTAL SHEET FEATURES DIMENSIONS & WEIGHTS (do not include pkg.) MATERIALS APPLICATION ACCESSORIES STANDARDS COMPLIANCE Designed for installation on potable water lines between the backflow preventer or pressure reducing valve and the water heater to protect against water thermal expansion. When system pressure increases, water enters the tank’s bladder which expands into the pre-charged air chamber, keeping system pressure below the relief valve setting. y IAPMO® Listed y NSF® Listed Outer shellHigh Grade Steel CoatingsEpoxy finish (outer shell) Connection Brass (sizes: 8 thru 32) Stainless Steel (sizes: 50V thru 320V) BladderButyl Rubber (FDA approved) A B B C A C WXTP 50V-320VWXTP 8-32 BR4-water pressure reducing valve TP1100A-temperature & pressure relief valve P1000A-pressure relief valve 975XL-reduced pressure backflow preventer Sizes (liters): 8 18 32 50V 75V 120V 165V 320V (V = vertical, free-standing) Maximum working water pressure150 PSI End connections Threaded NPT ANSI B1.20.1 Precharge (adjustable)40 PSI 5 year warranty R UPC NSFR Certified to ANSI/NSF 61 NOTE: Model WXTP tanks are certified to NSF Standard 61 cold, but are suitable for temperatures up to 200°F. in.mmin.mmlbs.kg WXTP-8150 PSIG2.10.84408 1/221611 1/22923/4" MNPT73.2 WXTP-18150 PSIG4.51.84010254153813/4" MNPT104.5 WXTP-32150 PSIG8.53.44012 1/231819 3/164873/4" MNPT156.8 WXTP-50V150 PSIG145.6401640621 11/165511" FNPT3214.5 WXTP-75V150 PSIG208.0401640628 13/167321" FNPT3917.7 WXTP-120V150 PSIG3212.8402153327 13/167061" FNPT6027.2 WXTP-165V150 PSIG4417.6402153336 3/16919 1 1/4" FNPT7232.7 WXTP-320V150 PSIG8534.0402666044 7/161129 1 1/4" FNPT14063.4 TANK SPECIFICATIONS MODEL NUMBER MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE TOTAL VOLUME GALLON S ACCEPTANCE VOLUME WEIGHTSYSTEM CONNECTION HEIGHT DIMENSIONS DIAMETER FACTORY PRECHARGE (PSI) NOTE: RELIEF VALVE MUST BE SET AT 150 PSIG MAXIMUM Page 2 of 2 WILKINS a Zurn Company, 1747 Commerce Way, Paso Robles, CA 93446 Phone:805/238-7100 Fax:805/238-5766 IN CANADA: ZURN INDUSTRIES LIMITED, 3544 Nashua Dr., Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1L2 Phone:905/405-8272 Fax:905/405-1292 Product Support Help Line: 1-877-BACKFLOW (1-877-222-5356) · Website: http://www.zurn.com SIZING CHART TYPICAL INSTALLATION Local codes shall govern installation requirements. Unless otherwise specified, the assembly shall be mounted on the cold water supply and at least 18” from the cold water inlet to the heater. Note: If incoming water pressure is above 40 psi, the precharge pressure of the expansion tank should be adjusted to equal the incoming water pressure, not to exceed 80 psi. MODEL WXTP INSTALLATIONMODEL WXTP INSTALLATION “V” SERIES T&P VALVE DIRECTION OF FLOW HOT WATER HEATER MODEL WXTP HOSE BIBB MODEL BR4 WATER PRESSUREREDUCING VALVE DRAIN MODEL 975XL T&P VALVE DIRECTION OF FLOW HOT WATER HEATER MODELWXTP HOSE BIBB MODEL BR4WATER PRESSUREREDUCING VALVE DRAIN MODEL 975XL The Water Thermal Expansion Tank shall be IAPMO® and NSF® Listed. The outer shell shall be high grade steel with exterior coating. The bladder shall be FDA approved butyl rubber and prevent water from contact with shell interior. The assembly shall incorporate a shrader valve for adjustable air precharge and a lead free bronze system connection. The Water Thermal Expansion Tank shall be a WILKINS Model WXTP. SPECIFICATIONS Based upon 100° F temperature rise (40° F to 140° F)X=multiple tanks required (contact your WILKINS Rep) Supply Pressure (psig)203040506080100120150175200 40 88888181818323232 50 88888181818323232 55 88888181818323232 60 888818181818323232 70 888818181818323232 80 888818181832323232 90 88818181832323250V50V 100 8818181832323250V50V50V 110 818181832323250V50V75V75V 120 181832323250V50V50V120V120V120V WATER HEATER CAPACITY (U.S. gal) Supply WATER HEATER CAPACITY (U.S. gal) Pressure (psig)2402602803003504004505006008001000 40 50V50V50V50V50V75V75V75V120V120V165V 50 50V50V50V50V50V75V75V75V120V120V165V 55 50V50V50V50V50V75V75V75V120V120V165V 60 50V50V50V50V50V75V75V75V120V120V165V 70 50V50V50V50V50V75V75V75V120V120V165V 80 50V50V50V50V75V75V75V120V120V165V165V 90 50V50V50V75V75V75V120V120V120V165V320V 100 75V75V75V75V120V120V120V165V165V320V320V 110 120V120V120V120V120V165V165V320V320V320VX 120 165V165V165V320V320V320V320V320VXXX Agency Listings T-Tap Waterflow Detectors System Sensor T-Tap Waterflow Detectors are designed for primary signaling in residential systems and branch line signaling in larger systems. Features Sealed retard mechanism (Model WFDT)• Visual switch activation (Model WFDT)• Twelve different flexible plastic paddles• Vertical or horizontal mount• Durable, tamper-resistant enclosure• Dual SPDT switches in durable terminal block • Sizes marked on flexible plastic paddles• 100 percent synchronization activates both alarm panel and local bell• Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire• Both the WFDT retard model and the WFDTNR non-retard model fit any tee that has a 1˝ NPT branch, including: 1˝, 1¼˝, 1½˝ and 2˝ NPT threaded ferrous and brass tees; 1˝, 1¼˝, 1½˝ and 2˝ copper sweat tees; Tyco, Spears®, Victaulic® and NIBO brand 1˝ CPVC tees; and 1½˝ polybutylene tees. Design. The design of the WFDT and WFDTNR makes them easy to install and simple to maintain. Either can be mounted in the vertical or horizontal position. Two conduit openings permit easy attachment to the local alarm system. The retard mechanism (Model WFDT only) and switch assemblies are field-replaceable. Features. Twelve different flexible plastic paddles fit 1˝, 1¼˝, 1½˝ and 2˝ tees. Sizes are marked clearly on the paddles for ease of installation. Plastic paddles slip over the actuating lever and are securely fastened with one screw. The handy depth gauge ensures the proper installation depth and clearance of the detector to the tee. Construction. The WFDT and WFDTNR include a durable, tamper- resistant enclosure and rugged switch assembly. The robust covers completely enclose the electrical components to keep out dust and dirt. Improved self-guiding security screws and removal tools make the detectors resistant to tampering and simplify field maintenance. Dual SPDT switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block for added strength. S739 167-93-E7770-1653:114CS169 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 ©2009 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet.A05-0195-013 • 1/09 • #1923 T-Tap Waterflow Detector Specifications Architectural/Engineering Specifications Model shall be a WFDT or WFDTNR as manufactured by System Sensor. T-tap waterflow detectors shall be installed on a tee that has a 1˝ NPT branch including: 1˝, 1¼˝, 1½˝ or 2˝ threaded ferrous or brass tee; 1–2˝ copper sweat tees; Tyco, Spears,® Victaulic,® and NIBCO brand 1˝ CPVC tees; or 1½˝ polybutylene tee as designated on the drawings and/or as specified herein. Detectors shall mount on any clear pipe span of the appropriate size, either a vertical or horizontal run at least 6˝ from any fittings or valves that may change water direction, flow rate, or pipe diameter or no closer than 24˝ from a valve or drain. Detectors shall have a sensitivity in the range of 4 to 10 gallons per minute and a static pressure rating of 250 psi. The retard t-tap detector shall be a sealed mechanical pneumatic unit with visual indication of actuation. The actuation mechanism shall include a polyethylene vane inserted through the tee fitting and connected by a mechanical linkage to the delay mechanism. The non-retard t-tap detector shall respond with no time delay to waterflow in the specified direction and range. Outputs shall consist of dual SPDT switches (Form C contacts). Two conduit entrances (one of which is a knockout type) for standard fittings of commonly used electrical conduit shall be provided on the detectors. A grounding provision is provided. All detectors shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories for indoor or outdoor use. Physical/Operating Specifications Static Pressure Rating 250 PSI Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Maximum Surge 18 FPS Enclosure Rating UL indoor/outdoor rated Triggering Threshold Bandwidth (Flow Rate) 4–10 GPM Cover Tamper Switch UL models: optional P/N 546-7000 ULC/Canadian models: factory installed Overall Dimensions, Installed WFDT: 4.5˝ H × 3.75˝ W × 6.7˝ L (11.4cm H × 9.5cm W × 17cm L) WFDTNR: 3.75˝ H × 3.25˝ W × 4.25˝ L (9.5cm H × 8.2cm W × 10.8cm L) Service Use Automatic Sprinkler: NFPA 13 One or Two Family Dwelling: NFPA 13D Residential Occupancies up to 4 Stories: NFPA 13R National Fire Alarm Code: NFPA 72 Contact Ratings Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 10.0 A @ 125/250 VAC 2.5 A @ 24 VDC Shipping Weight WFDT: 2.6 lbs. (1.2 kg.) WFDTNR: 1.5 lbs. (0.7 kg.) Compatible Tee Fittings Threaded ferrous and brass tees, copper sweat tees, CPVC tees, and polybutylene tees Warranty 3 years Conduit Entrances Two openings for ½˝ conduit.U.S. Patent Numbers 5,213,205 DELAYADJUSTMENTDIAL 55 7 0 0 15 45 3 0 TIM E D E LAY IN SECONDSNUMBER O N DIAL IS APPROXIMA T E NOTE: RETARD TIME MAY EXCEED 90 SECONDS. ADJUST AND VERIFY THAT TIME DOES NOT EXCEED 90 SECONDS. NUMBER ON DIAL IS APPROXIMATE TIME DELAY IN SECONDS WITH AN ACCURACY OF +/- 50%. Delay Adjustment Dial + + – – SSM24-XSSV120-X NOTE: COMMON AND B-NO CONNECTIONS WILL CLOSE WHEN VANE IS DEFLECTED, I.E., WHEN WATER IS FLOWING. DUAL SWITCHES PERMIT APPLICATIONS TO BE COMBINED ON A SINGLE DETECTOR. BREAK WIRE AS SHOWN FOR SUPERVISION OF CONNECTION. DO NOT ALLOW STRIPPED WIRE LEADS TO EXTEND BEYOND SWITCH HOUSING. DO NOT LOOP WIRES. POWER 24VDC OR 120VDC INITIATING LOOP UL-LISTED COMPATIBLE CONTROL PANEL CONTACT RATINGS 125/250 VAC24 VDC 10 AMPS2.5 AMPS SCHEMATIC OF INDIVIDUAL SWITCH IN“NO WATERFLOW” CONDITION SUGGESTED EOL RESISTOR B-NO COM A-NC Electrical Connections for WFDT Ordering Information UL Model ULC Model Description WFDT WFDTA Waterflow Detector, Fits 1˝, 1¼˝, 1½˝, 2˝ ferrous and brass threaded tees; 1˝, 1¼˝, 1½˝, 2˝ copper sweat tees; 1˝ CPVC tees; and 1½˝ polybutylene tees WFDTNR —Waterflow Detector, non-retard, fits same tees as Model WFDT Accessories Description A77-01-02 Replacement terminal block for WFDT A77-01-08 Replacement terminal block for WFDTNR A3008-00 Replacement retard mechanism PRK9 Replacement paddle kit – 12 paddles for WFDT and WFDTNR (see WFDT for sizes) 546-7000 Cover tamper switch kit for WFDT S07-66-02 Replacement tamper screws for covers of WFDT, WFDTNR WFDW Replacement tamper-proof wrench for cover of WFDT, WFDTNR WFDN4 NEMA-4 gasket kit C58-164-01 Replacement metal cover C58-195-01 Replacement plastic cover (WFDTNR) Spears® is a registered trademark of the Spears Manufacturing Company. Victaulic® is a registered trademark of the Victaulic Company of America. AHEADOFTHEFLOW™ wwwwww..nniibbccoo..ccoomm RReevviissiioonn 66//11//0033 NIBCO INC. WORLDHEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURYST. • ELKHART, IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227 TECHSERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.800.234.0557 • INTERNATIONALOFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3221 • FAX: +1.574.295.3455 www.nibco.com 32 NIBCO check valves may be installed in both horizontal and vertical lines with upward flow or in any intermediate position. They will operate satisfactorily in a declining plane (no more than 15º). Warning – Do Not Use For Reciprocating Air Compressor Service. Class 125 Bronze Check Valves Horizontal Swing • Regrinding Type • Y-Pattern • Renewable Seat and Disc 125 PSI/8.6 Bar Saturated Steam to 353º F/178º C 200 PSI/13.8 Bar Non-Shock Cold Working Pressure CONFORMS TO MSS SP-80 T-413 Threaded S-413 Solder S-413-W C x C T-413-Y NPT x NPT DIMENSIONS—WEIGHTS—QUANTITIES Dimensions SizeABCT-413S-413Master In.mm.In.mm.In.mm.In.mm.Lbs.Kg.Lbs.Kg.Ctn. Qty. ¹⁄₄82.13541.63411.38350.500.230.510.2350 ³⁄₈102.13541.63411.31330.470.220.480.2250 ¹⁄₂152.44621.69431.50380.550.250.550.2550 ³⁄₄202.94751.88481.88480.900.410.880.4050 1253.56902.31592.25571.460.661.480.6730 1¹⁄₄324.191062.69682.75702.170.992.221.0120 1¹⁄₂404.501142.94751.13792.951.343.001.3610 2505.251333.941003.75954.792.174.872.2110 2¹⁄₂*658.002035.061295.0612911.485.2110.484.765 3*809.252356.251596.2515917.537.9615.296.944 Ordering: T-413 and S-413 normally furnished with Bronze Disc (T-413-B) or (S-413-B). Both available with TFE Steam Disc (T-413-Y),(S-413-Y), or CWP Disc (T-413-W), (S-413-W) or 300º F67PSI steam Viton Disc (T-413-V). *– Class 150 (433) furnished for these sizes. MATERIALLIST PART SPECIFICATION 1.BonnetBronze ASTM B 62 2.BodyBronze ASTMB62 3.Hinge PinBronze ASTMB 140 Alloy C31400 or B 134 Alloy C23000 4.Disc HangerBronze ASTMB 62 or 304 Stainless Steel ¹⁄₄" thru ³⁄₄"sizes 5.Hanger NutBronze ASTMB 16 6.Disc HolderBronze ASTMB 62 7.Seat DiscWater, Oil or Gas (Buna-N)(W) Steam (TFE)(Y) Bronze ASTMB 62 (B) Viton®(V) 8.Seat Disc NutBronze ASTMB16 or B 62 9.Hinge Pin Plug Bronze ASTMB 140 Alloy C32000 (not shown) *10.Seat Disc WasherASTMB 98 Alloy C65500 or ASTMB103 *Sizes ³⁄₄", 1", 1¹⁄₄", 1¹⁄₂" and 2" only. T-413-B NPT x NPT !!For detailed Operating Pressure, refer to Pressure Temperature Chart on page 109. Dezincification Resistant NIBCO INC. WORLD HEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURY ST. • ELKHART, IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227 TECH SERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.888.336.4226 • INTERNATIONAL OFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3327 • FAX: +1.574.295.3455 www.nibco.com 6 AHEAD OF THE FLOW® www.nibco.com Revised 5/2/2007 Fire Protection Valve • Threaded or Grooved Body Style • Full Port Design 1" - 2" • Standard Port Design 2¹⁄₂" • Accepts Internal Supervisory Switches MATERIAL LIST PART SPECIFICATION 1. Body Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400 2. Ball Chrome Plated Brass ASTM B 124 Alloy C37700 3. Seat Ring Carbon-filled TFE 4. Thrust Washer Reinforced TFE 5. Stem Bronze ASTM B 371 Alloy C69430 6. Stem O-Ring Nitrile 7. Retaining Washer Brass 8. Retaining Ring Steel 9. Ground Wire Screw Steel 10. 505-8 Act Assy. Brass 11. Body End Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400 12. Mounting Screw Steel 13. Lock Washer Steel 14. Handle Pin Brass 15. Hand Wheel Steel/plastisol coated (1¹⁄₄" -2¹⁄₂") Brass Tee Handle (1") 16. Indicator Flag Painted Steel 17. Body Gasket Elastomer 18. Lead Screw O-Ring Nitrile 19. Thrust Washer Anti-friction Polymer 20. Cover Gasket Neoprene 21. Flag Seal O-Ring Nitrile 22. Tamper-Proof Screw Stainless Steel 23. Pipe Plug (-4 units) Stainless Steel (Not shown) Refer to page 41 for details for TS-2M Switch Kit. 300 lb. WWP Bronze Ball Valves 300 PSI/20.7 Bar Non-Shock Cold Water CONFORMS TO MSS SP-110 • FM APPROVED • UL LISTED FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SERVICE • CALIFORNIA STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING NO. 7770-1243:103 APPROVED BY NEW YORK CITY M.E.A. 218-04-E WITH APPROPRIATE NYC INDICATOR. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 16 11 22 21 14 15 17 18 19 12 13 DIMENSIONS—WEIGHTS—QUANTITIES Dimensions A B Weight Size Threaded Grooved Threaded Grooved C D E F G Cv† Threaded Grooved Box Master In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. Value Lbs. Kg. Lbs. Kg. Qty. Ctn. Qty. 1 25 3.33 85 – – 1.66 42 – – 2.11 54 3.81 97 2.31 59 6.14 156 1.75 44 57 6.1 2.77 – – 1 10 1¹⁄₄ 32 4.18 106 – – 2.09 53 – – 2.46 62 4.21 107 2.72 69 6.33 161 3.50 89 103 7.1 3.23 – – 1 8 1¹⁄₂ 40 4.70 119 – – 2.35 60 – – 2.95 74 4.46 113 2.97 75 6.33 161 3.50 89 143 8.1 3.68 – – 1 4 2 50 5.15 131 6.71 170 2.57 65 3.36 85 3.69 94 4.67 119 3.18 81 6.33 161 3.50 89 245 10.7 4.86 9.7 4.40 1 4 2¹⁄₂ 65 5.65 144 7.28 185 2.92 74 3.64 93 3.75 95 4.67 119 3.18 81 6.33 161 3.50 89 183 13.0 5.91 12.6 5.73 1 4 † Note: Cv is defined as the flow in GPM that a valve will carry with a pressure drop of 1.0 psi when the media is water at 60° F. KT-505-W-8 Threaded KT-505W KG-505-W-8 Grooved Dezincification Resistant • a company DIRECTION OF FLOW WATER METER SHUT-OFF VALVE MODEL BR4 REGULATOR HOSE BIBB HOSE BIBB PRESSURE GAUGE 00180180 140140 100100 6060 2020 8080120120 160160 200200 psipsi 4040 PRESSURE GAUGE DIRECTION OF FLOW WATER METER SHUT-OFF VALVE MODEL BR4 REGULATOR HOSE BIBB WILKINS OPERATION OF ZURN INDUSTRIES, 1747 Commerce Way, Paso Robles, CA 93446 Phone:805/238-7100 Fax:805/238-5766 IN CANADA: ZURN INDUSTRIES LIMITED, 3544 Nashua Dr., Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1L2 Phone:905/405-8272 Fax:905/405-1292 Product Support Help Line: 1-877-BACKFLOW (1-877-222-5356) • Website: http://www.zurn.com a company DOCUMENT #:REVISION: BV-800C5/05 Model 800C Swing Away Ball Valves For Liquid or Gas Installations SPECIFICATION SUBMITTAL SHEET APPLICATION Designed for installation on liquid or medical gas lines as a means of positive shut-off. The "swing away" design al- lows for repair and maintenance without removing the device from the line. DIMENSIONS & WEIGHTS (do not include pkg.) FEATURES Sizes: ½" ¾" 1" 1½" 2" 2 ½" 3" Maximum pressure400 PSI WOG Copper connections (FC)ANSI B16.22 MATERIALS Main valve bodyForged brass ( ½"-1") Cast bronze ASTM B 584 (1 ½"-3") BallBrass ASTM B 16, chrome plated Seat & packingTeflon O-ringsBuna Nitrile, NSF Listed A B C OPTIONS -with female copper inlet x outlet CL-with copper "L" tube extensions ACCESSORIES Repair kit; o-rings, stem and seats Bracket for locking ball valve handle in open position (Model BVLCK) Bracket and padlock (Model BVLCKP) SPECIFICATION The three piece swing away ball valve shall consist of a copper alloy body, two tailpieces, a hard-chromed copper alloy ball, two Teflon seats, a stem and coated handle. The stem shall be blow-out proof and the ball & seats replace- able in-line without the use of special tools. Tailpieces shall be designed to accept sweated copper tube or provided with copper tailpiece extensions. The three piece swing away ball valve shall be a WILKINS Model 800C. in.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmlbs.kg. 1 /2152 1/8541 5/8413 7/89810.5 3/4202 3/4701 7/8483 7/89810.5 1253 1/2892514 1/211421.0 1 1/2404 7/81242 7/873615273.0 2505 1/21403 1/879615294.0 2 1/2656 3/81623 5/8926152178.0 3806 3/41724 3/8111123052210.0 SIZE WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS (approximate) ABC