HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB130557 Project Name:drb130557 DRB Number: DRB130557 Project Description: Denimaxx Sign Participants: OWNER SOLARIS COMMERCIAL OWNER LLC 12/05/2013 141 E MEADOW DR 211 VAIL, CO 81657 APPLICANT MAX BASON 12/05/2013 Phone: 646-373-9970 P.O. BOX 1038 PLAINVIEW NY 11803 Project Address:141 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot: P Block: 5D Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Parcel Number:2101-082-9300-1 Comments:SEE CONDITIONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 01/23/2014 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:Joe Batcheller DRB Fee Paid: $56.00 � � �. !.I `:�/ � ;����; �i j ��:�j� D artment of Community Development �5 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81857 TOWN OF UAII r.i: s�o�79-z�ze TOWN OF VAI�. _ _� www.vaugov.com Development Review Coordinator plication for De ign Re iew Sign Appllc tion General Informat n: This applicstl Is required for any sign th is loc2ted Ithfn the Town oi Vail. All slgns require Design Review a proval. Applicabl Vail Town Code sectlons c be reviewe on-line at www.vailqov,com under Vail Informatlon—To n Code On-line ( le 11 Signs). An applicati for Deslgn evlew cannot be acceptad until all re- quired informatio Is received by the ommuttlty Developmerlt D artment. D ign Review approval lapses unless slgn is installed within ne year of the ap val. Fee: 54 RLUS 51.00 r square fcot of total si area Buslness/Buildi g Name; I � Number of prop sed aigna: Numbe of ex{sting Igns: r' l.ength of busin ss irontage: 3 S Haight f slgn(s)fro grado: 1l� Square Footage of Slgn: �9'� ,r Free Standin Sign ✓ Nan ngtProjecting Sign _ Indow S�gn _Wall Sign _Buslness Sig �Build g Identification _ ubdivisfon E trance ,_Joint Directory Sign �MenulDispla Box _Busi ss Operation Sign ,� pen/Ctosed ign _Sale Sign _Slgn Progra _Ggs Illed/Fiber Optic _ emporpry Si e Development Sign Other: Physical Addr ss: e � � �� � � ,�Parcel Numbe : � �� � � I � (Contsct egle Co.As essor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) \ ♦ A L (r�' Prop��ty Own r: � Mailing Addre s: � —"7 3��C� � Pho �o�� 7 - `� 7� Owner's Sign ure: Primary Conta t/Owner Repre entative: � X � � 5 �ry''7 Mailing Addre s: l�� � d � k�` � D Pho : �! 7 9 7� E-Mail: LI Fax; LI � � ����� ����v -�--�3 � > �..� � � � For Offfee Use nly: Cash CC: s /MC Lest 4 # E�cp.Date: Aut # Check# (.3 Fee Paid: �'� Fteceive From: Meeting Date� – DRB No � • j 3L�`�.S 7 Planner: ProjeCt I 't'�..� 1 �3 -U�71� " Zoning: land U : location of the oposal: Lot; ' Block: �.> � Subdivi n: V Ft � ___ No�2013 Tnnr�t, XV3 OZ�£T CTOZ/SO/ZT �owN oF var� JOINT PRQPER OWNE WRITTEN APPROV L LETT R The appllcant m st submit written j nt property owner approval r applicatio s affecting shared ownership properties such as duplex, ondominium, and utti-tenant buifdings. Thls f m, or slmila wrltten correspondence, must be com- pleted by the adj ining duplex unit ner or the authorized agent f the home wner s association in the cese of a con- dominlum or mult-tenant buitding.A completed forms must be su mitted with t e eppilc8nts completed applicabon. I, (print name) ^ � �" ,�✓ � i .� , a joi t owner, or suthorlty of the association, of property locat at �'��V� 'v'�i.�i.�-'��..� � . � �� , provide this 18ttet as written approval of the lan8 deted whlch hava been submitted to the Town of Vail Co munity Develapm t DapBrtment far the propo d improvem nts to be completed 8t the address not- ed above. I unde tand that the pro sed improvemants include: I understand that odifications may e made to the plans over the ourse of q7e revlew process to ensure compliance wlth the Town's� plicabls codes an regulations; and that it is th ole respons bility of the appllcant to keep the joint property owner a prised of any cha es an,d ensure that tha chan es are acce able and appropriate. Submlttal of an application result in the applicant a eeing to this statement. -'""'' r �, � � � � � 'g at D te ��.� ( �, ~�"' int Name Z00 f�l Xt�3 TZ�CT CTOZ/SO/ZT �'� •��a;� � i�: �,�.:,, ,. ;„v°� r +' a��. t y« � ��'�'M-.t 4 � n .`W s� »r^� x , �:. �. �"w�«'�« ... _ �-.q�� . � ' .� 4. �;'y �} � I `n k. . �,J: y � � ,, �� � ..." . ��. �' . . , '� .. . 4, . .. � . � . .. �4 � ' � I , 1 ' k " .� � � �� ' P � j1 � 5 � '! a1 . y R ���� ' . . », �A'' .,,�.r'« � .... : . ..W �i� �. ...� . � � _". . . , .. � . . � Y'ax4��J� . . . ;�+ q ,'1'� ;M � . � � ��: � �g �Y.�-�i � + � 4i/4 .tn; � � r � . ro . — � � � � 'i;'�`�;;n �� � �K ' ".r '; . ., f, . � � � � � ��� �� , , �� „ _ �� 3` � - w�,,,� M�.., . µ y I : ,, , . ..;.. . .� ' ...._. � � � , . � 1'v���: � ai� M ys-� " � r� #,'.' , g(�I��w., .� ����, . � ", � : �� � . � � �,.. t •. a�a� �k _ . . �." *y � �„ „ ... � � ��� ` � �• �F-:. 5 1�� '� :..: re��.t'�A� , ,....�, i�.. . .. t. 4 ,. t • � x..... .. ,.. .. .i.. 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's *******************************************************�***************�******************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ********+******************************+**************************************************** Statement Number: R130002063 Amount: $56.00 12/05/201303:25 PM Payment Method: Check Init: CG Notation: ck 2132 dmny denimaxx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB130557 Type: DRB - Sign Application Parcel No: 2101-082-9300-1 Site Address: 141 E MEADOW DR VAIL - Location: Total Fees: $56. 00 This Payment: $56.00 Total ALL Pmts: $56.00 Balance: $0.00 *****************�************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 SP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES 6.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------