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Project Name:Peto Addition, Pitkin Creek TownhousesDRB Number: DRB130562 Project Description: Sun room and deck addition, Unit #8 Participants: OWNER PETO, JAMES H. & LAURA JANE 12/13/2013 3950 FALL LINE DR 8 VAIL, CO 816574708 APPLICANT TODD HORN 12/13/2013 Phone: 970-390-5111 PO BOX 552 EDWARDS CO 81632 Project Address:3950 FALL LINE DR VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot: 8 Block: 1 Subdivision: PITKIN CREEK TOWNHOUSES Parcel Number:2101-024-0100-8 Comments:Please see below. BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 01/14/2014 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0013528 Prior to building permit submittal, the location of the southerly property boundary will be field verified and the plans shall demonstrate compliance with the required 15' deck setback. Cond: CON0013529 As the property is located within a Moderate Hazard Debris Flow overlay, compliance with Hazard Regulations is required. Cond: CON0013530 All new exterior lights shall demonstrate compliance with the Town of Vail lighting requirements. Planner:Jonathan Spence DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 � C • " � ._ . . .»._ ,..... . ... � � � � � � Department of Community Development D75 South Frontage Road ���� �� ����', Vail, CO 81657 ���s , � 201� Tei: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator App ica ion or es�gn Review Additions - Residential or Commercial General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of any floor area, in- cluding net floor area and/or gross residential floor area (GRFA). This also includes proposals for`residential 250 additions' and `interior conversions'. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at www.vailqov.com under Vail Information —Town Code Online. All projects requiring design review must re- ceive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Plan- ning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $300 �_Single Family ❑ Duplex L�'1 Multi-Family �- Commercial Description of the Request: Addition of .�50 sq ft of GRFA (Residential) or sq ft of net floor area (Commercial/ Office) Physical Address: � G' �` � �w N 7` � l=� l �,t �/� ' (,r' � Vc i � O Parcel Number: P3 �� (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: ..� q �S � �.e, u e � Mailing Address: .3�j S� F�c� /� �'� c� 17 �" `��S� L`�L��� �'G' 6/F�S 7 Pho e: 3� 6 - S l � ,�Owner's Signature: 1 , c. f� Gl Primary Contactl Owner Representative: � Mailing Address: F�G L�oX 5'�;2 , r�-1�'c� rcl� � o �/(, -3 ;,Z _ _ Phone: Cj 7B - 3�i o - 5//� E-Mail: � harn �Cen��r��/ t���/`I ��ax: For Office Use Only: Cash CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# Exp. Date: Auth# Check#�_ Fee Paid: `��'� '� Received From: Meeting Date: �l �5 , DRB No.: ��� ��U � 7 Planner: :,� v Project No: '��� � 3 " U�c�- � Zoning: Land Use: Location of the ProposaL Lot: `l Block: � Subdivision:�1�F--i 1s (.I`'.�`t��- �vwN l"lCJ1�$�� ************************�**********+******************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *****�***********************************************+***********************************+** Statement Number: R130002091 Amount: $300.00 12/13/201310: 12 AM Payment Method: Check Init: CG Notation: ck 1911 jame and janie peto ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB130562 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2101-024-0100-8 Site Address: 3950 FALL LINE DR VAIL Location: Total Fees: $300.00 This Payment: $300.00 Total ALL Pmts: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 *******�***********�****************+******************************+*****�****************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TQWN QF VAIL � JUINT PROPERTY 4WfdER WRITTEN APPR�VAL LETTER .��� c;��t�. G �t �c� !`�0�4 /�e � � �' r The applicant must submit written joint property owner approval for applications affecting shared ownership properties such as duplex, condominium, and muiti-tenant buildings. This form, or similar written correspondence, must be com- pleted by the adjoining dupiex unit owmer or tfie authorized agent of the home owner's association in the case of a con- dominium or multi-tenant building.All completed forms must be submitted with the applicants completed application. I, (print name} . a joint owner, or authority of the association, of property located at , provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Communiry �evelopment Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address not- ed above. I understand that the proposed impro�ements include: I understand that modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations; and that it is the soie responsibility of the applicant to keep the joint property owner apprised of any changes and ensure that the changes are acceptable and appropriate. Submittal of an application results in the applicant agreeing to this statement. Signature Date Print Name Properry Infarmation Property Address 3 c�S O �ct/( �-/r��� D� � c� �•�r� � C`G� ���' S Parcel# a/p/a '2 �lO / OO g Legal Qescriptioi� bevelopment Site Area sq ft j , �Q � �� acres / I ,+ �� buildabie sq ft ✓ � �'� Zone District/SDD# l�es,c.����t ;� 1 Clv��� r� Hazard Zones Snov✓Ava anche High Severity ; A�oderate Severity N1A SectiOns 1�-�1 8 14-7 Debr�s Fov�✓ High Fiow oderate Flow High Avalarsche NiA Rock fa High 5ever��;� Medium Severify NtA Excess ve S•opes >_30% N!A FQOdp a n 100 year floodpiain �foodway Wetlands NiA Creeks.Streams Gore Creek on site adjacent to site N�A Section 1�-14-17 Other tributary: on site adjacent to site NiA Project Informatian Pro)ect Description �oom czc��r�f�`a /'1 Development Standards Allowed Existing Proposed Gross Residential Floor Area Primary sq ft {maximwn) Secondary sq ft Ghapter 1�-;5 EHU sq ft ��� a�� �� � �L TOTALsaft 250 Addition Interior Conversion Credits: Setbacks{minimum) Front ft � Q Section 14-10-4 Side ft Side ft Rear f! Watercourse ft Site Coverage(maximum) ( �- �/� see definition Section 12-2-� ��j I��� �� GtCld� G �p ,/ 6uilding Height{maximum} Sloping ft �� �3 ' /z j ` see defnition Section 12�-2 Flat ft � Landscaping Softscape sq ft See aefini;ior.Section 14-2-1 Sectlon 14-10-8 �� Hardscape sq ft TOTAL sq ft Driueway A1ax Curb-cuts Sections 14-3-1 & 14-3� Max Grade(�cen- terline hlin Width N' f Heated drive? Yes No Yes No Srow 5torage% Parking #Enclosed Spaces Sections 1�-10& 14-5 N � #Unenciosed TpTAL Outdoor Lighting(maximum} #fixtures � Section 14-10-7 PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildinq Materials Tvpe of Material Color Gr�,c�� i���G��t�r Sb�ejd NA ' —�� � � Roof G/�� �imber ,��'ne � /G Siding Cec�c� � �cti17 � i�a�� h �XiS��`� �. Other Wall Materials � Fascia o� X C c'd a r^ � �r►����I �x � ��i h � � , Soffits /�S '�s �T ood I c� m �tc !� �x�,��_ ��� Ser�NS � 1Nindows �li (�G� . 3000 �rb�r�l�s� fc� w► a�c � Q�I�S�_ i�_�_ � Window Trim J X N �5 � pc�a � I d m��c� �x i�S�i�n� � Seri�S � , Doors �i �Srra� 3ooa �i��r�f�ss i;, tm��t �x� S�r'v► � DoorTrim 1 X N ��� C e�� Y' �c� TM��c h �ki5�,���,� HandorDeckRails laooc� � n'1a�ch �.X►S�ih� Flues g .IJ S�V�� '/!`i r� G�A C� � -� � , Flashin �_�_�_ �� �V► c c � x� S Z i nc Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting S h���,, o n eX�S�l�h n �r,1Ct��" �- 7� Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the coior name and number and attach a color chip. UTILIN APPROVAL &VERIFICATION This form serves to veriiy that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed uGlity se►vices, and aiso to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling instaliations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and eleva6ons. shali be submitted to the foilowing utilities for approvai and verification. PLEASE ALL(�W UP TO 2 WEEKS FC1R APPRC?VAL f.3R CUM- N�NTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments vvithin that timeframe piease contact The Town of Vaii. Subject Property Address: 3�IS 0 �c,..I� LrnC� n� �Zj Lot Block Subdivision:_ Priinary Contact I Owner Representative:_����c��n _ Phone: �lo - 3�o - >/J/ Plans Dated: Primary CantactlQwner Represent�ive Signature Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURY LINK � 970.328.8288(tel) � 970.328.8282�fax) Contacts: Barb Davis Gar�;.t�iat�;s������ntur� li;��:coni XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS �! 970,406.1784�te1) 'V� 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Remington Baker :e�ir ;o�c �ak�r��,xcelener ccm --�----- g�' HOLY CR(aSS ENERGY 970.947.5425 ftelj 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom ��:rccn'xiR�.�!�cr�ss.com XCEL Energy 970.262.4039(tei) 970.262.4038(fax) Contacts: Pam McGuire a�siela.mc uire xcefener ccm EAGLE RIVER WATER&SANITATION D15TRICT \'e S 970.477.5449(tel) 970.845.7218(fax) Contact: Tug Birk tbirk r'�erwsd.or GUMCA5T CABLE � a S 970.930.4713(tel j � 303.603.1004{fax} Contact: Michael Johnson '.1�chae� ohnson cabie.comcast.com CDOT{Only in CDOT Right-of-way� ,�1� 970.683.6284{tei) � Gontact: Dan Roussin �u.r,!E; rr!;�sinrwroi s`.a'�c� u� No� 1. Utility locations must be obtained bef�re digging. 2. A Revocable Right-of-l��Jay Permit may be required for any improvements avi#�in a street right-0f-d•vay. Contact the Public t�larks Department for verification 974.479.2195. ;. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4, The Primary Contact/Qavner Representative is required to submit any revised drati^�ings � the above agencies for re-approval & re-verificatian if the submitted plans are alterecl in any �vay after t�e author¢ed signature datae. The Falis at Vail Homeowner Association PO Box 1611 Vail,Colorado 81658 December 6, 2013 Mr.James and Laura Peto 3850 Fall Line Drive, Unit 8 Vail, CO 81657 Dear James and Laura, This letter is a confirmation that the Board of Directors of the Falls at Vail Townhomes(a.k.a. Pitkin Creek Townhomes) has discussed and approved your plans for an addition to your Unit 8. The Board has agreed to your continuing this process through the permitting and design process and to build your addition subject to a: 1. A review of your construction drawings. —We have reviewed your preliminary drawings showing a roughly 8 feet by 24 feet addition to the southeast side of your Unit 8 and find the design acceptable. 2. A written agreement between our Association and you,as owners, outlining several specific items such as liability insurance for the project, maintenance of the finished project, and other costs associated with the integration of the addition into our homeowner association. As discussed,the expectations of the Association are that your project will not cost the Association any money. 3. The successful permitting process with the Town of Vail. Please let me know if you need anything else from the Board of Directors. Sincerely yours, K� N�. Kirk Hansen President The Falls at Vail Homeowners Association kirk�hansent�msn.cor>> 303.718.7140 Cc: Board of Directors,The Fall at Vail Pursuant to authorization I reviewed the following documents: 1.Original Declarations 2. First Amendment to the Declarations 3. Rules and Regulations 4. By-laws and 5. Peto Application. The question is whether the Peto's can encroach 10ft into common area. As you are aware the First Amendment to the Dec(aration's includes a specific provision regarding Lot 8. Paragraph 6 is an addition to Article Seven of the Original Declaration. Paragraph 6 provides in part that Lot 8 shall have an 8ft easement along the easterly lot line for deck, patio and entrance purposes. This is intended as an exclusive easement in favor of Lot 8 (which 1 assume became Unit 8 upon construction of the Unit). Paragraph 4 of Section Seven provides in part that "in the event that any utility easement or "easements" are required after December 31, 1981, in the "Common Area" only written approval and written conveyance of the Association will be required for the granting of any such easement." Though Paragraph 4 gives some hope to approval by the Association without the need to amend the Declarations by way of a 2/3�d vote of the Owners and the First Mortgage Holders (Article Eleven. Paragraph 2} I believe that reading the balance of the paragraphs of Article 7 that this refers to Utility easements rather than the type of easement that the Peto's are seeking. It is my opinion that the Peto's need to revise their plan to limit the encroachment to the 8ft area or alternatively the Declarations need to be amend Article Seven, Subparagraph 4 to clarify the scope of authority that the Association has to allow easements within the common area. In the past when Declarations have been amended because of the actions or needs of one owner the owner bears the cost associated with the amendment. Please call to discuss upon receipt. Jim James Wm. Stovall STOVALL ASSOCIATES, a Professional Corporation 175 Main Street, Suite C-109 Edwards, CO 81632 Office: (970) 949-4200 Fax: (970) 797-1874 Cell: (970) 390-6735 Jim,c VailValleyLaw.net _ �fs ` x�� <t, ��1 Vt�.�,'� , I� ""�� V������ �� �. � �' � � �� � , _. � . �„ � , ., �� . . �, :. . . . , � ., � . � _ � � �� � � ,��� , , ! 3910 � ' ��, � -��. �' ' 3850 �' 3930 3;970� `;� �'���� �, ' .,:,�r � .. M , " 395 �' � � , � '�` � � � ; '�'`° '`` � '��f, � �.` ° . �'ti,,. ,�, � .�� a�� + '� ,� ° � ` �� * t t��'S. ` y�y" c x � ��,, �* �,�>. �' #.. 4010 ��,, �� � �� >"��� ,; ,_� .��� g,� '�' �' '. � ; � � +�, � `t y, � �..' :� '" �`��'4 y��;������, wt� ��"� 7 . �' �.7` �.� .€��P,$y�� h� F.,. � .f i ki` � ����. ..�J��� `tf ....."w}��"`^. 3_- .. «�.p jz��tN. .�, •t�'. y'�'. 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'.� g: ��� �° - � � 3510, 3510U Casement Windows : �. ���. �� ., � .�.. � �� � ,� £ :� � , , �,�� �� .�. � , � � ,; E� .� .._ � � � � ` � s � � , � � ,. D ����-. .. � . � � � ; q , � ..ti , .�a��- � �� Y S7 � � �> � � p ,�.�»x ..w&�Y4a.v '�`v'vb�a." . ., . The 3510,3510U Series Casement in both WoodClad and The 3510 and 3510U Series is designed as a casement window Ultra Fiberglass Windows blend the energy efficiency and (swinging outward from hinges on right or left side).Casement overall aesthetic appeal of wood windows with the low windows can be used alone or in tandem with other fiberglass maintenance and structural integrity of pultruded fiberglass. Windows for virtually any design need. Our available full finish wood liners are designed for both ���������� 2x4 and 2x6 construction. We can make your jamb exten- sions virtually any custom size. Outside, che durable paint- COMPOSITE FRAME ed finish won't peel or mildew—it never needs painting Milgard's WoodClad composite frame consists oE a structural again. But unlike vinyl, it can be painted to complement pultruded fiberglass foundation joined with an interior reveal of any home, premium wood veneer. Like all Milgard windows,patio doors and skyligl�ts, the Milgard's Ultra frame is based on the same structural pultruded U1traT"' �r WoodCladTT'Series carry a Full Lifetime fiberglass foundation,with the interior reveal painted white. Warranty to the original, single family homeowner, cover- Other standard interior colors are available. ing both materials and labor. The Ultra�r WoodClad series The exterior frame is available in any of the standard baked-on also carry a lifetime glass breakage warranty. The Milgard enamel finishes.Consult with your Milgard representative for Warranty is fully transferable for up to ten years. additional color options. Commercial and mulri-family or apartment projects are cov- From inside of frame to nail flange is 1-7/8",and from outside ered by a 10 year Warranty from rhe date of manufacrure, oE window frame to indude nail fin is 1-3/8",to give you a 3- covering all materials and labor, including the glass unit(s). 1/4"overall frame depth. For complere warranry details visit milgard.com, � � ��� ����€: � • � .�_ � 3626 � 3626U Series Fiberglass Sliding French-Style Doors : • X o o X � F 2-panel 2-panel 0 X 0 � RECOMMENDED STANDARD SIZES rough opening width height 30" 36" 60" 72" 96" 108" 120" 144" 6'-8" 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 E i 6'-10" 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 8'-0" 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Number indlcates number of panels I—_._ I�-- J -- 3-panel 0 X X 0 ' Ydi7t3�FIN15N9t�G--V�i�t�DGLA�S�RIES ' F -� � The unfinished wood interior surfaces must be finished and sealed ' I promptly for best results and protection.For maximum protection, finish the interior wood surfaces prior to,or immetliately after installation.If the product is to be stored for any length of time ' before installation,avoid exposure to any moisture conditions.Do ' not expose the unfinished wood to high heat,high humidity,or ` � - - excessive construction moisture contlitions.Unfinished wood sur- � ;;,; 4-panel faces subject to water damage at the jobsite,or left unfinished ; before/after installation so that the wood interior surfaces become r stained or damaged,will not be consitlered as"defective in materials or workmanship"under the terms of Milgard's Warranty. ', Do not apply any finishes to the weatherstrip. , . � � � � ��� :-, � , � -y �, e. . . . . .... � wuK:. . � . .. „ . .. . . .. . ... ������ �� � �,p�T t� _.a��,� � 3310, 3315, 3310U, 3315U, 3371 � 3371 U � � Picture Windows • r� . - - � PICTURS WINDOW - Min 1°1° MaX 8°6° — PICTURE WINDOW 2-LITES VBRTICAL � � - Min 2°1° Max 8°6° PICTURE WINDOW 2-LITES HORIZONTAL Picture window Picture window Picture window - Min 1°2° Max 8°6° 2-lites vertical 2-lites horizontal � PICTURE WINDOW 3-LITES VERTICAL - Min 3°1° Max 8°6° � PICTURE WINDOW}LITES HORIZONTAL - Min 1°3° MdX 60$0 «�-- PICTURE WINDOW GABLE TRIANGLE Picture window Picture window - Min 2°2° Max 8°6° 3-lites vertical gable --� PICTURE WINDOW HEXAGON �, - Min Z°2° MdX 6°6° i � � PICTURE WINDOW OCTAGON / ���\ - Min 2°2° Max 6°6° � Picture window "°�` PICTURE WINDOW GABLE}SIDBD — gable triangle - Min 1°1° Max 8°6° ;'�i'i 7t.��i�'%''r;Q%;it'F:-%i?y^„F t.'-�. 3r i,'r...;"x't._s�T?'';'i'.I if%o71(r i,:,t!�!:'.SF'•`i;.?.i%.;�.i��;"<'L;!'v' PICfUfBWI(i(�OW i"1 /,{rlr/ ��rSC��dritft. �1'l!?yrt"`aluh <�t i;� `/�>.�Ai 3-lites horizontal .fr,.;?.°. ,�'rf t�-, ?St��,,SIr„?7p�,fi?ft ...ti?15 do1 r,,,'�"''„,,.(I�P .,:?3Ci.%'.,,.. ti,St'yi..'i;ttr'�7dir,:r%^;i','n,...:�l;r'..:.7%(4'�1';ri-11:?�%�;7J, ��, ' SC 7.:�F�;.-�jr'�.�il.�.T$ . �%!1i�i+l„i ......... . ...... � ,F.>C tr \ I j _.._ � i �It�Cl�.l �IN�SH9�ICa--WC1Q[2CLAD SERIES � – . _ —___ Picture window Picture window The unfinished wood interior surfaces must be finished antl sealed . Picture window promptly for best results antl protection.For maximum protection, hexagon octagon 9able 3-sided finish the interior wood surfaces prior to,or immediately after � _.._... installation.If the product is to be stored for any length of time ° before installation,avoid exposure to any moisture conditions.Do " not expose the unfinished wootl to high heat,high humidity,or • = - :., .; _,,, . . excessive construction moisture conditions.Unfinished wood sur- „, i faces subject to water damage at the jobsite,or left unfinished "; before/after installation so that the wood interior surfaces become -... stained or damaged,will not be considered as"defective in ' materials or workmanship"under the terms of Milgartl's Warranty. ' °"" Do not apply any finishes to the weatherstrip. `" ` ;> , ' ��,': 1 1 w �„,,, � �y. � � °.:. � ' ' ' 11� , _.�-. < � � �� � � �