HomeMy WebLinkAboutA13-0088 application a� Fire and Emergency Servic�s 2399 N. Fror�tage Road W. Vail, Colorado 81657 �U YY I�I U� YA�L �� Tel: 970-479.ZZ�z www.vailgov.cam Fire& Emergency Serwices Fire Marshall FIRE ALARM PERMIT Commercial and Residsntial �ire Alarm shop drawsngs are required at tE�e time of applrcation submittal and must included information listec� on the 2nd page of this form. AppCication will not bs accepted without this informafian. Praject Street Address: � Office Use: 3080 Boofh Falls Caurt Praject#: (Number) (Street) (Suite#) ��� Building Permit#: BuildinglCamplex Narne: Warm Permit#: Contractor Information: Lot#: Block# Subdivision: Company: Apex Security co�,Pa�y Ad��e�s: 1429 Grand Ave, Ste 103 Detailed Scope and Location af Work: c�ty: Gienwood Springs scat�: C� z�P;81�d1 See submittal package Gantact Name: KGtI gUffingtan c��ta�c Pno��: 970-471-0040 �-�a;i kbuffington "La�apexsecurity.com ��Se�aa���ona�sneet�f��essa�,�� Does a Monitored Fire Alarm Exist't Yes a No +� I here'by acknowledge that! ha��r�ad this appli�ation,fi1fed flut in full the information sequired, completed an accurate fire a1arm sys- Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Yes� No�• tem drawings and state that all tt�e infarmat�on as requfred is cor- rect. I agree to comply with the information and fire alarm system Work Class: drawings, to comply with all Towr,ordinances and state laws„and to bz�ild this structure according#o the towns zoning and subd'uvision New(� Addition (�) Remodel(�} Repair(� codes, design review� roval, Natiana! Fire Code, International Retro-Fit(�jfj Other(a Building and Res�!dential��es-a�d other ordinances of the Town applicable t�h,g�to. — �- Type of Building: /J Single-Family�} Duplex(�g Multi-Family{{� )( JC��J �✓��i,��'�� Comr�ercial (Q Restaurant�j Other� Contra atur+e(required) Property Infarmation Complete Valuation for Fire Alarm Perrnit: Parcel#: 21(11-0230-1 i�24 Fire A[arrn$: �-Y�/�• �'Q {Far parcel#,canfaci Eagle County Assessors Offfce at 970-�28-8640 or �isit www.eagle�ounty.uslpatie) Tenant Name: P@t-G' D��3'�/I1S Date Received: �wner Name: P2te �ObyC15 13-Hpr 01 i YAIL Flq`r�� \ � �,;��`�r�i ti!�� `, ,��: 1 Fire Department Proc�:ss � For Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm S stems :.��{`����*?. Y y"- `..__.._. E O�R�FHCV SE��G�� Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements �t th� time Qf submittal must include the followirrg: ✓ A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp /V,+GE� J✓ ✓ Device locatians on reflseteci ce��ing plans ,/ Retlected C�iling Plans (RCP) �/ Typical device wiring dia�rams Battery c.alcu�ations A list of specific device madel �umbers �f' Equipment cut sheets of each type of device The number of each fype of devic� �/ I�nfarmation indicating the s�eeific zor�es Circuit diagrarns Pvint to poin#wiring diagram Wiring type, size and number of conductors ti/ The source of AC power circuits ,/ Fire alarm panel loca�ions T�'D Knox Box location Information indicating monitoring method anc� monitaring agency This che�lc list has been provided to ensure that our review process may be hanc�led in � timeEy rnanner. I ha�e read and understand fhe above listed submittal reguirements: Proj�ctlStreet Address: l�� �Ol�yn�S — 3��4 ,l�oo� �A�I�S Cav�2i Contracfor Signature: , 14�EN' /S�dGFI,✓G'��.�' Date Signed: — ��1'� O 1-feh-6 0 � ,:.-"�J�1L Ff7�€-' � i..,, �f. ��.� ��.��.. fi `'�` _ �v� Fire pepar�rr�ent Guidelines � , Pre-Plan Information Sheet ��-<' ,,�'�,;' �,/M���ENCV 95tN�G"�� BUILDING INFORMATIpN: Building �lame: �1D,���S J�+ES�O�.�GE �treet Address & Phone #: 3e��0 l�vo7`h' �i9��S Cvvr2T - ,�a�✓.� @ T}fis 7ryrE('�p,�v��� Knox Box Locatior�: __T,�� A9arm Pan�l Location: y_rr��C N�r�l cr�`� 1�ovm Va�il Fire & Emergency Senrices Alarm Silence & Rest Codes: 1 � 1 - r � 1 RPS': Names & Phone Numbers (Work & Home} owner: �'Fr� Dor.1Y�s Praperty Manager: ^I�NE Property Maintenance Mgr; N��c1E Alarm Service Company: f��'�X src�'✓�i7� - `�'7t�. �'I�'�, �15'� BUILDING UTi ILfTIES: Gas: Macn Location: ,�`,/�i9 C7ther Locations: Electric: Main Location: /)')�c Mr3.ti'��AG ,Qap,�-t � Other Locations: Water: Main Valve Locatian: iv}A � Main Fire Valve Location: Secondary Fire Va1ve Lc�c: O]-Feb-lU � �yA1L FIRg � ,������-`„y� � �� ��'� Fire Depao�tment Guidelines �`' %' For Preventing Non-Emergency Fire Alarms ,.` t, ,, y_��'.,, �;�.:'' �� ''�:`�b : ER4�'+vcr sE�`!`-�1/ In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fir� Department SUppression crews to the can- struction laeation yau may be working an, we ask that you perForm the foAlowing tasks: Determine what kir�d of fire alarm system �xists within the structure you are working in with the owner or the manager of the proper#y ir�valved or by cor�tact- N4�E �/�i9 ing the Vail Fire Department. Determine with the owner ar manager of the property, which alarm company _ �oN� /J,/��i' services the system for them Become familiar with the different components that are a�sociated with the fire NQiJx /��� alarm system and how they operate befvre the DEM� begins. f�ever paint a smoke detector, thermal detectar, or any ot�er component of the _l�v`S7Jg-�4�t7 � fire alarm system and never paint a sprinkler headlco�er plate. r�.,1�� C�EAn�' For larg�r projects, please contaet the Vaii Fir� �epartment sa t�at we can wark with you in defermining what needs to be dane to alter ar"Zone Out" spe- ,�FSi����L cific areas of the a6arm system for tF�e structure. �df��E� Please contact the Vaii Fire Department at 479-2252. I have read and understand the abo�e listed submittal requirements: ProjectfStreet Ad�r�ss: ? d ��� — �D�Q oo� ,�i�cL S' C4rr',2i Contractor Signature: ,�,1 ��Y,,=�,�f , ,,� Date 5igned: /,�–/ f�--/3 Q l-R3g-10