HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ02-0014 ADM090009 ,..; ^�� . �? 4 `�•:� �. �_+_ q,l 1� �4f��`�F��� ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 tel: 970-479-2138 fax: 970-479-2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: Application Type: CondThPl ADM Number: ADM090009 Parcel: 2101-082-3001-3 Project Description: AMENDED CONDOMINIUM PLAT Participants: OWNER 303 GORE CREEK DRIVE INC 08/29/2008 C/O TELEVISA ESTUDIOS 6355 NW 36 ST 309 MIAMI FL 3316 APPLICANT SAM ECKER 08/19/2009 PO BOX 15 AVON CO 81620 Project Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: UNIT 2A Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approvai: 08/24/2009 Meeting Date: Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0010938 The applicant shall note the lot sizes in acres and square feet on sheet 1 of the plat. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $100.00 ,�� � H Department of Communiiy Development � , � �� T5 South Fror�tage Roac� �; y y �> ti� Vail,-C�oloirac�c� . � - °� � _. _ ,: � .Te��9� � �z-,`� ��� � � � � � -�IVeb: Developmen�. �� � � � �'-� ..�;:- _�=��'��<����-�k�����zy.� :. , _ . � � - � � � � V � Condominium and Townhouse Plat � Application for Review by the AUG 1 � 2009 Planning and Environmentaf Commissio T `V ��. Generel Information: Condominium and townhouse plats which do not consfitute"conv ' fined in Section 13-7-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code may be approved by the administrator, subject to review by other Town of Vail departments. Please see Secction 13-6, Condominium and Townhouse Plats, Vail Town Code for more de- tailed information. Vail Town Code can be found on the Town's website at w�v��v vaii�av.corr�. �; $100 Recording Fees: Please visit tfie Eagle County website httD'';zr�'v�1 ea�lecountv uslclerk=aublicRecords.cfm for tl�e most up-to-date recording fees and dieck with your planner prior to submitting the payment A check writxen out to the Eag�e County Clerk and Recorder is required to be submitted once the p�at has been approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission and prior to the recording of the plat. Description of the Request: Amended Condominium Plat Physical Address' 303 Gore Creek Drive Parcel Number: 2101-082-30-006 (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel�no.) Pro����r. Vail Townhouse Condominium Association Mailing Address• 635 N. Frontage Road West,#1,Vail,CO 81657 . Ph ne: �76-0906 Owner's Signature: Primary Contactl Owner Represen tiv : Sam Ec Mailing Address• PO Box 15,Avon, CO 81620 . Phone• 970-479-8698 E-Mail• �"��9orerange.nei Fax• �%��75'���� For Office U�Only: Cash_ CC: Vsa I MC Last 4 CC# Auth#— Check# ��� Fee Paid: al/DO 00 Received From����a►n �a� f Meeting Date: PEC No.: �_ r �� Planner:�C7 Project No: � Zoning: Land Use: Lacafion of the Proposal: Lot:_.��'__—.B�o�k�_�---Subdivision: � � Apr-09 Receiv� Dec'19-ZU06 03:57pm From-Land Title (DB1) To-Gore Range Surveying Page 004 (�dcago Tifle Irsu�nce Com�eny ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. VC50005330-2 Schedule A C�s� Ref.: Property Address: VAIL TOWNHOUSFS 1. Effective Date: December 08. 2006 at 5:00 P.NL 2. Policy to be Issaed, and Proposed Insured: Ldorma�on Binder Pcvposed Insured: VAII,TOWNHOUSES COD011�TIiJAZ ASSOCIATION, A COLORADO NON-PROFTT CORPORAITON 3. The estate or interest in the land descrlbed or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A�Fee Sfmpie 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: VAII..TiOWNHOUSFS CODOMINNM ASSOCIATTON, A COLORADO NON-PROFTT CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in this Commihnent is described as follows: VAII.TiOWNHOUSE CONDOD�TIUMS ACC'ORDING TO T�AMENDID AND RFSTATID CONDOMIlVIUM MAP RFJCORDID MAY 16,2005 UNDFR RF.G�PTION NO 2005915810 AND PURSLJANT TO ZT� AMENDID AND RFSTA7� M DEQ.ARATION RECORDID MAY 16. 2005 UNDIIZ RF�C,�I'TZON NO 2005915809 COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADQ Re�eive� Dec-19-2006 03:57pm From-Land Title (DB1� To-Gore RanBe Surveying Page 005 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedde B-Sectlon 1 (Requ�rements) Our Order No. VCS0005330-2 T�following are the requirements to be complied wlth: Item(a)Fayment tn or for @�e accotmt of fhe grantors or mo�tgagors of fl�e full com�decetion for�e estate or interest to be ins�med. Item(b)Pruper inshmnent(s)creati��e esiate or iirterest to be im�red must be eaiecuted and doly Sled for record, to-wi� Item(c)Payment of all t�es, cha�ges or assessmeNs levied and �sessed aga�nst the subJect premises wl�ch are due �d p�pable. Item(d)Addftlonal t+eq�remeNs, if eny disclose�below: T7�ds ptoduct fs for irdotmalional p�aposes only.and does not constit�e any focm of title gnarantce twr im�aance. T7�e liatiilfty. of ti�e company sl�all rrot exceed�e:cim�ge p�id by the appllcatrt for t1�6s prod�t, nor shall�e comp�ny be held liable to mry perty other than�e appiicant for tl�s product a THIS COD�IlVIITIVI�:N7C IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WII.I.B�7SSLJID PURSUANT FiERETO. �' f , Received Dec-19-Z006 03:57pm From-Land Title (DB1) To-Gore Range Surveyin8 Page 006 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedude B- Section 2 (Exceptions) Oar Order No. VC50005330-2 The poHcy or policies to be Lssaed will contatn exceptlons to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Righls or clain�s of perties fn possession not shown try fhe pub�ic reoords. 2. Easemerds, or claims of easemeWs, not slwwn by t�e public records. 3. Dfscrep�cies, contlicts in bo�dacy lines, shoriage in areay encroaclm�eNs, �d anp facis wl�ch a comect survey�d inspectlon of�e prem�ses would disdose and which ere not slwwn by fhe pubifc records. 4. Any lieq or cight bo a Heq for services, labor or matedal theretofore or herea�ter fu�dshed, inoposed by law and not shown by the pub�ic records. 5. Defects, liens, encu�rarx�es, adverse cl�or other matters, if any, cr+ea�ed, Brst appeacing in�e public rernrds or attacMng subsequent to t�e effecfive date hereof b�ut piior to the date the ptoposed im-�med sccp�res of record for value�e est�te or itrterest or mortgage thereon covered by fl�s Commahnen� 6. Taates or special assessmerds wl�ch are not shown as existing liem by fhe p�ublic records.o d�e TYeas�uer's office. 7. Liens for w►pedd watex and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, flie owr�er's policy w➢ll be subject to�e m�rtgage, if any, noted in Section 1 of Sched��e B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VII1�T OR LODE TO II�TRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE 5AME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI�IIS�5 AS RESIItVID IN UNIT�D STATFS PATENT RECORDID J[JLY 12, 1899, IN BOOS 48 AT PAGE 475. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCAFS OR CANALS CONSTTZUCi�D BY TI�AUTHORTTY OF 1�iE UN1TF�STATES AS RES�ZVID IN U1vITED STATFS PATENT RECORDID JULY 12, 1899, IN BOOB 48 AT PAC�475. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WFIICH DO NOT CONTAIN A b'ORFIITURE OR REVIItTER CLAUSF., BUT OMLTI�IG ANY COVF.NANT OR RESTRICTION BASF� ON RAC�, COLOR, RII.IQON, S�L, HANDICAP, FAMII.IAL STATTJS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLFSS AND O1VI,Y TO T� EXTII�TT THAT SAID COVFNANT(A)ZS EXFdVVIPT UNDER(�AP'IER 42, SF.GTION 3607 OF THE UNTTID STATES G'ODE OR(B)RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DLSCRIIVIINATE AGAINST AANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINID IN INSTRUME1v'i'RECORDID AUGUST 10, 1962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 12. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITTONS, RESTRICITONS, RESERVATTONS AND NOT�S ON THE REC'ORDID PLAT OF A RFSUBDN�SION OF BLOCK 5 AND A PART OF GORE CREEB DRIVE, VAIL VII.LAGE FIRS'I'FILING. . 4. . Received Dec-19-2006 03:57pm From-Land Title (DB1) To-Gore Range Surveying Paae 0�7 ALTA COMMITMENT Sched�ile B- Sectton 2 (Exceptior�s) Our Order No. VCS0005330-2 The poHcy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following uNess the same are disposed of to the satisfactfon of the Company: 13. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND I'IZOYLSIONS CONTAINEQ IN T�AMENDID AND RESTAT�D CONDOMINNM DECLARATION RECORDID MAY 16. 2005 UNDIIt RF�G�'ITON NO 2005915809. 14. EASEMENTS. CONDTTIONS. COVEL�TANTS. RESTRICTIONS. RFS'IItVATIONS AND NOT�S ON TAE RF,CORDID MAP OF VAIL TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUM[S RECORDID MAY 16, 2005 UNDER REC�'ITON NO 2005915810. 15. _ TERMS; CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALI.AG�1�NT RECORDID TANUARY %29, 1964 IN BOOS 175 AT PAGE 373 AND AFFIDAVIT RECORDID NOVE�8: 2006 . . _ UNDER REC�'ITON NO 200630740. � 16. EIIISTIl�TG LEASES AND TIIVANCIF.S. L7. ANY AND ALL ENCIJMBIItANCFS WFIICH HAVE BEIIV C�ZF.ATED BY T�IE INDNIDUAL CONDOI�IINIUM UNTT OWNERS. r _� • *********�****�***************************r*******�***************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *�*****x��*�*+��*************************�*�************�*****************++**�*********�**�* Statement Number: R090001038 Amount: $100.00 08/19/200909:16 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JLE Notation: 10795 GORE RANGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: ADM090009 Type: Administrative Parcel No: 2101-082-3000-6 Site Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: UNIT 3A/B Total Fees: $100.00 This Payment: $100.00 Total ALL Pmts: $100.00 Balance: $0.00 *�********�**************************++�**********�**�************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PV 00100003112500 Administrative Fee 100.00