HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120530 10/22/2012
10 : 52 am Depart�nent of Comrrtun�ty D�veloQment
75 Sauth Fr,�r�tage #�oad
���iN DF VA[L = ` ����, co s��s7
Tel: 97a-479-2128
�eveiopment Review Coordinator
Applicat�on �or Des�gn Rev�ew
Ghanges to Approved Plans
General lnforma#ian: This applicakion is for all changes to apprr�ved plans pr€or tc� Certificate of accu�ancy.
An a�plicatian for �esign Review can�ot be �ccepted ur�til all required i�formation is received by the Comrnu-
nity de�elopment Department. Qesign Revi�w approval expir�s ane year from the date of appro�al, unless a
building permit is issued and construction carnmer�ce�.
Submittal Requirer�ents:
1. Three (3} copies of af� pe�tinent approved pians with illustrated, labeled changes
2. Joint Prope�y Owner V`Jri�ten A�pro�al Letter, if a�plicabl�. �
Fee. $2if
f Single Farnity D��afex �,� Multi-Farnily Gemmercial
Description of the Request: Minor re�vision; new window to the nor�h as showr� o� Sheet A2.1, and leave
existing window ta the so�th as shown on Sheet A2.2
Physical Address: ��$ g�dge Str�et R-2
Parcel Number: 2�Q1`Q$ -��� (Contact Eagle Ca. Assessor at 97�-328-8�4Q for�aarcel n4.)
Property �Owner: Marg ulla y
�UlailEn� Address: 6� I�ed II R�ad .
Boulder, Cf380307 Phone: 3a3-81s-a52� �
Owner's Signa#ure:
Pri�nary Contactl Qwner Represer�tative: victor Mark Doc��ldson Architeets
Mailing Address; 0�9Q West Bench�n�rk Road, Suite2Q7
Avon, CO 8162€? �����; 97f3-949-52fl0
E-�Vlail: �hris�@vmcia.com Fax: ��a-�49-5205
For Office Use�Dnly:
Cash_ CC: Visa 1 MC P�ast 4 CC# Exp. �ate: Auth # Check#
Fee Paid: Received From:
Meetirrg Date: DRB No.: DRB 12 0 5 3 0
P9anner: Project REo: PRJ11—0 317
Zoning: Land tJse:
Location af the PraposaL• Lc,t: Bfock: 5A �������53��; VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1
rowN oF vA�
The applicant must submit written joint property owner approval for applications affecting shared ownership properties
such as duplex, condominium, and multi-tenant buildings. This form, or similar written correspondence, must be com-
pleted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home owner's association in the case of a con-
dominium or muiti-tenant building. All completed forms must be submitted with the applicants completed application.
i, (print name) Margo Mullally , a joint owner, or authority of the association,
of property located at 288 Bndge Street, Suite R-2, Vail, CO 81658 , provide this letter as written
approval of the plans dated �0/15/2012 which have been su6mitted to the
Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address not-
ed above. I understand that the proposed improvements include:
Changes to loft and upper loft plan and elevations that correspond to the plan changes. All changes/revisions
have been clouded.
� •
(Signature) (Date)
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Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you:
I understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compJi-
ance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations.
(lnitial here)
I understand that all modifications, mino�or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of the review pro-
cess, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additiona!approval before undergoing further review by the Town.
(lnitial here)