HomeMy WebLinkAboutFeasibility of a People Mover 1987 11 ►�, �,� . � own o uai - FEASIBILITY OF A PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEM TO REPLACE THE IN -TOWN SHUTTLE BUS ROUTE , Prepared for � TOWN OF VAIL j DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS / TRAIVSPORTATION � by Charles P . Elms and Daniel Dunoye ' LEA , ELLIOTT , McGEAN & COMPANY i , Washington , D . C . � � February 16 , 1987 - ' � i n : _ � F-s�s ` - - — r, : I�LC.,I , C� IIIVIt , I I I � V�C.1f 1 Ot LV��JC,l�1lJ.� tronrportation engineerJ FEASIBILITY OF A PEOPLE MOVER SYSTE�1 7"O REPLACE THE IN-TOWN SHUTTLE BUS ROUTE Prepared for TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION 6y �harlES L• ims arid uaniet Dun�y� LEA, ELLIOTT, McGEAN & COMPANY WASHINGTON, D.C. February Ib, 1987 CONTENTS 1 .0 EXECUTIVE SU4IRSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 .0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 . 1 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 2.2 THE VAIL RESORT EWIRONtvSENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 .3 THE TRANSPOR7ATION PROBLE �,1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2 .4 CURRENT AND FUTURE DEVELOP ;v1ENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.4 . 1 6lountain Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1G 2 .4 .2 Cascade Villaoe Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ; 2.4 .3 Ford Park Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 .4 .4 Deveiopment of deaver Creel< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 .5 STUDY SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3 .0 BUS SYSTE �t CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3 . 1 VAIL BUS OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 '-� 3 .2 VAIL IN -TOWN SHUTTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3 .3 SHUTTLE OPERATIONS AND PERFORMAUCE . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3 .4 INCREASING SHUTTLE PERFOR �SANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3 .5 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4 .0 TRAVEL DE ,YIAND AND RIDERSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4 . 1 THE RESORT GuVIRON �tENT AND POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4 .2 PARKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S 43 IN -T01�/ N SHUTTLE RIDERSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4 .4 RIDERSHIP DE �IAND AND SHUTTLE CAPRCITY . . . . . . . . . . 37 4 .5 TRAVEL DE �lAND CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4C 4 .6 DESIGN AND PEAK CAPACITY REQUIRE �tENTS . . . . . . . . . . Si 5 .0 THE VAIL ENVIRON �IENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 5 . 1 DESCRIPTION OF "fHE RIGHT OF 1VAY RESTRICTIONS . . . . . . . 52 5 .2 I �iPAC7' ON GUIDEIVAY STRUCTURE DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . 5 � 5 .3 IiviPACT ON ST�TION STRUC7'URES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 5 .4 I �tPACT ON VEHICLE DESIGV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SS 5 .5 I �,IPACT ON OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 5 .6 OTHER CONSTR,AINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6C 5 .6 . 1 Maintenance Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 5 .6 .2 Overnight Vehicle Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6C J .bJ v�cC3i1Gi� ii� iCc afid Snccv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6n 11 CONTENTS (Continued) 6 .0 EXA �IINATION OF FIXED GUIDEW � Y ALTERNATIVES , . . . . . . . . . 62 6 . 1 AUT0 �IATED GUIDEWAY TRANSIT TECHNOLOGY . . . . . . . . . 62 6 .2 ALTERNATIVE ALIGN �1ENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 6 .3 ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 6 .3 . 1 Selection Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 6 .3.2 Potential Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 7 .0 A REPRESENTA7'IVE PEOPLE :�tOVER SYSTE '.v1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 7 . 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE REPRESENTATIVE SYSTE �1 FOR SHUTTLE REPLACEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 7 .2 REPRESEN7ATIVE SYSTE �A COSTS ESTI �IATE . . . . . . . . . . . 72 7 .2 . 1 Capital Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 7 .2 . 2 Operations and �taintenance Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 7 .3 ALTERNATIVE STARTER LINE PEOPLE MOVER SYSTE �i . . . . . . 76 7 .4 OPPORTUNITY FOR IMPROVEyiENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 8 .0 ALTERNATIVE CONFIGURATIONS OF THE "fRANSPOR7' ATION SYSTE �I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 8 . 1 ROAD BASED SYSTE �IS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 8 .2 OESCRIPTION OF AN ALTERNATE EXPRESS LINK PEOPLE �tOVER SYSTE �,1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 8 .2 . 1 Potential System Confiburation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 8 .2 .2 Capital Cost Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 5 .2 .3 O&tit Cost Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 9 .0 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 9 . 1 PRIVATE FUNDING : CONCESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 9 .2 PUBLIC FUNDING : NO CONCESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 APPENDICES : A Short Distance 7' ransportation Systems Recent Developments and Future Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A - 1 B System Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B- 1 C Supporting Calculations for Determining Ocitit Costs . . . . . . . . . C- 1 iii EXHIBITS 3 - 1 8ighorn (East Vail) Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3 - 2 West Vail and Sandstone Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3 - 3 In -Town Shuttle Bus Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3 - 4 Vehicles Assigned to TOV Shuttle by Time of Day . . . . . . . . . . 20 3 -5 In -Town Shuttle Directional Line Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4 - 1 Population by Type on Peak Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4 - 2 Distribution of Employees and Visitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4 - 3 Town of Vail Residential Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4 -4 Distribution of Peak Day Skiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4 -5 Questionnaire Results Indicating Skier Parking Location and Skier First Lift of the Day ( 1985 -86 Season) . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4 -6 Regularly Occurring In-Town Shuttle Peak Ridership During Ski Season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4 - 7 Ridership on Other Bus Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4 -8 Distribution of Shuttle Ridership Over Period of Design Day . . . . . 39 4 -9 Distribution of Passenger Boardings by Bus Stop . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4 - 10 Passenger Demand Over the In -Town Shuttle Route . . . . . . . . . 43 4 - 11 Peak Day �iarket Base of Demand for In -'Cown Shuttle . . . . . . . . 44 4 - 12 Distribution of Peak Day \4arket Base of Demand for Shuttle . . . . . 45 4 - 13 Estimate of Peak-Day Visitors Arriving or Departing Vail Village/LionsHead Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 4 - 14 Results of 1985 -56 Survey Correlating Skier Overnight � Location with First Lift of Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4 - 15 Distribution of Shuttle Demand During Peak Period . . . . . . . . . 50 5 - 1 Example of i�larrow Street 1Vithout Sidewallt . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 5 - 2 One -Lane Road Along the Civic Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 5 - 3 Distribution of Curve Radii on In -Town AGT . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 5 - 4 Example of Space Requirements for Steei Column Structures . . . . . 56 5 -5 Approximate Station Dimensions for Vail People ivlover . . . . . . . SS 6 - 1 In -Town People :�tover Alionment - - Option 1 (Selected) . . . . . . • 6 � 6 - 2 In -Town People �lover Alignment - Option 2 (Rejected) . . . . . . . 65 7 - 1 Description of Representative People �tover System for Repiacing the In-Town Shuttle Bus Route . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 7 - 2 Calculation of Dwell Time at Stoos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 7 - 3 Operating I'lan for the ftepresentative Feople �iover System . . . . . % 4 iv EXHISITS (Continued) 7 -4 Capital Cost Estimate for Representative People �lover System to Replace [n -Town Shuttle Bus Route . . . . . . . . . . . 75 7 -5 Summary of O& 41 Expenses for the Representative People i�lover System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 7 -6 Alignment of Alternative Starter Line People �tover System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 7 -7 Description of a Starter Line Peoole �lover System . . . . . . . . . 79 7 -8 Capital Cost Estimate for Starter Line People 1�tover System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 $ - 1 AGT Aligment Between Parking Structures - Option 1 . . . . . . . . 87 8 - 2 AGT Aligment Between Parking Structures - Option 2 . . . . . . . . 88 8 -3 Single Track, Single Vehicle Shuttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 5 -4 Single Track, Two - Vehicle Shuttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 8 -5 Double Track, Two-Vehicle Shuttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 8 -6 Double Track, Multiple -Vehicle Shuttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 3 -7 Example of Shuttle System (Circus Circus Casino, Las Vegas) . . . . . 92 8 - 3 Shuttle System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 8 -9 Preliminary Capital Cost Estimate - Shuttle �tonorail . . . . . . . . 96 3 - 10 Preliminary Capital Cost Estimate of Shuttle Cable Propelled System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 8 - 11 Summary of OLt �i F.xpenses Self - Propelled Shuttle . •. . . . . . . . . 98 3 - 12 Summary of O& \.1 Expenses Track -Propeiled Shuttle . . . . . . . . . 98 9 - 1 Financing the Peoole �iover by Property Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . 103 9 -2 PotentialSources of Revenue to Fund the People �Iover . . . . . . . 104 v 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7' he primary purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of replacing the Vail In-Town Shuttle bus system by an Automated People Mover System , also referred to in the industry as an Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) System . Representative People �over Replacements for the Shuttle r A representative People Mover System for replacing the In-Town Shuttle has been conceptually defined and analyzed and is believed to be both technologically and physically feasible . Competitive commercially available equipment has been identified and a feasible representative alignment defined. The capital cost of such a system has been estimated to be on the order of $20 million. Recognizing it may be necessary to minimize the capital costs for the initial installation of a people mover, study was made to identify a Starter Line which has the potential to solve the immediate congestion problem and fulfill the need for growing demand. This was done and a Starter Line defined which can carry 78 percent of the In-Town Shuttle demand, connecting the LionsHead area with the Vail Village and Transportation Center . The capital cost of the Starter Line was estimated at $ 15 million . This Starter Line was defined in a way that can be logically extended to the West towards Cascade Village and to the East through Golden Peak. - Based on the system requirements discussed b.etween the Town of Vail officials and LE �t , the feasibility of an AGT system was investigated. The proposed system would be elevated. Its representative alignment follows the In-Town Shuttle bus route . The major restrictions of such an alignment are the small turn radii and the narrowness of the right of way . While there are possibilities to use portions of Gore Creek as part of the alignment, such was not studied in depth because of problems fitting in stations and the need for pedestrian access . For purposes of this feasibility analysis , the definition of a "feasible representative alignment" was considered of primary im��rtan�e= Should the Town of Vail then find the orolect to be feasible , improvements to the alignment should be studied and defined during preliminary design when there is sufficient budget . 1 Physical constraints limit the number of systems that could be used in Vail . Also, it was found that the average speed of the system will be only slightly better than the bus unless passengers are allowed to carry their skis on - board the trains . Section 7 .4 of this report discusses this concern and concludes that the system can be designed where skis can be safely carried on- board a fixed-guideway people mover by passengers . Another constraint on the people mover system is related to the space required to locate the columns and the stations , while maintaining road access to all the buildings alongside the alignment . After examining these restrictions, LE �i identified alternate technologies that would be applicabie in Vail . Full descriptions of the systems using these technologies were prepared. A description of an operating plan was also prepared . Based on these descriptions , both capital and operation & maintenance (O &M ) costs were developed. Demand/Ridership Analysis A detailed analysis of existing population/visitor data and bus ridership was carried out to establish the characteristics of current Shuttle demand and that which can be expected for the future . This demand was analyzed for " peak days" and "design days ," terms used by Vail Associates, Inc . for planning and sizing its facilities . The peak day is essentially a factor of 1 . 26 times higher than a design day . The design capacity is ihe capacity to which a facility can be filled before crowding begins to take place . Shuttle demand during the 1985 - 86 ski season was found to be 17,600 passengers on a peak day and 14,000 passengers on a design day . When Category I and II improvements are completed, ridership demand is expected to increase Sy 23 percent for the 1995-96 ski season and by 43 percent for the 2003 - 04 ski season . The 1995 - 96 time frame was selected for defining a design condition for the people mover system . The peopie mover systems, upon which feasibility has been studied, were sized to meet the 1995 - 96 peak period demand for a peak day. Expansion to meet the 2003 -04 peak period peak day demand can be easily met by adding only three trains . 2 "I� he peak period for demand on the Shuttle bus is in the late afternoon (3 : 30 -5 :30 p .m .) as skiers come from the siopes when the lifts close . Approximately 24 percent of the entire day's demand occurs then - - 4 ,259 riders on a peak day and 3,380 on a design day . The morning peak is much lighter, approximately one-third the rate of the late afternoon peak . Peak demand was analyzed to determine the following directional line capacity requirements for a peak day. Season Directional Line Caoacity Required 1985 - 86 1 , 065 1995 - 96 1 ,310 2003 -04 1 ,523 Review of In -Town Shuttle Operations and Service A detailed review was made of the existing Shuttle bus operations . Our findings indicate that the system is well operated and that the quality of ser�ice on design days during the ski season is generally acceptable . However , on peak days , the service was rated by visitors as " poor" which is confirmed by the following: o Single direction line capacity is 841 passengers/hour on a design day and 982 passengers/hour on a peak day . Therefore , while the system is capable of ineeting the design day peak period demand, its capacity falls 8 percent short of ineeting the peak day peak period demand . o Average speed, a iactor in quality of service , falls to 6 mph which is 30 percent slower than the uncongested average speed of 8 .5 mph during off - season. o The major limitations of the bus system were the dweli times and shared use of the road with the pedestrians . This results in low average speed and reduced vehicle productivity . Because of existing physical limitations , increasing the vehicle capacity or the number of vehicles is considered to 3 be only a short term solution to handling increasing demand. Tight curve radii, limited curb space and general road congestion at peak hours are the major limiting factors in making significant improvements to the In-Town Shuttle bus service . - o Theoretically, eight additional 35-foot buses would be needed to meet the 1995 - 96 peak day peak period demand, assuming additional problems that cause further average speed reduction are not encountered. Alternative Express Links to Handle Peak Demand Tne source of the high afternoon peak demand has been identified as cross movements between the Village and LionsHead area. Analyses have identified that 23 percent of this demand are skiers whose first lift of the day is in one of these two areas opposite their origin. This could easily account for the morning peak; therefore , it is surmised that 77 percent of the afternoon peaks could easily be skiers who, on their last ski run of the day, end at an area opposite the area where they are overnighting or where their car is parked, or have chosen to use the Shuttle for commercial and/or eating/entertainment destinations . It is also noted that 45 percent of all Shuttle boardinos are at LionsHead and Covered Bridge. All of this suggests that the peak demand, which is causing degradation of Shuttle service , might be carried by an express link connecting the two parking structures. The possibility of using large capacity buses , operating on the Frontage Road, in express service between the two parking structures has been identified. However, the current congestion at the four-way stop is an impediment to this solution . Signalization of the four-way stop is expected to increase its level of service from condition "F" to condition "C" during the evening peak, and would rembve this impediment. Also, a simplified point-to- point express shuttle type people mover has been defined that could connect the two parking structures, with a capital cost estimated at $6 million. The feasibility of such a system rests upon ( 1 ) verification by additional data and analysis that a sufficient portion of the peak demand can be carried by such an express link and (2) that an alignment , either on Colorado DOT I - 70 right-of - way or along the south side of the Frontage Road is feasible . 4 Financial Analyses and Feasibility Representative People 'vlover Systems for replacing the In-Town Shuttle bus service are believed to be technologicaily and physically feasible . There will be some hard problems in fitting the system within the landscape and existing built up real estate . Therefore , feasiblity of the project essentially hinges on financial considerations . The annual cash requirements to meet the capital costs of a people mover system , at either $ 20 miliion or $ 15 million , has been examined and found to be within the range of tne Town's ability to raise revenues . Finai decision of affordability and feasibility rests with the Town's leaders in considering the availability of such revenues compared with other needs. Aiternative ways of funding such a system were briefly examined . It is LE �1 's conclusion that concession arrangements based totally on private investment are unlikely . The cost to the private sector would be in the range of $ 2 .00 to $ 2.55 per annual visitor . It is not likely that implementation of a people mover will substantially increase the spending habits of visitors . Therefore , any benefits provided to the private sector will be judged as those which permit continued expansion of the resort and its economic growth. If the private sector were willing to commit 10 percent of said economic growth to a people mover system , the annual amount of growth in gross revenues would be on the order of $ 27 to $36 million. Any private concession would, therefore, be expected to require substantial subsidy from the Town of Vail. The potential for Federal or State grants was briefly considered and discarded as a source of funding . No State grants are available and analyses suggest that the system does not meet current Federal threshoids for justifying fixed guideway transit systems . The current Administration in \Vashington has been reducing the Federal Budget for transit . A more traditional approach would be to finance the construction of the system by issuing bonds . Whether this wiil be feasible or not depends mainly on the "I'own of Vail indebtedness level . Retirement of the bonds and covering the O & \t costs could be done as it is now or by creating a mix of visitor taxes. Installation of a fare collection system was not considered because it impedes boarding performance , increases station size and is an inefficient means to obtain revenue 5 since it increases both capital and O &Yt costs . For example , a 25 cent fare is estimated to be required to cover these extra costs . A financial analysis was carried out examining the potential to derive funds by increasing various local taxes (e .g . sales taxes, property taxes, lift/resort taxes) . Four scenarios were postulated, two of which appear reasonable . For example , a one cent additional sales tax was found totally sufficient to fund the capital and additional OdcM costs of the $ 15 million Starter Line People Mover System . Under another scenario a combination of tax increases , additional one cent sales tax and additional 3.88 millage points to the property tax, could completely fund the capital and additional OckM costs of the $20 million Representative People Mover replacement of the Shuttle. Conclusions and Recommendations As a result of this study , the following conclusions and recommendations are made. o The people mover, as a replacement for the In-Town Shuttle is considered technically and physically feasible . Final feasibility is a financial matter which must be determined by the leaders of the Town of Vail. o The quality of service of the existing In-Town Shuttle bus is falling below an acceptable level, particularly on peak days. Some of this - problem may be solved by increasing bus size and adding buses to the route. However , demand is expected to increase to a level at which such measures will probably no longer be effective . It is recommended that the Town investigate this issue to more depth to determine precisely the limit to which service on the Shuttle can be improved. . o It is recommended that additional study of demand be carried out to determine if significant portions might be carried by an express link connecting the two parking structures . 6 o The four-way stop should be signalized as it would aid in decreasing traffic congestion which would improve the operation of bus services. It would also make possible a test of express bus services between the two parking structures. Previous experiments with such services are believed to have failed primarily because of congestion at the four-way stop. o Finally and most importantly, the Town should carry out detailed financial analyses of funding the two concepts for people mover replacements of the Shuttle . These analyses should include the following: A . Development of a Project Implementation Plan upon which financial analyses can be carried out. B . Study of the Town's current level of indebtedness and potential for increasing it without raising taxes. C . Study of potential revenues from various tax increases and how such will allow an increase in the Town's indebtedness level . D . Examination of other needs of the Town that will require raising additional revenues and a prioritization of these needs versus the people mover project. E . Development of a financial plan, including some alternatives for funding the people mover project, assuming that the Town asaesses the project to be feasible. 7 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY In view of the traffic congestion problems associated with the large influx of skiers into the Town of Vail during the 160 -day ski season , Lea , Elliott, McGean c�t Company (LEM) was engaged to assess the feasibility of utilizing Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) -- or people mover -- technology to improve the circulation of skiers and the visitors within the Town . Projections indicate a growth in the population of the Town of Vail and the peak period In-Town Shuttle demand of 23 % by the 1995 -96 season and 43% by the 2003 -04 season. Therefore , it is imperative that, if the current level of service provided to Vail visitors is to be maintained, transportation system alternatives be examined. In addition, Vail will host the World Skiing Championships in 1989 and there is a concern that the influx of skiers and spectators, coupled with current conditions and growth, will exacerbate the problem of an already overloaded transportation system. 2.2 THE VAIL RESORT ENVIl20NMENT Vail is a young community which owes its existence to the development of Vail Mountain for alpine skiing in 1962 by the Vail Associates , Inc. (VAI). VAI is responsible for the development of the ski-related facilities throughout the Mountain environment. VAI is also engaged in other commercial developments in the area and in other sl<i facility developments in nearby Beaver Creek. The Town of Vail is the local government unit in the area; it borders on the ski slopes and provides a full range of municipal functions and facilities, including public transportation. In this role the Town is responsible for the local roads and traffic and operates and maintains the bus system . During the ski season the Vail bus system , in particular the In-Town Shuttle , serves as a circulator for skiers and visitors , connecting the three lift areas, the two large municipal parking garages, parking lots , and other major traffic generators in Vail. The Shuttle operates primarily on streets with restricted pcivate auto access which limits interference from other vehicles; however, during the ski season these streets 8 become primary pedestrian arteries and the buses are often in conflict with the � pedestrian traffic. The relatively few alternative walkways are inaccessible as a result of the accumulation of snow. Adding to the problem is the winding nature of the streets and the fact that they are narrow. 23 THE TRANSPORTATION PROBLEki "Che primary transportation problem in Vail is associated with the circulation of skiers during peak periods in the ski season . Day skiers arrive in automobiles, Shuttle buses, and intercity buses in the morning and attempt to make their way together with destination (overnight visitors) and local skiers to the three major lift areas. The Town of Vail operates two major public parking garages, one at the Vail Transportation Center with a capacity of 800 cars and one at LionsHead with a capacity of 1 ,200 cars. In addition, the Tovm provides an additional 200 public parking spaces on landing mats located in Ford Park and at other locations. The arrival of the skiers in the morning creates somewhat of a peaking problem because skiers want to get to the slopes as quickly as possible and make optimum use of their lift passes. However, the morning peak is only about one- third as heavy as the afternoon peak. The major parking facilities , the Transportation Center and LionsHead structure , are located within the vicinity of the lift areas. It is observed that many skiers overnighting in the Vail Village/LionsHead area can and do walk to the lift of their choice and that a number of skiers parking do likewise. Inasmuch as the parking facilities and the "fransportation Center are not located directly adjaeen3 xo a�jy of the lift areas, the travel patterns merge, diverge , and intersect at a number of locations. Moreover, the paths that can be used by the pedestrian skiers are few and often concurrent �aith the bus paths. "Chus, although the Shuttle system provides a means for skiers to circulate through the "fown , the — _ _ , Shuttle operates on streets that are primary pedestrian arteries as well and, as a = --- -. - result, conflicts and delays are inevitable. Actually, the most intense demand upon the bus system occurs during late afternoon/early evening because skiers tend to stay on the slopes as long as possible , but the day tends to end quickly in the mountains and many skiers try to leave at the same time . To absorb ine nign demand sucge, ihe r�w��bzc of bu;es in revenue 9 service is increased 100 percent . Buses are stockpiled at heavy de m and points and dispatched as soon as they are filled with passengers. Approximately 23 percent of the peak period Shuttle ridership can be identified as specific cross-movements by skiers whose first lift of the day is opposite of the location of their origin. This leaves 77 percent of the peak demand not specifically identified. Noting that the problem does not occur in the morning suggests that m any of the afternoon peak riders (77 percent) m ay be ending their skiing day at locations opposite from their first lift of the day and require transportation to return either to their cars or overnightlocations . Travel patterns of the skiers fluctuate as facilities on the Mountain are changed and improved. For example, the introduction of the Vista Bahn has greatly affected the attractiveness of the Vail Village lift area. Thus , this area has become a more desirable destination (or "first lift of the day" location) for many of the Vail skiers. The faster quad lifts also make it possible to cross the mountain (Village to LionsHead) on the mountain easier . The effect could be that a number of skiers then end their day opposite of their first lift of the day . In addition to the above , VAI has currently received approval for improve- ments that are expected to increase the visitor demand by 23 percent by the 1995 - 96 ski season. There are �dditional planned improvements which will increase visitor demand by 43 percent by the 2003-04 ski season. 2.4 CURRENT AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS 2.k.1 Mountain Developments Mountain developmerts have a significant impact upon the skier population . �lountain developments are primarily of two types: ( 1) expansion of the ski terrain by opening up additional portions of the Mountain for skiing; and (2) improvement of the skier delivery system through more and/or faster ski lift equipment. 'the latter, however, has the greatest impact on the skier population because it alone can result in the movement of more persons up the mountain in the same amount of time . This is ;rrportant b�caus� daily :ift passes ccst a fixed amcunt and :ess time in transit 10 results in more time available for skiing. Also, faster lift systems result in an increase in lift capacity, resulting in a higher demand beino placed on the slope space and a demand for more slope development. The VAI Master Plan provides ample evidence of the impact upon capacity of the faster lift systems. The newer detachable grip lifts are capable of moving 2 , 100 to 2 ,800 skiers per hour , while fixed grip lifts have a capacity of 1 ,200 to 1 ,800 skiers per hour. VAI has found its new detachable grip lift located at Vail Village to be highly successful and plans to install additional lifts of this type. In addition to higher capacity these lifts make possible longer chairli£t lengths, further reducing lift travel time making remote Mountain locations more accessible which is expected to increase cross-mountain ski travel. This capability is quickly recognized by the skiers as shown by the increased percentage of skiers using the Vail Village lifts as the first lift of the day in the 1985 -86 season. We have assumed that the VAI Master Plan provides the best estimate of future skier demand because skier demand will be dependent upon the mountain developments which are accomplished and moreover, since the VAI is dependent upon the skier population for its revenues and development capital. VAI has indicated that they plan to have in operation at least two new detachable grip lifts by the time of the World Championships. Since the champion- ships are planned to take place in the Vail Village lift area, these two lifts will help to alleviate the skier congestion that could develop as a result of the dislocation of si<iers from the Vail Village lift area. 2.4.2 Cascade Village Development tiVestin Hotels is developing a major hotel complex iri the Cascade Village area which will generate a significant amount of travel on the existing West Vail South Bus Route. There are \dountain development plans which, if carried out, will provide a lift connection up Vail Mountain and could lessen the need for an additional transit connection with Cascade Village. Sir�ce u�e � eak uc�imnd cccu„ 11 between the LionsHead area and Vail Village a:ea, one could consider extending the In-Town Shuttle into Cascade Village withou: seriously affecting the quality of service so long as the fleet size is increased. Z_4.3 Ford Park Developmentr Portions . of Ford Park in eastern Vail will �e used in the ski season 1986 - 87 for vehicle parking with the installation of aircraft ' ��ding mats. In addition, when it is completed, the Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater �ill become a traffic generator but only during the summer season. 2.4.4 Development of Beaver Creek VAI is currently pursuing the developmen: of the Beaver Creek area which is near Avon west of Vail . This area is growing :aster than Vail in terms of skier population and must be considered a source of c�mpetition for the skier population. Interstate 70 is the primary connection be*�:een Vail and Avon; there is no transmountain connection between the two faciliues . 2.5 STUDY SCOPE As previously stated, the purpose of this s:,:dy is to examine the transportation situation in the Town of Vail and to determine =�e feasibility and cost-effectiveness of installing an Automated Guideway Transi� System as a replacement for the In-Town Shuttle. In order to accomplish this purpose, the following tasks were carried out: o Establish the fundamental transper.ation requirements in terms of a definition of the current service to be -�placed and any improvements in the quality of that service , and estimate �eeded future capacity. o Identify the site-specific constraints which must be considered in the development of a people mover systzm . o Identify the applicable people mover technologies which might be implemented. o Idertify an appropriate alignment '�r defining a representative people mover system , upon which feasibilit}- can be examined. 12 o Prepare preliminary estim ates of capitai and operating and maintenance (O& ;�t) costs for a representative people mover system which could replace the In -Town Shuttle bus route . o Develop recommendations regarding feasibility of a peopie mover system , particularly how such may be determined . The primary goal of this study is to determine the feasibility of replacing the Vail In -Town Shuttle with a people mover system . This preliminary feasibility study will provide a basis for future decisions regarding public transit provision in Vail and , if appropriate , more detailed engineering design and implementation projects . 13 3.0 BUS SYSTEh7 CHARACTERISTICS This section provides a description of the Vail In -Town ShutUe bus system , which is being studied for replacemeM by a peoole mover . Disc� ssions 5elow concentrate upon the physical characteristics of the route , its aerformance and possibilities for improvement and growth . Ridership is not discussed here as it is treated in detail together with an assessment of demand in Section 4 . 3.1 VAIL BUS OPERATIONS The Tovm of Vail operates a free municipal bus ser'✓ ice which includes the Vail In -Town Shuttle , the East Vail (Bighorn) Service , the Sandstone Route , and the �Vest Vail North and South Ser✓ice . The Vail bus system is the third largest in the Stzte of Colorado. The bulk of resources, service, and ridership is related to the Shuttle . It is the primary means of passenger circulation in Vail and conseeuently is of major importance during the ski season . In addition to the buses operated by the Town of Vail there are other transportation services which are operated principally to accommodate the Vail skiers. These include buses which transport skiers from Denver and other locations; hotel shuttles (vans) which deliver guests/skiers from the outlyino hotels; and taxi and limo services. These services deliver passenaers to the Vail Transportation Center near Vail Village and to the LionsHead Parking Structure . The hotel shuttles and taxis may also deliver passengers to Golden Peai; . 1Uhile this study concentrates on the In -Town Shuttle, the other bus routes operated by the Town of Vail cannot be and were not ignored. These routes transfer a number of their passengers to the In -Town Shuttle . Therefore, peak ridership on the �Vest Vail , Bighorn and Sandstone routes �vas taSulated and analyzed to determine the impact on the peak demand for the In -To �vn Shuttle . Exl�ibits 3 - 1 and 3 -2 depict the routes for the West Vail , Bighorn and Sandstone routes. Saturday ridership data is provided in Exhibit 4 -7 of Section 4 . 14 Q U ?u��� -. . _ .`•_�i,y � �,y iZ • � ' _ _ _ \�� � � � � � �4. �,}.�i � I � -�}.�T:'�: x � � � er�' � � � � i �:i�c;.`�� �} 1 � -� �. / a� , � - < �����Y' iG.x � w _ ', w .3"rv�,ssY��- a < � � , � `< r � °= � ' � ui z � � • �' 3 a �� - w w _ , s a : � � 3 - /� -� '� i � E o _ o �'� ' < W � Z i � J F 1- / � � � ° g , - y w � < ln Q � � / - ' c - z w w � =.! � � � � rlo � ' � � � � Z ^ < / = � � �- �w� `�� ^ � S aI W f�l T >o� � � ¢ C / O N �� � I Q Z� Y � O - w � z U ; � � � Z F > F • � U ",' O d � ° Q J 1 w 1 z �� � � � � a -� ' � � J � � � i � - � i e , - - - - � > � � z � �. z i j � e �o-J'� � �' i d �, � i ok'� � w :� i ' 1 N � �1 � J I j p Z ' > • � U � � � � I� � �\ � � ` � ��, ° ,Q; ° u � • Y- c � w , 1 ' � , � ; > , w , � , > � _ • � w ° ' o � M o � ° � • > a � 4i � i - w F � � ' ``� � a � �� ? t `i �' Z z � � • � � X � - � � � " LtJ � am � ^ � � 1 m C9 < O � � � `� � W � _ ' _ � ¢ ¢ < � s � 0 _ � ` �� � � 1 Y • 5 e � Q I � i a � 1 � 4t � J I O �'tii \'} iy • 1 t° J-i / y O � � �- �% ¢ / . a I � `��-•._ w i aO I t'R�� `.�_ �1�- i� �Z t- �2 � I Z � ���� ^J 2 I � � 3 � yl N F 1 � � � , /// . �'i = I w � p j C ( 1 ¢ a O O _ p i �' a �� � , � ¢ � � �¢ a O � +' F LL i p A �'i'_O ¢ 1 U ¢ Q: tn � ¢ 1 U vf �n '" � � O � O 7 7 I � Q � � v' Y C7 '"� i o ¢ • I • w / r � � z � i i w � � e , � �' � \ i {�` �� ` _ _ r�r� \ \ � ,��� , > � �n , � � 15 U U O j > O � � � � � o n ' i y J z i \ � m O �/' � � � � � v �i/ ,� w ^ a a �%/�_ c 2 ' U ��. � z y� � � � �.;� w � o r �, ,. � � . _ = � _ ; ^ =• �.� . . � < r � i/ . - � ` "\}* • � � = = � '1 ,' - Q, .. z w � � , � 0 4 I � (f I � � N� ;� � . Z � � ~ f � w " ~ w < �� � _ o '� r 3 z ` ,' � � � O � � < z � � _ � n° vt: � i � < - - - - - { W rz r � - - - - � � =• � _ � ` - - _ _ _ ' � � �? _ _ � < i 3 ' � c - - % _ � r � 1 w < i " \ z � < 11 F- F- > � -.i:: .:,i� !; � �� rU G � + Z Q / ��� ��-�,�...�'fY V. �' _ � ✓iY � W / ♦ z w w j I o � � '�34a�'➢�`,`,��h F' � � `� N U !�' � W � wPY,,, < w , 1 � '� - �. � f a i G ^ ' � ` • � i z m � � ¢ c > � '� ; ; I w � u _ , e < � Z i z Z w G � � I i < � . F m� i �, � v; w C i 3 w Z = I � - a � C � � �, _ 10,' U � v% � � `> �• � U> C 1 i Z ' \ C w , H!- ' z '� C c 1 � c � � U , \ O � ¢ 1 I �.` � w �� � � %�1 \ � ` '• 3 / w � , '� � � Z � � `� N � � �� l ` U \ \ 6 � M. 1 � � ` � ~ I 1 J �\ �il z i L^ • 1 'a °a� ` n a i �. , \ r c9 I � LL ¢� ��b ¢ i X � m d�� � a • i L n. � s a i � Yi� �� � � Z 6 � \� i� Iz Z� \ i \ � �� w I w v � � � \ `\ N 2 ' Z \ E Q \ � < F \\ \ `\ ¢ y � w \ �n Q O �" � � � �` ¢ W U \ � ` W � _ � 3 � \ �� � Z _ • � \ • \ � ��, 6 `� i' ' � � i�+ VI �'•� �� - - i p o' � � `� z ��� G� �n � � r � � � \ � z u, � > > �` o c? � � '�' � \ � � � i a * � � z I � � wo '� i o �� �� z i� i � • —� ` �\ ¢ x U 16 3.2 VAIL IN-TOV/N SHUTTLE The pur�ose of the Vail In-Town Shuttle is to provide a circulation system within the center of the Town of Vail . The restriction on venicular traffic in much of Vail helps to enhance the "European Village" atmosphere and encourages a large amount of pedestrian movement in the Town . The Shuttle offers an alternative to walking for specific point-to-point travel which the bus can accommodate . The Shuttle is a special purpose system that operates over a 3 .5 mile route which is basicaliy a pinched-loop. It operates from 6 :45 a. m . to 130 a. m . with a planned 5 -minute headway during peak periods. Otherwise the buses attempt to maintain uniform spacings. The route is illustrated in Exhibit 3 -3 . Note that the nature of the street system yields a circuitous route which is not amenable to larger or articulated buses. The Shuttle is the backbone of the Vail Transit System in that it connects the two main focal points - - Vail Village/Golden Peak and LionsHead , which are where most of the lifts are located. The Village and LionsHead are also the main commercial centers. The Shuttle also serves Golden Peak which is the third lift area. The unique nature of the Shuttle service makes it difficult to compare or evaluate in terms of other bus systems in the U .S . , either urban or suburban . Surreys have indicated that the quality of service on the entire, bus system provided is rated high by visitors and local residents alike , even though the buses are often in a condition of " standing room only" during the peak periods. However , recent surveys made on peak days have found that the quality of service on the Shuttle was rated as "poor". The manager of the bus system indicated that the longest queue waiting time during the 1985 -1935 season was about 15 minutes and that it occurred only once . Generally during peak periods the queue waiting time �a•as not more than 7 to S minutes . Ridership/demand on the Shuttle is increasino and causing more crowdin� of the buses. This will cause further deterioration of the quality of the current service which is falfing below the standard desired. The Vail Shuttle is essential durino the ski season because it connects all the entry points to the Town with the three lift areas. The Vail buses are equipped with ski racks and hosts/hostesses are assigned to the major =toos along thP Shuttle route 17 < ° ��, _ � - _ �' - � :. , . _ ? -., , _ . < I - t � '�, ; _ - - _ _ � � _ _ � , , ` �. - _ '�� �e� ` �i' - ' ` = �� - F zr. ., ,Ii � < o � _ ��fi"�a ; " W _ .. e� ,.fI z � r � .i� :� 3 z ~ :��II � ° � • � �-'�� � - i � F '� � ��� o - 1���� �—� a � 3 i w N � � �� ` I � i a W 1 � < � s > � � Y - Z r a �,^`.� < � � � I > _ � - � a � = 1 > _ ' _ _ � - O 1 V w V m ` z �� • - F.. = O z < � � � = a U w � � O < � � L _ I � y • J ' C N � � • I _ ' �" � I ;�: �q�� . 4] � � z i '� �-1 z � z e. � F- > r � y � F- ,. - � i LL � w � � - = r � z , d y, c _ o J¢ w �� > w ' U �A Vl - � U Z 1 O 2 Z m ^ w � i � � i a 3 ` a - ` • � � O ' r z � F o ? � ? I u�i � � I � a �\ Z g ;, %''= , � , � " I � z ; �; � � o , � ' �� ' � ; � ^ , �- ! � ' , ' i � � � y `° � ' � � Q � o��'.� � LL - - • � � � % �L-` YJ / ' 6 'T' ' � � 6 U � m X � /� a � � � u ' z � o = .- �-. — � tn Q Gri w :n � IW O �1 �" N � ? o w � z • � ¢ a —•• � � " � 4 )r � ' � , C t f l . J z V ' C ¢ 2 i � _ � ��! . � � - ' (� C I �h 6 � " ` �" I �^ � l9 . � r � � <- II� � , ?- a � � � � ` I ` �z ' „ � o � I Y � :� Z i '� = 4 LL < 2 C � - � VI - 2 ` Y� Q Z O v n` I ' � C� � J r�+ Z �. _ _ � c\` Q J - .Y I . I ` w 1 1 _ � 1 Q � c ;� �� '� 1 ^ _ I a C �I I � - LL I Y C �y� I � � 1 C �^ � � = 't� t \ � � a m z � C � � � a 1 � w � O �\ � y � � r I � � • . v z L v: � Q � o w a �n �n � � � � � ¢ ` r�l r!] '` '' � _ _ I � I 18 to assist skiers by establishing waiting lines and taking any other steps to accomplish quick and orderly access and egress by the skiers. During peak periods the skiers must wait from 5 to 10 minutes before boarding a bus. The time for passenger access and egress is higher during the ski season than during the off-season because skiers must store and retrieve their equipment from the ski racks and because walking in ski boots hampers movement. The Vail Transportation Center and the LionsHead Parking Structure provide focal points for those skiers arriving via Trailways, Greyhound and Beaver Creek Transit buses, hotel shuttles, and taxis and limos. Persons arriving by auto and parking in the two garages will beoin their Vail visit here . The other three Town of Vail bus routes terminate at the Vail Transportation Center. The Shuttle can be somewhat flexible in terms of route design to meet travel demand because of the restrictions on other vehicular traffic. However , there are few potential route changes that could be made. The most general variation in the route is to turn back some buses at LionsHead toward Vail Village during peak periods. 3.3 SHUTTLE OPERATIONS AND PERFORMANCE The Shuttle follows a circuitous route as depicted in Exhibit 3 -3 . �tost of the street network consists of two . lane pavement with a width varying between 20 and 24 feet and there are generally no sidewall<s. Buses and pedestrians (in great number) must share the same space. On heavy demand days during the ski season the streets become congested with pedestrians causing delays to the buses. The Shuttle is operated from a fleet of ten 1979 model and fifteen 1932 model TMC 30 foot buses , except for one 1982 Orion 35 foat. The schedule of buses opeeated on the Shuttle route is given in Exhibit 3 -4 . \Vhile as many as 14 buses are assigned to the Shuttle during heavy peak days , the maximum for design conditions is 12. Recommendations were made in the Transit Development Plan Update to purchase six more 35 foot transit buses immediately and then one more per year through 1991 = 19 EXHIBIT 3-4: VEHICLES ASSIGNED TO TOV SHUTTLE BY TIME OF DAY TIME OF DAY NliNBER OF VENICLES GM SHUT:' Lc 6 : 95 A . ri . XX l2 ) 7 : 30 A . M . XXR C31 9 : 00 n . it . XRXXR ( 5 ) 8 : 3 � A . ht . XXRXX % ( 5 ) 10 : "s0 A . M . XXXXX ( 5 > I1 : C0 A . M . XXXX ( S ) 12 : C0 P . M . XXRR ( 9 > L : O � ? . t-( . � XX % X ( S ? .. . ] ? P . . � . XX. :' XX ( 5 ) 3 : � � P . 1�! . }: XSY. kXX. � � ; ) 3 : ? �� P . 1 ; . Xk: XXX }: 7: XXX % X ( : 2 > 4 : :. ^ ? . ! I . K }: :{ A :; XXXkXXX ( : 2 : 5 : 7 � P . :1 . XY. XrXYX ( 7 ) 6 : GJ F . ft . Y % }: :{ :{ ,v, ( � ) 7 � CJ P . : 1 . . XXR % XX ( E ) g : C7 P . : i , RXXYRX CS > ? . 0 �) P . ". . k :i ; :{ ( 4 ) ! 0 � � •J 2 . M . ki: % XY l ° ) : l ". 0 P . i� . R :: KX . 4 ) i - �� 0 A . M . X :t . - ) . _ _ a . . . X :'. : _ ) za During 1987 , the Shuttle is expected to operate 22, 000 bus-hours and 166,000 bus-miles, carrying 2,400,000 passengers. Bus productivity averages 109 passenger- trips per bus hour at a bus average speed of 7 .54 mph . At this average speed, a 36 passenger bus (31 seats plus 5 standees) can produce a capacity rate of 77 passengers/hour per direction . If the average trip length is one half the route length, then the bus can handle a total of 308 passenger-trips/hour . At an average of 109 passenger-trips/hour the buses on the Shuttle route are experiencing an average annual load factor of 35 percent which is much higher than that experienced in cities . Considering that during the 160 day ski season the Shuttle carries 3. 1 times more passengers than off season, the load factors would be 18 percent off- season and 56 percent during the season . At such a high seasonal average load factor, one can expect extreme crowding during peak periods . The average speed of the Shuttle route buses during off season is 8 .5 mph . During the ski season , this drops to 6 .0 mph due to delays caused at boarding/ deboarding and increased pedestrians also using the streets . Exhibit 3- 5 tabulates the Shuttle's directional line capacity under various conditions . The yearly average has been chosen as the design condition to illustrate what happens when the buses become overcrowded during the ski season. As the bus fills to a crush condition , there is less room in the aisles for movement . Also, the larger number of ,passengers require more time in storing their skis and in boarding . These delays are a major cause of the reduced average speed which diminishes bus productivity . The net effect is a 9 percent reduction in line capacity and at least a 20 percent reduction in the quality of service . The phenomenon is similar to the effect of increasing traffic on roads whereby a road will reach its maximum throughput capacity and then diminish rapidly together with siower average speeds as congestion occurs . One can conclude that the Shuttle bus route is being operated over its capacity limits during the peak periods of the ski season . In Section 4.7 , this is evident since the 1985 - 86 peak day demand averages 1 ,065 passengers/hour , exceeding the Shuttle's capacity by 8 percent with 14 buses operating . 21 EXHIBIT 3-5: IN-TOWN SHUTTLE DIRECTIONAL LINE CAPACITY AVG . SPEED BUS CAPACI"fY BUS ROUND NO. OF CAPACITY CONDITION (UiPH) (PASSENGERS) TRIPS/HR BUSES PAX/HR Peak Day 6 .0 41 1 .71 12 841 Ski Season (Crush Capacity) 14 982 Yearly Avg. 7 .5 36 2 . 14 12 924 (Design Condition) 14 1 ,079 Off Season 8 .5 31 2.43 12 904 (Seated Only) 22 3.4 INCREASING SHUTTLE PERFORMANCE Demand on the Shuttle route is expected to increase to require a capacity of 1 ,310 passengers/hour by the 1995 - 96 ski season and as high as 1 , 523 passengers/ hour by the 2003 - 04 ski season (See Section 4 .7). Demand at 1 , 310 passengers/hour would require an increase in current Shuttle capacity of 56 percent for 12 buses operating and 33 percent for 14 buses operating. Initial observations would suggest that the system capacity might be increased by increasing the vehicie size (i .e ., by using a 40-foot bus or an articulated bus), increasing the number of vehicles operated during the peak periods and/or by increasing the fleet productivity. The first two options have already been tried and found to be unworkable due to space constraints . "Che relatively narrow streets and the lack of ski rack equipment of appropriate capacity are the prim ary reasons that larger capacity buses cannot be used . The 35-foot Orion bus has been operated on the route and is considered to be the largest size bus possible . Changing all buses on the route to the larger size 35-foot buses could potentially increase capacity by about 15 percent. A direct linear increase in capacity will not occur with simply increasing bus capacity because there will be additional delay for a greater number of skiers to store their skis on the outside racks . Discussions with the transportation syste m m anager and the To wn planning staff, as well as our observations on the site , indicate that increasing the number of vehicles beyond a specific point may not resultin a significant increase in capacity because the roadway is already congested with buses and pedestrians during the peaks . Because some sections of the bus route are effectively single lane operation and 6e�ause the roadway width is further constrained during the wintee months (snow accumulation) the operational speed of the system could be reduced even further if more buses were added . Also , additional buses would mean less space for pedestrians . Theoretically, to meet the 1995 - 96 peak day peak period demand of 1 ,310 passengers/hour per direction atleast six of the larger 35-foot buses would have to be added to the current operating fleet of twelve . Otherwise, a minimum of 17 of the larger 35-foot buses would be required , not accounting for any decreased 23 productivity due to longer dwell time to board the larger bus . When the additional dwell time is taken into account an additional two buses would be required. The greatest potential to reduce dweil time at the stop would be in reducing the need for passengers to store their skis in racks. However, if the skis were carried on-board (a condition which has safety implications) the bus capacity will be diminished . Buses equipped with double wide doors front and rear and lower floors could aid in reducing boarding/deboarding time . Potential options for increasing vehicle productivity, including reducing the number of bus stops, allowing passengers to board the buses with their skis and providing exclusive 6us lanes, were discussed at length with Town of Vail officials. As a result of these discussions, the foliowing can be stated: o The number of bus stops might be reduced by eliminating one or two if some bus stops were relocated. o Shared used of the roadway by buses and pedestrians is given; there is essentially no other space for pedestrians to walk. o Allowing passengers to Soard the buses with their skis (which would require removing seats to ease circulation of passengers within the vehicle) was ruled out because of the risk of accidents as well as the incr� ased difficulty in boarding. A final option, decreasing the dwell time , was also considered and found to be of inerit. The long dwell time observed during peak periods is primarily due to high passenger demand , crowding on - board the buses and to the time required to store the ski gear on the side of the vehicle . 7'he act of boarding is siowed because it is quite cumbersome to climb the steps of the bus in ski boots. Alighting from a crowded bus also takes more time particularly where passengers are standing in the aisle. Thus, dwell time could be substantially reduced if either the peak demand on the bus system is reduced or if the vehicle boarding time could be reduced, or both. The overall situation may be improved if residents are provided with ski-gear storage faciliti2; nzar th2 lift;. These facilitie; would allow resident skiers to 24 travel about m ore freely by providing overnight storage of skis, etc. V AI personnel indicated that VAI was looking at this possibility. We do anticipate that a properly designed storage facility or facilities could substantially reduce the number of destination skiers riding the buses with their skis. If VAI decides to pursue the option of providing a ski gear storage area near the lift facilities, Shuttle operations will be improved as the dwell time is reduced. 3.5 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS The costs to operate and maintain the complete Town of Vail bus system is stated in the Transit Development Plan Update to be $25 .03 per bus hour therefore , the Shuttle at 22,000 bus hours is expected to cost about $550 ,000 for 1987 . , 25 4.0 TRAVEL DEhiAND AND RIDERSHIP Sketch ptanning type analyses of population, demand and ridership have been carried out utilizing data from other recent reports (Ref. 1 , 3 and 4) . The objectives of these analyses were as follows : A . To determine the market base of demand for the Shuttle and any people mover which might replace it, under current conditions and in the future . B . Characterize current ridership as a function of the market base . C. Assess the ability of the Shuttle to meet demand and the impact upon quality of service. D. Develop the required design capacity and points of service for any people mover replacement of the Shuttle . 4.1 .THE RESORT ENVIRONtv1ENT AND POPULATION CHARACTERLSTICS As a ski resort Vail is dependent upon the skiing tourist and the 160-day ski season for income generation. The natural beauty of the location and the ambiance of the community make it a summer attraction as weil, but to a lesser dearee. "I�ransportation problems in Vail are primarily related to the ski season and its peculiar travel characteristics. L- xhibit 4 - 1 provides a distribution of the peak-day Vail population by type of person for four separate ski seasons. The 1985 - 86 season pooulation is provided as the base year . Three projection years are provided for the following reasons : 1991 - 92: Category I and Category II improvements are to be compteted by 1992. This includes replacement and upgrading of existing facilities and services and expansion of Vail 1�fountain and its special permit into the China, Upper Two Elk and �lushroom Bowls. 26 t� � c'� u1 �O N f� `p . . . . . . . � 'rl Q� W �'1 N N O �. � �0 •-. N —� O th � � Z O � I� v1 N t� �/1 � Q �O l�'1 Q� � I� .� �O �' � O � tn t0 --� O Q� O G N c^ n N ? 00 �p CLI --+ N th a n �/1 c+� v1 �O N 1� o � � � �'1 O� 00 1"1 N N O � � �O --� N --• i„ T N N 1 N � � N � ¢ � Z t� N t� �O N -+ � M L � O N ^ O� O ^ �O Q� 00 O O Y 'G-.' -� c�i �n m r� �o .. ¢ G„1 r .--� (n y pp IyJ p+ ro o a v N T Z L vi Q i� L an v, M h �O N n - ° T � . . . . . . O �0 }' o u1 Q� c0 � N N p � F"' N � �O .� N t„ a 'y 61 (0 C O � N j. N � � O � p .o o �- o �o � M � t � � N t+l I� 01 N �O vl ++ �- N .n � t� o N � � �- 3 m .-. � _ „ _ .. ., ., y ¢ `L' —� c� � w � .n w ° �, a "� -" N �° o � a" o (L N y a L o b N N I� u'1 c�l v1 �O N 1� >+ "' . �' � r O� 00 f1 N N p � F � �- .o � N � .� � a i � � � � S °O Z �n o0 o c+� oo m oo co N X °i p � o o �n c� � � � W N � � N O O� �O �O N �-' � -+ N N �O N h v� [1.1 �--' --+ N a Y m Y � � � � V � � C C y C C1 �. V �'+ v +�+ 'U ""' � � , O � C � .a � O F v� v a�i ai ..� G e� .. . �" i Y O O I-� L F- � o E E � v� v�i Z u� cil 27 1995 -96 : A ten -year point to use as the design condition for any initial portion of a people mover system . 2003 -04 : When Category III improvements are completed - - expansion into Super Bowl. From this data it is important to note that skiers dominate the population at 63.5 percent and are believed to dominate the In -Town Shuttle ridership during the peak hours. Employees and non-sltiers are observed to be riding the shuttle mainly at hours different than the peak periods. Growth projections, based upon the Category I, II and III expansion projects, were apparently averaged out to be 2 percent per year. Exhibit 4 - 2 provides a distribution of employees and visitors according to four geographical areas of the Town, which are depicted in Exhibit 4 - 3 . While the data of Exhibits 4 - 1 and 4 -2 do not match arithmetically, apparently due to the modeling , procedures (Ref. 3), they are sufficiently close for use in stratifying the market base ' of demand for the In -Town Shuttle to make the following observation: The LionsHead/Vail Village area, served by the In-Town Shuttle, is 98 percent occupied by visitors which represent 59 percent of all visitors in the town. This does not appreciably change for the 6 , 10 and 18 year projections. Therefore, one may anticipate that shuttle peak hour ridership to be dominated by skiers who begin the day as overnight residents and day skiers parking in the LionsHead/Vail Village Area. Exhibit 4 -4 provides a distribution of skiers only coming from the four geographical areas. While these data do not arithmetically match exactly the data of Exhibit 4 - 1 , apparently due to the modeling procedures (Ref. 3) , they are sufficiently close . Here it is noted that overnight skiers from the LionsHead/Vail Village area are 57 percent of all resident skiers, dropping only to 55 percent in 1995 -96 and 53 percent in 2003 - 04 . 4.2 PARKING The c��rrent narkine capacity reoorted by (Ref. 4) in the LionsHead/Vail Village area is as follows: 2g �"� 1� O N UJ O N dJ O N o0 O n p� �r p� O c �"� �O O Q� O N t� O � vl O -. �p O � O M � �� Z f'� O t�1 O� Q� 00 •-. 00 C� O N N t`1 T Q� � v� Q �--� CO T N � i� O� �O �/'� �D CO � O� I� -. v1 1 � �O N o0 t"� i� O 1� t� � N .--� � 01 01 O O O L� N v1 f� t"1 d N f"� N � v'� v� �. N t'� �D � � � N � a �' �D O �"� 1� O N o0 O N o0 O op t+� v-� � p � �O\ c�'1 �O O O� O N 1� O � v1 O .-. ^ O L: .p � � F � � N � � Z �/1 M o0 �'1 _. � c+� I� O c0 --� O� 41 N N O t'1 � � O o0 O o0 --� � u1 �O W U1 v1 N I� •-. � � r'1 O� N -.. M d M O �`l h �0 d O c0 00 t+� c0 v� M O Z � N � �p � � N C�1 N N � v1 N � -. .r '� L1. N � � u u � � O �' u ,..1 � � o c� o0 o c� o0 o c� oa o �o o �o 00 0 �. (u o M �D O O� O N I� O � ul O -� I� p O � N -• .-• -" G ... L• 1 � � i L'. � v � _" N c � Z � ZO •-� N t+1 v1 d O� -y c�1 �- �/1 N f� N .-. N o0 �`'1 3 .... y d ul G1 1� h �' I� � 1� �D � �O cn �O G1 � p r O N I� v1 N N � t� �D S 1� � N � O� CO -. � ++ x ��'" � .-• � 'n N cn .--� N d � 6� .--� N c0 4'+ W "' •--i .-. � 11.1 -. ry O � � y V� � � 3 � o r ,H L l7 O +U+ � L ro M i� O N c0 O --� O� O N CO O �D U1 �O c+1 O � � N o c�1 �O o G� O N 1� O � � O �--� 1� O � Q +-� �' 00 C y � � N � � C] � Z �n co � � � � � o � � n �n -. c� co � oo *' y '-' 0 m m m .o c� m �n m � w oo � o o .-� �n � .. ,� y � N � O ul (V .-. N1 �D cn O �O N 01 -�. 0� � I� N � ++ uN-. .-. c+1 � N �+l .r N �"1 � 00 --+ v� i�+ � V � � � ry U � i . s. C � � i" V p � Y � � � f7` � L � I ("� i + Q O � � � „ Q � � U � � � � � � � V (tl L 61 (y L (+� T 'U = 41 Q N y x �j U O a, a� c� a� +- v v. �, - � � N a �. � �, , e� >. � �, � v � � � c� y ai e. � � �b � o � ; c ° � ;� c o � �o o ,� a C 3 � E � o � � � o ° � � o � E .� o � � c ..' .. � v > F- � [. ! > F- U �I > F- e i_; > F C > o � � c� G i G �"' � ,.Ln ( 7 > � O a�i ~ e � � p �" v�i N ++ y;,� � V1 � --> > ul F O C 29 � �.. ,� .� �, .. - : �, .� .� � � 0 w ^ � � �,,, ' °�,' d � � s o �"� L L � . Q�. i-�� i�1+ z S S F w Q � � ' °+{ e ¢ ;: U > a� �. ro O = Z > � 3 t° p 'm -� r > a, > . m °� v f^ ro L I -' �' � N ¢ N F � V = 2 � �-- � t_j - X m w -. v V `tl o �m � > U > :iliEtfi;EE: y _. -. � ::: �':.':�::i:�� i::::.. N �n . .. �� . ...::....... 'm 'm m .... . .:::rrr:::::�:: 3 > > u '::i'::::::. .......:..... .. ::ri:;;:::;rr�ts:::�:s;:;;`:;:::f::: �.:. .:;�..:�['iE:;`'E:;t;.�"F`iF:.:7�.i.`.;t::._ ^-� .. .. � ''�C+...µ..�.. Q Z ::: ����:::��::. � �:.E;i:..��1 Ll fffil7:'. � :. . 'i:��i�.. ��^ii::;,::;�111����i���i::,, •.1 :?!;y4. '':�:�., ic?EE17:dE �''4iFd`2 ii 30 EXHIBIT 4-4: DISTRIBUTION OF PEAK DAY SKIERS NUMBER OF SKIERS ORIGIN OF SKIER 1985 - 86 1991 - 92 1995 - 96 2003 - 04 West Vail Area: Overnight 2 , 354 2 , 700 3 , 269 4 , 012 Local 149 174 219 261 LionsHead/Vail Village : Overnight 8 , 456 8 , 720 9 , 911 10 , 449 Local 27 27 31 33 Vail Golf Course Area: Overnight 1 , 816 1 , 857 2 , 042 2 , 103 Local 65 67 76 79 East Vail Area: Overnight 1 , 738 1 , 871 2 , 145 2 , 418 Local 169 178 206 226 T OTAL 14 , 774 15 , 594 17 , 899 19 , 581 Source: Reference 3 :^r�.. 31 Vail Vi11aQe and Gotden Peak 2 , 170 private spaces (condos/lodges/commercial level) 800 public spaces in Transportation Center 287 other public spaces LionsHead 2 , 538 private spaces (condos, lodges, and VAI lots) 1 , 200 public spaces in LionsHead Structure Also the following parking use by skiers was reported in (Ref. 4) as the response to the question " Where is your car parked today?" from a 1985 survey : Transportation Center 21 % LionsHead Structure 13 LionsHead West Day Lot 4 Golden Peak 3 Condo/lodge/home 35 Frontage Road 0 Beaver Creek 1 Other 5 NA /Have no car in town 13 The most important fact from these data is that approximately 53% of all sl<iers do not park cars at the beginning of the ski day . Therefore, it must be concluded that they either walk or ride the bus to reach their first lift of the day. From five seoarate license plate surveys conducted from December 21 , 1985 to 1larch 15 , 1956 by the Depart��ent of Public Works, it was found that 24 percent of the Transportation Certer's capacity and 15 percent of the LionsHead Structure ' s capacity is utilized by locally registered automobiles, which are assumed to be employees and local residents. The remaining spaces are expected to be utilized primarily by visitors. It was also reported by the Department of Public Works that the "I' ransportation Center either filled (or almost filled) to capacity 83 times in 1934 -SS and 97 times in 1985 -56 , whereas the LionsHead Structure filled to capacity oniy once in 19$4 - R5 �nd 15 times in ! 935 - 86 . 32 Exhibit 4 - 5 presents the results of a V AI survey taken during the 1985 - 36 season correlating where s'� iers park with the first lift they use during the day . These data indicate that cross traffic was small on the day the survey was made . Skiers arriving in cars were parking close to the location of their first lift of the day. For example, only 7 . 6 percent of the sl<iers parking at the LionsHead Structure used lifts in the Village Center or Golden Peak area as the first lift of the day . Similarly, only 7 .6 percent of skiers parking at the Transportation Center used Lionshead area lifts first in tl�e day . However, it is not I<nown if these data correlate with a peak or average day. Data from a survey takzn in the 1984 - 85 season ("I'able 14 . 1 of Ref. 3) seems to indicate cross-movements for a day having 15 , 513 skiers. Discussions with "Cown officials indicate an average automobile occupancy of cars parking to be about 2.5 . Calculations using data from (Ref. 3) were made as fallows: 11 , 455 skiers parkinQ 3, 117 cars = 3 .68 skiers/car 2 , 135 other cars parking, assumed to have only the driver as the occupant 2, 135 non-skiers + 11 , 455 skiers = 2,59 persons/car 2, 135 + 3 , 117 cars The calculated average of 2. 59 persons/car appears to confirm the average occupancy indicated in discussions with To wn officials and the calculations of 3 .63 skiers/car . Further caiculations from (Ref. 3) project a future occupancy of 3 . 2 . skiers per parked car . Tl�erefore , an occupancy rate of 3 .6 si<iers per car has been assumed for tlie analyses of demand in this report. 4.3 IN -TOWN SHUTTLE RIDERSHIP In -Town Shuttle annual ridership reported in the Transit Development Plan (TDP) Updatz (Ref . 1 ) was as follows: 1983 1 , 906 ,375 riders 33 EXHIBIT 4-5 : QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS INDICATING SKIER PARKING LOCATION AND FIRST LIFT OF THE DAY (1985-86 SEASON) Question : q51 '�'hat was your first lift today? ------------------------------------------------- Nhere is your car Gondoia Liit 8 Lift 1 Vis.a Liit 12 Lift 6 parked today? Lions- Villaae Bahn Gopher Gold BASc Nead Express Hill Peak -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 9ASE 950 218 133 25 442 13 Sd N/A-no car in Vail 1 18fi 53 33 8 74 4 15 ' 19 . 5 19 . 1 24 . 8 24 . 0 16 . 7 30 . 8 27 . 8 28 . 5 11 . 7 3 . 2 39 . 8 2 . 2 8 . 1 9eaver Creek 2 4 1 0 1 2 0 0 G . d O . d 0 . 0 d . G 0 . 5 u . d 0 . 0 25 . 0 0 . 0 25 . 0 50 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 Golden Peak 3 22 0 0 0 11 5 5 2 . 3 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 2 . 5 38 . 5 9 . 3 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 50 . 0 22 . i 22 . ] _ iransport . Cznter 4 210 12 4 5 183 0 5 22 . 1 4 . 3 3 . 0 20 . 0 41 . 4 0 . 0 9 . 3 5 . 7 1 . 9 2 . 3 81 . 1 0 . 0 2 . 4 Lions4ead Par!cing 5 118 79 30 2 fi 1 0 12 . d 28 . 4 22 . 6 8 . 0 1 . 0 7 . 7 0 . 0 66 . 9 25 . 4 1 . 7 5 . 1 0 . 9 O . G LionsHead 'Aest b d2 2? 17 0 3 0 0 4 . ; 7 . 9 12 . 9 0 . 0 0 . 1 0 . 0 0 . 0 � 52 . 1 d0 . 5 0 . 0 7 . 1 0 . 0 0 . � Cordo/lodge/hame 4 iO3 98 d2 9 i33 2 22 32 . J 35 . 3 31 . 6 36 . � 30 . 1 15 . d 40 . T 31 . 8 1 : . 6 2 . 9 43 . 2 0 . 5 l . i ;.,ar a F° ? 3 � 2 3u � i 5 . 3 4 . 1 5 . 3 3 . 0 fi . 8 1 . 7 13 . 0 21 . 7 11 . 7 3 . 3 50 . 0 I . i ll . 1 ��i �� ��i LionsHead Village Center Golden i'ezk Source: Vail Associates , Inc. Area 34 1984 2,069, 162 riders (3 .5°o increase) 1985 2, 141 ,734 riders (3.5% increase) The TDP also projected ridership increases at 3.5 percent per year . The Department of Public Works reported * the following ridership for the In-Town Shuitle during the ski season only: 1984 - 85 1 , 618 , 791 riders, average of 10, 117/day� � 1985 - 86 1 , 623, 397 riders, average of 10, 146/day Ridership data was provided on a daily basis from January 1 , 1985 through November 30 , 1986 . These data are a result of counts and estimates made and reported by the bus drivers, as no fare is collected or other mechanical means of counting passengers is utilized. The accuracy of the data cannot be verified; therefore, it can be treated only as representative data, The primary transportation problems of the ski season are associated with a regular occurrence of peak traffic demands on the weekends. It is recognized that heavier demands occur depending upon snow conditions and on holidays . For the purposes of analyzing demand and developing transit system capacity require- ments a " design condition" must be defined. This design condition has been defined for Vail to be the regular occurring peak ridership, which is observed from ridership data to be best represented by that occurring on Saturdays . Exhibit 4 - 6 provides the ridership counts for Saturdays during the 1935 and 1986 ski seasons . The average of 13, 962 for 1986 is 8 .9 percent higher than the � average of 12, 326 for 1985 . VAI, with respect to data, reiers to a " peak day" and a " design day" for planning and sizing facilities . Demand for a peak day is approximately 1 . 27 times that of a design day . The daily ridership data for December 26 , 1986 was 17 , 585 and also annotated with "every bus was out and still couldn't handle the crowds:' If � Source : ;yiay 7 , 1936 Memo by Stan Berryman * � Calculated on basis of 160 days per season 35 EXHIBIT 4-6: REGULARLY OCCURRING IN-TOWN SHUTTLE PEAK RIDERSHIP DURING SKI SEASON (Saturdays Only -- Excluding Holidays) 1985 1986 JAN 5 14 , 361 7AN 4 14 , 124 12 11 , 328 11 12 , 913 19 10 , 118 18 13 , 955 26 12 , 263 25 12 , 359 FEB 2 9 , 378 FEB 1 13 , 944 9 10 , 709 8 12 , 565 16 13 , 786 15 15 , 864 23 11 , 888 22 15 , 601 �v1AR 2 14 , 569 MAR 1 14 , 991 9 14 , 639 8 13 , 825 16 14 , 303 15 15 , 597 23 15 , 769 22 17 , 019 30 13 , 996 29 16 , 358 APR 6 14 , 750 APR 5 11 , 495 13 10 , 532 12 8 , 314 TOTAL 192 , 385 TOTAL 209 , 424 AVERAGE 12 , 826 AVERAGE 13 , 962 Source: Ridership data provided by Public Works Departm ent 36 17 ,600 riders is used as the "peak day" condition and 14 ,000 riders used as the "design day" condition, then a ratio of 1 .26 results for peak/design . Therefore, for analyzing demand data a peak ridership of 17 ,600 passengers wili be assumed which can be correlated with peak day population statistics. The current design condition, however, is assumed to be 14,000 riders/day and will be the basis for projecting future design capacity require m ents. Exhibit 4 -7 provides the Saturday ridership on the other three Vaii bus routes. Since so me of these passengers may be transferring to the Shuttle, correlated data has been tabulated. In addition, there were 808 ,444 passengers carried by taxis and lodge-owned vehicles in 1985 . With 75 percent being carried during the 160 day ski season, the season average is calculated to be 3 ,790 passengers per day . 4.4 RIDERSHIP DEMAND AND SHUTTLE CRPACITY Data distributing the passengers over the day was not available. Therefore, Exhibit 4 -8 provides an estimate of this distribution using the scheduled fleet allocation. This procedure is believed to be sufficient for evaluating demand during the peak period of the day. It is noted that a ridership rate of 1 ,694 passengers/hour occurs over the time 3 :30 to 5 :30 p. m. as skiers are leaving the slopes on a design day. ylost lifts are closed by 3:30 p. m . If ridership is evenly balanced in both directions, the ridership rate per direction would be 847 passengers/hour; which is consistent with the directional capacity of 841 passengers/hour calculated in Exhibit 3 - 3 for a design day. For a "peak day" condition with ridership of 17 ,600 passengers, the single direction rate during the peak period will be 1 ,067 passengers/hour. When this occurs additional buses are diverted from other routes to the In -Town Shuttle route. For each bus diverted the directional capacity can be increased by 70 passengers/hour. Local officials say that usually two buses are added. This would increase the capacity to only 931 passengers/hour per direction which is still insufficient to handle the peak day peak period demand as it occurs. The result is ove,crowding of the buses, longer queues for boa ,dino, lcnger waits and a sprzading of the peak period - - ali of which can be considered as a degradation in the quality of service. 37 EXHIBIT 4-7: RIDERSHIP ON OTHER BUS ROUTES (1986 Ski Season -- Saturdays Only) ROUTE DAY West Vail Bighorn (East Vail) Sandstone (Peak = Design) (Peak = 1 .26 x Design) JA N 4 2 , 614 2 , 044 1 , 734 11 2 , 461 1 , 898 1 , 140 18 2 , 372 1 , 940 991 25 2 , 301 1 , 591 1 , 096 FEB 1 2 , 063 1 , 807 1 , 201 8 2 , 476 2 , 186 1 , 124 15 2 , 349 2 , 503 1 , 726 22 2 , 585 2 , 017 1 , 469 MAR 1 2 , 641 2 , 081 1 , 719 8 2 , 452 1 , 830 1 , 443 15 2 , 629 2 , 297 1 , 818 22 2 , 741 1 , 903 1 , 499 29 2 , 153 1 , 950 1 , 548 APR 5 1 , 888 825 994 12 1 , 346 685 648 TOTAL 35 , 071 27 , 557 20 , 150 AVERAGE 2 , 338 1 , 837 1 , 343 Terminus Vail Transp. Ctr . Vail Transp. Ctr . Vail Transp. Ctr . H eadway at 12 min. 15 min. 17 min. Terminus 180 /hr 144/hr 127 /hr During Peak Source : Ridership data provided by Public Works Department 38 \ EXHIBIT 4- 8: DISTRISUTION OF SHUTTLE RIDERSHIP OVER PERIOD OF DESIGN DAY PERCENT TOTAL RIDERSHIP DEMAND RATE TIME PERIOD % %/hr Passengers/hr 6: 45 - 7: 30 a.m . 1 . 5 2 . 0 280 7 : 30 - 8:00 a.m . 1 . 5 3 . 0 420 8: 00 - 8: 30 a.m . 2 . 5 5 . 1 714 8: 30 - 10: 30 a.m . 12 . 1 6 . 1 854 10: 34 - 11 : 00 a.m . 2 . 5 5 . 1 714 11 :00 - 2: 30 p.m . 14 . 1 4 . 0 560 2: 30 - 3: 00 p.m . 2 . 5 3 . 0 420 3:40 - 3: 30 p.m . 3 . 5 7 . 1 994 3:30 - 5: 30 p.m. 24 . 2 12 . 1 1 , 694 5: 30 - 6:00 p.m . 3 . 5 7 . 1 994 6:00 - 9:00 p.m . 18 . 2 6 . 1 854 9:00 - 10 : 30 p.m . 6 . 1 4 . 0 560 10: 30 - 11 :00 p.m . 2 . 5 5 . 1 714 11 : 00 - 1 : 30 a.m . 5 . 0 2 . 0 280 Source: Calculated using the scheduled fleet allocation 39 If an "acceptable quality of service" is defined as provided by a capacity of 841 passengers/hour per direction one can easily observe that "unacceptable levels of service" will exist on peak days. Increasing the bus size to the larger 35-seater Orions may increase capacity by 15 percent (1 ,009 passengers) but will still not be sufficient to handle peak day demand. Also, it is not clear that adding additional buses during the peak period will result in increased capacity, particularly if there is any reduction in overall average speed due to congestion along the route. 4.5 TRAVEL DEMAt�ID CHARACTERISTICS Prior to a description of the travel demand characteristics of interest to this study, it is instructive to describe in general terms the travel scenario in Vail. The primary travel demand imolves the movement of skiers to the three lift areas in the morning and their retum in the afternoon. Destination skiers overnighting in the Village/LionsHead area move from their room/condo/apartment/home to the lift of their choice (first lift of the day) ; they move on foot or on foot and by bus. Destination skiers overnightina in other areas of the Town and day skiers leave their access mode (personal auto, limo, van, bus, etc.) primarily at Vail Transportation Center or LionsHead Structure and move on foot or on foot and by bus to the lifts. The lifts can begin operation at 7 :30 a. m., but normally begin at 8:30 a. m . and cease operation at 3 :30 p. m. Thus the skiers, in attempting to maximize their time on th� slopes, generate a travel demand pattern quite similar to the diurnal work travel pattern of an urban area or large employment center, i.e., a high inbound movement in the morning but higher outbound movement in the late afternoon when the lifts close. This is reflected by the bus assignment schedule for the Shuttle which was shown in Exhibit 3 - 4 . ' Thus, travel demand as it relates to this study focuses on the movement of skiers into the Vail Village/LionsHead area and the movement of skiers from their access mode of travel to the ski lift areas in the morning and the return movements in the late afternoon. It is the identification and understanding of these movements which are essential to the determination of fixed guideway transit system feasibility. Peak demands on the Shuttle at each of its stops provide an indication of the major demand points along the shuttle route. (See Exhibit 4 -9 .) These data are also 40 EXHIBIT 4-9: DISTRIBUTION OF PASSENGER BOARDINGS BY BUS STOP BUSSTOP PERCENT 1 . Gold Peak 8 . 0 2. Tivoli/Garden of the Gods VAC) 2 . 0 3 . Covered Bridge 20 . 0 k . Crossroads 16 . 0 5 . Vail Village Inn Plaza 9 . 0 6. Vail Valley Medical Center 4 . 0 7 . Ice Arena 6 . 0 8 . LionsHead-East 25 . 0 9 . Marriott's Mark 6 . 0 10 . LionsHead- West (Concert Hall Plaza) 4 . 0 Source: Reference 1 , Transit Development Plan Update 41 presented on the route map in Exhibit 4 - 10 . The high passenger boardings (45 percent) at Covered Bridge (Vail Transportation Center) and the LionsHead-East are reflective of each of these stops being both a parking terminal and a gateway to a major lift area. It is also noted that 78 percent of the demand occurs along the route between LionsHead and Covered Sridge . This has been recognized by the Transit Department by having e m pty buses turning back at these points. One could also consider that any initial people mover system be constructed between these two points and be extended in the future only as de m and occurs. Buses could then be used as feeders operating on short routes in the Golden Peak area and the loop to Marriott's Mark Resort and possibly to Cascade Village. Exhibits 4- 11 and 4 - 12 provide an estimate of the market base of demand for ridership on the In -Town Shuttle. Data is given for a peak day as defined by VAI. Similarly, shuttle ridership on a peak day would be 17 ,600 passengers. Only the visitor population has been counted in determining the market base . Observations and discussions with city officials suggest that the peak period shuttle ridership is dominated by visitors (mainly skiers) since employees ride at different hours of the day. The main purpose of the demand estimate is to determine the capacity requirements for people mover replacement of the shuttle, which will be dictated by the demand during the peak period. From Exhibit 4 - 12 , it is noted there is a predominance of the market (64.3 percent when including day visitors) contained within the Village/LionsHead area. W hile the total m arket base increases by 23 percent in 1995 -96 and 43 percent in 2003 -04 , the Village/LionsHead area re m ains predo minate. The m ost significant shift due to growth is projected for the West Vail area. ' �Sany of the visitors sho wn as originating in the Village/LionsHead area can wall< to their first lift of the day. However, the other 36 percent of visitors outside the central area must use some vehicular means to do so. Exhibit 4 - 13 is an - estimate of how the peak day visitors may be accessing the Village/LionsHead area. "Che 1 ,622 visitors arriving by hotel/lodge vans and taxis are dropped off at destinations of their choice : either the LionsHead Structure, the Transportation Center or Golden Peak; therefore , they are not counted as part of the specific peak period demand for the Shuttle. 42 Z Q W � C e � ~ Z �� � rv p �p � ,- - m ` b\ N I • �p z = w _ � N � 1 m a � � e z = U '` � ¢i o0 a ~ IV ' .�� � a � �� _ U 1 I� � II ~ � 1� � C � ' � I� ` < • � ` O �� ' b . ` H e ' � z ¢ � // m � , b u+ '- a o ; / o '':' � 3 z � = • o . .... F, Z / w i w � ¢ � � p ��1�1 - 111 � ' �� ° u F a � N w I z _ � � _ I N � � I �. O Q � a �`'' W 1 J J�/ � � ,� � c � > w J� < {�.� W C N 0 .`�i { J fi < Q U - 1 a O a w O > F' ¢ N a � �� d E` w � : � � � w � o Q • � 1 r 'y" p 6. U � �y I Q Oi ( � � � � i J ' ' � Z `�' y 4 j • � O�i � � � � O � � '� � Z Z � � j � �� _� � w G.1 � � LL w � x Zw � / �¢ a F � JQ � QQ ' 1 Q �. O � O UF � V �/ I � m O w u+ 1 � � � � w ¢ d � � � 1 � LL O LL U �-r� Q i • w \ � Q � � w �� w � � Z � ¢ � . d °a m '+=,,y w � r p v 1 � � � �' z i W o py' o i (] ° 1� m : � �,._ o f z � '.� o i 00 � • i � w Q o � z F - � ¢ . Z � Y � I Q � � s � , �? m W � � 6 � : �a _ � o ¢ � � y o - _. � i w � .� ¢ w a r i N �, � a o w � o • , � � � : ; �+ � F 0 o a z . - - - - �'D� U � V N � ° r ' c I � . � v c LL � a� � ��p � ~ N T � ; F N � Z:_ �` ^ � � _ a Z i � _ v1 ._. � _ • � - N � O I Y � �y � _ � .-p _ < ¢ =%F'�\ . - � � . •ll Z ' I . C � G 2 � < < N _ n �w � z � �. = �� � � o � � ' � � � c L Z I � ��� Q O Il] N P � � � Z \� w C d - - i 3 � � I Q O - '% - l c N 1 O V1 w �I � _ Z � c ... :{S I 1 < _ 1 �O J j � N 9 \ � l a� '^ 2 � 7 � < � � w .C. G � � . �� � � � - o z � � a i �m ¢ i �� � � i i � + � � \ �3 EXH [BIT 4- 11 : PEAK DAY MARKET BASE OF DEMAND FOR IN -TOWN SHUTTLE ( 1985 - 86 Ski Season) Assumption : Peak Per ;od Demand ( 3 : 30 - 5 : 30 p .m .) is dominate �' oy visitors ; ernployees trav ? l at different times . TYPE VISITOR ShIERS NON -SIQERS TOT �IL ' 1955 - 36 Day 2 , 408 433 2 , 391 Overnight 12 , 200 2 , 445 1 � , 645 Total 14 , 608 2 , 923 17 , 536 1995 - 96 Day 2 , 962 594 3 , 556 Overnight 15 , 007 3 , 008 18 , 015 Total 17 , 969 3 , 602 21 , 571 2003 - 04 Day 3 , 434 63S 4 , 122 Overnight 17 , 397 3 , 487 20 , 884 Total 20 , 831 4 , 175 25 , 006 44 EXHIBIT 4- 12: DISTRIBUTION OF PEAK DAY MARKET BASE OF DEMANDFORSHUTTLE ( 1985 -86 Ski Season) OVERNIGH"I� DAY LOCATION VISITORS VISITORS TOTAL NU ,�14ER % NU �iBER SS 1985 - 36 1Vest Vaii 2 , 329 15 . 9 0 2 , 329 13 . 3 Village ;LionsHead 3 , 377 57 . 2 2 , 891 11 , 268 64 . 3 Golf Couse/L- ast Vail 3 , 939 26 . 9 0 3 , 939 22 . 4 TOTAL 14 , 645 100 2 , 391 17 , 536 100 1995 - 96 West Vail 3 , 279 13 . 2 0 3 , 279 15 . 2 Village/LionsHead 9 , 962 5� . 3 3 , 556 13 , 513 62 . 7 Golf Course!East Vail 4 , 774 26 . 5 0 4 , 774 22 . 1 TOTAL 18 , 015 100 3 , 556 21 , 571 100 2003 -04 �Vest Vail 4 , 260 20 . 4 0 4 , 260 17 . 0 Villaoe!LionsHead 11 , 152 53 . 4 4 , 122 15 , 274 61 . 1 Golf Course/East Vail 5 , 472 26 . 2 0 5 , 472 21 . 9 TOTAL 20 , 534 100 4 , 122 25 , 006 100 45 EXHIBIT 4: 13: ESTIMATE OF PEAK-DAY VISITORS ARRIVING OR DEPARTING VAIL VILLAGE/LIONSHEAD AREA (1985-86 Ski Season) ORIGINATING 8Y TOV� 1 � BY PRIVATE�Z� BY CAR AREA BUS SERVICES (to be parked) TOTAL West Vail 896 603 830 2 , 329 Golf Course( East Vail 408 1 , 019 2 , 512 3 , 939 Outside (Day Visitor) 0 ?�3� 2 , 891 2 , 891 'fOTAL 1 , 304 1 , 622 6 , 233 9 , 159 NOTES : 1 . Exhibit 4- 7 ridership averages were used for the West Vail , Bighorn and Sandstone Routes. Ridership was reduced by one-third , the same ratio of employees living in the originating area . Each rider assumed to make 3 trips/day (one round trip for skiing plus half made round trips for eati ng/entertainm ent) . 2. Private services carrying 3,790 passengers/day were factorzd according to � the distribution of overnight visitors in Exhibit 4- 12 . 3 . There are intercity and chartered buses bringing day-skiers . These data were not available . 46 Exhibit 4 - 13 estim ates that 1 , 304 visitors are brought to the Transportation Center by the other three bus routes . Based on a 43 percent spiit to LionsHead lifts (Ref . 4) the number of transfers to the Shuttle is estimated to be about 560 . From Reference 4 , there are 1 ,087 public parking spaces in the Village Center/Golden Peak area and 1 ,200 at LionsHead Structure - - a total of 2, 287 spaces . If 20 percent of all public parking is used by employees and locals, there remain 1 , 830 spaces for visitors . At 3 .6 visitors per car (see Section 4 .2), there is parking capacity for 6,583 visitors . This capacity is close to and not exceeded by the estimate in Exhibit 4 - 13 that 6,233 visitors arrive in the Town center by car , which should be the case since LionsHead Structure is generally not filled to capacity. As a check , this lends credibility to the estimate of Exhibit 4 - 13. During the 1984 - 85 season , the Transportation Center was found to fill to 765 cars on weekends while LionsHead Structure filled only to 600 cars (Ref . 3) . During the 1985 - 86 ski season the Transportation Center was reported to be filled to capacity over half the time . Two sample calculations are of interest when the Transportation Center and all public spaces in the Village/Golden Peak area are filled. Sample Calculation I: Utilization of LionsHead Structure • All spaces in Village Center/Gold Peak filled 1 , 087 Less spaces filled by Employees/Locals at 20 percent 217 Net spaces for Visitors $7Q Number of Visitors arriving by car (Exhibit 4 - 13) 6 , 233 Less Visitors parking in Village Center/Golden Peak 3. 6 x 370 = 3 , 132 Net Visitors diverted to LionsHead Structure 3 , 101 Spaces in LionsHead Structure occupied by Visitors 3, 101 /3.6 = 361 � "fotal spaces in LionsHead Structure occupied by Visitors , rmployees and Locals , noting that Visitors and iocais occupy 15 percent of those spaces 861 /0 . 85 = 1 , 013 47 Sample Calrulation II : Diversion of Cars to LionsHead When public parking in the Transportation Center and Golden Peak area fill to capacity, traffic is diverted to LionsHead. The utilization of LionsHead is estimated to be 627 cars when this occurs . Total spaces in LionsHead 1 , 200 Less spaces �tilized 627 Net spaces for Overload 573 Less spaces for employees/locals at 15 percent of 573 86 Net spaces for skiers 487 Overload capacity in skiers 3.6 x 437 = 1 , 753 If the 43 percent split to LionsHead lifts and 57 percent to Village Center/Gold Peak lifts remained constant then the overload skiers capacity using the Shuttle would be 0.57 x 1 ,753 = 999 From sample Calculation I, there are 1 ,013 spaces in LionsHead Structure utilized, 84 percent of its capacity. The 999 extra shuttle riders in Sample Calculation II was calculated for the case when LionsHead Structure fills to capacity . Since Sample Calculation I was made on the basis of a 17 ,600 peak day ridership , the share of demand generated from LionsHead Structure might be calculated to be 84 percent of 999 or 839 riders . Exhibit 4 - 14 provides the results of a survey which correlates skier overnioht location with the first lift of the day . These data can be used to determine the ' demand for cross movements on the In-Town Shuttle between LionsHead and Vail Village/Golden Peak which are as follows: LionsHead to Village/Golden Peak 32 Village/Gold Peak to LionsHead 43 "Cotal Portion 75 Base 202 + 173 375 Portion of Base as Cro=_s movemen*s 75 � j75 - Q .Zf� 48 EXHIBIT 4- 14: RESULTS OF 1985-86 SURVEY CORRELATING SKIER OVERNIGHT LOCATION WITH FIRST LIFT OF DAY LOCATION BASE FIRST LIFT OF DAY (%) LionsHead Village /Gold Peak None Base 672 285 374 13 ( 100) (42 .4) (55 .7) ( 1 .9) Vail Villaoe 209 43 159 7 (31 . 1 ) LionsHead 176 141 32 3 (26 .2) East Vail 120 22 96 2 (17 .9) West Vail 96 43 47 1 (143) Sandstone 54 20 34 - - (8 .0) Cascade Village 17 11 6 - - (2.5 ) Source: Vail Associates, Inc. 49 EXHIBIT 4: 15: DISTRIBU"fION OF SHUTTLE DEMAND DURING PEAK PERIOD (3:30 - 5:30 1985- 86 Season) PEAK DESIGN DAY DAY iOTAL RIDERS 17 , 600 x 0 .242 = 4 , 259 3 , 380 A . Visitors Transferring to Other TOV routes 1 . West Vail and Sandstone Routes 385 352 2 . Bighorn Route (Golf Course /East Vail) 175 139 B . Village/LionsHead Area Overnight Visi- 405 321 tors making cross movements C . Overnight Visitors in Village/LionsHead 2 , 334 1 , 852 Area and Day Visitors (total x 0 .643) - B D . Overnight Visitors from \Vest Vail arriving by private services and automobile (total 181 98 x 0. 133) - A . 1 E . Overnight Visitors from Golf Course and East Vail arriving by private services and automobiles (total x 0 .224) - A .2 779 618 50 Exhibit 4 - 15 provides a calculated distribution of the peal: period Shuttle demand based on the foregoing analyses and estimates . Specific estimates are provided for cross movements between the two main lift areas as lines A and 6 . The dominant demand source remains as being generated by overnight visitors in the Town center and day visitors. Any additional breakdown and insight must be determined by conducting surveys of riders during the peak period. Observing from Exhibit 4 - 8 that the morning peak period demand rate is only one-third that of the evening rate suggests that cross-movements in the morning are minimal, i.e. skiers choose their first lift of the day on the basis of minimum access time and path of least resistance. Therefore, one might conclude that the dominant number of cross- movements in the afternoon peak period are by s!<iers who do not end their skiing day at their point of origin. 4.6 DESIGN AND PEAK CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS As discussed above in Section 4 .4 the current In-Town Shuttle capacity can meet the peak period demand for a design day . However, it cannot meet the peak period demand for a peak day . It is also questionable if the Shuttle route capacity can be increased sufiiciently to meet the peak day peak period demand, even if the fleet is increased with larger capacity buses. The following are the peal: period single direction capacity requirements which have been calculated on the basis of the above ridership and demand analyses. Peal< Period Single Direction Capacity (Passengers/Hour per Direction) SEASON PEAK DAY DESIGV DAY 1935 - 86 1 , 065 845 1995 - 96 1 , 310 1 , 039 2003 - 04 1 , 523 1 , 203 51 5.0 1'HE VAIL E�7VIRONMENT To assess feasibility it is not necessary to determine the best alionment. Only a " representative alignment," which in itself is feasible , need be determined . Detailed alignment studies are carried out during preliminary design, after a project has been approved and funded . Feasibility of the project will hinge primarily on costs and financing . Therefore , any people mover project which follows the representative alignmeM and is found to be feasible wiil be more successful when improvements in the alignment are determined . Examination of the Vail environment indicates that there are rivo major physical contraints which will affect the feasibility of the people mover system in Vail. These are the restricted public right of way in Vail and the nature of this right of way , consisting of winding and sometimes narrow streets. 5.1 DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT OF WAY RESTRICTIONS The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the feasibility of a people mover system as a replacement for the in-town shuttle bus system . This fundameMal requirement essentially fixes both the people mover route alignment and potential station locations. Therefore, the route followed by the In -Town Shuttle was studied primarily to determine a feasible representative alionment. As previously discussed, only elevated systems were considered in this stud,v . On-site investigations and review of aerial photos of Vail indicate that the development pattern is well established and that there exists little room for roadway expansion, especially in the vicinity of the two major retail centers. These T investigations also indicated that the esisting street right of ways along the In-Town Shuttle route are very narrow. At some locations, buildings appear to be located very close to the roadway edge . Further, we observed that at some locations along the shuttle route , there are no sidewall<s bordering the streets. (See Exhibit 5 - 1 .) yiost of the street network used by the Shuttle consists of two lane pavement with a width varying between 20 and 24 feet. The stretch of pavement between the C' ivi � Arena an�i thP nnrthwPSt end of the LionsHead oarl<ing structure is one lane only with no room for expansion . (See Exhibit 5 - 2 .) 52 C • • � � � � � � . �h � a ' x4� 3� � � '��. , ��° f � � �. S � �j 4 � �f ` t : y S [ ` 4+M � ��44Y�� kYi yr i � t � t i�✓ t ♦� Y � • -�, p� wuv� t t ♦ ' �.0 z � � .sj " '�"" f"Nx��>` '«�,'ax � i t f �a r �5..�.r�t �Z ���j yty� +Si e,�p4.. '� ` £ _ \ Y � `.G- � *.-. -: } Ah -' x '�� �'r' ✓���"����� � xP �Y� �. Y �f t � �'`= r` `� f � �-�...—' A�'� 'z— � �, Y". 2-,,..w.t ^'� S � 1 � u x ""r "+� F j` �{,�5_-j' � •�6�� � r � �.�� 15:: � p �� 3 �i F yr�4f�1��.] �i�` v. wa+ �+' T ;1 ' �� . �� � �� �y iK 3 i�S � ! S .l.i �:: II l'� l ' � 'I .. N ��� � Z � Z e _ �., � � .�'���T � O�f 1 1 Ti4r� �� � ' �y -.�;�,�e� A ,��,. � '��,� ,h f� y . :.. . . S?Y1'. � � � ' � ' � �+S`�y �` Acd �a Y .. t�yy31_�3�� f� W � ���+ti'w�t : 1 24 � .� h �N Yt 3 a�a� SY �.W'' ° 'yqe-` ` + � � � ' d '' �"s�.'� k � x °� _ P�3 'y� . Si �! 't�: �+-� 3 f . '�Y`E"x : t .� . 3 f k : �^ < �4` � � � � �-.' �� ' + a f �� � 'L 7k'. Jh�a�`" � `� 'Zg� A ' +�tY�.a�� .4 ._ x�+�e ��r .�: ` �.�+� +=cz. r. c , � / : �iar� y < � x � � . ' Y M '� y , fX w3 � � �lr � ' 1`YE �!A$ . " ^+"R'°y' .dz_ � t' "�"` e �w �' �.ii fs 4 ' : ,�v s�t '" �` s p�` "*5 r 4 �e . = a � ; _, � ` { � a} ��� �� a rl � +�' _� . •` e ! � __� �. � �' ``_ '; :v� ., . . ^ � ¢ � £ �,� � r.fi, `�-1 . � :� :� . ���'. �- 1 'Y: A people mover guideway along the Shuttle route would consist of about 40 curved sections and a few tangent sections. The minimum curve radius will be around 40 feet and the largest one around 625 feet. Exhibit 5 - 3 presents an analysis of the distribution of the curve radii . This distribution shows that 50 percent of the curves have a radius of 150 feet or less. Unless a route along Gore Creek can be determined, the people mover will have to follow the South Frontage Road and go under or over the pedestrian overpass to serve the areas west of the LionsHead parking structure . These restrictions will affect the design of the guideway and station structures, the system operation, and the technology that can be used. The following sections examine these aspects in further detail. 5.2 IhiPACT ON GUIDEV/AY STRUCTURE DESIGN While many parameters contribute to the design of the guideway, a major consideration is how and where the structural loads are transmittzd to the ground. In Vail, the paucity of public real estate on which the foundations and columns can be built will have an impact on the guideway structure design. There are several locations where the foundations and columns can only be installed on the road6ed. At these locations, the guideway structure will require special design provisions. For example, it will be necessary to maintain clearances compatible with existing vehicles such as snow removal, sanitation, and rescue vehicles. This compatibility requirement pertains to both lateral and vertical clearances as well as to ability to operate saiely and efficiently. Exhibit 5 - 4 presents typical steel columns that could be used . Curved guideway structures require more columns. For a Vail people mover system , the average span length will be about 50 feet. This means that about 150 columns will be required to handle dual guideway structure and about 50 for single guideway structure . The design of the guideway structure will be complicated further by the difficulty of accommodating a dual lane guideway . This complication arises due to the closeness of buildings to the proposed system structure , the lack of air space 54 EXHIBIT 5-3: DISTRIBUTION OF CURVE RADII ON IN-TOR+N AGT Number of Curves 20 15 10 ._ .: ::,'' ..._ ... . _... 5 < 50 I 101 - 150 201 -250I I3D1 -350 51 - 100 151 - 200 251 -300 > 351 Curve Radius (ft) 55 EXHIDIT 5-4: EXAMPLE OF SPACE REQUIREMENT FOR STEEL COLUMNSTRUCTURES Bearing Surface +� � � w � t h 50"-52" � Crash Protection - Barrier Concrete N ^ Foundation 68" -70" (almost 6 ieet) Note: This construction would be applied for single or dual track system on wide road. Ttie concrete foundation is above ground and protected for safety and maintenance reasons. 56 over narrow roads, and the necessity to provide access space for rescue vehicles during emergencies. In particular, it has been our experience building other people movers that fire departments will resist having access restricted to the floors of the buildings located along the people mover system route . Also, the guideway design must be such that people mover vehicles can be accessible by the fire department along the entire length of the system in the event of an emergency. "fhe latter is particularly important for monorail-type technologies which do not have an emergency walkway along the guideway for passenger evacuation. 5.3 IMPACT ON STATION STRUCTURES CVith regard to stations, space requirements as determined by platform space requirements and access from the street are functions of the type of vehicle and the type of system operation. For example, applications utilizing long trains require a long station structure to accommodate the train. The width of the platform will be determined by train capacity, traffic volume, and the headways. The overall station width is a function of the configurations of the guideway (sinole or dual lane) and of the platform type (center or side) . When a dual lane guideway is present, a central platform is usually more compact. However, in an elevated system, access from the street level is complicated if the station is over a roadway. To provide safe access, an intermediate level linking the platform and the street level above the sidewalks must be added. 1Vhile feasible, this option increases the height of the station as well as its costs. A side platform layout allows access from the sidewalk. However, from a service point of view, the user must know where to go, as each side of the station ' serves a different destination. Again this disadvantage can be eliminated by adding an intermediate level that will allow passengers to access either platform from either sidewall<. In this case, the height of the station will have to be increased. However, in Vail, this access requirement will not be necessary since the street can easily be crossed. Another constraint for station layout is that the platiorm area should be either a tangent alignment or along a curve of large radius. If the platform area is located between two short radius curves, it is necessary to extend the tangent alignment 57 beyond each end of the platform . These precautions are necessary to ensure that the gap between the platform edge and the vehicle floor remains small. Exhibit 5 -5 gives approximate station foot prints that would be required for the people mover in Vail. EXHIBIT 5-5: APPROXIMATE STATION DIMENSIONS FOR VAIL PEOPLE MOVER NUh1BER OF WIDTH LENGTH STATION TYPE TRACKS RANGE (FT .) RANGE (FT .) Lateral Platform 2 30 - 35 25 -40 1 15 -20 25 - 40 Central Platform 2 20 - 25 25 - 40 S.k IMPACT ON VEHICLE DESIGN The extremely short turn radii found along the people mover alignment preciude the use of wide vehicles with long wheelbases. Thus, only technologies using short and narrow vehicles can be considered for the Vail people mover. Because of the restrictions resulting from the station requirements, i.e., the need for and limited availability of tangent sections, operation of long trains is likely to • be severely constrained. Limitations on vehicle length result in limited space availability in the vehicle underframe. This lack of space will further constrain the type of system that can be used. Thus, self-propelled, automated vehicles which require an electric motor, a transmission, a differential, a power conditioning unit, a control system , a braking system , electrical switchgear, a power collection system , a low voltage power supply, etc., might require configuration in married pair units. Alternate propulsion contigurations in which all the traction, bral<ing and control functions are provided through the guideway are also possible. These configurations usually result in very simple, low-weight vehicles which are totally unpowered. Examples of such systems are the �VEDway system at Houston International Airport, Otis Tampa Harborplace , the SK system at Expo '36 in Vancouver and at the Villepinte Fairgrounds in Paris. A drawbacl< of this approach 15 iI1dL TI1252 V@I71C1ES USUdllY U'V i�ui IidVC h2niii��� aii Cvfi�1t10P+ilb� CC �1°blltinaV nn board . However, such amenities can be obtained by installing a light-duty power 58 collection system for running the auxiliaries, assuming that there is room to install them . 5.5 IMPACT ON OPERATION The short turning radii will have an impact on the type of operation envisioned. For exampie, available space at Golden Peak may prevent the use of a unidirectional loop as it will require an extremely short turn radius. This is not a problem at LionsHead or in Vail Village because turnaround loops would not be used there. Other alternatives such as switches and/or a turntable might need to be used. Use of operational switching limits the applicability of available technologies. Various factors, including the operating mode, will determine if doors will be required on one or both sides of the vehicles. The small vehicle requirement has a direct impact on headway as well. For a given capacity, the smaller vehicle capacity requires shorter headways. Very short headways are difficult to implement with self-propelled vehicles because the control system must be extremely sophisticated. Certain guideway based propulsion systems, such as cable driven systems, allow for short headway operations. The Vail Vista Bahn is one example of short headway operation with a track based propulsion system. However, in such a system, it is necessary to detach the vehicle from the cable, and move it sufficiently out of the way,, so that the next arriving vehicle does not collide with it. Thus, in these systems vehicles usually move at a slow speed along the platform . The large number of curves will have an impact on vehicle travel time. Again, depending on the propuision technology used, the maximum speed might be ' constrained by the smallest turning radius, as in cable drawn systems, or can be adjusted as a function of the local conditions. This is the case of the self-propelled vehicles or track-propelled vehicles with a speed program imbedded in the track* . These differences will mainly affect the trip time . � A detailed comparison of these various propulsion systems is given in the paper ent:t:ed "Shcr: Di;tance Tran�pc;tatior Systems - P.ecent Deve!opm=n* and FiihirP Outlook" . The paper has been included in Appendix A . 59 5.6 OTHER CONSTRAINTS Other important issues to be resolved include : the location of the maintenance facility, overnight storage of the vehicles, and ability to operate in snow and ice. The following briefly addresses these issues. 5.6.1 �iaintenance Facility To ensure proper maintenance of the system , a facility which is easily accessible from the guideway needs to be provided . Space along the line is rather limited . However, it might be possible to create a multi-use facility near the hospital parking lot. This facility could provide parking for patrons of the Dobson Civic Arena and for hospital patrons and employees at the lower level . The upper level could house the people mover system maintenance facility, control room office, and storage space for vehicles and spare parts. If this space cannot be used, another location that Could be considered would be the LionsHead parking structure. This assumes that the building could be modified to accept another level that would be reserved for all the storage and maintenance activities related to the system . If this is not possible, then another location would have to be found. " 5 .6.2 Overnight Vehicle Storage Automated vehicles are generally stored in an enclosed facility . In most cases this storage is included within the maintenance facility or in a nearby building . Vehicles can be stored in stations also . This second approach is easily implemented with active guideway systems because the vehicles are "dumb" and require very little maintenance. Nith respect to cleaning, the vehicle interior can be cleaned at t the same time as the station is cleaned. The outside of the vehic:e can be cleaned at the maintenance facility according to a predetermined schedule . 5.63 Operation in Ice and Snow In the Vail environment, this issue needs to be examined thoroughly . Nith few exceptions, systems using self-propelled vehicles require that in addition to JYJCC�JlII� Si�Gw iiG�T� ilic iui�i�li�� iliif3Cc a1� iCGiTi iiic �C ':Jc^. i COl+.°.Ct10f: S;JSt° fTl � Lf1° guideway surface needs to be heated to prevent ice formation. \�'hile systems such 60 as U �vII has operating at the �4innesota Zoo do not have guideway surface heating, they are operated by drivers on-board and at very stow speeds, lower than 5 mph . �'hen data iransmission is performed through a sliding contact, the transmission rail needs to be heated as we11 to ensure proper data exchange . Seif-propelled vehicles in which the traction forces are not transmitted via the wheel or for those that have their running surface protected do not require a guideway heating system . Active track systems are not subject to these requirements because the propulsion and braking forces are not transmitted via the wheels of the vehicles. However, snow removal will be required to avoid accumulation on the running surface. 61 6.0 EXAMINATION OF FIXED GUIDEWAY ALTER[VATIVES 6.1 AUTOMATED GUIDEWAY TRA[VSIT TECHNOLOGY In a fixed guideway system , vehicies operate on an exclusive guideway or track - - a major requirement to ensure safe operation. In most cases, the guideway is either elevated or underground. On some occasions, the guideway is at ground level. Ground level or at-grade guideways are generally less desirable in an urban environment because of the creation of a physical barrier which restricts cross movements by other traffic. Moreover, the cost of tunneling is much higher than the cost of building an elevated structure . For this study, only two alternative elevated tracks were considered. 1' unnels were not considered because of their high cost and because of the relatively low traffic volumes to be encountered. The major potential advantages of a people mover system over the bus system would be: ( 1 ) ability to meet increasing demand; (2) reduced dwell times due to the level boarding, large door openings, and the ability of skiers to bring the ski gear on board the vehicles ; and (3) reduced travel time because there will be reduced dwell time and no interference between the pedestrian and peopie mover vehicle flows. The result is improved service with line capacity which can be adjusted without service degradation. 6.2 ALTERNATIVE ALIGNiv1ENT5 The selection of an alignment is primarily driven by the location of the traffic generator/ receptors and the availability of Right of \Vay (RO \V) between these focal points. In Vail, the two major focal points of the existing system are the bus stops located near the parking structures. These bus stops also serve the two major lift areas of Vail, the Vista Bahn and the LionsNead Gondola. '"wiin respeci to RvCv avaiiabiiity, a review oi me aeriai photograpny oi Vaii indicated that the area is well built up and that little, if any, real estate is 62 available. The system ROW will have to be "fitted" into the available public space . It is noted that the land atong Gore Creel< is owned by the Town of Vail, and therefore may provide some financial opportunities in determining the final alignment. However, there are other problems associated with using the creek alignments as follows: o Stations within the creek alignment will be more complicated and expensive, requiring special pedestrian access. o Emergency evacuation of passengers from stalled trains on guideways located over the creek will be e�tremely difficuit. In determining a feasible representative alignment, we assumed that the only public space readily available to the Town of Vail was the space above the road system and possibly some along its edges and some portions of Gore Creek. Based on these premises, two possible people mover alignments were identified . The first one follows the present In-Town Shuttle route (See Exhibit 6 - i ). The second one, presented in Exhiblt 6 -2, is basically the same but provides a loop that traverses Vail Village. This loop would start at the intersection of East Uieadow, go north on Willow Sridge, east on Gore Creek Drive and south on Gore Creek Road and Vail Valley Drive up to the Golden Peak stoo. From Golden Peak, the guideway would then follow Vail Valley Dri�re and Gore Creel< Road north and then proceed west on East ��leadow along the same RON as the first alternative. � This alternative improves the access to the center of Vail Village but decreases access to the public parking. Another severe limitation of this alionmeni is the eYtremely tight turn radii that are required to make the various turns. Finally, the alternative alignment may be aesthetically controversial as the majority - of the buildings found in this area are low height, chalet-type houses. Finally, because of the narrow roads and the general lacl: of space in the Village, building zn aerial station in the Village does not readily appear feasible. One possible location for a station might be the berm area on the south side of the Village if an alignment to it can be found feasible. 63 z w 0 � r r z ¢ D. � � ° � w = . � U y � Y N Z _ � Q w C i � I::_. u ` ¢ < ^ � n 2 � (�� w U d '^I� = � ' � \ C Oi '�� ; i FZ I � I �I e °- i� � e � � �I °� � � �= b -' w � �: : z � m ��, ,� :i < o � w " s ^A a � ' z w 4J w � a o �7Y - � > U Q � W , z � u.t y u a � a ..1 w � � < F J /u V Z y) C 7 O Q � < J � 7 Y Q Q U � j � z � y d • �" O O w Q ZN � F �C"' C Q i U U' Q ¢ � y N ' � a � 1 � � � I �9 F � i�: � ✓ Z °� '� � i w i '., '.+��. �r .I Z � LLw � � � o � s w a a JU O uw jW U T. F 4 � a aw � F � d � � a ua �� � w O oZ W � W • � � � wE w ' '.h '1 < - a il, '-�4' U �--� j "i�l '�" z Q� 0 ��.—i O � (�', �� p W Qr � � � Z -Lm� YJ • ¢ 3 � � � � m � 0 0 z ✓�' o � F ai c � w y I ¢ a - m Z w ° � G z aQ � ° � � os o ��)` o � w p � U � Y �j O F p Q O � Y C �O N N U' Z U' f \ " � � V1 N � N I r� � � � � F z >i _ � � N O � < o � c w _ '^ I " � = _ v Q p +-' Q X N i 1t . c � W � _ m II.l ` m -+ �:i c - W v� .- n z z = a y G j 0 � '�� J c• o � � O z - � � o e� v] � F� � a w ,y y v c ^L. c9 ' � � � p C �CI - w Y Q X C C1 a-7•$ > a „ z u �n a < < w = N �, . , • r 'o i a oJ a � > � c • � 11 \\ 64 Z w � O e r ¢ Q N v ° � w � . E y ¢ Y � �, U � • C d Q C � . I - ZO (� W U d �. I .:1� C � ' � \1 O o �~I� I�I � � �y(I O � ' '�� ° a • o �G.�ab ,. o � a �v jC � '^ s a � �(i7 ��' Qw � i '� � o � o � .? � W o � � w H, � �`:�. � � - r � � w a p f1 W � y � � � a I � N � Q W C �/ ° � � f � J � II � Z NC > z w o < � ° > o '�' O � ¢ G � � w N N Z E-+ w 0 Z N � F ¢ O � 2 U � J a o � jd u w ' � I N � > • � � 'I� � � L � F � � � ? 2 � . � F Y LLw ' �T J � � C7 (� w O JS . Y� a � � � � J6 QQ ' _ � . w 2 ¢ IW- > w U O I �j JO WW Q W � � U � LL � � • w O oz w w z � � w ' � E � n r � F; a w d � 1(.��� U � m M� 7 �I 1 Z � O �1: -`•I O W Z = � � O / a' oo � � • > Z � o � � . � a � m x = � O a ' � ° m o - , I-� F z � o F I y o w � 4 2 O � � ° � w� �yI���I o � i a . � O . N w a �'+9,x � o � +� y, a z � � O w ¢ Cz � � ° � . N � � VI � F� J r � u' ~ Z° a C' C o ? .` > � F ..._� '� p c0 - o n. w X � i'�; a � a < '' ` o +� 2 W < � � F - ¢ a � ii � a. a in -+ ��,t o � a z p.. N o w . � J �� ° o C] � � z r � � pp N 'G < F� ' o Z ..C. N � .�i N j -'�. � O w � w x o �x C N �� � a �n z I1] N d � w o h N N � � � � � o z , o � a � � I 1 11 \\ � � � 65 Consequently, the only representative alion ment retained for our study for replacing the Shuttle is the one that follows the Shuttle route . 6.3 ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES In view of the above, potential candidate people mover technologies were identified and described below. The LE �1 corporate data base, which includes the most recent developments regarding people mover systems, is the basis for these descriptions and data. A copy of the recently published AGT data base* was given to the Town of Vail. "Che large number of entries found in the data base were eliminated prior to conducting our cost estimate. A selection of potential (representative) systems which might be operated in the Vail environment was made . The following material reduces the selection process and presents the technologies which appear to be best suited to the Vail environment. 6.3.1 Selection Criteria The potential systems were screened on the basis of having a turn radius less than or equal to 65 feet and vehicle width not greater than 7 feet. Several systems were identified as potential candidates. 6.3.2 Potential Systems The potential systems have been classified into four categories: systems in operation, systems under construction, systems which have been demonstrated, and conceptual systems. � A . Systems In Operation Monorails built by Universal Mobility, Inc. (U �tI) and Von Roll Habegger in Switzerland have been included in this group. 1Vhile none of these systems offer turn radii as low as 50 feet, their actual turn radius is close enough that our requirement co�ld be met with only slight modifications to the alignment and the system technology. � International Transit Compendium - Automated Guideway Transit, Volume IV , Na. l . 66 Systems meeting both the turn radius and width requirement are H -Bahn (small cabin) at Dortmund University, West Germany, the 1UEDway at Houston International Airport, the Boeing System at A9organtown, and the SK System at Expo '86 in Vancouver and at the Villepinte Fairgrounds in Paris. B . Systems Under Construction This group includes the TAU System being built in the City of Liege, Belgium , and the ARAMIS System being built in Paris, France. C. Svstems Which Have 6een Demonstrated This group includes the C-Bahn System which was demonstrated in the late 70's and early 80's at the Demag test facility in Hagen, \Vest Germany. Also included is the C- 10 monorail system purchased by Westinghouse from Rohr Industries. Rohr supplied this technology for Pearl Ridge in Honolulu as its P -Series Monorail. D. Conceptual Systems These systems, such as the Alpha System which was recently being promoted, , were not considered because they have not been developed and are not considered available. These systems can also be regrouped according to type of propulsion system and guideway(� ), as follows: � o Self-Propelled, Open Guideway - All monorails (U �tI, Von-Roll Habegger, Westinghouse C - 10) - Morgantown - TAU - ARA �tIS (� ) Open guideway - the running surface is exposed to the elements (snow, rain) . Closed guideway - the running surface is not exposed to the elements (snow, rain) . 67 o Self-Propelled, Enclosed Guideway - Traction Force Transmitted by the Wheels . H -Bahn - Traction Force Not Transmitted by the ��heels . C - 8ahn .. o Track Based Systems - SK (cable drawn) - WEDway (linear induction motor) Of the above systems, the 4lorgantown system and GBahn are no longer marketed and were not considered available . A brief description of these various systems is given in AppendiY B . 68 7.0 A REPRESENTATIVE PEOPLE h30VER SYSTEM This section defines a representative people mover system which may be proposed as a replacement for the In -Town Shuttle bus route . This representative system is based upon proven technology which is available from competitive sources. Also, the system follows the representative alignment discussed in Section 6 .2 and shown in Exhibit 6 - 1 . From a physical, geometrical and technological viewpoint the representative system can be said to be feasible . 7.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE REPRESENTATIVE SYSTEM FOR SHUTTLE REPLACEMENT As discussed in earlier sections, the representative people mover system will closely follow the route of the In-Town Shuttle. The guideway and station structures were all assumed to be elevated. A return loop was assumed feasible at Golden Peak. The system was sized to meet the 1995 - 96 projected demand and provide a directional line capacity of 1 ,088 passengers per hour on a design day and 1 ,343 passengers per hour on a peak day, with service at two minute intervals. By adding three more trains the system can meet the 2003 -04 projected demand and provide a single direction line capacity of 1 , 580 passengers per hour on a peak day. Train operation is automated and requires no on-board personnel. Except during the peak hours of the winter season, stations are unmanned. The following discusses the technologies that were considered and retained for the Vail application and provides the main physical and operational characteristics of the representative people mover system . These were then used to estimate the cost of the representative system. Technalogy Time and budget constraints did not allow each of the various types of technologies identified in Section 6 .0 to be sized for the representative alignment and preparation of detailed cost estimates. The technologies represented by C -Bahn and �lorgantown were eliminated because they are not commercially available . The TAU, H - Bahn and WEDway systems, while available commercially, have relatively high costs. Therefore, LE �1 narrowed its field of investigation to two technologies 69 that have a low cost record as well as a short implementation time . These are the self-propelled monorail (UMI, Von-Roll Habegger and Westinghouse C - 10) and the short headway cable driven system (SK) . LEUi then prepared initial sizing and preliminary cost estimates for both systems. However, as the cable driven system has only been implemented in point to point type of service , it was determined that the large number of stations could have a negative impact on the system reliability to a point where feasible applicability could be suspect. Furthermore, the preliminary cost estimates indicated that the cable driven system cost was slightly higher than the cost of the monorail; therefore, the investigation of the cable- propelled system was not carried further . Physical Description The overall characteristics for the monorail system are given in Exhibit 7 - 1 . The system was sized using data extracted from the LE �I data base for commercially competitive technologies such as produced by Universal Ylobility, Inc., Von Roll-Habegger and Westinghouse (C - 10). Stations were assumed to be a very simple, open design with no fare collection equipment. No escalators or elevators were included. Trains are composed of two permanently coupled cars. While longer trains can , be formed, there is an impact on station size, making them hard to fit into already crowded spaces and more expensive. Typical vehicle characteristics are as follows: Overall length 37 ft. Overall width 6 .5 ft. Overall height 9 ft. Heighi over Guideway Surface � ft• Passenger Capacity, Design 36 Crush 51 Passenger Comfort - Heating & Ventilation, No Air Conditioning Doors - Double width doors, each side of vehicle Directional Capability - Unidirectional so long as turnaround loops provided at each end 70 EXHIBIT 7- 1: DESCRIPTION OF REPRFSENTATIVE PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEM FOR REPLACING THE IN-TOWN SHUTTLE BUS ROUTE System Length, Single Lane 5 ,400 m Stations, Single-Side Platforms 10 Average Cruise Speed (no accel ./decel.) 4 .5 m/s Acceleration/Deceleration, Ylaximum 1 m/sz Acceleration, Average 0 .5 m/sz Deceleration, Average lm /s2 Train Size (2-cars) 10 m Train Capacity Design 36 pax Crush Load 51 pax No. of Double Doorways/Train Side 2 Boarding Time per Non- Skier 1 sec Skier with Skis 2.5 sec Total Dwell Time Design Day 629 sec Peak Day 772 sec Time Traveling at Cruise Speed 1 ,089 sec Time in Acceleration/Deceleration 135 sec Turnaround Time at Gold Peak 47 sec Total Round-Trip Time Design Day 1 , 900 sec Peak Day 2�043 sec Round Trips per Train per Hour Design Day 1 .895 Peak Day 1 .762 , Single Train Capacity per Hour, Each Direction (Passengers/Hr) Design Day 68 Peak Day 79 Maximum Operating Trains Required to Meet 1995- 96 Demand 1 ,039 pax/hr Design Day 16 1 ,310 pax/hr Peak Day 17 Headway Design Day 119 sec . Peak Day 120 sec Line Capacity , Singte Direction Design Day 1 ,033 pax/hr Peak Day 1 , 343 pax/hr Fleet Requirements for 1995 - 96: Operating Trains 17 Spares ? Total 19 Fleet Requirements for 2003-04: Operating Trains 20 Spares 3 Total 23 Headway of Expanded 2003 - 04 System Design Day 106 sec Peak Day 102 sec 71 The representative guideway is essentially a steel construction box beam approximately 32 inches wide by 22 inches high . Its guideway can be mounted in a single lane or dual lane configuration, on steel columns with spans up to 65 feet . Longer spans require additional trussing of ihe guideway beam . The representative system will be fully automated and driverless , following traditional fail-safe requirements for fixed-guideway transit systems. A control center will be provided within the maintenance facility. Vehicles will be propelled by electric power picked up from power rails along the guideway . An emergency diesel generator may be required to allow evacuation of the system during a power outage . If so, trains would be sequenced one at a time into stations allowing for a smaller size diesel generator . Operation Some of the general operating characteristics of the representative system are given in Exhibit 7 - 1 . Calculations of the dwell times at stations are given in Exhibit 7- 2 assuming skis are stored in racks on the side of the cars . Exhibit 7 - 3 is an operating plan. Section 7 .4 recommends that skis can be safely brought on-board by passengers resulting in significant improvement in performance and cost reduction. , 7.2 REPRESENTATIVE SYSTEM COST ESTIMA"I"ES 7.2.1 Capital Costs The capital cost was estimated for the Representati�re People �9over system . This estimate, shown in Exhibit 7 - 4, was prepared for a system having the characteristics of a low capacity monorail system as sized in Exhibit 7 - 1 . Unit costs from a LE �,1 proprietary cost data base, developed over a period of years utilizing actual costs of a number of system installations , were applied . In cases where an item may be in question , a higher unit cost has been selected to produce a more conservative estimate . Therefore, the estimate provided is considered to be .,ufficientl .,,.curate ;c te�: � .°, � � d i:ed �st ° :e .. i!! . • ed y fe sibility , mcr eta im � b° °gu: during preliminary design for preparing project budgets . 72 � � C o� m � � � d N n'� O� O � O �' 1� I:-� � � � _" ^ � N N � � F z .] Q t�1 U m 3 v-�i C `^ �n �n o �n o �n � v c m c+� � oo s oo m pp N t� 00 �1 00 �"1 N N � /�� L� (� 'v V� l/� � C1 W O� �' Q� �Y a O �" �' ` F- ' d 3 ¢ � � � o C] 4'-i -' N � N Z W v� � � � *� a a� � i c p � � N � a �o � t � � l-' � N � r�/ \ rr1 ^'1 M . ^ ,o .�-1 ° v � ro p 3 ro ° V o ro •3 o m y � 3 " ° °' o 0 vi � i � �,,,/ L w � N O � � V �� � � Z 7 1' � O W � N �o t� M i� 1+1 O Y p N } O � O '� � ` y _' ¢ 3 '= '" � ¢ C 3 � 3 .� 3 0- � Cl' Z t, � � o c ro '� V o �rn w ,y U L � v n. �n • a „ v ap u � ,v y � V a G � � � N � N N .-N. N .-N. L 'O � L � w � Y ti N � w v � 3 p N n � � � � U � � F � a o � v c Q Z '' = o m N Q c oO N v1 O �/1 o w +• u � � v N N N � F F � L , o � * b o m N C >+ b * p G a b 3 ° C y � C v � � � � b � ¢ � ttl = Y � N X (n O [✓J � U +' i N +�+ * � �' N L O � bD 7 � U L � � F O .D � C p Q � � a� .*o U * F rYO � o U � � * v� y �O �y m T v J U C� U I �. ,� I �. � 73 EXHIBIT 7- 3: OPERAI'ING PLAN FOR THE REPRESENTATIVE PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEbi OPERATING SCHEDULE HRS/DAY FLEET SIZE WIN7'ER Peak Hours 5 16 Off -Peak 3 8 Night Hours 4 4 17 OFF SEASON Daytime 12 6 Nighttime 4 3 16 PEAK SEASON IN DAYS 160 OFF PEAK SEASON 205 74 EXHIBIT 7- 4: CAPITAL COST ESTiMATE FOR REPRESENTATIVE PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEM TO REPLACE IN-TOWN SHUTTLE BUS ROUTE GUIDEWAY STRUCTURE Single Lane 770 m �d $ 950/m $ 731 , 500 _ Double Lane 2,315 m @ $ 1 , 400/m 3 , 241 , 000 STATIONS 10 sgl . platforms @ $ 155 ,000 1 , 550 , 000 SWITCH 1 �d $ 25 ,000 . 25 , 000 "fRANSFER TABLE 1 �d $ 25 ,000 25 , 000 TRAINS (2 cars each) 19 �d $ 190 ,000 3 , 610 , 000 SERVICE VEHICLE 1 �d $ 15 ,000 15 , 000 POWER DISTRIBUTION Substation 4 Ld $91 ,000 364 , 000 Electric Service 1 �d $8 ,000 8 , 000 Feeder Cable 3,085 m �d $302/m 931 , 670 Power Rails 5 ,400 m �d $ 164/ m 835 , 600 C041MAND & CONTROL 1 Ld $ 1 ,200 ,000 1 , 200 , 000 MAINTENANCE Facility 8� 100 sq ft �d $50/sq ft 405 , 000 Equipment & Parts 1 Lot Ld $500 ,000 500 , 000 Subtotal $ 13 , 491 , 770 ENGINEERING 15 % $ 2 , 023 , 766 ' TESTING 540 674 , 589 CONTINGENCIES 10 °.0 1 , 349 , 177 � ROW AND U1'ILITY RELOCATION (Allocation) 2 , 500 , 000 TOTAL $20 , 039 , 302 75 � 7.2.2 Operations and Maintenance Costs A preliminary estimate of annual operations and maintenance (O& �.1) costs was prepared, based on information regarding actual people mover system Odctii cost experiences. The cost estimate was prepared according to the operation plan discussed earlier. This estimate is presented in Exhibit 7 -5 . Supporting calculations are provided in Appendix C. The costs for liability insurance coverage during system operation have not been included, because of the current unsettled conditions with the insurance industry. Under normal circumstances, insurance costs would be about $ 100 ,00 per year. 73 ALTERNATIVE STARTER LINE PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEM It is noted that 78 percent of In-Town Shuttle ridership board the system at stops located at and between LionsHead and Covered Sridge. Therefore, one might consider implementing the first phase of a people mover system to replace only this service. The shuttle bus route could then be reconfigured to two smal! feed routes that interface with the people mover at LionsHead and Covered Bridge . Since the demand on these two small routes would be light and round trip times short, only a few buses would be required. Also, the feeder route operating to LionsHead could be extended to serve Cascade Village. Exhibit 7 -6 shows a representative alignment for a Starter Line that could partially replace the In-Town Shuttle. It basically follows the street route of the shuttle except that at the western end a single lane loop would start near the Ice Arena departing from West �;teadow Drive, pass by LionsHead Structure, proceed down through the LionsHead Area east of yiountaineros and then turn back east following Gore Creek to rejoin the dual-lane guideway on West �teadow Drive . Along both West and East Nteadow Drive the guideway would be dual-lane until reaching Bridge Street where it would become a small single-lane loop through Vail Village using Gore Creek as part of the alignment. The technology would be the same as described in Section 7 . 1 for replacing the entire In -Town Shuttle. Exhibit 7 - 7 provides a description of the application, Sj/5.°:^ �.Zlr^6 d^'�. :u^�d� u^cfiioi ^vYc^CdLliis ErcifviTiaiiCc. i;iiiluii i -.°� i5 d�i c5:i ^iftL.°. O. the capital costs which at $ 15 million are 25 percent less than full replacement of the Shut4le . The O& �1 costs would also scale back to about $750,000 per year. 76 EXHIBIT 7-5: SUMMARY OF O&M EXPENSFS FOR THE REPRESENTATIVE PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEM Personnel (Includes All Overhead & G &A ) $560 , 000 Temporary Personnel 25 , 600 Cleaning Contract 100 , 000 Electric Power 163 , 000 Subtotal $848 , 600 Consumables (2% of Subtotal) 16 , 975 Contingencies (10 % of Subtotal) 84 , 860 . TOTAL $ 950 , 435 77 z < w � c c � � D v - ° � � �, . e = r<.-: w . < < _ G � Il U �� C 2 U Zp - ✓ � �::i� � o ' � \ c ' ;ri . �^It �\ � � o �I � Url � . I c U �! C ir. ,< I � a • O M f ZP'� . I N � ' �� 1 'n - � l-��..w � � z e ^ n 3 w 3 2 � ' F ° • ` . . o w z c .. I �. . � _ F y > O �f � Q U W Z N � < � Q Q � FW- y � J /,y Q N � � � J �y ' � j - z C � .. r� Q O � w p < U = > � e i • � O U N w N = w O 2 Q F, � C N p d U Q W Q O : U � ¢ h- ; � a � � n � J � N � j � % Gj,] � � � Z N �I �' �.7' � >- z i wN z ri `� _ -�� I F^ w z . r-1 ,',f`i', Z W o LL ¢ . a �7 I3. O � � x � w > w � � n O � 'mo ow ° ._. w ~ W U a a � • u Z o-,� U Q � w � Q � � w i ¢ Z C+ 4 � ¢ �� U Z O � W v m , .-�;, � 1 � a � o ti� �,, a ¢ Z ° < —, m .J z F � a � � � , °- o � � cs • > rip] am� ? ¢ • Q F ~ � � ac�i m r+ L'� O a � � � Q �- ? '� , . o ¢ yF- Q ° — wN m � X `� w ° N � ._° o � W w � c '�� O � u � ' ` � � � c - °o a i � 1J � � � `� � o C � � U y ¢ GZ � I \ ° � � ` C N W .�O � � � ' Z F � Z" J < "� C wO o Z „� g ... p �+ E x 5 o Y a' �7 n N "£ F Q W �.,\ V] �. Z " t '�F 'a . � G cl < G �- � c < N � > w � '� z � ' o O � ° > � � � a ` � � oa v� � z : - C ,� m p o ��t i `�' �o 0 � � � � � [j v� G ! I J w Y ^ O %�` j C N G v� Z � E w O c vr � 1 � • � O `z L � ow a s � �/ � P ' " ' \� 7s EXHIBIT 7-7: DESCRIPTION OF A STARTER LINE PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEM System Length Single Lane 1 , 900 m Dual lane 790 m 7' otal Single Lane Length 3,480 m Stations, Single-Side Platforms 7 Average Cruise Speed (no accel./decel .) 4 .5 m/s Acceleration/Deceleration, Llaximum 1 m/sZ Acceleration, Average 0 .5 m/s2 Deceleration, Average lm/s2 Train Size (2-cars) 10 m Train Capacity Design 36 pax Crush Load 51 pax No, of Double Doorways/Train Side 2 Boarding Time per Non- Skier 1 sec Skier with Skis 2.5 sec Total Dwell Time Design Day 523 sec Peak Day 646 sec Time Traveling at Cruise Speed 696 sec Time in Acceleration/Deceleration 95 sec Total Round-Trip Time Design Day 1 ,314 sec Peak Day 1 ,437 sec Round Trips per Train per Hour Design Day 2 .740 Peak Day 2.505 Single Train Capacity per Hour, Each Direction (Passengers/Hr) Design Day 99 Peak Day 113 �Iaximum Operating Trains Required to �teet 1995- 96 Demand 1 ,039 pax/hr Design Day 11 1 ,310 pax/hr Peak Day 112 � Headway Design Day 119 sec Peak Day 120 sec Line Capacity , Single Direction Design Day 1 ,089 pax/hr Peak Day 1 ,356 pax/hr Fleet Requirements for 1995- 96: Operating Trains 12 Spares 1 Total 13 79 . EXHIBIT 7-8: CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE FOR STARTER LINE PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEM GUIDEWAY SI"RUCTURE Single Lane 1 , 900 m �d $ 950/m $ 1 , 805 , 000 Double Lane 790 m Cd $ 1 ,400/m 1 , 106 , 000 STATIONS 7 sgl . platforms �d $ 155 ,000 1 , 085 , 000 SWITCH 1 @ $ 25 ,000 25 , 000 TRANSFER TABLE 1 �d $ 25 ,000 25 , 000 TRAINS (2 cars each) 13 @ $ 190 ,000 2 , 470 , 000 SERVICE VEHICLE 1 �d $ 15 ,000 15 , 000 POWER DISTRIBUTION Substation 3 @ $ 91 ,000 273 , 000 Electric Service 1 @ $8 ,000 8 , 000 Feeder Cable 2, 090 m �d $302/m 812 , 380 Power Rails 3, 480 m �d $ 164/m 570 , 720 COMMAND & CONTROL 1 �d $ 1 ,000 ,000 1 , 000 , 000 ti1AINTENANCE Facility 8, 100 sq ft @ $50/sqft 405 , 000 Equipment & Parts 1• Lot @ $500 ,000 500 , 000 Subtotal $ 10 , 100 , 100 ENGINEERING 15% $ 1 , 515 , 015 TESTING 5°.0 505 , 005 , CONTINGENCIES 10% 1 , 010 , 010 ROW AND UTILITY RELOCATION (Allocation) 1 , 350 , 000 TOTAL $ 14 , 980 , 130 80 \Vhen considering how demand is expected to increase over the next 20 years , the starter line system may be sufficient to alleviate the problems of congestion. However , it would lend itself to extension at both ends by breaking the loops or by addition of switches and building guideway extending towards Golden Peak and towards Cascade Village . 7.4 OPPOR7'UNI7'Y FOR IMPROVEMENTS There are opportunities to improve the performance and quality of service of the Representative People 4iover and Starter Line People Mover defined in Exhibits 7 - 1 and 7-7 respectively. Dwell times at stations are excessively long, caused by the requirement that skis not be brought aboard trains and must be stored in racks on the side . • LEM concurs with the concern of Town Officials that carrying skis aboard the buses can be a safety hazard. The bus must be able to and often must emergency brake for other traffic and pedestrians. During such events passengers could be injured by skis. However, the people mover operates on an exclusive grade- separated guideway and encounters no conflicts with other traffic or pedestrians. The only possible collision would be with another train and such events are protected against by the requirements of fail-safe controls and safe braking rates. The system can be designed in accordance with a maximum rate of emergency deceleration of , � O. lg, which is also the maximum deceleration for service braking. This would greatly reduce the probability of injury due to skis being brought aboard . It is important to point out that Aerial Passenger Tramways (large cabin systems) ` throughout the world in ski areas allow skis to be brought aboard the cabin. This is not done on gondolas because there is not enough room inside . Since the People � �7over and Aerial Passenger Tramway are parallel situations a safety precedent has been established that should be permissible. Eliminating ski racks on the sides of the trains permits two improvements as follows: Reduced Dwell Time - For the systems outlined in Exhibits 7 - 1 and 7 - 7 , the d•�el! time i„ staticns ;; mc,e '.har cut ;r ha,f, d� creas;ng the r..und-trip time for trains . The improvements are as follows: 81 o Saves three trains in the case of both syste ms which will reduce costs of the system by $570 , 000 . o Increases quality of service, average speed, by 25 percent for the full replacement system and 29 percent for the Starter Line. Improved Station Desi�n - When skis are stored in racks on the side of the train, passsengers must always alight on the same side as boarding to retrieve their skis. Allowing the skis to be brought a6oard by the passenger allows the following improvements in station design: o At heavy demand stations, platforms could be provided on both sides of the train. Doors would be provided on both sides of the train. The train doors for exiting passengers would open first establishing pedestrian flow to the exit platform . The effect is a great reduction in passenger conflicts allowing platform sizes to be reduced . Dwell time in stations may also be further reduced again improving the quality of service. o Having doors on boths sides of the train allows the flexibility at lower demand stations to place the platform on either side, which may be very important in physically fitting the station within existing real estate . As such, this flexibility may create savings in the cost of civil construction. o The cost savings provided by reducing the fleet requirements may easily pay for any increased station costs. 82 a 8.0 ALTERNATIVE CONFIGURATIONS OF THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM The previous sections of this report were prepared in response to the original LE �1 proposal. As a reminder, the purpose was to determine whether a people mover system could indeed replace the In-Town Shuttle , provide better service and yet be affordable. "fhis point is the key issue . As indicated in Section 9 , private funding of some or all of the fixed facilities will be dependent on the potential return that can be expected from these investments; which, while not estimated in this study, may not be significantly large. Therefore, feasibility may depend upon the ability of the Town of Vail to fund the project. Adding a people mover guideway to the Vail landscape could be considered as aesthetically disruptive. For example, in the Village, the height of the buildings is rather low. A people mover guideway would, in many cases, tower over those buildings as the track must be as least 15 to 16 feet above the ground to allow circulation of trash removal and emergency vehicles. Such a structure would greatly affect the Vail skyline. In addition to the track structure, station structures would also be required. These elevated structures could be overpowering in the Vail environment as they could rise 37 feet over the landscape. Access would be required from the street requiring stairs to be installed that would use up precious sidewalk space . Under any circumstance, there is need to improve the current transportation system. Even if feasibility is determined and the Town decides to fund and build a system , there will be an interim period during which demand will continue to increase beyond the capability of the current Shuttle bus route. The earliest that any people mover system might be completed and put into operation would probably be the 1991 sl<i season. Until this time, demand could increase by another 15 percent (assuming 3.5 percent growth per year). To meet this demand will require that about four additional 35 foot buses be added to the 14 buses operated during peak day peak periods (total fleet of 13 TAtC's and five 35 foot buses). Because there is a possibility that adding buses to the fleet could result in a degradation of overall average speed and productivity, it is recommended that the Town study the effect before assuming that the problem can be so simply solved. 83 The problem appears to be mainly one of overcrowding during peak periods on peak days. Determining the source of this extra demand and a means to carry it, other than on the In -Town Shuttle, could be of value . For example, 23 percent of the peak period peak day demand (965 passengers) has been identified (Exhibit 4 - 15) as visitors who make cross-movements between Vail Village area and LionsHead each morning and afternoon. Of these, 792 , are generated near the Transportation Center (560 are transferring from other Vail bus routes) and 173 are in the LionsHead area having Vail Village or Gold Peak as their destination. There will be a significantly larger number during the afternoon peak period, indicated simply by the fact that 45 percent of Shuttle ridership board the buses at the stops serving LionsHead parking structure and the Vail Transportation Center. Also, nearly one- half of all visitors to the Town Center arrive at one of these two parking structures either by private automobile, bus, taxi or lodge/hotel van. As the need to improve the transportation system does exist, LE �i has examined a set of road based and people mover alternatives that might achieve the primary goal of improving the quality of service of the transportation system. The backbone of these alternatives is a separate express transportation system linking only the two parking structures. 8.1 ROAD BASED SYSTEMS The two parking structures are accessible from the frontage road and are close to the ski lift areas permitting a dedicated bus system to be implemented between the parking structures. The main components of such a system are related to routing and operations, boarding/egressing (curb space) locations, and vehicles. The pr000sed route for the dedicated bus service would link the two parltino structures using the frontage road. The service would operate as an express shuttle with no intermediate stops. Vehicle turnaround could be achieved by using the loop at the LionsHead facility, and by using the existing facilities at the Transportation Center. To reduce confusion at the bus stops which presently ser�e the two parking �I.,. ' I ' ,! e : ..-I.° ^� . .Cm f{ t r irh ti �1A 52iuCiuCcSi uc $�cCidilZcu t~iU5 5.°. CViC.. .. .+u Cj �.�.�'+. .. Cjl .9C°(; l.. location than the one used by the Shuttle . This would alleviate confusion and 84 pedestrian traffic conflict due to the curb space limitation at these bus stops. 7'he location of the bus stops should facilitate access to the buildino, facilitate vehicle turnaround, and provide enough curb space to properly handle the demand. For this type of service, two different types of vehicles could be used : the standard . Vail transit bus or a large capacity transit vehicle (either a 35 -foot bus, a 40-foot bus or an articulated bus). Standard Vail Transit Sus The use of existing Vail transit buses would require reassigning buses from the Shuttle to the new route. This option appears workable because demand on the Shuttle would be reduced and the remaining buses on the Shuttle route would ope �ate more efficiently. On the express link a round trip travel time of 15 minutes would result in a one-way capacity of over 120 passengers per hour per bus, nearly doubling the productivity of a bus. During the peak periods, 3 to 4 buses might be required to handle the peak load. The remaining buses could still be assigned to the In-Town Shuttle. It is anticipated that the net effect of this approach would be to accommodate increased demand for the next few years at a low cost because a supplementary bus purchase would not be required and the attendart increase in O&M cost avoided. Lar�e Capacity 3uses Large capacity buses could be used along the frontage road since there are - very few geometric restrictions. Larger buses could accommodate the peak demand surges, especially if the vehicles are properly designed for the application. For � example, one option would be to provide buses with limited or maybe no seating, low level floors, and large doors for easy access. If necessary, level boarding could be provided at the two stations. This would further facilitate passenger access and egress. To be fully effective, the bus/door/platform interface would have to be designed properly. This approach could require the purchase of special purpose buses that can only be used on the frontaee roads. However; from a caoacity standooiM; it offers the potential for absorbing peak traffic volumes at a low cost. Also, the In-Town Shuttle service would consequently have a large capacity reserve. 85 Other Factors The m ajor drawback of the garage express shuttle approach is that it would increase congestion on the Frontage Road. Also, at present the four-way stop is an impedim ent to the concept of express buses operating on the Frontage Road. As pointed out in the Vail Traffic Counts (Ref. S) the four-way stop is presently operating at Level of Service "F"� . Signalization of this intersection has been analyzed and determined to be able to increase the Level of Service to "A" during the m orning and "C" during the evening . Therefore, the feasibility of any express bus link hinges on the decision of the Town of Vail to signalize the four-way stop. If so, consideration could be given to allow the express bus to pre-empt the signal allowing a means to alleviate the Level of Service "C" delays in the evening peak. $,2 DESCRIPTION OF AN ALTERNATE EXPRESS LINK PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEb1 An alternate people mover system could link the two parking structures. Two possible alignments are presented in Exhibits 8 - I and 8 -2 . In each align ment, the stations are adjacent to the parking structures. A ccess to the station is directly from the roof level of each structure. To mitigate the issue of right-of-way acquisition, as well as the one related to aesthetics, the proposed alignments would be built on land presently owned by the Colorado Department of Transportation. For the purpose of this study, it was assumed that this land might be made available from Colorado DOT . Should the principle of such a system be retained as a feasible option by the Town of Vail, it will be important to verify that the Colorado DOT is indeed willing to share the ROW . Should this not prove feasible another possible alignment may be running along the south side of the Frontage Road. However, this alignment may be met with objections from property owners and have significant ROW costs. � Level of Service "A" - Condition of free flow, no vehicle waits longer than one indication. Level of Service "C" - Still in zone of stable flow but driver must wait through more than one signal indication. Level of Service "F" - Indicates a congested condition of forced traffic flow, where queued back ups Irom locations downstream resiricL or prevent movement of vehicles out of the approach , creating a storage area during part or all of the peak hour. 86 Z � ' � � � `� � v � _ ` ' � - ; � N I � . � � y li Z �tk� .:� _ � 6 � W C Y '.� C - C / „ < ,if��' Z : � / - ¢ F'� �I�� " = � (� �Z., C: D ,✓Il. � ^ I ` Z 1 ' � \ C ._ i"1 � . `I � � � � z � I � .�� c a � �� ��A ' ` N c � \ I z ? J _ ��: .5 3 z �'� ' ::li � z � � c I � a - � ` w w < � O . �7�� . > . � F �� ' U w , � �� � ' . ❑.1 vi i c7 , ¢ I �„✓ c i a _ - ..� w 1 J Y � F Z �: v = �� � � j :. r, U � < � x Q V 6J \ Q C _ ¢ U = \ � C i • 1 b � O [,./ U � 1 y � � w 1"' u O Z ¢ � r N Q � � J i � c � Jc ' C Z y � � � � x � i � �$ ¢ � I �i� .�� A. � • � Z � � � � �� ? � ,, z L'.1 � a i LL � � {:� � � C i �- a � 3 .� z , � � , r F- Z ° ' i ar ' ' w � a. W O � '? z � o i m ow i r d w n �� � � 1 a l" [L 1 U ` 1 � w L Q C w � Z �` Z -y�tu1� w � � ¢ & ¢ `\ t- r- �� _ Z � �.� --, � '� \ C7 � ?I�r'� +4'� z / .. .l o 'S = o .' ¢ ,� o � l-� o " � � �`r= � s� i Q E ° �:� ? T � � Q l � e �= :� � j � aU '! C . ~ N O ��"' O VI .I � W ¢ �Li I _ � ¢ O N � w � � z � i aa �- L^ w a � � �', u � � � ~� o '- � � z � '� ' p a z . - - - - i� �� ~ � � ` I �� . W � C LL � C� _ \ .. ~ '" � a v� _ � - � `> � q . . � - z 5 C � - - a = - �f < - `v < `< ' ' � � = R z � = i _ . .,�x ` ^e o _ � �� - � ' � !. 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Z � < - � ..: /, _ _ i '> 5 'r. � �F x - V ¢ +I.`� � s � r < < � . 0 � wG vti C n '�3F. Z (' Z V Q �� � C '4-� 1 � � L � (J Z - 1� e Q Q � ro I _ -' ' ♦ � 1 � Z ` 1 1 � � Q w � u - � � c � ` _ ? i x c . �"� `� > 't a �n z . r I �` c �1 � ^ w j I �� � � • C o` z . � �� o y a .` � � _ 1 '1' `�; � _ \� 88 The system' s approximate length would be about 3 ,700 feet. It would be elevated and cross over the frontage road twice and the interstate access road once . Since the system 's main role will be to provide quick access between the two parking structures, there would be no intermediate stops. 8,2. 1 Potential System Configuration The proposed system can be classified as a short distance transportation system. Depending on the anticipated traffic volume, different operational configurations can be implemented : o single track, single vehicle , (See Exhibit 3 - 3) o single track, two vehicles, (See Exhibit 8 - 4) o double track, two vehicles, (See Exhibit 8 -5) o double track, multiple vehicles, loop operation, (See Exhibit 3 -6) The selection of system type is primarily a function of the capacity and of the level of service. In general, in systems shown in Exhibit 8 -3 through 8 -5 the capacity is limited by the distance. In order to compensate for these limitations, they utilize large cabins. Such systems are primarily found at airports Sut there are several non-airport applications in revenue service in the U .S . In these applications, the system links a parking facility to an activity center (e.g., hotel, casino, park) . Exhibit 8 -7 presents an example of such an application. While it is not required, a large number of short distance transportation systems in operation to date utilize a track-based propulsion system; in other words, the vehicles are not motorized. In most cases, the vehicles are cable driven. Such modes of propulsion are more applicable for short distances because maximum line speed is limited. Also, cable drawn systems require that the guideway structure be designed so that they can run at constant speed . This is especially true with systems utilizing more than one vehicle driven by the same cable. 6ecause of the lack of sophistication and the absence of complex control systems to perform anti-collision functions, such systems are usually relatively inexpensive. T�� t cf stem re.,er:ed ., , Exhibi± e _ s h�� �i�� hPPn _n nnPration for � �_ 'rF=' ''r P - � several years. One of them was demonstrated at Expo 'S6 , linking the French 89 EXHIBIT 8-3: SINGLE TRACK, SINGLE VEHICLE SHUTTLE Vehicle Station Station �---► EXHIBIT 8-4: SINGLE TRACK,-TNO-VEHICLE SHUTTLE �� Bypass Station Station H Vehicle 90 EXHIBIT 8 -5: DOUBLE TRACK, TWO-VEHICLE SHUTTLE Vehicle 4—� Station Station �► EXHIBIT 8-6: DOUBLH TRACK, MULTIYLE-VEHICLE SHUTTLE ~ Vehicle � � � ■ Station Station ■ ■ ■ ■ —► 91 EXHIBIT 8-7: EXAMPLE OF SHUTTLE SYSTEM (CIRCUS CIRCUS CASINO, LAS VEGAS) �, �����„ ti...���,��- � ,� - �-� s"� ^�^"'.a-� x;.i� � :��� ,�� .���r'�fT�� m�a�.n..,� y � �a� �6"' . � ax.: j-.`� . ...•v. i. ,�t. %� '� . ��. .c.c�_�„, -o-t -"�'.-w+ s � � ' � b�'� ��3 i�� i i � rt � � � �GA�Pa1.G.£ I ��a✓ t._ Y'� � t �.i��� . ' . � ,a � ��.. . �� � �.4 �� � Q. � - .,a �{, R� �,4 � � . , S»'R�,� n[ x _ y°�°°'a�+_� . . .. m�, �..: � �a -ai E � .: r :� �, -�++,�a � ., s � ��- �a�..t-.a .,:.Y {_� tl r y ' � �•�, 'V.a, i�: I +'°� � - �� . s� .- y — � - ', rau �°_; �S # �' �4k '� �: a � . _ _ . -^ � { :w ,,,,,,r": - _;, � �p�. ��� � _ � � .sf61 .. _ ' � � ` i � ;� � � � "g�� k S� -� � 5 =.�� . '.t5 . - �� �:�,P i { e s-�•y ���� ` ` " +'i' 'iLYi . '-Y3j `` � a 3 � t� ' � i�» " :�-A:� �.�� -.. .-.�� � �, "`. � �~ � � •4 ���?..8. k� i i �". " � � � =�'r �ez � - , ' y,. n �' ' ''��, � "'�t � �,_,�-4r y .. � -�X.x.y \ a -`� _ '. , �. . � '§ tia._. . .ua_.� . .. , _ > � 92 Pavilion to the hlain 8oulevard of the Expo . These systems are characterized by low capacity vehicles operating at small headways (20 seconds and less) . The system operates in a fashion similar to the detachable aerial lift found in ski resort areas. In this type of system, the capacity is no longer a function of the length or the speed of the system. It is controlled by the minimum headway achieved in the station. Thus, these systems can deliver capacity in excess of 3, 000 passengers per lane per hour. However, as these systems are cable driven, their top speed is limited. As a con'sequence they become unattractive for distances in excess of a mile . Another important aspect of these systems is the station access. Systems operating along the principles described in Exhibits 8 - 3 and 8 -4 need only one platform for both boarding and egressing. This makes them more easily integrable into an existing structure, and consequently, they have a positive impact on costs. The other two types of systems require two platforms at each station. This configuration is more space consuming. However, from a passenger- control point of view, the system presented in Exhibit 8 -6 is the simplest because people always board and egress at the same location, and that location is always related to the same function, i.e., either boarding or egressing. This is not the case for the other three types of configurations. While other propulsion technologies are available, e .g. , on-board electric motor, a self-propelled vehicle requires a communication system. The purpose of the communication system is to provide the necessary information to the vehicle control system so that the vehicle operates in a safe manner at all times. When multiple vehicle operation on a single track occurs, a sophisticated control system is required to prevent collision. However, self-propelled vehicles have an important advantage over the track-based system - - they can be designed to operate at the maximum speed permitted by the application. Also, they permit more flexible guideway designs as the vehicie speed can be adjusted to meet local restrictions. From a reliability point of view, all the systems discussed in Exhibit 3 - 3 through 3 -6 will be equivalent, as the failure of the propulsion system will result in system shutdown (assuming that all utilize a single drive). If independent drives or ' -' - - on-board propuision systems are used in tne douoie 5ilUi'[ie � iflliti�e5 Gi Giic �fG}�ui�iun system will result in a 50 percent capacity loss. 93 8.2.2 Capital Cost Estimates Based on the system descriptions given in cxhibit 8 -8 , two preliminary capital cost estimates were prepared for the two types of technologies considered most appropriate for the in - town people mover. These are presented in Exhibit 8 - 9 and 8 - 10. Other technologies, such as the cable-driven reversible shuttle shown in Exhibit 8 -7 are also appropriate . However, the time and cost constraints did not permit these investigations. 8.23 OEcM Cost Estimate The O&M costs estimates presented in Exhibits 8 - 11 and 8 - 12 were prepared for the two types of systems defined in Exhibit 8 -8 . 94 EXHIBIT 8- 8: SHUTTLE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SELF F'F;OF'ELLED TF:ACf :: F'F:OF'ELLED �Y�TEM LENGTH ( M ) 115�? ll �f� EhID OF LINE STATION DOUbLE F'LATFOF;M ^ _ STATI ��N SINGLE PLATFORM 0 n AVEF:ACE SF'EED M / 5 ! NO DWELL ) �. . � 6 qrrELEFATI �7N RATE ( M / S� ? ? 1 �JEHICLE ! TF:aIhd CAF'ACIT`f - ( S CAF' - TF:AIN ) 114 1 '? EOARU IhlG T I ME F'ER F'f�S5chdGER 1 . ° 1 . � NUME�Efi OF DnpF.S F'EF: CAR / TF:� IP1 6 1 Dl�lELL TIME 2d . ` 18 F'LHTFQRM LENGTH ( M ? ? 4 b TURN ARO�JND TIME AT ENL� STyTION _ = 4�? °�TATION SF�EED thii � i ' ci ii . = TFAVEL TIME ( t�a0 L�IdELL TIMEi 14U 20% DWELL TIME ( TOTr�L ) 200 1 ?5 ROUND TRIF' TIME ( TOTa� 'r '-C� ��^ LIPJE CAF`ACITY ° OU ?OV CAF'aCITY F'ER VEHICLE / TRAINS F'ER HOUF; 1 �!i3 11 ' MUMBER OF UEHIr_LE ! TF;AII`dS Iil SERVICE 1 8 SF' ARES 1 1 TOTAL NUMbEF' QF UEHICLESiTF'AIhdS _ lU 95 EXHIBIT 8-9: PRELIMINARY CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE - SHUTTLE MONORAIL 1JNIT COSTS UNITS $ AMOUNT GUIDEWAY STRUCTUFiE SINGLE LANE ( � / MY 95�� 115i� 1 , �?9^ . 5���? DOURLE LANE ( � / M ) 1400 i� i� OTHEF:S �i �j �j STATIONS HALF LINE STATION ti p FULL LIh1E STATION FULL END STATI0I�I :s�i�i�i��i � 7��p � ���j�j SWITCH ?�i�C�n 1 <S , Oc.��j TkANSFEk TAPLE 25U0�� �i p VEHICLES /TFAINS 450000 2 9i�O , C���i� SEFVICE VEHICLE 15i��i0 i� n F'OWER DISTRIPUTIDN 515 , ��?4 1 615 , G44 CJ �C ^J �> Ji � J�17 L �J�c � J�� MAINTENANCE FACILITY — � PER SOUARE FOOT 45 � ??� 179 , b74 EOUIF'MEMT 1 ?;,i�c�i� 1 125 , OV0 SUPTOTAL ;; , 889 , 8��6 EN6INEERIN6 15% 58„ 471 FESTIN6 S% 1 ? 4 , 4?�� CONTINGENCIES 1 ��'! �88 , ?81 SUPTOTAL 5 , �?56 . 747 ROW AND UTILITY kELOCATIOPI COSTS ( ALLOCATIOM 1 , ��Ui� , i�i�i� TOTAL b , ��56 , 74 ? 96 EXHIBIT 8- 10: PRELItv1INARY CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE OF SHUTTLE CABLE PROPELLED SYSTEM UNIT COSTS IJNITS � AMOUN- GUIDEWA�" STRUCTURE SINGLE LANE ( � / M ? ? SU i� DOUELE LANE ( 5 / M ) 1400 115�? 1 , 610 . 000 OTHERS ( CAPLE , kACEWAYS , SHEAVES , ETC ) 950 1150 1 , ci92 , 5��0 5TATIONS HALF LINE STATION 1 �800V �i p FULL LINE 5TATIOiV 19!��?�?�� FULL END STATIaN 2i2U0�� � 4�4 , t�ci0 SWITCH TRANSFER TARLE ?�000 1 32 . ��0�� �JEHICLE5 76��00 10 745 , 181 SEFVICE VEHICLE 1500U 0 U F'�WER DISTfiIBUTION �� C= 1i�i�niii� 1 li�q , O��p MAINTENANCE � FACILITY - � PER SQUAftE FOOT 45 � , 451 11 �� , 3UE EQIJIF'MEMT 750UC� 1 75 , U��O SUETOTAL 4 , 188 , 987 ENGINEERIN6 15% b<8 , ::48 TESTIN6 5% 209 . 449 CODITINGENCIES iV% 418 , 899 SUbTOTAL 5 , 445 . 68� ROW AND IJTILITY RELOCATION ( ALLOCATION ) 1 , 0OO , OC�O TOTAL b , 445 , 683 97 EXHIBIT 8- 11 : SUMMARY OF O&bl EXPENSES SELF -PROPELLED SHUTTLE Personnel (Includes All Overhead ix G &A) $ 210 , 000 Temporary Personnel 6 , 400 Cleaning Contract 7 , 200 Electric Power 49 , 252 Subtotal $272 , 852 Consumables (2% of Subtotal) 5 , 457 Contingencies ( 10 % of Subtotal) 27 , 285 TOTAL $ 305 , 594 EXHIBIT 8- 12 SUMMARY OF OdcM EXPENSES TRACK-PROPELLED SHUTTLE Personnel (Includes All Overhead cF G &A) $ 210 , 000 Temporary Personnel 6 , 400 Cleaning Contract 7 , 200 Electric Power 17 , 899 Subtotal $ 241 , 499 Consumables (2% of Subtotal) 4 , 830 Contingencies ( 10°/u of Subtotal) 2k , 150 TOTAL $270 , 479 98 9.0 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS Funding and financing a people mover system in Vail was briefly examined. Town officials have informed us that no State grants are available . Federal funding, such as through a capital grant from the Urban ytass Transportation Administration (UM7'A) is not considered feasible for three reasons . First, the current transit demand for the In-Town Shuttle is less than the average (year around) daily demand of 15,000 trips required by UMTA to even consider funding a fixed-guideway transit system . While current annual demand for the In-Town Shuttle of 3,000,000 trips averages 8,219 trips per day there are an average of 10 , 146 trips per day during the sl<i season. On a typical Saturday during the ski season the demand is 14,000 trips. Second, UMTA requires that the system not cost more than $ 10 per each incremental new rider that it carries . As a replacement for the In-Town Shuttle the people mover system has no current incremental new ridership . In 1995 - 96 the incremental new ridership is estimated to be about 700 ,00 per year; therefore, the cost per incremental new rider would be $ 21 to $ 29 for the $ 15 million and $20 million systems respectively . Third, the current administration has a policy not to fund new fixed-guideway systems and has a record of using bureaucratic obstacles as a means to stall even those projects that meet the guidelines. Therefore, funding derived only from the economy of the Town of Vail was considered. The total annual revenue required to meet both the capital and O&11 costs of the three different people mover systems was estimated as follows: Capital Recovery � 15 year period at 10 percent/yearinteeest - - cef = 0 . 13147 Representative People �1over to Replace In-Town Shuttle $ 20,000 ,000 capital x 0. 13147 $2 , 629 , 400 /year O &M cost 950 , 000 /year Total $3 , 579 , 400 /year 99 Starter Line People Mover to Partially Replace In -Town Shuttle $ I5 ,000 ,000 capital x 0. 13147 $ 1 � 972 , 000 06cM cost 750 , 000 Total $2 , 722 , 000 Alternative People Mover Express Link $6 ,000 �000 capitalx 0 . 13147 $ 738 , 820 /year O&M cost 300 , 000 /year Total $ 1 , 085 , 820 /year The Town's economy is derived from approximately 1 , 400 ,000 annual visitors. Therefore, the above annual costs spread over these visitors would be approxim ately $ 2.55 per visitor for the Shuttle Replacement People Mover, $ 1 .94 per visitor for the Starter Line, or 80� per visitor for the alternative Express Link. The possibilities of deriving these funds from private and/or public sources were examined. 9.1 PRIVATE FUNDING: CONCESSIONS A full concession in which a contractor is responsible for providing the entire system and operating it for a fixed amount of time is an attractive idea. This type of approach was investigated for the Orlando people mover by �tATRA of France . Unable to obtain all the ROW necessary to build a system that would be economically feasible and lacking support from the major real estate holder, Disney CVorld, \�IATRA has decided not to pursue the project. Similar investigations have been going on for several years in Atlantic City, Las Vegas, and Boston. Success greatly depends on whether the capital cost expenditure can be spread between several entrepreneurs and/or businesses who are willing to take the risk of paying for all or a part of the system , anticipating that the additional profits generated by the System's presence will more than offset the capital and OcC �i _ ...,: .. .__ cX�ci �viwi c . 1�0 Such an approach appears to have two major obstacles. 7he station locations are not within the two retail areas. Also, the majority of the users, who in the future will be comprised of a higher proportion of day skiers, spend only about $20 per day in Vail versus $ 120 6y destination skiers. To generate $ 2.55 per visitor totally within the private sector, and not as a direct admission charge, would require additional spending in excess of $25 per day. For the Starter Line People Mover and alternative Express Link such additional spending would have to be more than $20 per day and $3 per day respectively. At this stage, it is doubtful that a people mover system will significantly modify this spending pattern . The predicted increase in the number of skiers will increase the local revenue only marginally; therefore , the implementation of a full concession, whereby a deficit wouid not be paid by the Town of Vail, appears unlikely. 9.2 PUBLIC FUNDING: NO CONCESSIONS Under this option the Town of Vail would procure and own the System . Operation could be by public agency or under fixed-price contract. Feasibility is based on the ability of the Town of Vail to: 1 . Raise the capital needed for construction of the system . 2. Find a regular source of funding to cover yearly O& �,9 of the System. Large capital expenditures are traditionally financed through municipal bonds. Whether this approach is feasible in Vail depends on the Town's indebtedness level. The preliminary cost estimates submitted in this report should be an indication of whether such an option can be considered. Revenue generation for O& �vt is usually done several ways: o Fare Collection o Grants o Taxes, Fees, or Assessments o Advertising 101 In the existing bus system , there is no revenue from fare collection - - an approach which is justified in the Vail environment. Having a fare collection system would increase the confusion and the dwell time. It would also greatly increase station costs because of the need to control paid and unpaid passengers; increased space would have to be provided for passengers buying tickets, etc. It also increases O&M costs since maintenance of fare collection equipment is required and because a special facility and extra personnel are required to handle money. Grants do not appear likely, especially since the project would not qualify for an UMTA grant as discussed above. The potential for a State grant has been examined by the Town's Planning Department and found unavailable. If aesthetically acceptable, advertising could bring in some revenue, but is estimated to be insignificant with respect to the need. • Therefore, the prime source of funding to retire bonds and meet the O& b1 costs is expected to be a tax, fee or assessment or combination of each. Some examples for consideration are as follows: Assessment -- This is usually a tax assessed commensurate with the benefit that is derived by the businesses and property owners whose incomes are enhanced by the System. Formulas can be derived on the basis of assessed property value and/or gross annual income. Since an increase in the economic level is not predicted, the "assessment" approach may be unlikely. Property Taxes - - This would be an increase in the millage rate, earmarked specifically for the transit system . Exhibit 9 - 1 provides an analysis of the required increase in millage rate to completely fund the annual cash requirements for the people mover system. It has been assumed that procurement and construction contracts would be let in 1933 and the System opened for operation in 1991 . 1Vhile the estimated millage rates are high, when compared with current rates, they are not proposed or recommended . Exhibit 9 - 2 shows the revenue generation potential for a 5 point increase in millage rate over the 15 year capital retirement scenario. SWiPgTa� _ _ T���ea �ar�j cajac t3Y rayani�a ra nires incre�sed soending; WhiCh 9 --- appears unlikely as discussed above in Section 9 . 1 , or an increase in the sales 102 EXHIBIT 9-2: PO'fENT1AL SOURCES OF REVENUE TO FUND THE PEOPLE MOVER (Constant 1985 $) INCREASE E.XTRA EXTRA O .SY LIFT/RESORT 5 MILLAGE P"CS PERIOD YEAR SALES TAX 1/ TAX RATE 25 % 2/ PROPERTY TAX 3/ 1 1991 1 , 217 , 000 295 , 000 768 , 000 2 1992 1 , 241 , 000 301 , 000 783 , 000 3 1993 1 , 266 , 000 307 , 000 799 , 000 4 1994 1 , 291 , 000 313 , 000 815 , 000 5 1995 1 , 317 , 000 320 , 000 831 , 000 6 1996 1 , 343 , 000 326 , 000 848 , 000 � 7 1997 1 , 370 , 000 333 , 000 864 , 000 8 1998 1 , 398 , 000 339 , 000 882 , 000 9 1999 1 , k25 , 000 346 , 000 899 , 000 10 2000 1 , 454 , 000 353 , 000 917 , 000 11 2001 1 , 483 , 000 360 , 000 936 , 000 12 2002 1 , 513 , 000 367 , 000 954 , 000 13 2003 1 , 543 , 000 375 , 000 973 , 000 14 2004 1 , 574 , 000 382 , 000 993 , 000 15 2005 1 , 605 , 000 390 , 000 1 , OI3 , 000 � NOTES: 1/ Sales taxes at 3% in 1985 were $6 ,482,000 and have been escalated at 2% per year for actual growth of the resort. 2/ 1986 estim ated revenue of $ 1 ,070 ,000 escalated 24o per year. 3/ B ased on Property valuations given in E xhibit 9- 1 . 104 tax rate . A one-cent sales tax earmarked for the transit system would require each visitor to spend $30 just to generate the 80r per visitor for the alternative people mover Express Link and $ 255 to get $ 2.55 per visitor for the Shuttle Replacement People Mover . The latter clearly exceeds the spending rate for day skiers and probably that of resident skiers . However , if one accounts for the growth of the resort the problem lessens. Exhibit 9- 2 shows that with the revenue-generating potential of a 0.5 cent increase in tax rate over the 15-year period, 1991 - 2005 , a system might be financed . Room or Hotel Tax - - In this case a tax of 80r, or even as high as $2.55 would be reasonable; however, it would be in addition to any tax presently charged. Also, it would not be paid by day skiers so that it would not generate all of the required revenue . As such, this method should probably be combined with other methods of generating revenue assessed against day skiers. Visitor Tax or Fees - - There are a number of ways in which a fixed amount could be levied on visitors as follows: o Additional tax on lift tickets . o Additional parking fee or tax. o "Landing Fee" to be paid by bus and limousine operators at the Transportation Center . If combined with a hotel or room tax, relief for overnighters might be provided by exempting them from any such tax on lift tickets. Exhibit 9- 2 shows the revenue generating potential of a 25 percent increase in ' the lift/resort tax rate, again for the same 15 year scenario discussed above. Four scenarios were postulated and assessed for determining the source of revenues to back bonds or other financing of the people mover system . Only the Shuttle Replacement People 11over and Starter Line People Ylover were considered in these scenarios. For each case , the design and construction project is assumed to begin early 1983 and the system opened for operation in 1991 . The yearly cash requirements are as given at the beginning of Section 9 . 105 Scenario I: Fund Totally by Increased Property Tax �vlillaQe Rate , Earmarked for the System o Shuttle Replacement - - millage rate increase of 19.74 . o Starter Line - - Nlillage rate increase of 14. 15 . o If millage rate kept constant then an excess would build up for buying additional trains and/or extending the system when demand increased beyond 1996 . o Recommendation - - This scenario is not recommended because the extra millage rate is high as compared with that already received by the Town . Great resistance from property owners may be expected. Scenario II: Fund Totally from Increased Sales Tax Earmarked for the Transit System o Shuttle Replacement - - Requires increasing sales tax from the present three cents to 4.25 cents o Starter Line -- Requires increasing sales tax to four cents . o Holding the incremental increase constant will create excess funds for expanding the system . o Recommendation -- This scenario may be feasible, particularly for the Starter Line and warrants exploration and consideration by Town officials. Scenario III: Fund Totally by IncreasinQ the Lift/Resort Tax Rate o Shuttle Replacement - - Requires increasing tax 3.56 times higher than current rate . ' o Starter Line - - Requires increasing tax 2.84 times higher than current rate . o Recommendation -- Not recommended because it will increase cost to a lift ticket beyond the present $30/day making Vail less competitive against other ski resorts . 106 Scenario IV : Combination of Tax Increases o Shuttle Replacement People Mover - Increase Sales Tax from three cents to four cents . - Increase property tax millage rate by 3.88 points . o Starter Line - Increase Sales Tax from three cents to 3.5 cents. - Increase Property T ax millage rate by 6.22 points . o H olding the increases in tax rate constant will provide excess funds for e xpansion. o Recommendation: Combinations of tax increases appear to be reasonable, and therefore should be explored and considered by Town officials . 93 CONCLUSIONS The annual cash requirements to fund the people mover , even as a complete replacement for the In-Town Shuttle, do not appear excessive and may be affordable. Funding the system totally from private sources does not appear likely. However, there may be the opportunity to obtain private participation in obtaining right of way and through some property owners building and owning stations . Funding the system, by grants from the Federal or State government appears even less likely than from private means. Funding the system by increases in various taxes does appear reasonable. Therefore, is it recommended that in determining feasibility , the Town officials concentrate their efforts on these issues . Technological and physical feasibility has been determined by other work in this report. 107 REFERENCES l . Town of Vail Transit Development Plan Update 1987 - 1991 , dated April 1986 . 2. Vail Mountain blaster Plan, 1985 . 3. Potential Impacts of the Vail Master Plan Regarding Circulation, Parking and Population Growth on the Town of Vail, by Rosall, Remmen & Cares, Inc., September 27 , 1985 . 4. Memorandum to Larry Warren from Nolan Rosall, January 30, 1986 , Parking and Bus Utilization, Vail Mountain �taster Plan Update. 5 . Vail Traffic Counts, Centennial Engineering Inc. , March 1986 . 108 I � � Lr � � � � �� � � APPENDIX A � � . ! � � � � � I M I � . � �� ' A-1 - � _ � - �� � � � SIiORT DISTANCE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS RECENT DEVELOPhiENTS AND FUTURE OUTLOOK Jtme, 1986 . � � � By . , Daniel Dtmope i�r � LEA, ELLIOTT, McGEAN & COMPANY � Washington, D.C. � � � i 1 � 4 � f � � � � - � � Y i � NOTICE Lea, Elliott, McGean & Company does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers' e names appear herein solely because they are considered essential to the object of this presentation. � � r � � � 3 � � � � t i � � r . � 1.0 INTRODIICTION ! Modern short distance transportation systems, often referred to as "Transport I Hectometrique" bp the French, first entered revenue service in the late sixties and eazly seventies at U.S. airports (Tampa and Seattle). Today, several similar systems � are operating at major airports (Atlanta, Las Vegas, Miami, Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth, Orlando, Birmingham (see E�chibit 1) and Gat�vick), while several others are � being planned (New York's JFK, Washington Dulles, Cnicago's O'Haze, Boston and Pittsburgh). . -� EXHIBIT 1: BIRI��IGHAM AIIZPORT PEOPLE MOVER � :� . ' , ti �t`} i ✓ ~c � � � s � + �� �; $ � ��� � ����fti=° ��� ��� �;yi'� -, r���q :�� 1 _ �� � "."� y�� 'z'�`,s� =yg y�''-'s°'`-�• " - �V.. ' y�, a � � � .�',��? t ��, g F� .� Y � � � : i.�. ��� �«e � � a&w.wR� m�+Y`` '#s° � j ���� � � � � � � : :��, �i li � e'�� � � ;�_ . �«��.���s::� �� � ,r�.��� -��� � -•_... ����t,��srt'�sz��_� t� �' '-.._ ..:• � ` .. ��' {� r���•'S � (� '} ��� +c�... �y�`S � .":sre.r �rw�Ai �4'^^� �,�� � 4{� �� } g �tl E�� -,�T`� .::� � � � �� (,l\ �„63, ' o,r°.' ;�,T'�y�. i it�. � '.- � '°'�..� � � • , . ' '_. �Ff ^ "`'�KS� �,i'� '� t . , �� j��°""`.'^_.:� '��� � ,�"r� �` �.�, ,�.c� �� �' .°_� � ?� — y ^ h .c�'°`II'� "�a�' ;,ad+'� � vµ +os�...� .a.�.��+����.w.ww',�e_..Jea:,a..n.wa..:��aevaf'�� �a....... . �v 9ib� � � �Iost of these systems rely on the traditional vehicle desija, wnich is self- propelled. Furthermore, to meet the specific require�ents of the airline passenger the vehicle is usually larger. In the early seventies, a new breed of short distance i transportation systems appeared. Usually quite unsophisticated in terms of both technology and operations, several such systems were investigated to be soon abandoned. They were not fancy enough and did not fit any of the grand schemes, - 1 - � � such as the famed Personal Rapid Transit systems (PRT) that were being promoted � at the time. Today, however, an increasing number of these unsophisticated short , distance transportation systems are entering revenue operations. This paoer will address only this new type of system because the more sophisticated one has been thorouohlv documented throu�h vazious studies and assessments sponsored bv the Urban vlass Trans�ortation Administration of the U.S. DOT. Unlike the Automated People Movers that are also found in several cities (Vancouver, Detroit, Miami (see Exhibit 2), Lille, Kobe and Osaka), the short distance transportation systems deployed to date rarely compete against the , automobile as it is beyond their capabilities. The origin of their ever-increasing appeal is twofold: first, as a complement to the automobile; and second, as an effective and economical pedestrian aid. By allo�ing usage of remote, and thus cheaper, parking facilities, they also complement the automobile. EXHIBIT 2: �IIA:►�II DOWNTOWN PEOPLE MOVER , I�.+ .. 4 ����� � ����t t� ��� d��T z� �t � "� , ��� t��,� e � � 'y �II �� � ���� �,s i r� � { "�� � � ° °t 4 $ s � �� �b �� �3 {� �". f7 f i�t� 3�.if��1 3�� �� i-y �� F� 3 � Y � a� a �$'�5 4 y2 4 i, L F 3� � � * -,.: � � �� �t �. '�� �� (�_ b� :# i l� } Ili �t � �, � e� � § .�.� i t j - 1I ; , �' � ��- � �� ��� ��� � la„ << ($ !f< <; ,a�� � 3� � ,'�` �� c����� � s� }���gr [ � a + ` ia . � ,�` �'�a a�. � £•„� f £;. a � � ,�� � "��' 3� `� � � ;�. , �� � _ � °°°^ � �.-��_� �,��� �� ;� � r t: �� _! �~ 4! . �,�`�� H c"'� � �`�ti,�� ' _ � .�a � ""�-.,.--° M \ � i `�'���,e�+,.,�`� � _ 'M' `. r �.� �''`� x! �� tN��� N � : ,„ � �� . ��� � �l.v.A-l �3�`: H'; 'Fl b � � : `�. � � �,p„F F -. .. � �r^ � � "�$�E"'3���.���an� � � "' � t ;. ..� ��"' ��� t � F � '�xo� -SGW���� ' �a.x..�.q�y srd� p�� ,� .•���{ �. .. �v+. �°'<' �^- � �i�xa�,_�� : :,z-, ' �s�°°+'�'�*�,,. � ., ,�� ��� �...... .. �� . .. . "' �mW::,,,�„�'^�e�.�a�s-,'.`�;�, . y �� � —,,,,aa,s�-_-� ����'$`3 .,t t. �`�'-�- .i � • �1{ ,� - y,�Y � x' . .. � -... . - _"'°---�._ . ._ �� t . .. � � � �_ � �� {�m-�i��...«..�'�S �o. . ¢a� y _� "�w---..,,� - . T �'�'M' ` -d . �'"'�g�w+^�¢ s,�„- ,1 �#r^�",�.-�°'�"'43'�y, '.� a�r � r��° �' � ��qa,,, i� �l-��R'g" �Y''� ��-�f�'� � >::i t�a�f K �q. �� '�'��� �� k ,�'c',r".Y2'�P.�_ ��'4xi?"a "'y,r�lx}^�� ����:0 � * S�tara.__ A � As an aid to the pedestrian, they relieve the discomfort associated �vith a long and sometimes st:enuous walk, particularly when it involves vertical movements. � �' 2 � � � In many of the most recent applications, short distance transportation stems � SY have been used to overcome specific difficulties. For example, the aerial tramway that parallels the 59th Street Bridge in New York allo�ped the residents to go quickip ! from Roosevelt Island to Manhattan. Similarly, the POMA Z000, installed in Laon, France, eliminated the difficult and long walk that separated the upper and lower � sections of the City. There esist many other examples where such systems are primazily beino used as pedestrian help: the Rigiblick automated funiculaz in Zurich � (see Exhibit 3), the VEC system at the FNAC Department Store in Paris and, most � recently, the quite spectaculaz crossing of the Mississippi River with a Pomagalski �` gondola lift. A most recent example is the Si� system at the Villepinte Exhibition � Fair Grounds in the northern suburbs of Paris. r � EXI�TT 3: SHORT DISTANCE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IISED AS A PEDESTRIAN AID � . ;I �.-�."�"�� _,,:�., �r-� . � ��� ar`.,,.� 3 � `���� . i Z ' � K ,� ,"�5.. F�� � �� F : ,�� � r6 �ae« ,rf fr'� q ��� �4 �I � ('; f 9 » c�, J �•� ',� �,`��,'�. �'� � �+ar"y_ ry��,� �{ �-� � 3 � ` �, ° � ` ,.� �°���.�� � .� � �.� � � � . , a�� � � � �. -� � -----� �,�- g�'`�•^°'. �r ��.".q� .' �� � 3 �. '•�� � � �"�q#5. -�" ���x�.� "=.�.#-x..r,e�• � ...C � a.yU'� R!tM ?j���+r. ff Y :�-i � � : ...g�' �'� L ,. �'t ���xc � '��3�;;-s F ° � � �� ^ � t � � �'��`� TRACA OF THE FULLY AIITOMATED �, � � -r"� ��� �' '" �a a��� �` ..�`�„,,,�°� ��� x'� ' RIGIBLICK FUNICULAR IN ZIIRICH - � �„ ;� �� �� ,� ��� "'��; r,� �� � g a� ` .:� g ��� ""'�'" /'�4 ` � . s ��':';�..�°'_��s" ;� - r r�^..�.�..�'�,,,,�..�" �;� r ,vr "a y...g• � �....,,� i�-�-- �+�°p'.a'� �o y... ��� �+4 �' �'�'� �#"°�. � � ��`` � .�':�' � �� � �„s;,�a ,�;:� 4"is ��3.-��y a 1 �, '. ,*�+x+„'°�. "'s�a. � 'a 4 ;w;�.� 3p,A i� �, � )+&+�„°`. �����'� . �..'��..e�.,.++ � �E � � � .3, �?.�" a 'E��'" :� �..a�f.��.7� �. ��`°"�-.....: ���� xa � r�,"���� ,..�,,;� :.�r�� "� _ _ '-�A°" �r�.�� .. �J':`'�'',,�+,�"^�` .r:; ��.�'a � �,.� — S �� ��� _ � �',� �� � . ( a ..,�� ��� :�i1 'S�i7.�i� . i��x� �*�f:g='b+�� ."'1 :'� _'.�.�." f} � ��.. — �*.'�x a-rt�� "'•' �� '� �e�`y ., 3�' •'�ri� \ ey�.� �: �N.A�`Y �'.i�'*�Y :..`,, ,µ\ � ■ � �'t k�'�'�-�f y��� n' >.r�` � j ■ .t�,,:..p�a-w ,� '�� 'S :q"_ S y, ' d '��,[,��_'� :'i ,P ?-!,� ((;$� ." � "«��,� '1�A V �'} ijl ���" V�i,�:.� } � . "�_ ��`�w.` �.:£m'�,.�� °,�".�.� . ' . �3�' - -.f � s�#"�e" .tic..�i a`c. �r� :'. ' . � ...� ..... r ��w�Y -.,,,�*k �swi.6� JG..+.+�..�...�,.�'.] _ .�x°" ..�� 3 � � . i � �+- � In Section Z.O, the major characteristics of short distance transportation �- systems are identified and the various systems installed to date are classified and � presented. Finally, Section 3.0 briefly addresses the potential U.S, market for these systems. � 2.0 MAJOR CHAR.ACTERISTICS OF SHORT DISTANCE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS While quite different in terms of technology and configuration, most of the short distance transportation systems in operation to date have several characteristics that differentiate them from traditional transportation systems. These differences can be grouped into the following categories: o technical, 0 operational and 0 others. " These differences are identified and discussed hereafter. 2.1 TECHNICAL DIFFERENCES , The majority of short distance transportation systems have most of the � following attributes in common: �" o The vehicles are passive � o They operate at low speeds (30 mph and belo��) � o They are automated r_ o They have unsophisticated suspension syste:ns � o T'ney have very few amenities such as air conditioning o The capacity of the vehicles is generally small # o They usually have a very small turn radius �' o They do not have switches Le � � ' 4 � � � �� . ; � r The first attribute means that the vehicles have no on-board propulsion and � braking systems. This implies that the power to drive or stop the vehicles is T provided along the wayside. Depending on how the wayside propulsion sqstem is ? configured, all vehicles travel at the same speed between two points along the guideway or vehicles all travel at a specified speed at any one of many guideway T locations. An interesting feature of track-based propulsion systems is their ability to negotiate high grades without adhesion limitations. ' '� � The various propulsion system configurations currently in use are generally related to how the wayside p"ropulsion system is distributed and how the power is � transferred from the wayside to the vehicle. Exhibit 4 presents the three major classes of propulsion system configurations that are found on short distance propul- i sion systems to date. � . EXHIBIT 4: CLASSES OF SHORT DISTANCE TRANSPORTAZTON SYSTEMS PROPULSION SYSTEM � DISTRIBUTION ALONG TSE R TRACK DISCRETE UNIFORM `� TRACK/VEHICLE POWER TRANSFER , INTERMITTENT DISCRETE MIXED � . CONTINUOUS (*) CONTINUOUS . * 7 This is the typical configuration of an active vehicle (on-board system). _ s 2.1.I Discrete Propulsion Systems In a discrete propulsion system, the propulsion elements are installed at f specific track locations to produce specific traction forces to meet acceleration, � deceleration, cruise speed and grade requirements. The propulsion elements are ` activated only while the vehicle is above them. _ ,� � �_. 5 - � ' - ___ _ _ � � . - �I �, ` In such systems, the level of power transferred at a given guideway location is �r'� determined by the configuration and characteristics of the propulsion elements. � Consequently, at a given location, all the vehicles travel at approximately the same 4� speed. Thus, in effect, the o ideway is speed programmed, and allows regular stops. �I However, deviations from the nominal speed are somewhat restricted because the � I ro ulsion s stem laid discretel alon the track is rimaril desi ed to o erate P P Y � Y g � P Y � P t�'- at approximately the nominal speed. When an unscheduled stoppage occurs, restart � of the system can be difficult. In such systems, vehicle movements are independent, F - implying the necessity of an anticollision system along the entire track. This propulsion system implementation relies primarily on Linear Induction �c Motors imbedded in the track. Speed control is obtained by either vazying the pole r nitch or by varying the frequency of the supply voltage. � The first a roach, used on the Telebus system in France (see Exhibit 5), PP Mi implies that the speed profile is built into the track. Also, as it is physically i k impossible to build linear induction motors achieving speeds below 4 m/s at industrial frequencies, acceleration and braking of the vehicles generate large losses in the reaction rail. In these areas, fine speed control can be achieved by controlling the motor input voltage. The WEDway syste� at Houston International Airport uses a similar approach. Voltaae modulation is implemented through �' microprocessor-based control systems. � EXHIBIT 5: TELEBUS TRACK - LIMS ARE DLSCRETELY LOCATED ON TSE SIDE OF THE BEAM � _ -.. � _a � ��,> • , :...y-:--; �.,,.;� ` {�=�-_ �. r �_��` '".�r � � �:. "r`tim{-.�..� �: �'4'�- ��� . � .e x ���� � � �- � i �y �� �;;,, �, ,�». " `'m""'.,,❑ •.ai.t�..i.�'ri-� . �� .. . .. . . . y �> ':,,�.a^e.Y, ,. �'Y ti.�,l`�. �` �. . , .. `' 1. y �i�- yi_ :°_ #�+�? f .; � , _ � . . .- . � b.�,;;Y'ai .r '_F'3»a +. ' �" r` �tr�C,� � � -1;'t�„E,1�,� " . �. -���J:T.. ^'"�� -'�..��� w '�� .a-"��� t y1?d''L„�+�''3�'' •�L.�W�4 � r... �. _.._.. a . +al¢�(' �� at5.'�'Y� '�It.-^r• �! ".°'.� � � �� t�Y'M �s y�.F' �t� �,__t..' 'Y"1 JJ sf�.E� �` "� . .. ��. I y� '��l'-L �r�T .''. �: ��_ ` +' .�_S f, t�f' :�'�'C�`�°�'.��r- } �:�: �7�" � ���` :.�a.:��'• 4";�^�"- :� �."`s.�, f�� � � ��'?'�''aF�'i. :��y� �,�, r �`����.�� h ! � � � �.�,'_ � �. ��.'� r:. ,�..���, �� , ,. -�+ - _r�: ,�•�" M�� �;,�.. � i;, ,� 6 _ � . . �- The second type of speed control system, variation of the frequency of the - supply voltage, has not yet been deployed on a short distance transportation system. - While more flexible, such an approach would require that each linear induction motor be fed through its own inverter. This would be extremely costly and could not be justified from an economics point of view. ` -'' � � 2.1.2 Continuous Propulsion gystems �- In a continuous system, the propulsion system is present at all track locations. Depending on the type of operation, shuttle or collapsed Ioop, the propulsion system � may consist of one or more independent systems that operate over specific elements of the guideway. For example, on a collapsed loop system, the interstation � propulsion system is different from the stativn system. This is because the vehicles � located in the interstation are all operated at the same speed. Thus, as they need to * slow down when entering a station, vehicles must be transferred to a different � propulsion system. � � In systems operating on-line stations at short headways, it is not always -ry possible to stop a vehicle at a platform. In this case, the vehicles are decelerated to �L a speed of approximately one foot per second. During the headway, the vehicle must move the distance of its own length plus a safety distance so that the next vehicle can safely enter the station. - Such systems generally require anticollision protection in the station area only - as, in the majority of cases, the propulsion system used in the interstation zone relies on cable technolo � gy. Since the vehicies are attached to the cable, their physical separation is always ensured (see Exhibit 6). As shown in Exhibit 7, cable- drawn systems can be grouped into two categories, based on the type of orip used (detachable or fixed). �- Generally, systems with detachable b ips aze used on collapsed loop operations i with short headways. In this case, boarding and egressing are accomplished while the vehicle moves at low speed. Systems utilizing fixed grips are primarily used on - shuttle operations. � 7 - � • �_� � EXHIBIT 6: EXAMPLE OF CONTINIIOIIS PROPULSION SYSTE�+S - � THE GONDOLA LIFT � �+�'�?^m a�°>;�x.��n;�;�. -p, �..-- ��;� � :.-��,... �>� _- J.f 5� " Y, " v-,. , _�..., �._ ! ,¢ �f�' . . �' ,3 /�� ' � :�. r �, �y. �.. . �'�.� � .' G ,_ .� �" , . ' ) .: . .,.� . �•, ,....v' .. .'z"� /:. f - '�, . �./ �.` .. � / i Y �y� ,.�L/ i{ »//�a' � . y,.. y �O/J N'/F/f�^� " �i / : / /� � /d F � . . "_ . ��.. /� // . . /G / ; � / /�� . fh / y %� 1�'.. *l" �� �ii/. � � �.s�� c�'e � y ✓�� y„ ' 7 '9 s.a' : ��' . .a/ „wl a- � . i' �A ,. / r q ""' ,�iG ��i Y • i �f . � ,� +t� . n-nn�� x � rk � , � '/ C� °�� `� /mYa4 , 4 ii 6� � � '✓+- /j f' /iN' � K( ., . � „ y/ / 9//%�//P �' .,� � �///! Y'/.�:'� /� .�� ( J � 9 �k' / ✓�� � �_/- ' : �/ � � � .t�/��{ , � j /// ��.� _ '. .. � / y ✓ � � � n��-i%%a �� ,a� � - � .�y � � � � ,��� ,%,� ; , °'v� ,;;i y , ��i�'`° r"",..��r � �� �� s '- �s t i � ,: ; , ;.' -s: 'ry s�.. j0� : . - �i �..,,� ��_, �� �" t:� ��'�' �. �s . , t'�' y° .s . ` rt �w s'L,.; � �;� �i�,,.""'^.-^�-.,� s r <6��' 2- "-.�.-�: .x.s' �'�' -:; � 3 : : � n� . � . '- ,� X�� ... � a� ' .' � , � , � '� � � ,z� � �� � ' � �a gW"`rs,a �'�'.�i r� � r���i°l�L,°� -".,' ,� /.�y,� e.a�nv�3�� f ��' i� '4� �",��., r �.�-�,�:e� �y 's �"`"`^�>�° � � ��, �° �e,�, ��,�. � a�«a.;�.� �x�.!i��v"`�,rret^�«:.i�, r � � To date, a lazge number of systems relying on cable propulsion are found throughout the world. The largest group consists of the detachable monocable • gondola lift. While these systems are mainly found in ski resort areas, they do fulfill a specific short distance transportation need. With respect to urban applications, several cable-drawn systems have entered �� . revenue operation in the last three to four years. Among them, and various fixed � and detachable o ip syste:ns. These are briefly discuss2d hereafter. ' FiYed Grip Spstems , Several fixed b ip systems recently entered revenue operations in the U.S. and overseas. These include the three VSL cable-drawn, rubber-tired shuttles (two at Circus Circus in Las Vegas, Nevada, (see Exhibits 8 and 9) and one in Memphis, a Tennessee); and the three cable-drawn, air-levitated O"I'IS shuttles (one in Tampa, � � � � $ � � � CABLE PROPULSION TYPE OF CRIP DETACHABLE PERMANENT GRIP ACTUATION MANUAL AUTOMATIC NORPIAL CONDITIONS • WHEN CRIPPINC ON SLIP CABLE NO SLIP SLIp TYPE OF JAWS FIXED ROLLERS FIXED ROLLERS � TYPICAL SAN FRANCISCO NO LONGER APPLICATIONS POMA 2000 SK OTIS SHUTTLE CABLE CAR USED ' DETACHABLE FUNICULAR GONDOLA LIFT TELERAIL INCLINE REVERSIBLE AERIAL WOODLING PATENTS TRAMWAY JOHNSON PATENTS �V , NEWTON BROWN PATENTS WOODS PATENTS , LOW SPEED MAIN CABLE; MAIN CABLE• � EN'l'RAINPIBNT . SEPARATE SEPARATE NONE USL GRIP AS � USE GRIP A,S SYSTEhlS CLUTCfI SY5TEMS REQUIRED CLUTCH ��� � , , ,.. � �'� � j I I .. � � � � � � . � � � ._._.� ,_.__i , _ � � � ,�„�,,,,,,. , .,.,�,-�.-A.�-x_,��- � °..,,...�.*,.-=� � ¢�°� �� r � �< - .> g�,..K�'�''s3"a` � b *e`s,�'-$ ,. ✓ �_���r,�,,,'a.r'°�,"""` �:-� �� F'-xy....Y:�s'G�`.���'�%rt�'_�.�''r'� J��"''�"+�- ��'hs..'.��.., � �',��'� '�.'y�i�'-�"^'� �ifG+/._ '_ r T � ���:��� .� _ - ��� � � - � `���, s,a2. ��-�. {�h� Y q.�I�g�^�EY+ __�!� * �� . . � `� ��, — y��.:_..x ,�=,N +�. � ,:s�f-�'. ` � �'..... � _..,, . _ ° �'� y 1�"T,�„i;' � � -���^�- . '��� 7 y`'�t'��.;�._:�.�� � ., � �- �:.�:�..�-- __ _ �_ �� , ;"'� �S -���y�cc�.��.�.;� � �,.,,,,,...,.,,: �.� �.. . . ����r, ,.. � _y�r�- 1 .g�,,�4r � q� � � �'�� � � �����d'��$k _��.�aF� S� ��w. � �"� .. y " 3"Zm,��' >w10.���:��� . :-��.,�.,_F�`� " � :� _ � Ex�rr s: ��ai, v�w oF vsL � � ��:�r�„� �� � ._�-� �.� �,,,.,���-;,,� CIRCUS CIl2CUS SYSTEM � f � �,� > � �` �'������3�.�-� � � � :�. �" ,��,..��,, :� �� b � ; � ,s �? -� �.�a �4 �rsyg. ��r:�g�� �°�'i� �y',�Y f .{.'.__+ tya n�` � �'}�t by�e "� " .a.��..� ..lA .i . _ n';c'r'°��� �r � ��,>} • ���i � ��.�� ��$�" '�`"� �...e� �q A��' ��� _,,_�� � �` �Y .��3°°,`�+��� � T°7'� �t°""X��� � �� �,an Y ia �.. � ,'� �� v'� �'-- �°w;"°w�' ,.�.t-,�' � � r �-',�„ ,,.���'�..z ���° t ` � ;r , —�� „m - s�"c,"�°'� '6. r ` . a � � �������� i�� '.. . .. � � �� ��� � ,.p.� '�� ;�� "4 :A yw .. ' - ����� .. �, � ��� � �' ,� r ,g °��' �,! au' ', '-� r� ' �x t y �', . �� ..9 ,��,,.:aa+o"�;�,.�.,� �� � n� �k__.,�„�-_.x� . ��� � � � �� ����� t_ � � �� --w`"flau9a. "�' �c� s „h 'a ; �3w s . �N ���u .*a�_ 3 ��� � �. or � �i \b 3 �� � � \."�� [_��„�� v�� ! � . � ...�.� � � � �, � � i r„�yy _ .� ^� ��., a.h>, l � -.:'�,'^,e F'� � � �TM.r•e.��� ����,�_ ., . .. , ev.. �� � � � � � .^+»..a+.m."+'T+ts F�lRe��^� ' - � �l a �, ... _ .. 4�� f i �.Y� ••• 7 �� � axbtr- 14},y q?, � �.{ 3>�,, �'`'. €z t f y �-t` .,-wi..�,�+-.�� k... � 't� ��i 3.¢ s' ,y., `�`yr+�„_. _�' . �1.� . } .`. ,.� R��t� . ��� E'.,r 'f�l.^.ri .e..#� ''�;t't�kn „ u �„�� •! � ,j Y�7[ � r ` ' --rrtt v,�.� r� ��ss � 3. /hi '.�.Y. �1�`a� � lt,4�E�;,:�- � �- � 3,ti`s�W,xi-� �� ,� �„r°�'�'s t`h.:... R'�� � 1��_ '", � '-�? 7r.+-y'�;tses •S ''" �r " e �r.�„��__�„•3r4�a, t'y�'�t �.�+ • ��} J �'��� !" , . ....y...-. .�x �' �,>a y.,�.e h w...,-°�>r',j �+ �.... � �, .�h,-�'� �.T-�,? c f, „�,� ,„_ i�� t .',�� ' fll �.,;.-.» ."�.°` �i'i`s..�`r�.�"-s�`��a�.�.s.,.��,[y.�- 4�`. �„��,taF, a�,..'s' s : ,.�,,r�.: � ir� ���. _ r• +°�p"m"^ s,4�+. ` �,�''F.:��.� v' ::..� y� r �^ � � ""'�1" r�.. :�. .„ _„ '�. ,b;.a..a'., ,;,�s„ �s.�-''" E� �����. . Y -� �:�:. �,�. �,�;,,�.p-.: ._..:�w-;::.- EXHIBTT 9= vSL CIRCUS CIIZCOS SHUTTLE- � A VEffiCLE ON ITS GIIIDEWAY � � 10 � J l Florida (see Exhibits 10 and 11), one in Serfaus, Austria, and one in gun � City, Bophuthatswana), Besides these recentlq opened spstems, rehabilitation of old inclines has taken place in the cities of Pittsburgh (Monongahela Incline) and � Johnstown, both in Pennsylvania. . � EXAIBTT 10: OTIS VEHICLE AT HARgOUR LSLAND � _. . ,�� � ��_ _. ��� k „� � � �_� � � . . . � �,,,: z ':.Z b " � p.� . . ..m:n ,���'„�. � _�� � ' -. �S S � �� .. �`� r-Aam»�'m�d�� . � � ��, � ; ����y��� . �� �_,_ , ' ' - .' . _ � �,r.y", '°.�, .: y�<,. . , .. . ..; ., . , .. „ s�:;�a.,n:.�.�,»;+�wcs��.��_ �� �. .�. � ,,:. .. `" •, ;: � ,._...<: ..,,,.�:,� d_.,,_.,.�,.�c .>�....,...�....�..o.,.,�,,,,;� .L ?�--w,�-� � �,�n°��. ,:ar'�� � '°� , � ����� � ��y�� � � � � w � �`� j�� m�T� � }' aas rx ��§�+�....-_. _ s �^zu��.... ,� Z �: # '"�t+ � � ���- - ��~ �'���� /j 4 �y� '�•� — �� yg^ �4� �H y�`S'�-i ,� 3 EXHIBIT 11: � °; � :� -: �- ��'�"�� �a�� F��' �� �.~ ; .� � � DETAII. OF TFIE PROPULSION '� .;; t�.;£`�'� -�3`�,�, � SYSTEM OF Z� O� . t � - — CABLE—DRAWN, ��� °`�'�°�;° �� � �����' �e ���� � ��:. ;� ������ �����. �;� AIE2-LEVITATED SHUTTLE � ��:� ' � � . _ � .,� a ���� � � � .���� �a _ = �. ��� �.. � � - x '� '�i.,�+S' c 3 y"t � ; ��"x� l:.k...�� �� �s^ � �1��'� s . . � '. � t � `3��� � — � �fn`'�" ..._,...-:.y�., '';i� � c�'u�'���. ��* +a: �: ..,- ` ~ �;� � � �.. +����1��T ``�t[+;'` �• *.%r �� ,� y' Z_� �� ' � ■ .� r '� �^r..��,_ �.. S %9t� /,r o,i+ tia '+... � 7 �,.,.: :,?♦ ,�� �r.71"" 3 r��vb0..��. 4'� Z• .��� 4 .�.i��j 'K, . '::.�.' ., L..�3�ar+�i��" 1 . . y 's..•.. ,�.,'�-� �'"� . : - n"S z �:, s +yy � . ;� . �� ''� '"� _*��, � ,,� �� • - =: ,�`r ,k�,x rt �-j��s+>` � �... J ���lE � -�� Fa-sr�r -a.•�.. �'!`.'� � - Y -d t j 11 � � �. :;�; � - r - Detachable Grip Systems r—, � As with fixed grip systems, several new systems entered revenue operation recently. These include the SK (one in Villepinte, France (see E�chibit 12), and one ? at Expo 86 in Vancouver; the POMA 2000 (Laon France); and the Mississippi Aerial i Rapid Transit (Expo 8� New Orleans). . EXHIBTT 12: SOULE VEHICLE �- �, ,-�,�.,�„�„�-, �� ,��,,� �_ �2. z�� �°°`.� , � '� , an a i' �� �� � �� �� ��➢`.; � � �� � � �� s A °la ��'^h�. t�� �� � - �f� �r� � � . F �3 �� � g�Y �(av,f :"'� � _ �` � � � �' � � �Z �.- � . ;� � 5 ,���,n .(.� �3i 4 4 � �, � f �,�p� 'S )�sT .i� � _. � ��, # � � �� {� � ➢ ���� �� � � � � ;,:� �: � { � �� t. � � �;k ;�t = �b� ,�� '�.� � � _ s � . > j � c ,� = _� k � `s q � �, . . �J s` � � ,.� s" ,r+ „m'.vn3� -"� °n.°' .� +{j ka � i_ : . f�� ��'�T"� �;�k%6*^'°��� �� ���3 � -y��kf R. i . i� x �,�. � x � � '�0 � .y, �.: ? , . �.x��Y � . .r iE l .w � ,�k' � � �' t � � '�,�.'ak '�, '�' ` ,,w.,� °-, .. �� . � '. y � �'e �. 'p�-" �fi� �= r. � 1 F .• _z. �, : � z; ; i t� r �� . � , i ;. � � 'i ,-� �� �E � �- f�� � '�� ,� �� � ' .•^�° ,y `s� r�",S �-� ��� �•'�:�.� '�i �� �°�s�„""`�-,`"S�i.�� ��� � � "�e--T t�"'�' ��` '� t a .5,,,,�',°`� �, .s x �.. � �'°"'*k'�.,�w. 1.�.��-�r � ��' j � ' "= , ��,.°"."R�F. �..'�s,..'°�'` . ...��°"sa'��Y �:v� �'9tY...t� .. ��..�."—�'�'e'.. ��� .��°, : , '�=t� ��" +:;� ��"4� `� .„< 3_v. �. # � � � � �� �.,Q.o�^"' � '4°'fcr.,�4�� �'�'�i�+a�� '_.,� ti�&0. � Y, .���> E ..x�-aa. : t �3 a-':"r�1"sa, � > _ � FR� g��R 3, wnr...,,x��,,, Y K .F'+r° �.°�. T � y a'�cr�.i3 ���+YlFivv�a' "�`Yli�.�:�i:x _ o _ � Other U.S. Developments � Other applications of such systems are being considered in Cincinnati, - Pittsburgh and St. Louis. In France, a new system called the Delta V is under development. Its potential use �vould be as a pedestrian aid in the long and � circuitous pedestrian tunnels of the Paris �fetro. Also, the SK is being e:cplored as a potential feeder system to the Paris Subway at the Creteil Terminal. � �" ��, 12 � � � Besides cable-drawn systems, another frequently encountered continuous short - distance transportation system is the moving walkway. However, because of their — low speed of operation as well as some limitations �vith respect to grade and tangent � alignment, their use is limited. Accelerated moving walkways were proposed to eliminate the speed penalty associated with the traditional moving walkway. Two � major systems underwent substantial development efforts. The Speedaway developed by Dunlop and the TRAX developed by the Pazis Transit Authority (see Exhibit 14). To date, neither of these advanced systems has been tested under � revenue operation. The TRAX system to be installed in both Pazis and Hoboken, New Jersey, has run into reliability problems due to its complex handrail. Besides -� technical problems, safety issues related to the risk of falls during deceleration were never satisfactorily resolved. �` EXHIBIT 13: PROTOTYPE TRAX DURING TESTIIJG ' � �'"�"� �°� ��'� �' �..._..�...�,.,,�;��� r � t�, �r; ' ��a � � � ��� � �' � �� �,�� � �y��'�'���' � . a'�^--.,• ,�`�, a a' "��' x -°�°{ �'' �'�� �;�� a,,: :i st�°':a^�. � ` �. t�� , � �p qg � '°�&�,q�. ��� � .. � �T .��,i.r-� �� i .�r�c„'"u �� � ��'`,�� � � �'� A a` � �� V�� ;.ec�'"'.cr.��'�,.�, e a�_ � t ,n� a; �P-. � f ,;,� ` � . 2 S �c -: : � � ,�� � ; : ` . ::�' ,�"�����€ � ,�A� 'e�:��f �i �, �� � �. e� �r # .���-,� �t°„� °,��.��,.. �Y�, � f � �� ..�s � ` >; ' ,,� � - ;z' ; .� x " aM�` �- pP'"°�"'�<ia.s< i � � i '� � � '� I p� \. ��� �� S '�� C F�� �`g � ��y� � �4.m � � �: S � h� � . x it� ri � :° �+'� +�` +� , 3 �""" � "�/ � �rt° °. � � � , ��,.�, � t � �,�i �� � � , �r .r',. ry� < � !� �? �� ; � — � �� � y�T � �1� �g� ^xNYk �r �= �Y� � x. Y � � i r �•' � C °!�a� ��` s,� 5" �"' � „�y � � '� . �' '� '-�r � a-�� �� .�� >. -.�* . � ,t e ey . ..� r : �` �"�"°"r+w -r �� �.��.i� : '!i :�> y 'E�� �K _Y ��, � ��� 4 T X � �'.- .f. i `� �"3 �i ar. S {J� Ji i "fs".{� 9,. �� � rf ._ q, � � ,x_.. 9 .y�4 ...a � ; J� � � �x���a_g„^cs �b � ,.� _ � �:� � $".,o�' . C .� 4'� .i^'.'�e.'b '.��MlM nY t . ¢ ,�- �iS,n ''� � :��� Y°:o��� �''` ,�r��� r,«-rj5� (�t `� a�' . � ,d'.+' ,�,yY"; n r� r ;�,,s"° � �°"'' ,�. r . � �.,,, }'r �,," �.�,��.,,�',1��. �,t .����:4.�' ��C��n.s�a..`�`•s.,.y".+"°', _ '��`- . � f '- a t. f � ..1' 1 �:1.Rt r4�. 4.�� � � c��e�..A'�.�.yi � '��� !k5 xf +.'�.,-a'�.,t� �.���� F.fttt t�F 7 ",.`_ �4 '''`; ,y> ., � �'�r`naaa�'a.y.cSk � E At,,afj +� s 't ��r. >-z" � �,, ,r. x ,:.'�" ,���•sR.rayr�y���'(j�Y �tcL.;�,, '�� �� �..;� :<._��_.� _ — ��� '.il{ �ylRi�.�iSL�J.� � ,A 4 ,T+cl�r.. 'Y"'.A*F ti�4 '+ �" -1 �� • r,�e! i ' � 13 � . � { . , 2.1.3 Miaed Propulsion Systems + —� �, These systems are a combination of two types previously discussed. In general, they have a continuously distributed propulsion system in the interstation. � However, the propulsion elements aze only turned on when the vehicle is above them. In such a system the anticollision function can readily be implemented by controlling which elements of the propulsion system can receive power and thus be activated by the vehicle. Like the discrete system, the speed of each individual - vehicle travelino in a given interstation can be different. In these systems, the traction system forces can be generated through � compressed air, or electromagenetically through a long stator lineaz induction i motor, or a long stator synchronous motor. This last type of propulsion system is T being demonstrated in Germany on the M-Bahn system. The M-Bahn's system is designed for a different market segment and is not a short distance transportation ' system. However, its propulsion system demonstrates a possible configuration for `„ short distance transportation systems. . . Another approach to a mixed propulsion system consists of discrete propulsion elements propelling a continuous system to which the vehicle is attached. The VEC • system, which was operated for several years at the FNAC Department Store � parking lot in Paris, is typical of such an irnplementation. The system operated at � speeds of 10 m/s on a tortuous line with both high grades and small turn radii. The vehicle was entrained by a deformable moving belt which acted as the secondary of , the lineaz induction motor (see E�chibit 14). Stators were located at discrete locations along the track and were continuously powered. T'he system operated at � low headways (below 15 seconds) on a collapsed loop. In the station, vzhicles �vere entrained witn slow-rnoving belts (see Exhibit 15). The small vehicles could carry t�vo passengers and had no doors. i i3•Y �-_" �= 14 _ � � . - � EXHIBIT 14: VEC HIGH SPEED PROPIILSION SYSTE\T `' . � ��� E, x.>ct+ �ak����� �"}"� .r..�,�'s'�r•�i° �. s`y�,.$7"'"'�^"'"F'�w , .r,.�, • . � � � . -ui e�wq`"��v.�� z +� „ra *�++""^'T'�r1�ri, � .. ✓.r�1-�„� y��' �,r a�at4. � �SL ;�.c � .,7'r„� a � -� E. s � . �s.��s�l"",�������r���`E .e�-r��..�,�^^' tr�t�n a� � 1.�� ��_.. ..�:�i q . � '- � i.. '� T .� �' ��S;,�i.^�i��si`"'�'"°?r:.ia�e`�,`t�"�� i� ���'A` .c.- r e4 � ��'���,.,..�::�::..�:+��:�'�.�%.��C. � �=��Z.�{," ��.�+mr�l':�;�.��`1�:..-...:-�. , �. '��. .•,� � ff+�z � . � , , . �ar "T' .�Si.�4�E.� ��s r�*�"� ":I.*�_F �x ?C.itrf+*+•+a�' z�sf,�z es-+r -'rr y� -d1 � �,�"� ._, �`�r& -r .������m� � � -� �� "'� � �,.� �' `i� �ss.w.xr,',y m -�.`�s w�"�y.u•g.-� %'�t�u.�a�z.��d��.�.,a� '� .ra «a .r ... z�;,.,,,y.°��.,.r3t �',�'. - *-„w� .r+,+aY "",�� �"' * ,. ; � �2,.�, �,,} " �!,�, `# ��f � t, �- �����F} `.kr 'e n.+�. ,y„�v+,c�� � hrt.�t[ ..�` , t _ • 4jr�3,.���t2 a�,,a. 1'... -:,�, ".t .»+--...> ,.... ,. . � .. . _..�3 . d�•�,o , w -�b � ...x.,.. � � � � � " � � .� �p,."�„ _..,�...��- ',�,.`�'"°„"„ '�,e�...�....�w �r ; _ �S � ; �^'ir"'. „,.T,�. �a'�+ ',�;: ' ,�y�;v ,, r-. "c"x` n'�"��.,�zm,�€� � ; ? �' L;^�°'....:,,w, °3.=.:,+ef .�,5?L•+�e'�� �� . .at% I iT��"« , : . «s-,- .. �.r---� %' ' . ._ _ ..'�.��•�__-__y �� _ ___� !' �2 ���` —� ' «+b�i.oY�"s�";�'w .�.,.'."'""�_ �+a ...........___. ............ . . � . .._ , . ". _,.-.sY.+.rr...r,�.L,« ,. � "� ��. :. c r,��.<°r.s€..: A ��"� � fis4� ,�5,`�rr1 's° +n„ ;3ai. .. �"` ��� ���.s � i.�- „y 's� _ �.,�s .: 3..�... ' � ..�..,Bb�rYiT ��I.. �?S.. i.�� 4 } �N '�?" �� ��+.a .. ,x� �,�'S' <'.r� - ,v. ��.f'"3 ✓�'�""„q.^.�syg.. � —. ��.. ;:-�sad.ava�..d.'���'was�sr-- � 4 � '3~ }� - �e-�. . , _y.. �.ue._ e. A`.�YY�?�e�+.�+n��sw ���"7�. ; � 1 {�.:. �t f -.J .-� .'�), � ' -n-,,.� i L_ ,+ l EXI�IT 15: VEC VEHICLES AT THE FNAC MONTPARNASSE STATION _ 3 � �" � n- �` ,8 ,� ��"�"�, �s � ��. - i.� �Y� :S "'� ,�L�.e M'�P �+�v ��[. � ��� � _ � � . . �1 �o�� ..... ,..�-. '�. '. _ arec��.vw...a s.sr.--Nwrve..<,w�c . •: ,�•. � ,•. - br4�x+m.'iS..:. . . ., ��a'��ra .. ._...� s ..a � �:, — . -��. �f �.�„- ,yW� . . .. ._�� _.¢����� � .. .�{�Y =B!R � . " `T9"�C�w�`.' k �t"� ����^ _ .: � �� �� . ��. � ... �^� d. �s � � ��„ A , _ • � ,+a ' y� .. '.�� 'Y�'Y .x.L',+� . 4 'e3, .M�"r�.� �t %;: �� t^`%��r�'�.'qa a .. �v� m � � °�r 3 �ea� w,� � � �:��;.� �, ;�� iA$ „& '. ._ ,., �._ .. �ve �� _ � �. �4`°.��a r � : `� L 3 f t�A � ' � � ;�"�x �' M �. � ;, - �'"� �� f„ r �„n,. �"� �tl � ' -�° e � '� � �°, � � ��� r� *��f,'S � R - Fa ' �'y. /� t .. � d F��� �'�,.�� �3�� f r"� �1 .� Fy' ri-,,,Z,' � :� � . .� ,"�t '�.,j�.�+€�*xA�[, f r y � , �"%�''.. Y�x�£„��.1� �� 'jR: � ���T¢q ���i� ➢ �v�a�F" ;:v'j �� . w' �;�j.. t � ,.Atl'�''f,r�aF�".�FJ_Yr°,b. Ffi _: "- .<-^`�r y',..,+.,-r �..�,,���i"`i` :`" .�� � s�{•s.�.r��,�� t r'''�x•r,��" - rXG f`�yJay�+�6 �r �- ,.�'7 t',s�,4n t � �/'��,�tf'...�7$�'�f o-�+r .f m c- 1,, /�- !'�' -.4 R� � �+�bsr�-atF�-.��,o,"„��k����,��y,���,�-t a,£'r�:.a' • +"��M'���Rq;a,b�S l � ''�r,x�'."E`r^r.` �''� ' -+„k it-wr -1��"#c,�ula", �aF��'�.`"6��t°.s�17^i.���-rr''.`,s',a� :.,Cw+2rr�t.s. �z ��73...'°�{t�.,-;yw,u�+ti_°.:"+'tS-�'.F°`3�u?^�,�..�'-r:� E�.� a3�+d��da$� ..%'S �s�.;T r �r- �y �" � i` ...r � ��r ,°•,.�,.'� ���.ac�.'S -�i� a �� '� r i�'.e. . ��y..:,-r r�.++`?s�' .e:c �:,+,ae°� ,§ T�S y g. z.�. . .«Y � v; w.. �r� �.•r,�-" ' � ',.9 :Y._�-:sx'�`'S,.`�.,.� ,.i„'e + .�. ` T';;� � 15 � � � r r � 2.Z OPERATIONAL DIFFERENCES � From an operatino point of view, the most distinctive traits of short distance transportation systems are the following: � ' o They are mainly used to offer point to point service. � o They have a low line capacity (below 3,000 passengers per direction per hour). �� o They operate either in a shuttle mode or in a collapsed loop. o They can be operated at headways below one minute. 3 o They are frequently used to traverse natural obstacles such as rivers and hills. o They frequently utilize vehicles with small to medium capacity (30 � passengers and less). � o Some of the systems operated to date no not stop in the station during the boarding phase. This is related to the type of wayside propulsion system used as well as the type of operation (shuttle or collapsed loop}. : In general, short distance transportation systems greatly increase the level of service of travel over a specific link. However, as the distance and the number of � stations increase, the systems' limited speed and capacity make them an unattractive solution to any elaborate transportation system. y � . Also, from a comfort point of view, the generally lower standards (no air � conditioning and no elaborate secondary suspension) set for these systems make �� them acceptable only for short trips. � The above characteristics in�jicate tnat short distance transportation systems fill a different market niche and thus are not competitors of traditional public � transportation systems at all. Thus, estreme care must be taken when economic comparisons are made. The generally low costs of these systems are also associated ! with operational restrictions that wiil make them unsuitable for most urban transit ��� applications. � " � 16 �i � � � � :, � 2.3 OTI�R DIFFERENCES � i��As alluded to in the previous section, short distance transportation systems are generally less e:cpensive than traditional mass transit systems. Lower costs are attributable to a lower level of sophistication, smaller vehicles, stations and � structures, as well as use of standard components. Also, another appealing characteristic of short distance transportation systems is the quick turnazound time � needed from procurement to stazt of revenue operations. In many cases, these systems can be procured in a short time frame, as low as a year or less. � To conclude this technical round-up, one might ask the following questions: what is the future outlook for such systems in the U.S. and how will such systems � compete with established suppliers of high capacity s;ZOrt distance transportation systems found at several U.S. airports? We address this issue in the following � section. ! 3.0 SHORT DISTANCE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM: A MARKET OIITLOOR � Separate estimates of the Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) market made � for the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (U�ITA) have concurred in identifying three primary markets for AGT systems: � o Major Activity Centers (MAC), , � o Central Business Districts (CBD), and L o Line Haul Applications. � MACs aze defined as large complexes such as airports, shopping centers, remote parkin� lots, hospitals, sport centers and other similar applications. In such . applications, transportation requirements involve short trips between two or more focal points located within the MAC. Generally, traffic volume is lo�v to medium • and the expected quality of service is generally high. � . CBDs are defined as the downtown section where most service-related - activities and retail centers are concentrated. In this type of application, medium � to large passenger volumes are expected to be served, mostly during the business hours. - . 17 ' -�i . � � _ � — � Line haul applications refer to high capacity transportation systems operating in a corridor. In such applications, a lazge number of passengers are transported � mainly during peak periods between the suburbs and the CBD. I Given the technical and operational limitations associated with short distance transportation systems, it becomes clear that their prime market azeas will be the T MACs. = This potential market area is already beina exploited. Because of the increased architectural freedom and improved land use made possible, developers z may be willing to spend several million dollazs to connect two activity centers if such a connection permits building on a less expensive and more suitable site and reduces construction disruption as well. 3 � LEM's own investigationl established that about 25% of the �iACs under � construction aze potential candidates for short distance transportation systems, provided that their cost would be no more than ?% of the cost of the project. . Exhibit 16 shows that number of candidate projects as a function of the cost of the short distance transportation system. It shows that there aze ten potential UTAC 3 applications for a system costing no more than $10 million. If the system costs $20 million, the number of V1AC applications drops by half. Conversely, if it would be possible to put in a system for $3.5 million, there would be 21 potential projects. - EXHIBTT 16: SIZE OF MAC MARKET �. z s � K za � � 15 , 'C � � lU O� o p� � 5 Q N 0 I � 0 lp 20 30 �0 SO 60 � Cost of People Mover -S:�lillioa �� � �, 1 Market for AGT and its Implication for needed R3cD, T. J. McGean and C. P. Elms, �.ea, Elliott, �1cGean & Company, Washington, D.C. 18 € I � ,� . � � t - l In the Previouslp referenced studp, LEM reported that cable-drawn systems � were significantly less expensive than AGT system operating to date. �fajor cost differences were attributed to lower guideway costs, lower engineering and manage- j ment costs and lower equipment costs. The overall simplicity of the short distance tran ortation � sp systems, which has a direct impact on system cost, is related to several factors such as elimination of the power distribution system, less complex control system, less sophisticated f vehicles, less amenities, and no major on-board au�iliaries. r. l � Systems such as the VEC, the WEDway and the S� are the epitome of simple vehicle design. They do not have on-board power circuits and have either no, or ^' �i minimal, low voltage circuits for control systems. However there are two side � � s to a coin. Thus, while absence of an HVAC system is not a problem when a sqstem runs in a controlled environment, this design solution is no longer acceptable in subfreezing or tropical outdoor operations. In � order to meet such specific requirements, major design changes might have to be engineered, thereby substantially increasing the cost of the system. f L To conclude, it is believed that short distance transportation systems have ` progressed to the point where elevators were at the turn of the century, As these systems become more reliable and less expensive to build, operate and maintain, their field of application will undoubtedly enlarge as the concept of "horizontal — elevators" finally emerges. � � 1 19 . � � �� - � � � � � � � � APPENDIX B � � SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS � Aramis � . Bombardier WEDway C-Bahn � Monorails , Morgantown �� SK � TAU �. � � � � � , � � a �-- � , B-1 1 � { ARAMIS r � r �,.,�.,r�..� � - �^ , � _ � , � �. ,�--' �. � :1 � � �� q � i� 7 ; � # F '� �`� "'� �, , � � � � �� �.s� ��� .a- � w..a_ z � '� �t� � � ��� �`a. �.a �=y� t.�.�a -2 .�,_u.:,.., � �� �, a a �� '� �+ a ".—,..�$.w3=' .,�,.s � ����`s�r�-�� �� � � �+«as�tro°� +f..��m d�wj-'�"a' F �E � 3�^.r�'`�. „w5'�'�u.w'.. q `elaw° f�W'� � f'�LS �� � �fr.'P A �S° ; � 2 � '^t AN� . ,jA r yir`� � .' � t _ � �'h"��` .'f:��S A �� �`��� a � ,�.� � �'�`� ' ^ �x{�g#A, a��.a s �3'� °'�»��� F ".� '1=�s'§�''�,z� � a'�Y i �•;,��^° �`�; �v t`�` �;Z <�.�.a � ��. ' Y a,�¢ i �� `���. �l .ste. .., '�'�S '9a� .. . .... ... .� . R.r.,,a�.., ..,,� N� TECHNOLOGY: Aramis is a transportation system that combines both advanced technology and novel operation modes. The system has been under development for the last 15 years. The system's developer includes MATRA, the manufacturer of the � VAL automated system, and the Paris Transit Authority. The system uses small � 10-passenger (all seated) vehicles propelled by variable reluctance motors. Vehicles can operate in platoons or in single units. In platoon operation, vehicles follow one another at a distance of about one foot. An on-board switching arm allows each vehicle from the same platoon to diverge -- or merge -- according to its � predetermined routing. The first segment of a 20 km, 28-station system has just � been completed in Paris. A 15-month-long test trial of 10 two-car vehicles, operating on a one-mile-long guideway, with two stations, has started recently. � Future system expansion is linked to the results of the test program. � SYSTEMS: Paris -- Petite Ceinture Project -- first two stations built, demonstration under way; Montpellier, France -- construction of a 13 km, � 22-station systern has been recommended. � � P" � r i i ' � � J � BOMBARDIER WEDWAY _, ��=r • . . �_ xF -- . . u r � � ' ., �.�.,, ._.. . . � � . .._..�..-�^^'^°"'."`— 3 ..• �.., . - � . ...� , ...,.. vr.a w,.wm°�" - ..... . H� w, >.. .. . _,�, . .. �,, i � 0 • .,:.�... ,,..�',��.,, �-�.; .. . . .. . ._. _.�.,,. t _.. ,. .� � � �M.'°„w... ... . .. .. .. , � . . tt',y4 c� H. . �':? 3._ . � . V. .. ... a ., ... . ., r•a....ik` ;. ..,,,: �� ,,,: �� . _ � ,._. �_,.,_�---�°�� �32�.. �., . . ��. � � ��.'" � .. .. .. . � �� _, _.... � 8 `� � � w, �,. ..,..' ,. ... . . . •a, ,,.. �., . `..,. .,� ... :., .. .�- � :. .—, . . . � � .. 1 � � ���. � �,� � ...a "�`+. 5��.� �. � � .. .. ' ... . :'d+.'"°°,�' J ��'�'�. � . �.h�'.,.. _ �^ 3� �µ :��, . � Y ��.. � :� . . _ ., q� } r4V� A� � -t� �`�'��»�� � `�, .. �6� � . �� � � �xv x1:s��'y it �,,,.�,�. ,....� '1 . { ,� , �:3 � '¢��? � � � � �.,� ` _.�-_,_, �� ��y &� �'� i x'r� �s�a � .siifi �� �`� ' `aa� ] •�a. 3 � 0.�y�.`°'°�°g; � � �� �.. k ,���1� FIi � � - q ,� .. W +�ieT#� ro.�i'� N � ��' �4 j . � M �_°'y� '�'� �'_ � � ;� � �� _^ �°� �" ��� �, ,����;�.� ,� � � ��:��:�� � ��. _��. @,, � , ,�.��i ._ y . �. . �n��� ��5 . .. �.� � j �� ,�°"��� f � ..�i,.�F �� x �� � a � �� S � � y. � � � ' � ��`c y �'�2.� �'/�fi�y �.Y � .� .a,,. _ . .,.. ..,.__,,._ ,. .,,..N, ,..,. .��,,.., _.,....�.:>,xi,....,,..K a.�.r.wM..;,.�.x-�. `��,. 5 tz �� °j�`* �� ,.. ,.N, �.,,.w,..,,.�c��.»g..�l TECHNOLOGY: Bombardier, a major Canadian manufacturer of transit vehicle " technology, has recently purchased the 1,VEDway technology from Walt Disney Productions, the system developer. The WEDway technology is unique; the vehicles are completely passive, and carry no motor, no control system, no on-board power, _ and have no moving parts except for the small, urethane running wheels and the vehicle doors. The cars are propelled and braked by linear induction motors spaced along the guideway. Vehicles operate in three-car trains, which are approximately 42 feet long, and carry 36-40 passengers in a seated/standing configuration. The " track for the WEDway is constructed of two rails made of steel tubing, bolted to a concrete floor (or guideway). Linear induction motors are set in the guideway ` between the rails. There is no power distribution rail, as the vehicles require no �. power. Control of the vehicles is maintained by presetting the speed profile for the � system in the motor logic. Each vehicle receives the appropriate thrust from each motor, depending on its particular location. Headways are maintained by adjusting the power to the motor elements. Train separation is assured by removing power 4`" from the motors immediately behind each train, and dispatching trains from stations only when the next station and the route between are unoccupied. Switching of the WEDway is accomplished by moving rail segments. The system operates at a speed � of 15 mph and can accommodate grades of up to 15 percent. SYSTEMS: Houston Intercontinental Airport. � � r � � � YK- C-BAHN ■r � � i I �, -,o,,�* .� ^ � ` � r :s �; � �, ; ., ,�.�"� � � �/ � �� �� '`' � � �fi����, ' �. � �-�� ��----- .- u �e� � "-- � .�� . : � � .�:�=-�' �..::��� � � �� � �� I� � :. ; , ;� ���� ���;. a� ? � ; � kr"`�[��.��°��•�f�, •^ � .c� p a � �^���i q��.t� .,...#.,�ae_�d>�r��;`��� �''-� � ., � � �� ��.u€ " .:� � ,� . £ � �;� . °'4` ��..,{ ��� t�..;'r _.'^!� � " _ � � � TECHNOLOGY: The C-Bahn System developed by the German firms MBB and j Demag is another Personal Rapid Transit System. The C-Bahn concept relied on a � box beam type track. 8oth the upper and lower surfaces were used as rolling surfaces. On the top, vehicles were supported; on the bottom, they were suspended. �, While both chassis were differeni, both types of vehicles used two doubled-sided linear induction motors for propulsion and service braking. Emergency braking was done via air-actuated brakes acting on the support wheels. Since the track structure � was enclosed, no snow accumulated on the running surfaces. This allows for maintaining a high coefficient of friction in all weather conditions. The control system allowed operation at headways as low as one second at all speeds via the use � of the moving block system. Switching was obtained via a vehicle-mounted � switching arm. The system relied heavily on a modular design approach for both the vehicles and the track. � SYSTEM: None in revenue service; extensive testing took place in the late 1970s at r the Demag test track in Hagen, �Vest Germany. Following an unsuccessful attempt � to install the system in Hamburg in 1979, no further development of the technology has occurred. 1 � � � � � � � � � MONORAILS � � ' a � :. " _ ���--� ' ,:..-b':.. I ;.�' � 3� I F � ''�4r � � � i ::'� �,?L: � � �#, � � �<n,� �� � � � � ' w � `' t;: � � .��' . ��^� a�} � �- ���`�,�° ¢t'� ���.:m � ., � �s�T �f P r,`R..�Y�=� � ' :+,� .i� ,��� ""� �,t���t�� �����,��� . .�, - � ��,� �_' ���,� � -�'�"` � , � _ �� ��y�°g... � � .,k�y � �t ����4� r'+��"`- �� s-�= ���'� x � � �x��i`" °�,,z�,;c�,�4�, - .g...,.,� . � . 'g+4 �`*'�',..T`v t` •y�'}�i.� �0 �p. gµ �# y` ro�'."" s :..'� '*.'.�L PZC M�1Y°,t�3�`a. �pr �¢ . u,. �,¢ 1� = i .. �:H X'�'�� Yfi�._ . F � � k« ���'�'�q.�^��.. ,k-' ?� � s'6' ° ���� �� � �;,���. � � �, .���� �,��� � �� � �� �� � ���� � � ��� � � � � �� � r � � � " � _� �:� ''��' ���. ��. � :.;� r��� ;,�-t T. ,� � � � � = w- � �.. *�.-t �` � :. ,,.��.� �, � � ,. r�..� � .�. �.�� .�.� TECHIVOLOGY: Several Monorail suppliers have supplied numerous systems throughout � the world. The technology �an be regrouped into two types of systems that reflect specific applications -- amusement park and urban applications. Universal Mobility Inc. (U1itI) and Von Roll-Habegger are the most well-known suppliers of the first type of � system. The second type is found mainly in Japan and has been built by Hitachi. In the U.S., three urban monorails are in operation -- one in Seattle built by Alweg, and two built by WEDway Enterprises operating at Disneyland and Disney World. Both types of � designs use a box beam as the riding and guiding surface. This highly efficient structure allows for smaller, less-intrusive, and lower-cost guideways. The vehicles straddle the beam, with the load-bearing wheels riding on the top and the guidance wheels on each side. It is intrinsic to this design that an entire beam segment must be moved in order 3 to switch from one track to another. Monorail switching is thus inherently more diffi- cult than switching of a railroad type system because of the mass that must be moved. � A corollary of this is that from an operational point of view monorail systems are primarily used on unidirectional loops in multiple vehicle operation or on reversible � sh�ttle operation in single vehicle operation. The complicated switch precludes the use of variable train lengths to adjust capacity to demand. The narrowness of the guideway constrains the axle load. Consequently, for a given capacity and headway, the consists � will be longer as the weight has to be distributed over a larger number of wheels. �1ost of the monorails in operation to date are manually driven. Propulsion is done via DC motors with either chopper or SCR controllers. Power distribution is either DC or AC. � Non-urban vehicles are designed with simple suspension systems. Consequently, maxi- mum speed is limited to about 15 mph, On vehicles of urban-type design, maximum � vehicle speed ranges from 40 to 50 mph. � SYSTEMS: Urban Type -- Seattle, Disneyland and Disnevworld (U.S.); Tokyo and Kitakyushu (Japan). Amusement Park Type -- over 20 installations, 9 of them in the U.S. � � � � - ,- MORGANTOWN � � ___ ----.... _...._ � _ .� � { _ ; -�r�' i '�=--�c���.�.: �,s.��:, _ i �: , - ; :�'Y.^x ,� "��,�����i�'��r�.�.��p�fi��,.�"�;:3... T '�"�.-� '�,°�„,.��� � „3 -t .. �aa �a.w a��a:� "w'° '�t � r . � ,�. .� �,�e'��� '� , .�, 3 �` E �x�������rw '���y ��y' 3� f �S .w� �' ��J�� � �,�Y V�,�-���;y�"ez b3 �' t at^T-t�` `Yk� �_f §�+t '�xc'� �s 3"� �".. '�t � � � t `+�.'�. � � �` ��� � � �a ��-'��.� a n a n' 6 $ � '�. . � s:' � ���r 3' �r � �; -� � .,��i '� z� � ..��,� � ��,.��,.,� �%rt. �.. 1�, d�-^3 d � .� �, t .a,���� � a �� k �; t �, .�, .'� >.e� aw,, _� �� � . I 4 } s., r �. -v„g ,h 3�,r'� _ �, t�t .;y '.�� �� �a �'�� 4 *� �,+�+esr�x I� � ;' 4 4 't ���r,. �. € �� ��t:,.S �� ,..� s ,�r��- � � _-.�,.�a,. o—. � .� ��'�. i =-.��' F TECHNOLOGY: The Morgantown System is the first and only Personal Rapid � Transit (PRT) system in operation to date. The system consists of 3.4 miles of double track guideway, five stations that allow sending a vehicle back in the opposite direction, 78 twenty-passenger vehicles and two maintenance facilities (a �„ main one and a small one). The system allows operation in a direct origin- destination mode, avoiding all intermediate stops. The system was built by the Boeing Company. Vehicle guidance and switching is done through a fail-safe on-board wall-following system. The propulsion system consists of a DC motor i driving one axle. Vehicles are designed for unidirectional operation only. SYSTEM: One system in revenue service at West Virginia University, i�'forgantown. � � � � [ � � � , SK � � � �b �, �_, .�� °.; ,� ; � - ~ � ~ L�: �~ -, �`�°"".�., F.`� ,r��'�."� ..!�� n , ����� ! �n �� ����� �_ � 7 � � ,..�» �l l � ; �� �' ' `: ��� ,���� �. -��a �✓�� �' 2 ^° �� �� 3� ` .=1-�"A � .�.x -� "��� � , �f� ,:' ,� � � t,= � � f� �. .��y; ,� �� it-` 5�7 4s � � -��[� �i �� � .� � R � w 4�i :. � �� .. .��F §�„5 . � �:g° .�s �,�-s-yw � d4w.`a� � w � B � . . � % ,� n: �c� � 'w� � � �� ��' � �,''�� � �-; � � ���a x�� _ � ,�'� ��� � ' ���`� � �� �_��'��: 4-: � � � °,�'��`��., �*� �� R}}-,, �.� � � ��. ' �� �k 4 ,�- f.� �����'��6Rx"a: ♦ z��-�. ' f. r �.'.� ���� r����, q���. �.4�.n,. r �Y � �� � � �k � � � �.�� ��'" k��' A4 ���.� � �'�� �.� 5 Y,k:��G Y° r> S&��� �� '�4* ��� ���.. ; - �;V ax �� �fi�.. '„�� �.,` ��^s'°'�� �� ,.;'� . � �� �, �, �,, t ,' r �-...Y 1 e�-�� ; � I� � A.� �;. � �" � _ �. , � s r � � ',�v� �' ,� }a �� `� � � �� =�� ° ;� ",i�` #�°' � ,s, a,�'�3 � � �:"- 3 TECHNOLOGY: The SK System is a short headway, low capacity, short distance, � cable driven system. It operates along the principles of detachable aerial lifts. Cruise speed is constant throughout the system. Upon entering a station, the �` vehicle releases the cable. Simultaneously, the vehicle is dropped onto a constant- �, speed belt carrier. The vehicle rolls to a contcolled stop on that belt. The braking effort is controlled by the vehicle weight. The belt moves at a constant speed along the platform. A track-actuated system unlocks and opens the vehicle doors. A � reverse procedure is followed for door closing, acceleration and attachment to a cable. The system operates unidirectionally. At end stations, a rotating platform turns the vehicle around and sends it in the opposite direction. � SYSTEM: Villepinte Exhibition Park, Paris; Transpo '86, Vancouver. Project under study to use the SK system to the Creteil Subway Station, an end station of the � Paris Subway, to a major commercia! and residential area about one-half mile away. � �� � �, � � � � TAU AUTOMATED URBAN TRANSPOR'I' T� � i� . - ; �� � � �� � � ��� �.���' � � �' �� � � ., � r , =_ � ; _ � � �'�. »r,W� .a� ,. .�.�.�. `.`� 9 � . w `,��'�. � ., , � ti ,.y���� �` .�`�'�"�..e�,.y`�S,. �, '�,i���y�j`�"'"�r'•+:1�ST��j�'LYi'd �"f�:�°�,. , � �{# ..!e"w.p �.��y✓K n-ap � �� � '9 i����s��'"r n..f......<��� �- `> �� � �.� ���,�.�� c � '-- � ,� "� '� � � �� � �✓� ^�P' "?, .� �a � r:�„^'k-°°+�z,�' �"c .��.0°`"�s�9�..�. t�.� �a��+:t— ',� .1. s-. � {.« � � �.,.' �'»"f -.3 �C�, � >.,. 1 y .�,,.a" . .� .,d. >?�.-,��.., ,K ,.+5`.+* A v: wrr � �.i�.� �.� 3 f,��� � `,y� ; �:;� � ix :�. �-.�* �. x"' - - r -�.�2�r+,.�'t:r. J .�- "^ Y k>`�-�°s n .� �' ,�,,�.,�,,,,.r ,N,r' :�, •,e, �, .�-,f s -'' � . �a �,.. , .�,.�� - � "4 r .,> "'� ,,,a.'�sS� � . `� � I � H°� � '� „ _ �; _ ..: .�,.'� '_ ,. , - . , ', �. ' �;� �^� ���� <��' , ,� � ' _ � r � �' ���. �� \ :.�•� ,.».�,.�s.,..,s...�..v�..,..w;,c,_.,.... ,. �« . �..wx.,....,.�.„r.. .. ,� � ,..... .,b�w. �,y.a,�.e�1�..a�..a..�u,�,<...�.a,a.,�....x.-,..->':;,..�4 1_u � TECHNOLOGY: The TAU System is a steel-wheel, steel-rail AGT system based on light rail technology. It is being offered by a consortium of Belgian firms with extensive rail transit experience: ACEC, a propulsion and automatic control �^ systems supplier; BN, a car manufacturer; and C.R.T.H., an engineering and testing organization. The specially designed, light weight bogies have been developed to � handle 32.8-ft radius curves. The bogies utilize an articulated frame based on a special kinematic design comprising two pivoting axles, a short wheelbase and independent wheels individually driven by a high speed traction motor with built-in " reduction unit. Vehicles operate as married pairs or in trains of up to three cars; each married pair is about 57 feet long. They run on metri� railroad track, using flanged railroad-type wheels for guidance. Switching is accomplished by conven- , tional raiiroad equipment. The vehicles, which are of modular design, can accommodate up to 124 passengers. Power supply is via a third rail running parallel �_ to the track. The automatic control system consists of two control levels structured on a priority basis: (1) the operating and handling level comprising two redundant ,� computers, one of which is on standby; and (2) the safety level, comprising three � redundant computers operating simultaneously in parallel. All system operations are monitored from a central control facility. Cruise speed is about 37 mph; top speed � is about 45 mph. SYSTEMS: The TAU test track at the C.R.T.H. Testing Facility in Jumet, Belgium, has been the site of operational testing since 1982. The test track consists of ' metric gauge track with a main circuit 7,150 feet in length and a secondary circuit � 1,499 feet in length. Minimum curve radius is 98.4 feet on the main circuit and 32.5 feet on the secondary circuit. The TAU System is being built in the City of Liege, ' Belgium. : � � � � , - � � � � � � APPENDIX C 4 � �• SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS z for f DETERMINING OacM COSTS � � � � � � � � t�, r i � C-1 I y � - � _—�-�—_�_ � � EXHIBIT C-1: ENERGY COST ESTIMATE FOR REPRESENTATIVE PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEM TO REPLACE IN-TOWN SHUTTLE � NERGY OPERATIN G FLEET E ��- SCHEDULE HRS/DAY SI?E TRAIN-MILES CONSUMPTION (kW) �, � WINTER � Peak Hours S 16 81,357 813,570 Off-Peak 8 8 65,116 651,160 � 16 279 162,279 ' Night Hours 4 4 � � OFF-SEASON ' D aytim e 12 6 93,859 938,590 Nighttim e 4 3 15,643 156,430 �" 2,722,029 TOTAL � COST (Assumes $0.06 per kWh) $163,322 SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS: � Length 3.356 mi. �- Round-Trip Time 1,900 sec �. Vehicle Average Speed 6.359 mph Peak Season in Days 160 � Off-Peak Season 205 Energy Consumption 10 kWh/mi. � ■e� � � � :�i i � � � � �-2 � � - ' � � r_ . � EXHIBIT C-2: ENERGY COST ESTIMATE FOR EXPRESS PEOPLE MOVER LINKING PARKING STRUCTURES r � � fLEET SI?E VEHICLE-MILE5 ENEk6Y CONSUMPTION OPEkATIN6 5CHEDULE HR PER QAY SELF-PROFFLLED TRACK PFOPELLED SELF-PROFELLE➢ TRACK PF�PELLED SELF-PROPELLEQ TRACK PRO?E!LEC ; ` � �iINTER � PEAK HOl1k5: 5 1 8 34,?56 74,b°5 205,53? 14,6?: ' OFF-PEAK: 9 1 5 32,986 71,707 147,316 71,707 � � NI6HT H�11R5: 4 1 3 8,?Z1 11,??? 49,3:9 17,??? � � OFF SEASDN ' DAYTIME 12 ! 4 5?,66° 114,844 31b,014 11�,84� NI6HTIME 4 1 2 8,718 1?,141 5�,669 1?,141 � 1 TOTAL 135,911 ?08,314 B?0,865 298,31� � h COST5 (ASSUMES sn,Ob PER KaH) 4?,252 1?,6?4 � -------------------- ------------------------------- SYSTEM CHAF.ACTER?STICS r LEN6TH (M! 5440 54�t! ` R�IIND TRIP TIME {51 1845.6 11b1.2375 � ?EAK SEA50N IN 1�AYS 160 1b0 - OFF PEAK 5EASON '_05 295 � ' ENER6Y CONSUMPTI�N (KAH/KM? 6 ! , �- ' � C-3