HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB140025 ApplicationDepartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator Application for Design Review New Construction General Information: This application is for all new construction. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at www.vailgov.com under Vail Information – Town Code Online. All projects requiring design review must receive approv-al prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all re- quired information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $650 ______ Single Family ______ Duplex ______ Multi-Family ________Commercial Description of the Request: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Physical Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Parcel Number: ___________________________(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: ____________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Owner’s Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: _________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________Fax: ___________________________________ For Office Use Only: Cash___ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # _________ Exp. Date: ________ Auth # _________ Check # ___________ Fee Paid: __________________________________ Received From: ___________________________________ Meeting Date: ______________________________ DRB No.: ________________________________________ Planner: ___________________________________ Project No: _______________________________________ Zoning: ____________________________________ Land Use: ________________________________________ Location of the Proposal: Lot:________ Block:________ Subdivision:_______________________________________ Nov 2013 ✔ DRB Review of a proposed new duplex on Snowberry Drive 2754 Snowberry Drive, Vail, CO 210314301045 2754 Snowberry Drive LLC, ℅ Michael Dantas 2121 N Frontage Rd W #206, Vail, CO 81657-4957 (970) 376-5444 Seth Bossung, Intention Architecture 53 Red Barn, Edwards CO 81632 (970) 390-0013 seth@intentionarchitecture.com Received By Carolyn Godfrey at 2:09 pm, Jan 27, 2014 DRB140025 PRJ14-0006 15 9 Vail Intermountain 2/19/14 Property Address  Parcel #  Legal Description  Development Site Areasq ft acres buildable sq ft  Zone District / SDD #  Hazard ZonesSections 12-21 & 14-7Snow Avalanche High Severity Moderate Severity N/A Debris Flow High Flow Moderate Flow High Avalanche N/A Rock fall High Severity Medium Severity N/A Excessive Slopes •30% N/A Floodplain 100 year floodplain Floodway Wetlands N/A Creeks, StreamsSection 12-14-17 Gore Creek on site adjacent to site N/A Other tributary: ______________ on site adjacent to site N/A Project Description  Development Standards AllowedExistingProposed Gross Residential Floor Area (maximum)Chapter 12-15 Primary sq ft    Secondary sq ft    EHU sq ft    TOTAL sq ft    250 Addition Interior Conversion Credits: Setbacks (minimum) Section 14-10-4Front ft    Side ft    Side ft    Rear ft    Watercourse ft    Site Coverage (maximum) see definition Section 12-2-2     Building Height (maximum)see definition Section 12-2-2 Sloping ft Flat ft    Landscaping See definition Section 14-2-1Section 14-10-8 Softscape sq ft    Hardscape sq ft    TOTAL sq ft    DrivewaySections 14-3-1 & 14-3-2  Max Curb-cuts    Max Grade @ cen- terline    Min Width    Heated drive?  Yes No Yes No Snow Storage %    ParkingSections 12-10 & 14-5#Enclosed Spaces #Unenclosed TOTAL    Outdoor Lighting (maximum)Section 14-10-7# fixtures    Property Information Project Information 2754 Snowberry Drive 2103-143-01-045 VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV SUB Block 9, Lot 15 49,893.6 1.1454 35,482 Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Duplex 5787 3973 3857 3841 9643 7814 20 15 15 15 7096 6499 33'/30'33' max 6448 600 7048 none 8% 12'18' ✔✔ 30%73% 6��6 6 10 PROPOSED MATERIALS Notes: Please specify the manufacturer’s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Building Materials Type of Material Color     Roof . . Siding . . Other Wall Materials . . Fascia . . Soffits . . Windows . . Window Trim . . Doors . . Door Trim . . Hand or Deck Rails . . Flues . . Flashing . . Chimneys . . Trash Enclosures . . Greenhouses . . Retaining Walls . . Exterior Lighting . . Other . . Asphalt Shingles Barkwoood Stone/Stucco Telluride Negril/ Sto "Plateau wood Barnwood/dk brown RS 2x Cedar Dk Brown RS 1x t&g Cedar Dk Brown Pella Fiberglass Dk Brown RS 2x wood Dk Brown/Weathered grey Wood Med. Brown Timbers Dk Brown Direct Vent - Metal Dk Brown/Bronze Metal Dk Bown/Bronze - - - Lots - Boulder Boulder color Teka T20/recessed ext can Weathered Copper/Bronze PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees – 2” Caliper Coniferous Trees – 6’ in height Shrubs – 5 Gal. Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size PROPOSED TREES . AND SHRUBS . . . . . . . EXISTING TREES . TO BE REMOVED . . . . Type Square Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Populus Tremuloide Aspen 24 2" caliper Picea Pungens Blue Spruce 3 6' min Picea Engelmannii Engleman Spruce 4 6' min Symphoraicarpos oc W. Snowberry 5 5 gal Rosa woodsii Woods Rose 5 5 gal Caryopteris incana Bluemist spirea 5 5 gal Lodgepole Pine 20 smaller than 1" Rocky mtn mix 900 >24-B7>.9 09*::52?8384 sf temp drip/head irriga 900 silt fence Lots and lots of retaining walls.