HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0008 NOTE: TH/S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS/TE AT ALL TIMES : ��a�v�¢ . Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B13-0008 Project #: PRJ13-0014 Job Address: 825 FOREST RD VAIL Applied.....: 01/23/2013 Location......: TRANSFORMER NEAR THIS ADDRESS Issued. . . : 02/07/2013 Parcel No....: 210107207002 OWNER VAIL CORP 01/23/2013 PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 APPLICANT HIGH POINT ELECTRIC 01/23/2013 Phone: 970-319-9572 GRANT HEUSCHKEL 990 GLEN OAK LANE GLANWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 License: C000003740 CONTRACTOR HIGH POINT ELECTRIC 01/23/2013 Phone: 970-319-9572 GRANT HEUSCHKEL 990 GLEN OAK LANE GLANWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 License: C000003740 Description: INSTALL A 60 AMP 10120/208V SERVICE TO SUPPLY POWER FOR TWO RECEPTACLE OUTLETS WITHIN A WEATHER-PROOF ENCLOSURE. THE RECEPTACLE OUTLETS TO SERVE COMCAST'S EQUIPMENT. STANDBY POWER SUPPLY. Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $1,100.00 i�twt�t���mtNirxiiien++R�xxwwwwwaw:�wi.wwwxww:wr:xtrxiii»»,ee�ertxwrw,rksaw,rsrwww�� FEE SUMMARY eiwrrx,rw+xwv�wwrwR,r�wR��w:kxxw:wxiixxx�»:r�+�+w�rwreeex:x:rw�+wwwwrwi*+ww++�wy. Building Permit-----------> $41.80 Bldg Plan Check----> $27.17 Use Tax Fee---- > $0.00 Electrical Permit------> $115.00 Elec Plan Check---> $74.75 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit------> $0.00 Mech Plan Check----> $0.00 Additional Fees------- -> ($68.97) Plumbing Permit---> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check------> $0.00 Recreation Fee------------------> $0.00 Investigation------------------> $0.00 Will Call-- > $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES— > E194.75 Payments---- - —> 5194.75 BALANCE DUE -> 50.00 rim�t��+x�H.w�+Rwexexwwwsrwxw���:t�:txwtt,ti.t►��re►�+m�w�+xwwwwww�raxw���ww�s.�w„w��,�sM:s.w�:x:t�xw+r,ewx►+xx++�w�rw+nrwxs.�+�Rw��►�s.wir»ize�e�wwe�»e��w+wr�erreexrwwa�e�eyr�xrwwwww,�xwa�� DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4:00 PM. combination permit_012811 r ! �lC����J�,�. a Rrrvww�rw�rws.�wtrrRtttm+irrw�+wxkrrw��tt:�t:z»�wwww�exwx►,�s.s.w::�tixr+xrv:xr�wxwe►www,rwt�w�►►�hsrrx��r+w:���vt���x�xt:►w�e�rwwrrrwww�xrrtw„w��t�*eRre+�xxww�e+r►t�:rl.�trr,r�:tti��:�tih:r CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit#: 613-0008 Address: 825 FOREST RD VAIL Owner: VAIL CORP Location: TRANSFORMER NEAR THIS ADDRESS ��tr�tttr:w+wsre�wseo��wwRti����r►xRwxw�rkxxtt���R*s*f.►►►x�r.�w���xytttt�:f.�r�++x+ewrwrwwwrr��ww�tr��wi+»r►wwwww,�wwwkwwww��t���t�xw,ewesmvxvr►w�ww��::�::s.iiiize::::ztie+�e�vvx�www»xM combination permit_012811 � _ T�WNt�YAI� . .....***�**....*....,.***........*.****,.,.***......*.*.**.*.#*,,.*.*.......*�**,.**.***.*..**..*.,.,**.*..*..***....*****.....*�**�*.*..*.*,**.......*�..* REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit#: B13-0008 Address: 825 FOREST RD VAIL Owner: VAIL CORP Location: TRANSFORMER NEAR THIS ADDRESS .....,,.*..,��.*...*.....*,,.«,,.«....*......*.....*..*...,.....�,.**....,.**„**.*.*.,,.......�.*....,.,,.,....«*.«*„«.**.,,.,.........*..*..*,,..*.**............. Item: 00110 ELEC-Service Item: 00120 ELEC-Rough Item: 00190 ELEC-Final Item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 **��***r****�********����************* ************�*****************r******* �*************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Copy Reprinted on 02-07-2013 at 14:52:31 02/07/2013 Statement ��************�«���**********sss****** ******�**s•*«****s***�*��***r***s.***s *****��**�****** Statement Number:R130000077 Amount: $120.0002/07/201302:46 PM Payment Method: Credit CrdInit: LC Notation: CREDIT CARD FROM GRANT HEUSCHKEL ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------- Permit No:B13-0008 TYPe: . COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No:2101-072-0700-2 Site Address: 825 FOREST RD VAIL Location: TRANSFORMER NEAR THIS ADDRESS TOWN OF UAIL COM DEU Total Fees: 15 S fRONTA6E RD. VAIL� CO 81657 $19 4.7 5 978-479-2324 This Payment: $120.00Tota1 ALL Pmts: $194 .75 TERMINAL I.D.: 1881 Balance: MERCHAHT #: $0.00 UISA PURCH **�*****************************����*� �k#####�Mt�k5273# *******r*****�******�********ss******* MAIL ORDER BATCH; BBB653 I NU:008001 **************** AUTH:024297 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: FEB 07a 13 14:36 Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ---- TOTAL $120.00 -------------------------- EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 115.00 CUSTOf�R COPV WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 5.00 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------- *************�+**************�*�*�****�*******��*+******************��****�****�*******�***� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 01-23-2013 at 10:25:22 O1/23/2013 Statement *�************�***:*�**���*********�**������**�**********+*�*�*�******�******�**********�*** Statement Number: R130000038 Amount: $79 .75 O1/23/201310:25 AM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: DR Notation: VISA DREILING DREILING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B13-0008 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-072-0700-2 Site Address: 825 FOREST RD VAIL Location: TRANSFORMER NEAR THIS ADDRESS Total Fees: $194 .75 This Payment: $79 .75 Total ALL Pmts: $74 .75 Balance: $120.00 ******�***�*******�**********��*****�*�****«***s***�***�*�******************�**********�**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 74 .75 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dcpartinent of Cvmrnunity Dcvelopment 75 South Frontaye Ro��f l OWP1 OF Uf111.. v�,�i, CQ 81657 Tel: 970-479-Z 128 ww��v.�ailyov.cum Development R�view Coordin�itor BUILDiiVG PERiViIT APPLICA�ION (:�,����,:r.�i�� .�E>(�l�i��i!t��iis ,ii,. .,.,�:,t;���l (�,i .il.�r:i�� �� �-�,i�tikli:rl f'i�r�:t `,t��:et Ad res5: l�r���ect i! �ItS �3—('�(��y ^ ' � ��,�,�. � � Cv l�y�►a�.� -- �-'�" -- ___ !.)Ilh� tr � (Nunil,erj (Street) (Suite#) " Billkfu�t� k',�in,�l :'i �`3 � ooO� Building/Complez Name: - __ ___ __ . . -—--- - l.ut il 3 I�,f„�.k ': SutxJiwsi�,�i W Contractor Information ESf Oqy�.t�D�1115 oiJ E�u�inc:sti Narni�. /�G}� /"(�/�! ! �/eG�i�/� — - -- -- / 9Q�� /?/�� /� /i�� Work Class: New��j f1�l�filiun ( j illl;�r;itir�n{ BusinE:ss AcicJn�ti� /! CY6 (r.{�,1� ('i►y U"r�f�(�(f��,�`�,/qs;.t,�l�� �Q /��, g/G70/ TYPe of Building: � `,inylc-f �urnly 1 1 I�ufilt�x( � P.9�.il�i f��inulY i ) CuMact N.u�u� C��1 - / l;c,nun�rna,i!� 1 c)thc�r( �j � � j z�j J��(/ (d(�� Contact Phonr:. /�7U) 3��J- y� 7� . Contact E-Mt+d: _ hj q�,QQl/J f���' G�!G�Cv.l7�fWQrk Type: Interior( i F x.U,nc�r �� i�crth( ? � � �hef I herehy acknowledge that I �;av�re:�id �his;i�;�,li�,itrm, tiU���1 uu! V:�lua►inn of m full ttit inform,it�nn requirc�d,r.omFileted an �ccur�te ple�t plan. Wc�rk Includecl f'lans Includf�d 1PJ�uk �.�nd state lhat.ill the infonn�ition ;�s required is ��orrec.t. I :i�ar��er to �lectncal 1�iYes 1 )Nc� ; �Yes ( )N�� �/Jl�Q r_�>mply with lhe mformalion and pint pl�n, lo c:omply with�ifl 1�wn urdinances and sl�te laws, ,md to build lhis structure aecorcling to Mechanical ( )Yrs ( }Nv ( IY�>s ( 1N�� tht>town's zoniny ,ind subdrv�sion r��cie:s, desiyn review ap prcrved, Inttrrnatiunal Ruildmq and t2esid�ntial CodeS ,ind�,lt}��r P�umbing � )Yts i )No ( �Yes ( )No tu�iin��n�.r•5 0(lh�� 1��wn dF�ph��ble Iherr�tu � f3uildinU ( )Yes ( )No ( )Yr-,s ( )N�� _ -- - /� , -- ��—. . _----------- 'v�luc of all wurh bein�a I�eriormcd: � c� ll�� Clwner!Owner's RFprNStntalive Signature(Reyuired) (ralue Lau•d ,r I(iC Sr,i!1o�i 1���� :?i IRC Sei.tion t'�7.".1 I � ;Elactncal 5cauarr, Footaye /1/�y Applicant Information ' Deiailed ;;c��pe; ancf L���.ation of W�nk �.�5/�t!/� _ __ Applic��nt Name. L.-✓'�7 � - �a0 /�✓u�'- � (� 1 2 G�Z U�v Applicant Phonc (�t7o� 3�q-- 9 5 ? � Se�v� Ce� S�� �O(,{,�r' -�vr` ' � Appli�:�nt �.-M�il �f%ylil�CJ01.7 fel�G� G� �v/�?CG�Sf-�.�'/� T�U� /CCe� l�-C:/t' Llc:L�/e-/ J ! Project Information �.Ulf!?!/1 �- Ll���fi1"�Z�:°1' �lb� OwnerNa�nc: . �Q,�hGci,s,� " � ,/� ��-� P�-i�%tlJsl.�'� . / �/E' �P�y","�� �,.��� # _a� o�- o7�.���� -� ��� � � (For P.ttcCl#.[��nl.�rt t ay4�(.ui�iity A�tic•:•.���•,(�thc��.d(�Jt) 5l$Rfr1U nr vr.it L' S� � �(�� C�,/�'JC(t-S f S. www.ca��l�cow�ty uslp.d�e) ��� ��c.��,utrlihnn.�l•.t���et d�x�,��•.��..�rv� �.��'1//� �Et[�L� + 1 ! fn�(1lticc l celh�l� Uate Flerei�c�l: fec P��i�i: (� � O V � Received From: .-_- D LS Cash C:heck !t -- -- -- JAN 2 21013 CC: Visa/ MC L�st 4 CC u cr,p ciate: ._ .._ . Auth � ' ------- --- TOWN OF VAIL • �r `u�� comcast� August 2, 2012 Haly Cross Energy Bob/Engineering Vai(, Colarado 81657 RE: Standby Power Supply 845 W Forest Rd Vail, Colorado Dear Bob: Comcast Cable is requesting new electrical service for a standby power suppfy. The location will be at 845 West Forest Road in Vail. The billing will go to ou� Denver office located at 8000 East Illiff Ave Denver Co. 80231 Attn: Aaron Collins Should you require additional information, please contact Michael Johnson at 970-930- 4713. Sincerely, `��'`.�.v� � "�„""�------ Michael Johnson Construction/Engineering Colorado Market NUMBERS ON FACE OF TRANSFORMER(upper feft and right corners) 3 �g�`P 75K 3� � Anticipated Electric Service Dates: Temp. Construction: Permanent: Secondary Voltage: 120/240 1 Phase 3 Wire 240/480 1 Phase 3 Wire 120/208 3 Phase 4 Wire wye 120/208 1 Phase 3 Wire �_ 277/480 3 Phase 4 Wire wye Other secondary voltage requested (subject to approval by Holy Cross Energy) Meters (quantity,type, (ocation,etc.): Gi'lB h'IG�r_Jl0 -reec� J 2 6d 2 a$ y / � ��we.r S�,ao��a��r���,� �200 amp or less, self-contained meter socket �400 Amp, self-contained 10 service Main Fuse/Breaker sizer '�iCf's required? Photo Voltaic i Size of Entrance Conduit(s) � t� Quantity r Size of Entrance Conduaor(s) �(�, C(� Quantity per phase. Total Connected Load_� 9�_ (k1A� Common Space Bus Size amps Calculated Maximum NEC Demand o'�•/ �, (kW} Conductor length (transformer to meter) � (feet). ELECfRIC LOAD SUMMARY: Lighting (k1A� 1 Ph Motors tota) � (kW/hp) Receptacles (k1A� 3Ph Motors total_/ (kW/hp) Cooking (kW) Largest Motor � (kW/hp) Water Heater(s) (kVl� Standby Power � (kW/hp) Duct Air Heater(s) (kVln Elevators total _L (kW/hp) Unit Air Heater(s) (kW) Fire Pump � (kW/hp) Air Cond.(1 Ph/3Ph) (k1A� Standby Generator _� (kW/hp) Heat Pump (1 Ph/3Ph) (k111� � (kW/hp) Baseboard Heaters (kVl� _� (kW/hp) Snowmelt Drive/walkway (kW) REMARKS: (.tlPt u!3 � 1/ - �— —�o r�e/' �'—��-�—�� ��n S;� I��ta�- STATE OF COLORADO Department of Regulatory Agencies STATE OF COLORADO Division of Registrations Department of Regulatory Agencies ACTIVE PRINTED ON SECURE PAPER Division of Registrations ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ACTIVE PRINTED ON SECURE PAPER I 7134 10/01/2011 I 09/30/2014 I MASTER ELECTRICIAN Number Issue Date Expires � 29342 I 10/01/2011 I 09/30/2014 I High Point Electric Number Issue Date Expires Grant Austin Heuschkel Grant Austin Heuschkel Glenwood Springs,CO 816010000 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 • United States �.� United States � , , r � - a � �. =------� ..._....._..�_....---._�_�.�A�.,� .. __.__ .__�._.......__.._. ...__.�s,-Erac ___�___—. —._____�lc_--• •- .... __._._. �..._ .__. ., . . . . .......'__'_.... _........ .__ ... ._. _ _.. _..._._... ...... .........."_...__. HCE USE ONLY HCE No. Location Meter Location Approved - Yes �No � Engineer Secondary ped. - New� Existing � Date Secandary Voltage Trans Co # KVA: H�LY CROSS ENERGY COMMERCIAL/GENERAL SERVICES LOAD AND METERING EQUIPMENT INFORMATION FORM Is this: Temp Service� Temp in Perm Position� Temp to Perm� Permanent Position � DEVELOPMENT: Owner: l�d/�'�C 4�S T Phone: `� �v"Q-�v-��3 Arch/Planner: Contact: Phone: Electrical Consuttant: �JCilf Pd�v✓t �Ll�C,Contact: C7/�drT Phone: �J7o- 3/9- 957� General Contractor: S�4C�r� Contact: T�vc/ ��2E<<-��6 Phone: 3� 3 `9l B -�1��.? Electrical Subcontractor. Contact: Phone: ApplicantName: �OihG�T �� LF L1 ec�nC� �o��.fu•� Phone (Business>: �l 7U- �vS- SY/.3 � o/� �17u- 1.3U � �{7l.j TYPE OF SERVICE: Barn� Shop 0 Pump 0 Building0 Other ST�p C� �w��S�c' LOCATION: Within City Limits? No/� City�f �1�'�L ' If location is not in city limits please pravide county,township, range and section. Subdivision: ��{/�S 7` K�/ZE.r'T �U4� Filing: Block: Lot: Physical Address of Project:___ g YS t.�/�5 � I`U�QES T �.� . Project: A. Subdivision: Number of lots and approximate square footage of expetted homes B. Condos/Apartment building: Number of units and approximate square footage of proposed units C. Modular Home Parks: Number of new spaces . D. Commereial uses: Number of commercial spaces being added 1 and approximate total square footage J D Will Natural Gas Be Available to Development? Name of Holy Cross Engineer Contacted � o�o S• 4)o-9Y�- �4�0/ 08/Ol/10 NUMBERS ON FACE OF TRANSFORMER (upper left and right corners) �1 ga�O ��k 3 S� Anticipated Electric Service Dates: Temp. Construction:____.____..._.__. _ Permanent: Secondary Voltage: 120/240 1 Phase 3 Wire 240/480 1 Phase 3 Wire 120J208 3 Phase 4 Wire wye 120/208 1 Phase 3 Wire _ 'C 277/480 3 Phase 4 Wire wye Other secondary voltage requested (subject to approval by Holy Cross Energy) Meters (quantity, type, location, etc.): �/►e ����- -t-� �� � ��li��O�v � p o W rr- S �.�►n,al.. Io c�..�a., 0 200 amp or less, self-contained meter svcket 0 400 Amp, self-contained 10 service Main Fuse/ Breaker size 1 d'v CT's required? Photo Volt�ic Size of Entrance Conduit(s) � !ly Quantity � Size of Entrance Conductor(s) �-� Quantity per phase. Total Connected Load f� � (kW) Common Space Bus Size amps Calculated Maximum NEC Demand (kW) Conductor length (transfo�mer to meter) g (feet). ELECTRIC LOAD SUMMARY: Lighting (kW) 1 Ph Motors total _/ (kW/hp) Receptacles (kW} 3Ph Motors total _/ (kW/hp) Cooking (kW) Largest Motor � (kW/hp) Water Heater(s) (kW) Standby Power _/ (kW/hp) Duct Air Heater(s) (kW) Elevators total _� (kW/hp? Unit Air Heater(s) (kW) Fire Pump � (kW/hp) Air Cond. (1 Ph/3Ph) (kW) Standby Generator l�I� / �7� (kW/hp) Heat Pump(1 Ph/3Ph) (kW) _/ (kW/hp) Baseboard Heaters (kW) __/ (kW/hp) Snowmelt Drive/walk ay (kW) /�R_EMARKS: P�-��G�� � ,l �C� 1 OGG�`�� V'1. "r"`� (1/�'`C� D� � � � • f'G/�S-t- tid.. OS/01/10 Provide a detailed written description of the project; include any special power requirements, number and types of lots, additional utilities and their proposed location, total building square faotage, total cammerciat square footage, number of units, amps/units, common area thouse meter) amps, etc. Provide drawings as required by information form. Field Comments: This form can be faxed to Holy CroSS Energy at: 97U-947-5504 Owner must contact the Holy Cross Billing department separately to establish a billing account before the connect request can be processed. After this form is accepted as complete and the new service has been inspected by the electrical inspector, the appropriate Holy Cross Energy office must be cantacted by the owner to request a connect: Avon — 949-5892 Glenwood Springs — 945-5491 I certify that the above informatian is correct, and that I have read the attached "Conditions of Commercial Service"and I understand them. �/�/�v�� -(Date of Application) (Cust er Signature) 9 ?D - 9.�� -`! 7!3 �ti s�-►w�.�.,`��, S,.�e�/�.s��- (Phone) (Title) 08/O1/10 1 r I � I I /� /� / �_� ''�L4�` I /% / / � �� �l i yc v � � ' � � i : I /�� ��/-�. �VA� � ��r�.7? � �� � c� �� /:J^;`O 'v'r���l .��:L �.'=_ ilr; ��'i -��l(� , z � � �� ' ,2 .�U G 2� G =--�, �C r±��'4 0 �! ,�'/ � ';' ` �:I�DR�'� � __---J � —� �_--- -'L; S�e `,, /I/f :28 R��ZRCARI Oh �.. 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S�PP�`� �� 01-22-2014 Ins ection Re uest Reportin �/ Page 8 4�04 om p Va��, COq- Cif�Oi �•�I � � � Requested Inspect Date: Thursday,January 23,2014 Site Address: 825 FOREST RD VAIL TRANSFORMER NEAR THIS ADDRESS A/P/D Information Activity: 613-0008 Type: COMBO Sub Type: OTHER Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: Owner: VAIL CORP Contractor: HIGH POINT ELECTRIC Phone: 970-319-9572 Description: INSTALL A 60 AMP 10 120/208V SERVICE TO SUPPLY POWER FOR TWO RECEPTACLE OUTLETS WITHIN A WEATHER-PROOF ENCLOSURE. THE RECEPTACLE OUTLETS TO SERVE COMCAST'S EQUIPMENT.STANDBY POW ER SUPPLY. Requested Inspection(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requested Time: 08:00 AM Requestor: Phone: Comments follow u . Entered B JMONDRAGON K Assigned To�`71�OtV GON Y� Action: Time Exp: Inspection Historv Item: 110 ELEC-Service "Approved'* 02/13/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 120 ELEC-Rough '"Approved" 02/13l13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 190 ELEC-Final Item: 90 BLDG-Final REPT131 Run Id: 14732