HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC130012 Ford Park Packet 072213DRAFT 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Update April 30, 2013 revised May 16, 2013, July 2013 Chapter 1 - INTRODUCTION "Whereas, President Gerald R. Ford has brought to the Town of Vail his interest and encouragement; has shown through his private life and public life a commitment to recreation, the environment and places set aside therefor; and believes that a statement of the community's appreciation and respect for Gerald R. Ford is appropriate and called for; that the property commonly referred to as the Anholtz Ranch is hereby named the Gerald R. Ford Park." Resolution approved by Vail Town Council, January 18, 1977 Purpose of this Plan The Town of Vail acquired the 39 acre Anholtz Ranch in 1973 for the stated purpose of "improving the quality of life in the community ". Since that time the property has evolved into one of Vail's primary community focal points, providing recreational and cultural facilities and programs that serve the needs of residents and guest of Vail. This evolution was originally outlined by one of Vail's earliest planning efforts: "The intended use program is a comprehensive one and eventually the park will include an impressive number of facilities in addition to extensive open turf space and the delight of the natural earth forms and mature tree growth adjacent to Gore Creek ". The Vail Plan, 1974 The goal of this effort is to create a plan that will maintain the essence of what Ford Park is today and what was envisioned for the Park in 1974 — a combination of natural open space along the Gore Creek corridor coupled with recreational and cultural uses and facilities that serve the needs of residents and guests of Vail. Over the past forty years the Town has completed four planning efforts for the Park. To varying degrees these plans have directly influenced the development of Ford Park and Draft #3 /July WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 1 each has contributed to the role of the Park in how it serves the community. These previous planning efforts were: 1974 Vail Plan — While the primary purpose of this plan was to address a broader discussion of Vail's growth and development, it did include a chapter on recreation and defined at a very broad level the role Ford Park could play in providing recreational, cultural and community- oriented uses. 1985 Gerald R. Ford Park /Donovan Park Master Plan Development Final Report — At the time this plan was prepared ballfields, tennis courts, parking had already been developed and construction of the an amphitheater had commenced. The purpose of this plan was to "guide the future development of the park and establish guidelines for the implementation of improvements ". 1997 Ford Park Management Plan — This plan was initiated in response to several development proposals for the Park. The plan was a product of extensive focus group and public input sessions and in essence served as an amendment to the 1985 plan. 2012 Update to the Final Report Ford Park Management Plan — This plan was done to acknowledge new ideas for improvements to the Park that were initiated when Vail voters approved funding by re- allocating a portion of the Convention Center Funds to Ford Park. More detailed summaries of these previous planning efforts are found in Section 3 of this Plan. The impetus for each of these planning efforts may have been prompted by different factors. However, each of these planning processes involved community input, debate, and sometimes controversy, but in all cases was done with great passion for the Park as the Vail community has worked toward finding the appropriate mixture of development and use of the Park along with the preservation of the Park's special natural features and the unique role it plays in the community. The outcome of each of these each planning efforts were meant to implement the original vision for the park as outlined in the statement above from the 1974 Vail Plan. The 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan presents a compilation of these previously planning efforts along with new direction and ideas that have evolved from this latest planning effort. The primary objectives of this planning effort are to: Draft #3 /July WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 2 • Incorporate key elements of previously completed plans for Ford Park into one document, specifically those guiding principles that have successfully shaped the development of the Park from its inception, • Establish clear expectations for the future land uses, development and management of the Park, • Define effective tools for decision - making regarding the future of the Park, and • Provide a single, comprehensive document to serve as the master plan for Ford Park. With the adoption of this 2013 Plan previous plans for Ford Park will be archived and no longer used as guides for future decision - making or planning for the Park. The 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan will serve as the Town's sole master plan for the Park. Elements of this Plan This Plan includes the following chapters: 1. Introduction The section provides an introduction to the plan, the purpose of this planning effort and outlines the major elements of the 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 2. Site Assessment and Existing Conditions The Ford Park site assessment and summary of existing conditions is based largely on the site assessment from the 1985 Plan and current observations of the Park. 3. History of the Park and Previous Planning Efforts The 1997 Plan has provided the basis for this history and background of the Park and the summaries of the four previous planning efforts that have taken place. Site plans of the Park produced during these planning efforts are to provide a history and context for how the Park has evolved over the years. 4. Goals, Objectives, Policies and Action Steps While the 1997 Plan provided a framework for this section, the goals, objectives, policies and actions steps have been re- organized and refined to better express the current direction for the future of the Park. Draft #3 /July WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 3 5. Ford Park Sub -Areas Seven sub -areas of the Park have been defined and are used as a forum for discussion of how specific areas of the Park will be managed and to establish expectations on potential future improvements within the Park. 6. Illustrative Plan The 2013 Illustrative Plan is a refinement of the illustrative plan from the 2012 Plan, it depicts existing improvements and at a diagrammatic level improvements that may occur in the future. 7. Design Criteria The 1985 Plan included design criteria to be used to evaluate building, site and landscape improvements proposed for the Park. The 2013 Plan expands and refines these design criteria. 8. Park Management Park management is provided in this section, along with discussion of how the Town will review proposals for new uses or buildings within the Park. 9. Appendix Draft #3 /July WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 4 Part 4 - GOALS, OBJECTIVES, POLICIES AND ACTION STEPS The community's goals for Ford Park are summarized in six major goal statements and within each goal statement are objectives, policies and action steps. Each goal statement focuses on particular aspects of Ford Park that were discussed during previous master planning efforts for the Park and the 2013 Ford Park Master Plan update process. These prior planning efforts include: The 1974 Vail Plan A portion of this town -wide plan addressed Ford Park and while the plan did not include formal goal, objective and policy statements, it did describe community expectations regarding the purchase of the Anholtz property and provides broad goal statements for the Park. 1985 Ford Park Master Plan This plan did not include formal goal, objective and policy statements. A number of goals and objectives for the Park can be drawn from the narrative of the Plan and these were reaffirmed by the Town Council in 2013. 1997 Ford Park Manaaement Plan This planning effort was the first to include formally stated goals, objectives, policies and action steps. These statements were an outcome of input received from stakeholders and from the community during the preparation of the 1997 Management Plan and they provided the framework from which the goals, objectives and policies in the 2013 Plan were created. 2012 Ford Park Management Plan Update This update did not include any changes to the goals, objectives and policies from the 1997 Management Plan. Goal, objective and policy statements from the 1997 Plan have been expanded to reflect the intention of the 1974 and 1985 Plans and to incorporate the outcome of Town Council and community input from the 2013 update process. The goal statements were written to be consistent with and complementary to each other. They are to be used to provide a framework, or direction, for decision - making regarding the management and future uses of Ford Park. A series of objectives following each goal statement outline specific steps that should be taken toward achieving each stated goal. Policy statements are intended to guide decision - making in achieving each of the stated objectives. Action steps involve specific actions to be taken in implementing the goal Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 1 and objective statements. It is expected that during the review process for any new development or improvements within the Park, such development or improvements will be deemed to comply with all applicable goals, objectives and policies of this Plan. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 2 Goal #1: Protect the natural environment along the Gore Creek corridor and establish appropriate controls and review procedures to ensure that any new or expanded use or building does not adversely affect the character of the Park or the overall experience of park users. Objective 1.1: Limit uses and future development to that which is consistent with these goals, objectives and policies and consistent with the Ford Park Sub -Areas and Illustrative Plans. Policy Statement 1: Proposals for new or changes to existing facilities or uses that curtail existing public uses within the Park will not be permitted unless there is either a compelling public interest or adequate alternative facilities can be provided. Policy Statement 2: The existing variety of uses and facilities in the Park will be maintained. Action Step 1.1.1: Draft a new ordinance to exclude those uses listed in Ordinance No.6, Series of 1973, now considered to be inappropriate, and to redefine the allowable uses within Ford Park. The following uses that are allowed and prohibited for Ford Park shall take precedence over Section 12 -9C -2 of the Town Code concerning the General Use Zone District: Allowed Uses Park and greenbelt Bicycle and hiking trails Children's playground Outdoor amphitheater Botanical gardens Environmental, educational, and historical centers Picnic areas Recreation and athletic facilities Public utility easements Parking (surface parking /structured parking) Administrative offices for the operation of uses occurring within the park Public Art Display Concerts and Special Events Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 3 Prohibited uses Ski lift and related facilities Exchange or trade Civic center, convention /conference center, public schools, gymnasium, and assembly hall Swimming pools Equestrian trails Type III and IV employee housing Action Step 1.1.2: Review legal descriptions of existing lease areas for the Vail Recreation District, the Vail Valley Foundation and the Betty Ford Alpine Garden and modify, as deemed necessary, so legal descriptions correspond with existing and proposed improvements and uses. Objective 1.2: Establish standards for existing facilities and uses in the Park; and establish review procedures, criteria and design standards for evaluating new development proposals or other proposed changes to Park facilities or uses. Policy Statement 1: Any proposed development or change to Park facilities or uses shall be deemed to conform to the Plan's goal, objective and policy statements. Policy Statement 2: Any proposed development or change to Park facilities or uses shall be deemed to conform to the recommendations of the Plan's Sub - Area and Illustrative Plans. Policy Statement 3: Any proposed development or change to Park facilities or uses shall be reviewed for compliance with Ford Park Design Criteria, as well as other Town regulations. Policy Statement 4: Any proposed development or change to Park facilities or uses shall be determined to provide a needed recreational, educational, cultural or social benefit to the community. Policy Statement 5: Existing facilities, uses and functions within the park will be maintained and operated at a high standard of quality. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 4 Action Step 1.2.1: With participation of other Park stakeholders, Town staff to prepare a manual which outlines expectations regarding the maintenance, and operation of facilities within the Park. Objective 1.3: Preserve and protect the 100 year floodplain, riparian and wetland habitat along the Gore Creek Corridor. Policy Statement 1: Uses and improvements within the Gore Creek Corridor shall be limited to those outlined in the Gore Creek Preservation Sub -Area. Policy Statement 2: No new buildings should be permitted within the Gore Creek Preservation Sub -area. Action Step 1.3.1: Evaluate the need for and feasibility of strengthening preservation controls within the Gore Creek Preservation Sub -area by establishing a conservation easement or by establishing the "Open Space" designation via the Natural Area Preservation Zone District. Objective 1.4: Enhance the use and ensure the preservation of the Historic School House. Policy Statement 1: Maintain public access to the School House and continue the utilization of the building in accordance with the terms of the lease with the Betty Ford Alpine Gardens. Action Step 1.4.1: Evaluate future alternative uses for the School House that will maintain public access and potentially involve the display of historic photos and artifacts or other activities in keeping with the historic nature of the building. Action Step 1.4.2: Complete a historic architectural assessment of the School House and establish a plan to protect and enhance the historic character of the building. Objective 1.5: Enhance the Nature Center building and the natural character of the surrounding area and promote the use of this asset for environmental and other educational programs. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 5 Policy Statement 1: Vehicular access to the Nature Center will be minimized and the landscape surrounding the building will be restored and enhanced. Policy Statement 2: New uses proximate to the Nature Center should be limited and shall be consistent with the Gore Creek Preservation Sub -Area. Policy Statement 3: The architectural integrity of the Nature Center building should be restored. Action Step 1.5.1: Work with the Vail Recreation District to evaluate potential expansion of uses and programs for the Nature Center. Action Step 1.5.2: Complete an architectural inventory of the Nature Center building and initiate a plan to restore the historic character of the building. Action Step 1.5.3: Define a list of appropriate uses for the Nature Center that are consistent with the goals for the preservation of the Gore Creek Preservation Sub -Area. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 6 Goal #2: Provide open space, facilities, and programs within Ford Park to meet the passive and active recreational, educational and cultural needs of residents and guests of Vail. Objective 2.1: Maintain areas within the Park for the passive enjoyment of nature and open space and preserve significant view corridors to the Gore Range, Gore Creek, and Vail Mountain in order to reinforce the Park's connection to the natural environment. Policy Statement 1: The Gore Creek Preservation Sub -Area of the Park shall be maintained for the "quiet enjoyment of nature ". Policy Statement 2: The uses and activities shall be strictly limited to those prescribed by the Gore Creek Preservation Sub -Area. Policy Statement 3: The primary use of the open turf area within the Lower Commons Sub -Area should be to provide a place for un- programed, informal passive recreation. The use of this area for special events should be limited in frequency and scope in order to minimize impacts on the primary use of this area Objective 2.2: Utilize Ford Park to meet the community's needs for active recreation and formal team sport activities. Policy Statement 1: Active recreation and team sport activities shall be concentrated within the Active Recreation and Soccer Field Sub -Areas and limited in other sub -areas of the Park. Policy Statement 2: Landscape berms and buffers should be maintained and enhanced to mitigate potential impacts of noise and activity on other sub areas of the Park. Objective 2.3: Maintain, and enhance where appropriate, the Park's role in providing facilities for the enjoyment and exploration of the arts, music, dance, education and other cultural pursuits. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 7 Policy Statement 1: Maintain the Ford Amphitheater as the primary summer- time performing arts facility in the Town of Vail. Policy Statement 2: Support Art in Public Places in their efforts to continue public art programs (i.e. interactive events, projects, installations, educational activities, etc.) within the Creek Corridor of the Lower Commons Sub -Area (and other areas of the Park as may be deemed appropriate). Policy Statement 3: Support the educational programs provided by the Nature Center and the Betty Ford Alpine Garden. Objective 2.4: Support Betty Ford Alpine Garden's efforts to grow and expand educational opportunities through the construction of a botanical gardens education center within the Park. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 8 Goal #3: Reduce vehicular intrusions into the interior of the Park and minimize to the greatest extent feasible the impact of vehicular activity on users of the Park, particularly on the passive use areas of the Lower Bench and along pedestrian walkways. Objective 3.1: Reduce the frequency of vehicular trips into the Lower Bench (the Lower Commons, Gardens, Amphitheater and the Gore Creek Preservation Sub - Areas) of the Park. Policy Statement 1: Prior to approving any new facility or use or the expansion of any existing facility or use in the Lower Bench it shall be demonstrated that the proposal will not result in an appreciable or unnecessary increase of vehicular activity in the Lower Bench area of the Park. Policy Statement 2: Uses in the Lower Bench shall operate in a manner that limits vehicular traffic to the greatest extent possible. Vehicular access to the Lower Bench of the Park should be limited to: maintenance; delivery of goods or materials too large or too heavy to be carried by non - motorized means; access for people with limited mobility; special transportation; and emergency services. Policy Statement 3: Require all delivery vehicles to utilize East Betty Ford Way to enter and exit the Lower Bench. Due to difficulties in maneuvering, large (semi's) trucks shall access the Lower Bench via East Betty Ford Way and may exit via West Betty Ford Way. Action Step 3.1.1: Establish a system for managing truck movements proximate to the Amphitheater loading dock and for coordinating truck use of East Betty Ford Way. Objective 3.2: Reduce the presence of passenger vehicles in all areas of the Park, with the exception of the Parking /Transit Sub -Area, and minimize conflicts between service /delivery vehicles and park users throughout the Park. Policy Statement 1: Passenger vehicle access to the Alpine Gardens, the Amphitheater or other uses in the Lower Bench shall not be permitted other than those used to provide access for people with limited mobility or to deliver goods or materials too heavy to be carried by non - motorized means. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 9 Action Step 3.2.1: Coordinate delivery schedules to reduce the frequency of delivery and service vehicles into the Lower Bench during peak use time periods. Action Step 3.2.2: Encourage stakeholders to utilize on -site storage facilities to reduce and control the frequency of delivery and service vehicles into the park. Action Step 3.2.3: Improve traffic gate operations and restrictions on both the east and west ends of Betty Ford Way to eliminate unnecessary and unauthorized vehicular intrusions into the Park. Consider closing the western access point of Betty Ford Way. Objective 3.3: Concentrate vehicular activity within the Parking /Transit Sub -Areas by improving vehicular access from the South Frontage Road and improving parking lot design to maximize the number of parking spaces, aesthetics, and safety while mitigating environmental impacts. Policy Statement 1: All stakeholders are required to adhere to the Parking and Transit Management Plan. Policy Statement 2: A "no -net loss" of the +/ -200 parking spaces within the Parking /Transit Sub -Area and the +/ -65 spaces at the Soccer Field Sub -area shall be maintained. Any net loss of parking spaces shall be off -set by a demonstrated improvement or enhancement of public transit use or alternate means of transportation to the Park. Policy Statement 3: Provide parking for Park users within the Parking /Transit Sub -Area and facilitate the use of the Vail Village Parking Structure to satisfy peak parking demands of the Park. Action Step 3.4.1: Town Staff, with coordination from Park stakeholders shall prepare a Parking and Transit Management Plan, to include, but not be limited to the use and access of parking lots, fee structures, transit operations, etc. Action Step 3.4.2: Evaluate the feasibility of expanding the In -Town bus route beyond Golden Peak to provide service along Vail Valley Drive. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 10 Action Step 3.4.3: Implement an improved wayfinding sign program directing pedestrians from the Village Parking Structure and Slifer Square in Vail Village. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 11 Goal #4: Ensure compatible relationships are maintained between all venues and all uses within Ford Park Objective 4.1: Coordinate with leaseholders on their scheduling of events in order to prevent overlapping or simultaneous events that exceed the availability of community parking or other park infrastructure. Policy Statement 1: The Town of Vail through its designee shall coordinate an overall schedule for events and uses at all Ford Park venues. Policy Statement 2: No one event or type of use will be allowed to dominate the usage of the Park. Policy Statement 3: The Park is a Town of Vail community facility and in the case of conflicting uses, functions that best serve the interests of the community will have the highest priority. In all cases, final decisions regarding the use of the Park shall rest with the Town of Vail. Policy Statement 4: The day -to -day management and coordination of activities in the Park will be assigned to the Town of Vail. The Town of Vail, through its designee, will coordinate as necessary with a representative of the Vail Valley Foundation, the Betty Ford Alpine Garden and the Vail Recreation District. Action Step 4.1.1: Expand the master schedule kept by the Town Clerk to include all venues within the park. Action Step 4.1.2: Hold preseason event /activity coordination meetings with all affected stakeholders. Action Step 4.1.3: Hold semiannual (2x per year) coordination and input meetings with the Town of Vail, leaseholder representatives, and neighborhood and adjacent property owner representatives. Objective 4.2: Maintain and where necessary improve existing berms and landscape buffers between facilities and uses Policy Statement 1: The adequacy of berms and landscape buffers between different facilities and uses shall be considered when evaluating proposed Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 12 changes to the Park. The type and extent of buffers to be provided shall be determined based on the nature of the use and site design of the proposed facilities or uses, and the design parameters outlined in the Ford Park Sub -Areas and the Illustrative Plan. Action Step 4.2.2: Enhance existing buffers throughout the Park with the addition of landscape planting and berming. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 13 Goal #5: Provide a safe, enjoyable and efficient pedestrian circulation system both within Ford Park and between Ford Park and Vail Village. Objective 5.1: Provide clear and effective directional and informational signs to and within Ford Park. Action Step 5.1.1: Develop a comprehensive sign plan to direct Ford Park visitors from central sites in ail Village and from each level of the Village Parking Structure to destinations within Ford Park. Objective 5.2: Improve pedestrian routes to Ford Park. Policy Statement 1: The five existing pedestrian access points to the Park from Vail Village and Golden Peak should be maintained and be managed to maximize their effectiveness in providing access to the Park. Action Step 5.2.1: Implement improvements to the Gore Creek Trail that will improve safety, correct grading, surfacing, and lighting. Action Step 5.2.2: Provide rest/sitting areas along pedestrian routes to the Park. Action Step 5.2.3: Establish gateways or portals (signage, monuments, landscape elements, etc.) at the main entries to the Park (Frontage Road, Gore Creek Trail, Manor Vail, Slifer Plaza, Vail Valley Drive, Parking /Transit area). Objective 5.3: Improve internal pedestrian circulation within Ford Park. Policy Statement 1: New developments or other improvements in the Park shall not diminish the quality of the pedestrian circulation system and when appropriate shall include provisions to improve pedestrian circulation. Objective 5.4: Encourage leaseholders in Ford Park, through their marketing efforts, to promote walking or riding the bus as an alternative to driving to the Park.. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 14 Goal #6: Delineate financial responsibilities among Ford Park leaseholders and the Town of Vail for both on -going maintenance /operation and capital improvements. Objective 6.1: Formalize cost sharing arrangements with lease- holders for costs associated with the Park's management and operation costs. Policy Statement 1: All Ford Park leaseholders shall participate in cost sharing with the Town of Vail for common operating costs at a level proportionate to the leaseholders benefit from or relationship to said operation or management cost. (or as may be outlined in current lease or license agreement). Management and operations cost may include but are not limited to, electrical for pedestrian path and parking lot lighting, trash removal, and parking lot and pedestrian path maintenance costs. Action Step 6.1.1: Research current lease, license and use agreements to determine existing financial responsibilities of each lease holder. Action Step 6.1.2: As may be necessary, modify existing leases to correct any inequities in utility billing procedures and distribution systems, current utility use, and cost sharing relationships. Objective 6.2: Create a cost - sharing agreement for Capital Improvement costs. Policy Statement 1: Ford Park leaseholders desiring to make capital improvements within their respective lease areas shall be required to provide funding for those improvements and for any modifications outside of the lease area necessitate by such improvements. Policy Statement 2: Services, functions, and programs provided by Ford Park leaseholders, bring visitors to the community who generate sales tax revenues which in turn contribute to the General Fund. Residents of the community which participate in those programs contribute to the Real Estate Transfer Tax through real estate transactions. Both of these funding sources can be utilized by the Town of Vail to pay for capital projects and improvements within Ford Park, reducing the need for contributions from the leaseholders. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 15 Action Step 6.2.1: Create and maintain a five year capital improvements program for Ford Park. Action Step 6.2.2: Establish the benefit /cost relationship for capital projects to determine appropriate cost sharing agreements. Draft #3 /July 16 WS 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan Page 16 �.. \\ AI \ • 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan TOWN O �� July, 2013 ^ � f VAIL'� Gore Creek Preservation 2013 Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan �__ quwuln J11y,2013 TOWN OF VAIL' 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OF PIL `a ,13 [tALI N Topics for Discussion Why we are here Scope of project /Goals of Update PEC role in review of Plan '74/'85/'97/'12 = 2013 Update Overview of 2013 Plan Goals /Objectives /Policies /Action Steps Ford Park Sub -Areas Project Schedule /Next Steps 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 3 RALI N 7/22/13 PEC Work Session 10�N TOWN OF URIL, � Why we are here 2013 Ford Park Master Plan RALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OFD Awl Scope of project /Goals of Update The goal of this (2013 Master Plan) effort is to create a plan that will maintain the essence of what Ford Park is today and what was envisioned for the Park in 1974 — a balance of open space coupled with recreational and cultural uses and facilities that serve the needs of residents and guests of Vail. 2013 Ford Park Master Plan Four points from plan (more clear direction, etc.) "givens" — we are happy with major uses in park Major aspects of update — design guidelines /creek /sub areas /goals and obj /circulation 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session 10�N' TOWN OF UR A01p,43 RALI N I1 +. I1' Scope of project /Goals of Update • Incorporate key elements of previously completed plans for Ford Park into one document, specifically those guiding principles that have successfully shaped the development of the Park from its inception, • Establish clear expectations for the future land uses, development and management of the Park, • Define effective tools for decision - making regarding the future of the Park, and • Provide a single, comprehensive document to serve as the master plan for Ford Park 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 2013 Ford Park Master Plan gp4l ALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session .IIIF' �' TOWN OF URIL� Scope of project /Goals of Update List of givens — • Happy with current uses, no desire to eliminate any existing use • New uses /change to existing uses may be "ok" but only if .. . 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 3 RALI N 7/22/13 PEC Work Session O�N TOWN OF URIL� Scope of project /Goals of Update Anticipated focus of PEC Review: • Goals and objectives • Subareas • Illustrative plan • Design guidelines • Gore Creek Corridor • BFAG Education Center • Circulation 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 3 RALI N 7/22/13 PEC Work Session O�N TOWN OF URIL, � PEC role in review of Plan • Advisory to TC • Review /respond to Plan presented 2013 Ford Park Master Plan '�RALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session F' 11, TOWN OF URIC '74/'85/'97l'12 = 2013 Update 2013 Ford Park Master Plan '�RALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session F' 11, TOWN OF URIC A —jo THE VAIL PLAN M., 1974 Vail Plan 2013 Ford Park Master Plan RALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OFD L'L I I � 1 1. X11 1985 Ford Park Master Plan 3WT9.lu COIIPII: { ESAHAMAING POOL CONIP_€.X . r�4 tl ABTA ~ ��- �y Tnrecltl Prov^N TmpgMe� iRi..�nQ i .a-n I . � — yy�., � _ 2 �' -' .'� .• _ — _ .mot — , 1 i i1M. 7 aei McM`tia w`%iY _ f Hn'RC MunNpaf - 'dn .vir[wOTM r+ - PLAY AREA ,r�� a!s' r.• "1 's + 141-0p, .r4 A�N IF Ry MCNIC ARE Grew • ra ;M+ y s '! t '+4 4 ..W -F F Nn I - A �. � 'I.i' . `p' , �-� '''. GERALD R. FUM PARK 4 Webs •enNOfn M. f.. � "Ti � ��f} — -_ MA arER, PLAN DEVELOPMENT Town Vf V10k IVIA TER PLAN T� ae�.`."i nv,n Aewran.. 2013 Ford Park Master Plan RALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session fir, TOWN o� vart 1997 Ford Park Management Plan .... w �I i Y # r-■ 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 3RALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OFD 9m S Ga ge JJ ford par illusim ive plan 2012 Ford Park Management Plan Update 8v, anC %Wwba 4 S}hp -_. GPVgrkNd Pn Sheel emti^ - �- - __ _ "••�g�opaXN n.- V- AAFMfnclesre Ygrwnd ,-�� i S cetl _ b Fore as s� rlM1 eea � ummn r ��Rmvrelneam�„ +� I' Canmans e, 0 Vail �� �°' °4ve4 �` � SP MFUe105 I se FN R�VOUV _ - Pei4ing • L3 Z C ii X [ \ A \'E) AYAICIASGS TIC 2013 Ford Park Master Plan RALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session a f'ClilF.,.I TOWN OFD Outline of 2013 Plan Introduction Site Assessment and Existing Conditions History of the Park and Previous Planning Efforts Goals, Objectives, Policies and Action Steps Ford Park Sub -Areas Illustrative Plan Design Criteria Park Management Appendix 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 3 RALI N 7/22/13 PEC Work Session 10�N TOWN OF URIL� Outline of 2013 Plan Introduction Site Assessment and Existing Conditions History of the Park and Previous Planning Efforts Goals, Objectives, Policies and Action Steps Ford Park Sub -Areas Illustrative Plan Design Criteria Park Management Appendix 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 3 RALI N 7/22/13 PEC Work Session 10�N TOWN OF URIL� Goals /Objectives /Policies /Action Steps Goal Statements 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session Objectives Policies Action TOWN �F D Steps 1A I2AUN 1974 Vail Plan Goals /Objectives /Policies /Action Ster)s • Town's objective in '73 — "a major recreation facility for the total town is essential" • Town Council criteria in park site selection process — walking distance to Village, adequate space within a single parcel for a large meadow -like turf area, proximity to Frontage Road for direct access for cars and transit, natural beauty such as Gore Creek, connection to bike /pedestrian trails • Anholtz /Ford Park is ideal for creating a sense of open space • Intended use is comprehensive and eventually park will include an impressive number of facilities in addition to open turf space and the delight of the natural earth forms and mature tree growth adjacent to Gore Creek. • Uses to include: Place for showing and creating art, crafts, sculpture, Theater for music, dance, etc. (indoor space and an outdoor amphitheater seating 800 people) Meeting rooms and community workshops Wide outdoor terraces and natural landscapes Indoor ice arena Tennis and handball courts Children's play facility Headquarters for Vail Symposium and local television Possible location for ecologium 200 parking spaces "major parking to be in Village Structure" Bus access Grammar School 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 3 RALI N 7/22/13 PEC Work Session 11,"�I' I,, TOWN o� vartl'' 1985 Ford Park Master Plan Goals /Objectives /Policies /Action Steps Ford Park is intended to meet the recreational needs of the community Care is to be taken to conserve and enhance natural areas Active recreation elements are to be consolidated and located away from the meadow and creek The park will be protected from over - development Locate high use facilities away from more passive uses Stepping of structures into the existing topography Locate parking areas adjacent to the Frontage Road and away from areas with children Utilize berms and landscape buffers to separate uses The Master Plan provides guidelines for which future development will be evaluated 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session 10�N, TOWN OF UR A01p,43 RALI N I1 +. I1, 1997/2012 Ford Park Management Plan Goals /Objectives /Policies /Action Steps Goal #1 — Preserve and protect Ford Park Goal #2 — Reduce vehicular intrusions in, and their impact on, the Park Goal #3 — Reduce conflicts between all Ford Park venues Goal #4 — Resolve parking and South Frontage Road access problems Goal #5 — Improve internal pedestrian circulation within Ford Park and the pedestrian connections between Ford Park and Vail Village Goal #6 - Delineate financial responsibilities among Ford Park leaseholders and the Town of Vail 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 10�N 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OF VAIL ' A01p,43 RALI N I F'. Goal #1 Protect the natural environment along the Gore Creek corridor and establish appropriate controls and review procedures to ensure that any new or expanded use or building does not adversely affect the character of the Park or the overall experience of park users. Replaces Goal #1 — Preserve and protect Ford Park 2012 Management Plan Goal #1 Objectives /Policies Overview • Protect the creek and protect the park from "over- development" • Existing uses in the park are to remain • Changes to existing uses will only be considered if there is compelling public interest or alternative facilities can be provided • Any changes shall provide recreational, educational, cultural or social benefit • Uses in Park to be limited Master Plan to provide standards /criteria for decision - making No new buildings in Gore Creek Corridor Preserve /enhance use of School House Enhance Nature Center /promote use 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session 10�N' TOWN OF UR A01p,43 RALI N I1 +. I1' Goal #2: Provide open space, facilities, and programs within Ford Park to meet the passive and active recreational, educational and cultural needs of residents and guests of Vail. New Goal /Replaces Goal #2 - Reduce vehicular intrusions in, and their impact on, the Park. 2012 Management Plan Goal #2 — Objectives /Policies Overview • Maintain Gore Creek corridor for "quiet enjoyment" of the Park, limit uses • Open Turf area to be predominantly un- programmed space • Provide for active rec /team sports, concentrate these uses in Active Rec and Soccer Field Sub Areas • Continue /enhance Park's role in arts, music, dance and education (support AIPP, BFAG, Nature Center, GRFA) • Support BFAG efforts to development education center 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session 10�N, TOWN OF UR A01p,43 RALI N I1-I1, Goal #3: Reduce vehicular intrusions into the interior of the Park and minimize to the greatest extent feasible the impact of vehicular activity on users of the Park, particularly on the passive use areas of the Lower Bench and along pedestrian walkways. Combines Goals #2 and #4 Goal #2 — Reduce vehicular intrusions in, and their impact on, the Park. Goal #4 — Resolve parking and South Frontage Road access problems. 2012 Management Plan Goal #3 Objectives /Policies Overview • No new uses in Lower Bench that would generate appreciable increase in traffic • Lower Bench uses to limit vehicular traffic, manage truck traffic • Reduce visitor car traffic to Lower Bench • Maintain /manage existing on -site parking • Maintain /enhance transit 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session 10�N' TOWN OF UR A01p,43 RALI N I1 +. I1' Goal #4: Ensure compatible relationships are maintained between all venues and all uses within Ford Park. Replaces Goal #3 - Reduce conflicts between all Ford Park venues. 2012 Management Plan Goal #4 Objectives /Policies Overview • Coordinate leaseholders scheduling of events to prevent overlap, over use of Park • Maintain /enhance buffers between uses 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 3 RALI N 7/22/13 PEC Work Session O�N TOWN OF URIL� Goal #5: Provide a safe, enjoyable system Village. both within Ford and efficient pedestrian circulation Park and between Ford Park and Vail No significant change to Goal #5 — Improve internal pedestrian circulation within Ford Park and the pedestrian connections between Ford Park and Vail Village. 2012 Management Plan Goal #5 Objectives /Policies Overview • Town -wide directional /informational signage • Improve pedestrian routes to Park, establish "portals or gateways" • Improve internal circulation • Encourage leaseholders to promote their patrons waking, biking, busing to Park 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session 10�N' TOWN OF UR Aolp,43 RALI N I1 +. I1' Goal #6: Delineate financial responsibilities among Ford Park leaseholders and the Town of Vail for both on -going maintenance /operation and capital improvements. No significant change to Goal #6 - Delineate financial responsibilities among Ford Park leaseholders and the Town of Vail. 2012 Management Plan Goal #6 Objectives /Policies Overview • Formalize leaseholders cost - sharing of Park management /operational costs • Funding of capital improvements 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 10�N 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OF VAIL ' A01p,43 RALI N 11'. I , Ford Park Sub -Areas 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session y� mil; lt;� , 1�,1 TOWN OF i1A�LJ Purpose of Sub -areas — better define expectations for specific areas of the Park 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OF PIL L' RALIN Gore Creek Prewvalion Gore Creek Active Recreation Parking] Transit ^�. y Preserv( 4ian 2933 Gerald R. Pard Park Master Plan Alpi'ne )G r _ Lower Gammons Gore Creek Preservation �. � -. .� -�" ••� Amphitheot&r soccer Field tetra or � + „J 2013 Ford Park Master Plan RALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OFD RI - �'�'' .J X11 t . � II I) ,.,.dam • Il Considerations /Potential Improvements • Plays key role in how the Park "works • "No net loss" of parking, • Continue special events /concerts in parking lot, • Monument -type entry features at the two pedestrian portals from the parking lot into the Park, and • Traffic control devices at Betty Ford Way. 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OF vart�' A01p,43 RALI N i Active Recreation _ 10 1 '� t Considerations /Potential Improvements • Recent improvements address active recreation needs for foreseeable future, • Monument -type entry features at west end and at two pedestrian portals from the parking lot into the Park, and • Enhanced landscape buffer around the perimeter of the sub area. 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OF PIL L' RALIN 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session Children's playground Open turf area Creek corridor Considerations /Potential Improvements • Maintain basic "footprint" of playground, • Maintain size and "un- programmed" use of open turf area, • Limit use of open turf area for special events, • Maintain AIPP use along Creek, • Upgraded restroom facilities at the children's playground, size limited to meet needs of park users, otherwise no new buildings envisioned for Sub -Area, • Further enhance the buffer between the 10�N, TOWN OF UR athletic fields and the children's playground. ,*V41 RALI N 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OF vast Considerations /Potential Improvements • Town /VVF to continue efforts to minimize vehicle trips to Amphitheater, • Limit new uses /expansions that would appreciably increase vehicle trips, • Development of a "Public Plaza" at the entry to the Amphitheater, • Landscape enhance of creek bank /ADD parking area, and • Potential sound mitigation. L' RALIN Considerations /Potential Improvements • Potential development of an alpine garden educational center, • Expansion of the gardens into the area immediately east of the "old school house" 2013 Ford Park Master Plan '�RALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session `l,,,��, 1, " TOWN o� vart Gore Creek Preservation Considerations /Potential Improvements • No new buildings within creek corridor, • Enhance nature Center facility, use, • "Low- impact" uses /improvements (soft surface trails, creek bank restoration) may be permitted, • Utilities, drainage, creek crossings only if no practical alternative is available, • Enhancement /restoration of vegetation along corridor, • Seating, art installations along "western" creek corridor (Vail Village connector), and • Removal /reduction of parking at Nature Center. 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OFD �l i i plow Considerations • Maintain active recreation uses, • Potential expansion of volleyball courts, and • Management of parking lot. 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session MITE Of VAft� Next Steps • Overall project schedule • Next PEC meeting 2013 Ford Park Master Plan '�RALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session F' 11, TOWN OF URIC 2013 Ford Park Master Plan 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OF PIL `a ,13 [tALI N End of Presentation 2013 Ford Park Master Plan RALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session TOWN OFD Awl 2013 Ford Park Master Plan '�RALIN 7/22/13 PEC Work Session 4 „,��, 1, ” TOWN o� vart