HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 5 Block 5A Lot J - Villa Valhalla 1st Supplement.. v � � 1 E�GE OF A5P ALT � L1=24'37'08" � ��0'1 R="I SO.77� F4UND NAIL AND 1/2'� �� _�-� F'L.nWLINE CQNC, PAN L=77.fi7 BRASS WASHER LS. 30116 � I/ I T�39.45' � C R j. � C�.Ei��%%.OB G � � E �� /�•E �' � FNp. �4 RE6AR & 1 1/2" BRG=N 80'55'34� E �. �_�0� ALUMINUM c,aP �s. 26598 .� r�g3'I `''�- � �� ..,.� �_ r� "" �-- _ � 'G � cu�� ��F x� �-------------.__�__ _._._---- �� N �'QUND lJAIL AND 1 /2'� BRASS WASHER LS. 30116 FOU�b E�Ak�l�l�� �a1��� (RN 9112'�') EDGE OF G.C.E. � ''� � 0 �P a s � W � � » {SEE NOTE 12, R.N. � STONE WALL STONE WALL�` ;:.� c �f�:�� VILLA VAL.HALLA CONDOMINIUMS Z� ?'��:j '. `'u� 0.312� ACRES a�'� � C� L7ECK5 '�r UN�TS ���J8C9 �'�' DECKS � JIJNITS 2,6&10 �3�`' �. ����:� �' , _ �� '` � . � � � � �; , � i CONC. � �*_ ! - �- � . � �ECKS EJ N I T5 4&8 1 DECK 2 uNrT � (AeovE) � � r !/ eo�vc. WAI. \ 1 t . �" � < G.C.�. �� .1 � � � � � 7.3' 1.�� �°'- ~� , i`�'' {`:' j CONC. F'ATI� WALL � 11NIT 3 ' ��y��,�� aRNAMENTAL Bl.[1G. �500 ,..; : �. w • ,I�.T�:'� PRQJECTfON {TYP.} n �r r' 'h � O� 0� ��,; � c.c.�. 5 .��0 �. �.• �.. �'" �-�•, ���`;';� FND. PLAI #5 RE6=� � � �C FN�. #4 REBAR & 1 1/2" �r-;.";;?} _��% H ALUMINUM CAF' LS. 2659$ '� ^� -�� � � �`�':;�;� N C r.: .�( -;+.:;::� �� � � ..::,,��>.:�:. .�- r R �_ �.,�� _.�- � ��25'06'04" ..,�-- R=120.i7' H A N S 0 N L=52.65' T=26.75' CLEN=52.23' BRG= S 82'33'02" W __-_-_ _-_ - _ = _ - _=_= =_=��� 41199 HlGHWAY 6& 24, EAGI�E-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 d' �� �� �3� '� m O� O v� o� �m 0 � BUILDI�IG OUTLfNE LOT K , BLOCK 5A VAIL VILLAGE FIFTH FILING � (��2s, �2a�) EDGE OF POOI. D�CK UTIL[7Y &� DRAINAG� EASEMEN7 {PER VAIL VILI.AGE, FIFTH FII.ING) / � / FND. #4 REBAF2 & 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP LS. 16827 � P p JRB & GUTfER R � ��� � AMENDED C�ND�MINIUM PLAT - PART �F LQT J, BLOCK 5A, VAIL VILLAG�, FIFTH FILING TOj+I�N �F VAIL, C(�UNTY OF EAGLE, STAT� OF CQL�RADD CERTIFlCATE OF DEDICAl10N AND OWNERSNIP Know all men by these presents that Villa VaEhal{a Association, Inc. a Colnrado Nopro#it Corporation acting through it's Prssident, 6eing Agent and Atiorney-In-F'act fior the owners of more than sixty- seven percent of the Genera! Common Efements and �rst lienors of that real properiy situated irr the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Coloracfo, described as foliows: Vflla Valhc�lia Candaminiums, according to the map thereof recard�d Decernber 27, 9967 in Hook �11 at Page 809 and amendment thereto recorded May 22, 2013 at Reception No. 201 3 7 03 1 5 and the Condominium Deelaration far Villa Valhalla Condomini�ms recorded necember 2i, 1967 in Baok 211 at Page 808, and ame�drnent thereto recorded January 11, 2Q12 at Reception No. 2D9200627 in the office of ihe Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder. have by these presents ]aid nut, platted and subdivlded the sarne into parcels as shawn on this final plat under the name and style of Villa Valhalla Gondominlums-First SuppE�ment, a subd�vision in the Tawn af Vail, Eagle Caunty, Coiorado; and do here6y dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use af the publ�c forever; and do hereby dedicate those partions of sa�d real property which are indicated as easement an the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and do hereby grant the right to install a�d mcrinta3n structures to the entity responsible for providing ihe services for which the easements are established, Executed this�,� day of ��±�-� .,,. ____—, A.D., 2a!_'� � Owner: Ulla Valh�Ela Association, Inc. a Colorado Noprofit Corporation Address:_ .r-,..� �S�`'� �_.—. ��St _ �_..[.�... ..____ � ..,..__ �� � _...._..._._--- B : Frankie iut � Y (Presfdent) Add ress:_��_L�4L19r�.1��___ -��f'�_ _�.�'i4� SiA,TE OF_ ---} )ss. CDUNTY OF___ � The foregoi g instrument was acknnwledged before me this �..,� day of � _, A.p., 20.�� I�y Frankie Tutt as President of V�IIa Valhalla Association, Inc. a Colnrado Noprof Corporation Nf.Y� �mmission expir�s: SZ'14� ��7 �dl+�n�sslmv ha�vd and►� eaL �. Notary Pubtlicr, � `"�r Address:_�"���ss� �_ct�� ��1 _ C�.���.L.���i _ SI�A !�U'3'NICKi � �� � $"�'� � �r'��Q .�rQ�w� M'��� ��7 mu� c�n�c�� Land Title Guran#ee Company does hereby certify that the titke to all lands shown upon this final plat hos been examined and is ves�ed in: Villa Valhalla Condominium Association and that title ta such lands is free ancf ckear of all liens and encu ances, except as follows: ( �1'Y-ti [�8� C7 � '"9C�� __ �ated this � day of �!°t"•_'='_`�'`��``_� _____, A.D., 2fl_� y L.and Titie Guarantee Company Address: 810 W. Lionsh d Cirele Suite 24 Vail, . 81 fi57 _ By: � as: —�^�T_'►-10�� Z �� _._._._------ � '�—_� '�"� �TZ�ir' 4' 20' 40' 6 Q' SCALE: 1 " = 20' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFlCA"!'E I do hereby certify that f am Q professional Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Golorc�do, tF�at this rnap is true, correct and complete as laid out, platted, dedicat�d and shnwn hereon, that such condaminium map was made from an accurate survey of said property by me ancE under my supervision and correctly shows the horizontai and vertical location and dimensiona of the cond4mini�ms, parcels, easements, and streets of said condominium map as the same are stcrked upan the ground in compfiance with applicable r�gulations go�erning the subdivision of land. In witness ����afe.=4;��ave set my hand and sea! this ��'� day af �_���__, A.D. 20=� ���'s � � :_ � ' , � �.�s�. �V� 5::6�;,;Y,� � �'��� ,, , �p' �� � �m���s�z� ,ti� :� �� 4 G'.S.eV_ � J�r �4iiG�'?�1�1, �J.�Y03 �� � �'�.""'�._..............,�..�__, Colo?toc�on�. � 1��',6'"�� �� � � �. � �:;�� � ���� ��,�:..�;,` `�� e � ���� ����m ��mQ��-� `�� as�������dAi� ��''a�A� �-������ ������d&58zi�6a9��� NO'IES: 1) �ate of Survey: Octnber, 2013 2j 5treet address: 384 Gore Creek Drive. 3} Land Title Guaran'tee Company commitm�nt No. VC5�Q35594 dated 8/08/13 was relied upon for al] title and easement ir�forrnation. 4) Notice: According to Colorado law you must cammence any legal actian based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this . survey be commenced mare than ien years fr�m the date of the certificatian shown hereon. 5) Basis of Elsvations: View Point #5 Backsight per Town af Vcaii View Corridor, Elev.: 8175.74'. S) Basis nf Hearings; Monurnents �ound marking �he east property Iine �Ila Valhalla Condorniniums. (See drawing). 7) As shown hereon, "G.C.E.° indicates General Cammon �lements, as the sarne as described in the Declaration. 8} As shown hereon, "L..C.E." indica#es Lirnited Common Elements, as the same as descrjbed in the peclaration. 9) Condominium Declarations are recorded at Book 211, Page 8Q$, and amencEed at Receptian No. 201200627. 10) The U.S. survey foot is the fineai unit used for the dimensions an this plat. 'f 1) The purpose of this Amended Condominium Plat is to: convert and incarporate ihe decks a# Llnits 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, $, 9&14 that were Limited Corrrmon �lement, and a parGel 4f G.C.E. land lyi�g direc}fy balow Unit 3r ��1tp. QnCi part of those respective EJnits; reconflgure the �aundariea of the foregoing Units all as depicted on th�s Amended Candorr�inium Plat; and �pdate and reconf(gure the G.C.E. Holls, G.C.E. Stairs and the L.C.E. decks of Units 2 and 6 and add the G.C.E. Elevator, all as depicted hereon. It is not the intent nf this Pkat to show any changes to the property . beyond those listed ond depicted here. 12) All Units are subj.ect to th� terms, conditior�s, provisions, burdens and obligations as set forth in Applic�tion . for Revocabie Permit recorded 12/Q6/D7 under Reception No. 200732D77. ADMINISTRATOR CERtIFlCAl"E ��,� Thi f�nal plat is hereby appraved by tE�� Town of Vail Administrator this ._,_. day of \�O�1u�d,Crf . A_Q__ 2Q � � _ CERTIFICA7'E OF TAXES PAED I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amaunt of tdxes and '}-�e �Oj��y1J1f�{ assessments due and payable as of ���.�12_�✓ ��`��L_._...__._.upon e�parcels of � real astate described on this plat are paid in full.', 1)'dr1,l� � � 3� �� C) ��,� Q�� q� I p. i Dated this _3 __ day of ���N_, A.D., 20 1,�,,,, f�(� n Q(�'§ �j' g dc�sy l � �.h ��.�...1a�..��3�ec__���'l�c�.1��� Treass�rer of �agle Caunty jZ 00 $ Q p� Q. 00 $'� Q `[ k, olfla85 � D9 ���5 (Looggl5 CLERK ANE? RECORbER�S C�2TIFlCAIE�J� 7'his Plat was filed #or record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder a'i �,�.,�._o'clock �C_.M., on this l.�� _day of �:�� N, 201.� and is dui re rded ece tia No ��� ��� 5�__ � P ; � � @_ __�_ ��J���`' Clerk ecord v �� � � � �y� -- � � �eputy �, ,� � �E�►+ea►fl°� , i ... . . n�'1 , A g� B1 \ , 4 \ ` \ ` ' \ \ 5 �1 \\ �� `��l\ ` ``\ \��\ \ i ` \ \ \ \\` '\\ '`` �\\ \ . � �.\\\, \\�� \� \`\ � \��.� . � � � , ♦ \ � � `: 1 `\E•� ` \ `'\ \ � `\�� �.��\♦ � ` �' \ �� �\ . \ , „ \� � \ `\\ � \ \ .` \'.4 \., \,' � \ . \ \� \ - � �\.`,� � �� �� � ��� ��`� ���V��� �•-\�' ����'�\� � � dF. ������� ��������A�:����`���V�;��•��;��� ���'� , � � �`�'� °��A ���' � �',�`� �A � � �. ��, �� � �'�� � ��� � ' � .� � . �. �•, �\ �A � � � � � � � �, � �, <�� � � � . � �, � � � � . . ♦ ` ��� ' � ����' � �� � `� �V � �� �A �.��A��� � ; , , , ; �,;, \,.;;, .\ , , ,, , �,, � , ,` . �. � � , . � � �\ �� �� ��� ` . �� � �� ��� , �� � `. \�`'•� ���,`���\ �`� ;��. � , � �. �,�`\`��,�;� .\�.;:.\,�. �� ` � �. ` \'`� "•\`�\�'� ._ �� •��� .;\ � � `\ \��, \ � �� , �� * ` `�\ � \ ' �`\�4 \ ` \ '\ \� '���'_'.. ���,\ � �l\� \� \`\�. � \\ \��\ . � \1.�,�\��� \\ \� �.` ".\�.�..� `: � � t \`�\`, � \\ \'� \ � `�\ ♦ \ � �.\ �`. �' ;\ \'• � . .r'.`�♦ `\��: � ��\ :..,. ` � � � � � • \ �1� � ti �� `\'` \� ��y � � � ,. � ` ti � ♦y,\�'� � \ ,� . � ��, �. � � `:-• ��� , ,� ,� ���\,. � . „�, ��..:.�,., , , . , .IJNIT N0. 11�. , , , � ,, � ���. � �. ,�., �,. � � �� �,,�� � '��\ � �\'` ����� •�.\ �_� �'�`����. < `���`�,� � � ` . .. ��..'� . ` � '; \ .\ , ``, ` , . �.\�` � � \� , \� ( \ `. .�,F � . � \,�\\ \ � `\�`\�lE�, �,'�\\l ��`�`\� � \ � \ �` \ �\`\� \ �� ` ` �\ `�\ \ _. �� ��� �� `,��.�ti��'������. �� ������\;`� �� ������'���`v_� ���� �V���*� ,��� �A�� �•�,� �`�`-.� � `•�����.�. ��.�� `'� •� � �., � � ��A� . � � . �,.� �..!C���� .�� �.\� . �.. .� � �t , ,��� . . � � � �., � �,�� � � �:•. �� \ ,�� .•��; � `. �� �� `•� �. ` � �� \, `�� , �-� � ;�. � � .�� �� . , , �; _ �� �. � � - � � ��� �`��'�. . �� � � � �A � \ � �� � � ' � � : `�����,�:��������A� � ��A���:�, ''���V� � �` �`���.�'����.�������\.�� ��'� ���:� ������� � �`���. 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