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B04-0295 M04-0174 M04-0284 P04-0155
� . -� �- r— — ': �. ./ � r r: -- _ � . - i ..` � `' . •� . °4�{It -�'`��-'=� � � �:�� �!f' _ �'�; !`r '° /: _ °� '�,. �'� `.�,,. - - � _ - �`' Y �,'." °.l'���%`� r . -� � - � — -� ' - -� - x ` �_- �yJ�`:. � --�__o ''�*i�_ � - '- .h wr�,'t`ti - �! �. �� -- _ - ° ��'"� — �. - � ;_f — __— .,,�� �.=�-�.�r B��i�dirrg Sr�f�ty �Inspec�rc�n Servxees D���isiar� Cornrrit.rrzrt� L�etaeto�rrrerrf �epc�rtmertt - ��, 75 Soi_rt}r Frontrt�e Ror�d i l' y � L�r�i�, C;o2orr�c�o LISA 8I657 ; ���� �� � � K � �ERTI �' I+�A�TE C3F �CCUPAI�3�Y This certificate i� �ssued pursuant t� ti�e reyuirements of�ie Int�n�ativnal8uilding Code as adopted by ttt�Town pf Vail "'�1�,��; cer�ifyi�►g that, at tl�� Eiine �rF issuanee, t17is struc�-ur� fn�as fra�nd to Ltie substantially in caut�tianre with the va�•iaus �`` vrdinances af the#�wn regulating bualrling corts#ruction ox use fr�r the�Follmwing: I�+1sme and desrriptics�l af pr�ject: 5n}�der�ar��ily Trust -1�erw I3tipl�x _ � - Acldress of projerk: �667 E3a1d tVf�untain Roael, Va'rl,Coloracla 81657 - - O�wn�r na�e�nd a�idress: Snyd�r l?�matv'Fr�st,2bf 7`B�IcI Mtn.Raa�i.V1il.Colorac�o�1C�57 � i I8C Edi�on: 19�97 Ui3C (7c�upancy Group{s�: I�-3 �y'pe(s) af ConstrucE�on: V-�1 � P�rmit Number�s): 804-02g5 �ccupasyt Lvad: - Sprinl�.ler�ysteul Y/T`�I`1�Y�e: Y�5_ NO"I`�. The E�uilding offirial rnay, in �vriting. se�s�aend oi• re�°vl:e a certific�te vF oecupaney issued under the pre�visions oF tk�is code �,' ver certific�t s issuec3 iaa errnr,n��an �lye k�asi�bF incorrect infornia€ion supy�lied,or�,vh�n tt is determined thaf khe l�uilciin� _ ar stru e r�c�r ' t ereoE i �in viol�tie�n of a:�y ardinance c+r»e�ulttiic�n�af this E•c�clr. � �� ���� � L , � � - zarIes E. �7awis,Chi�£Buildiri�C7FFicial Date ��t�7'��l«�� "`� �_ � �-- , � , _ � .--�- n -,� ;� i_ _ :=r-�, _ - - �- - - - _ 1 - � �, �, - .- - - � � - .p � , � �- � � � �� ` ` i �� � ti � y;� �. _ _�=�`� -�-r. ��_ � ",�`.�,- — ..� - - — - - — — - � �,��—� �5� t v � d 3 �(`l'�WN ��' VATL DF..Pl�,ItTMFN'1"��'CUMMUNITY DLVELOPMENT Y �' 75 S. FR[3NTr'LGE RC]A1] VAIL,C'� 81 fiS7 ��a-���-?t�� Nf)`["E: T�-IIS PFRMIT INUST RF,PCiSTF[a C)N.�[�BSIT'�AT 11LL TIMES ,4�DI,�L'1� SFR f3UILb !'ERMI'I� Permit #: L�U4-d295 Jo�Addresg: Stattas . . . : ISSUET.� Locaticrra.....: ?667 �3ALD MQUI�I'I'AIl'�I I�OAD Applieci. . : U9f�;9/�[]C�4 Farcel Nn...; ?]O 1 I]34�11 t743 Issued . .. : 1[1f{��I'?aI�4 Praject�lo : F_.x�rires. ..: �J41i?612d05 (IWNER SNYT]ER F'AMTLY 'I'RUST 09 I 2 9 l2 0 C}4 Ph�ne; C".HAR�ES C. & JEANN� S. SNYDE�i CC]-'I'RSTEES 3 5 3 7 VEN1aRD RD Il4W�TER S GI�OV�: rL 605�5 License: CC?N'�RACT'Ol� SNYDER, CHARLES 09J2912404 Phone: 26�7 Bald Mc�untain Road Vail, C�1�rad4 81657 License, 317-U APP�,I�AN'I' SNYDER FAMILY TRUST C19/29I2Qfl4 Phone: C"HART�ES C. S� �EA€kTI'�E S, SIVYI]EF� CC7-Z`RSTEES 3 5 3 7 VENARD R.I� I��}V�TNNERS GR4'� �L 6 C]'�15 License: Descri�stion: NEW C(JN�'I`RUCTION--BALANLE ClX' WOR�Fff �iE''I'ER GC WAS FIRED Oce«p�ncy: FZ3 Single Fam�ly F�es�dence Typ�Cc�ilstru�tion: V N Type 'V Non-Rated Valuati�an: $'?43,DC1�1.{70 Add 5y,Ft: Q l�irc�rluee Infnrnu�titrn:R6striotc�i:Y #of�ias Ilpplian�ts: U ■ #rrof Gas 1.���:+: il #crf Wovcl P�llet: U e��aR+N�Ft�ktaiiLL"�lI�AERX►E�kYkt�eltSARYYt#►t#t#Y7�►ii�#i��A�N##tpltrw�i4ifi##• �'�e5�11xf1�'.iE(��'ClY ♦#s!leekiikttf►1�ist►i�##�F#�lit#�fY+R#!+1#}#�!�#ft+�}i#�asTtt'�s'�: f3uila3iisg------'> �1.71�.55 R�tu:iranl I'lan Re��iew--, S0.4Q Tot.�l('alculatcx4 Fees--� S�,96�1.p l P'iat�d_;hzt'k--7 $1,16 6.4 b ❑FZI3 I�c;c_____.��R.______„� 5 d.D 0 AddltiOnsl�ees----------T $�,9 6 4.0 Y J Lnvesdgatian-} $�.0 Q Recreafinn Fex------°--°-y S Q,4(1 Tuta]Perntil Fee'.--> S Q.0 41 W ili C'a31-�-_-� S 3.Q 0 Cleas�-u�r i7e�aansit----------3 $G.U 0 Paym��its----------?� S 0.il0 'f'6]"CAL.1'1�:�:5-----------_� 52.964.01 EiA[.t�N{'E•.DCJE-°-----� �D.00 !RlaC!##lisst#lkfs�lt##iif*�F#!#4�'#4#k#Rits�ssss;s��#tititsll'�ti#!!*s�itlYY'�1'R�>#l�tsa�tla�.iisRk#fiYr�M�s#aki4sw�lx#isisai.t�tsisRi#ii�►WiR#flf�RS��.4f4��■ �1�.?IJIt3 V�.�5: I tern: 4 51 b 0 BUI LIJIN� D�PARZ`MENT 1{�1��/2pQ4 JRM Action: AF AFPRbVED SAM� FLAItTS ,r'�LL C?THFK SIGH �]FFS �i�VE Q�CURED C?N PREV�CJ[:4S PI2AN REVIEV+1. �teEn: �1540[} PL,ANNING DEPIS,R`�'M�I�iT It�m� 05�Qa FIRE IJEPA�2�'M��TT If:em: 055(�0 k�LJFiLIC W�7RIfS ww..rr�ars.a�ssrarsaa�as.�ra•saass:�.:saasrs*s*��ss*sat�*.st����a�s+rrsFSr��r.+ttrasr:�rtr.ex�r►i*i..��esa++s*+ss�+r�srsattsaa:xttr::rearrrsa�s�ss►►�rtr.sr See�age� a�this L)ocurnent for ar�y conditians that rnay apgly to this perinit. DECLARATIONS � � T her�by ac�Cnc�w�led�e tlx�t I h�ve read this a��J�li�:reti:on, tilled Qut in full tl�e iuiformation r�quired,cc�mpleter�an a��urate�lot plan, anr�state that all ltie infc�rm�tinn�s rec�uired is c:c�rrect, I�gr�ee tc�eoanply witf�th�. ieif�rn�ati�ii ancl p�«t plan, tn cc�m�►1_y��ith all. Totvti ordi�lanee:s and stat� I�ws, and to }�uiId G�iis structure accc�rdin�tt�tl�e towns zani��� and su��ti��ision cr�+��s,c�esi�tz review approved. linifc�rr�i Iiuildin�Cade �nd Qtl�ez��ardi�atices c�i'�he Tn��n ap�ticabl�thereto. F�1�[�C'�3`t'S I�Uf�iN�P�C'T1C}N Sk{,'1LL BE MAI)f="TW'FVTY-I=C�UR 11C1�]RS IN AUVANCE BY TEE.EPH()t�fE,AT 479-214�)�R.0.T(?l!R C1FF1C'F FEtCih1 R�Op AM-A f'3N. !"r �� �. ��.�_�..�� SIGNA`f'1J1t���1F�C7� E[�C?iL(;UNTRACTC3I2 FC)Ii IIIM'��LF r�ND C}}VL''NER � � FAG� 2 ����*��x������*����������*�*�**��*�*�*��*���������*�**�*�**�����*�*x�*�x**����*�*.�*���:*�*����*�:���*�*���*�� (`C}�IDITI�NS(3t� APPR[)VAI. Pc:rmit it: 13i74-Ci2�1� a4 cif i()-�1�-2f_l44 Slatus: I��U�,ll *��*�:���*���x��:�**����*�*������*��**��**«x�*�*�**���x�x**�*�*��*�****�x*�*�**������*�*��**x�*��*�*�����****�� Perireit Typc: 4UlllALT 5PR F3[III:T3 P�RMIT Applied: 0�'29,'20a4 App�ieant: S�:YUER�AMILY"CRUST issu�d: 1(7�'U�1?OL�4 To Expue: C14��(?b,'?fl�5 Job Ad�ir�ss: L:ocatio��: �fi(a7 13AI.,I] MC}I]T'tiTTAIl�i RC}A.I� �'are�l i�u: 2]()]()34U 1 f��3 I�escriptiaa�: N�'�� C(]NSTRU�TICJ?�I--B.�1LAN�E t�F WUF�K AF�1'�I�(1C WA5�=IH.�;U �����*����*����*���*���*��*�*���*�*#*����#�*���*�� Go�nditiv�is ��*����x��+��*�*�#*��**���������*�����������* C'c�Fid: 12 (:13I.I�G.). E'I�'LD I1�SPI:�'T1C)NS A�il� Rf:�)IJ�R�:17�T(�C'iIECK FC7R CC?I7F ['4�MF'LIA.t+10E. C4nr�: 16 [�LDG.}: �MDKE D�TEG`�"�D�S ARE REQUTRED IN A�,L �3�,17RC}[7NiS,AND E1�ERY ST�R'Y'AS PER SEC.3I0.�.1 ClF THE 1997 UB�. r o � � � � � APi�l�ICATiQN WI'LL �V{]T BE ACC�PTE MPLL�TE OR UN�IC� a �� �'� Project#: t7 - � +� ��C�1 �,�c1 B�ifding i�erniit#: �y - � �lu� 97D-�79-2'!49 �tnspeetic�ns .� �������� �ZPN�F�A� � �L S�1 G �� N 75 S. Frvr�fage Rd. p e �ts uir for ectr' , p bi �eck�ani ai, et�C�lP � � Cut��l Vail, Ct�loradc� S�tG57 cc�Nr��crv� rrv�v��AT�caN T�iV-CDM,DEV. G�neral �Contractor: Tawrs of Vail Reg. No : Gontact anc� Pl�ane#`s= Chat'1.es 5nydex .� ("�� � Charlie Srryder �63�-�15-�2Q7 �rnaif address: csnyd�'@CC:spclaw,acxn Contr�ctar Sit�nature:� � � �- �. CC7MPL�TE VA�.CIATi�UN� F4�R B111L[311�IG PERMtT Lat�vr � Materials BUILDIh�G: � 200�4D(?.C}p ELECTRIGAL: $ �1,dfl[�.OQ OTH�R: � PLUI'J�BI�IG: � �$,�[3k7.QO N1EC�iANIGAL: � '�,QOf1.(7C1 TdTAL: $ �43,�0[�.aQ �or Parcel# Garrta�t�Ea le Ccrurr� Assessar� C?fiFice at g�'G�-3�8-8�4�I ar visit uwww.ea !�-cour�t .carn Parcel # 21D1Q34{3It}43 �{ Jat� Name: Snyder H� Jab Address: �667 Baic� MndYntain I�Oar� �.egal Descriptia�r Lat: g�; I31ock; Filir� Haf�n Tha�p�ex 2 g� 33 Subdi�isi4n: �7wners Name� C�arles Srayder �ddress: 35�7 Vez�rd Rc�C-��, Dc+ra�xe�s Phone: 63[}-215-52a7 Architec�'Design�r: RI4] A.ddress: Pha�e: P.t3.Bc�x 5055, ��rcls, t;L`� 8I�3 970-9��--2f22 Er�girteer: nr;'Anra� t� 1���wel]. Address:P.O.Brax I5�7. Avr�n, C�7 81620 �hane: 970-94�-776� Cletaiied' description of w�rk: �rTe�r Constxuc�ic�n--l�.lanc� �f �ar�C a�ter GC w� fa.��d V''Vork C��ss: New(X} Add'3tir�r� { � F�emodel ( ) Repair{ } t��sno { ) Oth�r� ) - lNork l�ype: Int�ric�r� � �xteriar t ) 8oth (X) f�v�s an ENU exist at this loc�tian: Yes� j I�r, 1�) 7ype of gldg-_ �ingle-farnily(�{) Twr�-family( ) Mul#i-�amily( } Camrnerci�i f ) R�staurant( � Q�her( ) No. af Existing Dwelling Ur�i#s in thi� bvilding: N�r. of Acc�mrnrdativr� Units in this k�uilding: � YP p �� es (�.] Gas �cat�s ( } V'�JoadJPe�let ) Waa�i Burning ( } �lol� T e �f Fire laces Ex�s#inq: G��A lianc., ,_ N�IT e o��ire faces Prc� ased: Gas A li�n�es Gas La s WoadfF'eflet{ Wr�od 8urnin NaT ALLC}WED Does a Fire Alarm �xist� Yes (�) �lo � } C�t��s a Fir�S�rinkler Syster� Exist: �'�s [X} Nt� ( } *,�����***,��*,�*,��***�*�*****�*,�.;���C1R �C]�F10E USE ON�Y�,k�*,�*,��,�**�,�*�,��,�,�����*****�** D#her Fees- - � Type r�f C�nstr�ctia�: Ac�� ted B : I DE�B Fees - -- -.- � C3ccupancy�ra�: ,__ �lann�r Si n-vff: ! Puti a F�erm� Fe�; j Da�te Ree�ivect: -- 11Vaitldatalccievl�[7RM�IF+ERNIIT5IBLL?GPERM.DCJ�C QTl26I2fl02 . ' � ! � U � Ques�ivns? Cali the Building T�am at 479-2325 � ��� I'° � ..sx/�3� 4.w...'^ Y: , �' ��1 'li "v� . '-` f , , � h " ;�f�' _Buildin Perrni�.�u6mitta►f Checklist T��4�'� fJF �r��� Department c�f Cvmmu�nity ���veiopm�nt Prt�ject Nam�e: . Snyder Ham� PrUjeCt Add�'+�SS' 2667 �alr3 N'�ountain Road, Vail, CYl 81�57 � This+Checkli�t rnust�e carrr I�ted fiefvre a Buildin Permr't a Iic:ation is aceeQted. �t Atl �rages of�pplit�tion is complet€� �C Fias DRB a�prnV�l obtained (if required) Pravide a co�y c�f appraval fdrm * u CQndomi:nium Ass�ciati�n letker of apprt�val attached if p�oject is a h�9u�ti-�am6Ey carnplex [�c Comp�ete sit� plan submitted t� �'ublie Way Permit �pplication inc�uded if appEicable (refer ta Public Warks�h�cklsst} � Sta�inc� plan include� {ref�r ta Public Worics �hecklist) No dumr�s�er�par�ting nr material �tflra�� allawed on roaduva s and should�rs without written a ra��i u Asbeskos test and r2sults submitted if�1em�I�tiQn is occurring � Architeci starnp ar�d signature �Alf �ammercial and Multi far3'ri�y} r� Fulf F�t�or plans including �uildinr� s�c�i4ns and elevatiar�s(5 sefis of plan�s for Mu1ti-Fa�nily�nd �Commerci�l B�ilciings} � Window ar�d door schecJule � Full struttural plans, including �esign crikeria (i.e.la�ds) � Structurai Engine�r starnp and sign�ture on structural plans (All ��mrnereial and Multi Fam�ly� � Soils Report must be su�mikted priflr to Fpoting inspectinn * � Fire re�isfiive assemblies specified and pe�etrations ir��iea�ed !� Srr�oke d�etectors shawn c�n plans � Types and qu�nkiLy vf fireplaces s�awn * Yes--see `LC]V fi�e f�rr �665 (eas� unit} for copy of DRB app�oval and �oils repart. Applicant's Sigr�atur�: �-G �t�, d � �z.���4�„�',� Date �af submi al: ���� �� Received E�y: 11Va 11i�a Ialc�evlF�R MS1PE RM IT5IBL�GPER M.f70C (141�2120b3 ' � � � � F �,�;T � h�.',q:Y.: `b. �� l� ��1■ ������ . BUILQII�JG PERMIT fSSUANCf TIM� FRAME If this �ermit requires a T�wn of Vail Fire ��partrnen't Approval, �ngineer's (Pul�lic Wn�-ks} revi�w and apprav�l, a �lannin� aepartment review or 6�ealth Departrn�nt eev�ew, and a reviev�r by the �uilding []epartment, the estimated time fvr a total r�uiew wilf take as lar�g as three (3� weeks. Ala car�mercial (larg� �� sm�ll) and all multi-family permits wi�l have ta f�f�ow the ab4ae rn�n�ioned maximum requirem�nts. Residential and sm�ll projects should �ake a f�esser am�unt of time. However, if residential ar sn�aller projects impact �he �arivus abave mentianed departments with regard to necessary re�i�w, these prajects may a�sa take three (3� weefcs �a revie�+r and ap�rvve. Every a�temp'�will b� made by this dep�rkm�nt ta exp�c�ite this permit as soon as pc�ssibl�. I� the ur��lersig�edF understand th� pla�r check procedure and tj�r�e frarn�. Z als❑ und�rstand that if the perm�t is nat picked up by the expiratian date, that I mu�t still �ay the pla� check fee and �ha� �f I fa�l to da sQ i� may afFect f�ture �ermits that I a�ply �c�r. Agreed to f�y: ��1'�s Snyder P�-int n�me �1���. � C C��.�,•� 5'sgnatur� Prr�je�� f�ame: Sny��r xo�ne L��te. 9-�5--20[�� F:everyo ne,�f�rm s/bl d perm 3 � � ' '. ST�+ 7� `��ti� i ��,y�4� I TQifIYOF tiAII��'` I HQW IIID 1N'E RATE 'VI�ITH Y�U? i T�wm vf Vai� Survey I Cornm�nify C�ev�Eopment ae�a�#mer�t l�t�ssell Forresk,Q�rector, 497��47�-�139 I Cneck al!that�p{�#i�s. ; 9. 11V�i�� Re��r�n�nt��� ctid you��ntact? Building Environmer�tal H�using Admin Plan�ir�g D�S ��C 2. Was y�u�ini�al cantact wi#h t�ur staf�immed'sate slow or no ane av�iiable � 3. �t you w�re required ta wait, haw I�ng w�s it before yc�u w�re h�#ped? ' � 4. V�fas your prvject rev�e��red�n a"�me�y basis�Yes 1 No If n�, why na�? 5. Was this yaur f�rs�time to f�l�� DRB app PEC app � Bldg �'ermit f��'A � fi. °leas�rate th�perfvrrnance c�f the staf�,�erso�wha as�iste� ycau: 5 � 3 � � �arrze. {�nc�wl�dg�, r�spc�nsiveness, availabiiity} 7. �v�ral� e#�e�tiver�e�s o�f tt�e Front Senrice Caur�ter. 5 � 3 � 1 8. 'Wha#is the hest time af�ay for yau to u�e t�e�r�nt S�rv[ce C��nter? 9. Any c�mrnen�s yvu have whi�t� would �f�ow us to b��er senre yc�� rrext 6me? � � d 0 Tha�k yau fv��king the#ime to com�iete�hi�survey. We are � c�mmitter�fo im�r�ving our s�ru�c�. � s ' � r��"��� � } � � •.��5 i�s � � F ��'� 1 �} � 1 iJ!F 1■ �.�F� �L i� WHEN A "Pl1B�YC WAY PERMTT" �5 RE(�UIRED PLEAS� REA;L�AfVD �HECK p�F EACH (7F THE FC7�LflWIf�G QU�STi(7N5 R�GAR[7ItUG THE fVF�D FOR A „PUBLIC 1NAY PERMTI"": ❑ Is tt�is a �ew residerrc�? YES�, 1�C3 r� bqes d�mo4it�an +.�ork �eing perfarrrred require the use of the RFght-of-W�y, easements or publi� pr+�perty? YES f�0 X Q Is any ut+liry wc�rk needed? Y�5 f�a X � Is the driveway beine� repar+ed? YES Np }� � Is a different a�ces� needed�a the sFte other than the existing dr�veway? Y�S fd�] X � Is �ny drainage work being dc+n� that affecfis the Right-of-lNay, easem�nts, or public praper�y�? YFS NO--X � Is a"Revc�cable �tight-af-Way Perr�nit" required? YES NO X ❑ Is the Right-af-Valay, e�5eme�ts or pubfic properlj+ to �e used for 5tagin9, Parking ar feneing? YE� NC� X If ansvrer is �10, is a parking, st��ang or#ertcing plan required by Fublic War9cs? YE5 X N� if yau answef�ed Y�5 to a��y �f the�e questi�ns, a `"Public Way Permit'" must be obtain�d, „I'ublic Way Permit" a��i€ic�ti�ns may t�e r�btair7e�d at khe Pu�rCic Work's otfice or at C�n�munity aevelapm�nt (a sample is att�ch�ci). If yvu ha�e any questis�ns p#��se call Leanard S�ndov�l in Public Works at 479-�fg8. T �AV� �.ERD Af�f� AfVSWEI�FD �ILL TF�E ABOVE Q�IESTI�PVS, P,N[7 � H1�:R�3Y 71DC)P'I° � Z4CC�T 'I�f� F�]BI,�C '4^�Y P�L"C'I� Fi�R 'i`�� �:AST L:mTT"I° dF 265� F3t�Ld� t�[JNIILZN RC]I�D N�' �I:7�J1� AS 2567 EiF�T��I�[A`]'I'7�N 1�C�A�, �s��-z. �����,�— , - �,`Rl BUCII7�R _ Cantra�tcar 5ignature Campany Name �ob or Pr�ject Nam�: , Sn�Fde�; .�ic�me� � _ Date Signed: ����-C�� _ � F:J�veryoneff�rms,'bldperm� � � f� - ❑ � � � � - � ��#: . APPLICATIL]N Pareel #: � � � ❑ � ❑ LJ � " �i � T �� ❑ ❑ �..�.,, FC1R TC1WlV QF VAIL --� {� n n `- �� PtJBLIG WAY P�RMl7 19 Bldg. Permit#: B i LJ I�,! � � � l�J � Tq�r�'{}F�Al� �` ,Jab Nama Street Address ,--� � I'� � _ 1 ' [I!unknawn raH U i� 479-2138 ext.D) . �`' Ex�avating Gvntrac#or��ma Mail{ng Address T�DV Contractor's Lfcense Numbet R�QUIRED � { } I City 5tate ��fp Phane# '�' Start Date Compfetiern Qate {F��rmit Expiratian Date} 4. Wark€s f�r{cerc�e ona} Wa#er 5ewer Ga� �lectric Tele�l�one CA1V Landscaping Temp. Site Access I +Qth�r ' � 5. Trench-wic�th —— -- �ength �epth , (min. 4'} T�ta� 5F $ Tc�ta9 LF $ Bond Amount $ Permit Fee Total Permit �ee � �. AL�tv1ATERIA'L, EQUIPMEI�T, ANC�TFiA�F1� Ct7 �T BE QN THE J�BSffiE BEF�RE THE J�B kS STARTED, 7. Ftubber vut-rigg��-s are required on excav g t en w�rking on asphali. . , Asphalt�urfaces unde�neath the buc t a y I otected at ali times. � 8. A signature �efow indicaS�s a revi h utility 4t�cations and a�prova6s. 7nc��il utility ct�mpany sigriatures are a�tair�ed, permktte� t ting�ppiication thr�ugh the Publie IN�rks�ffice ta o�tair�the necessary Town o��lail sigr�atures. �w up ta one week ta process. Public 5ervice Cornpany ty-80Q-922 y __._ _ Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-84fl-9��-i987r 1J.5. West(1-8Q0-922-1987J TCI Gablevisian pf the Rackies (1-$pf7-922-3967] �agle River Water& Sanitati�sn Qistrict (97�0-4'76-7480, ext. 1i4) _ Wa�y Cross E3ectric C�m�any {i-80{1-92�-1987} Town nf Vail Ele�triCi�n� (97p-479-2158J Tvwn c�f Vai! Irrigation (97�-47�-�158) 4 `Cawn of Vai1 Public Works C�nstruciion Insp�ctor�97[1-479-21�8) . � 9. THER�W��.L F�E N(]T�TA�.S7RF_�1'CLC7SU�ES! A canstr�ct�or�tratfic con#rcal plan must be ap�rc�ved �y the Public Wvrks �epa�tm�nt pr��r tv issuance vf the permit. ° 1�. All excauatian mr�st b� dt�n�kry hand within 18"" a#r�tiliti�s-�Senake Bill 17�]. �1. �n'iitt�_m.�rst�G�n#-�c� F��Ii�.Warks D�artment at�F79-�1���4 hour��rrior#o ctimn�encinp af wark. �aifure to natify tMe Tawn w�ll result in fnrleiture ai band rrioney. 5chedu�ed in�pec#ions which�re nat re�dy may r�suit in tt��Tawn chargirig the cc�ntract4r a reir�sp�cti�n fee. ; 12. I cerkify that I ha�re read al!chapters of 7itle 8-Pubfic Way�and Prop�rty, �f tl7e Vail MunicipaB Ce�d� and alf utiiity ctimpany agreements, signed by me, and wifl abide by th�sarne, as�d that al✓ ut�liti�s have b�err notif�ed�s requiced. � Cor�tractor's Signalure o�Agreement Print nama cleariy Cr�te of Signazure 1"�TTA�H Pl..AN OF WC)RlC, 1�+JCLlJDINC� CON'S7'RUGT6UN TI�AF�I� COIVTRQL.P�AN Whita—Puhlic W�rks Show 5tr�ae#s with r�ames, buifding5, arrd locatit�n�f Guis. USE�?A'�H L�NES �'dA CU�: Yellaw-Cantr�ctvr ` • � � �. i'1 ��[l ����� RUBLIC W('3RK5 �LN� TkE PUBLIG WAY PERMIT PR�CESS Ii�rw� it relatrs to �r�ilc3in� Pe�°m'rts: r Fill r�ut�he attached check lis�wi�h the_Build:in� Permit A�plication. If yes was ans�nrered to a�y �f �he questions then a "Public Way" p�rmit is required. You can pi�k up �n ap�lieatit�n a'� either �am�uni�y Developrnent, [�cated at 75 South Frontage Road c�� Public Works, located at 13�9 Elkhvrn Drive. :� '�otice si�n-a�fs for utiiity comp�nies. AL� utilities must field verify (locat�) respectiv� utifitie� prior tc� signi�,g applica�ion. Sorne utiliry cflmpan��s requi�e up �a 48 hours nat��e to schedule a locate. � A �ar�st�'u�tion �rafFic c�ntrolJsta�ing plan must t�e prepared �n a separate she�t of p�per� An �pproved sit� plan may als� be �sed. �i� plan will show lacatians of ��I traff� cvntral devic�s (signs, cones, etc.� and tihe work zane, [�rea �f cQnstructi�n, staging, etc.). T�is plan wi11 ex�ire on I�v�vember 1st and wil{ r�eed to b� resu�rnit�ed for consideration for approva� through the w�nt�r. Se aware that your resu�missi�n F�or winter may be denEed depending on t��e 6acatian of c�nstruction. y Sketch c�f wcark bejng p�rfarn�ed mus� be submi�ed indica�ing dimensians �6ength, width �nd depth ��wark). This may be drawn �an the tra�� contrc�l plan or a site piar� fc�r the job. ;r Submit carnplet�d a�a�li�at�an to tf�e �ul�li� Work's offce fnr re�iew. �f required, IaGa�es will b� �ehedule� for the Town c�f Vai! elect�icians ar�d �rrigatior� crew, T}�e io�at�s t�ke place in the rrtarning, but may re�ui�re up to 4$ hc�urs to per-ftarrn. ;� The Put�lic Wvr4�'� Construction Insp�ctc�r will rcwiew the �ppli�atian and ap�r-ave or deny the permi't. You will �e cantacted as to the �tatus and any requircr�en'�ts that may be needed, Mast permiCs are relea�es� wi�Chin 48 hour� af b�ing received, but pi�ease alfow up to one (1} week to prQCess. : As so�n as 'the perrr�i't i� apprdv�d, the Suilding Departmen� will b� natifier�, allawing the •,�uilding Permit" to be reieas�d. Please cia nr�k �onfuse the "Publie Way Perm�t"` with a "euifdin� Permit". :- M�TE: The abo�� process is far wvrl� in a public way 4MLY. Public 1N�y Rermits are �ralid pnly untii �#ov�ember 15th. A n�w �'ublic Way �errr3it is required �ach year if wa�k is not �cc�m�lete�, R.e-aPplication each No��mber �5th do�s nat mea�n an autv►n�t+c ren�waL , I ha�e read ar�d understand the at�awe. �`i� (, �����-� _ �-77—�nna Sigr�ature Date Si+�ned F:/e�ei^yanelFc��-msf bldp�r�n5 � � ' � ` � -� ` �. �� i� �����1�► DRAINAGE AND CULVERT iNSP�CT'IONS ARE REC�t�IRED BY PLI6LIC WORKS� Pte�se reac3 �n� chc��off�eath crf th� itcn�s t�rf�r�r: � The �awn of Vail Building �epartment k��s develo�ed the fc�ll�wing pra�c��ure� to ens�re that new canstruction sites I�aue adequat�ly estal�lis�ed proper drair�age fram �ui�ding sites along and adjacent t� Tawn of 'Jail ro�ds �r streets, ; ❑ The Town of Vail Pub1s� V''u'orks Department will k�� required t4 inspe�t �r�� approve c�rarnage adjacent t� Tow� of V�i1 rc�ads or s�re�ts and tl�e inst�llation c�f temparary �r permanent cufv�erts at access poir�'ts from the r�ad or s'�reet onta the constr�sct�or� , site. Such approval must be a��ainecf p�ric�r to any r�quests �or inspeCtian �y the Town of Vail Building �3ep�rtment for f�ot�ngs, temparary efect�ical ar any Qther � I inspectian. Pleas� c�ll �eonar+d Sando�ral at �79-�i98 ta request an ins�ae�tion fr�m the Publi� Wc�ric� De���tm�nt, Allow � mir�imum r�f 24 haur notic�. ❑ Als�, the Town of Vail Pu�l9c W�rks I�epartm�n� w�ll be apprav�ng �ll fir��l draina�e � and �ulv�r� installatian with resulting r���i patchir�g as ne�cessary. Sueh approval must be obtained privr to any Fina� Certific��e of O��upar�cx issuan�e. , Agreed to by: _ charles c. snyder Print Nanie � �� � i sige,ature �� � Prnject Name: Snyc�er �.ne ❑cl�� Slgll�d; 9-27--2�0�4 F:f everyr�ne,lfvrmsJ��dperm6 ' : - � � 4�1 � ����i�' ��i r. MATER�AL �TQRAGE AND GC)NS�RUCTIOM P�A�tKING Pl�ase read and check aff each of t�te items €aelaw. (Copies c�f cornp6ete text are ��+ailahle u�on req�est) CdDE 5-�-1Q: DEPQSITS�1N F'UBLiC WAYS PROH�BIT�D � Llnkawful deposits: SubjeeC to subsection C th�ereof, rt is unlawful for any p�erso� to lit��r, track vr d�pc�sit, ar cause to be fittered, t�acked or d��asited, sand, gravel, racks, mud, dirt, sn�aw, ice, vr any other d�br�s or material upon any street, sidewalk, a�ley vr pubfi� piace, ar any portion therevf. �� Notice; A�atemenk: Th� birectar of P�blic Works rnay noti�y+ and requir�e aray persc�n rvhc� v��vlates or causes a�c��her ta Vic�fa't��F�e pravisir�n of subse�tsQn A herec�f, or who has in khe Director's emp€oym�nt a pers�n whc� aiolates ar causes anather to violate the sarr�e, Cop rerr�ave su�h sand, grauel, ra�lcs, tr�ud, d�rt, snow, ice or any other debris or materiai rvithin twenty four (24) 'hc�urs afker recei�t vf saEd nat�ce by the L�irector of Public Works. In the event the person so natified does not cc�r�ply with the n4t�ce within the period vf time herei�n speei�ed, the Direetor o� Public Works, or other a�atharizcd age�tt, m�y c�vse any such sand, gra�ek, rocics, mud, dirt, �ncaw, ic�, debris ar any oth�r mat�rial ta be removed frvm ar�y str�et ar �Iley at the expense of the natifi�d. ❑ Sumrnr�ns a�nd �enalty; A$ an alt�rnative to the natice for removal provid�d i� subs�ction B abo�ve, any p�rsar� whc� violates or causes anothe� to violate khe sarn�, �nay be issued a Svmmbns to appear before the �1unirip�l �QUrk vf th�e Town �ar sait€ viol�tions, and upon b�ing found guilC� �f a viniation hereunder be punished a� pro�rided in Section �-4-1 of this code. ❑ �intice and Penalty: it is unlawful For any persan to fail or r�fuse to eQrnply with the notice of th� Qirectc�r af �'ut�lic 1Nvrks as pravide�i in su�se�Cion 8 herec�f, �nd any such perst�n sh�11, in addition to payment of the expe�se af rerr�aval incurred by the aireetor of Public Warks, as provided in subsection � here�af, upan being faund guilty c�f a wiolatic�n hereunder, be punisl�abk2 as prouided in �ectiQn 2-4-1 of this Cade. (1997 Cc�de; Ordinanee 6 (1979}. C+�C7�5�'-3A-1 Al�a 7-3A-3; PARKIIVG UB5TRUCTiNG TRAF�IC &ZMPQUNaMENT AUTHURIZED ❑ I�� person shal� par�c any v�hiei� upvn a street or at any ather place within this Municipality in such a manner vr ur�der such conditi4ns as to rnterFere tiv�th th� free mQVement af vehicular trafFic or praper str�et or h�ghway maintenance, (C�rd. 2(1958) § 1� ❑ Wheneuer any pof�ce o�fieer finds a veliicle attend�d or unattended, :stae�ding upon any �e�rkian oF a street or upan any place within this Municipafity in suci� a ma�ner as ta constitute a u�olakian Qf ��ry seCtian af this Article, ar I�ft unattendec� for� ,�eriod oF kweniy four (�4} �o�rs ar more and presurned tc� he abandoned �nder Che conditiaras p�es�rif�ed 6y Coic�r�da Revised Statutes s�ction 42-�#-11�Z, as amended� th� ofFi�er shall req�ire tP�e vefiicle !a be r�moved or cause €t tc� be rerr�a�red and placed in storage irt the ne�rest garage or other place of safety �esignat�d or maint�ane� by th€s Murticip�l�ty, and the charge� for tow�ng and storage �f such v��hicle sha11 tae ch�r�ed tr� the owner a� th� vehiele in addition fv� t�n dolf�r (�#0) ir�poundment charge. (flrd. 2(196$) § 3: C]rd. 2$(19$1) § �.) ] tiav�sead z�nci t�rill cnitt�ly wi�h tille�bave�ode pi°avisians: C31�'l�s C. 5n_yd�r - F'rinr T�am4 ��.��� � � ����� 5��nature Pnsitian or Relat�onship to ['rv.jcct: �ara�rJBui�der ��Ce Si�ned: ___ 9�-27—�004 F:!�v c rv�:�n cl�n mi sllt I d n�:rn t 7 � � - , , '��i� �+��� Vail V�illage and Livnshead Village C�nstruc�i�vrt �I�our�s Inforn�ation Handvut Problem Statement The Vail Viflage �nt� Lio�tshead Village are invaauabie assets t4 t�e comrnunity, T#�o�sands nf perpl� corn� to Vai[ each year to sightsee, recreate, shap and to enjny everything fhe Vail Val3ey has tc� affer. The eor�mun�ty �nd merehants r�iy upan aur guest #o generat�e reven?��e. 4ur summerfvarinter guests expect a �leasant experience while in Vail. To in�ure th�t afl af the proposed ct�nstructian has as little negatir�e irnpaet on the comrnur�ity anrJ an caur guest as possibl�. the Towr� of Va�l finds it imperatiue to create and implement th�e Vail Village and L�c�nshead Vilfage Canstruction Hours Fianciou#, i It wouid be irr�spansibie fpr the Tc�wrr c�f Vail, the �onstruction Gontraetors an�f the Merchants, tv n�t i aCtively p�rtscipate ko mir�imize the irr�paet of canstructiQ� in tl�e Vail and Lionshead Village areas. i New for 24(1d-2UQ6 wii� be fhe Vail Village Streetscape Im�rvvement I'rvj�ct. �f�rk t� inclu�de afl utility refated irtiprcavements, skreetscape,drair�age, snawm�it systems and larrdsca�ing. i All �€�nstr�ction praj+ects andlor�emadels within the Vai{Village C�sre ,4rea shouEd canta�ct Scott i �ie�han'Fowr� of Vail S#reetscape Coardinator at 97U�477'-3418 for#u�tfi�er infarmation. Gi�ven� The foflowing giw�rrs are intended ta provide the ��sic foundatian �y�vhich constructic�n wilG b�:campl�ted in th�Vdllages_ * �"he publie"s h�alth, safety arod welfar�shall be hanored at a!�times.: ■ Adequafe pedestrian. Ic�ading{defivery, vehiele, �nd �merg�ncy vehicle acc�ss and circula�ion shall be maintast�ed. • Roadv�ays and p�destria�� walkways shall �e kepf clean ��d fr�e af dirt and debris. ■ All constructiqn deCiv�ries, equi�r�nent, tools and materi�ls entering tfae V�i9 Vilfage and Pedestrian �reas must go through Check P�int �harlie. All C.ion�head constru�tian activity m���t g�to the Vail Falice Dep�rtm�ret far� parking p�rrnit. Do nc�t �se de�ivery znnes for canstr�ctian parksrsg, refer to , ap�roved s#agiRg p#ar� or r�ake nther ar�ranger�erots#or pafking. • �T�e h�urs a�Qutside Canstructifln Actiuity sha�l be as fallows: - April 15—,3une 18 & September 7 - h3�vember 19, ��.m. �ntil 7 p.m., seven days a week. June '18 thru September 10,wark tnust end by 4:00 p.m. on Fridays. N�vember 13—April '�5, 20C15 work allow�d within daylighk htaurs canly. - Deliveries s�ali be restricted ta the hours af 7 a_r�°�_ tc� 1'i�3� a.rn_ an Gore Creek Drive and 7 a.m. tc�8:3a a,m. ❑n Bri�ge Str�et. � - SpeciaE Constructson delivery �a�rmits must be re�uested in adwance, from Pu�fic Work� in cc��junetion with Cflde Enfarcement at Checkpoin#C�arli�. - I�o construction �cti�ity shall c�G�ur on Sa�urday or 5unday between June 19 and Septsrr�ber 5_ I 3i � 1 � I TOW�I OF VAIL ' D�PARTMFJ+I�'C7iF f'UBLIC Wl'�RKS i 47�-21 a8 I FIELI�M�Mf] Ta: Attention: ' . , ',h.l� P�t�JECY'�LC]CATIC»l�:��.. ;,�a . _ ., '` 1, , - � I � .�1-. .,��1 9 L;+ �=''� .�..,'i�C� �.. �� t !i�ud►� ���.V`��',� �,!_c�.N+�-��.Li � I� � / ��--�(�' �ti �'��.�.7J�1��1�'�''� U��"�F� l��E ti.1L'iK 6: /J-�C:�t.J� ���'� � r : �.,r���'� rl�t��57 ��. i C��7'1t~��T�� [.l,���t� 1�cJ ��f r� ��!�'t-�'��� , :.���� o� ;�3 ���,P ��° a� i m� � � , ,.. �_ , . '� �. ' H: � ��_� ��� � �- ,�,�, \ 6� , �m ,.. w.......,. s, r . -...a..;: _ - .. - .. :.,;'` ��i _. , �.�`°: ,�_ r�� � � '"?;��->;�,,, �-t ; Signed: �.. '�`'� �; '�'• -�_�._� pate: � _ , �,. T9tle; � • .�,t,. ; . � � . ' aate: _ - -.. ' CC7�1T�3ACT{3R'S C+DM�'IENZS ".' ,• �i�;#s�i�eta���.ax�s,�� . � . _. #:a�,�rt�r�«.�:�rai�r:��-9�si•. ,_.. �._._ . , ._. a * Received by: Date�: _ wnae--can�taczar �in6t-Con5lructior.E��nrmr rCanary-Fale 'i i � f//� . + / � /� ry � r �/ , � 4t _. /��� ��,� f ��� �--. � � �% � L� (��r��� R"� ���'c� t� 1.� �.;i�� _.. _ _.. � �>i"-l.� l. . � L lC'� },r 4 � � �j f`1 L'( tt�' � ����J�`' � y��� ���.���- - ! � � I � ° �- �'�' I '�..'� ��� � �._..._ ,� � _ ,... � � I�-� . �G,. C� 1" 1���-Lr�� �``�� ��+� �� r���c1� , . � �� ����� ' � �'�'�'�� �� � � f� Cf � — c� �� `i�_� ; � � , � 'm '� r �" � /- ` � L� r�"l G� C�L�,-G�, c'c..c/1� t� V 1 dr � ��l � {;l �'� e'� � d� � E :{ , JI _ _ ��- �-',l� 'y' G � 9� ��-�.t Us � 5 ��� L �- � �t' l� �� �. 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D�te:���'��" 1'�ges (xnc�uding tr�smi#t�}: � .Attcntza� l���� � . C�mpa�y' . Tele�haa� '� �? � � 'I'e�ephone . Fa:� � �i��� Fax F`rvm �� Sz��j ect �� 1 !�� . .,_.,_.. �`t Pr4j ect# . Enclossd, -- � � _ � N�essa�e: If�a..�i#�is not�,s indi�t�ed plesso notify srndcr �� �� ������ � �..f� ��.�� �iw`aa'�` � Iu�la Nmti=:ree sq��mr I1n C,�ulnf�dn CLQ�a�esr TV A�e+f�ae Lmk�dA,ddmew VV�91R__.I�Q]jI'U2YIl CZi+'L'�Z.COIII Deaver,Ya�,and D�nn D�ZCes . � . � � � � .�� t i± ;�.� Vaii, Calararlo r��� Den�er, Gdlaradcs � � Dillon, Colorada � � �"���lY'U� t� ��'W�'��. �fl�;�,e�,��. A�gust 12,2�DD4 Mr. Charles C. Snydei ��(}3 Butter Fi�ld Road, 5uit�380 C�ak Brovk,IL b[}528 Re. Snyder I�esidenc�, 2665 Bald Iv�vuratain Roacl,Vaii, Eag1e Caunty> Col�aradv (�vX&N#5698.05} G�ntlemen: Monrve 8�Ne�well En�neers,Inc.conducted a si�e visit at the abQVe address an August 11,2C�44. T�ie purpose qf this site vi�it was to ob�erv�exi�ting framing o�the staircase, the flavr framin�under the fireplace annd the av�r�ramin�abave the�arage. Th�e fvllawing'�vas nc�ted: 1. 6 ineh thiuk str�n�veneer will be az�stallecl on the livingroom fireplace w�aalls. Additional flo�r��ir2�min�me�'r�$ers are required to support this vez�eer. 'T�i�e ce,ntra�ctQr sha11 install �ddi�ional beatns as shovcm an t�ne attached partial�ain �evel framing plan. 2, The ove�arning jr�isEs�n the garage rvof are sugparted� o�a 2 x 12 �edger at tl�e buil�in�wal�, The cvntractar sha���ttach t}ais ledger with (2}-314" diameter x 4"lag-�h�lts�t 12" an cent�r. (balts s��ll lae spaaed vertiea3,ly at 3"�an center}. �..... �... ��.��� ..�. �.::,;::,'.� �� 29110 plsdeum 5puster tre r��wa c�.p���,r S'Me auwtrlo�Ineitreo if w rc.Kma�a www,mort roe-ncwell.corn 7J Benchrnarit Road + Suiie 264 • P.C]. Bax 1597 + Avan, Co3orada 8162+6 � � � � 3. �'I�e stair frarnin�of two landings above the maiz��ev�el�hall be revised per the owner's reque�t as sbc�wn in the attached sta�r frami.ng plan a�ad c�et�Is. The above it�ms were discussecl on site, No oth�r ite�s were xeviewed. If you haVe any quest�ons c�r commez�t�,piease+�all. Very ire�y��r�rs, MONRQE &1*�EWELL ENGT�1'EERS, ING. ,n�r_.7 .__. ._. "'r . —_". .. `.+4�Y�.:s,rs ��IIIIF�3 ��}ae�l,�.�. Principal � .l�+i�nr�e �ev�rell �° _ - �-�'- _ - _ _ ,� , f , '' Eug�n�ers, �n�. �rwo. � '���! c�.�� � ug n � / cau_cx,x���r an� ���.f� T a (.�''�"�� ~�� ��. � p,f:l1 F � ` ' � [ � i _ __ ` � E I . ; _ 3 ` t � ___+— } - ' — � _ 1 � f i _ � ` ��� , I i T FT �1 E . . —�_ i— • M J-.� � f ' q 3 a 0 � �._ . -....: r...,_�,.. • . . . . . ..}. . ..a .....w.�.... . . . ..._. . . 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Ez�c�o��tl: � � - _ +�.� 1V�es�ageo If transmitta]is nnk as�ndir�at,ec3.p�r,�s�untifjr sender ...^, � ������ ����� ����� �.... �����.�� ,s.c.w�.c�.r t�.timseia�a[w![rtsar,4Kklemr �vww.ra�anrae-t�ew�i�.�cam �enver,Yai�as�d Dillnn O�ces . ' � . �` -� � � �� r � A-�-"�t— Vail, Caloradd � •} Denvtr. Colorada �' Rillnn, Coiarada �� � �� Mc]�7�'C�� � .t�e�V'E?�1 Er��;ine�xs, rnc. Au��t 12, 2t�Q4 Mr. C�.arles C. 5n�rder _ .. 2803 Butt�r Field Road, �uite 3�a �ak�roak,IL 6Q5�8 Re, Snyder Residence,2�65 $ald Maunta.i�.Rvad,'�ail, Ea�Ie Caunty, Color�io (M&N�#5f98.05) G�ntlerner�: Mnnroe&�ewel! Engineeers, Inc. cc�ndu�ted a site viszt at the above a4idress vn August ].1,2(}04. The purpc��e c�f this�ite visit w�s fo observ�existing framing of#�Ze stait-case, the flv�ar fr�ing under#he f�r�place and the c�uerframing ab�ve the gar�.ge. �'he follawi�g v►+�s nated. 1. 6 inch thick stone veneer wirll be i�sta.�Ied on the livingrooffi fixeplac�walis. Additz+ona� fic�nr fraia�in.g members are r�quired ta support tb�s v�eneer. The cc�ntractor shall�nstall a�ddi�ional beams as sh�wn or�the attaoh�d partial ma��. le�el framang plan. 2. The c�verfrawi.ng jaists v�a the�arage raaf are su�pc�rted vn a 2 x 1� ledger at the building wall. T�e contractc�r s�aIl attac��s tedger with(2}-314" diameter x 4" 1a��h��ts at 12"o�n cezxter. �vlts shall h��paced verti�ally at 3"an cen��r). ���,�����. �:=� ��+ �,:��,� � zaaa s•h:«„�����.�r TYQ Cak��5u L�apler4f 7'ia AwarEcuR kn+FmscaTArnMkeen '4VNCk'.l]30t7COE°Il�W L'�l.Cdit] 70 Sextchmark Roacl • 5uite 204 + F.C7. Box 1597 • Avon, �osbradc� �iGao C970) 949-7768 • FA.�C C97d� 949-4�54 • email: avan�mor�ro�-r�ewePl.cc�m r , ' � � .; 3. The stair�ra�n.:�ng aft;.R+a la�dings�have the main.le�+el shalt be re�vi,sed per the owner's r�que�t as shr�wn in the attached s�aix'framing plan and detatls. The a�ave ite�.ns were diseusseci o�site. Nv vther items�vere r��riew�ed. �f y�u have any qu�stians or c�am�.ents,p�ease cali. - - V�ry#:r�xly yvurs, Ivi�DI�C3E &1��TEVV"ELL EI�G�EERS, Il�+C. —� -�_�_...,��� Hant�es Sp��h,P.E. Princ�pa.t ��� � � ._ � - "� 1Vlantve �.1T+�well � ��g��,t�.G �'�- � c,�u.cvur�er rt�•, �w►r�_� ' �1 /�� � �s�r �� pA� � i E � E : 3 t � � � ` � ..��. ' . ' i : �� � �� ' E , � � .r t .�L_....�: ..._�.._w- .. .�.. , -... �.-r-.L.�e.._. _.. � � � . . � .. i_. '_ . . �__ , ; � . . : . o _� _ , r � _ � � I � . . _. ,__.__. �.. _-- . , �_ . , � E � : � ..}......__f , �_._.��.�_.�� � i��4 �I.r-►���- �u_-�-i����--�---� ;----�- �. .� � : � � � � : f � : ; : . . � ; ; , , � �- . c�� F��} : �° r ; _._ ° � , � ` � � � _ ! , e �,�.,�._ ___. , .. . ; • � �.�,. P�1''� _ � -- =- I ._ �.�..._ -- - - -- _ f � � . . � � ..f . : __ _._.r___ ..�� � �_. ; � � i E'....'"', ��: r }_"'___ �.;. � ; . ; � � 3 . �....;.._.._.�...�.�.__ — � . � � �.......�_ .� _.. � ; � � _ ��, �� � n ; � , ..-��.._..._.. ..# F �.�� ��-I �] � � ,�. �..�u� . -E- . - . 4 � , _ f i �1 � i r . 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',,��+.���i�� e��...�. � �f `� � : . � � ; �; � � � . : , ; , ; . ; _ , , , ; ; = , � ;� ----�--;- _ -___}___-__�_ . �.. , ; � i : : � , -- , : : : . �— � . . , ' . � � _����� _ �:..___ � � ��_���� ' # _� ' .�.�..��: � --�- '_ E _�-_�z j �°�__€ �. � � � -�--�- �� a � E � _ ! ' ;. € i p t '• '� _ —�--__,_ � -���C� � � ������ . ; . �—t ;_ �-�---»---�-.�--�_.�-_ � - - � TC�WN C;►F VAIL aEPARTI�+IEP�IT CiF�COMNiU�TY DEVFI.,�(_7�-I�T 7� S.FRCJ�iTAGF,R�AD VA�IL, C�3 �1 bS7 970-479-233$ �i�TE: THXS PERMIT Iv[UST BE PCDSTED C7T�r{7BSITE AT:�LL TIMES MECHANICAL P�RNIIT Permi# #: �04-{1174 Jab Address; ��75 BALD MQT:JNTAIId RD'VAIL 5tatus_ . . : I�SIIE� Lacation...,.: ��5b7 I3t1LD�vIOUNTA�ri1 RD Applied . . : �9/(�2I2{�44 Parcel l�a...; 2 i fJ l 03�#Q1043 Issued. . : U�JI{]3f2�1(�4 Pr�jec�t N� : �,Y./� Expires . .: 03IQ212�}(}5 l OW�V�R SI�7'YDER FAMIL,'� TRUST 09/42/20fl4 Phone: Ci�7LE'S C. & k7EA.�T[�IE S. SNYDER G4-TRSTEES 3 5 3 7 VENARD RI7 L70WNERS GRCIVE IL 60515 Licens�: COIVTRACTt�R M� DANIEL, MAR� I]. {}9/02/2�}04 F'hCstle: 970-376-5!��1$ �.d. Box 2433 VAIL, CQ $165$ License: 26�-M ,�PPLICAI�IT MC DANI�Z,, MARK D, C�9/02f20Q4 Phane: 97{7-37�E-5F�q8 P.Q. BC}X 2433 VAIL, CC3 �1.658 Li�ens�: �63.-M Desci�tion: V�NT BA'�H FANS,DRYER AND RANGE HC�[?D ValuaEion: �I,50i�.{3D Fia�alace lnforreation:Etestriccr�d:Y #of Gas ApplianCes: 0 q r�uf Gas i.ogs: {] #nf Wnrrd Peflet� [] ili�lti�iFi#lRftkilitl�tl/kl��k!!!iRl�!!!i�ltlslfYiiiMi�C*�Fi!#*'+1►iY#M�L'#14! F���4J1Yi1�'lA11.1 ss#rrs�s�.sr.r.sx�s:.�.x��:r:see:t:a:trr:�es�rs���:r*sv�*swK�xe+� I+Ac.-�:hanieaC-�-� $4(Y.00 Restusran�Pl�n Revs'ew--� $[1,q0 Tosa]Cafeuiatcd Fees—� $53.0� Plan Check__> $10.00 17RR Fer----------._------� S0.00 A�idilaonal Fee�-......_...> $a.C7� In��tiga[ion-� $0.Od 'I't1'rA3.FEE5 --� $53.tl{7 Total Pesmit Fse--------? 553.t7� Will Call--� S3.00 Payments ? 553.00 ' BALA�:CE i3UE-_-_--__,� S0.QU a�i�Y�itla/;wt#{ii=i�tiiiiiiii�fi ti'#i��ki�Rii�ki##iii4il�iifslfit�!!altTltt!!li�fRtti��ta1►iii�ii1 ktif k f ik#'k+CMY!iF#i#�1�ic#tii###t�k�t%k#1*#i1#Rl�9#f#1ci'�Ri#tt1 :�tem: Cl 510 0 BUI LDING DEPARTi�1II�TT 09/02/2�44 �75 Action: AP I t em: 0 5 6{}0 F T RE n�PAR�tE�r� CUNL7I�'ION UF AFFR[}�'AL Cand: 1� [BI..+I7�_ � : F'IELI� INSPE�G'T"rflNS A�t� RE�Q[JIREI7 'L`t] CHECK F�R CDDE C�NiPI.,ZAN�E. Cond: 22 ��LD�. } ; CONl�USTxON ATR IS REQUIR�F3 PER S�C. 7 i}1 [�F THE 1997 UIyiC, �R. SECTION 7C�1 OF THE 1997 IMC. C�nd, 23 �BLI1G. } : INSfiA.LLATI4N MUST COi�iF'ORM TU M�Nf]FA�'�'TJRES �NSTRUCTIO�T� ANII TQ CHA�TER 1.0 C3�` THE 1997 LTM�. CHAPTER 10 flF T�l� 1997 IMC. Con�: 25 [BT.,DG. y : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTEI3 ACC�IRDTNG `P� �HAPTER 8 ANI� SHALL TERMINATE AS SPE�IF'IE� IN S�C,806 0�' THE 199`7 UM�. OR CHAPTER $ OF THE 1�97 IMC. Cand: �9 [SLI�G. D ; ACCES S Tf} HEATING EQUI PMENT Mf7S`T C�iMPLY WITH CI�AFTE� 3 AN�7 'SEC.1 Q 1.7 t]F °T'I�E 1997 UMC AND CHAP'I'ER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 � � {�3LDG. ) : �UILERS ST�LL BE MQUNTEl7 QN �'LC7C]RS OF I�iQNCOMBLTS�'IBLE ��NST. �7NLE5S T�IS'I'�D FC]R MC3TJNTING �3N C�7MBU�TI�3LE FL[)4JRIP3G_ Cond: 32 {BL1�G. ) : PERMIT, PLA�NS AND CC1LE Ai�TALYSIS MU�T �3E �DS'�ET� I1V �IE��3A1VICI�L RC}{)M PRI�� TO AN INSPE�T3C7P� RE(�UEST. C�nc�: 34 �BLDG. J : DRAINF,GE �JF MECHANICAL ROOMS C�NTAINING HEA'PING QR H(3T-WA'I'EFR SUPPLY BC1�I.,ERS SHAI.�I, �3E E�UI PFEI7 WTTH A FL(}OR DRAIlI� PER SEC, 1�2 2 f]F' THE �.��7 UMC, C�R �ECTIOTd 1004. 5 (7�' 'T'HE �997 IMC. ■###k#i�#4'i*�Y###i 76#�k d�f�Y i 4 4'#k�k�k A�M A f�F#*7�*'k i i 1e!i Y Y�t a'i}�i i:�ik��li�t.ne R!!t�!i 11�!t Y�t 7�i wY i it�F Y t!#f t�k#Y t t�y�k t K*!!!##k E�F#!F 4►�#k�!3 i d!M�4�F A s#ik##*�k�fl�i�#!�k N#k�n M i�!x t DEGLARATIDNS [hereby acknQwdet�g�fhat I ha�e read this applicativ�,f lled aut in full the i.nfr�rmati�a�ret�uired,coxnpleteti an a�curate piat plan, and stat�t�iat ail t�te ir�forrnation as required i�corre�t, I agree to ct�mply with t1�e infflrmation and pl�at glan, to cc�mply with aIE 'I'awn vrdin�nces and�tatc l�.ws,and ta build t�iis structure accnrciin�ta the tawns zo�ing a.r3d subdivision�vd�s, design review apprrsved, C3�if�rm Buildia�g+Code and ather c�rdis�ance�af the Tawn applicabie theret�. FiEQUC57.5 F()R[NSPGCTEC)!+1 SHAL.L BE MADE TW EN'FY-�'�7U�HC7UR5 IN ADVA TELEPli,{3 .�A°Z' 9-2149 R AT LIR�FFIL'E FRC}?v1 S:bf]AiV1-4 PM9. � SIGNATURE[J�F C] R i7R CC7i�ITR4GTt]R 1=4R�-IIMSELF AND�WN�R � � �����*a��*********�*�r******��+**********�x������**�*������*�***�*****�*�*��****s�**���r�w*�***** TC1WN DF VAIL, C�L.4I�iA�1Q Statement ��***��v��****��***�***�******�*******���***�****�*�*********�************��*��****���x�+***+* Statement Number: x04(]DC1558a Arnaunt: �53_00 fl91(�312QQ4D4;16 k�M Payment Nf�thvd: Check Init: DDG Naca4ion: Mark r3. M���;n�.e�. i��� Peamit No. M�34-p174 Ty�e: MECHANICAL, PERi�IT Parcel No: 2�Q1�34D1043 Site Addzess: 2675 BALI3 M4CiNTATN RT7 L�ATL �oca�ion: 2C67 SALD MflUNTAIN Ri] '�o�al Fe�s: $53.Ofl This Faym�t: $53.�70 `I'ntal ALa 1?mts: $53.Q4 Halanc�: $�J.O{7 *****���*���*���r�*�***************��s*tt��*a*******��a�*�*��**��r��*��***���*�����x***�x�*�***** ACC�LTN`f ITEM LIST: Art��eun't Cod� D�s�riptivn Current Pmts t+fP i7Q1i7[�(1L133.1110fl MECHAT+I�CAL PERI+�I'I' FEES 40_QO PF (JOI040a311234�0 PLAN C�iECK �'EES 14.00 WC (7�14�]Q(13112860 �r�?ILL CALL INSPECTION k"�� 3.qD APPLLG�1"fI[}�41.NaT B�ACCEMEt3 i�INCQM�,.ETL t?R UIMt�GN�b Pr�je[t#: Bui�+d�n�q P�errmit#: N+ledn�ni�caal Permit#s -'�'�,�4 °C1!7� � 970-479-z1a9(inspectia�wts) ?Y�'N�Y�L T "wN F VAIL M H L LitM A 1'1! 75 S�.Frotata�re 1t+d. Permit v�rEl1 not t�e a�ep#sed withnut the i�a►1lawrr�q: Yail,Cc�daraclo 816 P ral Roorn dra n i e; o Roo�t1 W 1a7 n A�r fluct a an Fl f d G�ts a�'i� orl C�� uip Gtrt/ CQNTRACTOIi IN�'ORMA7'I�(7N F9e��ankal Contractar: Tawn �F Vail R�g. IV�.: Con�act arttl PhQne i�'s: �1 AYl��1�+�lC"i�A'�'LL��,. ,��v+��� IVL pf� ��'G--�'��','� E-Fi�ll A�kfrca4s: Contractar Sit�na[ure: C4MPLETE YAl.UATION FOR M�CHA'NICdL P'ERM�T L,a�ror$c 1�teriafs a.. M�U-1AI+lICAL; $ ��"�' cc�nt�ct E i�Cor�n A�o1�C+e er��D-3�8-8F�lo or vJaYr 1�vr Perae�►# Parc:ei # �Ca��7 ,�j,� cJ�t- ao��a�„e:5�N4'y!'L7�'�t.-��t�. ��,a.!'S T �ob,aaa�ess: ?.�t.G� 'bR�-'� �►�''. i�.�p. � ��r �+ Legal f]es�rip�tl� 1.qt: BE�: flltng: �hcli+�ision: �,lwners Hame.��,f+��'�� Addre55; Phv�+E: Engin�:eer: Address, Pt�e: caeta�l�f d�rlpt�vn af work: �r�,�'� �5 Ak"�H �`rA NS, �`3P-'�►l�I�t $` �A� �� ��f] W�rk Ciz�.ss: Ne�w{�•�` Addition ( } R�ratian{ } Repaif( ) Dktrer( J Bc,i1�r t.acation; Interiof{ ) ��r�Or( ) ather( ) L}o�s an EIiU extst at this ic�3rion: Yes[ } iVn{ } 7ype of 8idg: Siatg�e-f�miiy f ) �uRr�x t � twu�i-far�iry t ) �mrr:ercia�{ � Resraurarn{ ) ncr,�r� ) f1Eo,of Ex�sting F7w��l6ng l7s�its ir�t�is bui4ding: � N�.o#Acromrs�odati�n Unit�in Nhis buifding: h'k� c�f Fire aees��isti : �a�A l�anc�s �as s W� �'e14et Waod 6urnira fVc�,IType a4 Fr�piaces Pmp�a�: Gas Ap�llan�c�es � ) Gas�s�( } Woadl�eilet( ] Woad Burning{NOT ALLt�p) Is this a �orrversinn �nrsa a►+vood taurning fireptac€�to���PA Phase II de�ke7 Yes{ ) Na 4 ) ���:�*��**�****����:��*���FOR CiF�C,E US� ANf�Y*:��*�*******�*�*�*���*�*�**�s� i [�ttr�r g�s: �#anner S# n-o�: A B ; UrRB�e+es: Data i�� : 11Vai�4leds��FdRMSIPER�lITSiMECHF�RM.bGC ���� .___._ �� � ! � � CHARLES & JEANN� S�JYDER TELEPHflME 2857 BALD MC}iJi�JTA6N Rt�A� FAX NlJNiBER 97�k-076-5812 VACL,Cp$1657 63p-368-QQ54 �����1�`'�dU�ll� T�. Gharlie Davis �Via FRUM: Charlie Snyder C�ve�nigh# �arrier DATE: September 2�', 2[3�4 DCRECT DAIL: 630-3�8-00�3 RE: 2667 Bald MQUnt2�in Ra�t� �f�rrnerly eas� unit vf��f5 gaid Mountain Rtia� My building permit requested is enGlos�d with all the Manrae & i�ewell {"M&N'� reporks. I n �ome cas�s I h��e m�de extra copies af p�ges c�f M&N repQrts and f��-lic�hted certain I�nguage i�t th� r�:port since tF�� �ep�ort addr�sses mufti�+le sub9ects and it appeared that TQV st�pled tha M&N r�ports tc� the �pp�opria�e plan p�ges. I wasn't sure which pages �f th�e plan� �hc�ufd ��t the i4�&N reports s� f`I! leave that up ta T�7V, The M&N �eparts are paper clip�e� to this m�mo. A com�lete set of pl�ns, as �ppr+�ued by the Design Review Bo�rd ("ORg") and subsequ�en� staff �pprov�ls, �re en�l�,sed. fn sotne cases there �re dupliCate pa�es of the plans, but since T�3V had them cQpied '�ar me, ! elect�d to submit the p�a�s in th�e id�entic�l st�te thaf i rec�i�red them father #�an del�t� what � thought were dupiicate pages in arder#a a�caid carafu�ian or d�lay- �ince 1 could not tell if fihe structural plans cor�t�ined th� necessary informatian f�rr the cc�n�rete walls that �round Contral is buil�ing #o the west of�he g�rage, I have ser�t by Querr�ight carrier cv�i�s af the plan pages illustratirtg the cc�ncrete vvails to H�nr��s ��eah c�f M&N so h� can e�ther i�entify t�e appropriate struct�ral pages of the p6ans �or issue a en�in��ring repnrt fc►r th� constru�ti�n of dhe concrete wails. Qnce ! r�t�rr� tr� Va�l n�xt Mon�lay, I wil! immediately st�rt to wor1� with � larrdscape architect to de�ve�vp a n�v�+ �andscap� plan far submissinn to T�V. How�v�r, [ di� nvt w�nt �o ��lay my p�rmit ap�licativn un�i9 then sca I'm proGe�ding witf� the plar,s t�at have been apprvved by YOV a��i ❑f�g. MQre importantly, I wanted to c�m�aly wit'� the S�ptember 3b deadline f�r submitting my �errr�i€ a�rpficatiar�. Call �30-215-52{�� wi�h q��sti�n�. My Ov�umentslCCS Daiiy Work126fi7 Bald Mtn RaadlCh�rlie Davis Memo 2.doc . . ��� ;�; � � � _ _�_ __ _ ,�"'��`�!'G-�-r�..c; __ ..__ ._ i �r, ��� : ��-��u�,,� f� �",���+��'S � , - � �v��� . � ���.. �� � t � ,� r+ � c�{-t.(� ����,�-� �Y l u — �, � - �? �! � `� �'� � • � � �� �] �"��.,�� �'�"`� ��, ��c�C�� _ � � - �� � ����r n �,. � �' �'--� '� � � � � � _ - i __ � � L�-�. C't.��� C."l (4.c�'� c� �. [�'�� cS� ��Z f�'�l Y+ �'-s. r � __ �r�' �.' ����" ��`:p �� C ��'I�� I r 7 - ���. .� �Z�.��''� ��-t.�i�, � �� �v ���.�'�'�� I t � : ��-�. 1 �,S� �,t� � �i G t�. V��'���` i� � 1 y + .. _ �'� � ��. v' ---�-7� �„/ 1�` � �,,t�',S � `�+ F'1[r. V� �. L;� 1 r,��� ! � � � a c� �v-�:t.-z� , t � �� � � ��E � r' G � S' �� e �. � � �-.� _ U � G L'� I� �'l G�''�- �. , � �l�� � �L-� C �� !��'��.f ��; ��1 � ` I � . �'�--"✓� r�-�.,r� � �. � � l �1� a,+ � �GL c�� �� � S _ _ _ y , _ c�,.��� r c� �.° e �'l'����► �� �� �- � v'� _.c,���s � ; ►� � /� . � � � _ �+� 7��c:�`ti,.c �.��G ! 1�•'�� }�,r',--'� �.�—L �.`-� �J �,r � � �. �� � � � � / r ,_//,� . ,. .. ' ..�� � 4�� �� �� � 1� 1J� L' 4 ��r�'i l ����' {�p �+ � Y ¢ � J �, ! _._ _ �[ �.'�- ��- �"�'� � �.� - 16/19/2694 15:37 9709494854 Naf��C]E hJ�WELL ENGIf� PA�E 01/�7 � � � . '� � � �r�&SNNe�wr�� s� v e.o,.,�.� ���IX48 4�C�t;W�Y��D �Rf'.��`S �31C. ��vo��;ffice 7D$e�e�mark Road,Su�te�0� � � �+�}:�4�15�7 A.von,CO �1620 (�'1�1��49-?'768 P,�one (970)949�Q5�T�� 8'PO��.011!'#1�-��vVC]a.C�BI � FA.CSIl��iII.E'�"R�,,NS1vII'�'�'AL LE'�R Ua�� �� Psges(includi�g tra�smit�ral�. Atte��ios� � �'�.�.— � Camp�ny � T�l�phone ��-�� TeIephcrne Fa�c ��Cz���: F�€ Fxonu ��;� �a�r��� . �;�� �� � .�� ����a��: �,�.....���..�.� �..���-�. �.� . � � �►�te��e: � . If h�i�"ss�aot es indic�ted pie�st a�etify s�sader � ���� ,c_���ti...., tis+1+ � ,?G4�S PAids4a(tp.�cr 7iw GFae.dn CLp{wrW T4e A�eP�1JUW�h rl'AlAdttCd �vww,m�rero e-n ewe�.cn m ° �}eaver,Vaii,and bilfon O#�ces � 10/19/���� 1�:37 9799494654 MQf�DE N��JEL.� E��INF PAG� @2/67 � � V'��I, C,nlnrad❑ 1]envcc, Coltiradrs Dillan, Culc�raelo .�'�t�11�I'C� � �T�'.'�.� �d�S�l57C�G7ti� �[S('. []ctobez 2 8,2(}U4 Mr. Char�es C. Snyc�e�r 2$�33 Butter Field Road, Suite 380 G�ak�z'ook,TL fi052,8 R�. Sn��er�.�siden�e,266,� B�ld Mc���in l�oa�,Vail,Ea�e�a;.mty, Col�ra�o (M&N#�698.05} Gentlemen: Mc��.roe&Nevvell Engine�rs,�nc.co�duct�d a sit�visit at the abave addr�ss an Octa�er 12,�U04_ T�e pu.�ose of this sit�va.sit was to abserve existing framin�cafthe st�u�ase �nd the�oc�r fra�ng. TtY� follovving was r�ate�i: 1. The steel stai�r framin;nnembers detailed in auir letter dated�ugust 12,24�}� had n�t�iee� installed as�hc�wn in�Sze secti�ons iss�.ed. T�e contrac�r sli�.11 mak.e the�'vllc�w�n�A�pai,��_ 1.1 ?�.e lv�uer b�aring p�►ar�t vf the stc�l stair stringcr shov�rn in sectic�x�.s Kl was nat�orted o��pas#insid�the stud wall, but balted into �lacking w}�i�h�uva�nc�t s��pp�rt��an the cvncrete wa1l. Tfic co�itractar sha1�inst�lt ba�ts izzt�th�binckin�and led�ers a�t rhe c�ancrete vva3l belov�+as slaown in the at�ched rre�ised sectican X�,. 1.2 Tbe low�r be�rit��point of t�e st�el stair stri�ger s�awn va secti�n �ha�nat been c�nstruct�ci as sha�wn.in the detail. T�Ze contractor s�a�l irzstall the cc�nnect�on as s�ttc�'+��t�e att�ched revis�eti s�ct�o�t 3�2. �. .'—� ����' .�w� wo�re,�sa.�;�,.a�.. YRa Cokal�us iTh�l er et '4kr.AnFerinu lsulh�se d'wxin.�.en wwW.monrOe-n�'�cll.cc�m 7� Benchimark Rvac� - �uitc ��J4 - Y-O- .��ax �5YT • �tVan, CnLorac�e� A8fi34 a er�.�F�a�a 15.37 s�e�a9ae�a t�or��� r�w��� ��xr� �r.�� ���e� � � 1-3 Tl�e west 2x12 zim a£the lower Ian�rx�g v�ras nc�t can�ect�d tc,the steel st�rir,ger.'The cantractor shafl i�stall a stee� �trap as s�ow.tt� ��a the att�ck��sec#�on X3. 1.4 518"diam�ter b�lts in lieu of'fa"�.iaznet�r b�o�ts�vere `rnstalled in th� webs of the stringers sY��wrr in tt�e sections�1 and�2, Th�SIS„ c3ia�meter bolts are adeqaate sttucturally. 2 Abc��ve the Iandi:ag an u�per Ievel floar jaist tc7p chora laad baen driZ�ed vut d�rin�the insta�latic�n 4�a drai�tpip�. The r�emaining jo�st can remain in�la�ce but needs to be zeinforced. +�#b;a � 314�"x11 7J$"LVL. £uli l�ngth. The new L�L�all b�ir�stal�et�Che �ast side af the�aist ar�d glued and nailed ta batk�the t�p an�bottom jvzst chvrd with 1 diarne�er 1�c�x 2 %x"nails spa+�ed 6 inch�s v�.center. The existing drainpipe�that�xriTl pene�irate tize new L�J'L shall be re�`►oveci and then reinsta.�led aif�er�t is in place_ T�e new holes shall be�re-drili�in the T,'VL, 71ae Z.,''�'�,shall bear�n ttze bottvr� fi�axge raf the steel he:irn at th��Qakh end and the wal1 at its narth end. 3 �L joist in the li�vingrva�rn le��]powder rvam ceiIing had been cut during�he ittst�l]�tiotti of a d��pip�. The�ol1tr�.�to�shall it15t��a{,3}-5 '/a"�.VT..be$m as shown in t�e attac}�ed secti�n�4. 4 l�o vthe�-excep�ivns were na�e�i If yo�i ha.r�e any�uest�c�ns ar c�mments,please c�l. Vexy tr�,ly yours, 1viC�1'v'kd�&NEWELL F,.�GINEERS, Il�TC. Hannes Spae�,p.E. Principal iei��f�ea� x�:�� ��a�ag�e5� n�caE ��E�� �r�ir� �a�� eafe� . . � � �� � ,� ,� _ ��.� �Vionro�e & �e�crel� � ��ncer�,Inc. sr�E�r►us, c� c►ae�,+�ara�er -.c-�• r�n� �,/�� F�iEC'7.E0 8Y' ORTE SC:ALE ; . • _ o i : ; ' . . : � . . . • • . , . . , � , . � � ; : . . , � : • ; . � � � : ' • E • .... .�... �r... ..; _...._,_. ,. .. �. r ___ �. _.x..___,...,,.p. e. . � .� �. . P . . _ .. _ .... __ ._ . _.. � ^� . ��.�-;� e'��?�� �y �1-�< �;.�x.-�� ��.���: -- ,. _ _=.. __ : . � � : �_ ..�!���'2- 'T'�._. ry .. .. _,. �� ��''��I ... I..�`C� "�F;-�-?. � �.,__.m_ .���. ��:_ .�. ��._`�-r �' ; : : : ; . �- : _ ._ ..�.___..���{N_..� , :.. : _�'�!-��"�"14�� -- .�_ . �Lf,�� w�.l�-`�' � �7!?.lt��_.�. � �'�a�l ��.;� �-,.r �' �y1 j. .. L. .. e�..�. 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A j � � . � ' �. � : : . 1 r-�� ' � � . , � . . : • , ' Y. ... �.. � . . : 1 , . • . ! . . ' :,-. 7, ...:.....-._Y..,-.�i--- .. .. �{�� _..-- . ...._ �-......�..__'.�,._.�p..m..e....o..�__e_......._"".e... .... . . ' � � 4 . ��-J...._. � • � � : : r , �;� ` : E i . � ` ` ��`�" �7�,�'y{ � : : , . . . _._.:.__._:� � ._ • _ ` ___k . . .. _— -- . . , .. ��f f * r F 1 � �...... ' � � •,�T 1��. .�e��--�-'�--�. : ' _ .,.......��'�� E : " . . ...„K,.�W.E..... _ ....7`..... �� i . .t .. M-�---c.. i ,..F__._.�._ '- . � � : «�- ; r i � � � , > ; . . � • . . ,._ • ; i � i � , . ._y'-.- . . Y � .......__---. .., . � t + • �_.�._.-i_...._:_.. . . t �� � ��� 4�� ` . . , . s � : . . . . � : . � � ' s ° . - . , : ' : , ' � , . , . , . � �i ..--:�- : : � � . ;. . e : s . . � : � . ... ... 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' . ^? . � . : � : : ' ' - : , , : . . , � . . . • • � , '• . • . . ; . , . . . . . • . � . - ._ . .._. - ... _ --.. e . � . . . . . : .. ._ ......_ -. -.. ..7_ s_....r, . ,.....-a...,Ti � � ���S�C�IV E �'"' � � ,- : '�� _ : BU€LD� f�� C���^�'"��' �temb�c 1�i, ��+ua4 Town�af Vail Suilt#tng�p�rtr�nt Attr�: G� QerrCkfa�nd Ch�r��e��vis i am vrriting ro a1er��h�Tc�of Vail�uiiding D�A�ment v4�re��e�ab�e situaii�n t��i see�s io t� getting wc�rs� Aug�st 31 i wrot�a let�er to the Tvwn of Wail���drng Gepartment Lc�PY�,nRgi���an f�ie)tnat+��ia�+ed an awrn��ship ct�ange�i�6��Saki Mcwnla�n Roaa,su�gested re►rv��ing tt�e cur�nt bui6ding pe�`nit, ar�d r�ted w�aat I be�eve�4 t�be an un5afe siiva�n�t the�bs�te. Se�temtaer 1 �p�ketf up a fax to rns trom Ch�rtie Sr�yder{rnvn�raf 2fi�7 8ald lul�ur�#ain Ro�c1�of Ju�y Z3,�Ui}��stabr�:�You and ya�ar com�ny a�fir�d". Lat�r aept�rnber 1 I submitted ta the Buif�ing�p��tment a supplemertt to�� ��e�r�at�,�J l�r,ust 31 fic�ny�tttached,on�inal nn file"i faUowi�q acfv�ce 1 had receivs�irom the 6uil�ir�g [?e�rtrr�ent r,�nta�ning int�rr�aiion a�Isnguage sugaested t�o expedi�e s�par�tinglsPlittir�g tfi�building p�tm�t���2-Q?`��►, fi rt,��h��r�r��rPrer��r Criar46�Snv�der�coqy of th�ietter d�#ed Se�R�mt�er 1 and b���iing pemut app�icat�n f�s. He exy��essed nr�r�irx:tanr,�im m�uing i�rwand w4th tt�e proC��s�f S�CL�S"�fl�,�°r�G"*"+b���'�;".�'�!T*�;�. [i is�w 5�pierr��ier 1�and t�t�b�st vf my�knv�sledc,�e, Sny�Ar has dane nfltl�i�g i�award securing f�s I�W�1�GIfClNH��C'1lTitll. ir"+���tv��o��',����5 t«,Ei���.:��'�'�$7°u!��'�a'�+�'.�^R��tha!'!�el.�+�t�'�� irt�prt��r. ���ir�gettir�g t�the s�ifs��f my c��sc�s,4e;�ee�tate�l�arly!hat r��inte�tt�on fv�wri�ng is �-�.�.�_a�...�� ..........l.;..J..I. .wrL r�i� n.. f"Fnn� �i 3.Si�re ms��y� nCit tp imp�de i��p�yr�s�ut�ui���r��uw r�,uu►�w�����s�c n��w v� +�W,�,�z�7"F,�,yz. .,�v��i � interest�vr 5ny�ef to c�rspiei���is w�rc as�uic.�c�y as poss�. Rather my;n�r►t"sccsfi�s#o�:�ve my�s�mc arul my crnn��ny narr�e from ws�ric whi�i� i hau�rw c�ntrcii o�e�i. n�G ar i��:�-�s+at my��z E�: �. �ront pat�a"cr�wl�aCe'. fireg i�s�ckla an�1 wrark�d thrvugh a r^e�iinglnon•ver�F�����u� reganding an�rracc�es�sible space�nder l�e f+��patio, T#�e so1�t#i�n w�reby vent+r�g wvu�r�vt be requir�d necessifated partitioning the spaa�cee mt��ma���r s�ctivns. �'+e partitiran was cons�ruct�d using dryava�l. i natited Yesterday that Sny�er h�d remov�d scxr�e of[he P�+�m, Perha�he now irrtends to vent the space althaugh I can 5nd no in�icat�n o!such. Tt�e#�tt�rn line is tt��t my n�rne is an the permit which Snyde�is�perat�r�g+an�er, I h�v�no c.��trn4�avsr t�e wof�c th�#I�i�doir�g ar�d it appeat5 t�e�vark perfaCm�ed vial�t�"t�e bud�ing c.cxie. 2 P�umher. 5r�ydsr�ove�i t�frtx�st pativ sn�wm�eit d�at Eli��vf H�ly C�ss�Plum�ing(�rm�rty Lartan Ph�mbing}had installecl �inspected and ap�revetl August 24}. �4�h�a�par9r'ttiy h�red a�ew �l�rnt�r�r�-��stalEe�snawmeft a!the s�me�ror+t pstio_ !�aave reasnn�bsl+eve thi$n�ew �iurnber is ape�t+ng witt�out a l+cense. � have►aa iii wi11 tow�nd this�h�mb�r. Th�s puts E�i�nd l in �'1�S��l�iDtl f}4�e��?D'1�2 Y�1�'�E.'S�!l�1G'0f1$C�1��f�I�TI���Ils'"�+�0�t�l$�IT1'FI�iS f�Q►11�'Y�k][�{W�l@f� the parly identfied on t�ae pe[mit h8s r��c�ntrai cyv�r the vva�r4c tte�ng�dOlFe and the�is 3f le�t the ap�arar�cce F�a'�����lc periorme�is�ing d�ne im,p�ropet!y. i am an�cicws to r�5�iv��his iss�re a�quickt�r as�rsstbl�. P1�a�e c�r�:rtie wi#��y q�esi�s t�r st yo� ne�ed add{t+or�l i�inrmatia�a. �can be r�act�cf on my cail pho�e� 3''fi-4��2, h�m�offC�:47��11�'�.or hvme:419-��19. Tt�a�+ks for rour�el�p. � � � �� s��[�otirr� 1 - - � � � ����,���� S!,l�L�:;!'�:u ��I�� i�,p��V I � �+ � �t�►J I LU4l�i e � I , � Tawn r�f v�it 6u�ld�r�pepartment: � Juty 23,��4 I s�ned�early c�osinq�rsement 1r�r�sf�errir�p owr�ershsp�i�6�67�a1r,!�M��n4��n R4�!� t+�Ghat1°te and.leanr�e Snyder. The prv��#Y is the East harf o�the HnfFinan [��a,�k�.x lhat r-ame�1�e���.�the s��iuisi�oi�c�t 9, Blvck�,Vail V{il�g�i3�"{2665 B�Id Mvun�in Rrsar�� 'rhe tm�ne�s s�!�:�r�r tAn5tn�c�on wh�eby Ch�ii�Snyder was ta t�me thp C?�m�r,IFt�ilc��. De��+ote rg�ErvaG�ns,�;�l+�,�tly �greed Cc�t�ant��aue workona�+ith�har�i�anr�.1�s�n��np��gr��h�c��►���.��,?�q h�;;,in�:h�m complete some of t�ur�finished work Charlie^�rde.►'s recent acLFart�;both�et�s�eci��c:c�r�t:c�a�'s� ����1T�t7�.��p�U"{`r�����}���j�I���Sr��r��:F i,��i u;�i. Mc�►�ng farward,l x�kf li�e tc}r�w+�ric fhe cu�nt t�ld�ng pern;;t��f��s;G'����s�o ta��ga�����m�nt far the p�o��t. �o ft�e��t�!my w^���l���e,�!!�t"4;�}@r+iilt5�iaG'E ruc;Eii l5aUQ�S S�CI�iC�CC}�EilSI��3� lrlfe�4�1F[af t��E.'flUp��aG. I m�st r��ve Grestac�e f3;�i�iiny vCb"ii}'}�i7'f�i't'Yf�i�i ly f��}Sl�d'�GiiS 2S�:+af:f1$f,t��;bFf�f�Givf Of�1 �f8ld Ma�rzt��f��ad. !;�h�s;ws���c"��v�t�e pr��eet f��rw�td'Cin�ri��e Snyde�has creai�d a dangerq�s w��kEn� er;rironm��t���ci f;�riEi���,#allow any��e�ffi�iaf�o wi'[h Crestcuye�uil�6r�+Gc�mP��Y(�Y�Gi empkrye�es vr su�it�aci�amp�Oy�j 3�c�rrtin�e warici�g at 2�67 Ba{d Nia��ta�n Road. CMe s�ec�c�ex�mp�e: Tf�� R�q���+�e�r i��s pravir�ed�n ahem�tir►�rneans o�suppoRing Qr�af the�ta�r landings, ��t�er th�n wa�t t+o ins#�16�aftsmative,Charti�Snyd�r c�ose to�emave ex�stir�€rarnir�sup�ng that 1�ir�g. T�e r�s�r�c�s an�nd��t�ppor�d fanding and a p€�tent�Ey dangemus sit�vn. F�e�a�i�rror+ed my Car�cem. I raali�t�ere��ique ci�ur�startices i�rh+�rent w�thh the ilwnerl8+�i�ie�d�sugr�a�hc�w�ever triatantly ignoring co�nnan ser�se safety cflr�cerr�s car�not be overiaoked. P�e�se ct�n#act rne wit�any q�sti�n^s ar if you need additiana�inf+�►rnat+nn. I can�e reached an my c.�14 phone:3�'6-OZ92,�orrre a�ce:479-{151�,an c��me:4?3-�51�. Thanks fvr po�rr help �� ..-- ���� Scott Hc��fma� ' � � �C�t�S►T�►1'�E SJ��Df��SG CC�MPAl�.�' �epcemt�r 1, 2�D� �'�arn af Wail$uiidi�g Depertment: � This letter s�rpp�nnents s lett�r�ated ac�gust 3i a�d submit�d ta the��af Vaii Sept�ember 1. T� purpase c�t�is ccxresp�nclence is#a rewo�k tt�a current bu��din9 pe�m�t{802-0261�to r�flect changes in owne�sh+p and�en�r�l contract+ng res,�onsib�R�ti��. The curr�n�vermit cov�rs hoth sides�f� I�uffman [3r.ip�ex(W�rrst Side: 26�5 Ba1d Moun�in Rvad��►d Eas#Sicie:2667 B�id N�un�tain R�a�). Wt7iEe I wiil �vr�tin�e�s tfie�mer and�er�er�l Contc�tnr c�f 2��5 R�kl Mn��ant�in Rv��,�r�k�ngPr i�v��ny in��r�t in 2867 Ba1d A+kiuntain Raatl. 4t+s my under�tarrdin�that the new�rvner���arlie Snyder}inker�ds tc� cvm�l�te t�we wv�at�'66'�►�1d fi�t�nta+n�c�d as��4i�!1Eff$J!�'���D�1E'!"r�ii'!� �S�5 L�W�G�!�Et� Contr�c4or, Pl�ase�ent�ct me witt+any quastivns or if y+ou need addit�ona�infarmatio�. !can be r�act�ed Qrs my c��{�ne:37�-f1292, lx3me�S�Ge:4a9-]i�5.at hor�: d?9-f�519. Thas�lc�fvr��r'ie��. � ���� �oft Fi�ffm�n ��p � C#, 70q4 11 ����� �h��� �+ ��y��� a �� C� � i1����4� � � � CHA�LES & �#EA��dE S�Y'�ER T'ELEPYiC)NE 2$67 BALQ MC7UAfT,AIN Rt�AR PAX i�UM'��R 97(}-478�-aE12 VA�L,GO 81�57' 9�f1-388-04'�d ��������� --------......,.,.__�__.��..........�....._..�..�_�__.,....r._�_�_�.�.._.._______........�.�---_--_ T�: Chariie D�vls (Uia�fax Q FROA�: Chsrl�e Snyder 970-419-245� aATE: Septam�+er 22, �D�4 DIRECT QAlL: fi30�368-���3 RE: 2687 B�,Cd Nlount�ir� Ra�d �#arm�rCy esst uni# of�565 Ba�d M�untain Rn�d ��------�--�------------------�,..�.____.,....__._-�---_..,.—�------�..���....�.---------------- i rccelved yc��r tax ar�d I �ppreci�t� fihe f�ct that wotk can cantinue wh�le the buit�ing permit pro�ess goes tvrward. i'll arre�night#h� building p�rmlt peperwc�rk Monda�y s� it will �e wlth T�'V well t�efore September��, I nee� dir�c#ion from y�u r���rding tha p��umbirtg and mec�sni�al permlts. As afi #o��y, the wvr�c to he campl�ted is as fvllaws: 1. fnst�ll pfu�rtbirtg fi�ctures. 2. ��st�k! 1 u lin� fmm rnechani�al room t+� #'�on� of h�use �a� irri�ati�n and ins#alf �gb+r;a ba�k fl�device in mechanl�sl room� 3. Irtstal! swi�ch�n� device i� mechanica� raom fQr snr�w m�eit vr� re�r patios. 4. Instal� vu��id� f�ucet at fr`or�t raf hvu�e, �nce items 2 –4 are c�mp�ete, I'll cal� far i�spection ot thern. H�wever, my ���a�ern Cs a�aQUt p��rri��ng, �ther than snaw meltr th�t Lvrton ��umb�ng dld after 1-12-20��. Hoffrnan ��v� me a ccapy of thc �Folf�awirtg p��a �sy�ng the ro�agh pfumb9ng ha� bee� ap�raved and that nv �ur�her �nspecfi[ons were neces�sary unti] ti�e f�nal plum�ing ins�re+�ior�. Haw�v�r, f knaw far a fact tha# Lv�on P1��n�ing dl� rough pi�tmbir�g wvrk after 1-�2-2004, #�t�t I do nat know the sp�ci�ic sc�ape af the �lumbing work Lortan Plumbin� did between �-��-�t�[]4 �ntf the d�te v►re purch�s�d the h�use, whi�h w�& 8-4-2p�4. av 1 need tm ha�e ar�c�th�r pl�mk�ing in�pection f+�r the Lortan work? C�lI 630-215-5�0�' with qu�st�ans. MY Qocumcn�lCCS Dslly Wark12Eb7�lal�f M�Ruadlflr�a �r�eKl m� .s�vc �:��� �,��` � ����� �� ��� ���� � ��. �� ��,►�. ;�, ��� �.� �'�•,�►�� . y� , � �� �� �� �� ��� � �� �� r �� ������ Se� .�4. 200� 11 :Q5AM Cha�s C• S��der � P , �• � N�.424fi . P • 2 � . :"�niYl�ft"!��NfS�:i��7• r ,�6�'e�L j7fafi5�]ALf36it7LE'�1i,4Nl� VA1L r } ,e i. + ' � .- � ��,� S .�F .- --- ._. ,.-- d�t'`�4,a�'�JSSCI�L1 ,y` - G{�14.r����'�h=�.fa�.P�r nn .� ,`�f. �. . .., , - f ,"�...,_, .. ._. ..:,. . . . .�. � , ., ,. -. . ,.. .. . .. ..' ::. H e�^A`w5f�h'.j�i�:�:{ � � �� f �� �i '� ;� !:��,. �' ,.3tar'rc�GagCr����r � : � ' ��pu.. �r��i ?recn�r,��ti f � . ?!x.0 ., .,���¢ .�cr� :}��1 k_ 2,f1 �U.?�-Jn��r aund ---�Yee 'a s � ,rJ=. ���':' - Frc,�'ifP � � - �.a, . ... � YTr�d 11 �Q1�'�d'{�i6 �A9Ff1 Ysc � � � � jf�Gq�`�: "�`�� 2+IG,PLI+IB-0aaPiGkie Xea 0 ti r5P t'E�t � _259?LF�!EF�na] • Nc� } PA �� �1g. � q��°rS� �� u� ' u s'�RF � ,r��'`+"ir t��-���;?{'3 �' k`, r �' S' "'�» � tk � � F: �r�..ti,.�,���6�r�-�,a'�$`� ���_. .� �,�"`�� :� j �{�W�k}+RJvS� �I��! r �, E� � � �, z �s� � �:� i��,-��rF i�i����'� � ��?� 6` .° s a�T.ae9r�e��s.��",I+ era�?'�� t ,+x r � e �: �'�,;�I^ ,,l�� � -� �" `� � '�'t�,e3 i^a{a 1�-.�vs�F.'S,Wie�_r;td � ,_�, � r ���f�:^,�' � rr-� � ' ' .-c : �. .., ... ., ., ..,. ..; ,- . . . - ..� . t?�, ti s i..` }i:�.r�ar� tiW°�.�. i P� .n �-� x_ f ,,,s �4ry� t • r t�. t - lsiti .• � �v� ��i ["` i�' jm �.i. � {'w � �.; ' . . { _ }-1 l LL�a � � .i ., t#1�t l�I� I�� {�,,,,,�� . Y = 1 � � ��� r ." �'"d+� i,''� . . - ., � r: i --�l 1 s f�� � � i 7�Y �.x�J � � � �-_��.r ,, i j'�,�'�dWi� a �i s �� �a,,&4f�712'G0� .i�� r,���E i'I � � , ,�u�� � ' .�r1;{'{itf$� i�ePAE'afran3'�fm�c 4iD'2Cf �� q�� f �� ' � a : .. Y Y�YJ. � ;(,y,T � � �� - � � � +�' '�.1�-a`a � Q,Q�I 4 '�i a� �{C. 4 i• G ' �a..�; p� ' s . °• f � ��.�r'p i "= I h � . ... ��-�---"- i:S',-�,w r,r:e G.� E�' �. ?a�ri ?�.#e£1'SVet � . . 4 I " � .t . .�l�� YS�� �d.4 I ,.� ��N�� C ��� :F . � µ I s 1 c q� I a U �Yds S n ����T 1� � I � ��r � � L Q '��i�ni� ffP,Iflf�a�I19f, ��.'Ti.., E�fs1C+s��('f70.'�tRf+ ,' � '�'il,'�`y �-,i� �;i �� �J . �.. F.�� � � .���{ h ti .r . L : i ..�, . S � aa7 � ly t .- r ; a !_. I�A�y,p?t'+G� ,.,+ 1 ;t ..ry� �S ' F :s�y60e`k�`kh�fe- �.�"�r�,� `� �r� � j,,F��� �if k 'IiL � �� � , ��'"�� ; �� z i i4 kp�t � i I f t � 4 I � tis� ; t7� EAt y,�y��� ��i�� ._ ' '� YS �l i 1 ?. � 1 �C I] I �J.43.J �..�.4F� { ��,�<�ad a�'6=.t',r"is�.-ro ,4iV,� s�r,...�-� ,'�^,y;°7..�;.—Y"°P-'"d�-.:.�. � , .; .'`> . ` ,s�I� ..�.i.� {�n'sK��'�i�g I��.�.�.�'`-.rzv �. �.�.p ��. ���� �p� � �►VA�� � � Cran� i rrnat f nn R�Pa r t -- Nlemo rv S end PaB� ; tlal Date & Time: Se�-23-04 OB:�7am Line I ; 97fl479Zd52 E-mall . Mac#�I ne I U : TQYlN aF VA�L CaI�IUM I TY DEV�LfII�wEk4T Jah numbsr , 3d6 t�ate , Sep-�3 48.23am To : �91369��54 Number af Pages . Q[#4 5tart tisae . 5ap-P3 Os:23am End time . Sep-23 �B:Ffiam P�BBS 9B11# , �0�1 S#a#vs . HG 6Q Job nun�ber : 3d6 ��� SE�ID FAi LED ��� r..;�= ' ,�T ' �]'���f�7'��J�{`�T Yh ��s�r r.Y �./r y�s�.cJ Lyaperemenr af Cammsrr+Eey..�rv:lapmrri�r 7'3' �'vvrlr Frnrtrcrgc J2c�r�d 7�a[,7, Calsare.do S165T 9,'r0�-47F-�1 Y8 F:F,.tiLLIC 9T0-479-Y+13'3 wrvw c r,var�.c�..t.ir . FA7C C�1J E F� S�E�'T � . °�re: . �„��� C t-�'�s � _��av, �� � CQmpany h.9ame= �a�c tlum��r: ��� .^ � � � �� �� P1�or7� NL.trr�3��r: Fr+osr�: cx,o�E�oe..r� �r,rgr eutid�ns orr�crar • '1'vwn oT Va[l CammunEty C}�v4i4Pmant 6oa,pe�Itm�ent E3luildln�SaP�G.kY 8a xi�.sP��6CL7Qe'ts Senr3cas 75 S4tstfi t�roYl3�ag� RAefd Vesli, C,�aloradq B1BS7 Phonr_ 99{S-R79-°.Z14� Fax: 974]�i79-245�. � e. - .—�_ - --�':=ri i`i3i'�I".�:5��ti V'f.rii:— . . _ ..,_ __—.•---�— . _ � .rb.,a—vr_. . w . _.. . . . .—.......��..��.._—.�.�...,----� �.— � � Gon f I rrraa t I e�n Ret��r t — M�:rnQ rY Sand Pasa : 001 Oate � Time: Sap-Z3°Q4 �9;17�m Line 1 : 97UdT9Z452 E-mafl . Ma�h f ne� 0 D : TQWN OF VA I L COI�IIIN I TY �VELOP�ENT Jvb num�er . 34$ �ate , 5ep-23 Q9;15am 70 : 391630358fl�5d Num�rer af pa�es . 004 5tart ti�e , SsP-�3 09�15am End time . Sep-23 09:1�am Fa�es sent . a04 5tatus . OK Jnb nvnher : 348 ��� SEND SLJCC��SFUL ��* �- ,--_ ..�r.:,�v��� � - .r!s• .?�c��-. . _ i; ' � �Q�����i`��. � .. .._ IJaparimcrr.r qf Currsrrfs.raisy AarvrsfRa�r+mrnr ' . . 75 Suuch F'rqnrcrga 1�ca� F�a.lP, G'alQrcrc�ra ,S,P6ST " s re��t�Q-a��at , F.iX A7Q-473».2�32 wwsu�/,vvtJ.cr�v.s.s • . FJ�X �+UVER. SH��r . - . -f`o: . � S' � Cc�mpany hiamc= Fax Num1»r= ��'� —' � � � �"�" �� � PRari� IVvmb�r= �r0�+"r: Cnbaile navSs ClzYef 8.�1[dSri� of�M�al � � Town Q!Vsa[I CCn'*munity P�v�elcpm�nR' pepartrr�Cnt BuiSdinr,�`SaFety Sc Tr1sp�EG�lcarl� S��"+����5 75 S�ut� Frvnlag� ikx�ad Vr.irt, C.olorado 81657 ' P'!-�ane�: 97a-�i7 s-2142 Fg%; 97Q�'R7J-245z ' " . '�1:tii'iiiYit'��'Y�'� �C7�i3$�:_ ' . _.-._ '___...,_-�--+-...z�-�alv.�,�Y'+....�+....T'-- .,.. . -... ._... +.�.�....��---� ��..-r.-�+�._ .�� ar.-.r•.r.-.��ar�a . � � :j � ,a ' �� � ! ��Y�Y?�� YC1�L� � f�eprlrrm.enl e�f Cprrarrrz�nity£�ev�le�,�+merrt ' . TS Sauth Fraiita�e Roacf Ycail, �:r�ldrerdo 31+��7 970-�''�-?13� F�GL'9��-479-Z�SZ wrvw ei.v,�i#,c�.trs FAX CC]VER SH EET � To. L.� [ ,S'd�.� � � Company Nam�e; � ��x Numb�r: ��� � � � � "� �� � — �.—..�.� Pn�ne Number. ��C}m: Charlie C}avis Ch'reF 8u�ldia�g O�#icia! Town �sf V�il Com�,unity Revelopr�rent C�epartm�nz 6�iEding Sa�ety &Inspect�ons S2rvices. 75 Sa�th �rontage Raad VaiIT Cnlarada 81�57 f�hane. �7U-�79-?14� Fax: S?0-479-Z45� � ,-,_ . _ f::'�:�5ili4iiti:'i�,:�� l�VlGj: . . .. . ..�_� . ._..__�--»r-�--�_w . . ---- • .. ... ,ti..�...a._ ., . - �''� � � � , � ������ a I�epartrr�ent af Gomrnunit��I�eveloprr�enr 75.Sc�uth Fr°r�ntQge Roaut 1✓ail, Cnlorada 8165T 97Q�479-Z138 F.�X�70-479-2452 w���v.vuilgc�u eoryr Septe�iber 23, 2f�a4 idlr. Charlie Stayder Vi�e Fax: t�i30-3f�$-�053 Re. Cvnstruction at 2E�G7 Bald Maunta�in R�ad(fnrm�arly�ast uni�of 2��� �3aid Mountaui Rc�ad} Dear Mr. Snyc�er, I rec�.i�ved y�ur telepl�on� call yesterday aftemoc�n and res�ond�d by l�avin�a voi�c €n��sage a# appraximzttely 3.4�PM befc�re I r�as in receipt �f yc�ur�a:ced written carrr�s�a��ncienc�. P�ca.�c i�nckre my}�h�x�c: mess�ge. This ti��ritter� c��rresponde�cc�:�rill sup�rsede thc phcsn�m�ssa�c. First, may I say that the w�ritten���rrespc�r�dence ap���ars �c� h�ve �tl-�reate:ning t��ne tc� it, �s does i��y phc�ne messag� to yc�u. It has been my�xperience that tihis type of t�ne do�s nc�t bene#i� eith�r c�f us. � g�rtorm better withc��t t��is type af attitude, and wil� �ra�eed t�i#h4ut any ne�ati�e t��rertan�s. The autcorrYe that �s to be�chier�ed is c4mp�ian�e to Tnw� Cvcie. As I rcaci yaur fax and lnc�ked thrr�ugh all th�: �a�ital letters, the message is clear. The Tc��vn of Vail ha.s r�nt be�n clear with you xe��rdin�aur exp�c�atiQns for constructio�l in which we ha�re juri�clictic�n, Yau are vnicin� fr�stratior�. Tt�is corre��4na�nce is written ta addre�s yo�r fa�stratian and clari#y exp�ctati�ns of c�n5t�ction perfc�rmance. Mr. Scott Hn#fr��a� has been relier�ed of his duties as a�general car�tractnr to ct�mp�ete work c�l`th�east half of th� c�uplex. We ]etter�c�r� file frar�� l�nth y�i� anci ��. Hof�ct�an doc;urnentit�g this tc� be the casc. ]'���w lhat has h�ppeneci, th�re is nv ton�er a bui��iin�, pei7nit or cc�ntractor crf`t-ecnrd shown tc� cc�m�l�et� eas� halt c�f t}�is project. T13e 1997 Uniform $uildin�Code, S�ction �4}6,1, Perrnits Required, states" Exc���t as speci��ed in S�ctic�n ]U6.�, iaa l�uildin�; or stru�ture re��tlat�ed by this c��l�:shall '�e erectcd, constructed, eniarged, alterud , r�;paired,i�io�ed, improve�i, reinc�ved, converteci or dernc�lished unless �sep�irate pern�it fi�r each building or structure has tirst heen c�bt�fined fr�m the �uilding c�#ficial." Ta abtain ��rnplicince, a �te��v applic�tic�n f�rr finisl�in�thc� w�cark an the cast �tal�of�he duplex i�ret�ziared. Yau a�-e r��istered as a liinite�i cUntractar which will allo�� �I{1Ll tD i7��JIy t�Y t�l1S F}l,I'[1]It. T}lf:T(3WY7 1S Il[7'� It7[)�Cltl� �C1P�iC1CL3t1nI73I ��nEereaen rar�e� r � � permit fees tor this wc�r� an�{ will waive any fe�s ass�rciated with abtaining a permit. �'+Ie arc laakin� �s�r coc�� Gompli��ce+nnly. A5�f SAM this morning, we haw� nat str�ppecl wvrk c�n the�rc�ject and wii] allo�w�v�rk to con�inue due ta thr� Iack of cle�r CD171TT]UftiL'r��1�C1d7 t(3 �7Qt1, Fi[}1T! t}1C5 i1tTi� �OI'W�lll'£�, it is requircd that a����rrait mu�t E�� applied far by�e�t�rnber 3{l, �QO�. If t�at ha��'t k�appc:n�;ci by that tirn�wc will be f�rced ter is�ue a stop-wcrrk order. �.e���rc��n�D� a�}proval, this is required only ifthe propo��d �;an��ntctic�n has ch�nged frnm th�E�ri�in�l I�RB appravad. Sorne examples c�:�changes requir�r�� ad�iitional apprflval arc aas falln��ws: • Change c�f matLrials, cc�lvrs w�ndows, etc... affecting the ex#erior c�f the b«ilding_ • Additional sc�uare fQCrta�e�ieiY�g added that was�c�t oi-iginally prop�s�d. • Ext�rior dec�s being�dded t�r size c�f de�k chan�ing. If all pr�posed w�rk is in c�nFo�m��n�:e ta the original URB approvaI,nc� other actio�i is requirerl an yt�ur ps�rt. �te��rding r�ugh inspections, wc�av�, n�� dac;urnent�tion ofany�ou�l� mechanicai c�r plumbing inspectie�ns hein�perfc�rm�d an tl�e�ast half of the duplex sin�e 1l1�IU�. Tl�e contractc�r af`recc�rcl ft�r these pennits h�.� subniitted a letiez`t�a the Tc��n st�.ting ttrat they are na Ca�nger asse�ciated with any�vork i�'or the east half af the�u�lex. FUr yUUr r�cvrd, I h�ve prawid�d vau with a copy ofthis�c�rr�s�cmc�enc�. "t'laere currentIy is nat a�vaEid plumbing ar rnechanieal �crmit f�tir the e��st halfofth�duplex. To a�tain c�znpliaz�ce, applicat�Q�� st�ail he made for c.ach afthcse disc�plin�s. Th� sarne de�dlii�e iinpersed f�r a�r��iying ft�r a hu�ldin�perniit a6s�a a�plies fvr the�lumbing arid rne�t7anic�al �ermit�. Th�ere ha�vc been rou�h �lec�ica� inspectians ��rf�rtned on the east half�f this prvj�ct. Tre ta3king r�rith the �ontractor of reLc�rd for the el��#�ical �Sermit {I7ave Pet�.rsc�n c�f D.P.E�ectric),�nly nne pe�it was obtaitz�d far both halves af�he duplex�nd D.P. Electric Rs stitt tl�e eo�itractcr�-nf recard. Np ath�r actian c�n ynur�,art is required. I Gan nvt speak re�arding any lc�w valtage rougli ins�ectic�ns ��ir�g��rformed b�cause tk�at is �Fire Department functican �rid wc do nc7t�c}�s��s any dv�umentatian. In ctc�sing, 1 hope th�t this corres�c�ndence clari#€es our pnsitinr� arad pr�vides yc�u with c�ear expectations� �c►u 3re allc�wed t�co��ti��ue w�rk as you pursue obtainin�perrnits fc�r wark tha# is c�cc�trrin�at tt�c�roj�ct. Feel fre�tt� cot�t�.ct me at 97C1-�79-�142 iFyou hav� any quesfiic�ns �r w���ld like to di�cuss this personallY- � Sit�c rcl�f, 1 ,haxli�D�vis �uildin�Offici�l T+��rn of Vai1 i � � I i � � � HL7!L� CR�SS ALUMBIILT�, IP��. i dba LC3RT�� FLUMBTN�G P.G�. BC7� 3�35 �AC��.E,� +�Q 8�.�631 � �97i�) 3�8�-��(!Q �A�C �97U) �25-59�1 �vw_lnxtonpluuit�ui�,.�r�m September '1(3, 2IX74 � Ts�wr�t�f Vail ��i�di�g Qep�rtment � ; Att�: Cl�rlie Da��+�nd Gr�eg D�nckl� This coResponclence is in re�ar�ls 1v �lumt��ng and rt�eeh�nicaf �rmiis for th�r reslden� lo�caterl�t 28��6efd M�urttain Road. Curr�nt4y�hes� �ermrts�re under�ur campany name. Hvfy Crc�s�Plumhing, fn�. dtra L�rton Plumbi�tg is rsca Io�tge�'emp�oyvd by Gn�stone B�I€Idir�g ar the�ew�genetat cvntradnr on tt�is sidb of#he c#up6ex. Recen�ly we leam�l that the n�w Crwnerlt�uilder, Charife Snyder, has hired � �n�rrr plumber to�mplete pfumb�ng and medtianie,�l wark at this resideric�. �n doin�sar, Mr, Snyder has vt�ided ail Wetrarlti�s ih�t Lnft�n Plumbing W�uld hav� pro�rided_ 'We can n8i�cCei��nY r'esEw��ibility f+ar s�r�#ems th�! h�ve had wark�rfa�ryed o�them by anyane pth�r than an �fiFiat�C��`eitlplv;+�B o�Lottori Plumbirtg. !f is#n L[rrton Pl�fmbi�ng"s besti€nt�rest�ta t�a�e�ur � r�ame remvved from aU �w�vrk th�t is Ta �e pertv�med after th� hire ciat� of the rtew plumber. This is nW!n state the r��w plum'ber�n�nmpetent by any m�a�s, b�t tr�ckanTy 'rt is nc�t c�r�r wn�C, and w�s woukf rather nQt have our n�m�behin�i it. d � I thank you foryourtime and p,atience concerning this matter. If you have any que.�t�vn� � p#ea�e �il. � � �f�azar Pen� �`�~--� j . `�_�-� � i � �.r �'~, ""^, `� --- i F�f�slcfe�t Lorton Plumbing �P � � � f � } t �I� �;�'dd •`4Y'�Ot'�8 tr�Q'E4-d35 `• E{�65BZE�Lfi `•JNIB4Yf17d NOIti(i�l =AS iN�S � � i � �}fi�l V'i i� � �eparrmerrt uf�orr�munit,�D�welopm�nt 75 �out'h Frnntt�ge Raa,� Y'ail, Coloradv $1 cS57 ��a-���-2r.�s �.����c�-���-z�s� w�4�vv.vailgou carrt SeptemY�er 13,2(�(]� Mr, Charles Snyder? Gon#ractc�r Registration Number 317-L 2��7 Bald Mountain Ftvad Vai1, C4 �1 G�7 L7�ar Mr. Snyder: The purpr�se of this l�etter is tti natify ynu c,f the reqttircrz�ents needcd f4�r you tt�cnmplete th� eon�tructic�n an yr��ar half of tl�e dupl�x lc�ca.ted ai 2667 F3ald Mc�untain Raad. Yc�u are requir�d ta obtain �.sep�ratc builaiztg permit far the rem<�incfer of th�cc�nstnictia��. T'o do this ptease�Si�.k r�p�n applic�tion a#our office and fiII it aut, in the valuati�n area list the remainc��r of tl�te cnst, tc�cnrr��lete the��+c�rk, yc�ur�ermit Fee kviIl be k�ased on tiiis. Yc�u will alsa be req�iired to su�mit p��ns si�awi;�g wh�re the c�nstruction yau are respoiisible fvr is to begirz at�d Mr. Haffrr�an'�ends, anc� any changes yati have maci�. 1 will also ne�d a let�er fr+�rn 11�r. H[�ffman,releasi�ig your half c�f the duplex c�nfistn.action tc�you, and letters frc�rn your�ub�ontractar� transferring their permits tn your project. As far�s the builtiing dc�artrnent is cc�nc�zned�Mr. �-�offman is still the co��tractc�r of record and t�viil �rernain so until you have abtained a pertnit, R.egar�iing the Vcntila�tian 4f tlle under fllanr area af the exterics�r deck. Thi� is nat c�nsgdered a crawl space, it is ar�#side Ehe fou��ciatian walls, ar�d there is no earth expc�scci ir�tl�e space. �Dnc� it is draed in, m�isture sho4�Id nvt be a�l� tc� enter th�ar�a. H�we���r if you want to exceed t��e mir�imum cc�cl�requirements yc��are free t� cic� so. "Ye�u wc�uld n��d tn ea[culate th�are� and�rv�ide 1 squar�foc�t of net free area for ea�h 1 SO square feet afunder#tc��r area,and you w�uld need at lcast iwo openin�� c�ne on cach �xterior wali. Vcry Truly Yours Gre�;�7enckla Tr�wtZ c�f Vail •� ���nec�•c�.�n�+,�r°�c S�� k2�� 2004 3: i7�M Char es C, S�vder , Pr C, � Na �4239 P• 1 C�ARLES & JE►�N�lE �S�IYaE� rE���r��r�� 2667 6Al.D MC�Ufv�rA�1v RORC� ��Nur�as� ��a-a7s-5e�2 VA1L,G0 e1��a 63is-3�a�4��4 ������au� Ta. , Charlie Da�i�, ,9� 8� Gre� FR�M. Charli� Snyd�r Den�ckla at T�?V �Via f�� c� 9TL�-4�9-�452 DATE: Septem�er 2�, �f��4 ' Y�lRECT DAlL: 63�-3��-���3 F�E: 2E�7 E3aid Mvun#aln.Ra�d �farme�ly e�st �r�it of�6�5 Baid Mnunt�in Road 1 receiv�d a telephane call from Bryan Biil af Grc�und ��ntr�l t�lling m�a fhat JFi clvsed �own the jo� �# tk�e abowe �cap�ia�a�d prvpe�t�+ — appar�n�ly be�causs #he �uil�ing perm�� expired or somethir�g. This is t�tally unacceptabie, an� vv�rs�, JR tQld Sc�tt Hof�man and m� #ha# all permits drigin�lfy t�ken aut for ���5 B�Id M�n Road, units �ast and west, wou�d transfer to the respeetsv� partifiivr�ed �rc���rfies and th�t na act�an w�s required an my p�r# {Hoffman h�d tr� s�n� a � I�tt�r diracting the trar�sfer, w�ich t�e did) a#her that ob#sining �n [7uvr�eNE3�il�er cl�ssi�catic�n wl#h insurance v�ri�cstion, which w�s d�ne August 4. S�e y�aur r+��ards #c�r canfrm�#iar�, l c�nfirmed m�1 t�lephQne �all w�th JR w�th JQ� in fhe Building Departm�nt c�vncerrring #he eutvmatic #ransf�r vf th�a perm'rts. These conversat��n� rvith Ha�Fm�n a�n�d #�le�han� ��IIs wi#h JR arld Jv� o�curred around July 17 in ar��i�cipativ�t Qf vur purcha�e af ���7 Baid Mvun#ain, as i�, bec�uss Hoffimar� defaultad an hFs c�nstruction Eo�n. `�he sale close�d Augus� 4. Sirr�e th�t time y�ur dep�rtr��n# has iss�ed app�aval vf the r�ugh plumbing, rou�h ef��tri�al, Ivw voltage �nd HV�rC. Now �t th� ���' h�ur when I`m b�ck in �hicago fQr a ca�p�ra�e �cquisition �afte� driving #r�m �lail ncanstap yesterday a�d today�, I g+�t t�� word th��t JR is c�vsing dc�wn #he jc�b and pre�enting rny contra�tor� frcam st�r��ng vvo�k an +�E�� b�ruEder ar�d conc��ete v�rall�: The �rst time tha �ulldir�g p�rmi# i���e ��ma up v�r�s Se��emb�r 13 w��r� l happen�d #v �� �at yaur c�ff�i'c,es inspe�€ing the fies end Greg hands me � l�tter sayir�g i ne�d to m�ke appli�,at6c�n �or a b�ilding permit. THE �.ETTER STpTE� Np pEADLINE FDR DDINC 5Q, IN FACT TC7V C�UI.[]N'T CDPY �HE �7l�GGf�AL PLA�IS FOR RES€JBMISSIC�N UNT1L THREE DAYS LATER. Act.arding �a Greg t'�e �v�ldin� �ermit svbm�ssian will r�quir� approvaf fram t�e Design 'Review B�oard � notwithstanding th�t th� �lar�s �ave alfea�y been apprav�d �y DRE�. Thv DR'� appro�al pr�cess will #a�� 3 ta � weeks per Grag. " Se� .22. 20�4 3: i1PM Ch� r es �• S�v�er , P . C. � Ho�4�39 P . 2 IT !S T�TALLY UN�CCEP7ABl.E T}�A,�` TH€ J�B 1lIIaULD BE G�C�SEL? d�]WN F�R 3 �}Et 4 INEEKS C�R �UNGER AS A F�E�ULT �QF T'HE ZC1V AR�R�TARY A�Ip ��,PR1C�Ul�S LAST �IINITU� C]ECIS�flN T� REC�4�lRE �4 BU{L�ING PEFi9V��T AFT�I� I WVAS T�LI� BY TWt7 UFF[ClALS C:]F T1�E TUV THAT NU BUfL�ING P�RM1T WA� FcEQUfRED BEY(�N� THE aRlGI�iAL �UI�E��NG PERNl1T. f hav� [eft m���age� #+�r �ach of you c��ce�rning J�'s arbitrary and capr[ciaus d��isi�n tc� clo�e dawn �he ��a�. The d�cisiaM mu�t �ae r��oked �mmed�����y and my +can��actvrs mus� be �etmi##�d t� cdrt�in�u� '�heir w�rk �ff+�ctirr�e tamor�aw whi[e tk�e �ui[�ing p�rnnit prc�c�ss rnave� farward assuming th� n+�w decision �f requiring a . �uilding p�rmit remains ir� place e�►�n though ev►eryth�r�g I v�roudd be �u�m�t�ing h�s alrea+dy �een app�aved 6�� TC3V and the DRk3. Th+� dec�sia� tv a��ow wvrk �a . c�on�inue shc�u�� �e faxed tv +63�-�fi8-�a5�. C�n th� atherr hand, 1� �he decision is ta �c�ntirlue tc� er��orce J�'s �r�i�rary and capriciau� deci�ian tv �l�se dvwn �he jvf�, f# �h�uld be faxed ta the s�me num�er �long rn�i�h fhe new r�quir�msnf� tha� �he T�V �s requir�ng and the r�asvns �c�r the�e r�equir�ements. C�l� �3Q�2't 5�5Z�7 with ���s��c�n�. Niy Gaaum�ntslCCS[]�lly Wrark'�.286�Ssld Mtn RoadlGreO panckla iNeme 3.dac ` . - ' � � +�HARLES & JEA�INE SNYL ER TEF.�F'HC]NE 2fiB7 BRLQ M(}U�(TAIN RQAD FAX NllINBEFt �37D-476-5812 VAIL,CO 81657 834-358-�C154 N1EM�ORANDUM TO: Greg Denckla and TQV FR(3M: Charlie Snyc�er I3ATE; Se�#emf�er 14, �Qt�4 DIRECT DAIL. �30-368-t�Q�3 RE: �6+67 Bald Moun#�in Road 1''este�d�y, ! pic�ed up a copy af Scart Hoffman's �ack-dated le°�er of $-3�-2004, which was recei�ed and date stamped by the T�V on 9-�-2(}04. I fired Hoffman and hi� cvmp�r�y �n 8-31-2QC14 �see �ca�y of nat�ce #v Hvffman and �ax cc�nfirmation of Ft�s r�ceipt an 8-�'1-20�4}. H(JFFMAN WAS�I'T PRECLUDE� FRC�M C�NT`INUIhJG HIS 11'�4RK. HE �IMPLY I7R+�JPPED THE BALL AGAIhJ ,A,�Ip At�AIN Sf� I FIRE� HIM. HC}FFMAhI HAD ALREAaY B�EN FiREa WHEN HE l�F�EPAREa AI�D DELIVERED HRS �ACK-DATED LET'TE� TU 7HE TOV. W`hhen we assume� responsibility for th� �a� on August 4, 2C}C14, we imrnediate#y c�eaned and corrected all unsafe canditions that had exisf�d frc�m the falf of 2��3 und�r Ho�fman's periad �f respc�r�sibi[ity. The stair lan�ing referred to i� Fio#fr�an's back�d���d let�er is simply false. We madified and rei�fr�rced the lan+ding tb a�low Grot�nd Control to pc�ur the light concret� i� vrder to prevent �ny fr�rther obs#ructian by Haffman vf the construction. I encnurage yau t� contact any of �he subcontractars wor�cing on the jaf� since aur takeaver to canfrm the sic�raific�nt imprav�ments made at the �ob since August 4. H(�FFMAN l� N�T GC7C�CEi�NE�? ABfJUT SAFETY A7 EfTHER 2E�f5 UR 2667. I�J �ACT, HE R�MQVE❑ MAI�Y SAFETY FEATLJRE� HE TEMP(JFt[LARY I�VSTALLED AT THE �IRECTIDN (�F TFiE TC3V AT 2665 IN QR�ER �O F�ECEfVE F-IIS T�CQ. BC�TH� HC7FFMAN RND HIS MANY GUESTS ARE A7 RISK AS A RE aIJLT �F HCrFFM1�N'S REMG'�IAL C�F THE PLYWUC3C� PROTEC�I+�N C��J H1S OPE�3 �TAIRS. Belnw is � rec�p o# fhe "low lights" c�f Haffman's period o� re�ponsibility, whach can be v�rified ta a large degr�� by simply revievuin� the 1`[�V conStruCti�n fi[es for 26�5 and �567 Bald Ntour�tain Road. REC'D �EP 1 � ZD�4 . � � � 9. Th� day after we sign�d the constructian �gre�ment with HvfFinan, he and �is attarney r�move a pa�e from the ��r�ement and substitute a new and �dififerer�t page a�tempting ta shift subs#antiak cas�s frvm Hoffman ta us. This was �ane withv[�t our k�awledge or cartsent. W� d�d not dis�e�ver the substitute page untif July of 20Q3, which was 6 manths after we sigraed #he construction agreement arrd vrre wer� w�ll intv the canstruc#ion af our F�ame. Whether Haf�ma�'s act af substi�u#ing th+� page with the Entent of shifting substantia( casts fo us fram him is fr�ud is currently pending �efr�r� Jt�dge 'Har� in �agle C�u�ty District Cou�t. 2. September c�f 2Q�3 Hvffman builds k�oulder walis in the �r��t �f 2�67 �ven thvugh� the plans previously appr�ved �y the TOV c�early call for` st�one ueneer walls �nd h�e su�seq�e�tly files a false and misleading r�quest�or staff appr'oval af be�ulder walls. 3. C7ctober of 20U3 Haffman drywalls 2�i�5 {his horine} watht�ut installing the sprinkler systern when th� pi�ns a�proved by t�e Vail fir�: d�partmer�t cl�:arly state he must instal6 a s{�rinkler system far 2+5�65 and 2667. Mike M�Ge�; shuts dawn the ��b because Qf �6offman's d�cision to b�ild a nonconforming home. H�ffman re#ro fits his brar+� new home wit�r a sprinkfee syst�m 2�t th� directior� of Mi�ce McGe�. 4. Hoffman defaul�s on his constructic�n laan in March �f�[l(34. 5. Hoffman moves �nt� 2665 �his h�ame� ir� March of 2C}D4 without o�taining a TCU and Ejves in ���5 until recei�in� his T�U in late Jufy s�f 20 J4. 6. Ir� June af��04 we mee# with Bifl Gib�vn of t�re TaV and H�i�man and his a�tarn�y so H�afFinan can be told �y Bill that he must r�subrnit cor�fia�'ming fulf size pla�s t� reflect the "as built'° changes he made �rtd to carrect the n�nconforming changes Haffman made fram the p�ans to the agreement. 7. In Juiy af 20t?�4 Hoffman res�bmits p�ans reinsta#ing th� stone vene�r walls and �grees #a� remo��e the nancr�nforming b�oulder w�lls far 2657. 1Nhile I co�fd go on and on �vnc�rning Hoffman, I`II stop here ar�� cail it the ti� vf the iceb�rg. The questic�n that yau arrd #he TQV must as�c again an� again is whether this is the canduct of a reliabl� and ethical r�eneral condractvr. Y�u already kr�owu� my �nswer to �his questiqn. Fc�r the r�cord, !'ve �ruilt twa homes (as general cantractar} af the same ar grea#er size a� c��n c�ame ir� Vail in two diff�ren# states (i.e., IL� �nd 1N[}. 1 was r�spcansible for th� b�aild-out of my law ofFi��: �3,80Q square f�et} and our Sur� Vail con�o (1,20� squ��e feet�, w�i�h was sold last summer for the highest price for any similar t�nit 4rt �t�n Vail �t th� time withvut � real �stat�: br��C�r. I loak� f�rward to �n c�rderly frar�sfer Qf t�e building perrnits �nd th� timely ccrmpleti�n caf c�un c��me. In this regard, I'm haping to subr-r�it my permit • a application and plans this week assuming the T�V provides me, at my expense, with copies of the existing plans tomarrow moming f�r rny submission. Call 630-215-52�7 with questions. My DocumentslCGS Daily Wark12667 Bald Mtn FZoadlGreg�enckla Memo.doc . • i{� � � p EI �-�� l --._w���L����_ ��-�,�-- ���D `�---. '� �� � ;�:'" C'�7 �' c �1��.�.�:-T r�;� __ c� �i�' v' ; � _��R i . . . . . _ -.••-- - � � � +'l J 1��� ��� � �� ... li/1J _�[ �"� ��L � � � . � �. � .. � '.� . e. -�N f. . ._- LJ .� �� �GL�V L � T� ��/�� (�' u ~� f� , .. ��1-�---_ - � ` _ _- r., t'r`{� � +�i�� �['��'?'l G""�� CJ 4 �� �� i� i� ! �� � f �� G.CJ C � �C. � � �Y7n �r .- _ .. . .. �'� .�....�.� . i-r�— . ._ �._�..__ . . .. t'' /" .f� f�t1►� �'�'"Y Y"� ��f� GI E�. !�'l'7 \ {�a �Y'�� r� _ I�I ._. ' �_ j'E :�°�, � r�t. rr TM cs � r t'- L, r.�c�h � C.<.J f�t 7� v � o � � — � ' _._�.- j^, . . �� � � �,�` _.e. L�t. +l�i't C� � � ������ r L'"Y"t '� � � f;� t i' --_. +` ��Cvz.�� -� � CJ�'�, �,� y' c�l e I G� , ._ #r — � . �+f ,. ,� � � (�YZ� �- , � , , �-� . - � �._,v #� � f} � e r`l� �-�U � �9 � � � . i ,; � ; - _ '` _ : '� ------ -�____ --�- .-- .__.�._�-_ ____._.__ ----- _ ,, �E Hp ���erJet 31�0 S�N❑ �flNFIRMATION REP�RT far PrinterlFaxlGapier�Sc�nner Charles C. 5�yd�r, P.C. 63� 369 0054 Aug-31 -[l4 �0:51PM _ _ .fc5b Start 7ime Usage Phgne� iVur�ber or Ip "Cy,�e Pages �4ode 5tatus 902 B/3i 10;51F'M 0°34" 970 479 0519 Send,..,.......... 1 f � EC 9G Completed........................................ 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' t �'4dF.`�', '�'� .T�i r ,��� 7 ^-.P ;y� �y e,,d1�1 �A �• i•�i l,� �. ,. 5F{ ,}�,�• Y �,i �r.� r�ti Di' �-} t.".r�l ,..'+T . . � , + •� � �'�� "�,���.»� ;� ��� �� ♦.�. � �wt �� ���..�r a I`*s�•��• +P��s .„4 � • '�`!x• r'�'���.•�•"� �.��6� A ^M � � ~ *M�.^P1 d .,w'+i M � � 1 .. .. 1,���7� . r Y + r � L. , t r � �i i�-C'�4 A.���Y,�,�5+ i�J� .7 �y�.�., r .t•E'� : I :� ' 1�s�.�h t;M.�. �, r, ., j l�, �f rw �4 .� r � "� , . �� Y� i r.;4` r, f t 'b`..� � +a a ■ s'� , r s 4 " . �' �'. '• �s,, :N` [�"s"A �,1, � � 4.. -� + 4 ++� .r ��• ., . �`"y ,. 'i,' "1 �� �„. N�T`'!� � y "k , ���- . a � �� � �1� ,� �, + _. , .-.,t f .� ` • �t � � y +_�.'!Y S i�'��'� i 7-+�y f ' ��''� ' ..� �, f ''� .t.�^E• �.w � A ■ r'f.. 1�., i t �51y _ �r� �1 .'1.: �..,�, � � { '.� ���, � .'�:� � ' � � _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ Charlie Davis-Re: Ho�man Job . Page � - � �. .. �"; . ,. , � ' ' i� .:. � . . ,. �rom. Greg Denckla • . .,t ;�'�� �q .`� � ; ,;, To: �harii� Davis; david Rhoades; JR Mandragon �.; ;�,� ;. . , � '� ,-, � '�� �, ,� 17ate: 0�122l2Df}4 1:43;�6 PM , � 4 Subject. Re: H�ffman Ja'� " , � - "` . , • • � I prabab�y dropped#he ball an this. I hav�nDt sent a!e#ter tr�Snyder, b�t ha�re to�d him verbally nc�wc,rk is ta ac+�ur until k�e Fo-as his vwn permit. Greg . � ' + . � _ . . t, ����harlie Davis i�9f2Z12(lfl4 11:41:54 A�Jf y�� ?1 �auid, based or�what I knaw, co�ld yc�u go to t�is site an� issue a stap-inrork notice tor lac�c of a permit#o perform work. L�t me kr�ow when this is corrzpleted �»J'� Montiragan�1912212Q04 1 Q:�41.53 AM �>� , � , Acca�rdi�g to Scaft, work�on#inues under his permit and he would Gke it to stap, fE iss�e red tag..... Pevple are digging and installing new heat line and the mech�nical person is rrc�t�orton au#a unqua�ifed and unregusterec�.. FYI ' '�t J Ft Mondragon � ; Se�ior Builtiing Inspector Town �}f Vail Email jmondraqo�[a��railgov.cc�m 9T0-479-2�43 � �� ��� ��'���� U �2 b� � +�',�t�-�'ID �'G r�.�'�Q C]C... ��� I LL �� � (�',�t.+C " ' ,�il�t � . �C�`�,�sc 5171�-�C� �� �3� ..57�1�`� � E A.�Cs°�`� w� +L� f+du�, '� �u�rr r�..�d �',�p,'�t � � ��.a,��� _ � :.�� �u �+��3►"� � ��~��C�� '�3...�r y��'� ��� . �"�� �.�o f� � �� �' /" �' �v,� �S �`��u �,fi�-r'�� �3�t1 �� +�t� ��� t�v�'� �� �7 � t.�.►r�c� �► T� �3 � � �'�a ti.a!q+a0 � ��� � �� �— ���� ��'4� � 1 c �`I �.� �-`�r �.��s�� � �4��-��a �C.u+r��� ►�� ^ ,���u '� C+�+� �I.� �� r�f+�� �7�4`f`�s a � �r�',�h� �'-S � � , r�� �.�n�.'�2r�e� �2 �� l����� �' rv^u�S� oa`1�? �p �.c�43� }�r� �+1$��L!`+�'� Y�'1�'�'h+�i���C d�x.- �: f C�� -' L.1�F"T �Vt r�SS i�� l�+f7 ��yl,�.-c �1 C� +�.�P oJ�[� Gc��1��d[�. -�c� �co����w� � 1� � t�� ,�ar �r �r� ��rc a���� ���� � � ��. �� � ����- ���� �-�� ��� ��.�� ��.�. ��F�� C'c��.l.�i��.�a�..�f(,� w � �° � �,`�� �-- �� ���G� �[�`C. • �r�..,t�D�12 �*'� !��''Ct��-,L� r �3 -C'�J [.��' +,r� ��1'I `� �� C�rax.��+4�� r�� d�-��'c�d� �c.v�u.���c �`,�'3 '� �.ti,,,� �� � � � . . , C�ES�"[�hiE r�; �," �; 1- � %` � �i ��ii�R��.�G C;�"�'�"y�' �pcemhe��[�,1E►t� �awn nf 1larl Buifd�r�g�]ep�rime�# Atts�: �re��g DenCk1�and Chari�e i�av�s i afr►wri�tinc�to alert tt�e�'own of 1laii B�i�ding t7ecsarCment oi a ro�r�na���sit�ation t�at s�e€�iv� � getting wa[s�, Aug�+st 3� I rvrote a letter to the Taw�t oi Vaii�iurid�s�g�lepart�r►ent(t�rpy�er'ied,��iginai vn file�th�t u�da��d an vw�r�rship ch�nge at 2f fi7 8�ki 1Ncwnlam R�ad,s�gge�t�d r�wc�k�n9�current bui�drng pemaFt.arui nat�d wha�t I bekieued�a be a�+uns�e sit�,ation at the jah�te. september� �pi��ed up s fax to me tro�r�Charlie Snyd�r�owner of 2667 Baki Mour�t��r��tvad as vf July 23,��04y statir�g:"You arrd yc�ur com�ny sse fir�d". L�tet September 1 1 submitte�d to the 6uilding Qep�r�menf a suppl�m�nt ta tt�e �etk��at�,ri A�n�pst 31 {��y+�h�d oripinal zm filel fa��owinp �tiv�c�e I had+�iv$d from ti��ui�di�g �epart€��nt cankaining iniom,atian and farwg��e sug�ested t4�xpedite�paratirx�lspiitting 1he twii�ing ��;�s ic��_na�i ti i ir��h�r�f+de4iv�r��!'�CharSi�5�yder a cs�ny aF the i�tter dat�d Sep#�mber 1 �r+d b�ildsr��e�t applica�rs fvrrr�s F��ex.p�essed no r����t�n�'in maving farw�'d wit�the�roc�ss af S@CEifi�iC� hCs a1RP`t�+:3;�1.��r'�°�"?t#t. tt is s�o�nr$e�i{etr�trer t��s'sd tc�t�e k�st af my�r�a�ri�d�e,5nyd�r�as do�nr�ng�wa�se�uring�is LTI��I�Ui�TiN��'i!�}�YSii� ���ilT�iii�1�i�itGJ 14�c����i�vie.�i`ui�'vZi��`+��L�r�'.ai4ie±HM�LtS.�r.:.�h.w�+��L�if�:rF`i�� ir�prop�r. B�e�c,ra g�3r�g tt�tlne specs�CS o�my��r�cecr�,le�me 5#�te c�early t?�at my interti+�#vr writin� is fTtit�0��1'�����iesb tii�iTiimisu`rri airuu`vdi2 Suritiw�iiia i ui iirae�n�i�c. ��i6'uf�f 1t�S I�;,^,'f h+�+.�r�� �n�ar�st ft�r Sny+�er�v r,c�m�e�hrs,n�i��ulcl�ry as po�. f��ti�ev�y incer,t�wt is tv rer�+csv�my nas�e and my caam�ar�y name�rom wv�c whieh I hav�no u�rrt�ni�v��. ��e ar�i�s�fsts���r��►�ws_ 1. Fros�t pat�"cr��pace". Greg�enckla an�i woriced thr��agh a ver+�r�glna�n-ver�6rr��� r�ga�ding ar�in�ccess�ble sp�un�i�r th�fircmt pati�. The s�futican wh�reby vsr��i€�g wcw�i�ot�+e requkr�#necessitatet�parptiorur�g the spacc�int�v smalkar s�ti�ns. i'tie partiti�n v►ra�car�str�t�c� using c�rywall. I na�f�c�d yest�rday that Snyder had remnved�vme oi t�e par�5vn. P�r�ap�t�nnw ��tenc#�#t�v�r�t t�e s�pa�+a�tlxrugh I can fir�d no i�ica�an vf such. The bvttam line is fhat my�ar� �s on the pecmit wtiich Sr�yd�f is operatir�g under,i h�+,�na c�ontrol a�er t�e w�artc t��t I��is dai� an�d it a�ppear�the work p�rfo�m�ri vivlates t!�bu�ldi�g r,�de. 2 Pl�ml�r. Snyder rem�ved tF�e fror�t pa�snowm�t thaf Eii Pena�#H46y Cross Plurnbirrg��om►eriy Lorton Piumbing]had ins#alked{irrspected and ap�rou�A�ust 24), �!e h�s app�r'erttiy hireci a new p�umbef wfxr+�-�n�ta!!ed sr�€�wme(t at th,e s�a�e fnar►t�,atic�. I have reasan h�be�ieve this n�w plurnl�r is np�rat�r�g withcwt a�acen�ee. I have n�i!I wi41 tawa�f this p�umber. Th�s puts Eii�rrd 6 ir� me sit�s�tsQn�o�ed abvve wh�ere sort��e ather th�n th�t tist�i o�n l4��S�rrnit is�aing work uv#t�r� th��atty identifsed an the perrn;t has no ca�trol�ver the wrork tr�ing dan�anti th�r�is at le�s#the �pp�arar�a�at#�wor�pe�form�d}s b�in�dvne imprope�y. 1�m anx;r�s t�r��o�ve th�s iss�e as qu�ck�y as poss"s��e. Pleas���tac'r�e w�h ar+y ques���ns�f if yo� n�d addiiion�l in��rrt�tittr�. i can be feached�s�rny cel#p'tt�ne� ���5-0�92, hc�c��ioe:479-1���,�r �om+�:�7�-�3519. Than�cs���y�our��eip. r �- � � S�p�Hvfirnan - - � � '.��E��'T�N E �lv���it�'� I�' �lA11D�.1�A,lV 1 � � � tAll�lf5t J I,GIJLW � I � ��Wfi Di'V�li$fJ1}�1Rt�r3��f�'��11; � .l�ly 13,�1U41 s�ned an early��sinq a�rea�t�ent tr�ns#`�ri�owr��h�c of�fi�7 6ak�I���nt�iry R�►�� tn�i�ariie and Jea�+ne Snyd�r. The Droperty is the East h�lf of the�Haffrr��n fl4���x fh�t c�.rrie?,��e�«+,h the sr�hdivisi+an�f L�t 9,BIDCic C,V�t�IIIII�dB"���'{��� Bc7I�I M�(f[fflC2if1 f�l�� 7h��n����a���±pr oanstrt�it�n wherehy Ch�rite Snyder was�o b�me rhe 4�merlPui�de� I3e���rs�erva�ns,!re��la;�tEy agre�d to con�rrx�working wi�h Ch�ia anrt.,l�anr��r��rlor�r�±�� c,��t��h��?�, �nrJ�h�tpi�th��r; compiet��me oi th�unfinisherf w��c CI7$I�tl�S��+�9���f�C�lt'��CUQF�3�kC7t�C aEt$Sy�t�tC 8lif�CCKi�i�Ciu��Fll na�u�1 p�e������my car�tiin�ir!g an;�r�lat;�tshi��vsth!�is��ject. Ma+�i�g fivrward.�raa�k�!�lce l4 r��ark�e r�r�nt�;;;�dir� per�;;t�u;,,`��t;h��sa��3os�gar����mut �P±h��ra;�. To!�e�st�f myF!;^�w,�����e,�!!a#l���p��'sis ha.re'�2���i���i��e,.ifs�:ic��a��ast or ►JYest ha!#af the��pfex. i r;tu�t�err�cv+���sec���Swz,�sizy u����a��t��--+�,; at,y«�i�i�ati�rti�as t�'�Ger��ra;+��,t�acior of 2+E�7�ai� Maurrtairs R��d. !,�;�s f�te f�"r��,v�t������torw�,rid'G�iariie Sny�er f�creaierS a danger�us�vrk�ng e�v�r��r�,�r�tar�i�wili�,�t�Ilaw+r�nycrrte a�iiiai�ci witi�Cresion��uikiirr�C�m,�anY[P�'��emplo�s vr sub��i�a�i�d am��y�s�t�r.�r�ti�ue woficing�t�n�7 B�fd tv�wnta�n�ic�. �nne specif c examp4e: Th� Rr�ject er�gin�er has pravia�i an alterr�alive mean$of su�a�tirx�one�i tfie stair I�ndings. Ftather t�ar�wait to tin�tai�zf�e alt�m2�4ive, Chan�e Snydet ch�se lo remave existi►�g fr�ming sup�rtm�that lan�ing. '�he r�ult is�n ur�ier supporte��andi�g art�d a patenpa[ly da�g�ro�us situaticros F!e has i�rrorecl my conc�m. f re�iize th�r��r�unique cir�wnstar�c�5 inhetent wi�a t�te()uwnerJ$�ikfer de�u�na�o�►4�wev�r bi�ta�ntly ig�o�ing�mm�t�sensa sa�ty cvr��rrts ca�nnot be overi�vk�cf. i�l�a�see conCa�t�+e r�+it�any questio�+s vr if ynu ne�ci adriitiartal infamatien I can t�r�ae�i on�ry cell �car�e 375-��5�,hc�me o�ice:419-{)51�.or►w�n�:479-0519. Thank�f�r yc��,r 1��1p �.. � ��� Scc�tt F+a+�man ` ' - � � � ! � ����T���, �U��a� �� �������� �ptemher 9, 2�L�d � T�wn Qf Vail�uikiing L�e�arirnent: 1 �`h�s��tfer suppEerrr�nt�a��r dated August 3i and submitt�d�o th�Tr�wn�4 Vail�ptemher 1. �k+e RU+'A4�e af this�arnespar�dence is t�rew�o�k tt�c�►rnent bu�idino perm�!��42-�261)ta refleci cha�ges in ow�rershfp and gerrera�con#r�ctin�res�r�nsibulities. �`he curr�nt oermit c�vver��c�th sides of#�e I�aifm�n [.�uplex(Wes�t Side: 25fi�B�Id Mauntain Ra�d anci East Side: 2567 6a#d Mtaunt�in Rca�}. 1fVhi�e I wiH c.�n#inue�s the Clwner�nd G�ener�f GQntrach?r r�f 2�F�8�1d Mnunt�ir+Rcr��, I rm�or�r have any i�t��r in 266? Baid lu�v�arrt�in�t�ad It is my u+x�e+�tandir�t�a#the n�+�c�wner{C�ra�1�e Snyder�intends to complete t�e w�r��126��'�a1�+ Ma�nt�a+��`Qa��"C�wnerl���i���'vpef�t�g as�is aw�t Generaf �ontractar. Please cvntact me with a�y�uest�ans�r if yau ne�cf�d�i�ti�nai inf�rrnaa�i+on. 4 can tr�r�ac�retJ an my�elt�h�ne��?�(��92, !�a���a�ce:479•1��5,a�hvr�e:�.'9•05�9. fia€��for ypus f���p. � ��_ �ft Hczfi�tan Sea . 2�• 2QG4 3 , 17FM Charl �s C� S�vder � p , r. Na, 4�39 P , ; � � � . �� � � � . �� � +��� , C] � CHA�LES & JEAN�lE 5N'YaER � � '� . � TELEPHC7C�E �fifiT 9AL[�M�}4�I�1"TAIN R�AD FAK�]UMBER L EC�� 9�4�7G581� VAlL,CO 8T657 63a3$9-p��� � �r/1 ��������� � _r.. �S ----._---__-....._ 70: �--e CharEie Da�is, JR 8� Greg yFR�M:w.. �.. C�ar�i� Snyder �e�ck�a at TOII (Via fax � � 97D��9=24�2 �_�� aATE: S��temb�r 22, 2004 � a!R'��CT QAlL, 63�-3G8-�053 R�: 2�67 Baid Mauntain �o�d tfarmer�y��s# unEt of�66� Bald MoUntain F���d � r�ec�iv�d a t�lephon� ca1l firar�n Bryan Bi[f of Graur�d Cc�ntrcai telE�ng me tF�at JR clQSe�d dvwn t#�e �o� at the a'�ove capt��rt�d pr�pe�rtY � apparently ��cause #h� �uilding permi# expired ar samethir��. This is �c�talfy ur�2�ccapt�ble, and w�rse. � ���p��R tc�ld Sc�tt HQffman �nd m� #Y�at all p�rmits vriginafl�r tak�n r�ut for 2665 Bald �.� Mtn F�v�d, units e�st �nd west, wa�ld trans�er tc� th� r�e�pective p�rtiti�n�d � ro ertie5 d that no a�#i n was re �aired ar� my�,rt (H�ffman had to send a � ,�,k� 6etter direc�ing the trans€er, which ha did a#her th�t �btair�in� an Uwnerl ' °� �7~ , classific�ti�rl wlth i€�sur�nce �verifi�ti�n, which wa� d�ne Au ust . See yaur �� �+1+1�' rec�rds far canfirrnation. I ��nfiirmed rr�y te �e� c�r�e c� with JR with J�ae it� #he Bui[dir�g o�par�ment cvncerning th� �utvm�fi� transf�r ot #ha permits. Th�se conv�rsati�r€s with Hoi�m�n and tal�phan� c�lls with JR and .�a� acc�rred �rc�und Jufy 97 �n ar+ticipatian c�f aur pur�hasa �f 2�+51 sasd Mour�tain, as is, becaus� Hafifm�r� defia�ltad an h't� construction 6�aar+. �,,� �►+�'� �.�.it.. }�ap. r e�+�e rn �''�'�t�'�. t�c �+�eart-d � The saie ciasad A�agust 4 Sln�s th�t tirn� yaur d�p��tm�n issue� �p�rovaf of the rough plc�mbing, h electri� Ivw v�lta�e an . Nc�w at the i��' h�ur when ['m bac#c ir� C ica�v for a cc�r�t�rat� acq�isitic�r� (after c�rivin� from Vai! nr�nstr�p y�sterc�ay and tvday}, 1 �et the wor� ti��t JR is closi�g dt�wr� th+�jvb and preventing my c�ntr�ctars fram st�rt[ng wc�rk �n �he bc�ulder and concr�te w�l�s, The firs� fime th� ��f{ciin� permi� issu� C2�me up wa� �e��emher 13 wh�n I happer�ed tQ b� at yc�ur offices in�pe�ting #he fiies an� Greg hands me a letter s�y+ing l n�ed to make app�ica�ic�n �c�r � build3ra� permit, fi�E I�ETTER STaTES NO DEAL7L1f�E F�R D�3lN� ��� IN �1�CT T�V CQULDN"T �C?P'Y THE +aRGINAL RLAN� �Qi� RESUBMISSI��t UNTIL TH�EE QAYS LATER. F1cc�rdinc� tc� Greg th�e building permit �u�mRSSiore wi{1 require appro�ra! fr�m th� D�sign �eview B�ard — natwiths�anding that th� plan� have �lrea�y be�n a�pprov�d by [7RB. �he Di�B apprav�I pracess will tak� 3 tv � wee�CS ger Greg. ��� ���', �Q�� � ' 17�� ���?f ?S �, �nY�?fr � , �• � �� •���� P � � IT iS T�TALLY UNAGCEPTABLE THAT THE .��8 tiNQULD BE CL[�5�� �7�VIJN Ft�R 3 UR Q� WEEk� bR L�NGE� AS A RESULT OF TH� TQI� AF�BRIT►4R'� AND �AP�,fCif�US �AST MlhifTU� �ECISr�]r� T� 1�EpUIRE � Bu1LDING iPERMlT �FTER I WA� TULD 8'Y TW J t�FFEGIf�LS �F THE TaV THAT N�7 BUIL�I�I+G PERMIT WAS REQUIRED BEY�ND 7HE vRl�I�IAL 13111LDiNG �'ERMIT. I h2rrve I�ft rn�s�a�es �ar ea+�h �at you concernin� .!R'� a�rb�trary and Gapri�ious d�cision t� clt�se d�wn th� j�ob, Th� d�ci�ian must b� r�r�+���d immedfa�ely and my �ant�ac�ars mus� b� p�rmitted t� �can�inue their wvrk eff�cfi�re t�ma�rrow whi(e tk�e buildin� permlt process mov�s ��rwar� assumir�g #he n�;w decis��n vf r�equir�ng a �uilding permit remains in p�a�e eve� tht�ugh �everyth�ng I wou�d be �ubrni#ting has atre�dy been appr��ve� t�y TC�V �nd the DRB. Th� d�cisiar� ta� a�i�av�r wark t¢ �on�inue shc�u�d b� faxed tv �i3�-3+68�0�54. CI� th+� other hand, �f the decisi�rr is f+� cantinu� ta en�arce JR'� arbi�r�r�r and c�pric�aus �dec[s�an t�v �la�� dawrt �I�e job, �# should �� faxed to the same number along wi�h the r�ew require�m�en�s tha�# th� T�'V i� r�quirin� �nd �he reasans �vr �hese r�qu�rements. �Cal! �3+d-�15���07' �v�th qu+estlons. My�4cUmentslCCS Dai1y W�r�C12Bd7$81d Mt�R4ad1Cr8�¢�encitla ARemo 3.dac � . � � � � _ __ _._., _ _ fl7-21-2��6 [nspection f�equest Re or`�ing Pa�e �3 4,fl8�m _ � .�Cail, ��Git]�±Q� R�qr�estec#Inspe�t date: Mond�y,July 24,2D�6 Inspe�tian Area; JRM Site A�dress; 2667�E#LD M47LPNTAIN RD VRIL 2887 BAL�MdL1NTAIN RCIA� � , P!€]Infcrrrrsat9+�n � Acliv'sty: B[]4-0195 '�ype: A-BUILD Sub Type: ADUP Status: ISSUED , Const Type: OccupanGy: Use: V�l fnsp Area: JRM Owner: S�iYC?ER FAMILY 7RUS1' Applicank: SNY�ER FAMILY TRUST Conlractor: SI�YCIER CFiARLES C?�scription: NEW�C7�1STF�l�CTfON--BALAN�E(7F Wc]R�C AFTER GC WAS FIR�D Notice: fi���i und�r Ffoffman C�e�e€apment-LCAMPBEI_l Nc�tice: new drawin for s#r�n�wall approved[stru�tru�l}ar�d in file. C]wner noti�ed at fifeld copy in b�sket at admin cnunter-JMC]NDRAGC3�3 hlotice: PW has r�cieued the�te�ocahle Ri�hL of Vv'ay Perr�ik. Far the�n�yd�r Res.-LSAI�DOVAL Gomme�t: RQUTED TC3 JR AN[J BiLL GISSC7h�-JSUTHER Cammant: STRlJC7URAL �RAWINGS, �NGfN�ER STR�IPEC7, FQFt CONCR�TE WALLS SUBMI7T�D AND RC}UTED TO JR-J'�U��iER Corriment: The�ir�sprinkler anct f re 2�I�rm permits were naf refated ta th€s perrnit. The w�re lied to#f�e other�aff of#he c�uplex. ,Fean called and w�ntecl ta get her Malf sign�ed of�. f did sign ofF on t�e�1d Permit. She is gaod to go as far as I �m cqnCerned, per Mike MCGee'�emaii ofi 7121lQ6.-�GAMPBELL F2epuESt�d Inspectivn[s) Itert'r 540 BL[]G-Fin�l Cf0 RQques4ed Time: 09:30 AM Requestor: SNYQE�i, CHARLE� Phane: 476-5812 -or- {6�p}297- 5892 Cor'r+ments: east sid�,will call either numtaer 47fi-5812 t�r t63a}297-5A1� Assigned Tv: JMOhILRAGC7�i �nfered 8y: D{3C]LL7EN K Actian: Tim�Exp: Comment: p annin ar� pu i�we�rks f�na6s requsre prior q t�uild�ng co alsa f4�0i?(l1 is�p�rc�ved far the west s`sefe anly, shaw rroo eniry fior plmb final for east side. ' �`,� � � i + Y' , � � -_ � . �y, � , �l..� �T"\� I_ns�e�t�on t�istarv ' , `� �;y; -- Item: iQ BLpG-Footin�slSkee! `"Apprpved** 101191�t4 Ins�ector:, cda�is Rctiar�: AP APPRQVEQ Commant: Sii�R�yC��ning w�ll on west side af East 17�rplex Drivew�y as shoravn on si�e plan Engineer appraVSd 8 11�"X 1 i"detail used fvr insp�ctinn Item: 2{7 6LDG-Founciationl�tael 1C�1261Q4 In�peGtae: GCD Actian: PA PARTIA�AF'PFt�VAL Comm�nt: NEW SIT�WALLS AT dECK. � ftem: 3fl BLdG-Frarn�ng ,Approved** " 12i2.21�}� inspector: cdavRS Ac#i€�n: AP APPROVED Camment: fEem: 5fl BLD�-Insulakic�n A�pproved*" Q1128105 lns,��:ctcar: GCD Action: AP APPf�LVEC7 Cornrncnt: �tem: 6U nLDG-Sheetro�k Nail "Ap{�ravecf'_ �21�21t75 Irasp ector: �C[7 Action: AP APPROVE� Comment: ALL SHE�TRdC�EXEGP7 TU�ISHQW�R ENCLt}SURES. 1tem: 90 BLC}G-Fin�l �71i3105 1ns��ectar: GGD ACtion: NO NQTIF��� Camm�r�t: 1,PLA�1�IIiVG A�iD PUBLIC WDRKS APPRQVAL Ahl�Fi�VALS REdD PRi�C7R TC3�UILDiNG FINA� R�C�l1�ST. 2.ALL PLUMBING, MECFI FPNAI.€��QD. C1712t7105 InspaciUr: GC� Action: CF�C{]RRECTIQN R�C�illl�ED Camment: �K��R TCQ 1.ENT�RY STEP 9S OVER 8°'MP�:C�21SE. Z.STAIF�� FRi�M GARACE TD L70 hJOT FiAV�6'"MIIV RIJN A� f�A€iR�]W P�iNT, 3.�f st RISER FRt�M EP�TRY E7CC��DS 318"'MA7C VA�IAi`+lCE ALLC]WEp BY CC?CIE. 4.IN�7ALL GUARD AT PAT1�O. Item: 21 PLAhC-ILC Fc�undation Plan Iterrr: 22 PLAN-ILC FRAMING Item: 533 PLAN-TEMP. GIO `Approv_ed"' Q7f�51C1� �nspector: Warren Ac#ion: COI�L�APPRQV�DICdf�[31TE�hiS Corr�ment� Prior to CO kaeing approv�ed: RE�T131 Run Id: 55�4 � � ------_—..._._ t]i���-�UO:� ins�#a�� R�u�st Fteporting -------^Pa�1� �#:'i°�_�m v►ai!_ �� �2�f F�er�ues��f t�rs,�e�r[�ar+e: Nre��se�cia}a,.l�ty�Q,2a�t5 Irr�pc�c�tl��:Are.�r JR�`A Site�ddress: �t66?�,4L_[�AIIC}U�+1TA,dl�t F;�VA1L �s�7���r�aur�r;a�r��o� AJ'P�D:n#orm a�iot� Ac#I�fty� B04-C�29� Ty�e: R-B�ILC� 5u�T : AbUP Sf�t�i5; ��5l��C� Goaist Ty�s: Ucrupar3cy: �se: V I�I I�sp Ar�aa: JRM t71wi7+9C: ��JY��Ef?F�?�i��:Y TF,�1S�!' A�piEcen�: ��1YC�E� FANE9�,Y'T'1��5�T Cora�ractar: St�Y�E;�.GHARl�ES Des�ri(5�on. 1VEW CC39V�TR�7i+�Pf--BAEAN�E(}�VUC}4�K AFTER�C'U4�A,S FlRE[? N4E�Ca3: �te�1i�8�°E�F F#O�fellc�rl CaBVB{4�f11-L�AM�'�C�� Nc�tic.�_ ��d�v�irawfn ro�stc3nQ�vai1�p�r�ved�struc3�ua!)and In flC�. +'�'�'{I'1�3[�3t3S��d U����d C4�i�'ii1�S1S+E3�1 3diTSl�'+G04aP]t6t•�M4h��7F+�1�IG'�1tvl Prt�Ylce� F'V1J t�as recraved itte Rea�c���t�l�Rrght af Way Perrnit. For tt`►e any+�er F`t�s.-�S�IJC+t�11AiL C.omim�r�t: FtC3UT�D"�C]Jh AhJG BiLL CiIB�+�N-.�SUT�i�F� �otr►rr��r►t: ST�ik1�'f`�1RAL DI�AWIIVGS.�#�aiNEER STl�MPEO�.F�R CCk��iCR�T�W,4LLS SUB�liTfEE?AN{)R4UTED TC�.��-�F.�UT�-ifrf� ��ues[�d��rspc�ii�nf�: � �']��� 1 ��E'T[1: �Q B��—�f;:."�i F?�=f;�Lls�r ea,�fr� �a?. ��:�� R�qU@Si0[: S{�YCPLr�{.c,:P-�fkFt�.E.�'i PvhC•t��. t�1�-`�97-5�it' Co��aments: TG+�].r�e�ue�.:Gre9 �4SSI�ftBf�7D: a:.�}�i��� �''r�} i..otbiel��j�i: �.;►,�.}L„�� � Accs�r,: ru���x�< <.��.�- Cammant: p( �tJBI.aC U4f�FtKS Fii�',i:`�r1€�;��:•���L:�x.�i.a�7 F'R#Gi: i u e.iuiLGiNG F{l+iE'4L ��{�.�V{:.iJ 4 . '�j/ � � r'+�,L h'iVl.��t�il9',II�V fyAfC4.1''f F'11�.�1��Fi'�L�(.}. � ��"��� � �t /.�,� � ,�.^.k7� �` � �r* �. � f �— ,�'� � �` ' .�- �' � � . � � �� � � � � ��`� '� � � � � � � � . � . a � �— � �.��. . c�� . , �,�s��t��, ���fi.,;,$ �� tte�st: tQ �I�+��'-r.�;�tinys.St�e� •'Approved.. 1q'�9,'�4 kns�aec G�:�r: cdavts Ac�3�n. AP Ai�P��}tl�D �amm�Rt� Sita Reyt�lntng�+ra41 on wesi slcis sa��as�.aupiex Grivervay as sho��rn t��i si�e p�an E�lr��e,�p�,tuve�8 1x2"X 1'k"c�tall used for In�c3ion 3181�: ��i BI��'s-Fuu�tr.fatit�n;�t��ci 1D,°2�10xi f�spect�r: G�C:C� Att�r�: FA�R,R'i'MA1,APF'RC?VAL c=:v�rte��+r�t� N�W S��WA�.LS AT I7iE�K. �t�rr�: 3�D �LGG-Fram€ng "'A�o►red•• 12?22t{,� fr►spgc:t,�r' �dK7v45 R�ctic�tt. AP APP'RC}VECS �:o�rtmen►. �$fl'k: �Q �.�^�T'I$�f�c���fF41 +� Uiffl�•' 01 r"�€3."i� 4�Sp6C1t}f: t'a{.".� ACt�fiJr'r A3�l4'FPRC]1lEF:7 Comment; t�e�: 6(? f�L�G-Sh2etrQek Nafl "APPraared�' �?'??;�5 ]r�s ctr,r: GCC> Att�on: AF'AP�P,�?V�G �`vn�i�;�nt AL�SHEETRCCK EX�CI�T Tt�&'SHL)11VE�i Et'V�LC�SU��S. Ft$m� 7� 6LC�G-Misc. ftem: J(} �I�-Flreal �PT�.31, � Rur� T�1. �4�3 , � � � Cantinued: Cornrrrent. 1 All�e�ct2rior�ven4s must be paintec�tv mateh the co€or af the s€arroundinq mater�a[s. 2; The Gas rneeter and p�pdng shall k�e painted a complimentary efllar to fhe surrounding stvne colnrs. 3 The direct vent fira place vent shall he painted to�natch fhe sidin�coEor. Item: 534 F'LAN-Fi�1AL It? Item: 532 PW-T�MP. ClC7 ""Approved " 471'�9I05 lr�spector: Is Actir�n: AP RPPRC)VEL3 Comment: A��rov�d TCC3,but drivawa gracie exceeds louvn requirmen#s and contractor is req�irecE ta 4 ''�;,� � remrave anti replace cancre��_ � �rnc�nd Control has pravFC�e�$44�n.04 dof6ar check for�bc�nd ta re�lace driveway sa a TCO is clranted'to owner. I have ac�r��ta I�old ch�ck for 2 wPeks before it is 5ut�rni#ke�l for depos�t, ` Return daie af band 'af wor�c is campiete is A�g. 1.2b05 Iterr�: 539 �W-F1�6AL CIO "ApProved"' �'l121Q5 lr�spectar: fs Action: [7N DENiEC} Comment: A list of issues�xist. 1. Bouldsr wall at rear af home exce�ds the 6 fl rr�ark.srarne dirt grading is requied. 2. Culvert neetts clear�ing in'�ror�t of drivewaylstreet area. 3. L�ri�reway,�rst 1(}ft�xceeds�°r"o. Drivew�y'rs rac�!heated�nd it also ex��eds the 10%m�x un��eated standar�d.{ E have called, left messag�for excavator to contacf ine an how helthey want to a�dress and Careect issue, 4. []ikGh saeeds fa be restablis�e�i. 5, F2evegation need t�he established bPfare erns'san c�n4rol is remoWed. 1'f1161i35 Ins�aect�r: gc Actian: AP APPROVED Commer�t. Item: 540 �LDGFFinaf GiQ �0l�31�J5 lnspector: ,1F�M Acti[�r�: DN DENIE� Comment: plannin4 and public works fnals requir�d prior to building eo alsn fCs�C a0a1 is appr�ved for th�e rrrest side artly, shaw r,o entry for�Imb finaf for�ast side. � REPT131 Run �d. 5514 � � �7-€3i-2�1D5 ��r���tic�n ReqUC�t Rep�l'tirrtryg � Fag��3 _4•�i8 �n _�,.V�Y��`� -��y!0� �__ Requesteci 1ns�ecr Date: Frl�day,.r,�ry vs,�ao� I��pe�ti�n Ar�a: .�F�M 5ite Attdtess; e[�a�e L��ted� 2687 6A�C1 4fA�llf+lTAl�!�AD A!�!p I�ttbr�rra�ion Attfv�ty+: M04-02&3 Type: B-MECFi Sub T : NQUP S�t�is: !SS!!�D Cott�t�vr�ier: S[�Y[�R F�IM��.Y 1RUST���y: �� 1�r Area: JRM Ap��ant Val[�Paarnbing.*a He�t�g Ptx�ne: 97�?-39�[?-��33 Can3�ttor: Vai!f�leacn�ring d�H�t� P�or�$: 97t}-�353-5�93 €�s+cr3�3tlon: BAl.Ai"��C?F�AECw4�flCAL'�II�c3RK�I�T C+OM�TE�BY LCrRTON P�.�6f�IN�G R��tested lns�c��vrf�1 ����,� f�e�rn: 3�F� MEC�!-�Flna� Re�t�est�re T�rr�€�: 0'�; 4 PM f�.equastar: 'JA���L[1MBCNG�f-i�11NG F�ona: ��-'.5134�3 -;�r- �C4titm�r�#�: A�A Assfgned Tu: .1M�DF�P+GC:�l+! /,� Fnterscf Sy: [��tL�Ehl K A,ct�t: �[r�e Exp: � 1 ec�� �slr� ft�m° �t�il M�CN-Rau h Yt+ar�s: 37a M��`N-�-de��ng tteFt't: 315 �..1�iS-Gas P€p�7 1te��1: 3c4 lV�E�H-ExPl�us3�s �tersr. 3�t? M��!°3-Supp�r Atir fitem: 3=St} 1�1ECH�lv!lsc. ttern: � AA�CH-F'�€u�t ,�,; t "`'M'�-dd�'� ' .1 ;°°` z:w��... ` � a�rr�F } . . -� ' '",� ` �ai t� a � , 2= ��� , � �F �� � � �ka��,�� k'��� �h' S1���� 1 A „ �� � � �' � a-4�' �" ' � s ��^ � �n� � � P rr'� 2.- " � � "�" ^ . �"��'" 4 � y t _ r , s �" ��. �� ,�,"� ��rL �.'� � -�s : .. 'aNf �� �' �., ,�*_r .1. ��"�"'�`' � � '�� s � a �' �'�; �w��� �i�'�-�§���'`�i� a. .�, ;."� .,� u � aM1 '�'�'� ? �"� �h �' � 5 � � �,� +ti���,�� � ' 1"� � w '`� � '�� '�'�F" W-:o� � �s> �� �� �N ��� �� �,�,{ ��'�.� � �` � .�.,: .���.K,��'_ ar�� a��"''�'� '�'+,��� ��� 6F��t'� � �� �n ' '�'� �'.,�1 ����.�,�j.�`'a- `.�y���� t ; .��; ' � yb �.��..� �„ �ay� , t� �� � m;� �� �� � ,� : � �� `��a '� � ��� �. Y � k � a �,7:- y� �i'" � �' � �; :. � x � � y tia.a t�'�'fi . .;� , � t*� r ��.a�,,,_. �v�. i°b;' u�. �xb� � �` d '�'�S`r a � r r f���4`'��' �t;� s, �, �C �' 'x�+.)n� g; e � sy"nih�l F�,� � � x a a!� c�p �� � "�x 'X � � � � ;�y� 4 ; � 'x +'e" � �d 7 �' ��' � �:�� ��C"�' h � µ'� �q ���"` ,r,.y :;���i �r�����u.ir„ 3 �9 q�,ii. ;y-.W ��,.� b ��` �iF' � t *F7 . s ?�' �_�4'�� �,-0�*'�\ Y+l��.5� ��'wiw° �`s`'�p� �`r�".� `y�9 }Y�t�Ra �2 Jfi's� § �. � '?,:, .i� �: i b � �� 'ie. '� � � � :r �� � - �'b�� � n` 'a "�' ��"'�°'� s�`' � �� 'kA y� ,�,: � s � � �?�4 � � �`� �F�t ��, ��.�'' s'��,�� �"� � p � ° � y �ti �e :� ��f�"9 [x" , ? � de . % fi,�: �3� �i:r" �o '� k �, :r� �ir< i� ,�'ji�n,� :�.' � �1 ��' +:v< ' � �: �. .l 1 � 7�-�� �:': r<?� JG a, a`�A� r s. H . � . 7�' �,���� �c'S����� `aY p �,'�' �. R�'.u�, a.3 � � ���'r� � .�-� . � � .`�i 3 6 ro :u , ac r � "� @. k, 5 � •w y� �S �A �;' " �� F ��X _ �a�a�t�+ � , V��� � � ,k � �1'�`'�X`S ' ,�.@'i. ���'� �°'� k �,.,�' >� � �s� M � 'tt ;w s�ii"`Jn F="�� �d'�*.r-v.K .�t°" "� a,a. . �� c:ro=�� ,�;9t ��`t= . _ . . , . � REgT1�1 _ �un Id. 3395 � � �T-1�2�5 _ �_ ��tsp�Ctio� R�q�e�t Rep�r�ir�+� Pac�41 _4:18 �rr�i Vaf�+C+C� - ��t C}f FZ�yuest�ct Er�Spect�ate: hlt�rrd�yP,,�ufy�!$,�Qt?5 Ins{��ctia�:,�tr�. .3FEM 5ite AdcCr�ss: �N��e Listec#� TC�7 SAL�31VdC3UT1��4lN i�flAl3 AlPf�?dnft��a'�� Ac#i�y: F't}A-Qt�S Type: &PLMB Suks'T�y�e: NC)UP �tatus: lS5C1EG Const Type: �ccu�ancy: l�: �r�p A+r��: .tftM Q+tttn�sr; SNYL��R�AM3�.Y 7FtUS'C E�aanL vall�tuml�ng:Heat�rdg �hvr��d. 97(}-3'�17-5;3'� Co �for; Vaif'�furnbing&Hr�a� g �^,one: 97Q-3�t3-.`�3 t�scrlptiar�: RALf�NGE�F F�LI.JMB1fi,�'U�1RK NC3T CCI�MMPLE�D�Y!LC}��`t}!+�F"'LLJM��i�fi 4��„uestect Ir,sa�:�k�ar�isl � f ,��f,.J� t�m: 2s0 �i..n�t� ;;���;, ��v�u�s���:'�`� r �: �O:oe �, Ft�qua�tt��: Jear�Sn�a� r'�'i'►u�a�: �:3�-237'-58�s As�n�d T�; C�SAVt� � E�tter�ci S�_ ��ht K Act��n: Tir�e�x�,: �ommen�: s t i.: ��.;i��f�e:si�T Corrt�neni��Fi�►VA�H�F�R��S�iR tGAP. �.L�AK AT�1VV'+Al-ER E!�!]'�?'Y AT E3AGK FL4Vl1 RRE�r�t�!��� � ' '� � � >L /� ��. �/��'L.�C..�"Ytr'�''�--� l�SDE`C�GtI 1'�fst�Cw ftsi'c�s �3f} PLM&lJrs�fergrcursd ftsrl'+: ��#} PLM�-�ough,�D W.V. !!e�►: �3f? PI.M4B-Ft�ugtt'hfhlatee ."Apjp�r�v+�ci=, 1�;����G Ic�s�€ictc�r; cctar�s ActMC+n: �P APPi�+C3i1�� C,�rnm�nt 1Nt3t�r line for trra�ai�k>n sysiern u�d�r str�et prassur� -Baektiow�r�Van�i requi�'�ed wii��itack a�Tii�i��t�rn #l��: 2� F'INY�Gas Pip1ng 13�m: 25�0 PL�AF�-Poc�ilFiat Tut� �sm� 25f} PL�NN6-tullsc. it�rrtt: 290 F�Ltw��-Frn�1 Q7rClE3+C,�.S €ns1}eCtor: C3C:D Actkrn: CF!C'OF�'REG`'�1C�iV'REQUiREl7 sCt��nnment' i.�tlSHWASf�ER R�t�S Ai��AP. 2.E.EA,K A�L�/A�R Er1TRY A�T�i,'+4CK FLC7'W f��1f�t+IIT�#? Q7?1??(3�S 1n5pe�rt�+r` JiRFA Actica�' CR C+G��ECTlQN�EQI�RED �t>trrrr�Br�d.' SAME G4�tft��7lC'�+35 EX151" ��� ; � x 4�r �_�.�.._� .�..,-.. _ REPTS�1 Run Id: 3423 � � �� � � �` ,� �� � � , �, , ���� �� �1 L GASH DEPflSIT F(�RMAT Receipt fur�c�s fo: Legal Descri�tic�n: Lat�_ ,Black � _ N�rne: ��; C}�j'�;1��'�q., Subdivision: ,, •l "+�+r l � 4 r�, _ � Mailing Adciress: Ad�ress: �� I� �r1.;fi ' ti;�, ._ Z��u'S I�,�il�,�.� Deveiaper:_ i �' M�,fi l�C. G�I ' t� �� Proje�t Numl��r:, !i - Improv�ment Compietion C3ate: �tt:;�� ��_ L��3 � d�VELQP�,R IMPRC}VEI'�ENT AGREEMEMT T�iIS AGREEMdENT, made and �ntered �nto this �s �day Qf .� -� 1� , 2a�'`; , by and arr�ang �Lbi�- ��t�7f�F`w,��, �'�� �s�l� {�,�,,t .' LL 4the "C}eVel�per"}, and the TQwn of Vail �the "Tawn"'}- WHEREAS, the Q�velr�per, as a canditian of apprQUal c�f the ?emp�rary Gertifica#e af Dccupancy far �-�t;� ��1��1�'��,�t �il - LC���r�it,;,� 1 � �rn,� 1,,,1 S iV{iy i f��� �' ti�n�. (�ddr�;ss, legal descrip�ian, and praject n�arr€�er) wis�es to er�ter intr� � ��u�:io��r lm�rovcrnen# f�r�reem�nt; and WH�REAS, tkte Dev�la�e� is c�bliga�ed ta pravide security crr colla�era� sut`ficient irr th� jut�gement of the Tc�wr�t� n�ake r��sona�le provisions f4r cc�mpl�tian ot certain improuerr�ents s�t forth in the att�ch�d ��timate�d �id(s} i� �cc�rdance wrth t1�e ap�rawed pl�ns an� specifieatiQn� fifed �r� the affi�e af the Comrr►ur�ity Devel�pm�nt a�pa�ment r�f the Town �f Vail; and 'WHEREA�, the Qevelaper wishes tn pr�ovid� coll�t�r�l to guarar�tee p�r�ormance �f t�is A�reem�nt, in�Cuding compCetian of the �iE improv�ments referred to in this Agreement, E�y �ean� af fhe fvlivwir�g. Th� DeVelc�per agre�s ta €�sta�lish a cas�r depasit �c�ourrt v�+i#h the Tawn af Vail, �s escraw agenf, in the am�unt af $_ ���� � �?��^ {�25°/4 of#h� totaP costs c�f the attached ��timated bid(�}} �s colGateTal for the compl�tiQn of afl �rn��overr��r�ts r�ferred to in this Agreement, in th�e�rent iher� is a de�aUlt unt�er this Ag�re�ment by the Qe�eloper. NC�VV TH�REFD�E, in co�siderat�or� ot the follouvirt� ►�tut�sal cnvenar�ts and agreem�nt�, the a�veloper a�d the 7owr� agr�e �s folic�ws: �. Th� Devel��er agrees, ai ils sale c�st and expense, tc�furnish a3l equipm�nt and maierials necessary ta perform ara� compfete al] irr�pro�v�m�nts referre� to in tl�is Agreem�nt. The De�+elnper agre�s to cc�mple#e al! improwements referred tc� i� this Agreement on or befpre the _ day vf rt t� „ �� . The l��veE�per shall complefe, i� a good workm�n�ike mar�n�r, �!i '`mpro�+ements referred tra in this Agr�ement, in accord�nce with �II a�praWed pla�� a€'tc� specifications filed in the office of tt�e ��mmuni#y Qevelc�pment t�epartment �f tf�e Town a� llail, and te� do al�work incidental t3��re#o �cc�rding to and in compliance with the foliowing: a. ,41E said wark shall be dane under fhe inspeciian c�f, and to the safi�fa�tion o#, the Town Plannet-, tne Town �ngir�eer, t�r� Town Building C��ficiai, c�r other �fficial fron� the �7own of V�if, as aff�c#ed by special districts vr servi�e districts, as i��ir res,�ective in�eres� may ap���r, �nd shall not be deemed c�mplete until approved ar�d acce�ted as c4mpleted by the Communrty QeveCc�pmenf Department �E�d Puhlic W or4�s De,�ai�ment of tY�e Tnwn of Vail. F:kcdevl6ililPra�ect�1C71�1',p{A�asfa draft_1Zi20�.doc Page t of 5 � � � � �+. 2. Tt� s�cur� ar�d guarante� performance oi the c�biig�tions as 5et for�h hereir�, fhe ❑e�v�le�per agrees to prouid� col#ateral as folBows: �, c�sl� depflsit �ccount with the Town caf Vail, as escrQw agenf, in th� arnaunt of $ �,�+�. �� (12�°Ifl of the t4tal casts of the attached estirrtated bGd�s)� a� coll�teral f�r the cornpletiar� of ail improvements referred to in this Agreemenf, in the event there is a defau�t under this Agr�:emen! by the Dev�iaper. 3. The Dev€:Ic�per may a� any time substitute the cc�llateral originally set fc�rth afi�ove for anather form �f security ar collateral ac�ept�t�le #c� #�e Town ta guarantee the faithful corr�pleti€��t of thos� improvements referred to ner�ira in this Agreement and the p�erfor�raance a� the t�rrn� af this Agreement. Such acc�ptance by ihe T�wn af alt�rnat�ve �ecurity ar co�latera} shaEl t�e at the Tawn`s sole discretion. 4. Th� T�wn ��ali not, r�car sha9l �ny aificer or�mp4oyee thereof, b� fi�bi� or respc�nsible fc�r a�y ��eid�nt, IQSS or damag� happening ar oc�uerir�e� to the wor�t spe�if�d in this Agreemer�t pri�r tn tF�e compfeti�n and �cceptance of the same, nor shail the Town, nor any ��ficer or employee thereof, be laa�le fc�r �ny persc�ns or proper�y injured �y reasan of tt�e �ature �f�aid wor�, b�t all of said liabiiit�es �hall be and aTe h€:reay assumed by tl�e Developer. The D�v�IQper hereby agrees to in�er�-rnify ar�d hold harmless the Town, an� any of its afficers, agenfs and ernploy�es against any lasses, elaim�, damages, or liabifiti�s tc� whi�h t}�e 7�wn or any vf its officers, �agenks �r employe�s may becr�rr€e su�ject to, insofar as an� �uch los�es, claims, dam��es c�r liabi�rties (or acti�ns ir� resp�ci ther�of) �rise c�ut of or are based upc�n any �erforma�ce by ti�e a��veloper h�r�urrd�r; �nd tl�e �eveloper sh�lf reimburse the Tt�wn fc�r any and aU �egal c�r other expenses re�sflnably ir�curred k�y the Towo� in connectiQn wEth inveskigating o� defendir€g ar�y such Ioss, claim, darr�age, liability or a�tivr�. This int�ernnsty prcavision shalf b� ir� additinn to any a��er 1iab�lity which the aeveloper my h�ave. 5. It is mutually�greed that the D�velop�r may apply for a�nd the Town may authoriz� a parfial release �f fhe collat�ral deposit�� wilh th€� T�wn for �each category r�f imprc�uenient after th� subje�t imprc�v��rr�er�t is constructed Jn c�mplianc�: with all pian� ar�d s���ificatio¢�s as r�ferenced k�ereunder and accep#ed �y the Trawn. Under nc� cnnciitic�r� shall th� dollar am�unt of th� callateral that is beir�g held by the l"�swn d�e reduc�d b�l�w the dr�lhar�mnurrf . nece�sary #o camplete a[I un�ampleted impr��vemer�ts referred ta in tf�is A�greement. fi. If the Tavvn cfe��er�ziines, at its sc�le discretio�, that ar-ry of the imprQVem�nts referreci #v ire ti�is AgTeemc�t are nc�t eonstructed in coTrrpiGance w3�h #he appro�ed p&ans �nd sp�cifcatic�r�s fileJ in tlie ��fi�e �r�th� Ct�rnmunity ae��lc�pmer-it �epartr-�e�t t�f the Taw€� r�f Vail or not ��ce�ted by the Town as �ompl�te arr �ar b�fore the date set forth ir� �'aragraph 1 af this Agre�rner�t, tk�e Town r�ay, but s��ll na# �� required io, draw upc�r� lhe s�GUrity ref�rred ta in this Agr�ernent and eorr�pEete tt�e uncQrrZpl�ted impro�rements referred to i� tFsis Ac�reement. Pursuar�t 4a 5ectior� 'f�-9"I-8, Vai! T�w�r Code, t�e Tempc�rary Gertificate of Qccupancy refer�ed to in this Agr���-n�nt m�y be revoked ur�til all irtmprov�m�nts referred �o herein are ctrmpfeted �y t�e C7eve�aper or the Town in accord�rrc� with t1�is Agr��m�nt. F:lcdev1Bi911PrajeclslDlAl�lA Cash draft_121202.doc Pac�e 2 of 5 � �, �. ry � � If th� cast� af corr-ipPeting the uncvm�leted 6ft`1�7fQV�'m�flt5 re#�rred t� in this Agreer�ent �xceed ti�e delfar �mount of the d�epnsit, fne excess, tag�tt��r wiih intere�t a# twe9ve percent 4'�2'%} per anr�um, sl�all be a li�n agair�s# �he property �nd may be coll��t�d by cTVil su�t or�nay be c�rtifed fo the tre�surer o# Eagle Caunty ta be col�e�#�d in th� same ma3�ner ss delir�quer�t ad �+alc�r�m taxes fevied ag�inst such property. I( the a��veloper �ails or refus�s fo cam,�iete the imprc�vem�nts referr�� to in t}�is Agreement, sUCh failure ar refusa€ sha�l be ce�nsidered � viol�tivr� oi Title 12 {Zoraing Regulatians}, of the Vail Tc�wrt G�ade, ar�d tt7e �e�veloper shalf �e subject to p��alties pursuant t� 5ection 12-3-10 �Violations: F��na�ti�s} ar�d Chapi�r 1-� {General Penalty}, af th� Vai3 Town C�de. 7. The �ewelc�per shall w�rranty the wor� and mat�rials af �II ir�prov�m�nts referred tc� in this Agreement kocated on �own pr�perty or within a Town rig�t-a�-way, �ursuant to Cha�ter 8-3, rs� t�e Vail Tawra Cfld�, for a ��ri�d Qf #w� y�ears ��ter tF�� Town's acceptan�� �f said impravem�nts. 8. The parties heret� r�utually�;gre� tnaf this Agreement may be �mende� fram time to ti�e, provided i��t su�h amen�ment� �� in wrifing anci executed �y a�i parties hereta. F:ercievtE�i[l1Pro�ectsl[79A1DIA Cssh drah,l2's202.d�c P�ge 3 of5 � � � � ` ,. •r �ated th�e d�y and y��r first abvve writte�. � ' � � Deueloper �' STATE OF C(]LC7RAD+Q ) ) ��- CC3UNTY C�F EAGLE } Tl�e �oregQing ae�efoper Emprov�ement Agreem�nt was ackn+awled �t� b�fcsre me this �_a�y csf �-� , 20�by �� ��+�r�.� Witness rr�y hand and offi�ial seal. �,,,r�n+++rr��,E �����+`'�� .��,�'���'�,�,,�: My camrrroission �x�ires � �%' �U ��� '+r�, ••�'"-� � ,. 4��`�,'„� rJ� ',�r ��: �� �+ ;�� �Q.�•. � .c •►-: ,�I ,��� � : �j . �� Vi7`"' .�yiY � l+y•�`` . .� ;t Nata Rublic � `fj.r,,,'�;��ti�,.�'}•`�` Tawn Planner STAT� C3F G�7LC]RAQ�? } }ss. CQUNTY QF �AGLE � The �oregoin� �evelo�er �rnprQVement Agre�rroent was acknowi�dgeci befor-� me this �ay of , 2{��_by '4N'itn�ss my hand ar�d n�fcial se�f. My camrr�ission exprres: �Jotary Publi� F:'ICdevlBi]P4Pr4}eCtSlUTAIL]IA Cash draft_121�02.doc P�ge�of 5 , .. � � . " _ . , ATTACHED COPI�S OF THE ESTIMATED BID S F:IcdevlBill\ProjectslDIA1DIA Cash draft_121202.doc Page 5 0�5 ' �C[�I:ST'UNL: �3[JII.I�II]�I[i �C71'1'1r'��NY � � � � � Estir�ate r�« �t�� ;���� VAII.. ['f� �16�� ❑ATE ESTIMATE# 7!i�4!'?(1[)4 ?J NAME!AdE}R�55 C'R�;S7°t)Nf',I3l�fE.l)11�Ci('41 PO�ux 33$'� Vait.CC? F�1(�5$ PRQJECT 2b6�fi�ld f�1nt Rc��d ITEM D�SCRIPT9C]N TO"fAL L�itic�sc�t}�i�]g {1 1 i 2'C'«lar.�da�4�attec Z.2;?.7� {t�)?"�1uaf:ing A���:m (1)?.?"5priitg Sslcz�+ ['rnhapplc {5}7�al Duri�Kni�;ht ti}�irra (3}5�nl tinot+maistttl tipirea S7)ti a?71 f3,or Ilarlac?urJuniper 1�(}U sy li ia�EtiG4�,o°a`s srec�in� �a cu v;srd�mulch TC�TAL s�_ry�7.7� �- 7ov+m a^F Yail ' ` Depart�taent c�f Commun�ty De�e�vpment 75 S.Frontags Rvad Vail,Ca 81�i57 �Jarne: �--°'��' `t-\���� �r� Re�ei,�t No. '7 � � �s� Address: � � V � Project: Dats �1 �� 1 �� Pleas�m�lce chec�CS payable to�3��TQYVI�!�F VAIL Ac�oun#NQ. 6tern Na. Cade#� C�t E�eh Tatat OQ1 D00(}3�4'f i��3 Zoning anef Address Ma�s ZA $5.�70 ` flC}1 OOf}D 314�112 Uniform Building Code- 1997-L'c�Eume 18� CB $5E}.95 ' QQ1 Da40 314 1 112 Uniform Building Cvde-1�97-Volurrre 3 �6�.65 " 0(l1 �+�{7(J 3t� �112 I�t�erna�iona� Plurnbrng Gode-1997 CB 536.�(7 ` (301 d3(�(]�314 1112 Intema#ivnaf�,9ecYranicai Cad�- 1998 G8 w�35�Ofl ` 001 00(�0�14 111� Unifc�rm �rfiechanical C�de-1995 $35.6L1 ' OCl1 OUO!}31� 1�12 Uniforrr�Fir�Cc�de C� �3Ei.�3R ' �d1 (700t�314 '11�2 Nati�,nal�I�ctrica�Code CB $A�2.60 • 04� 04d0 314 1112 A�atemQ�t of�angera�rs$Ddg.'s �997 �i9.95 � Qs]1 �4QQ 314 i 112 i�1vdeE�r*.ergy Code-1 J9� �1 Q.atl ` Q41 040Q 3T4 11�2 Artalys'ss nf Revisians to 1�91�Jnifora�Cc�d�:s 512.75 . [701 00(�0 314 111� Qtfaer�ode Bo�ks Ce [JD1 (]ad}{�31a 'k�i i Bfue PrintslMy9ar Copy Fees B� $7.00 • pL}'E 0L3��394 1171 X�rox CvpEes XC $C}.25 " (]a1 �L?QQ 3i4 1111 I�tpnsf��ad Master Plan M5 $�4C1.0{? " �fl1 0�00 394 1�1 t Lionshe�d Master P€an Appendices M5 �24.00 ' 0[l1 QCIQO 33�1 1111 Studies, Mast�r Plans, etG. MS DQ1 DaQQ 312 30(l0 Gontraetvrs License Fees c:L 401 000�7 2�� 330Q oeve4ap�r Imprvver�erri Agrec3rrzent oepvsit E72•C1�R�Ffl AD '�� p•�} 041 �D�{}�12 �t}QO F�estaurant Lieense fe�(�fDV] RL fl01 4C��]0 230 2� S� 441 400Q 319 3 110 0�[](�314 1 MS _ MS_ 0 own of 'Jall h�5 ��� CUS�C�AIEk fCE�tIG'i �+r� MS t��ier-s F1�I�F'� Type. F$ [irawEr: 1 �latet 711b1�4 �+1 keceipt nvr t�I�i �,1� ���stoMer i.aeacion Na�e Aoa�sat *a01 OpQO 201 ` �4[� ��$A H�FF?1AH, 5�3FT TP 041 OU�30 31� ' r;i� (�R-�€T� �7 '1 i 5 0(300 31 U ` f�FS41.0Q� TC ' DIAi��G55 1��� r�l rr ��R�a T4TAL: '�l�_W lender detaii CVi Ct#t.C{t ;;ll� f�fStil.�d Tntal te�rdered i�t�'s1.�� Tota] payzent i�8�t.��� Trar,� d�te� 7fibl�$4 7i�eo I�';��:s� it�+lV#( Y[IiJ FLiK '�{li.lR F��1Yl�I'�1: Corrsments; +Cash Mon�y+Qrder# Gt�eck# � �� Fta�eived t�y: �� _. _J - ___ �nn� PRCPRR�D 7/'_7/04, 13:.49:10 DEc�uYT R�FUNP F..EPUR'T-UPP�TE gAG� 1 �. PR4GP.Ab7 MR31 SU 'T44n «�f 'Jxil CI35T-Ib Ci15TOME12 FIAME TYPF` CHARGE D£POSIT DEP68IT-AE7.'7i A�.7LF�.3R�iEF1T AeTaR-AEFLiZdI} COOE DSSCR'�pTIt7N TM-DATE AS E�ATE AMOUt�FT AMpUNT AMOt3NT dMQ'47I4T -`---`---------°----`---'------------'-`---`-------------`--`----------`-----------------'--'---------------°---------`-`--'_"_---` 2R86 kiC?F'F'Y.RTS, SCO'T'T' F� BEPla Dep-Devclaper Imp Agrmts �f�61aa 7117/06 2841.00 284I.00 s891.OL1- .�0 --°-`—------ ------------- --° -- ---—-___.--- TQ7'AL F47I? CEJ�'TOM6F� TyF�: D2 2891.00 �Hn1,U[} 2$qI.00- .(TO --------'_`-- ------------- -°---°----'-- ___---------- GRIIND TC7TAL: 2841.Ofl 2841.U0 ?941.DP- .a� �EPOSI't' C47IId�IT: 3 � 6/L BATC}{ CR6hT£U. BATCH-018�50 2CO�r/47 GSSRIT7-JLflVATO diP� HELrD COU3�FT- .04 AMOTJNT- 2,8�A1.Ofl � � � �`I � • - � - �) l'i � �Y A� � _ � ti. �yi,� � _ - �� � `J } �� � v- v'` . �� .. 4`�—�----�"�ASH aE�'�JSIT �ORMA�� � Receipt fun�is to: Legal ❑�scri�tion:.Lot__ [:� ,Slock L'` Nam�:��:#`� t'��'�--�m�� SuE�cli�ision: '�l�� � �-r� Maiiin Address- Nd�ress:.-�6 `� I � w - I� I : ;nfi Develaper: , `^� _,.�lr�- _ , C] Praject Num6er: �1��� "G���' _ Impravement CornpEetaors Dat�: u����" . �.'�'��� �EVELC3PE� lMPR17VEMENT AGFiEEMENT THfS AG�2EE�VIEfVT, m�de and enkered in#o thi� ��' day of .�' 20�� b}�and arnon� �� °���f� �, . � �`;�� � � {t€�e "l��vefv�er"), nd the 7awr� of Vail (ti�e"`[`own"). V�,+'H�REAS, the D�velaper, as � ��ndition �f approvai vf the T�mporary C�rtific i� af �ccupancyfor ��.�� �u�� �''`�,�-�:�� �y�,t,�`�- �l,��ti V'�1l��,0 �� � ,fi (address, feg�l descFi�tior�, and project rtumb�r} wis�hes to en#er into a Developer impro�era�ent Agreet-r��nk; and WHEI�EAS, th� deueiaper is obligated t� provide security �r col�ateral sufficie�rt En the j�dgement of the Town t� make reasanabl� pra�isions fc�r campletian af cer�ain impro�rements set forth in the �ttacY�ed estimated bid�s} in a�cor�an�� with th� apprave� pCans and specifications filed in the office c�f tl�e Cammunity �eWeloprnent D�partrt�e�t af the Tawn vf Vail; anci WHEREAS, the De�eloper wishes fo �rovi�ie c�6lateral tQ �uar�nt�e perfarmanc� of t�ais Agreemer�t, including c�rnpletir�n c�f tne all impr�Weme�ts r�f�rred #t� ir� this Agreement, by rneans of#he fvllvwin�; TF�e Dev�lop�r agrees to establish a cash depc�sit accour�t with the Tt�wn of Vai[, �s escrow ag�ni, in the �mount of $ 1��ti-`�:r (1,�5°/0 of th�e tata! ccasts Qf the stt�c�red estim�ted bid(s)} as cnllalera for the c�nnpiefio�r �f�ll irr�prc��vements ref�r�ed tU in this Agr�em�nt, in the e�rent ther� is a cSefaulf unde�thss Agr�em�nt by th� Qevelc�per. NOW TH�R��C1R�, in �r�nsi�erat�on of ti�e follc�win� mutual �avenants and a�re�ments, the Develop�t'and the Tawr� agree �s follc�ws: '�. The Cevelop�r��gr�es, at i#s sale cost and expense, ta furnis#� all eauipment �nd maferials ne��ssary to perform and compiete all impravements referred tr� in tt�is Agreement. Tk�e Develc��er�grees to carrtpl�tc �If imprQUerreents refe�red to in #�is Agreement on or �efc�re t�e _ d�y Qf r � g , 2U�7� . T�e DeVe9oper sh�ll complete, in a gntad wc�rkm�r�like manner, all i ravemen�s ref�rr�ed ta in this Agreemen€, pn accr�rdar�ce with all approved pkans and sp�ci�c�iians filed i�, th� affice of the Cammuni#y C]evelopmenf Qepar�n�enf of fhe Ta�rvn of Waii, and #o da all �+rork in�id�nt�l th�reto accc�rding to arrd in cornpl3ance with the fallowing: a, A!I said wcark shall be done unde�the insp�cfiQn of, and #o the sati�factian of, th� Tawn Pi�rsner, �he Town �ngineer, the 7own B�ilding G�ciaP, pr ath�r officiaR frcrm the T�wn c�f Vail, as affected by special distri�ts or service districts, as their res;�ec[ive interest may app�ar, �nd sha�l not be deeme� �c�mF�Iete until ap�roved �nc£ acce�tcd as compict�d by f��e Comm�nity D��elopme�t �epactmer,t ar�d Pu'�lic Warks C�e,�artme�t�f the Town of Vail. F:tc.devtBi�l',f'rnaectslDiAld�A Cash dra`t_'l�12a2.rJoe P�ge 1 of 5 � � ., • � � 2. Ta secure �nd guarante� p�rTormance of the oblig�fions as se#f�rth herein, t�e Deueloper��rees ic� provide c�ldateral as �ollc�ws: A cash deposit acco�nt with th� Towr� af Vail, as �scrc�w ag�nt, in fl�e amaunt crf $ � y�;�i. ��' ��25% caf the tc�tal costs of the attached estimated bic�(s)) as collaferai for the co�pEetion of �1P impxov�ments r�ferred ta in this Agreement, in the everr� fhere is a de�ault under this Agreem�nt by t�e De�eloper. 3. The Dev�e}��er may at any t�€�°re �ubstitut� the �caliat�r�� �riginally set f�rth abc��re fcar ar�Qther form af security or �qilaterai a�c�ptable ta the Tawn to guaranfee #he faithfuf cornpletic�n of thos� improvements referr�d to herein in this �greer�ent �nd the p�rFarmance afi t}�e terms of tfi�is A�reement. Sueh acceptance by tne Town of �Iterr�ative se�urity �� ccsilateral shall be at the Tawn's sole discretion. 4. The Tr�wn sF�all nat, nor shaf� �ny afFiceT or emplc�yee thereof, be liable c�r responsi�le fc�r a�ry �ccident, foss vr dac��g� ha�p�ning �r occ�rring to th� w�rk specified in this Agreement prit�r to the cc�m�letior� ar�d a�ccepta��e of the sarrtie, r�or shall the Towr�, nor anY af-�icer 4r em�layee thereof, �e liable for any persons ❑r prQperty injured �y reasan of th� natur� r��s�id wark, �ut ail af said liat�iliti�s shall be and ar� h�reby assurrted by t�e Develvper. Th� �euelvper hereby agrees ta ind�mnify an� hal� harmless the Town, and any �f its �ffcers, agents ar�d empl�yees a�ainsE any ic�sses, claims, dam�ges, vr liabilitie� tra vu�hich #he Town csr any af its c�fficers, agenfs ar em�ioye�s rnay become sub�eet to, insafar as any sue�r 6QSSes, claims, c�amac�es vr liat��lities 4c�r acki�ns in r�spe�t thereofJ arise +�ut af or ar� �ased upor� any perfvrmance E�y tE�e �7ea�lts��r h�reund€�r; and #he Qev�loper shafi reimburse t�e Tawn for any ancf all legai t�r vt}��r �xp�nses reasonably incurred by th€: Tawn in cDnt�ectian with inv�estEgating or def�rrdi�g any �uch it�s�, �lairn, da�nage, Idability or actiorr. This indemnity �ro�isic�n shala be in a�dikian t�any o1h�r liak�iiity wnich ihe Devefoper my haue. 5. k�is mutu�lfy a�reed tha#tt�e Develo��r may a�aply fc��and the Tawn may aut�orize � partial r�l�ase Qf th� cofiateral deposited with the To�n for �ach cat�gory �f irr�prc,veme�t afier t�e subject imprQ�erner�t is constructed �n cornpliance with �II plans and specifeatians as ref�:��r�ced hereunder and accepted by the Town. U�d�r no canditivn shall t�e cfcallar amount of the cc�llaterai that is bein� �c9d by the Town b� ��duc�d he�aw the dollar amoUnt . necessary to �ornpdete �Il uncampleted impravem�nts referr�d to in this Agreement. �5. If the Town determines, �t its sol� discretic�n, that any of the impro��m�nts r�f�rr�d to in this Agreement are nat constructeci ir� cornplsance with the �pprQUSd plans arrd specificatio�s fil��S ir� t#�e office af the CQmmunily Developmeni Qep�r�m�nt of the Tawn of V�il r�r r�c�t �ccepted b� th� Tvwn as com�lete �n or '�efore the dat� set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agr�ern�nt, the T�wn may, but shail n�t be required to, dr�w upc�n the security referred tc� in this Agr�ert�ent �nd com�let� ##�e uncc�mp�eted irn�ar�vements �e�erred to in this Agre�me�+t. �'urs�ant to Secfian ��-1�-8, Vail Town C�de, the Tem�or�ry Certif���te af Q�c�apar�cy r�ferr�d tc� in this Agreement may be rev�aked until a91 impravemersts referred to herei�s are completed �y th� Develc�per ar the Towra i�s accsar��nce with kF�is Agre�rr��nt. �:lcd�e�'ISifl4Pra�ec;s1CJIA'��6R Ca�h rJraft 1212Q2.doc �'aqe 2 ni 5 � � . � � � If tf�e co�ts of �c�rnpletir�g ihe uncarnpEeted improvements refer-�-ed t�a �n thi� Ac�r��ment exceed the doilar am�unt of tYt� depasii„ the excess, tagether with inter�st at twelve percent (12%} per ar�n��ri, shall �e� }i�n �gainst t�� prope�ty and rrs�y be collect�d by civil suit or m�y be certifed tc� lhe treasurer �ofi EagPe Caunty ko I�e colfected in the same manner as d�linquent �d ual�rem taxes I�vied �gainst s�rch property. !f the GeV�lop�r �ails or refuses t� cornpfete the impr��remer�ts referred to in thi�A�reemenf, such failur� �r refusaf s�all b� can�idered a �rioCatic�n of T�fie 12 (Z�ning Regulafic�ns�, �f tht� Vaii Tnwn Cod�, and the ae�r�4c�p�� sha66 be subjeet #o penalties pursu�nt ta Sectian 'I2,3-1{� (Vialafic�ns: P�naltie�} �nd Chapter 1-4 (G�neral PenaPty}, af the Vail 7owr� C�de. 7. The Develr�per shali warrar�fy the w�ark and mat�rials af aEi imp�vuemer�ts referred to in this Agr�ement loc�l�� on Tow� property or v4rithin a Tc�wn right-of-way, pursu�nt to Chapter 8-3, of #he Vail Towr� Cr�de, for a �eriad of two years affer the Tawn's �cceptance af said impr�ivements. 8. The p�rti�s h�reto mutu�lly agree that#his Agr�em�nt may be �rnended fram time tn tim�, prnvided ti�at such amendmenks be in writing and execut�d by all parti�s her�et�. F:lcdev;6611i�Projecl�lDlA�JiP,Cash c1r�ft�i 212Q2.doc: ?a�e 3 oF 5 � � . , . � r []ated the day and year first ab�ue writt�n. ,� � � C?evelop�r � STATE C�F GULORAC}i� } } ss. GC�UNTY C3� �AG�� ) The foregarng dev�loper ImprDV�ment Agreement was acknowlecig�d b�fore me this r _��'__`��y a{ �����_� , 2C1�� Y by ��'� ?Y � • �i( �}'�'i�'d� f'� �� Witness my hand �nd aff�ial seal. My c�mmissian �xpir�s ,�``ti",/��.,��t�'' � _ � �� ��fl��� d � �--` � ,� ' ;�- � � ►�,�`�.�� '�I' ,��'- �, �� �, o ry �;ubl'sc � � �.� '�,QTA�'� Town F'fanner STAT� +DF CC)LO'RAC�C� ) }ss. CDUNTY OF �AGLE ) The for�gainy Developer Impravement Agr�ement was ac�cnDwledged �efc�re me this �ay ot � , 2�J� by __ Witn�ss my hand and officiai �eal. My commission expir�s: �lvtary �'�blic F'ICdevl�iillPr�jeclsli�CF�1D41+,Gdsh dra�t_f 2�2fl2.dQC Page�nf S ` i ' � � � • AT7AGHE1� CUPIES QF THE �STIMATE�] BILY(Sl �,�C?�.��`"�. � �.e�.� �.�; 1 �►��� �`��,,: � - . , �,� I ,��w,�,��,���fis s��e �" -�{��� � ��°-� �''� ����� _ � ���?Q��� #�� �(�S�P'��� 4'",���1�� �-t`�►. C`����. ���-t�.�1 ,;����,w,, �-� �.r�'��'��,� �Ir� �o � �- . V����.� 1��� �i F:lecievlFiill'�Prpje�ts!d{A1RIA Cash drai�_121262.dOt Paye 5 of 5 . � � � � ��� � � � ',(��Gt��"L� ql � g;-151f i;7?' ��� � � SCOTT' E. FiDFFMAN t2-ss z�an�a-,y,�. 2&fi5 BA�C] NEOU1�fAkN ft[3. 97[J-473•05'�9 Ij VRkL. CC3 83fi57 � � L �[�"� ! o�T�� �— t- � T �J� l � `�°'�}°� PAY TO Tti� `{� y w,(�1 C�� , _ �� -- `� . ❑R6ER�F f v -- ^ y�;�7 �, ... ��`v � '� �Y�!,�� _L��. �—[]QLf�A�4S l� �_.,,�.�,. _ f�Jn�—=��Oi,ti�,� - � _��.. - � . ' � ���' v.:� � �� ve.a>„i nn.ti: � �_c�ei6ax �4 HQUR BANKl1'3G{874�+S79J40p ne' rhErna��"-�°— '���� � — -- __�- -- --° - __ _ .�_..— --_ i: L❑ 2 L� L 5 �9�: � �9D �6 ?� "�9�I■ 3 � ? 2 :�.y�,� TOWN OF VAII, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7S S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,C4 8I657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMTT MiJST BE PO5TED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PvIECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: . M04-02$4 ,B�`� �ad�,5r Job Address: Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2667 BALD MOiJNTAIIV R4AD Apglied . . : 11/04/2004 Parcel No...: 210103401043 Issued . . : 11I30/2004 Project No : ��D,� �o�,j,� Expires . .: QSJ29/20�5 O�n1IVER SI�TYDER FAMILY TRUST 11/Q4/2004 Phane; CHARLES C. & �'E�IVIVE S. SNYDER CO—TRSTEES 3 5 3 7 VENARD FtD DOWNERS GROVE II� 60515 License: CONTRACTOR Vail Plumbing & Heating 11/04/2004 Phone: 970-390-5993 P.O. Box 952 Minturn, CO 418 Metcalf Rd. #5 Avon, CO 81620 81645 �,icense: 275-M APPLICANT Vail Plumbing & Heating 11/04/2064 Phone: 970-390-5993 P.O. Box 952 Minturn, CO 418 Metcalf Rd. #5 Avon, CO 81620 81645 License: 275-M Desciption: SALAI�CE OF MECHANICAL WORK NQT COMPLETED BY LORTON PLUMBING Valuation: $4,0�0.00 Fireplace InYormation:Res#ricted:Y #of Gas Appliances: 0 #of Gas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 mwa*m�x**s�**s�n�xM*x**s�*a�*x*��xe*�:**mz�xs+*s*ax«masrs�sk*s«rxt.rssM FEE S U M MARY *'�**'�**�as*�****xs***+r**rt+�wsewwxr�srrasrrsw�xrrsrrrs.*xwws Mechanical---> $80.00 RestuarantPlanReview--> $4.00 TotalC'aleulatedFees---S $103.00 Plan Ch�k---> $20.00 DRB Fee---------------------� $0.00 Additronal Fees-----------> $�.00 Invzstigation-> $0.00 TQTALFEES------------> $103.00 Total PermitFee----------> 5��3.00 Will Cal]-----> $3.00 Payments------------------> $3 03.00 BALAIVCE DIPE------�a S0.00 wxxwrssrr*wx�srrxrr�srw�st�**rrx*�rr*srrsrwrsr*�srrs��sr*t*wrssrrrrwsrwrsrwssertssr�Y*rtstr*s*m***�**+a***s*+*****e*s*�s*!�*sr�W�trr�srx�srrs*�wssrsa**sts• Item: 05100 BUILDING DE�ARTMENT 11/04/2004 JS Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT COI�iI7ITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. } : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECT�i FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR TS REQUIRED PER SEC. 7d1 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 II�IC. Cand: 23 (BLDG. } : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO M�NtJFAC'�'URES INSTRUCTIQNS AND TQ CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 UMC, CHAP'T'ER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. } : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS S�ECI�'IED IN SEC. 806 OF THE 1997 iJ�C, QR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 {BLDG. ) : ACCESS �0 HEATTNG EQUIPMENm MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AItTD SEC . 1017 OF THE 1997 UMC ANn CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 {BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF N�NCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON C4MBUSTIBLE FLOOftING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLANS AND C�DE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR T(J AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAZNAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONT�IINING HEATING OR HOT—WATER ,SUPPLY BflILERS S�iALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 C7F THE 199'7 UMC, OR SECTION 1004 . 6 OF THE 1997 IMC. is�Yw4sws#w****RY�Mt*ws#wlY�wwt+W�*4+a**#:k**tk*#****�r#krtt:k+**�**t�#4*#+A*s*A+ASR**#V���M**xt*#*++*+*****m*+ss+**�k****W#w�f+Yw�#wi*+*swwY*w#*rsxwM:i�kW►sr*s DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision cod�s, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and okher ordinances of the Town applicab�e tliereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWEi�TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANGE BY TELEPHOAI'E AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFPCE F4ZOM 8;D0 Alvt-4 PM. � �- SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FCJR HIIvISEb�F A1vD OWNER *###*#***##*�#*****#*#*****#***#*#####*#########�####*##*#**#**######***�*######*#���**#**#* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORAI�� Statement ����r+�****#*�*�*�*���*****��*********�x��*:�**�******�********������*****************����***** Staternent N�aznber: R040007197 Acnount: $1Q3 . 00 11/30/200401:50 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Vail Plumbing and Heating 1025 ---------�-------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M04-0284 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2i0103401043 Site Address: Location: 2667 BALD MOUNTAIN RQAD Tatal Fees: $103.00 This Fayment: $103 .00 Tota1 ALL Pmts: $1�3 .00 Balance: $� .00 *�**��������*���*�x***************�����x*�**************�+����*�*��***�*�*���*��x�������x����x��* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ MP 001000�3111100 MEGHANYCAL PERMI'�.' FEES 80.�0 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 20.00 WC OO1p000�112800 WILE� CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 . 0� ------------_-----------------------------------°----------------------------- APPLICATION WILL NOT �E AGCEPTED IF INCOMPL�7E OR UNSIGN�O�`� �L(� Project #; T Building Permit #: � �7� - c,7 2� Mecha�ica! �ermit #: - � ;� 970-474-2�4g (Ins;pections) 7�1if'N4FY�4IL T F VAIL C PERMIT ApPLICATIQIV �5 S. Frantage Rd. i rmi a �ithout the #ollowing: /ail, Coiorado 816 id ech m dr to s�aEe to i clude: , � - :;.,��af���"� ❑ Me anical Roorni�Dimen s j i.��c ;���i c��l��� �`�� I G' S �� ����, ,M � ❑ C o m b u s t i o n A i r D u c t S i z e a n d L o c a t i o n � �-,�,,,; � �,�G� � � � 1/� n F l u e, V e n t a n d G a s L i n e S i z e a n d L o c a ri o n La�_�„�, r`���1��v� �Y1 e t f��e r �Q�j �," � LCl�I� a Heat Loss Calcs. ��.�n + ❑ Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets _ ,Z�l�7 � �-�"�'� � r�c��. 1f°��'-�;�.�IVI.��'0f. � (�cr�.cl --F� ��. CONTI2ACTOR XNFORMATIQN Mechanical Gontractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact nd Phor�e #'s� �'��' 1 - b� � � N���v1 �2.� ,� � f�a�'e Y��1,� �9d -- �a s�d E-Mail Address: �Contractor Signatur��%�C� /d'�-�--- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECiiaNICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials MECI�ANICAL: $ � ' `�' :on#act Ea !e Coun Assessors O�ce at 970-3�8-86'40 or visit ww�v,ea Je-coun .com for Parce/# Parcel # �� �;� � �� �� � �'� ��� . � lab Name: �� � f� .�',�'� Job Address: �, � 7 �`�c�(c� lV��i i ���C� - ��1 e Y� 0 1�k� �'i���:a l r x � � � � �-i o �1�cv,, �j- Legal Qescr�ption lotc � Block: 2 Filing; 4 � Subdiyision: � � ��� , �wners Name:s , � _ A, dress »-�. e`"'4'�- �, Phone: �1 17 � s .,- � ..G'. �� -Zl � �Q. �ragineer: v J , A dress: - �' ..��'X i, ' ` Phor�e: � �Gr rY ^� !- /6 t 6li e . r ^ , ��[ � Z l,% t/ �- C _ <e , �etailed description of work: �C� c� f C C. � 1 ;'71��'� l c:.7ltt��f• ��/'C' ! '', l �'C.�r'l �' " C(:� ) L�`T1-���1 ��18���•l.l'eI"1 � JVork Class: New ( Addition ( } Alteration ( ) Repair ( ) Other( ) 3oiler Location: Interi�or(�}' Exterior O Other O Does an EHU exist at this Iocation: Yes ( } No (' fype of Bldg: Single-family( Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( } Other( ) Vo. of Existing DweEling lJnits in this b�ilding: No. of Accommodatian Units in this building: Vo/T e of Fire laces Existin : Gas A liance� � Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin Vo/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances O Gas Logs O Wood/Pellet O Waod Burnir�g �NOT ALLOWED} :s..this a conversion from-a;wood burning freplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes O No ( � � **�.�'��*��******o�*******FOR OFFICE USE 011lL,Y*****�**�***�***�*�x****�**x�*� . F DI�BFees S. P�anner Si n-off: Acce ted B : ` �� Other Fe� , � , .: Date Received: .�_._ ._- ° _ : � ai C��atalcdev\�ORA1 S1PG1i141IT51M�CHPLRM.DOC U7�2(�/2002 Inspection Items for M04-0174 15:05 02/06/2014 � Sec Item Id Descri tion A r Re Items Action Inheritable 200 MECH-Rough No O 1 PA No ` 310 MECH-Heating No O 0 No 315 PLMB-Gas Piping No O 0 No " 320 MECH-Exhaust Hoods No O 0 No — .._ _ _ * 330 MECH-Su ply Air No O 0 No ' 340 MECH-Misc. No O 0 No * 390 MECH-Final Yes R 2 AP No Total Rows: 7 3 __._, ` Page 1