HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0013 ILC Transmittal �"� \ Department of Cammunity Development
75 5outh Frontage Road
���� �� ���� � Vail, CO 81fi57
�el: 970.479.2128
E}eve[opment Rev[ew Coordina#or
LJse this form when submitting addiiional information for planning applications or buiEding permits.
This iorm is also used far requesting a re�ision to building permits. /1 Ewo hour minimum building review
fee of$110 will be chargad upon reissuance of ihe permit.
ApplicationlPermit#(s)information applies
to: Attention: []Revisions
(�Response to Correction Letter
B13-0013 Buifding �eparfinent �attached capy of correction letter
(]Deferred 8ubmittal
Project Street Address:
305 Mill Creek CirCle
(Number) (Street) (Suite#)
BuilcEinglComplex Name: Description of Transmittafl List of Changes, Items Attached:
]tem 0�022- Plan [LC Framing
(archit�ct,contractor,ownerfowner's rep)
Contact Name: George ShaefFer Construction
Address: �O Box 373
City Vail State: �O Z�p: 81658
Contact Narne: �on Stevenson
! (use additional sheet if necessary)
970-331-4538 __ _ _ _
_. _ ._ .......
Contact Phnne: Building Permits:
ons sconco.com Revised ADD[T10NAL Valuations(Labor&Ma#erials)
Contact E-Mail: 1 �9 (DO HOT include original valuation)
I hereby acknowledge ihai I have read this application,filfed out Buifding: $0
in full the informaiion required,campleted an accurate plot plan, ,
' and state thai a!I fhe information as required is correct. I agree to Plumbing: $d
camply wiEh the informaiion and plot pfan,to comp[y with al[Town
', ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according ' ElectricaL• $�
to the#own's zoning and subdivisior�cades, design review ap-
proved,Intern tional Building and Residential Codes and other Mechanical: $�
ordinance e I�cable- �efo.
,�( Total: $�
Owne wner's Representative Signature(Required) _ . _ _ _ .. . .. .
�ate Recei�ed:
For Oflicc Use Only: '
Fee Paid:
Received From:
Cash Check#
CC: Visa/MC I.ast 4 CC� exp.date:
Autf�orization# '