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F14-0006 Application
����� ��� Fi��r�� �mer���c�Services `� `�����. 2399 N. F��������te��d�. .�,, �'' Vail, +�otarad� �1657 � �� �`� 1'�I: 970-�79-2252 .v�il�t�v>c�m �ire� �m�rg�ncy�ere+�a�s �'ir�Mar��aal! � ' ' ��rnm�rcial �Re;�id�r��i�l F'ir��I��shcsp cirawir�gs�r�re�uired�##h�tim�c�fi applic�timn�ra�srr'ifi��l ara� rraus�inclusl�th�follmwir��infiorma�i�rt�; 1. A Colarado Registered Engineer's stamp or i�.I.C.E.T level III (min) stamp 2. Equipment cut sheets of materials 3. Hydrautic calculafions 4. A State of Calorado contractor registration number �. Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor Proj�c���t Addr�s: OfFice Use: 1027 Ptarmigan Rd Project#: (Numb�rj (�#ree�} (�uifie�} �sail�ingtCompl���lame: ��8t1iCk ��SldeYlC� $uilding Perrrti�#: Sprinkler Permifi#: Con#ractar lnforovyation: _ Lat#: Biock# Subdivisian: Company: �'�oenix Automatic Sprinkler, Inc Company Address: 7��4` S• �rE:n'��OOd S'� Detailed Description of Work: ' Littlefion �p gQ��g Install automatic sprinkler system througi�out City: State: Zip: Cantacfi Name: �OIl {'t�f��� {use addikional sheet if necessary} ` '�ontact Phone: 3t?3-523-2098 __ , E-Mail rOi�.[J�S�COi't1C�S�.tl�� Detailed Locatiort of Work: Etl�ll'G' t'�SICIG'C1C� :1 hereby acknowledge thafi I have read this application,filled oufi in 'full the information required,completed an accurate sprinkler sys- Does a Manitor�d Fir�A[arnn Exist? Yes� No� ' tem warking plan,and state that all#he information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informatian and sprinkler system ;aoes a 5prinlcler�ystern F�ist? Yes( _; Na(� wartvng plans,ta comply with a11 Tawn ardinances and state laws, �nd fo bui(d this structure according ta the town's zoning and subdi- �ork Class: ;vision codes,design review approval, National Fire Protection Asso- ' ciatian 13, ln�emational Building and Residential Codes and other �1�� Addition Remadel{� Repair� ordinance e Town �p(icabie thereta Retro-Fifi{� Other{(� 7ype ofi�ui[dir�g: Con#ract r�ignature{requiretl} 'Single-Family(� Duplex� Multi-Family� _, _ __ _ Cammercial{� Res#aurant� Other{� 'Property Informa#ian _ _ _ Parcei#: 2�Q��g�d�QQ� Complete Valuafian�or Fire Sprinkler Permit: (Far parcel�,contact Eagle Couniy Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640 or Fir�Sprinkler$: 32r00Q.QQ visit www.eagleoauniy.us/patie) _ _ _ . ._. _ _ _.._ __ . _ __ Tenant Name: Da#e Received: Ov�ner Name: F2eSIi�IC�C 13-Apr Q1