HomeMy WebLinkAboutB14-0032 Soils Report . . I-�����a���rtfr�I'��s�(ak t,��=t���(�rtsic��f,)n�. �i:"��C:��„1���ts ���,J l�-� 1 �✓ �3I<IYSt�)()�.I``SiSlTI„?7�:s t 5`i�21I�<"1tltti2li?�.�. �'�l<ttt:��{"t 11G�r? tt)i�4 ����1/�1���-{��#�S/�i�� C'a����������� l:.�o:�lr+�'�?��#5.;;;'�=� �.rnail;i��,;;c�,�,(7}��c��t�>�1�.�a->t�t SUBSOIL STUDY FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT S, BLOCK 4, VAIL VILLAGE THIRD FILING 463 BEAVER DAM ROAD VAIL, COLORADO JOB NO. 112 330A OCTOBER 25,2012 PREPARED FOR: K. H. WEBB ARCHITECTS ATTN: KYLE WEBB 710 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE, SUITE A VAIL, COLORADO 81657 k�'te{a?khwebb.com Parf:er 303-�i�}1-711�) • C:c�It�t�i�:l�, Sx,ri�t�s �19-(�3.�-�5�2 * Sil�y�rrlxe�E•t�e �)7��?-=���-1�3��' _ � . TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE AND SCOI'E OF STUDY............. ........................................................... - 1 - PROPOSED CONSTRUCTTON.................................................................................- 1 - SITE CONDITIONS......... .......................................................................................... 2 FIELD EXPLORATION................. � � ...........................................................................-2 SUBSURFACE CONDITI�NS.............. _2 _ FOUNDATI�N BEARING CONDITIONS ............................................................... - 3 - DESIGN RECOMMENDATI�NS...................... FOUNDATIONS............. .......................................................-4 FOUNDATION AND RETATNTNG W.ALLS........................�................................-4- FLOOR SL.ABS............. ...................................................... 5 - UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM......................................................................................- 6- SURFACE DRA.INAGE............ ..........................................................................- 7 - ............................................................................. 7 - LIMITATIONS .......... ................................................................................................ 8 - FIGURE 1 -LOCATI�N OF EXPLORA.TORY BORiNGS FIGURE 2 - LOG� Or�XPLORATORY BORINQS FIGURE 3 -LEGEND AND NOTES FIGURE 4- SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS FIGURE 5 - GRADATION TEST RESULTS TABLE 1- SUMMA.Ry OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS a . PURPQSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the r�sults of a subsoil study for a proposed residence to be located at Lot 5, Block 4, Vail Viilage Third Filitag, 463 Beaver Dam Road, Vail Colorado. The project site is shown on Figure I. The purpase of the study was to develop recornznendations fox the foundation design. The study was conducted in accordance with our proposal for geotechnical engineerin.g services ta K. H. Webb Architects dated September 20, 2012. A fieId expioration program consisting of exploratory borings was conducted to obtauz infornnation on#he subsurface conditions. Samples ofthe subsoils and bedrock obtained during the field exploration were tested in the laboratory to deteimi.ne their classification, cornpressibility or swell and other engineering chaxacteristics. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing were analyzed to develop recommendations for foundation types, depths and allowable pressures for the proposed building foundation. This report summarizes the data obtained during this study and presents our conclusions, design recommendations and other geotechnical engineering considerations based on the proposed construction and the subsurface conditions encountered. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The exist�ixig residence on the lot is planned to be r�moved and a new reszdence constructed. At this time, the proposed construction has not been deterxnined. We assume the building will be a two to three story structure over a wallcout basement. Grading for the structuz-e is assumed to be relatively minor witla cut depths up to one level, about 10 and 12 feet. We assume relatively light�oundation loadings, typical ofthe proposed type of construction. When building location and grading information have been developed, we should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations presented in this report and perform additional analyses as needed. Job No. I 12 330A ��,��h -2- SITE CONDITIONS The site is developec�with a two story structure over walk-out basement level. The site has been previously graded with cut and fill depths up to about 10 feet possible. Boulder landscaping features line the driveway and a boulder wall retains a ininor cut sIope along the south portion ofthe main parking area. A retain�g wall about 8 feet tall is located at the north side of the courtyard area. The ground surface across the site is generally moderately to strongly sloping down to the north with relatively steep slopes at the boulder wall areas and north of the west side of the pavement. Gore Creek zs located about 800 hundred feet ta the north of tl�e Iot and about 40 to 60 feet lower in elevation. FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration for the project was conducted on October 2,�2012. Three explora#ory boruigs were dritted at the locations shown on Figure 1 to evaluate the subsurface conditions. The borings were advanced with 4 inch diaineter contixiuous flight augers powered by a truck-mounted CME-45B rig. The boring locations were somewhat lixnited due to the existixig features and landscaping. The borings were logged by a representative ofHepworth-Pawlak Geotecbuiical, Ine. Samples ofthe subsoils were taken with 13/s inch and 2 inch I.D, spooi�sairiplers. The sarnplers were driven inta the subsoils at various depths with blows from a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. This test is similar to the standarcl petzetration test described hy ASTM Method D-1586. The penetration resistance values are an indication of the relatzve density or consistency ofthe subsoils and hardness of the bedrock. Depths at which the sarnpies were taken and the penetration resistance values are shown on the Logs af Exploratory Borings, Figure 2. The samples were returxied to our laboratory for review by the project engineer and testing. SUBSURFACE CONDITTONS Graphic logs of the subsurface conditions encountez-ed at the site are shown on Figure 2. The subsoils at Borings 1 and 2 consisted of about 4%z to 8%2 feet of sandy silty clay f�I Job No. I 12 330A C�Pt�Ch _ 3 � . with scattered�avels and cobbles. The subsoils encountered below the f�ll soils at Boring 1 consisted of dense clayey to silty sand and gravel with cobbles overlying relatively dense, slightly silty to silty sandy gravel and cobbles with boulders that extended down to the depth explored of 13'/� feet. Below tl�e fill at Boring 2, stiff sandy silty clay overlying weathered to very hard claystone/siltstone bedrock was encountered. The subsoils at Boring 3 consisted of about 6 inches of topsoil ov�rlying silty sandy gravel and cobbles witli boulders. Drilling in the dense granular soils and hard hedrock with auger equipment was diffzcult and drilling refitsal was encountered in the borings. Laboxatory testuig perPonned on sa�nples abtained from the borings zncluded natural moisture content and density, gradation analyses, liquid and plastic Iim,its, and unconfined compressive strength, Resul#s of swell-consolidation testing performed on a relatively undisturbed drive sample ofthe natural sandy silty clay,presented on Figure 4, indicate no e�cpansion potential under conditions of Iig$t toading and wetting and low compressibility under conditions of additional loading. Results of swe11-consolidation testing performed on a relatively undisturbed drive sample ofvcreathered claystone, presented on Figure 4, indicate low coxnpressibility under conditions ofloading and wetting and low expansion potcntial wlZe��wetted undex constant light surcharge. Results of gradation analyses performed on smalI diameter drive sample(rnintxs I%2 inch fraction) ofthe coarse grannlax suhsoils are shown on Figure 5. Results ofthe unconfined compressive strength test perforrned on a sample af the natural sandy silty clay show the soils to have stiff consistency. The laboratory testing is sumnnarized in Table 1. No free water was encountered in the borings at the time of drilling. The borings were backfilled by others when we returned to cheek for water on October 9,2012. The subsoils were slightly moist to rnoist and the bedrock rnaterials sIightly moist. FOUNDATION BEARING CONDITIONS ' The subsails er�countered during our exploration are variable in type, depths and engineering characteristics across the site. The natural soils and bedrock materials should be suitable for support of spread footings with some risk of di.fferential movernent due to Job No. 112 330A c�tech - -4- variable bearing conditions. Structural fi11 can be placed below the footings in the clay soils areas to reduce the risk of settlement. We should further evaluate the foundation bearing conditions and potential for differential settlement at the time of constz-uctian. No free water was encountered du�-ing our�eld exploration but it has been our experience in the area that groundwater can develop during spring run-off on the bedrock surface. Some excavation de-watering should be expected during spring and early summer construction. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOUNDATIONS Considering the subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings and the nature of the proposed construction, we recoinmend the building be founded with spread footings bearing on the natural soils. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a spread footing foundation system. 1} Footings placed on the undisturbed natural soils should be designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 2, 000 psf with the risk of settlement. Based on experience,settlement of footings designed and constructed as discussed in this section could be on the order of 1 to 1%Z inches depending on soil bearing conditions and loadings. 2} The footings should have a minimum width of l 6 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for isolated pads. 3) Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas shouid be provided with adequate soil caver above their bearing elevation for frost protection. Placement of foundations at least 4$ inches below exterior grade is typically used in this area. Job No. l 12 330A �,�Ch -5 - 4) Continuous foundation walls should be well reinforced top and bottom to span Iocai anomalies and better withstand the effects of some differential settlement such as by assuming an unsupported length of at least 14 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures should also be designed to resast lateral earth pressures as discussed iz�the "Foundation and Retaining Walls" section oftl�is report. 5) All existing fill, topsoil and any loose or disturbed soils should be removed and the footing bearing level extended dovvn to the relatively dense natural granular soils or bedrock inaterials. The expased subgrade in footing area should then be moistened and compacted. Ifwater seepage is encountered, the footing areas should be dewatered before conerete placement. 6) A representative ofthe geotechnical engineer shouId observe alI footing excavations prior to concrete placement to evaluate bearing conditions. FOUNDATTON AND RETAINING WALLS Fowndation walls and retaining structures which are IateraIly supported and can be expected to undergo only a slight amount of deflection�honld Ue designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 50 pcf for backfill consistirxg of the on-site granular soils. Cantilevered retaining structures which axe separate froin the residence and can be expected to deflect sufficiently to mobilize the full active earth pressure condition should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 45 pcf;for backfill consisting ofthe ou-site granular soils. The backfilI should not contain debris, topsoil or oversized rocks. All foundation and retaining structures should be designed for appropxiate hydrostatic and surcharge pressures such as adjacent footings, trafCc, construction matei�ials and equipment. The pressures recommended above assuzxae drairzed canditions behind the walls and a l�orizontal backfill surface. The buildup of water behind a wafl or an u�ward sloping backfill surface will increase the lateral pressure imposed on a foundation wall or Job No. 112 330A �t�Ch - 6 - z-etauiing stntcture. An underdrain should be provided to prevent hydrostatic pressure buildup behind walls. BackfiIl shouId be placed in wiifarm lifts and compacted to at least 90%of the maximum staxidard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Backfill in pavement and walltway areas should be compacted to at least 95%of the maximunn standard Proctor density(SPD). Care sliould be taken not to overcompact the backfill or use large equiprnent near the walI, since tYiis could cause excessive lateral pressure on the wall. Some settleinent of deep foundatzon wall backfill shouId be expected, even if the matezial is placed correctly, and could resLYlt un distress to facilities constructed on the hackfill. Use of a select g,lanulax material such as road base and increasing compaction to at least 98% SPD could be flone to partly mitigate the settleznent potential. The lateral resistarzce of foundation or retairning wall fooYings will be a co�rnhinatzon of the sliding resistance of tlie footing on the fauradation materials and passive eaxth pressure against the side of the footing. Resistance to sliding at the boftoms of the footings can be calculated based on a coefficient of friction of 0.40. Passive pressure of campacted back�ll against the sides af the footings can be catculated using an equivalent fluid unit weight of�t00 pe� Thc cocfticicnt of friction �nd passive pressure values reconu��ende�l above assume ultimate soil strength. Suitable factors of safety should be included in the design to limit the strain which will occur at the ultimata strength, particularly in the case of passive resistance. Fill pIaced against the sides of the footings to resist lateral laads should be a nonexpansive material eompacted to at leasf 95% SPD at a moisture content near optimurn. FLOOR SL.A_BS The natural on-site soils and bedrock materials, exclusive oftopsoil and existing fill, are suitaUle to support lightly loaded slab-on-grade constr�zction. To reduce the effects of some differential movernent, floor slabs should be separated frozn all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints which allow uzu-estrained vertical movement. Floor slab control joints should be used tfl reduce damage due to shrinkage craeking. The requirements for joirzt spacing and slab reinforcement should be established by the Job No. 112 336A G�PfGCh - 7 - designer hased on experience and the intended slab use. A minimum 4 inch layer of free- draining gravel should be placed beneath basement level slabs to facilitate drainage. This material should consist of minus 2 inch aggregate with at least 50%retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 2%passing the No. 200 sieve. The below slab gravel should coz�nect with the perimeter underdrain systern discussed below. All fill materials for support of floox slabs should be compacted to at least 95%of maximum standard Proctor density at a n�oistt�-e content neax optimurn, Required f 11 can consist of the on-site granular soils devoid of debris,topsoil and oversized rocks, or a suitable granular material can be imported. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM Alt�ougIi free water was not encountered during our expioratian, it has been our experience in.the axea where clay soils exist and bedrock is shallow that local perched groundwater can develop duruig times of heavy precipitation or seasonaI runoff. Frozen gxound during spring runoff can create a perched condition. We recommend below-grade canstruction, such as retaining walIs, crawlspace and basement areas,be protected fro�n wetting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdrain system. The drains should consist of drainpipe piaced in the bottom of th�wall backfill sunrounded above the invert Ievel with free-draining granular material. The drain should be placed at each level of excavation and at Ieast 1 foot below Iowest adjacent finzsh grade and sloped at a minimum 1%to a suitable gxavity outlet or a sump where the water can be collected and pumped. Free-draining granular material used in the undexdrain system should contain less than 2%passing the No. 200 szeve, less than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve and have a maximuin size of 2 inches. The drain�gravel backfiili should be at least 1% feet deep and extend to above any seepage in tl�e adjacent cut fan. SURFACE DRAINAGE The following drainage precautions should be observed durir�g construction and maintained at all times after the structure has been completed: Job No. 112 330A GecPteCh - 8 - 1} Inundation ofthe foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avozded during construction. 2) Exterior bac�fili should be adjusted to near optzmurn mozsture and compacted to at least 9S%ofthe maximum standard Proctor density in pavement and slab areas and to at least 90%of the maximum standard Pzoctor density iz� landscape areas. 3) The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building shouId be sloped to drain away from the foundation in a11 d'u�ections. We recomrnend a minirnum slope of 12 inches in.the first 10 feet �in unpaved areas a�ld a xninimum slope af 3 inches in the first 10 feet in paved areas. Free-draining wall backfili should be capped with about 2 feet of the on- site fuie graded soils to reduce surface water infiltration. 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond#he limits of all backfill. 5) Landscaping which requires x-egular heavy irrigation should be located at �east 5 feet from foundation walls. LTMITATIONS This study has been conducted in accordanee with generally accepted geotecl�nical engizteering princip�es and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either express or ixnplied. The conclusions and recorrnnendations submitted in tius report are based upon the data obtained from the exploxatory borings drilled at the locations indicated on Figure 1,the praposed type of construction and our experience in the area. 4ur sei-vices do not include deternuning the presence, prevention or possibility of mold or other biological contaminants{MOBC) developing in the future. Ifthe client is concerned about MOBC,then a professional ixz this specia]field of practice should be consuIted. Our fmdings include intezpolation and extrapolation ofthe subsurface conditions identified at the expIoratory borings and variations in the subsurface conditions may no#become evident until excavation is perfoi�ned. If conditions Job No. I I2 330A ���h - 9- encountered during construction appear different from tllose described in this report, we should be noti�ed so that re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by aur client for design purpases. We are not xesponsibte for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evalves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendativns, and to verify that the recommendations have been appropriateiy interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to the recoznmendatians presented herein. �1e recommend on-site observation of excavations ai�d foundation bearing strata and testing of structural fill by a representative of the geotecluzical engineer. Respectfully�ubmitted, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. . RobBrt E. Stempihar Reviewed-by� f� �ttt14 tly�j♦ I o ��` �i� �`�.y�'''��,:- �, si = i'�' � — s,t� �y � David A. Young, P.��� .2�s � RES/ksw r !�•��-IZ : %�►�,�.,��.'t�' `� I����S',+j�`�`�� Job N�. 1 t2 330A C�c�teCh �� ., ;'d #�' APPROXIMATE SCALE: j 1" =30' � _ � � ;� , .a Y �+T �`-.a ror � .`Y �-....... 3 a r �t'i `�`"' [j � . . ..e 1�`�......„,�l+.f i �'rl1 '!��� g� "'4�4,�e 4tWe fks '�.a,-va: ,.,.'�} ' � { f ... �.�ry� "`�..., �� �.�p� ��4�y�iy.a Y. �F "J �. 7 � � x, . r s'Y� . ,. * � +'�``# ' ' � �, `' „ � ,.1 wm� �,��y�:..,.e � .. . ., .. � ,�; ,�. Z�s,a���.. � , � � tyr t e �., � � � a � �� ,. i �'t12Ck"LA f ��� �?� �� � s,'�_ �'a , ��w �� �,.,,�,. `�. '"' '�+-"�'� ,. .����.„, ' � , �� �BORING 1 �' Y <ua" ++`+ . ) � k��.J ,p F � � • 'y� , �-- T"� d I;.+az �`� r ,`' . , � �. a a��a x � �•�ar�,u "� '� ���t�„'�• � ..yr � � . �-.��""� ''+. '_ a�.e* ' „ 1 r '•• e- ::i E`''�" , ; - � . �s.±�w :kSM' y �a'ni �"' 1 $ ��' . 4 t {V. k,f�Yt �1 w" � �a „ k '�w�_�� )� �b�r.{. e�� � � . �M r r. '�a��..y'[�''��w�,,� A* # i\ 'k.a# "�i. . i � (-� 1'�'r. ,� _ ;� �• � r , . -- . ,, o , � }� r i,,,Ny �<>�.� � ";;�t^ ; � j «y (((�,�� � ?'# ( �� .• � ;� � rt� ji_.u F lq�f� t 4 ,AM•Te� A7i S d �4 � � ,,,f 463 BEAVER � � �„�,. � , �ti== Q . r � � � � o ¢ DAM ROAD ;�• ,.�.� ',�<4 ' � : .. . 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I�s�eY[ ... . .. . � f.:Qrt o..Y:L�`�4' X � ^�"^ ��..i- . , n. n � 112 330A �"� � LOCATtONS UF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 1 HEPWQftTN-PAW�AK GEOTECNNICAL BORiNG 1 BORING 2 BORING 3 ELEV.=8160' El..EV.=$165` ELEV.=8172' 8i 75 8175 8170 ' °°. �°'� 8170 0 'O •' S0/3 8165 � o00 8165 � w � � � w Z 8/12 � � 8160 Z 7Q 8160 � J 18112 > W WC=10.7 g,� -200=54 —� W LL-35 PI=B 20/12 8155 WC=13.2 8155 40112 DD=115 -200=72 LL=30 p1=g �:�' UC=3,400 8150 •r;: 38/12 48/�2 ,•:: WC-5.9 WC=9.2 8150 +4=33 DD=131 -200=29 •'O $146 8145 NOTE:Explanation of syrnbals is shown on Figure 3. 112 330A M ��t �I LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2 HEPWOFtTH-PAWLAK CrO7ECHtJlCt\L LEGEND: � FILL; sandy silty clay with scattered gravel and cobbles, mixed with some topsoil, stiff,slightly moist to moist, dark brown. � TOPSC?IL;organic sandy silty clay, moist, dark brawn. � CLAY(CL); silty,sandy, stiff, slightiy moist, dark brown ta grey-brown, medium plastic fines. � SAND AND GRAVEL(SGGC);cobbies, clayey to silty, mediurn dense, moist, mixed browns. �o0 ;o• GRAVEL AND COBBLES(GM-GP); sandy with boulders, slightly silty to silty,dense, maist, brown. � WEATHERED CLAYSTONE; medium hard to hard, moist,grey-brown. � CLAYSTONE/SILTSTQNE BEDROCK; hard to very hard, slightly moist, dark grey-brown. Minturn Formation. � Relativeiy undisturbed drive sample;2-inch LD. Ca(ifornia liner sample. � Drive sample; standard penetration test (SPT), 1 3/8 inch I.D. split spoon sampie,ASTM D-1586. 2a�12 Drive sample blow count; indicates that 20 blows of a 140 pound hammer faliing 30 inches were required to drive the California or SPT sampfer 12 inches. Practical drilling refusal.Where shown above the bottom of the log, indicates multiple attempts to made to � advance the auger. NOTES: 1. Exp(oratory borings were driiled on Uctoi�er 2,2012 with 4-inch diameter continuous flight power auger. 2. Locations of exploratory borings were rrieasured approximafely by pacing from features shown on the site plan provided. 3. Elevations of exploratory borings were abtained by interpolatian between contours shown on the site plan provided. 4. The exploratory boring locations and elevations should be considered accurate oniy to the degree implied by the method used. 5. The fines between materials shown on the exploratory boring lags represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. 6. No free water was encountered in the borings at the time of drilling, Fluctuation in water levei may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Resuits: WG =Water Content(%) -200 = Percent pa,ssing No.200 sieve D� = €?ry Density(pcfl LL= Liquid Limit(%) +4 = Percent retained on the No. 4 sieve PI = Plasticity Index(%) UC = Unconfined Compressive Strength(psfl � 112 33QA (�P"����"1 LEGEND AND NCITES FIGURE 3 FiEPW4RTH-PAWI..AK GEOTECNtViCRL ' Moisture Content= 13.2 percent ' Qry Densify = 115 pcf ' Sample of:Sandy Gfay � From: Boring 2 at 9 Feet �_----�'_--�_.1` 1 ' ' i � 0 0 2 � No movement � � ��� � , � �� � � upon wetting � O � i ' � ! � C� 4 � '� � � � ; , , � ; 5 i � ii ' ; : , , Q.1 � �1.0 � i 0 � � 100 APPLIED PRESSURE(ksf) Moisture Cantent= 9.2 percent , ' ' Dry Density = 131 pcf ' ' Sample of:Weathered Claystone 1 ; From: Boring 2 at 14 Feet .-. � Z � , ' , O ' , � �T3 -"'�,---- � ' , � �� z ' a � ' x , w z 2 ' �! O , � Expansion ' � � ' ' upon � 3 we#ting , O ' U 4 , Q.1 1.0 1Q 100 APPLIEp PRESSURE (ksf) 112 33QA � t �"1 SWELL-CONSOLIdATIQN TEST RESULTS FIGURE 4 HEPWORTH-vAWLAK GEOTECHN(CAt� HYDRQMETERANALYSIS SIEVEANALY S T(ME READINGS U.S.STAhDARD SERIES CLEAR SQUARE pPENINGS 24 HR, 7 HR 45 MIN. 15 MIN. 60AlIN,1gMIN. 4 MIN. 1 MIN. N2pp MtOp M50 I�3p Ni8 NB p4 3/q' 9j4' 1 iJ7 3° S 6' B^ 0 _._. _.. .._. ... .,. ..._. . _.._ ._..._� - .. ... �--� - ,._...._._._..._... .__.- 1 0 __ _ � - - - .._ _ ._ .. - - . .. . .,. _' ' .. ._ . .� .. °- - . . _ " (..: _.. ` . .. ._ . . ..__ _._. ..__. . ._ . ... _�. .. . .. � 10 .__.. . ..... _ ._._. ...._ . .___.. _._...... _ ... . .. _ . . �.. _� .. .. _. _ .. __. .... . - --� _�. ::���._.._. :- �-:. _ _ .- _ ... . . 0 . _ __ __. . .._. ._.. _.. _ . .�.. .. 9 . . . . ... __. . . _ . .. .. ..._. ... .__:_. ,._ . .. _ .. � �. � .. 20 � .;. . _..---:-'_.:` __:._ .._.__._.�: _. ... 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W __ �.. . . _ . . _ _ � _ _ _ _._ _ . ao a _ _ __ . . -- . - -_. _ . � : ___ __. _ . .. _ _.: �o _ _ _.__ _ _ _ _,. _ - __ ___. ... .... . . _. _. ... . _ _. . _ _.. 30 _ . _ . f _�_ " �� ���� � � � -- � �� ._ -� � � - f � ��� 80 _ . ' _ _ _:� . _ .. -�: .. : ... .. .:: ,.. . _ ... _ . _ _ . ...._. ..___-- _�.. __ . 20 :� _. _W _ � �:: - " � ... : _ , � 90 ._ ...... . ... . ..... . ._.. .-": _.. ._ _...... . . .. .. _. .. .. . .. .. _..,.,. .... 70 ... _ .� -��. �,w __ .:: . ..: -. � + . ._ �_: . . .... __. , _ � . .. .._ .._..,_. ......_. � � . 100 ......_ . _.. . ..._._ � ..._...... . __. ... . :.... . . . _ : .: .00t o .� .00.5 .009 .019 .03� .074 .150 .300 .6pp 1.18 2.36 9.75 9.5 12.5 19.0. . 37.5 76.2 1�'�....2� DiAMETER OF PARTICLES IN MILLtMEfERS CLAY TO SILT �� GRAVEL fl� iAED1UM COARSE pn� C�BLES Grave! 33 % Sand 38 % Siit and Clay 29 % Sampie of:Clayey Silfy Gravef�y Sand From:Boring 1 at 10 Feet H 112 330A � ,��"���� GRADATIQN TEST RESULTS FIGURE 5 HEFWqtZTH-PAWL}lK Cs�OTECNNtCAL . � o ^ � M w � � w "' a w a� o ��n > +� t- o�c � `" .� � a Q o U � U '-'' Z �� U �' .c ° �' :� � m � �' � � � � � � � � � ° Ua U rr.� � w w>x p�� a � M Z J j U N � a W � �� � � ,� aZo � � z =' Q- = W � C� }.. � ��., } w a ti W O a �� ° m o C9 � � Y W �� . 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