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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB140059 Project Name:DRB ADDITION DRB Number: DRB140059 Project Description: INTERIOR BASEMENT REMODEL/ADDITION WITHIN THE EXISTING FOOT PRINT OF THE EXISTING FOUNDATION WITH NEW EGRESS WINDOW WELL. Participants: OWNER COURTSIDE 34 LLC 03/10/2014 LONDRES 161-A-5 COLONA JUAREZ, 06600 MEXICO D.F. MEXICO APPLICANT ANKERHOLZ INC. 03/10/2014 Phone: 970-949-6341 PO BOX 296 AVON CO 81620 License: C000003141 CONTRACTOR ANKERHOLZ INC. 03/10/2014 Phone: 970-949-6341 PO BOX 296 AVON CO 81620 License: C000003141 Project Address:4552 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 34 Legal Description:Lot: Block: Subdivision: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES Parcel Number:2101-124-2103-4 Comments:See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 03/23/2014 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:Joe Batcheller DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 TOWN OF VA S M Department of Community Development O 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 MAR 10 2014 Tel: 970 -479 -2128 IVOW Development Review Coordinator pp Ica Ion tor Desicin Review Additions — Residential or Commercial General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of any floor area, including net floor area and /or gross residential floor area (GRFA). This also includes proposals for 'residential 250 additions' and 'interior conversions'. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at under Vail Information — Town Code Online. All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit appli- cation. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and /or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $300 r— Single Family r7 Duplex P Multi- Family F_ Commercial Description of the Request: Interior basement remodel / addition within the existing foot print of the existing foundation, with new egress window well. Physical Address: 4552 Meadow Drive, Vail Colorado, 81657 Parcel Number: 210112421034 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970 - 328 -8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: Courtside 34 LLC Mailing Address: 4552 Meadow Drive Unit 34, Vail Colorado 81657 Phone: Owner's Signature: Primary Contact/ Owner Rrepr6isentative: Steve Ankerholz, Ankerholz Inc. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 296 Avon Colorado 81620 Phone: 970- 949 -6341 E -Mail: ankerholzinc( Fax: 970- 949 -6341 For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Exp. Date: Auth # Check # Fee Paid: 3W — _ Received From: Meeting Date: s4lallQ DRB No.: Planner: Project No: Zoning: Land Use: Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: Nov 2013 Property Information Property Address 4552 Meadow Drive Courtside Townhomes Unit 34 Parcel # 210112421034 Legal Description Courtside 34, LLC Development Site Area sq ft Primary sq ft acres 2014 buildable sq ft Secondary sq ft Zone District / SDD # RC Residential Cluster Hazard Zones Sections 12 -21 & 14 -7 Snow Avalanche (-High Severity (— 'Moderate Severity' N/A Debris Flow (—High Flow r Moderate Flow F- High Avalanche F N/A Rock fall FHigh Severity r Medium Severity r N/A Excessive Slopes ( — >_30% F N/A Floodplain r 100 year floodplain (! Floodway (— Wetlands j ✓ N/A Creeks, Streams Section 12 -14 -17 LJGore Creek (— on site [—adjacent to site (- N/A ❑Other tributary: i-on site i— adjacent to site ( ✓ N/A Project Information Project Description Int. bsmt. addition in existing fndn foot print + egress window Development Standards Allowed Existing Proposed Gross Residential Floor Area (maximum) Chapter 12 -15 Primary sq ft 2014 576 Secondary sq ft EHU sq ft TOTALsgft 1 2014 1576 250 Addition Interior Conversion Re: 12 -15 -4 TOV code Credits: Setbacks (minimum) Section 14 -104 Front It Side ft Side ft Rear ft Watercourse ft Site Coverage (maximum) see definition Section 12 -2 -2 Building Height (maximum) see definition Section 12 -2 -2 Sloping It Flat ft Landscaping See definition Section 14 -2 -1 Section 14 -10-8 Softscape sq ft Hardscape sq ft TOTAL sq ft Driveway Sections 14 -3 -1 & 14 -3 -2 Max Curb -cuts Max Grade @ cen- terline Min Width Heated drive? j— Yes j- No F— Yes F_ No Snow Storage % Parking Sections 12 -10 & 14 -5 #Enclosed Spaces #Unenclosed TOTAL Outdoor Lighting (maximum) Section 14 -10 -7 # fixtures TOWN OF VA JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER The applicant must submit written joint property owner approval for applications affecting shared ownership properties such as duplex, condominium, and multi- tenant buildings. This form, or similar written correspondence, must be com- pleted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home owner's association in the case of a con- dominium or multi- tenant building. All completed forms must be submitted with the applicants completed application. I, (print name) 5- ,e u C_ A 11 )2-e I- � o (z— , a joint owner, or authority of the association, of property located at. approval of the plans PA Town of Vail Community Develop provide this letter as written have been submitted to the proposed improvements to be completed at the address not- ed above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: 20 4WAW I understand that modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations; and that it is the sole responsibility of the applicant to keep the joint property owner apprised of any changes and ensure that the changes are acceptable and appropriate. Submittal of an application results in the applicant agreeing to this statement. i Si ure Date Print Name PROPOSED MATERIALS Building Materials Type of Material Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia _ Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues _ Flashing 4' 151&#6 Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Color n�QIG,E_,eG/� •i a SEE ii r Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. v � (n (u 03 0 Z y cr cn 0 (Jl °o (D caw 00 N 07 �_ x m m Z z 3 LT N CD '' m -0 '2 S O S 0 CD CD CD o co o rn 4 O 0 m o O oo °x N (.C) O CD < CL CL °- o m 1 N M n m O O< n (c J` N 00 o 3 R U. O N m O(n0 U. CD 0 D 0 A 7 W � x O .A O O x O7 z w 3 �■ v o G cn A 0 CL A � r► o o v o �fiiv�=Gi7 mOr i O (D a - n E = , 7 U-X M E W FD M C-N � O a?.•-'iy0��M-4 r- . N .� N(C O T D N n � C s co n 3 ��a o° o m om � mc�ioQ`O 0 fu CD cWn0 ° T -Xo v CCD j 't' M 7 0 - * (a 7 Wp SCA V Q .�. M CL O ? 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O%ankerholz r manapm-numan-n-m- • w,pr -mr -nn RECORD PROJECT: CS34 Reference graphic drawing (not to scale) attached. Unit 34 allowable basement area walls below grade: South wall West wall East wall North wall Total: Total basement wall area: South wall West wall East wall North wall Total: 180 sq. ft. 138 sq. ft. 138 sq. ft. 96 N. ft. 552 sq. ft. 192 sq. ft. 192 sq. ft. 192 sq. ft. 48 sq ft. 624 sq. ft. Percentage GRFA = 552 / 624 = 88% Proposed additional area = (576 x 88% = 509 sq. ft.) => (576 — 509 = 67 sq. ft.) < (which is below the 250 sq. ft. allowed.) OFFICE / FAX: 970 - 949 -6341 PO BOX 296 AVON, CO 81620 Page 1 of 1 ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Statement Number: R140000141 Amount: $300.00 03/10/201404:11 PM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB ANKERHOLZ Notation: 15165 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB140059 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2101- 124- 2103 -4 Site Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 34 Total Fees: $300.00 This Payment: $300.00 Total ALL Pmts: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- DR 00100003112200 DESIGN RFVTF:W FFF.R Qnn nn