HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Lionshead Filing 3 Block 2 Lot 1 - Strata Vail Exemption PlatN N 1. Date of survey. November 78, 2013. 2. Basis of Bearing: The �ast line of Lot 1, bearing NO2'OCi'00"W, 185.00' between found survey markers as shown hereon. 3. Refer to Land Title Guarantee Company Commitment V50021 289-9 for all title information. 4. Certain notes set forth an Final Plat af Vail/Lionshead, TI'�ird FiEing Rec. Na. 117682 are applicable. 5. This property is subject to covenanis, conditions and restrictions contained in Protective Covenar�ts of Vaii/Lionshead, TFtird Filing recorded in book 221 at page 991 and amendment thereto recorded in �ook 258 ai Page 453. B. This property is subjecf to easement as set forth on Condominium Map for Enaian at Vaii Condominiums recorded in Book 237 Page 675 and the Declaration for Enzian at Vail Cortdominiums recorded in Book 237 at Page 674. 7. This property is subject to terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations cantained in restrictive covenants recorded in Book 522 at Page 621. 8. This property is subject to terms, conditions, prnvisions, agreements and obligations as contained in cable television butk billing agreement recarded in Book 647 at Page 422 9. This property is subject ta terms, conditians, provisions, agreerrtents and obligations as carttained in the 5ettfement and Nlutua! Reiease Agreerr�er�t recorded march 3, 2004 at Reception no. 8696$4. �0. This property is subject to terms, conditions, provisions, agreernents and obligations and ernergency access easemenf contained ir� the Eas�ment and Joint Mvintenance Agreement recorded March 3, 20a4 at Receptinn no. 8696$5. 19. The purpose of this p.lat is ta cornbine Parcels 1 and 2 as described in Lond Title Guarar�tee Company Commitrrient V50�21289-9 into ane lot. 12. Pedestrian Easement: Lionshead Inn, LiC, hereby dedicates and conveys to the Towr� of Vail a perpetual nonexclusive Easament and right of way an, over, under, above, across and through that portinn of this final piat designated "Pedestrian Easement" for the purpose of constr�ction, installatian, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and improvement of a public sidewalk. Further, Lionshead fnn, LLC, hereby dedicates to the Town of Vail and sets aver to the pubfic forever, subject to the reusonable anagement/maintenance rights of the Town, a perpetual, non-exclusive Easement on, over, ocross and through that portion of this final plat designnteri "Pedestrian Easement" for purposes of pedestrian, bicycle and other r�on-motorized �ccess, once construetion of the improvements comprising the sidewalk have besn completed. 13. This property is sub ject to Terms, Conditions ar�d f'rovisions o# Construction Easement Agreement recorded August 20, 201Ci af Reception No. 2010'I6398. 14. This property is sub ject to Terms, Condifiions and Provisions of Cons�ructinn Easement Agreement recorded August 2Q, 2010 at Reception No. 2Q10'16399. 15. This property is subject to Terms, Conditions and Provisians of Employee Housing Agreement recorded June 13, 200$ at Recep�ion No. 200812599 and reEease of recorded Empioyee hnusing Agreement recarded �ecember 12, 2012 Reception No. 20122496$. PLANNING AND EN1/lRONMENTAL COMMISSION CERTiFICATE This �nal plat was appro�ed by the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission this ���"�' day o�iLt.�"3�-----� A.D. 201v,n.4� 1 ATTEST: �o+�i.lClerk / Chair , Town of Vai, �own of Vaiil Planning and Environmenta C mmission �.,c� � 11��, -�?� � � ►-�.� � a ?�` � +� �� � �t4.� � � C.� � � . i� �� ��-�l��s � �. � m ° �'� �°�� s ��,,s�'��� n o � � g � .. ,. ,� • qtl �� � ��µ :: �� ���'� �� A�.i t.�s �°� �o ��. � ���� �� - ��� s� �� '� � �3p, � d.�°� ��, !' !'41� �`d,�. 8'Eqi���@� �a2s�Suxn3$ .=a4�"fl TfTLE CERTIF�CATE Land 7itle Guarantee Company does hereby certify that the title to all lands shown upon this Ehis Plat have been examined and is vested in Lianshead Inn LLC, a Colorado limited liability campany, and the title to such lands is free and clear of aEl iiens and encurnbrances, except as foll ws: ��J btif�^� _'�l�G�?'�`-_ �!^1.�C�� !r --------------5ir�.aL�++`.3__.�.! ----------- T T'L�r Crp�+rw�-r s�r^rr+�+---�"!'�' V,� O O Z 1 Zb"'' �°�--- �ated this �� da of S'A���,{A.D., 2014. AGEN � OlL�-,► 7�i'� I y�'�- i�..� "�^1. *�"ti....�' C� �t7 �r. L..� es�s S�►�+��r�t� �+�y � ��iR"'�. .,�� �- � c...o � rs S ~7 2o b EXEM� PLAT `�1�= l_�'l��l� , -•- • • • �4 •� s • ►�.. • � �-� _ . -.- • � . • - �• -� r :� • . __ -. -�. • . � . • - � � � • - � ' . d . . _ • _...._.�. -.� . � _ � , � NVE�� ��LE ��� �� D "" � �\ � � a_� ` /'' SITE �i�� � � � � . - - - � `� _.■��_�- � R1TZ � � �J . � � U� � ^ � / .�, � / �i! � , ` `� ..r . � r � 7. = � � ❑ � � � � � Q o ° f,��'��� �� � Q. \� Q Wess� pQ Lionsh�ad � SCALE 1" = 400' VICINITY MAP , �. �r �r w► • �� CERTIFICATE 4F TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certify thai the entire amount of taxes due and payable as of the day of .I�$C�W�,��.lC 31..,.....,.__�-D.,2Q9 �pon all parcels of real estate described on this plai are paid in full. ���� • � � � � � � 1 \ � VAIL -� � .-��� ` _ Q �.' �' �'j o �� � ~ w \� �'� ° �J C , ,�� _ fi .� � �' � C�' �? �� �� 0 � � �� .� Q � ❑ _ �\� n�� �� 1�< o � o �� p a � \ \, 0 � .� � � � � � 4.J s+.r►! � �, o � � � � � p � ❑ � ��lJo Q ��. � � �� �� � �� �fl 6 � Fic�Ie►o CHAIR 8 r�t ■ � � � _�J r " � ►a�� �` � � . -'M4� ,� �!� � SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Robert S. Lee, do hereby certify �hat I am a registered Land Sur�eyor licensed under the laws of the 5tate af Calorado, that this plat is true, correct and corrtpEe�e as laid out, pia#ted, dedicated and shown herson, that such plat was rnade from an acc€�rate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the lats, easemer�ts and streets of soid subdivision as the same Qre stoked upon the ground in compliar�ce with applicable regulations governing the subdi�ision of iand. Dated this �_'� day of � A.D., 2q'[4_ ���D� �J �0.�ryy ln �tness INf�ereof, I have set my hond ond seal this L"� d� of��li�,�4.D., 2Q14. �o� `�� �'q`Y� i.� ��� ��I _ b�.,...� �. Treasurer of Eagle County CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFiCATE This P4at was filed for record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder on this__..! �__ [� C da y of __���`�_�_........____, A. D. 2 0 1 4 a t _�_ o' c l o c k_�� n d i s d u ly r e e o r d e d a t R e c ep t i o n N o._ ���? p�� s4 � �� � Cferk and Recorder � �' � Eagle County, Calorndo � `� � � � G3 • ��C��t�°� �� � � BY---�_........_-----� Y I Robert S. Lee PLS �2304-8 -.� � +� �� � ����� �yR�•�12�f �� �"'�. , RA06YYO'f . �"�.��. � �'�� CER�IFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OW�IERSH`1P KNOW ALL M�N BY THESE PRESENTS thot Lionsheod Inn, LLC, being sols owner(s} in fee simple of alf that rea! property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagie County, Cnlorado, described as foflows: A portior� of Lot 1, Block 2, Vaif/Lionshead, Third Filing, ir� the SW� afi Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridia�, Town of Vail, Gaunty of Eagle, St�te of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: $eginning at tF�e most Nnrtherly Corner of sa.id Lot 1, which paint is at the end of a 25 foot radius curve and on the southerly right-of-Way line of lnterstate Flighwny Na. 70 South Frontage Road; thence southwesierly on said right--of-way 4�ne 2i5.01 feet along the arc of a 3650 fnnt radius curve to the left whose central angls is 04'19`01" and whose fang chord bears S 66i6'32" W, 274.94 feet to the northeosterly corner o# Vail 5pa Condaminiums according to the map thereof recorded in the Office of �he Eogle Cnunty, Colorado Clerk and i�ecarder at ReCeption No. 191852; Thence departing said right of way S23'02'46"E, 178.4D feet along tfie easterly boundary of said Vail Spa Condominiums to the Northwesterly corner of Enzian at Vail Condaminiurrts according to the map thereof recorded in the Office of the Eagke Coun�y Clerk and Recorder at Reception No. 133690; Thence the following nine courses along the Northerly, Easterly and So�atharly baundary of said Enaian at VniE Condominiums; 1) N68'57'00'�E 93.1 D feet; 2) 523'03'QO"E 44.19 feet; 3) Nfi6'57'00"E 21.50 feet; 4) S23'03'00"E 16.55 feet; 5) S69'44'S4°E 40.47 feet; 6) 7.84 feet along the arc of a 5.00 foot radius tange�t curve to the right having a centr�l angfe of 89'49'15" and a chord that bears S2�'52�27"E, 7.06 feet; 7) S20'OD'00"W 19.02 feei; 8) S57'56�00"W 16.91 feet; 9) S6S'57'00"W 114.Sq feet �o said Easterly bo�ndary nf Vail Spa Condominiums, thencs S23'Q2"46"E 17.38 feet along said Easterly Boundary to a point an ihe Northerly right of way line of West Lionshead Circle; Thence the following five courses along said right of way; 1) 20_97 fieet along the arC of a 289.00 foot radius eur�e io the righi having a centr'ai angle of 04'09`30" and a chord that bears S89'15'S1'�E, 20.97 feet; 2) 248.12 fest along the arc of a 150.D0 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 94'46'27" and a chord that bears N45'25'36"E 22D.78 feet; 3} N D2'0�'00" W, 185.00 feet fn a point of curvature; 4} 4D.96 feef along the arc of a 125 foot radius tangent curve to the left whose ceniral angle is 18'46'32" and whose long chord bears N 11'23'1fi" W, 4E}.7$ feet to a point of cnmpound curvature; 5) 39.fi1 feet along the arc of a 25 foat radius cur�e to the left whose central angle is 9q'47'25" and whose long chord bears N 66'1(3'14° W 35.60 feet to the point o# beginning. Containing 1.589 acres, more or less: ha�e by tF�ese presents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into 1 lot as shown on this final pE�t under the name and style of: Exemption Plat, Strata Vail a subdivision in the Town nf Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby nccept the responsibility for the I of the ublic roads and other campietion of required improvements; and dnes hereby dedicate and set apart al p pubfic improvements and places as shown on tF�e accorr�panying plat to the use of tF�e public farever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indica�ed as easement on the accorripanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereor�; dnd does hereby grant tt�e right to instali and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible far providing the services �nr which the eas�rnents are CStQ�?IESFI4C�- q� �1 EX�CtJiE� this Y_1_ day nf J��, A.D., 2014 Owner: Lionshead Inn, LLC, A Calorado Limited Liability Cornpany ��:--- ;, - �------- ` SHELLY lOU �LEARY �- -- :. l+101`AfiY Pt�.1C ��R�►� �'AT& � TARY ID 2���� STAT� 0�' COLORAE�Q )5S '�omm}�sivr� �xp�res Ma 13, 2417 ' � , CQLJNTY OF EAGL� q Th foregoing Certificate of edication 9[ �d Ownership was acknowledgecf before me this �! day o�, A.D. 2014, by ��iC1!!SA_�Nd1_._._....._------__.�._..�_----------- My Commission expires I,.�,J�- ��r �!�� . �tness my hand and of�cial �sal. Not P bl ^ . . � . � � _ � � ; � �. . ;. • � � � � • , � � .. : . ■� : m � � � C� 0 c � � C) O N O � 0 w � C37 � _ _ � _. . _ � _--- STRATA VAIL � -�- • • • =� •� . � ►�-� .� -� � , - � - • � • . • - • - � r :� � . -- �- . - � . Towru aF v��, counrnr oF �►c�, sTA� � co�.a�►r.�o INTERSTATE HiGHWAY N�. 70 st� �cHU�c SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD � �c� �.u�n° �s��,�� ELEV=81 f�D.03' L:275,p�' � Tan�137.5i 6�4"19'01" (�iD=S86"1B'32"W POINT OF BEGINNING CHD A=274.94' �. - - - -�-�� �.. ...�. _ � .�.�` _ _ ��. - - � � �� � � �,�„ �.. �„� .�r+,,. �.. .... ���- -� -- �t-.s6�(l.�3C1' �=3C�f7.C3t� L=i 2 asi3flH ��_ -- _ -----J - �� � ��.�� ° ���=��.��R _- a �, N O � O W •P Cn 00 R=25.00' L�39.81' TaEn=25.35' �`47`25` - N CI+'iEh�N6B7Q��4�W 2 �8�32 � `cwo D�35.60' r---- � ia�t= i�.�2' cx 1�1 °5i 4�� � g' _�- � � �""'�^ �� �=-2�21 °� i", , ° 30' UTILI77 EASEMENT Q s67°2i'11 "�f �- 0 9fi r��j � ��� -- ' � �6�'37'��°'YY 30 U17LITY EASEMENT � E�221 P99.2 a��4.9�e .�^^� �. - � 8221 P992 � L1=25 Ofi 51,� i �i€�. t�43' CHl�= N 33'19'49"W � CHD D=10.87' ^��r�������..,�,--.�..���.�.�._.._�._..��.-�_.._-�-. .�-._._-_.._� � R�210.00' . L-38.61 � � � Tan=19.36' A=1032'�5° �°', � , CHD=NQ838'59"W a � LO� � CH� D=38.56 ,�44�' 9.569 ACRES � � _. ._ �- .- :: � �: �� , � � �"- � � � . _ . • -:. , _ ,,.� , �- . - . - :.... � � o � m D �. �� � ���� V � ;: ; � � ': � :p �N � ��-�.i.. � . V p� 1� Q ,��-"' � �'� a �:. � ��� =����� � ; �� � � � °: �1�I��A� � �t"�^ ❑ VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUMS �' � � . ._ _. � ,. . , �_: � - .. � � >��� , : . . ?��g;`�.�.�s �- , ,. ;• ����� =�� _ , ���� � = � � � a " "�C� -�'�� �,.���� := , _. . , r°' 't�a �"�li� ���: �''" ° `� RECEPTION No. 191852 : ' �= �: � �� -������� � �� � ;�:�� ,������� $4_, : � �� �&�� F�� ��: ' ao =. �� t�°i�� :�-��-`�' �� � g � � � ��� � � �'�� jx� �� � � � 17 �� r� ' � \�� p� -�' . y .. . � . . .. � - .. �. " " � �" . ,. . . . . .... _ �. . .� - . , � � . _: �>' � �.- .� � .: , �- . : .. -... �� t,� 4�.L �" �'� `, ,' � - i% _ � - : ", � - g �->� � , . .,.., � _ �., . i '�v�� . � - - . _. ._ ,- � �'' - � ry "�� ,., nr � �= �.�ti � �����}� C9 j - �$ _ �u ,� '�,�� � /�C�� 5 ' i%k � � �� F /" �� � V � � � o � ��" � �"�t m� ��o ' �k �� � � ' l . ',�f;�fi: �' o � N66'Si00"E r�k � v 93.9 0' �....� �-��:- � I` _ .... �_ _. - - � > ' fij -- -----j � ���j#A � sss�i o+o"w ,.3:�,�'w. � ��'. NI = � i � �I � ,4��1 $� �,h ,: 3 W ��' d Muru�u. � �aPROC.a� g'� � • j 4i ACCESS EASEM@7VT, 800K 237 � �fD p PAG� 675 AND EASEMENT ??� 0 AND JOlNT MRINTENRNG�E � � ��� � I*1 AGRFEMFNT REC.,�4fi9fi65 � � : .. . � J' '�� � .���-�--- -� � � _ - - ---.- � � �„4 � � � SET 2" ALUMINUM CAP L.S. 23Q48 - Z N j �!J �Ic s� � ENZIAN AT VAIL CONDOMINEUMS RECEPTION No. 133694 FOUND #5 REBAR � �4 �` R=15Ci.CJ�' N$B�7�OQ�� 2" ALUMINUM CAPI � ,� �� �=1�.91' z�.�' ��s 2szs��� �\ ��qc �r����.�� ��ss��°zz�' � � � ��� �o� m��=� ��_� w W � � \ �,� ��� , ay �� � �,as' � �� � � ��Y ��� �� � s�� � 2" ALUMWUM CAP � ,"L528267'� � R=36DJ9� NOT STAMPED W.C. �`Q' 2" ALUMINUM CAP �� L=4d.61 {4.q7' TQ CQRNER} �iD��� 1LL�GI�LE �'�� Tan=20.33' , ,� �\ �62659 I � E` R=S.00' CH�ND2'45�47'�E � Li7.84 C�.p=40.59' Tan-4.98' d�89'49`15" � � - CHD=S24'52'27"E � e � ' CHD D�7.OB' rw>=3BS' ::,„�;�;r'�� w � d�B8iil3" Op� +��t� "r I •Cr, �� CHU D=5.58•13"W ��.,��,�'y"� ��� � .� p�' 2" AL.UMINUM CAP � ���„� „ � +� fLLEGBLE � � ��"`'� ��. FOUND 2 ALUMINUM ,��� ,���� "`�' R=fSO.�' CAF' "2.0' w.C." S66'S7'00"W S57'� , / �����:. �.=zsoo� LS. 23048 114.80• 1$.91 // �� ,��� �� r��rzs.i' _ �� � � �r. � x° e�a��: �; e�s 32'5s'� � 2" ALIJlNINUM CAP / ��;� cxo=ro�a�7s'� �� 2 ALUMINUM CAP �S 282f7 / �� nrs77a'�z'w ctr� D-a�,s�� w �y�� "LS 28267" i H:�'a'E';�%` as2'(�az) � �$��� , �.<:� ;,e.� �,.. • N � MUTlJAL dt RECIPROCAL � \ ACCFSS EASf�NENT, BOOK 237 �=1��, ig. �� N 67'05'57" W � � PACE 67S ANA �ASEMENT L=1S3.70' / �•9�� AhlO JO1NT MAlNTENAIVCE Tan=9.Z 18' �� / � � AGREEMENT 1?EG�B9685 S 88'28'54" 'E" � � �����3" � � / R�289.�' 6.78' {TIE) � a4ngtise�r9a � � � / - -_ ,� a�ro n=r�.re• _ - L=2Q.97' ~ -- -. _.. - � � -- -- Ta�=10.49' N gy. � . ♦ �4'09'30" '��7 �5" / R�150 �` CHD�S$9'�5'S1"E � � �-�.44.8,3' r J L=2�48.12' CHD D=2Q.9i ��� � �....� � Tan='i83.05' "`�""�� � � 6■94 46'27" qiD�N45 2'"s'�6"� PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT �NEST LlONSHEAD CIRCLE (�Ip 1'i=220.78� CREA7ED BY TFi15 PL.AT 50' ROW 1 �--1 /2" ALUi�IINUM CAP °L52826i" NOT STAMPED W.C. (24.88' to P.G} R=8.24' L=7.34' Tan=3.93' Or5Q`59'48" CHD=N31'29'11 "E CHD D=7.10' R=125.Oi3� L�40.96' Tan=20.6�'' d�18'46'32' C�1D�N11'23'16"W CHD Dm40.78' PEDESIRIAN EA5�MEfV7 CREATED BY THIS PLAT - - ---- - � a 20 � 0 LEGEN D • SET #5 REBAR AND 2" ALUbEINUM CAP "LS 23Q48" � F011ND �5 REHAR AND 1-1/2" ALUMIE�UM GAP °LS 28267" ►s O �e ' Y�'_ �! "j F: { kS FOUND �5 REBAR AND 2" ALUMWUM CAP AS LABELED F�UND #5 REBAR AND 1-1/2„ ALUMINUM CAP "LS 1fi827" PEC}ESTRIAN EASEMENT GRAPH�C SCALE �0 �Q � { IId FEET } 1 ianch = 20 ft. . �