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B99-0203 D99-0030 E99-0177 M99-0116 P99-0096 A99-0012
TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M99-Ol 16 Job Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR Applied . . : 08/20/1999 Parcel No...: 210108109004 Issued . . . 08/20/1999 Legal Description: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 7-GOLDEN PEAK PARCEL Expires . .: 02/16/2000 Project No : APPLICANT ROBINSON MECHANICAL COMPANY 08/20/1999 Phone: 970-949-0259 5541 CENTRAL AVENUE BOULDER, CO 80301 License: 147-M Also is CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR ROBINSON MECHANICAL COMPANY 08/20/1999 Phone : 970-949-0259 5541 CENTRAL AVENUE BOULDER, CO 80301 License: 147-M Also is Applicant OWNER VAIL CORPORATION THE 08/20/1999 PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 Desciption: REMOVE STEAMERS ADDING SMOKER Valuation: $25,000.00 Firepiace[nformation:Res[ricted:Y #of Gas Appliances: 0 #of Gas Logs: 0 #of Wood Vellet: 0 r�........*.�*.r*xa►*�*s+.+*�+*.**►s+.�sf�*�...s.s�:+......«s.s+*..* PEE SU MMARY s*s**s*****�►**********�r��*s++ss***�**�*****�**t*****+s+**** Mechanical---> ' $500.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> S0.00 Total Calculated Fees---> S 628.00 Plan Check---> $125.00 TOTAL FEES--------------> 5628.00 Additional Fees-----------> 50.00 Investigation-> S0.00 Total Permit Fee----------> 5628.00 W i II Call-----> S 3.0 0 Payments-------------------> $62 8.0 0 BALANCE DUE--------> S0.00 ►***+*****�as�s+*�****�*a**s�**�*�+*****s***�*+*+*+*+�a**+►**�***+**srt**+**�**�*►*r►:s********s**+****+*�ars**s***s*s***►►res�*a*s+x++ss***�+*�:* Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/20/1999 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED JRM Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/20/1999 JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: CON0003643 EXISTING HOOD MUST MEET OR EXCEED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PIECE OF EQUIPMENT,AS WELL AS PIECES EXISTING Cond: CON0003644 NO TEFLON EQUIPMENT ALLOWED PER HEALTH CODE Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG 2003) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG 2003) : BOILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER' S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG 2003) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG 2003) : ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IFGC. . Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004 . 6. #***###****k**#############****##►#########kR#***#*#######**#�rt#t###}�4*Rt#4#*#*#######*#****##�####►#fi***k########AA##it##4�#M#�M4####*k##�4###/ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM; SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ;n�. .,,; � �', .\;.I� B99-0203 : Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 14:45 02/28/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke APPR APPROVED JRM 12/10/1999 A000022 778 Total Rows: 1 Page 1 D99-0030: Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 14:45 02/28/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke APPR Inspection not reqd KV11 11/19/1999 A000024 885 Total Rows: 1 Page 1 E99-0177: Entries for Item:190 - ELEC-Final 14:45 02/28/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke APPR suport lightfixtures EG 11/16/1999 A000031 453 APPR finish inst lights-bar EG 11/23/1999 A000031 454 Total Rows:2 Page 1 M99-0116: Entries for Item:390 - MECH-Final 14:46 02/28/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke APPR APPROVED CD 11/24/1999 A000037 914 Total Rows: 1 Page 1 P99-0096: Entries for Item:290 - PLMB-Final 14:46 02/28/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke CO ADDTL COMMS-ADD STRAINERS TO ALL CD 11/23/1999 A000044 FLOOR SINKS CAULK ALL SINK BACK 255 SPLASHES WILL CHECK AT BUILDING FINAL APPR APPROVED CD 11/23/1999 A000044 258 Total Rows:2 Page 1 , � �� �k , • . � • � c� .i� r..��(��1(71n, y'-t`u�'b'---� h TOWN OF VAIL DEP.ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPM�NT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD �IAIL, CO 81.657 97Q-479-2138 NQTE: THIS PERNiIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOSSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL SU1llG. Pezznit �#: D99-d030 Job Address : 456 VAIL VALLEY DR 5ta�us . . . : ISSUED Loc�tion. . . : 458 VAIL VALLEY �7R AppTied. . : 08/04/1999 Parce3. No, . : 2101-f}81-09-004 Issued. . . : 08/45/1999 Praject No. : PRJ99�-0227 Expires . . : 02/01/2000 APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 34I9, VAIL, CO3 CELL# 471-4$$8 $1658 CONTRACT�R NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Phane: 97d-8�5-1001 P.O. St7X 3419, VAIL, �C�, CELL�# 471--4888 81658 OWNER VAIL CORP�ORATION THE PO BOX 7, VATL CO 81658 Description: FARTIAL DPMd F�R NEW RESTA,URANT�be11a riva) Occugan�y: R1/B2/B1Mu1ti-Family w/ Bus. & Garage Type Construction: II 1-HR Type II 1-Hour Type C)ccupancy: Valuation: 500 Add Sq Ft : Fixeplace Tnformation: Reetricted: #Df cas Appliances: #Of Gas Logs: #�f Wood/Pallet: aarr+rrarrrrrr+rr�+a�rrrw�r�t�r++rwrrrrr+r�rwr+**r�r�rrrrrrrrYrWr FEE SUMMARY rr*a+*+r++++++aa+ri-rrWtirrrrrrrrwr:r��r�rarrrtrr�rrraa�+airr fluild3ng-----> 20.00 Restssarant Plan Review--> .00 Total Ca1cul�ated Feea---� 56.60 Plan Check---n 13.00 DRH Fee-----------------> 20.00 Additional Fees---------n .QO Zrqve�tigatinn> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .00 Total Permit Fea--------> 56.0o Will Ca11°---> 3.00 CJ.ean-Up 77epoaik-------� .00 Payments--------------> 56.ao TOTAL FEES--------------� 56.00 BALAI+ICE DUB----------^-� .�0 raf,rt�Ywl.tirr+rlr�M1+att�YSrtrrrfitrvrtrvetY'errrrwrvrrtttlrrftsrvrsrxrrvwtttfrw'�'t+�r:r4Yri�rr.rxxiir+f***+�YW++dr++rwar4rrrr+�rrr�Ytr�rr+rf�rrM�.r Item: Q5100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept : BUILDING Division: OS/0�/1999 �TRM Action: APPR approved Ttem: 05400 PLA.NATING DEPARTMENT Dept : PLANNING Division: Item: 05600 FIRE BEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE Divisior�: Item: 05500 PUBL�C WORKS Dept : PUH WORK Division: Item: 05700 E�TVIRC?NMENTAL �3EALTH Dep� : HEALTH Divisioz�: Item: 05900 LIQUOR Dept : CLERK Division: rr�rr�erte�r�rrrtrtwyr+rrwa++.+�i+,trrry.+�+t:a�rfey-rrivrrr.arr��rt++arr.+.r�aara.wWrrv�e�x+v�w,e�w+rr+�re�+*i+++e++r++r�r�rrt�.+rr+r.+��*♦ S�e Page 2 of this Document for any conditians that may apply to this permit . DECLARAT�ONS T herehy acicnowledga that I hav� r�ad this agplication, filled out 'sn full the informaeion required, completed an aecurate p2ot plan, and atate that all the information proviried as required is correat. I agree to comply with khe infoxmation and plot plan, to comQly with a31 Town ordinancee and etate lawe, and to build this etructure accvrding to the Town'e zoning and eubdivieion codee, design review approved, Uniform Suilding Code and othei ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPE4TZQNS SHALL HE MRBB TW�N"fY-FOUR f10Uk9 TN ADVANGE BY TELEPHONE AT 47�T38 AT OIIR :OD AM 5:00 FM � --- Send Clean-Up peposit To: nedbo GNA'�URS OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSSLF ANO OWNER ' � r I � • **ilrilr*�Ir+k�Ar**�rir�Ar*�t�k�Fik�k�tik�k�h�k�*�h*irlk�tlFirir*ir**ir*�F*�k�F�k�k�k�k�lr*iktiF�t�k�k�k�Irik�rik�t�F�tiFik#ie�Firllrir�tik�kik�ir***** CONDITIONS Permit # : D99-0030 as �f 08/05/99 5tatus : ISSUED ****�***********************��**********,�**�*******+�****�r********************** Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Applied: 08/04/I999 Applicant : NEDBO CQNSTRLTCTION Issued: 08/05/1999 970-845-1001 To Expire: 02/'03./�000 Job Address : Locatiion: 458 VAIL VAL�EY DR Pa�cel No: 2101-081-09-004 Descript�on: PARTIAL DEMD FQR NEW REST�f.IIRANI'�bella riva) Conditions : 1 . THIS PERMIT IS GdQD FOR ASBESTOS ABATE�ENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBES'FOS IS R�QUIRED PRIOR TO ANX FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON TH�� SITE. IF FURTHER QUESTI�IVS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL F I RE DEPARTMEN'� AT 4 7 9--2 2 5 Q . 2 . FTRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS R�QUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BFs STARTED. 3 . FIELD INSPECTIQNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . � r r � � . #rr+*r�*r+tai++.arrirr+*wrtxi*+�wrr+rr.a�r�sr�Wrtrrr�rrwr+r+rrrrr� TOW'N OF V}�IL, COLORADO StaCemnt rr�r�rr�t�t��r�W+�earr:eersrr*�rr-r���errsrrrt�*rWw�rwrwr*i++r�arwsi�r♦ Statemnt �Tumber: R6C-0548 Amount: Sb.00 a6/OS/99 13:09 Payment Method: CK Notation: 16575/N2DB0 Init: LC -------------------------------------_____°____-------- Parmit No: Q99-0030 Type: A-DEMQ DEMO. OF PART/AT,L BU Parcel Na: 2141-O81-U9-064 Site Addrese: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR Location: 458 VAIL VALLEY 6R Total Feee: 5b.�0 This Payment 56.00 Tocal AI.L Pmte: 55.00 Balance: .oU itrtt?W�rxt*wv�Yia�ri+/#MYryrki��IweBw�Yirtweif�rrVt�rsrwerf�rrttxtrrerrttr Account Cade Lleacriptiorr At¢ount BP 0�104003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 20.00 DR 001000031122Q0 ❑ESIGN REVIEW FEES za.00 pF 0010�003112300 PLAN CHEGRC FEES 13.00 WC 0410QD03112800 WILI, ChI,L INSPECPION FEB 3.00 s • TOWN OF VAZL D�PARTMENT OF CONIly[UNITY �EVEL�PMEI�T'I' 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2I38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON J�BSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT CONINI BUILD PERMT Perm�,t # : B99-0203 Job 1�ddress : 458 VAIL VALLEY DR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. , . : 458 VAIL VALLEY DR (BELLAApplied. . :K08/04/1999 Paxcel No. . : 2101--0$1-{b9-{#04 Issued. . . : 08J19/1999 Praject No. : PRJ99-0227 Expires. . : 02/�.5/2000 APPLICAN'� NEDB� CONSTRUCTION Phone: 970-845-2001 P.O. BOX 34�9, VAIL, CO, CELL# 471-488$ 81658 CONTRACTOR NEDBC3 CONSTftUCTION Phone : 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419, VAIL, CO, �CELL# 471-4888 8�658 OWN�R VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VA�L CO 81658 TOV/Comm. Dev. Description: INTERIOR R.EMODEL �F EXISTING RESTAURAPIT ���'�n-up Dep I'� �B�Un� Occu.pan.cy: R1/B2/B1Multi-Fami�y w/ B�pr�'��� � �� ��`'� Type Construction: II 1-HR Type II 1-Hour aR�OUCtt � ��� � Type Occupancy: �-��.�.� j �� � valuation: 50, 000 Add Sq Ft : Fireplace Information: Reetristad: #Of 4ae App�iancea: #Of Gas Loga: #Of Waod/Pallet: r+�t+iirar��ir+a+rrkrrwvrrrrr�rr�r+et�r+rrr��wtwrre�rartir+rf*eai FEE SUMMARY rt:rrirrwr+ta.++a+rrrrwvr,r:e�r*W+rt�+++aai++ria+rrrrre�a+sr $uilding-----> 490•00 Aeetuarant Plan Review--� .00 Total Calculated Fees---> 1,13.1.50 Plan Check---> 318.50 DRB Fee------—�----°--� 50.00 Additional Fees---------> .00 Inveatigation> .00 Recreation Fcc----------> .00 'Total Pezm$t Fee--------� 1,111.50 Wi31 Call---> 3.�0 Clean-Up Degoait------> 250.00 PaymenCe---------------� 1,111.50 TOTAL FEES-..------------> 1,ZIk.�U � RAT.ANCE ❑VE----—-------� .00 iMirfttf�i#*Yrlrttr++Yt+Y°tvitWt+ktlliit�x�FtMWYlt+tir*#1ar*#*#rtft+i#+�rWYf�twrwt�et➢rlf�rf#ilri+rrf4r�F+sv*vfwYrrrtwYrQk+Ir�rar+i�fwWYWrrt+'tirttt+! ZGem: i}5140 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept = BTJILl]ING Divisiori: 08/06/1999 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED Item: 0540Q PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept : PLAI�NING �ivisian: 08/05/1999 JRM Ac�iOn: APPR N/A Item: Q560b FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE Division: OS/Q5/1999 JRM Action: APPR N/A Ttem: d5500 PUHLIC WORKS Dept : PUB WORK Divzsion: OS/05/199� JRM Action: APPR N/A �vrr�r�twrrw�rrtst��.+�wr*i+ertii++rrwwrwrrrvrr�e**rY���+rrysrf+*x+i*:ra++�xwwarrwr�rrwwe�rsr�raw�++*++++.+�r�wwr�rri+r+r+w+++arasr+irrt+ See Page 2 0� this Document for any conditions that may apply ta this permit . DE�LARATIONS I herehy acknowledge that I have read thie apglication, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and etate that all the in€ormstion provided as required ia correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot pZan, to com�ly with all Town ordinancea and etate lawe, and to build thie stru�ture according to the Town°s zoning and eubdivieion codes, deaign review approved, Uniform Building Coda and other ordinancee of the Tawn applicai�le thereto. RE¢UESTS FOF2 INSPECTIONS 3HAI.L EE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADIaANCE BY TELEPHOI�E'�j�-2139�,OR AT OFFIC� F'RQM 8:60 AM 5:00 PM G' � ` Send-Clean-Up �epoeit To: NE�SP SIGNATURE OF OWNE OR OR FOR HIl+ISELF AND OWNER . r � • �}*��**�********#*******************�***�*��*t*t***#*****#**********$******#**�# COIdDITI ONS Pen[ti.t # : B99-0203 � as of 08/19/99 Sta�us : ISSUED �************************�***�******,r***********��r*****************,r************ Permit Type: ADD/ALT CONIlr!I HUILD PERMT Applied: OS/�4/1999 Applicant : NEDBO CONSTRUC2IdN Issued: OS/19/1999 970-845-1001 To Expire: 02/15/2000 Job Add�ess : Location: 458 VAIL� V.ALL�Y DR (BELLA RIVA--LARKSPUR) Parcel No: 2101-081.-09-004 Descript�.on: INTERIOR REMO�IEL O�' EXIST�I�G R�STPiIJRANT Conditions : 1 . FIRE D�PARTMENT APPRU*,TAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAiV BE STARTED. 2 . FIELD �NSPECTI�NS ARE REQUIREI7 TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCB . � r • � iWWYWWYWwtt*YWti**iY*�***rtit*ttYVY*tWtt#itttit�tt+btiti**W****** TOWN OF VAZL, COLOAADO Statemnt � rrh+#*�.rhlr+h++M++++i++rra�ktr+r#+ri+�l+ra;+lra*MiMi*+M+#x#el�wtrreT . Statemnt Numbar: REC-OSSY Amount: 1,111.50 tl8/19/99 10:14 Payment Method: CK Notatian: 26635/NEDBd Ini[: JN ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pe,rmi[ No: B94-0203 Type: h-COMM ADD/ALT C�MM BUILD P � PaYC�el No: 2101-Q81-69-004 9ite Addrese: 45B VAIL VALLEY C!R Location: 95B VAIL VALLEY DR (HELLA RIVA--i.ARK,SPtIRj Tota1 Feee: 1,11Y.50 � Thi� Payment 1,111.SQ Total AI.L Pmts: 1,111.50 Balance: .0� ♦*ir+rAr+birawkaraara�strirYr�t+rarr+�r+.+�+�r�tirrirrraarira++++rta+ai Aacount Code Deecription Amaunt BP 0�100003111100 HUILDII3G PERMIT FEES 990.00 dR 00100003112200 DESIGAI REVIEW FE&S 50.0a PF O�1Q00031123�0 PLAN CiiEL"�C EEES 318.5a AD PZ-pEP68 CLEAH7UP �FPOSI'S9 250.0� WC 00100q03112600 WILL C]�I,L IfiSPECTSDN FEE 3.0a -'--�—-----'-`-----------------'--------------------"---'---- i a ". TOWN O�' VAIL�C�NSTRUCTION PEF�N�IT AP lCATIOIV FORM ���t�:���..� G"� INFORMATIOK 1VIUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contact the E�gle Coun#y Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel# � �� - ` ' Parcel# � � �tj( — ��jJ — v�� _��y�, Date: - Permit#� Job Name:/`���;�"�,r- (��T�.-ct,,�r�,�,,-�r- Job Address: �i 45� � � � VI iF-- Building( ) P�wn;bing( } Electrical( } Mechanical( ) Other(�y� � k^a Legal Descriptiot�; Lot Block Filing Subdivision Owners Name: �cli\ �S��'��t1�°�� Address: QU �Sv� � (,lGll`\ Phone#�1����CO� Archiiect:� (N �,�W1D Address: Phone# �' DescriptionofJob� �ev���,c.�P� r'reS-�cvvti�.ti`'� ���v�i�s�e5, �,,...;itic�.�t� J `Work Class: New ( ) Aiteration([y Additior�( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Number of Dwelling Units �� Number vf Accommodation Units: 1 � Number and Type of Fireplaces: Cras Applianees � � Gas Logs ��/� Wood/Pellet �(J VALUATIONS BiI[LD1NG: $ J�(� ��'i ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: $ PLUMB[NG $ `� MECHANICAI..$ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFOF2MATlOAI Geaeral Contractor: ����� _ Address: 1�U �c��c ��{�5 t }�.� (�' '�'�� T'own of Vail Registratioz►Na.__ � �1 — � Phone# ��S—(L�jT_�, 4� ��� Efec#rical Contractor: Address: To�vn of Vail Registration No. Phone# plumbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Regisvation No. Pliane# Mechanica!Contractor: Adciress: To�vn of Vail Registratian No. Phone# ��� .i" o, '` ,� �, �.. ' , , �, '- FOR OFFICE USE ,; , 7YP� GROUP SQ. FT. UALUATION BUfL�ING: SIGNA�"URE: ZONING: SIGNATUR�: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND T�: ���0 �i� L.,��f�[�s�t / A .1 � . TO: ALL COlVTRACTORS CURFt�N'l'LY REG7STERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAII.. FROM: TOWN O�'VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEV�LOPEMENT DATE: JANUARY 1, 1y99 SUB.TECT: GQNSTRUCTION PARKING ANti MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-iQ: DEPOSITS ON FUBLIC WAYS PROHIBiTED A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, tra.ck ar deposit, c��cause to be littered,tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, sno�av, ice, or any other d��ris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, ar any portian thereof. B. Natice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notif_y a�d require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereo£, or wtso has in�the Director's employ�nent a person who violates or causes another to violate the same,top remo�e such sand,gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice o�any other debris or ma.terial within twenty four(24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Publie Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the perio� of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works,or other authorized agent,may cause any such sand, gravel, ro�cks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of t�e noti�ed. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: 1. Within the immediate area of any construetion, maintenance or repair project of any street ar a11ey or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line,telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, ctirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the clumping or depositing of said materials. D. Surslmons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who�io�ates or causes another to violate the same, rMay be issued a summons to a�pear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provicled in Section 1-4-I of�this code. E. Notice; Penalfiy: It is unlawful for any person to Fail or refuse to comply with the natiee of the Director of Public VJarks as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in additio�to payrrtent of the expense of remaval incurred by tkae Direetor of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon bein�;found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Cade: Ordinance 6 {1979} Read and aclrnowledged b`: Fosition or Relationship to Project: �L��'''�i t�'� �� (i.e.contractor o owiner) Date: � I�� ���, / � � � ����� .` > ���� y� �� T U Y!'�� �[' YALL Department of Community Dev�lopment � • ! . , 75 South Frontage Road 1✓'uil, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 � � � � � FAX 970-479-2452 TM BUILDING P�RMIT ISSUANC�TIME FRA.ME Tf this permit requires a Torvn of Vaii �'ire Department A��proval. Engineer's (Public ti�arks) review and approval, a P3anning Department review of Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depa.rtment, fhe estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All cornmeacial (�arge or small) and sll multi-family permits will have to follo��ttie above mentioned ma.�imum requirernents. Residentia�and srnaIl projects should take a lesser amount of time. Howe�er, if residential or smaller projects impaet tl�e variQUS above mentioned departments wzth regard to necessary revie�v, these projects may also take the three{3)we�k period. Every attempt will be rnade by this department to expedite tilis permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned; understand th�: Plan Check procedurc and time frame. I also understand that if t�e; pertnit is not picked up by the expiration date, tl3at I must still pay the Plan Check F��and t1�at if I fail to da so it may affect fi.iture pesmits that [appl_y far. � Agreed to b�: Proj�ct Nazne: L{,V' ' ,�, Date: � u���v'� . Work Sheet was turned into the Commiu�ity Development Dept. C• RECYCL�D FAFER M 1 � •+ � � MEMORANDUM TO: AI.I.,CONTRAGTORS FROM: TOWIV OF VAII.PL7BL�C �,VORKS DATE: JANUA.RY 1, I999 RE: WHEN A"PLBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED JOB NAME: �dV'�.�lf DATE: � C?� `�✓�y PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWII�tG QUESTSONNAIRE REGARDIhTG THE NEED FOR A "PC]BLIC WAY PERM�T": 1. Is this a new residence? YE5 NO_�� , 2. Is demolition work being perf'armed that reqaires e use of the Right-0f-Way, easements or public pcoperty? YE5 NO � 3. Is any utility work needed? YES NQ � 4. Is the dsiveway being repavec�7 YES NO � 5. Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO� 6. Is any drainage work bein�g done t�at affects tbe Right-0f-Way, eas�ements,or public property'? YES NO !� ?. Is a"Revacable Rigk�t-of-Way Permit"required"? YES N� �i' 8. A. Is the Right-af-Wa_y,,easements or public property to be used for staging,parking ar fencing'? YES NO rr B. If NO to 8A,is a pra�Cing, staging or fencing plan required by�ommunity Deve�qpment? I'ES 1V0 If you answered YES to anv of these qnestions,a"Fublic Way Permit"rr�ust be obtaiued. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at ihe Public Work's o�ce or ai Co�nunity Develap�ent. Lf you have asiy questions please call L�onard Sandoval from Public Warks at 479-21�8. I HAVE R�AD AND ANSWERED AI,L TI�A,BOVE QUESTIONS. „� L/�� �.J Cantractor Signature Company Name Date: �� `��� � � �^ J pUB�.IC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildin� Permits 1. Fill out aur check list provided with a Buildin� Permit Ap�lication. If yes was answered to any o�th� questions then a"PubliG Way" is r�quired. You can pick up an application at either Cornmunity Development, lacated at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2. I*lotice sign offs for utility companies. A,ll utilities must fieid verify (locate) respective utilities pr�or to signing application. Same utility companies require up to 48 hours noti�e to sche�ule a locate. 3. A constructian traffic control/staging pia.n must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An apprflv�d site plan may also be used. This p�an will show locations of all traffic contrfll devices (si�ns, cones, etc.) and th� work zone, (area of Cc�nstruciion, Staging, etc.). This plas�will expire on I`�ovember lst and vvill need to be resubmitted for appraval through the winter. 4. Sketeh of wark being perforrned must be subrnitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drav�rn on the traff c control plan or a site glan for the job. 5. Submit complete� application ta the Public Wark's affice for revievv. If required, locates will be scheduled far the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew, The locates take p�ace in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to p�rform. 6. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application anc� approve ar disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours af being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. 7. As soon as the perrnit is processed, a capy will be faxed to Community Deve�oprnent allowin� the"Buildin� Permit" to be released. P�ease do not confuse the "Public Way 1'ermit" with a"Building Permit" which is to da work on a project itseif. NQTE: The ahove process is for wor�C in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15`�. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not cc�mplete. JUL, -29' 94(THU� 1��52 NEDBO/EARTHTO�ES TEL�9708459919 P, OU2 . � � V R I L R E 5 O R T � D E V � L C� P M E N `T C t7 M P A N Y July 29, 1999 Suwart Kisael, Prvje�t l�Vi�nager x$abo construction pp Bax 3aI9 v�i�, co aifis� ; mail and sx n I7eat Stew�rt: 0� boh�lf of#he Goldet� Peak Condominium As�oeia�ion t want tc� advi�c you that �lse Associ�tion e.p�rroves of yaur commencEmes�t af d�nolition within 'Ehe four walls of the Bel1a It's.va restaur�nt be�ning on or abouE Mc:nday, Augtist 2"d, 1999. Such�demaSition and any fUrthar aanatntction shall �e subject t4 tho pe�in�''t restriations af the Condominium Deal�ratian aald th� A�sociation�6 n�les for conet�vction� capias of whlch h�ve been provided tc�you, . The Aesociatior� Bosrd membors have been verballp i�fo�� o� �e intended tenant impro�eme�ts within tha rc�ura=�t epace �d g�tnerally �ppxov@ vf the co�toepts describod to us, Wo axe prepare�to iseue additional approvala for tenant impr�vementa �d further resnodelin� anbjcot to delivery ta th�o Aseoci�t�on of�capies of specific plang, r n evidence af iasuranco as describ�d in the neclar�'�on, �Wd �vpi�s vf subsec�uently issuad Towa af Vail pertaits and�pprOVSls. �ler�►truly, � � , 4 Da�id Cx. C�rbin preaident , �rolden Pc�a�c Co�ndc�rniniurn Aesoaiatian,lna. cc: Roeie Lyon P�u}Testwuid� Raxanne Y�aacsari .-�-,-�-�-���-. v.,� acnn..c� lJ6oldr�pklconda R�oclh72999 VYII Rtl61 Ylh CJA4lIOfI4lNlil C�ITINIClIY�la�I�NOt�}IIIIRL'I[HUlid�Puy�A11'wµfluY 9S4•Avnn,Ci�larwln A1,15?U-f14S4`(�T07 A45-'a��:i•fox(��ti�i145-w i�5•wwk.�nntv.rbm Vuil•iliwi�kr,n��dgr.•krye�u,�e'�'�Au�ubr CrNNN��n+��halnr Culoh"'�A1'fuNhc:ld i� ' T ,d 0] 1d,nQ Sl�lo53� �ItiA Wti7p:�T 66� 6� ���' I 4 � � � TOWN OF VAIL DEP�IRTMEPTI.' OF CONIl�IIUI�TITY DF�7ELOPMENT 7 5 S . FRON'r'AGE ROAT� VAIL, co si6s� 970--479-2138 NOTE: THI� PERl�1IT MUST BE POSTED flN JOBS�TE A� ALL TIMFS FLECTRICAL PERMIT Permit �$ : E99-0177 Job Address : 458 VAIL VALLEY DR Status. . . : ISSUED Location. . . : 458 Vasl Valley Dr, LarksApplied. . :r09f28/1999 Parcel No. . : 2101-08�-09-004 Issued. . . : 09/3f}/1999 Project No. : PRJ99-Q227 E�cpires . . : Q3/28/20�1Q A.PPLICAT�TT RIVIERA ELECTRIC, I1+TC. Phon�: 97Q-949-6095 210"7 W. COLLEGE AVEIQ[7E, ENGLEWOOD, CO $a].l 0 CONTRAC"��R RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. �hone: 970-949-6095 2107 W. COLLE�E AVENU�, ENGLEWOOD, CO 8011(J OWNER V'AIL CORPORATION �'HE PO BOX 7, VAIL CO 81658 Desc�iption: Electric for restaurant remodel. Val�ation: 25, 0O� . Of3 a++rar�rasa�*rr*r�a�rrtaa�arrrr++t,rrawrrrar+xrrs*twwtriatat FE8 SUMNIARY •ai*rysa+aara►s++rr:+++is�tsrrwrWwatrr�r+r,rerv�erae*�a�re►r Electrical---> 450.00 Total Calcuiated Feee---� 453.00 DAB Fee ---� .00 Additional Fees---------� .DO Tnveatigation� .DU Total PermiG Fee--------� 453.00 Will Call----> 3.D0 Payments-------------> 453.00 TOTAI, FEES---� 453.QU RAi.ANCE nt�t?-------------> .oa AR*A#*dk1rM�F#t#'Ir**��1r�Yit�Yi#itR�M�l�IrvY#*��YM�Ir*�Fii#�t+t�Y�itriyi�ii�ir•ktYr►rVYititr��i#�iiFWt#^Ir�Ylrblr*Mi�iiii#iii#ii�fM14iitrM1�Yii�Yiiii�iVrY#�i1r�YW�+4W YM Item- 0&000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept : BUILDIIdG Division: 09/28/1999 KATHY Actzon: NQTE Routed to Ernst 09/3a/1999 GGOODELL Act3on: APPR APPROVED BY �RNST Item• 0560Q �IRE DEPARTMENT De t : FIRE Division: �9/28/1999 KATHY Actifln: NOTE Routed copy �a McGee wwrrer�wwW�r�arsir►ryr,e��rr��rrrrrrr�rwrv��ewwwraw�wrrwtiryr*wrrrarii�r+trirwwrwwwwwww�v�«w,rrrror+wr+rr�r�rrriiw+r�w�wr*f�r*wwxwsrrw�r�rr+,r+ CONDITION OF APPROVAL l . FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2 . ALL W�RK IS TO BE IN CCIMPLZANCE 4aITH THE 1996 NATZONAL ELECTRICA.L CODE (NEC) AS ADOPTED BY THB TOWN OF VAIL. ta�rwarwar��.r�*�rra��y�t��a+��ira�rafM*e;►+�txa+wwasaWrrta+yarvrrva�rraw�eyer�rwa�rak+�rt+taii�+isair+a++r+rsrrrarraa�rrrwrrrwrrsr�*r• DECLARATIONS S hereby aeknawledge that I have read chis apnlication, i-:lled out in _°ull the information required, comnleted an accurate plot plan, an3 etate that all the inforcoation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infortnation and p1oC plan, to comply with all Tdwn ordinancee and state iawe, and to buzld thi� atructure according to the '?'own's zoning and eubdiviaion codae, deeign review approved, Unifarm 6uilding Code and other ordinancee of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOft INSPECTIOIVS 3HALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HDL7RS I@1 Af7UANCE HY TELSPRONE A 138 OR AT DUR OFPICL° FAOSN 8:00 AM 5:40 PM ,, `� _'`Cs+" ��L- iG2.-`�'� i' SIGISATURE OF OWT3ER OR CON�'RA.L'R'OR FOR HIM9ELF ANO OWN'ER , , � . rti�rttr�ttvYitfltrilWtwrrwrt*f+Ywwr+iitiaraitra+rli*;�1►*w#iw*W*i TDWN OF VAI�,, COLORADO Statemnt +aria+r*��r�.t+rsa�r+rirtriaer►wt��trererr�e:rrr�y�rrweawwWrw,rt�r+rtr 5tatemnt Number: REC-0569 Amount: 453.00 69/30/99 14:55 Payment Method: CK NaCation: 1949/RZVIERA Init: JN --------------------------------------------------------—---- Permit No: $99-0177 1`pe; B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 22a1-O81-D9-004 Site Addraee: 458 VAIL VALLEY OR Location: 459 Vail Valley 17r, Laxkap�r Reecaurant Tocal Feee: 453.00 This Payment 453.00 Total ALL Pmte: 453.pp Halance: .00 ata+aW+a�a+aa++r.++r,ri+ar�*rra�,++r+rrrtii*iri+rr+r+a+r+�r*�++i+t*r Account Code Deecription AmounC EP Q0100��3111400 ELECTRICAS� PEFtMIT FEES 450.00 WC 0010000311Z800 WILL CALL INSPECI`I4N FE6 3.DU -------------------------------—°_°--------------------------- ID � SEP 2$ '99 7�41 No .�03 P .Q1 � :��.u���a�� �.a��.. ...,......�� ..,...�,+....�� -�---- � p� ,g�$-�2'8-8b4C! for Parcci A. �O'WI�d OF VAYT, CONSTR[JC'�'�ON PEAl�si'T N PAKCEL �;_.���� ^��-��'"�� PER�fxT APP ICA IQN FORM �����, d��� • ,,�O i -b8► - oq _ 00�-1 DATE:� ���1�* 4?•ZZ 1 � AppLICATxOTf MUST BE FI�L�b �UT CQMP�,�'�ELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPT�D ****��**�*�*,�*�r**********,�**,w* PERMTT INF�RMAT�ON �*****�*�**�**�����**,r�*�***,r E ]'�auil,ding [ ]-P3.umbiri9' [✓]--EZe����.c$1 [ ?-Mechan-}�ca], ( �-Other 458 V �l. vAu�� p2� J�� Name: , L.��� , ���`�`� Job 14ddress: �t�$g ��-!� � _ �,eg�]. Descrzpt�ons Lot ��ock �`iling SUBDIVISTUN: ,-` , . � � .i't�' owriers N$�ae: �_�_W P�O�/�"`�.�•• ,�_ Address: `��4��a����YucQ. ---. Ph. . Archi.�ect: � Addre�s: �13�9' W• ►�14+�1 9T Lr,�-�,i ('�_Ph.3d3 347-9B�L G�neral AesGxi��ion: �s-�41�r3� o• Woxk Class: [ �-New [✓�'-AZtez�tio� C ]-Additianal E ]�Repa�.z� [ ]-other Numl�er of bwe3�.�ng Unxts: �_ Number o� Aacomn►oda�i�on Units: N�umber and Type f Fireplaces: Gas App3iances Gas Lags Wo�d/Pellet� �*********rr��*� *�r�*a��r�****�*�,�*� VALUAT�ON'S *,r�*,r***�r**,�*********�r*�*�,k*�*�** � BY]ILDING: # �T.EECTRICA�: $ �� O�DO� (9THER: � 1'LUMaxKG: ¢ MECHANTCAL: # ToTAZ,: $ r . y���t*,r,►f**�,�***�,� ***** * ��* CONT CT A IRi�'(�RMA'�'�ON ***vr**,t*********�,�*,t**�**,r* ��enexal Gontract r: K o�3 Tawn af vail �R�g. N0.� ?�dd�es�: CA t D �f'� Phone Number: �� p :;lecCxacal Gon�rac�Qr: � (G1�'y4 (C���C-• Town oY Va�x� Reg. N �� �c�dress: '�b�Q� I�iR'��}lStu� ['� �51G,af5 r,,.. � Phc�r�� Numb�z: ?lumbing Can�z-ac�or: Tawn af vai� R�c�. NO.�, �►ddress: . .. ,._Phnn.e Numb�r: _... .. � �ech�inx�a� Cnntractor: xown af Vail Reg. No. Lddress: - _ Phone Numher: , . . � . . �rrrr***,t�*,a****�r*,�*****�r�at.*�r�r*�r�r* FOR OF�'IC� USE ***�r�r*****�******��t*,���**�**�,�* 3U�LDING �'EYt?�IIT FEE: BC3�Y,D�N� FT.�AN GHEGK FE�: ?LU�HTI�G PE�2MZT FEE: �... - .•� ._..— � PLUMHZNG pLAN �CF�EGI{ ,�'EL: _ (ECHAN�CAL PERMIT FEE: MECHANTC,��,I, pT�►N CHECK �'EE: � :LECTRxCAL FEE y .., ... .RECREAT70N FEE= . . . . - �THER `�YP� 4F FEE: . . '• � CIrEAN��JP DEPOS��`-- -�--�- -- --.. ._ RH �'�E« � 'TOTAL FERMYT FEES: TYP� GRQUF SQ.P�.'. VALYJA".!'�OA1 BU�LDING: � �5 ZGNA��J�: zaNirrc: -- . S�GNATUR�: .�.- ---�.--� - - - - vmments: � „ :I.�AN 1DP Dt��S�.'� H�D =o� �. • - � • � Date Receivek SEP 2� 1999 TD � SEP 28 '99 7 �42 No .�03 P .02 , . . � � ��A� �DW� (� Ya� � � . . . . 7S souih frontAgs road Mall, colore�dv 81657 � , (�C�� 474--2138 or 479w2139 ofllce of community developmen! , $UILQING P@Ri�ill` IS5!lANCE TIM� FRAp1E 1 , Jf th%s permit requires a 7�wn of Vai4 F�r� Departrn�nt ApprovaZ , �' � �rtgineer'�s (,�ubl��c EJor�CS� rey7ew and approval , � Planning pepartment revi� or H�alth Department revi�ew� and a review by the Building pepar�ent� th� estimated time for a tot�al review may take as long as thr e weeks . . All commercfal (large or smallj attd all multT-fnmily permits wi1� have to fo]low the d�ove mentior�ed maximum reyuiremen�5. Residentia1 and smali pro�ects �hauld tak� a lesser amount of time. However, if resident�'�1 or smaller projects �mpact the variot�5 above mentioned departments w'�tN. regnrd to �ecessar,y rev�ew, t}t�se projects may ai sr� t�ke tlie tfiree wsek period. ' . � Every �ttempt wi'!Z be made by this depar�ment to ex�pedite this� � permi.`t.ds. soorl as possible. ' I� the1under5�gn�d� under�tand the plan check proGedure and tim2 frame< < � ' � c�ree o �, . . . , . . � � p ��'`'����--`�- - - _ � _..-- -.� --. __ . _.._._.. . ,_._.. . Pro�eC Hame� Da�e Work Sh�Bt wd5 tUl"ne 1nt0 t e � Gommun�ty Develo�am�nt Departmen�. � � - . � w � f ID � SEP 28 '99 7 �42 No .003 P .03 �.�...�,�...�.,�.....,,�.� � �' � ' r ro: ALL N7F�aCTORS Ff��M: °TpWN UF VaIL PUBUC WORKS aEPARThAENT pAT�; MAY �� 7994 . RE: WH�N A "pU�LtC WAY pERMlT` �S R�4UIFi�D � J�t� Name: �A�+��-S u�.lf � Date; � `� �.q� , . please answer the followin� questlo�na(re regardin� fhe need tor a"Pubiic Way permit": . YES N� 1) ls this a new resldenG�? ' � 2� is demofiti�r� work being pertomr��d �- that requlres the use ot the rlght . of way, easements or pu�lic prop�rty? � � . �,j 3) Is �ny�utility wark needad? � . q} Is the drivew�y being repaved7 5} Is difie�ent access �eeded to site " � other ihan vxls#�ng driveway? 6) Is any ¢rainaga work b�fng done . ,,/ � atiecting tha righi af way, easements� • or pWblic property? . ✓ 7� Is a "Revocable Right O'J Way Permit" � . re�uired? • ; , . __ .. .. - -----�-- ------------__-__-- - - -- -- — ---_...___. 8� . A. l� tha r�ght of way, easements or _ . _ ....----_ .__.-._ � publiG p"�operty to he used fa� sta��ng, paricir�g of iencing? � . B. If no iv 6A, fs a �arfcing� staging , . ✓ or tencir�g �plan requ�red by Comm�nity - - Development? • li you answered yes ta any of the�se questions, a "Public INay Permit" musf �e obtained. 'f'ub�lc Way Permit" app�Fcatians may be obtained at the Pt�bAc Worlt's oflic� or at Community �?�velopment. !f yvu h�ve any questions�lease c.2ll Charlie [Javis,the Town ' oi Vail C�nstrvctian fr�$�ector' at a7$-2i58. I have te�d �nd answered al� the a�ave qu�stions. �AcY� '�� � _ � � . . ,�ob Name C r� a�s Signature Date � . . :_ . � . . I � � . . tti�+rtrrrirttt�tirA#�Yxtt�*�F�.+#++t�*+�+rt+y�++#'.rt+Mrtrbrsr+ra*�err�+ 1'QWN DF VRIL, COLO�H1�I10 $tdLemnt ►#+n1*tM+iir r4+rrv.++•.rsr+r�l.iri+rta++x++,t#++++#a+r+#tirfrirrt+r++f+++t♦ Statemnt Number: REC-0586 Amount: 53.00 li/09/99 12:63 Payment Method: CK Nocation- #1979/RIVIfiRA Init: LC Permit No: A99-4012 'l��pe: F-ALARM ALAI2M PERMIT parcel No: 2101-OB1-09-004 Site Addrees: 45B VAIL VALLEY �R Location: 45B Veil V�lley Or, Larkspur Reet ToL31 Fees: 53.00 Thia Payment 53.0� :otal ALL Pmta: 53.0� . Balance: .00 ♦iw+r+«awaw►+rri+�arara�iarraaaat��raara�wr�#arr�r�r.r+.*w�s#�wrwat Acconnt Code Deacrip�:on Amount EF 60100tl0311140D ELECTRSCAL e�ERMIT F`ELS 5tl.00 WC U0100003112806 WILL CALL INSPECTIOtV' FEE 3.00 ------'----------------------'----°----------°-------------°----- ID : qCT 07 '99 6 =38 �0 .001 P .01 , . : � TOwN 0� v��ONSTRwc��N ���rrAP cAriv��FOR� � �5��. ��2� � ��7�'�d.�osT s�c rd��..Q����..wn.ti���r.�c�r� t�ow�r.ot clie Ea�� A�s�ssars o11&af�t OTO3�B-ae�o lar P�rio.►t .�Pm,orl�.'�1��`�Bl�- �..��04' � r , na�: ���!''�'9 Fam�c���R01.�{�1'1"1 .ra�rr�ada: �r�Quv' �c��., lo��,: �f5b � ` F�; �1�� � Ps�t ! FIOCIt3C�1( ) 11/0��01( ) U�IOa'(�j '�1Q1� /�aQ'�'"'� t.e�1lb��mav�a: Z.oR_ �ac - c�n�rra�e: � �� �Ca�a,'"'E� �,,aa�:, .;�d�'at�11 � ����g -- — �+' �� �►rc�oa;����� ndaneo:��d_ �!.��, �,`{��C, 0+7 ,Cb Qer7a� -3'# � noeaappodafrob: ��c�u'�" ��,� � --- - � �o�k t�auss; lyaov ( ) A11�( ) l�dd�an�t t ) [i�lr( ) Oc�er OQ 'F������-+ Nptubaa'a��o11i�U� ,...,,��, Nr,mber af,AcOommoda�au�Iaiit� I�'q�ber�nd'l�rpe af�#raplaoei: ti�!►gplls�oca c�s Lrv�i - �► ' ' y��� ��An�+�1 � � . �Pi.L�IlrTQ S �lAMCAL g �'�'I'�� � � <A IN� ��,�c±�4� ���ta �'.aer�..,�'n� �as: c� � � �G6S� _. �atv,�u Re�msian t�iaa. „ n uA��2$me�_ '"�"Z� D� —1 a�/ - . � . �ror�i�L�� t e� +� ,�,�: ,.��i'� , c�. ��a� _ �'own o�''1t�w�Na. }���� F�o�e M_ �Zd„��t_._�� p���'�5�: A�ew. Tavn of vdi R�v�a�]�o�. - -- - phoae# , Addre�s: Tawo v�"Y1�1��Jo. Phna�o il . . l�Olt�C�U�E � . B�IJl4DIN�' 81C�NATURE• ' ZONIl�i3 i.. -— .��_.. SIQNA'=Ui2E: . , • , • Q.��I��C�v'A- �{�-' .� K �a l� C'0 8!`� � Date �eceive� OCT 0 `�' 199� � I d I• � � TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COLtiIl�'ILTNITY DEVEL�PMENT 75 5. FRONTAGE ROAD VAiL, CO 81657 9�0-4��-2��a NOTE: THIS FERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Ai,ARM PERMIT Permit # : A99-0012 Job Address : 458 VATL VALLEX DR Status . . . : TSSUED Location. . . : 458 Vail Vall�ey Dr, LarksApplied. . : 1Of07/1999 Parcel I�o . . : 2101-081-fl9-004 Issued. . . : �.1/09/1999 Project No . : FRJ99-0227 Expires . . : 05/07/204�{i APPLICANT RIVIERA E�ECTRIC, II�C. Phone: 970-949-6095 2107 W. COLLEGE AVENiJE, ENGLEWOOD, CO S011a CONTRAC'I'OR RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. Phone: 970-949-6095 210 7 W. COLE,EGE AVEIdUE, ENGLEWO�D, CO 8 0110 OWNER VAIL CQRPORATION THE �Q BOX 7, VAIL CO 81658 Description: Move 1 pull arm box for alarm system Valuation: 1, 100 . 40 •rrs��r��t*rr+rr��y�rt#i�rirr,r:trf�t�wt�:r�t*x:twt+rrtr�r�r�tr+tr� FEE SD�MMARY +arta*rrrrat+rrrraarr+v**trerrr+:�rttr+a�rwra�ir�aa�rraaaarrar El�etrical---> 50.U0 Total Calculated Fees---> 53.00 DAH Fee ---> .00 Additional Fees---------� .00 Invest4gation> .06 Total Permit Fee---�-°---� 53.Oa Will Cail----> 3.UD Payments---------------� 53.00 TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 BALANCE DUE-----------—> •a� •rrr�Yrertl�tW�r4+�krrrrrf:erkxw�.rfwr�FraerrrrYr+r,r�r+erwr,rrtlrr�k�Mrik+r+►r��reri�YiF+trti�M*1ri4srt++a-t+rlawrrYrlffflrr*rfrrrfa+rt�f�/t!►�kiiratfw♦ Item: Q6000 ELECTRICAL D�PARTMENT D�pt: BTJILDING T}ivision: 10/07/1999 KATHY Actian: APPR N/A �tem: (}5600 FIRP DEPAR'I'MENT Dept : FIRE Division: 10/07/1999 KATHY Action: �TOTE Routed 3 sets to McGee 11/Q4/1999 KATHY Action: APPR V'erbal appr from McG�e ' srraWrvfwrs�vrrrv�rfirrrrrrrrwwrr+rt�errv,rrrrr�twwrrrrr+rrrraarrrrwrrrr�+trwwrrx+�r*.tt+#�+a,wra+vrst++arW�rrr+fw*�rrr+rsr�Wrwi+a�++Wa CQNDITION OF APPROVA� #+�'ir�k4va�FrVtY�Yrwtrf�niYw�rrtr�txw+Yrt��hYrYrwx4rrtwl�x�FYr�.YY'ewktl+Frw�ri*»twa�tswt+aY�kwex+Y**#Rt#+*i+t+t++�k4rlvw*t4r�Ft+t+ltti+t�F*i*t*#*rtiM1b*�Y1#t♦ D�CLARATIONS I hereby aeknowledge that I have read th9.s appiication, filled out in full tha information required, completed an accurate plot nlan, and sCate that all the informaticn prcvided as required ia correct. I aaxee to comply with the infarmatlon and plot plan, to comply with a11 Town ordinances and state lawe, a�d :o build this etruc�ure according to the Town'B zoni�g and subdivision codee, deeicn reuiec: approved, [Tni=oa.�n e��ilding Coda anu other ordinanc�s of the "_'own applica6le thereto. REQUE9T3 FOR ZlVSPECTI0id5 SFiALL S5 MADE TWENTY-ECUR HOUR3 IN ADtIANCE HY TELEP3dONE AT 479°2138 OR AT 0[7R OPFICE FROM B:OQ AM 5:00 PM � ) � SIGNATURE OF oWiVER 4R CONTRACT4R FOA HIMSELF WNER r . • � � TOWN OF VATL DEPARTMENT OF CONIl�+ITJNITY I3��TELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 �74-479�2138 NQTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BF POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLTJN�ING PPRM�T Pertnit # : P99-0096 Job Address: 458 VAIL VA.LLEY DR Status. . . : ISSI]ED Location. . . : 458 VA�L VALL$Y DR,LA�tKSPApplied. . : 09/02/1999 Parcel No. . : 2101-081-09-00� Issued. . . : 09/02/1999 Project No. : PR�T99-0227 Expires . . : 02/29�2000 APPLICANI` FALCON PLUNIDING & HEATING Phone: 970-434-0556 3�8 7 MB SA AVSNiJE, S UITE A, GR.AND �JUNC"I'I ON CO $15 0 4 CONT�ZACTOR FA�CON PLUMBING & HSATII'�G Phone: 970-434-0556 3187 MESA AVENLTE, SUITL A, GRAND J[7NCTION CO $1504 OWNER VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VAIL CO 61658 �escription. Plumbing for restaurant �emodel Valuataon: 20, 000 . 00 rrrwwarvwr�wrrvr*�*wr�rt+rr�rrs*rrt�,rrrr*t�rW�er*r+rrrrrr+�t FBE 9UMtdARY' a�rx�+rrr��r�*reaw**�►rrr►++tarr+rwr�ee�r�err�irwi.+�yrr++r++�rww Plumbing--�--y �06.00 &eetua�ant P1qn Review--a .00 Total Calculated Fe��ea---a 3�9.00 Plan Check-—� 75.00 TOTAL FSE3--------------> 378.00 Addf.tSonal Fees---------> _ .00 Inveatigation� .�o Total Pezmit Fea--------� 37B.no Will Call-�--> 3.00 Pe�ymente°---------------� 376.00 HALAAC6 DVE-------------� .Otl ry�err•rr�rr�w#wt*r**rWi+we�w,rr,erex�w*r�r+a+*r�tt�+rr+r+w+t+rwwrWryr*rer*+a�ir,.raww+rrrrr��wrtr*rrr�rtfri,er�*r*��*�rrr,rtrvrr+re+�rr+ Item- 05100 BUILDING D$PARTMENT D�pt: BUILDING Division: 09/Q2/I999 RATFiY Action: APPR Apgrdved per KW Item: 056Q4 FIRE D�l?ARTMPNT Dept: FIRE Division: 09/02/1999 KATHY Actian: APPR NfA retrrt*wr:�rer....,r,rrrrYyr7r+s►rt.��*�R�rr:r*r.rrtr*r.r rrre*trrtttsMrxt�rr►r:sr�rrrtr�k,r#�ie*+rrirwrwrrtr r,rrYr�h�r W�Firrr+�*wr:�rrrr V t,r W r�irer CONDITION OF APPROVAL l. FIBLD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRFD TG CHSCR ROR COD� CQMPLIANCS. rrrvwr�rrr+rrwytWr�rrrarrr*iar+.ary+�+rra�xi«ta•r+rwr�re+warwris�,++.aar�.+�rrarr�ra*+��rr«,.aa+rrr+r+r�rr+rerrW,�*ww++rtwraaav+rWrr�rerr* DP�CLARA"TI ONS I heretry acknowledg� that � have rmad thie apglication, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and etate that all the infoxmation pravided ae raquired ie aorzect. I agree to comply vrith che infox'�axtion and p3ot plan, to comply with all Town orninancee and atate lawa, and to build thie et:-uctura according to tha Town'a zoning and aubdivision codea, deeign review appzoved, v'ni�oz�m 8uilding Code and other ordinancea of the Town applicable therato. REQS7E;�T8 FOR IN9PEC:'IDNS SHAi,L HE t4AA� TwENTX-FOUR HOUR3 ZN AnVANCE BY TES,EeHDN�AT 47 213�oR ornt 0�1� PRO a:oo AM S:oo eM r 9ICiIdATUR'� OF OWNL OR CO CTOR fiOR HIIW9ELF AND OWNER t r . • � �1'7k*�f*'lf�'�'�f'k 7t'k****7f*'k�l*�"A'�'1k'�[****91C*'�*'k'IY'�"�f�[�1'****'�'k'A'�I'*7k�"�"A'tt'�f'1t 7t 1k****** TOWN OF VAIL, CaLORADO Statemnt *********�***************�***********�****�***+��*************** Stat�emnt Number: RBC-0557 Amount: 378 . �0 09f03/'99 17: 00 Payment Method: CHBC�t riTotation� #5B95/Falcon Init: I�1W -----------------------------------------------�---------------- Perm:i.t Nv: P99-0096 Type: B-PLMH PLUMBING PBRN[IT Parcel No: 21�1-08].-09-004 Site Address: 458 VAIL VALLBY DR Location: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR,LARKSPUR REST Total Fees: 378 . 04 This Payment 378 . Ofl Total ALL Pmts: 378 . 00 Balance: . 00 *******�*,�*,�******�******************�********************�r,�**** Account Code Description Amount PF 00100003�.11200 PLUMBING PBRMIT F$$S 30{� . fl4 PF 001000�3112300 PLAN CHECK FSgS 75 . 00 WC 00100003112800 WILL� CALL INSPECTION FSE 3 . 00 1 t�t',S q�t• b22�i . �. : FWC N0. ; May. 38 1999 05:A3Pf�1 P2 .A ^p-Q1-99 O�:bSA Fa�nri r�lumbiny 9717 �4 0556 P.Q� ]WN DC uAIL �OM-DE� ID:343-479-2452 AUG 26'9b L0�29 hIo ,0U2 P�01 �� 3a G�++nc Aue�.wr• Cli�ies FE'R�IIT �q�,- Q2�3 :on��ci �bb� � r� �70� e�-�b40 ter �are�l /- lY�YlI� O! D�.IL ���'D�T �c��. �• ai e�i ��,�'s:�e 1�,_,�,�.._,.,� r ,�p,��„�_� ,�� S� �ZLL� OGT COKBI.L"P�I.Y W� l"� lt�Y ]�O'x' � ���� tM#�f�«*�iwAil�w�r�����Fr�+i�i�♦ �riw�w��►,rr.+w,r,�rrr*w*�+r�a�r�a��*w �3 �� . [ 3��iaiidia�' C=���P�u�afo,�� C �'�l�atrica�X ( �•�i�[sa�.�ical [ 1-�dtltar � ?ah Na�: Larkepur Beat�aat ,7pb J��e�=s �58 Va�3 val3.nt Drive...., i.,�q�l Dre�ri�tdau� z�t�_ s:�,�...... !33{a• RZti�TYtsTOKl — OvssC�es �i�c: s.W�D� � • ��s: P.i1. l�oa� i•�Ysi7. CQ �.�,,,! llrchi��.ct: lC s i�bb �et --�----���' �..�_�� ���� wt�+ra3. D�Irar#.ption: R�X F�estaut+�!!'e 4 �er5e C2�swe � ]WS� [x]-J►l��rstiAa [ a�I►dd�ti�r?, � 7-�ir [ �-�iC,'�sr� t��� o� D�►�].�3s,� i�'�s: ,,,Y,,,,,,,,,. �i� ot 7►o4a�wda�.ion Oait�: �bsr s� �.'yp1► o= iri�.p11►ces i lia� �1pgl.ia��,_ q*�* z.c�qs„�„�! jiavc7,/i*eiXet„�,,,,,,,. NrrM�tikwwlt�ii�F�ri�r�MMi��4�+'ii#i�Ri�At�� ��'�rQ�sr RX�i�l�'���i1rw#R#*�R+�r'!��*+ir1�#k#�i'� �J��.b�i'3: �C]►rr: 'j d'�i � LU��11'6: � �� l!$'C$�1i7��'�4Ti: ��•••�••••�i TDTATrT +��r*+�+rwrrrr�rrw�**w�t�r�rr�t,��,�� �`�DR �A'KA'1'xOli w♦���w+•••+�•+w*��+�w���a�r���,� al Oatstra�kox: N�a Canst� �.'a+�f�f o! vai7. grq. �o. �dxas�l i P,� V , , p't�o�� �[t�ber: �Z�tricar CesY'sts'a���"� To�IA e! Vaii R�tj. fRO. �ddrs�rw: pho�w 7r��,mbar t p�vanbi�9 ce�stFaotars rai�cm �7.�obi. � atiag '1'o+rm o� Vail Rsg. MO.a��_�� �1,�+ ��Q.*�'. 4��� I�1IE. .�1IIICC QII� - . �i�� �.'�.! �1��"�-�15•�r.i.r J 1deCZ10ftiQa� �c+At.��tat.Ox: 3'v�n O! Vd�l RaCj. RQi�•....--_ �►eelresa: �ar�a �er: tfr+si�Wr#i+►w��r�A�#ii�f�i�i�w�r�a��+ �� O�G� TIBE *�si�aiw#MM�+�w*rlrr��i�rwA+�Yhk �CLTYLD�6' �AH'tT 8'!`,E: '�I.nLti�G pf.iN �'.'Ea 'G.�. !'ffis:t F?�Il�$I�i'r PSS'lflT FgBt � �LiLX C�LiC'l �'�'#i lrlECRJIN=�JIL P�t�T ��: • 1�C�C�i� pl�1�i CSEG'K FESt �'.LLC`i'�tZ G►Y. i�'L�1S: AECi�sS�l►TZG� !s�z 0�7#� �rrs �r8 �: ° �—v! asrosrr: 17R� 1�EE� ',L?�ir+ �T FE�$: � �tL" P ��.FT. YALY1�lRZiJ S�/�Z���/���f���s ' , S�li�i�'�V R�Y � ��.r--r... .,,.-.�. � zQ��NG: � _ SIG1[I�'�t�: aoaasr�tM r ��- , _ - C�[_'nq► �qptmi"�_� iDe . � p �� - �o�'1�iC�trnr. 7�7'� r � Pi flQi'riPi�V�� „ ,. i C SEP 0 2 19�9 OE!j26J9G 09:14 iX/�i !Jf►,0i1�._ P.Of11 � 2REPARED 12/13/99, 11:04:43 �EPOSIT REF�NA REPORT-UPDATE PAGS 1 . I PROGRAM MR415U Town of Vail , '---------'—------------------ -—------------°------ C�ST-ID CUSTOMER NAME TYPE CHARGE DEP�OSIT DEPOSIT-ADJ ACiJU5TMENT APTEH-REFt3[VD �COpE pESCRxPTION TX-�ATE A7-DATE AMOUNT AMOf7NT Ah90[J�7T AMpt7�IT 1609 599-0203 NEDHO cONSTR[1CTION D2 DEPOB DEPOSIT 8/1�/99 12/13J99 25o.0a 25D.00 250.Od- .00 ------—----- ------------- -------°_---- °____-------- T6TAL F�R CUSTOMER TXPE; p2 250.00 250,00 250.00- ,QO ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ——— ------------- ------------- ------------- GRANA TOTAL: 25Q.00 256.00 25G.00- .00 IIEPOSIT cOUn7T: 1 � G/L BATCH CREATEb: HATCH-03162 1999/12 OSERID-JPOPECK AP HELU L'OE7iVT- 1.00 AMODUIT- 250.00 � 11 �r 1.\tit N , I '4 i ' 1 t � e -3i A� I y�. at..E 1� 1 '. �/��.�.� �`✓ ,„ 1 r / `\� / \ +ri/ nI ' �f • • ` :. J � ,..f. v �. j..,/ f�' 1 f \` r �fil ��. � �� ! Y.. .. J! �\ �, � �v ��'i.� � .�d ��, t M1��� �. � t�o;' �� Y�\ � Y �.. , � . . � � � . ��WJ� � 1�,.i��. ��� i� � � ,� i�w�..t �,�i� , �ti, ' , i;: ry `� �i , i 1t�r�� . �,�.� �•�i11 ��i t �� .�r�N�� k- I ��'� � •�.i, .�'i � ,�4� � � .. ir.: il � �4 � r 4 � ' ���1 I� i ���� i�\ .Y�JT�1 .i . �� �44 ��'� ��41 1 4��,�� :\ � f ��� i 4 �� .� � �� i � b u�r :y b .�b h i � � � 1i � � t � � CM� � t � �i � ,� �;� � �¢ � . � iwr:? v t� `.'�'� � �' ..�' �ii ��,-�.. � ��� �..�� ir. ��W �k 7 �° ��� ��.J• �� � ��rr �yia'Al\��� ���� y '.� . . . . �' \♦ � \ 4 '�'. I �.� �:+ `t` 1/.. j / C,.` l Y� �'�-1 �� \':'. � V ... ♦ ' .a ��' �,. 4 i � .. 1 � i i • L . � J "(}• ;: R ' r � . ..t �, g:t'. � e i'rxp�e � ` . ` ' ' .. . t 'i :: Y :. .�. JJ . � � - -� �� ....ti, ' - ?. _ > i / � .\` ��� jl J���� .: � ��h��r�F;fs; Building Sa('et� £�Insyection Services Division ; � , � � 'yr,.;;,, � ��;� Community Development Department :_ 'y. �� ` ' 75 South Frontage Road ,_? � `'° `' Vail, Calorado USA 81657 --1.'-. 1 ' . , . � . '- \ � = �"���� C��` ��.�.I��k " z ;� �� � � �� � � � � - r ', = �� � �� ���.����.��� �� ������� � . �- : � � : __. :, > _ This certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the Town of . <' Vail certifying that,at the time of issuance, this structure was found to be substantially in compliance with the � _� various ordinances of the town regulating building construction or use for the following: ' ,� < �: d Name and description of project: Larks�ur Restaurant : � � ' Address of project: 458 Vail V�llev Drive, Vail, CO = � �? << i i : Owner name and address: The Vail Corporation ( ' , Occupancy Group(s): A-3 Type(s)of Construction: II 1 HR ,� .� � � �' � � � � Permit Number(s): B99-0203 c � NOTE: The building official may,in writing, suspend ar revoke a certificate of occupancy issued under the ' : r ;: ; "� provisions of this code whenever the certificate is issued \� in error,or on the basis of incorrect information supplied = or when it is determined that ihe building or structure or j _ = � l� porrion thereof is in violation of any ordinance or �� .� ' �\��) ��" f � `� C�G� re g ulation of this code. 4 �' r , � � r s , Gary R. Goo ell,Chief Buil ing Official Dat =:� _ -_ _-_ •�_;:-- ` r 7� ri� `' ' r�` �.� y � �� - y� r � n u =.s �?dir� �, � Pe�r,' >A.�.�r:�/ � ��,i� '`�.. �i�ly ?c��^ /;;: �`� o:,.� f�b r -.\ � '3 ..`�n n 5, r �4.? k .\��v�.r, 4 p�:, 5 \�t,'.4 . :h 14"; a�1r, y'4.:5 \{y' + �n, r 1� =a s. -i ��,!!q:.. � � A....'. T,`�.,8i� �� :. .sn�. �A�:.,.,3.N'.��r<.'.qP,�.;�. r i�..:;,,�� q .:,.:�.� �i1�al. y\ '7 ;,�.�e n� ,._ab�Sf.Br l :yd �i � �\iv�i '�i � ���:+: ..:5 .\� . .A. �r \\�i �.�t p "7 ,...� "^ ,�t?,h . r� ':� �y � � �11 � �Sr„� • v1 A � a o .4 0 � r � 4 •�����`. , � 1 : .T 1 � r� ,,1A � . . V�y-/ y.�ih',v ! 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C:t3LCl!"ar'1LT�_i t=�'l-1QIE lt 1�*f10/14'�� �7�17 R�OU��`7'� = INSP¢CTN MIORK aHB6Tii ip'CYp��Y�/i0/1i►99 F1F3EFa■ �0 �����r���������aa����s����a�����������r�.��������������s��s�a�s����sss.nr��s.�i�+.�rrrrr� Ao�i�riby• l�1--@�0� 2i/!0/17 Typ�■ A—COMM 0�sabus• E��tJRD Cotsstzw i7COM Rsldr�as� ��� VAIL VRLLtY aR Ld��ien■ ♦bd Vq�L VI�tLLrY DR ��tLLA RZVA--LpRlll�F+�.JR) Oarr�wia llR��,—�ai-07-0�� Ooe� L1s�• It i—NR T�n�ezt^�pbl,es�a I�iT6Ri�01! RfC�M10'd6L �!'r iXE�TINO R�ATqWRANT Appiiryaru�r fVi�OC CON!lTRUCTiON PMaw+arr 77W—��O-10i0� Own�w VRSt CCSltPORRTiON TME PT�on�r CornbraerEerr NiOiO COl+l�TRlJCTZON PMens• y"7'i—r�3—te�t ��������—'�—�---�----�—�—�����.���.�����...�����`�������—��������—��������.�.�����...�.r�� In�p�o�ion R�quw�b Znlor��iior+.�.�� R�AU�rfirery �A�flL P�on�• *oA-375� R�q T3��■ 0��80 Ca���nts■ LARli�PWR — WILL GAL.1.. l���s r�rqa,s�st#�d to L�� insPwoiowd... Acrbion Co�w��bs Yi�• Qsep vi0O4� sLD9--P'in�i C/O .� ini�a�oleien Nisdewy._... � � � x�ww�. o�a� a�nur—R.�-��ts+a �/f�.�t �{ ` ���� 1�' (.�°-��/� 10/i01/17 Inr�s�ertery CD Aes4iot�� APF��i APPRQV�fl ��" " --`' � Zl��a ��O�Yi aLDO-2r�suS,�hier� it�w�■ 00f�ia #L..aO—sh�w�rodr N�ii 10/11/'9• Ins�pivloow CO Action■ APCA AP�ROV�L�?fCQRRECTION REOD� No���■ IM�TRLL ADDITIQNA� �Al�TENRR� AT �.00ATIONS WN�lii � 'i'AP�A NR• ot6N WtNtTRATtD OR WMilfE fAlTiNER� Ai4� CLO�ER TFiA a/o•� Tp �TT .TOINTS 1!/Q�/1�1 In�p�cUer� JRM 14��en■ F►Ri f�VPR MARFt�T ROOM Itt��a 00�07�0 Y�LdO—Mitic� it��a 000'i! 'LD0—�in�i i���a �06�0 a�LDO—T��p_ G/Q 11ie�►/�i1 Irssp�c4or� CD Aolion� AF?V1! API�ROVE,D � NbR�ft■ CFlN NO�' OCCIiPY RXT�RIf7R TaININfi� DiCFt {NANDRpILa �AND OUARD -- RAILS fVOT INBTALL�Cfr) CL�CAR RL�{�. iL?iiTi Rl�MAVg CQhiSTRUCTIQN MATERSAL• AN� DtV�LLiPMNT iZ1lN� 1�p'KBRY NOT ALI�OW�D I"RO/� OCGl1P�RNCY i�1T TNii TIM� ,'� A�i�R�7VAL. HA� �E�N ORANT�d TO Ufft !�ClTTti�RR� IN TFii� SPAC� 1�/03/��1 Znwp�abor� CD Acstio�• APPR s�• *+ob• Nolsse Toe ha� bw��7 rwod!*isd �o �ilow uw� eT �rsct�rior 0ir�inp dio Oc�upa�oy neir �1lcrwwd for tl�r� H�►be�ry/�iourr ate �hi� �i�• Tir� saappr�talpn iwadiTia�ations wr�a r�quir�b in bhi� wr�� ItR�a �al�i�i fiRt—TtMi?� C/O Il��a OYrs�! PiJ—Tlpi�_ C/Q 2#��• 0�!!7, VLRN—TEMIa. C/Q tt��� 00my'y PLLlN—!r'IniAL CIC1 - Iis��w■ 014S7a• FiR�—lrlNAl.. G/O Z���s 006�1 PW—fiNAL C/O Ih�iw• R��4� �Li?0-1�inw1 C/O iQ/0�f7'1i in�p�o�ori CD Aerfsien• aN alse •r• bee Tor i�f�/99 ,� Nc1a�a• rtnai CO ear� ne�E b• prars�swrd ratr�til *ir� suppw�asion sysb�� eerr�o#lons/�odirie�abinrtir rrr sad• and •oo�ptwd by leFsw Tir� d�pt , . ` � � . __ a,.. , , � , . � ,, ;.. r,.:. - � :1 �1 �� ;t.,��.ti, i �:.: ;�r�i�i �_ �,��E_ f_�'F�i��d-U� �'�-i1a�. ��. 11l�411999 �8:�1 REQUE�T'� - IIVS��EG�N WiQRK SHEE7S �[11�: 11/?4l1999 AR�Aa GC� �_w�.�.�-.-�.��.-w.���.��...._-�_��______________________________________________________ Activit�r: B99-Q��Q�3 1 ].f�4/l9 '�ype: A--COMM S�G�t�as : ISSUED Gcsnstr: ACQM Adcfr��ss : 4�8 VAIL VALLEY DR Lo�at i or�a 4��3 VA I L VALLEY DR (R�L�.A R I VA--LARKSPUR) ��r^cel : �:i�1-�81-�9-Q}t�4 Dec: Use: II 1-HR D�scr�i�atic�� : IIVTERIOFt �EMGDEL OF EXISTI�IG R��TpURAhil" Applic�nt : �IEDPO CC7NSTRUCTION �'hone : 97�-845-1��1 Ownc�r: VAIL CC11�F�f�f�A1'It�IV i'H� F�hon� ; Gonta^acttrr�: NE'D�1Q C�1MlfiTRUCT�CIN F'horie : 97Q�-B4.�,-r�4�1 ---------------_-------------------------___-��___---------------------------------- In�pe�tian Fieqc�est In�ormation. . . . . RpC�I.lE�S'�01^: CA�L �hone: 9�4-5Z35 Fteq 7i�e: @1 c�� Comm�nts : LARKSF�lJR RESTRURANT Items req�.�ester� to be In ected. . . Action Cornm n s �� Time Exp @0�4� Y1 /CI °�(�j r, e �' .__ ��� r�-� r �� --- �o �.�as.�f�--l��..f U' — �r9�7 L ���� "T �.. .�.�-�..n^ n.�„-�� � _. � — Inspectio€s Histor}+. . . . . I t e m ; �t��,�� �I�D6-�'x,�m i n g 1�/�1t9� I�aspectnr: CD Ac�ion : A��F°R AF�F�RQVED Item : Q���5� RLt)G--I�stnl�tion Item . ���6� BL�DG-Sheetrock Nail 1�1] 1/99 I saspect ur: CD A�t i on : AF�CR AR�°ROVEA/CORREC�'YDN �EQ� hJv�es. IIVSTALL A�DITIONAL FASTEi�ER� AT �f3CAT'ItI�IS WHERE �AF'ER HAS BEEN F�ENE7RATED OR WF-IERE FAST'ENERS ARE CLOS�� TMA ,�lt3" TO BTT J�JINTS 1�/?��'99 In ap�c�or^: JRM Act i ar� : F°A A���'R MARf�ET ROQM I t e m : ���7� �►LDG-�M i sc. Ttem : Q���9Q� L�LDG-Final Item : ��53k� HLDG--7emp. C/0 I t e m s Q�Q�531 F I RE-7EhIF'. C/i] I t e m : 0�5.�� F'W-�`�MF�. C f Q I t�m; t�Q��;.�3 F'LpN-TEMF�. C/O Item : Q�i���7 F�LAN-F'INA� C/0 Item: ����8 FIRE-FIhIAL C/�] I t e m : ��539 ��W-�I IVAL C/Q It�m : �0�44� P�L.DG-F'in�l C/0 �' Y' •.,R4� �.. �r�_�Y'1 # .� C � � �".a3.�f��y � �. � �''�NV✓ �y�l��f � .� �w. . . . �. ,r� .. l _ �� �+� � ' I., "�'�' �ri�.� -�a cxk� � -. � s.:� '.n;'�. �A �-��`` �'^'� �� . r � , �flw � '.q k�� '�� -� '� -A .._, �ti �° ,al y <�'� 1 , }�' +� � � �I � — ��,K� � �ic`��"' � �: r r,, '� �-��� ��-,�,� a 4 � ;� �:� �_ � �Ya�=:: , �" ,,, ` .�� '� _�"�. ��,, i Yt •W � ,�}�.,"� �� � . �'� � �° - N,i . ��.r,' ��,, _ r. p f.�,y r � } � .k. :er � . '��� .r ��,��- `�` ,�F . �+e.,r �h,s�' �,.. � �_'.. ,� ,y ..:b"_,' �r ,-t� -. ,Tq�- .-. i �'� �# �1 r�'a 6� ��y, 7-� � � 1R y� ��'v8,y. � � t`�k'yr�. - {���e-� �+ �� t� � ..�' . _k�':. .;L ��'� ,��1. � y,� .. �� �.riM Nnr_T - T � i r`�" � ,� �'4 __. � .�.' ":.�'R TM - � � �� �� � ��` � r+ �- "; � � ��z��M �r-� �i � � � N r �e ; V . �,y��'o g' y� � �i .� `a` ^.�7�Y .,i� ��.:.. � � .� ��'S + �}� � ..,.�' Ej�` , (��'`..� s yiy 'i4 3�.�� �r � f fi �_x 'tiA 'k.v�. t i .1' _ V ,�.,y ��. � � , > . � - � � �,� .� � � �e i�,�_�, N,� ' �`� s. y, �� �• �. � �r #^� n, '�� � S� '��,y, r,%aF ° �� "�,�� '���.� � � � �•- :� ,'r•- ,� ��r�� � - t ,,, •,.�r��`��;{ � �v �� •�� 'S� n r s � a.. * ,, ' � � _ � ��_,y �` { ` _. �.: � _ � ;: ...�: � � � . ' , . _ �g.��° � :c � ±�, ,E�, ;� � - �f��_ r e}�- , . , � � � f�EF'�i �;:s1 i C}i�ii�f U� �1F11L� t_',G�l':�itf�l-7L1 �''+'�d-'� �' 11/c 3/1999 Q�7:S8 REC�?UESTS - I I�ISF�EGTiV Wf7RF4 �HEETS FOi�e 11/�3/1999 f�REf�: �D �--__-__�����_.���.------=--=--=====e�_=_���..��_�_=�=-=__-==���M��______�._�__M=�__�. Actawi�y : �°99-�tf��6 l. i/.::3/19 Types H-RLM� St�t�_�s : ISSU�D Canstr°e AGOM F��idr4ess : 4�rB VRIL VA�I��V DR Loc�tion : 458 UAIL VqLLEY D'�, LARKSG�UR REST ��ar�;cel : �10i.-��i.-�9-��4 qcc: Use: Descr°ip'b'ian . F'l�.irnbing for restaurant remoclel Appl i��nt ; FALCON F�LUMP►ING R HEATING �hane : 97Q�-�4�4-Q��56 Dw�ner�: VAIL �O�F�i��A7IOIV THE F'hone: Cont ra�t or�: �ALCON �'1��11�8 T NG & HEAT X N�a f�h on e : 97r�-434-��55f� In�pec�E ion RP.C��.�E'S'� Infot�mat i an. , . . . Rec�uestar; N.A�L �'hone : 9k"�4-`�7,�5 F��q Tirt�e: �8e�0 Cnm�en�s: LARKS��UR R��TARAl�i�?' Ytems rec��.�est�d ta be Inspected. . . Action Comments Time Ex� ���9Q� F'I�M�-�'i n�1 i'��U STL�v4� I�.1 fl�' S �C� /9z( �,CC�,� _�/ . _ �"Q- / � `� (' )L K R�L .S IAD�,..�S_ - .�-- _.._ -- � - -- ------ - - - ________.�____.�___�_______________.. �.__.._�, _ _-- -- ---....�.� ..�..��..�_ ____ Inspe�ti,an Histar�y. . . . . I�em: ��:?1Q� F'LMP-Undergr��un�i Iten�: OQ����2 F'LMB-Rvugh/D. W. V. Q�9/1Q�/49 Inspector�: CD A���nn : R�'�'Ft E�#GT f hlot e s : F�ATCH ALL FLOOR A�VD �A�� ��E�lE�'RAT i aNS �` ,� It$m : rl1Q��v3►Z� G�LMP-RotighlW�t er. � fi9/i�/�39 Inspector,: CD Action : A�'PR STREET F°RESSURE Item : ���4� F'LMB-Ga+s F�iping I�em ; ��c^�0 F'L..M�-F�crol/Ho�t T�.�tr I t e m � ��+�E�� F�LMP-M i sc. I�e�: �0�90 F�LMP-Final -._� ��� �� � �v� � ���. . ti `9�';7� � � '�i '� N� �=�'' "`,,� *��'-� . � � : a r.��� � � N �§`f � a i ,y ��, ,y. �:� %�� �, 'i - V� 4[ a ... y ' q �*. 3+� � �,� °.i�' p ;"', �` � ; " � r r- � "° � i r_ �. �' 1 � � . � ,'� `6 '�-4 y � � .� ",el�` � � ' , ct� �p�,< Rm.t - ��,�� � 3'��.'• � �* � a�,.ku � ,� "q� 'g Y " ' i° - �"��, � , � 1' ro � '� +�,,. , `' _ - �� y � � • .�- �y� .� `, r� t ��' f �a.: ��::� q �y, r "4 �F ��. yy8,y, R •� �• �' #,�t' � 5 _ � �p� I �ka Y� � ' �r�� �T� �' F� � � �.'_. .: � , y�++ i� -,, ,�y' � ., .. , a �� k i n�� � -, � � � � � � ..� � - � 3 x�.� �y ., . ,� . �'�s �1�� �,_,� i�;�.,��� s �,�+ ,� -u� `� ��-� � _ 'd � r a,� n .+ � � -� ��'�} - .. �r - � - ���t��� � � � , �y ��y� �.� �,� ,�, a, ty�q,.. •"� ,x r - � t� � ��•r� ����l;�t�'�� v7 �0� ,� � �� � �.� , 3 � �{'" • .'�� ` �is _ ,. �_� , f • : ��: � F � � �+ , 5� _ � � '�. � � ,� . . 4 , � ' . . � y � ��r i. . ,.s_ �.�R � � �� � �' ,m . , , ,,: , y �.:Ly .�,. . .— . . . ' . .� . . :r.. '^ i�-. _ . � - . � ' _ .. � ' - .r f • '}� , �,. � �' � � ,F . s �i-! �, � * � � �,� Design Rev�e�vv �►.ction �orm Tn���V� Ati T4V�VN UF VAII.� Project�ame: Larkspur Restaurant and Bar LLC Praject�escription: Ea�terioa window alteration ta fold'ang doors Owner, Address and Phone: Larkspur Restaurant and Bar LLC, 458 Vail Valley Drive Architec�/'Contact, Address and Phone: K.H. Webt� Architects, PO Box 205, 477-299Q Project Street Address: 458 Vanl Va.11ey Drave Legal Description: Tra,ct F, Vail Village S�'Filin,g Parcel Number: Bui�ding Name: Comments: Pro j ect#: Board f Sta�'f Action Motion by: Action. �taff Approval Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Colors to match existing exterior Town Planner; Ann Date: August 19, 1999 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 F:IEVERYOIVEIDRBL�PPROVaI.19711 DRSr1PPR.FR14I � < "� � QucStions? �hc l'i�,��ntei�StafEa�47`�-"::t28 i � i �y �y APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APP�20VAL TO WN(�F YAIL GENERAL i�IFORMATI0�1 - This a�}�lication is for ariy projcct rcquirin�D�i�,n Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsipi rcview must � rcccivc Dcsi�n Rcvicw approval prior to submi#fing for a buildiiig permit. For specific inforniation,scc thc subnvttal rcquircmcnts for thc particular a�proval that is rcqucstcd. Thc a�plication cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd - information is submittcd. Thc project iziay also nccd to bc rcuictivcd by thc Town Counci!and/or thc Plannie�g and Environn�cntal Comi7�ission. Desi�n Review Baard approval expires one ycar aftcr final approval unless a buildin� permit is issacd and eonstruction is sfarted. , � � A. I?ESCR(PTION OF THE REQUEST: F: �^����-L�� � E3. �.00ATIOIV 0� PkZOPOSAL: LOT: BLOCK: FILING: �'HYSICAL ADDRESS: C. PARCEL#: (Cont�ct Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at�70-328-8640 for,�arccl #) C3. ZONdNG: E. NAME�F OWl�1E�t(S): L E MAILING AQD[�SS: 5 V��l. A ��1 V�R+1�- GO• $ �r� � PHONE: �I'�f%�'�'I�� _ F. OWNER(�)SIGhATURE(S}: . G. NAM'�OF APPL[CANT: ' , t �- . MAILING ADDRESS: . �1S S PHON E: Q—'-1—7.7��I.O H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND F�E: ❑ New Construetion-$200 Constructioii of a new b�ildin�. 0 Additian- $50 Includcs any addition where squarc footagc is addcd to ar►y residcutial or commcrcial building. _ �'11'Linor r�►Itcration - $20 Includ�s aninor chan�cs tv buildin�s and site improvcmcnts,such as, rcroofin�,painting,window aciditions,landscapin�,fenccs at�d r�taining ° walls,ctc. DRR fccs arc to bc paid�t thc timc of submittal. Latcr,whci�ap�lyin�fvr a buildin�pcnnit,pleasc idcntify khc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Town of Vail wi�l adjust the fcc according to t�c projcct valuation. = PLEASE SUBMIT TH[S APPLICATIOIY,ALL SUBMiTTAL REQUIREMENTS A�i�➢THE FEE TO TH� DEPARTMEN'C OF COMMUNITS'DEVELOPMENT, 75 S�UTH FRONTAGE ROAD, � VAIL,COLORADO S1fi57. F r ffic [ : ��� ��� Fee Paid � <�� ��CK#:' C:��� By `, � Application Dat�; �7RB Meeting Datc , Prc-A�plication Mceting Datc . >, > ` � .;; ;; � . / . � . . � BUILDING MATERfALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL; COLQR:* Roof �V(1 Sidi��g � othcr Wall Matcrials F�sci� Soffits Wiildows � � � � + Window Trii71 � \ ''� Qoors Door Trim � Iiaitd ar Dcck R�ils Flucs F'�ti5�llll�ti Chimncys � ' Trash Enclosures ' Grecnhauscs Rctaining Watls Exterior Lighting** Other < * �'lease specify th�c manufacturer's color,number and attach a small color chip ** All extcrior lightin�must meet the Town's Lighting 4rdinance 18.54.050(J}. If�xterior lighting is proposed, Plcase iizd'scate t�c n�inbcr of fixhires and locations on a scparatc lighting p1an. Identify cach fixture type a�id provide the height above�rade,lumcns output, lununous a�ea�and attach a cut shect of the tighting ftxtures. � � • 2 � Updated 6l97 . . � � � PR��'OSED L.ANDS .APING 13otsnic��� 1'Jan� Cvmn�on j�� Ouar�htv , irc* C'ROPOSED TREES AND S�iRUBS: � EXISTING '�REES TO I3E REMOVEC�: *Mi�iimum rcq�rircmcnts for lancJscapin6: dcciduous trccs -2 inch caliper conifcrous trcc5-� fcct in hcight shrubs -5 ga9lons Tvnc Squarc Foota� GROUIVD COV�R 50D � - SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHQD OF �ROSiorr coNTaoL OTHER �.ANDSCAPE FEATURES(retaining walls,fences,5WIR11Tllf1��pO�S, CtC,} Please specify. Indicata top and bo�tom clevations of rctaining wails. Ma�cinwm height of walls�vithin the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum hcight of walls elscwhcrc on the property is 6 fcct. - - - 3 Updatcd 6l47 f �. � � I{.�I.We6b�lrchi?ec�s 4592 Shreemcide�:R� 4�0.cn.2�s� Po�f L�{fi�e Bac ZOi 4;0.i11.'.1965(fl v�l,iala�ado k flaw�hb@x�ilnel AIfSy J;J{V 30, �;49 �a}r'd G.C�rU�n,V�ce Presid�nt Ua�R�arts Oe�elop,�p�l C�mpaTy� Pa�t�r�ice Bar.�'S9 Avon, C�.R16?0 (Ulq hqdt{�0&�IVBi�� RE;G�I�en Pc�;,Base Fac�li!v,45soc'ati�n � ��ni 1�,�'. ��J�Clfl, Lr�spur R�si�urq�i pnd Bo�L.�.C,the nevv operator,of 1he former 9elia Riva�estaur�^t��the���id8'1 PBGk B�SE Facility;�rrcu kna��u,�r�in�F6�f�CE55�f UP�rO(�;ng�lieir new spnce. !t is a �eauire�nent af�h��o�den Pe��,J�:�ci�►�o�th�r al!camm�n ar�a antl ex�ertcr fm�rovemarns are app�o��e� 4��t�e k�soaaiia�,e�.�J�;I��n-er�ar mcdifi�at`or.�..,��vhich���alreari�'�p�;cti�Pd. �herefore,in order to�roce�c �v�t�m�diFcni��ns te��teri��r w�lls of the s�cee,yoJr opprova�cs'�ssoc�;ti�n Presi�e�t�required. �Na h�ve��ru mr,dfi,attt�ns pr��asE�i�n�he cemmai eienems,6o�h of whi�h ote dPsai�ed grap�iccily ir the ortnc�ed iafrr�ralien packa��as v�lf 45 be{���r: �. P�e���Fold�r�Caors a15e�dh�!�•�ta?icn o*���st�urant� Alurrinum Frn►�ed F�Idina (�renct�s�ylr,a��ars WI(h CDI��1�r'1ti1�h e�istir�g vr;nde�rs. la'KSGUf'S cCpl IS fp it''RlC�f2�9hJra�fi�t:r,�o sheir spa�e es well as�r��±�e eas'er access ta th�ir terraces. ���sua��y,r�e�e is ro r�o�t'�cation ta t�e e;ci;ta+g �nenln�{sti v�ifh the excepti�n of rem�v;ng th�sh�cca�r�m;he exsti�g window:ill to�he g�au�,d. �uoi,can see i�ths attache��h4i0,ii�hi�nfodficat�n;;E.�r���k�i�iFle=rcrr the surro�:nding�r� due f�'�e eXi:i!!'�51��4V'OIIS ML LQI.KES tfllllmuf c�n�ge t�tha�u;1�i��a. 2, Neti�a�renc;7 Sfyle Ccors and rra�Wing an+�xisting i�t�nor cvi�o�x in t�e.�Id/ne�� ''.Marke�"sp�ce o`f ti�axastl� "Gr�ct Ro7m." In e�fo�is ro nflke rhe t�nrke'h,ve i��arz�+�ibie ider,iiry to gues� af the u�r;�i;ig,�we are "ope�i�� ,p"1he mar�et to t5e cc;�rror.�+�y laail. Overcl!the��e•�r "�harkEt"co�csat shcu!d�e a d�sirah�e a��rtioo to��e'�wldi�g�xith a Caur,try floir thQi wi(I cater to ho�h���ests r�na�m:re s!��a t�he c�r���Q��tsfo+rrr�^�of t�e Eui��ir��. �ImEcr S:rR dr�uaiicn Im!iide od 6rdeiC{I� �'� :T„'-a' :�� ',h3�7 �l�l�:�_:3� "I��;', LJH�.�:t_Z �e�.Z"�'G'`��1� .. � � � K.�� w�'ti��ff�]'�QC�i �392Sireom��ds iirtla 910.4T1.i990 Po�'9Eiice Bac 205 9�0.4T7.�9b5{fl , 4c�1,(vbrada kYlare�b9wilnet a1�5d Ca�b'n let�er, Page? Che�Thamas and Nanc�S�bmcnovich the pr�pdetors of�arks�ur or 1 would be l�a��y to�tstuss She pr��osed i��aroveneci5+rrith}rou or�thei rnember5 of�he l�ocin'i��. �f r�u�se.t;�e is af the e�sa�ce for the propesnl so v�rp r��y camplete ca�sin�d'Nn by the�pcaming 5ki se�an,ya,r timely respa�e�vould be m�:ch appreciated. l��-o�+rish tn cor�er;'t�such mc�ificatians, please eK�cute thw a�±�c�ed canszn��r;d ret!tm t0:K.N, Hle�b Archi�e�ts b5�FA?!ct�11-�965 a3 sa��as fea�ible. Sincerefy; Kyle H.We6��iQ H,H.4"d�BB ARGHfTE�TS �e�r4Centnt:�;e f�,Pra�ased,h4od�ita�iors Cni��n Pea�:Assaci�t;on, hereby co�senfs to the prc��os�d�o��ca�ion�to th�Commar elements of fh�Gaide� Pead��se Fac�i�ry as de�ai��d ab�e cnd in the att�he���=a�n�#ion �uckace ar�aitcched he�eto. � r? � ~ �, • � Dat�: � AssceMti�n Represe�r�tive: �D/.� �-t,. �/�..i r ���� ��l r 'G,� ',�.�� ��� �ti�� _ f,m,�.1 �r,.�m ��se�, . ,ticmy¢i oE iha dm�ricen Infli�u90 o'r @�Mlsh � ,:i ?��"°�N r_i�� ��43'I 11�C=3� ��HP� 4JM��:k��L bE�eT ..T ���I I� � � i • K.�I.Webb�1rci;ifecfs -0�92������1ir Qm.cn.2g90 ao��ctr�n e«2us ato.ar�.�ce t��.tala�adb R�I�yb�wi;�a1 6�5� JU1V 3a, 199n Da�i��d G.�cr��n,Vue Presid�rt Va�R�sr,r�5 Developmpnl��mpm?y Prst[�ice Bor. �59 ��n, C+?.81�?p f�la har�d d�ivery' RE:G�ldeh P��k Ease FncilP!y�4�soc�atian De�r�1�,i. ���Cf�, L�r�Cspir Resipur�p�f�n�Bar L��,the���perator�af ihe#nrme�9e9iff Riva:�esrcurar3 ir fhe r„aide�Pec�Bes4 Facilily: �you knarv,are in?�e pr�cess af upgra�ing�heir�evr spnte. !t is o ��ea:��e�nenY ef�h�6oldar,Pe�F.�S„�ac�t'an t��ar all�nmm�r►area an�€��ricr improvemants�re cpp;ove� �y th�k;sodoiion,e���Weil a��n`erior r�Cdifica�`or.�...���rh�ch arF alr�a�ir��p��c4�e�. i�erefore,in ardei tu�rots� w��,r��dificat�an5 to�xteriQr wa�ls of ihe;�cce,ya,n qppfqyq;��"�q�;,3iio;�Presi�e.�t�required. We huve'r�o m�r�f;c�t�n.s p��pose��n th�cemm��eierten;s,ba i�oFwhich are dPs:r�ued grap�icc�Ey ir the at�ncned i�arrrati�n packa�a�well os Jel,t�r: i. iJe:r��Id�r�y Coars at SouDh E!e����ricr o`R�sraurant, 'l,k�rrinu�n Fm��e�i FL�Idin�F�erECh s-y�e G�ar� with�bIOP 1(1�1�f�h exrst�ng windov�s. Larks�ur`s caol is ta I�{mc�re�atu�al!i��f:r��tlieir{pnre�s well as�rr,��:�E eas�er access to t��ir terr�ces. visua�y,r�e��e�no m4�i�icallon to the ea�tirg anen��(s7�;th the excepti���of re�o�r'r�g t��st�;cco�;�m;��e ex;sti.�a ti�rinaow�ifl ta•h�grour,�. �yai,r.an spe in th�att�ch�d aha;os,;h.i..rr�o�i�icatian;;�ar�y��i:i�le`rc�m ihe surro�n�ing�re� due t.�'�e��#iry�i sir�titialls an��a��s€s rrinimc!cFahge to th.�uiE�i���. 2. PJeti�a rre�ch�tyie CUCrs and rroving an Pxisting itrt�riar 4�+i��o;�in tne ala/ne�r "'�1otk��"spacA o��n�ax(st��g "Gr�ct Ro�m." In eiio�i�t�noke�h�l�ltnk.e`have�rcrz��i�l�ideriiy ia guesSs of the u���l�i>>g,we are "oneniag��p"the rr�rker ro tha c�;nrr,�r��+r���all. Overell the .��v �"Marke#"conc��t shcu!d be a des�ra�e aGd��on te��e�+�iidi���,vi���Ca�.�r,try-fl�r ihaf�Nill mre� t�hot�g�rests an��Lr�50�n ths c�c�oants/.:��;me�of fhe E�rl�ir��. IMmb:r s'15�dtn,�r6�an Ini!ifrk ol br�e�txlc _'� ?L?'��;3 ..�� �ti3�� c1d+::S3� 1=�r', W��_:LF� ��,�T �T'`_tifly � .r � � K.�I, Webb Arch�#ac�s �s�z s�,���a�r�r�� 9m.4n.��o Po�Off�a Bo�205 �o.�r�zs�s cf, Vc�l,(uiwoda k�rla�ehb�wifnei fii�id �6f�;11�6fi8f. Pp'(�? rhef Tho�as ond Wcne�Sa�m�navich the pr�pnetors of larkspur ar i would b�hap��to��cuss she prapuse� ;mpraverne�ts�rifh yau or�th��mernher��f�he�ocin'i��. �f:aurse.ti�ne is of tha esssnca far t�e propesal so vrs r���y campl?te�o�s!n.tclion by f�e�p�ominr�ski se�a�,ya:r tirnely re�pa�se�v�uld be rrx;ch apprec�ted. h yo�lrish in co�er,'t�s��c�r�ctlifitaticns. piease�x�cute ths o�+�c6ed c�nsan�ard rat��m tA:K.N.'�leC� Archn�cis b;FAM ct�71-?9b5 as s���n��s f�a�ible. SII}C@C°�jf: �� i!yle�1.Web��iA K.H. 4"�L£B ARCHI�E�:i'S Re�re�entai'�re for Pra�ased h4od'fica�ic�s vo���n Peok Associ�tion,��ebv co-�ert;fo 1he p=oF�s�d�oc'fica�ions to th��ommor.eEerrents af�he Goi�e� P�o� 3ase Faco�it��as d�;cribad ob�ve c��d in t�e att�c�e��n-armafion �ackase anc�ttGrhed he�e#�. � � D01E: � �? �`"7 r�SSCdnflC��ep�B56�1t�iY4: ��-*—�' �i � �y�a G,. C'.�:� , �u�s `�� `G.�l.�� ���.-r� C�a,;� — �e%! f t.�m �SSe� , ��ni¢�of Ihsdmrrican mdHulo or6rchit�}� .�'ci UL�"v��d ii=� ;'1,3�i '�!'tJC'�3�J ��Hi'� lJh.�:1�L 6�6T'tT'`:�aIH - ' • ! K.�.�����tC�lfi�{�'S 4542 knert+�de ur�l� 41Q.:T11990 Pad Cifia$at 203 9;0.�1129b5(fl Yal,Coi�mdo k,l�nbb�O7uolno# &�Sc JuJy 34, ?4?� L�avt�G. C�ruin,V«e Presid�r�t Va�R�sr,rts De�relaprra�►C��rprn�y Pc�t(lt�ic$Bax.959 Au3n,L��.�16?ti (ui�hand d�iivery�; R�,G�kle�P�ar;Base Facili!+,�.4�sac'atirn Gear��1�. C��Ei�, lnr&spur Restpur�n ond Bpr�.L.t.the ne+r���e�atart of ihe fQrmer 9el;a Riva�iestau,n�t ir t�e��a�e�Peak Bese Facilify,.�,you k�i��+,�re in��e pr�cers qf u�roding i�eir new s�flce. !f is a�equire�nen�c.!th�Golder,Pe�k,As„�ciRt'a��;at all�ommr,�Qr�c antl�xierlcr�mprouer�anfs��e approve� �y f7e wsocialion,a���ve�E es n-arier m�difi��R`ars...�nhich��F alreac(�;ap��c�re�. T�erefore,in order tu protYVc tia�ti m�dific�t�o�s to exteti�r rraJ�of t�a s�cce,yo�r��pp�QVa�cs�+ssoci�#ian Presi�eaf is required. Wt'�Mt7VB fj'JG Ili7i�lf;�:�t�ns,p;�pase:i fn Ihe romm�l ei�nen,s�bo���f w,hich�re�esai3ed grap�-ic�i�y s the orloc�ed ir�nrrro9ian p��ka�e as wel[r,5 be°��v: i. �a�;r��id;r�Co��s a1 S�.�t�E!e�ti�a?icn o'Rastaurent, Ak�rrinum Frnmec!Fddin�f�re�cl�sYle Coon with rfll�r ta nr;t�h existirg�indo�rrs. la•ks�r't ccQ! is To le',mc�re��tu�ad!ic,�t:r°o�hvir�pa�e es well as�r��iie eas:er acce�s to tha;r terroces. U�uaE!y,ttie e�r;o mo�i�caaioa ro the��i�tirg nn�n4ng(s) �ith the e�ception af rer�o��'na th�stu�ta f��m;he exsti��ti�inaaw�ifl to•he gr�u���. �:yoi,can s�t.in th�attach�d pha�o�,���;mod�f�cotron;;�,�r���+�isd�le�rcm the surr�:nding�r�� d�e t}��e exi�t;��site w�alls and ca��ses minim�i cFa�g�±u t�P bu;i�+���. 2. PJsur�re�c�5t�rle C�crs and mo�ting nn Pxisting i�erior tvi�'a�v En tne old f ne��� "!�ark�•"sp�ce A�th�axistlar"Gr�ct Ro�m." In eifo��ts ta na�.e the 1ki�ik.e;�,ve�rorz vi�i6le t�er,i�fy to gues�s af the bei�di�g,ave are"o�Enin��,p'1h�market ro th�cc,�r�x r��;y��ail. f�ercl!1k�e��w "Marltet"�antept shcu!d be a desirab�e a�drtbo t��tie�i[diag�,vith�Co�r.try fldr thot will ca��r to hnth��ests art�m�:re s!��4he�rc��arrts/aurr�e�cf the E��il,�in�. r���s�t,����,����►��b�+«�s _ � ,i., �,.; ���� ,ti��� �����.-,�,� �����, u�ti��:ci h��:i �i•�n� - � • i K.�,We561�rch�lac�� �;9�u:�,���t� 9m anl��o Paw Oifits Bax�OS 910.471.29i65(f� , Cc�l,falorado lylmwa��railnaf a�a Corb;n le��er. Pa�e? Che�Thomas ond Noncy Solomunovich the prapriet��s of Larkspur a�!would be happy to�st�ss ihe pr�p�seti ;mprovemsrts��ifh y�u a��ther mem6ers of ihe 1�o�inli��l. ��C�U�SE.1;me is of tFe cssenca far the pro�al sp u�s r�ay ca�n�lete eonS!►��ciion by�he upcomin��ki sea;an,ya�r ri�ely respcx�se�w�u9d be rr��ch apprec�oted. I�y�u�visfi in censsr,�f�such mcdiFicat��ns, p�ease exas�te ths�t!�che�cons���ar,d ret�ar�ta:1�.N."�le�� �rch�ects b'�FI�C1��J-?'��5 OS 50�f1 CE5 f�OS'b�9. �II1CPf°�yl, �pf@ N.W2b�I�� 1f.H. V`J��B ARC�ITE�'S �e�rssentat�;e for P�o�ased�Mod:ffisa�f�r,s ;,o��an Pea�:Assaia�ion, h�e�p co�er.�s to ihe pTO�asVd�o��fica�iqn5 to tha�ommor�lemenfs af 1hz Gai�e� P��4 B�se Facl�ty as d���ibad ab�ue�nd i�ihe Qt��ch�����rmation �aa�ka�e un�q�t�the�hereto. � �? 9� � �, � Date: � Assotl�ti�n �Zeprasentative: ��� G,. C��.`, , �,r�-�s ���r�i-- '��� ���. ��� - �m�r.� r c�.� �1 ss�c.._. . �Nam'sei oE 1ha dmerita�In+lit�ie o'r AriMiaekf `�"d �Z�'OiJ C�'� .���i �1�CS3z! �-�Jr', WyT?:i_+i b�i �i °�1"It+ F , ���, �`�� �r,:- f _ 1 1 ' � ' 1 i i ' 1 . � ,�"'�."-_----. ��,'° �./ � � , I � _ 1 1 1 1 " iI��1"Iw'i� ' : � � �� 1�� '• M r,. .. _.�_ _�. �-_ � � ' �� � � r �-''.t._ � . i . i - � {i �� � --y� � �' ��:• �.. �,� � , . � -.� , ,�, � _ � � ,,�.. - .,._'�. rt n � s ..,� r __' � 1 1^ +^ - u' R ` ^ ^ s_..'a ,� � ���{ _�_ ^ _� ��..-�' �il �..t�'..- s . a � � s G i i 111 j� .� �' _ .� If r.s. � � ` I �I �� � ��r.. �� I� ��� r� � , "��►�� - � . s � � ���� _ _ � �� ����M �I � y y�' � "«�,,,.,*,,.w.aw ' -�,W� � < �■ '. Y�d<�� .. ,,,�.-.P.._ � w�•�.-,..- �.�.- . ...,,=�--�w c., � . - �.M�.++.r�'..,,�,^. . ,� .. . _ . � ,; .,. , . , ,... .,:�: ;'s� . r .. L,�,.,�. ... : �bkiw. .-"y,.. - - . � HIw�9eC.'r... '.�.t.:4'^', '.} { y�_ � ' .. . .., a.�r� - .. 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'4 Galden Pec�k Base Facility 1ar�CSpur Restaurant Window/Door Revisio�s 7.30.99 �"�-���� �f�r-'� ?_.:?�-,-,�;-. `-� ���., 1 ; i, . • � � � � - -1C-- =]i � - II- _I� � _- -T- � � /- - - - - - --- � ✓ � � � _ � ��-------------------------- ir---------------- ---------ii ii ii ', ��'� ~�` � � � — — } uF �`, � � � i '� �. � � _ � Parti�l Plan - P�oposed �/s°=��—ap 1 .i 1 'L i �• . � . . �� � ` A _..�Jepending on the application, NANA offers four differ ' s stems . � ' .-' +. - , ' ent aluminum profile y . .R_ � to meet tiveather tightness, therma� performance, structural perform�nce, size, function, � � � - stacking and aesthet�es requirements. ' • - • - CHOICE OF F[NISHES:A cha[ce of hundrec�s of high quality po�vder coated, anodized and wet ' ''~� . ' finishes. For thermaily broken sy�stems, Ghe option of different finishes on the inside and • ou�side. Therrnally broken systems incorporate a pol5�nide piastic reinforced with " - glass fibers that pro�ides better humidity control, �c�ustics, �t � "� � ener�r sa��ings and strength. The ruggec� construckion allo�vs T` � �. for commercial use. t _ =` .:� ,,���'�i�;� -� t oK.� ,,... � �} ,�'.+' , . �:� - i �!t'�.},i�,�'�.";�#''�`� '�e SL 35 fOLDING$YSTEM ''�` ��� The stantiarrl. non-thermal, to� hung syste�n. Imvard ripe��ins� - unit ivith rais�d sill tested tfl,�1r'1,ti(A HGD-R20, rn�s��Fo�n��c i�iR�n P�ua sY� The commercial. non-th�rmal, top hu�g system. With this system, in add€tian to 94 degrees or 135 degrees angled ur�its, - segmented or other angle�i units to create large bay�r"currf�a:i" �„� .H==-,� openings are possihle. Paired panels for maxirr�um sGackin:; - "° <,.�, f�e�ibility. Hei,�!his up to�3'G"an�l pancl�vidf.hs i�p to;3'�° � �. are pc�ssible. � The SL 50 FOLDIN6 SYSTEM � �" '!� � ' , :� � p The stant�ard, thermallyr broke3�, ���p hung o�°floor sup�a�rt�rl � . ORSE � system. ��+�y ; �' �, �We�ther Tioht: Imti�artl o�enin�unit�vith raiseci sill tested to ` " :�A11:� HGD-R-�I). \o wakPr entry e��en at 1S psf. Independent � ' I � ', tests cr�«I'ii�m l�igh resistance to tvater pen�tration and air �; �� _ infiltiatia.�n not or�15��vhen netit, �ut even after 1�,000 ����,�"-�� ��� o�eration cG�cles. "`' _ The SL 7Q FOLOIN6 SYSTEM - 3Fx The monumental. thermally t�rohen, Floor s�pported system. Ide�l for applic�tiorts tivhere load hearing eapabi[ity of the he<tcjer is a concern as Ghe �nain�vaight is carried by the floor track. Heights up to 9'G"and panel t��iclths up to 3'i'are � ;�;�,����,, passible..�tilt/turn panc,l can be e .i�� t-���:�R�[���- ■ . . incorporake�l��•ithin a unit. '-'' _ � � ,> a �k �,P; r :<< ,,,,.. �'eather Tight n�itti�'ery High '��' ��� . . , , s_r_ .. Structural Perform;�nce: " � � Suitable for cert�i� ttigh ' �" � rise and hurrirane - 81"P�15. �il1ti'�ll'l� --.--— : �;r ! _ _--- - - . �pening unit with �� �� '� �� �' � ti�r�''"Y; i r�isec!siil ai��i steeP >�� ' �' foc3�ing r�ds t�sted t� ° �� � � .�,r11I.� HGD-C�o. �� �� �� �� �� � ��I► � � ����i G Positive clesign �� �� � �� ' �►' � � �,' pr•essure oF 5� psf alncl ,; _�� �����. .� .�.._ .�� �r� negati�•�tlesign pr�essrir�c�f 1 } �� � ')(i psf. Vo���ater Erenetratio�i � ,�. , e�'en at 1�Usf'. -,<�- �-� 3 � � TNE OPf�iNG GLASS WALL� I� � �I � SL�Q BY I�ANA WALL SYSTfMS,INC. � ��� THE STANDARD FOLDING, THERMALLY BRQKEN ALUMINUM FRaMED OPENING GLASS WALL SYSTEM THE SL5� SYSTEI1� 8y NANA WALL SYSTEMS. lNC.!SULARLUX Consid�r the striking features: Weather Tight carried by the head traek. an floor mounted SL 50/u, the Engineered to provide weather t�ghtness and high lower running car�iages ride on top of the sili track. structurai performance. lnward opening unit with raised Variable interlocking of profiles minimizes ex�ansior� sill tested to AAMA HGD-R40. IVo water entry even at problems. Long term ease of operation with compensa- 18 psf. Indepentient tests confirm high resistance to tion and adjustment features. water penetration and air infiltration not only when new, but even a#ter �0,000 aperation cycies. See Easy t� Install, Complete Systern "Performance Criteria"'on page 25. Easy to install with complete, precision built system and pre-fitted hardware. Versatile Functions Versatile functions with swing entry/ex�t panel�sj o�ption �esign Freedom and with flexibility to fully or parti�lly open. �ase of o�era- Design freedom with custom sizes and giazing ct�oices. tion to quickly open or ciose up ta 20 feet wide openings. Top hu�g or floor supported. Raised sill or ffush sill option. A large selection of muntin layouts. Muflions, Multitude of Stacking Configurations glued on mlintins, griiles between the glass, $ol4d pan- Over 30 stacking configuratioRS as well as inward open- els. higher bottom rails or other custom dayouts are ing or outward opening options. Unhinged pa�ired panels available. For baicony applications, easy hinge removal option for maximum stacicing flexibiiity. 90 degrees or op#ion. for easy giass cEeaning from the inside. 135 degrees angled units are possibfe. Choice of Finishes Su�periar Thermal Break A choice of hundreds of high quality anodized, powder Thermally broken wi#h 1/2" (14 mm) INSU�SAR, a coated and wet finishes is available. The opt�on of polymide plastic reinforced with glass fibers. An different finishes on the inside and outside. Se� "`�inish INSULBAR thercnai barrier provides increased strength, Options" in General Information tab. superior humidity control, improved acoustics, and energy savings. The rugged construction allows for �lardware Options commerciaE use as a fofding storefront. As the intemal locking hardware is campatible with other Eurapean handles and backsets, a wide selection from Outstanding Appearance manufacturers such as �FSB. JADO, BOUVET. etc. is �uropean styling and handsame, sleek dines allow glass available. See "Nandles From Qther Supp€iers" in the areas to be maximized. All #olding and locking hardware blue tab section for a list with addresses ancP phone is integrated into the profiles for a clean look. Narrow numbers. A choice of handles are also available to meet stacking. ADA requirements. Dependir�g on configuration sefected. panie dewices and door closers can be incorporated. Secure Cancealed multiple point lacking that operates with a Complete, Coordinated Gfass Vlfafls turn of a handPe. The top and bottom shoois bolts W;th ths SOLARLUX joining system, complete. between each bi-fold pair of paneis have a full one inch coordinated glass walls caro be provided with various throw. Indepenc�ent tests confirm khat tF�e locking system folding doors and folding windows cambinations, match- easily passes even strict Califomia forced entry testing ing swing entry doors, transoms, side lites, and corner re�uirements. As the fufl length of t�he upper and lower posts. See "Matching Windaws � Doors"' tab. tracks can be used as striker plates for the shodt bolts, extrem�ly easy locking aperatian. Motorized Screens The OPENING SCREEf� WALL, an autamatic. Continved, Long-Term Satisfactory �peration retractable, exterior. overhead, suniinsec4 screen is Smoath sliding and falding operatian. even when the avaiiable as an option. The system has been designed bottom track has so�rne dirt and sand in it. State-of-the-art such that it is o�t of view when not in use and such that hardware with pat�nted, sealed ball bearing running the screen material can be easily re-installed when set " carriages. On top hung SL 50/0, the main weight is loose upon impact. ��1°go Nana Wall Sy-slerns � � SL 50 � THE OPEIUII�G GLA�S WALL� � � SLSO BYNANAV�A[lSYSTEMS INC. � ��"� � GENERAL DESCRIPTION SLlDING/BI-FOL.DING HARDWARE , The SL 50 is the standard, thermal�y broken aluminum For sliding and folding of each pair of panels, f�r the folding panel sysEem designed to prouide an opening SL 501Q system, attached to the upper corner of the glass wall or storefront for apen+ngs as wide as 2� feet panei indicated r�n the cross section drawings is an as shown on the Maxomum Size Chart. It is available in upper load bearing running carriage and att�ched to var+ous configurations utilizing two to eight panels as the lower cornes fitting is a lower running carriage as a shown in the elevation drawings. Any size witf�in the guide. The double pair, twin tandem, upper running limitation of the Maximum Size Chart is possible. Swing carrsage is constructed in a way to ensure even distrib- entry/exit panel(s) aptior� is avaiiable, but please note ution of pressure on al! four rollers at any given time. For the further panel size constraints with a sw+ng pane� not the SL 50/u system, attached to the lower corner fitting hinged to a side jamb. �Jnits can be either ir�ward or �s a floor supported, twa wheeled, lower running car- outward opening with details as shown in tlhe cross- riage and attached to the upper corner fitting is an section drawings. The SL 50/o system is the top hun� upper runr�ing carriage as a guide. Rollers have sealed system and tt�e SL 50/u sys�em is the floor mounTed bearings and are coat�d wiit� taughened Polyamide to systern. ensure sound free runr�ing and resistance to extreme temperature. FRAME AND PANELS To connect panels together and to connect panels to The nominal frame and panei thickness is 50 mm (2") the frame, prnvided ,�er cor�nectio� are two hinges at extruded alumi�num thermally broken with 14 mm wide the corner fittings. INSULBAR with profiles as shawn in cross-section LpCKING HARDWA�tE � drawings. Standard finishes auailable are clear For each pair of folding panels and on swing panel(s}, if anodized. dark beonze anodi�ed, dark brown �owder any, two point locking provided is hardware consisting coated or white po4vr�er coated. Custom finishes can be of top and bottorn Polyamide capped locking bolts chosen from a range of over 200 RAL colors as listed in operated by a 180 degree turn of a flat handle. Standard "General Information" section. Also, passible are handle finishes are dark brown, white or dark gray. � different finishes on the inside and autsicfe. If there is a swing panel, there are the fo�lowing additional Pane! stiles and rails as welf as frame corners are hardware options on the primary swing par�el: conr,ected by speci�l cast alloy, fhermalfy broken corner fittings tf�at incorporate l�inge components. 1. Nylon lever handles on both sides that c�perates a Finish is matchea to fnish af frame and panels. lockable faTch. Yale compatible lockset locks latch and deadbolt. Turn of key o�thumb turn Panels are pre-assembled. AIP pins and screws to operates lock. asseml�le frame are provided. ?, Three point facking hatdware consisting of top Non thermally broken flush sill as shotivn in crass- and battom Polyamide capped locking bolts and section drawinc�s is availabfe as an option fn a c�ear a horizontal bolt operated by a �80 degree turn of anodized finish. nylon handles located on both sides. L.ockable ��vith a Yaie compatible lockset. Tum o# key or GLAZING thumb turn operates lock. Units can be suopl��d g!azed lvith tempered. laminated, 3 ADA approved pull handles on both sides with a clear ,nsulating tempered, insulating !ow-� tempered, deadbolt oper�ted by a Yale carnpatible lockset. or open I€ supplied open, standard glass stops and �urn of key or thumb turn operates lock. Lockset optior� of having key operaCion on both sides. 'dry� glazing r�ask�ts supplied are for a glass thickness of 2a mm (15i 16"). ,Available as an option are glass If Option 3 is selected for the primary swing panel and if stops fcr other glass thicknesses, See '�Genera� there is a secondary swina panel, pull handles on both Information" section for further details on giass sides �f the secondary swing panel with separate key sp�ciEications required. operated bolts at top and bottom. If there is no swing par�el. for inward opening units, WEATHERSTRIPPING there �s the #ollowing adc�itional hardware option on fold- As shawn in cross-sectidn drawings, all weath�r fng pair to be opened first: Twa point locking hardware � strinp�n� consistinq of APTK, EPDM flr brush seals are consisting o# top �nd bot�om Polyamide cap�ed locking �r`?`%�`~°d far sedlin� �eTtiveen p�nels and between bolts uperated by a 180 degree turn of a nylon handle ���,��� �a���l frame. on the ins�de �r a flat handle on the autside. Lackable with a Yale compatible lockset. Turn of key or thumb ' ` J� ,� turn o�er�tes lock. . � >>999 Nana Wall 5y^stems � j,;in M, d,D r jr ,� 3#r " � t -"�', p,,; 'k r �"� r �' � � ��� Y�.,., � �? �+sr'�`� 1�5,� .:� . � � j`f�� a ' e `4,J : T ! ,_ �,�.� k � '� �7 , �;:� 1� � ..- F. � t��.4:; _- "r s.:y,j�� . x3 �� . 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Galden f�eak Base Facil�fiy �arks�ur Re�taurant Window/Door Revisions 7.30.99 ���I�' �,�E_r.'� 7;_,�,��=v=. �='� �--=�"�` r � . � �_� � � ' � � � - � _ _,x- -� ,- - - -- - - - _ _ � � � • _ � �---------------------------� ir--------------------------� � I I � � �i �y_ '`� � I � � UF `\\ I I , � �i - � , II � < , i P�rtial Plar� - Propased l�$"-1"-0" �•� �• � � ll r VLi)ilVL7 ►JY►� i �1Vi�J , � -` • , �IJepending on the �.ppfication, NANA offers r r , four different aluminum profile systems • , _;_ . to meet tveather tightness, thermal �erformance, structural performance, size, function, . � � � stacking and aesthetics requirements. ' • - - CHO[CE OF FINISHES:A choice of hundreds of high quality powder coated, anodiaed and`vet ' ' �� finishes. For thermally broken systems, the option of differer�� finishes on the inside and � � outside. Thermaily broken systems incorporate a poly7nide plastic reinforeed with �, " - glass fibers that provides better humidity control, acoustics, t�`" � energy savings and streng�h. The rugged construction allocc�s � �` y - for cor�,mercial use. t = �-' ,�i7���-�f� -� , � �v�Ro ��� -� ! � .� . : ,� �. — .,s� r:� ' � ��fi�,��t �he SL 35 fQID�HG 3Y$TEM '�� �- `�._- The standarci, non-thermal. toU hung sy�stem. I�warci aper�ing � ' - unit tivith i�aised sill tested to AAh�1� HG17-ft20. � � ilie 3!45 FOIDING 1 PAIRED P1WB.SYST�M The eommereial,non-thermal, top h�ng system. l�Uikh this system,in addition to 90 degrees or 135�l�grees angled units. - segmented�r other angled units to create large bay or"cur��ed° - openings ai•e possible. Paired uanels fQr maximum stackin� f1exibility. Hei�hts up to 9'G"�ncl panel�vidths up to :i`i" - are possible. ;. ��� ifie SL 5D FOLDING SYSiEM =�' ;,. : � The standard, thermally broken, top hung or floor s�ipporio-•cl - .��,*''30R5E '� � � SyS'LBITI. � .�a� �� ' � Weather Tight: Imti�ard opening unit�vith raised sill testecl to � � _� ?�A�1IA H�D-ft-10. \'a tivater e€�try ec�en at 18 psf. Independenr ; � ' `` '.: :� tests confirm high resistance to�vater penetration ar�d air ' � � b infilt�•ation iiot or�l���vt�en net��,but evPn af"ter 10,000 "-�� _ operation c,ycles. ._.,�; me �.�o�flu�i�s�rsr� - The mon�mentaf, thermally 1�roken, flooe supported system. ��-: Ide�l for applications ivhere load hearing capability of the f�eader is�concern as the main�r�eight is carried by the floor track. Heights up to�)'G"and pane��ridths up to 3'�"are �r�;;�+���;, possibie..�1 tiitlturn ��anel eun be •�I a_ ���/��- ,. � � s If, �,'��I���' incorparated �vithin a unit. � ��' . •�' , •�- °• , `�.►'mi"�x. �-' _ � ��� _ �. Weather TigElt�vitl9 1�ery H�gh , "� . ,� . ' '� � Structur�l Pertbrmattce: 4 �r - S�itable for cert�in high �' � rise�inc� hurricane areas. Imsarcl _- , �� ' opening unit�cith -- _ - .��w � raised sill and ste�l !t � " �� �' ' - "����- � �, � loching�rocis testecf to � ;. + AAbI.A HGD-C�S. �:;� �� " '� '� � �►�� I �I I � Positive�iesign �� �� � �� � � � � � JI � �` ��I��ll ,�:� a" presst�re of 50 }>sf and �, ��� " _ �� � " � -::� negati�'e design pressure of , 9D psf. No�f�aEer penetration j � �� e�en ut 1'?psf. .r� � . . TNE OPEI�lNG GLAS� WALL� ^ � � SLSO BY NAN�WALL SYSTfMS,�NC. ' CCD THE STANDARD FOLD�NG, THERMALlY BROKEN ALUMINUIV� FRAMED OPENING GLASS WALL SYSTEM THE �LS� SYSTEM By NAIVA WALL SYSTEMS, INC./S�LARLUX Consider the strik�ng fea#ures: Weather Tight carried by the head track. On floor moun#ed SL 5p/u, the Engineered to provide weather tigh#ness and high lower running carriages ride on top of the silf track. structural performance. Inward openi�g unit with raised Variable interlacking of prafiles minimizes expar�sion sill tested to AAMA k�GD-R40. No water e�try even at prot�lems. Long term ease o6 operation wit�h compensa- 18 ps#. Independen#tests confirm high resistance to tic�n and adjustment features. water penetration and air infiltration not only when new, but even after f 0,000 operation cycfes. See Easy to Instail, Complete System "Performance Criteria°on page 25. Easy to install wiih camplete, precisian built system and pre-f�tted hardware. Versatile �unctions Versatile functions with swing entry/exit pane�{s) �option Design Freedam and with flexibiiity to fuldy or partiafiy open. Ease of opera- Design freedom with custom sizes and gla��ng choices. tion to quickly open or close up to 20 feet wide open�ngs. Top hung or floor supported. Raised siH or.ffush sill option, A large seleetion of muntin layouts:Mullions, Multitude of Stackir�g Con#igurations glu�d on muntins. grilfes between the glass. �olid pan- Over 3p siacking configurations as well as inward open- els, higher bottam rails or other custom layouts are ing or dutward opening options. Unhinged paired panels available. For balcony applications, easy hinge removal optior� for max'rmum stacking flexibilfty. 90 degrees or option. for easy gEass cleaning from the inside. 135 degrees angled units are possible. ChQice of Finishes Superior Thermal Break A choice of hundreds of high quality anodized, powder Thermally broken with 1/2" (1� mm} INSULBAR, a coated and wet finishes is available. The option of polymide plastic reiMorced with glass f�bers. An different finishes on fhe inside and outside. See "Finish INSULBAR thermal barrier provides increased strength, Options" in General Information tab. superior humidiky control, improveef acoustics, and energy s�vings. The rugged canstruetion aflows for Flardware Qptions commercial use as a folcling storefront. As the iRternaE locking hardware is compatible with other Eurapean handles and backsets, a wide selection from �utstanding Appearance manufacturers such as FSB. JADO. B�UVET. etc. is European styling and handsome, sleek lines allow glass �wailable. See "Fiandies From Other Suppliers" in the areas to be maximized. All folding and locking hardware blue tab section for a list with addresses and phone is integrated into the profiles for a clean iook. Narrow nurrebers. A chaice af hand9es are also available to meet stacking. ADA requirernee�ts. D�pending or� configuration selected. panic devices and door ciosers can be incorporated. Secure Concealed multiple point lacking that operates witi� a Cornplete, Cflordinated Glass Walls turn of a handle. The top and bottom shoots bolts With the SOLARLUX joining system, complete. t�etween each bi-fold pair of panels have a full one inch coordinated glass wal�s can be provided with various thrav�r. Independent tests confirm that the locking system �olding daors and folding windows combinations, match- easify passes even striet Caiifomia farced entry testing ing swing entry doors, transoms, side lites. and corner requirements. As the full length of fhe upper and lower posts. See "Matching Windows & Doors"tab. tracks carr be used as striker plates for the shoo� bolts, extremely easy locking operatian, Motorized Screens The OP�NING SCRE�N WAL�, an automatic, Continued, Long-Term Satisfactory Operation retractable, exterior, overhead, sun/insect screen is Smooth slidir�g and foiding operation, even when the available as an option. The system has been designed bottom track has some dirt a�d sand in it. Stat�-of-the-art such that it is out of view w�en not in use and such that hardware witf� patented, sealed ball bearing running the screen rnaterial can be easily re-installed when set . carr�ages. On tQp hung, SL 50/0, the main �veight is f�ose upon ompaet. ��aao Nana Wall Svstems � � S�5s� 1 TNE O�PENI�IG GL��S UiIALL° ' � r SL�O BY NANA WALL SYSTE�IS,INC. I ��'�� GENERAL DESCRIPTION SLiDING/Bl-FOLDING NA�DWARE � The SL 50 is the standard, thermally broken aluminum For slidFng and fol�i;ng of each pair of panels, for the folding panel system designec! to pt�ovide an opening S� 50/o system, attached to the upper corner of the giass wall or storefronf for openings as wide as 20 feet panel ind�cated on khe cross section drawings is an as shown on the Maximum Size Chart. It is available in upper load bearing running carriage and attacr�ed to various configurations utilizing two to eight panels as the lower corner fitting is a lower running carriage as a show�+ in the elevation drawings. Any size within the guide. The double pair, twin tandem, upper running limitation of the Maxir�um Size Chart is possibtle. Swing carriage is constructed in a way to ensure even distrib- entry/exit panel(s} option is available, but pl�ase note ution of�ressure on all four rollers af any given time. For the further panel size constrainks with a swir�g panel not the SL 50/u syst�m, attached to the lovuer c�rner fitting hinged to a side jamb. �Jnits can be eith�r inward or is a flaor supported, two wheeled, lawer running car- outw•ard opening with details as shown in the cross- riage and attached ta the u�per comer fitting is an section drawings. The SL SOfo system is the top hung upper running carriage as a guide. Rollers have sealed system and the SL 50/u system is tl�e �loor mounted bearings and are coated with toughened Polyamide to system. ensure sound free running and resistance to extreme temperature. FRAME AND PANELS To connect paneis together and ta connect panels to The nominal frame and panel thickness is 54 mm (2") the frame. provided per connection are two hinges at extruded aluminurr� thermally broken with 14 mm wide the corner fittings. INSULBAR with prof6les as shawn in cross-section LOCKING HAADWARE " drawings. Standard finishes available are clear �o� eac� air of fol�Jin anodized, dark bronze anodized, dark brown pawder � g panels and or� svving par�el(s). if coated ar white po�vd�r coated. Custom finishes can be any, two pr�int Iocking provided is h�rcfware consisting chasen from a range of over 200 RAL calors as listed in of top and bottom Polyamide capped locking bolts operated by a 180 degree turn of a flat handle. Standard � "Gen�;ral Inforrnation" s�ction. Also, possible are handle finishes are dark brown, white or cfark gray. diffetent finishes on the inside and outside. If there is a swing panel, there are th�following additional Panel stiles and rails as wel! as frame comers are hardware options on the primary swing panel: connecfed by special cast alfoy, thermally broken corner �ittings that incorporate hinge components. � Nydon Pever hantfles on both sides that operates a Finish is matched to fnish of frame and panels. lockable latch. Yale compatible lockset locks latch and deadbolt. Turn of key or thumb turn Panels are pre-assembled. All pins and screws to operates lock. assemble frame �re provided. 2. Three point I�cking harcfware consisting �f top Non thermally broken fiush sill as shown in cross- and bottom Polyamide capped lockirag bolts and section drawings is availabfe as an option in a clear a horizontal bolt operated by a 1$Q degree turn of anodized finish. nylon handles iocated on bath sides. Lockable with a Yale compatlble locks�t. Turn of key or GLAZING thumb turn operates lock. Units can be supplied glazed with tempered, laminated, 3. ADA approved pull handles on E�oth sides witf� a clear insulating tempered. insulating Low-E tempered, deadboit ape�ated by a Yale compatikale lackset. or open. If supplied open. standard glass stops and Tum af key or rhumb turn operates lock. Loc�set opt;on of havi�g key operation on bath sides. "dry� glazing gaskets sup�lied are for a glass thickness �f �� mm (15l16"). Available as an option are glass �rt Option 3 is selected for the primary swing panel and if stops for ather glass thicknesses. See "General there is a secondary swing panel, pull handles on both Information" section for further details on glass sides or �he secondary swin� panel with separate key speciflcations required. operated bolts at top and bottorr�. If there is no swing panel, for inward opening unFts, WEATHERSTRIPPING there es the followmg acfditionaf hardware optioR on folcf- As shown in cross-section drawings, ail weather ing pair to be opened first: Two poirot Ic�cking hardware � stri�pir-�� cansisting of APTK. EPDM flr t�rush seals are consistir�g of toq and bottam Polyamide capped locking proviaed for sealEng b�tween panels and bettiveen bolts uperated by a 180 degree turn of a nylon �anale pa���:;1 ar�d frame. on the inside ar a fiat handle on the outside. Locl�able with a Yale compatible lockset. Turr� of key or thurrib . � ���� turn operates 'ock � � ;1n99 Nana Wall Systems ; ,,,�:: �:F 4. �''*" �� �?`Y ;,,. - �� Yi!r n�' �i�._z�' -. �:'� . ..+=::�� � - � . � . n:y e � �� a � . � .. r �a�" ���s.. .��'i � ., }� I � J * � ,.? � . �71. �. ,y�S f _ . �.�.p?.r�Y'ka � . , � 1 ...�rit ,r' �f� + " Y,;;,.- ,. :f i, f . 0 k� ..nM �' ��. . ' ,',� i .k; n.� � _�� `" i � � . �" � . p. � f� � t .Y .:.p . ��.2. - •.k. �. t ,P.. ,A. 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'• � . - '.F�\.�- . . . �t' _ • . . .� ' _ • • .y: .� �._� � � . —���._�_���__ ._. � _ . .. _� `..Z � ._ ' _. . . . . � . Golden Peak Base Facility lar�CSpur Re�taurant 4VindowJDoar Revisions 7.3(}_94 i��I,�' �,J I;-%'!� ;. :�,`� ,r, I.� ', � ; i , I � � � � � ��-�- - - �� � , __ -- - -- - -- � ✓ 0 � � / �--------------------------, ir-----------------�---- ii , � . - ii � � .� .,-- -�, � � uF `, � � � i •, � i -1 ,. _ , � � < Partial Plan - �ropased 1/8"=i'-�l" ■��� �a �r�u�M a��nuv ■�n�i tiLUIVi11V UlVl I' itit�,.lViLiil 1' VLlt11VU. �1�j 1 G.Vl�J ,. . . , . - ¢-� . � . ��:. , . �Jepending on the a lication NA(�A off `'�'` � - + • � PP , ers four different alum�n�m profile systems • , . . to meet�veather tightness, thermal performance, structural performance, size, funetian, ���-� �- � � � stacking and aesthetics requirements. ' • •• . �� . . CHOICE OF FINISHES:A choice of hundreds of high quality powder coated, anodized and tivet -� '`�� - ' finishes. For thei�mally broken systems, the option of different finishes on the inside and � � outsicie. Thermally broken systems incorporate a polymide plastic reinforced with " - glass fibers that �rovides 6etter humidiE�r control, acoustics, tt� ���� energy sa�-ings and strength. The rugged construction allo�vs - r' � for commercial use. t ` `�i'�L�j` `��•. .� : .�Kr� . �� `a �-� �� : ���'�`,�`,��,: . , —�. The�L S5�OLDING SY3T� The stanc�ard, non-[.hermal, top hung s,ystem. Inticard opPnin� - unit«�ith raised sill Cested to Ar1�h(A HGD-R20. The SL 45 FOL�IflIG 1 PAIRED PANEI SY3TEM The comtnereial,nan-thermal,top hung system.With this system, in addition ta 90 degrees or 13�degrees angied units, - segmented or other angled units to create large bay or"cur��PCf° -��.�_-:==u openings are�ossible. Paired panels For makirrtum stacking ` ;..�,;, ' flexibility�. f�eights u� to 9'Ei'�nd p��n��f�vidths u�� to 3'i"' -_ , � are�ossible. - The SL 5�FOLDING SYSTEM ��' - =':a, ?� The standard, thermully broken, t.o� hung ar floor�su�porteti - OiiSf system. t : Weather°Ti�ht: Imk�ac�f �op��nirtg unit�ti�ith eaised sill tested �o �� a ?�A�11A HGD-R-10. No�vater entry e��en at i8 psf. Ir�depentlent k; tests conf'i��ni higi� resistance to�vater penetration and�ir ; r inf'iltration not o�71�°�vhen new, bu�even �fter PO,O�Q � operatiort c�•cles. ihe�L 70 FOLDIN6 SYSi�M The monument�i, thermally broEceil, fioor su}�ported system. � Ideal for a�plications�vhere load bearing cagability of the heacier is�concern as the main tiveight is carrietl by the floor tracEc. �{eights up to�3'G"and pane��vidths up to 3'�"�re - '` #;, possible.A tilt/turn pane!can 6e � �Fj� i .�����M��1�I��A . incorporated�vithin a unit. * � z ,��` "'"��� _ _ - • :�'��� �� , " - � .�., .�y _, Weather Tight�cith Very, High _� . �+�� . Str�ctural Pert'orm�nce: " t. � Suitable for certain high � � _ rise �tnrl hurricane . , .,: , _� i�l'f'�15. �11R'8Y(� ____..,_.__..._---.___ , :�� . opening unit«�ith .�-�_,. 11111111 �� t �- � � � �� raised sill�u�d st�el � lcrcking rods €ester! tc� � - t,,*��:;. ' �j ,�AItIA HG[}-C�5, ~�� '� �' �"� ' -�� I ��lil �� �� � �� � It PasiE.iti�e design �►�, � pressure of 5� psf tind � , � .� ���" ����� ;,»� �� ..____ .�, II negati��e design pressure of , � 90 ps�'. 'Jo tisatPr penetration ��� - ����� � � `�� even at 12 psf. " ..r - - � i • TNE OPElU1NG GLASS WALL� ` �;�� s«o BY NANA WALL�YSTEMS INC. � ' �i L' r THE STANDARD F�LDiNG, THERMAiLLY BROKEN ALUMINUM FRAMED OPENING GLASS WALL SYSTEM THF SL50 SYSTEM By NANA WALL SYSrEMS, 1NC./SOLARLUX Consider the striking features: Weather Tight carried by the head track. On fioar mounted SL 5O/u, the E�gineered to provide weather tightness and h�gh lower rur�nir�g carriages rPde on tog ot the sill track. structural perforrr�ance. Inward opening unit with raised Variable interEoc�sing of pra#�les m�nimizes expansion sil� tested to AAMR HGD-R40. No water entry even at problems. Long term ease of operatian with compensa- 18 psf. Independent tests confirm high resistance to tion and adjustment features. water penetration and a�r infiltration not only when new, but even after 10,000 operation cycles. See Easy to Instail, Comp�ete System "Perfarmance Criteria" on page 25. Easy to insta�l with complete, precision built system and pre-f�tted hardware. Versatile Functians Versatile functions with swing enfry/exit�anel(s) option Design Freedom and with flexibiliry to fully or partially open. Ease of opera- D�sign freedom with c�ustom sizes and glazing choices. tion to quickly open or close up to 20 feet wsde openings. Top hung ar fioor s�pparted. Raised sifl or ffush sill option. A large selection of muntin layouts. Mullions, Muftitucle of S#acki�g Gonfigurations glu�d on rrtuntins. grilfes betweer� the glass, solid pan- �ver 30 stacking cor�figuratdons as well as irrward open- els, higher bottom rails or other custom layouts are ing or outward opening options. Unhinged paired panels avaiiabie. For balcony appiications, easy hinge removal option for maximum stacking flexibi�ity. 90 degrees or option. for easy gfass cleaning from dhe inside. 135 degrees angled units are possible. Choice of Finishes 5uperior'Lhermal �reak A choice of hundreds of high quality anodized, powder Thermall'y broken with 1/2" (14 mm� INSULBAR, a coated and wet finishes is auailable. �The option of polymide plastic reinforced with glass fibers. An different finishes on the inside and outside. See "Finish INSULBAR thermal barrier provides increased strength, Options" in General In#ormatior� tab. superior humidity control, improv�d acoustics, ancf en�rgy savings. The rugged construction allows for Hardware fJptions commercial use as a folding storefront. As the intema� locking hardware is compatible with other European handles and backsets, a wide selection from Outstanding Appeara�ce manufacturers such as FSB, JADO, SOUVET. etc. is European stylbng and handsome, sleek lines allow glass available. See "Handles �rom Other Suppliers" in the areas to be maximized. Ali fodding and focking hardware blue tab section for a lis#with addresses an� phone is integrated into the profiles for a clean loak. Narraw numbers. A cf�o�ce o� handfes are also available to meet stacking. ApA requir�ments. Depending on cor�figuration selected. panic devrces and door ciosers ca� be incorporated. Secure Concealed multiple point Iocking that operates with a Compiefe, Coordinated Glass Walls turn of a handle. The top and bottom shoots bolts With the 50LARLUX joining systerra, complete. between each bi-fold pair of panefs have a ful! one inch coordinated glass walfs can be provided with various throw. Independent tests eonfirm that the focking system folding doors and folding windovws combinations, match- easily passes even strict Catlifornia(orced entry testing ing swing entry doors, transoms, side lites, and corner requirements. As the full length of ihe upper and lower posts. See "�aiching Windows & Doors"tab. tracks can be used as s#riker plates for the shoot bQlts. extreme(y easy locking operation. Motorized Screens The OPENING SCREEN WALL, an automatic. Continued, Lang-Terrn Satisfactory Operation retractable, extereor, overhead, sun/insect screen is Smooth slidEng and fo�dir�g operation, even when the avaiiable as an option. The systern has been designed bottom track has some dirt and sand in it. State-of-the-art such that ft is out of view when nat in use and such that hardware with patentecf, sealed ball bearing running the screen material can be easily re-installed when set , carriages. �n top hung SL 50/0, the main weight is loose u�on impact. i000 Ndna wVaii£rst2^ts • . �L j� 1 THE DPE�iIUG GLA�S WALL� � ;��; SL�O BY NANA WAl1 SYSTEMS,II�C, � �J�� GENERAL DESCRlPTION SLIDING/BI-FOLDING HARDWARE � The SL 50 is the star�dard, thermaily broken aluminum For siiding and folding of each pair of panels, for the folding panei system designed to provide an opening SL SQIo system, attached ta the upper corner of the glass wall or storefront for openirtgs as wide as 2fl feet {�anei indicated on the cross s�ction drawings is an as shown on the Maximum Siz� Chart. It is a�ailable ir� upper lo�d bearing running carriage ar�d attached to variaus configuratians utilizing two to eight panels as the lower corner frtting is a lower running carriage as a shown in the �levation drawings. Any size within the guide. �he double �air. twir� tandem, upper running lumitatian af the Maximum Size Chart is possibie. Swing carriage is constructed �n a way to ensure even distrib- entry/exit panel(s) option is available, but please note ution of pressure on all four raliers at any given time. For tne further panel size constra€nts with a swing panel noC the SL 501u system, attached to t�he lower corner fitting hinged to a side jamb. Units can be either inward ar is a floor supported, two wheeled, lower runndng car- outward ope�aing wvith details as shawn in the cross- riage and attached to the upper comer fitting is an sectra�e c�rawings. The SL �0/o system Fs the top h�ng upper running carriage as a guide. Rollers have sealed systern and the SL 50/u system is the floor rnounted bearings and are coated with toughened Polyamide to system. ensure sound free running and resistance io extreme temperature. FRAME AND PANELS Tq connect panels together and to cor�neci panels to The nara�inaf frame ar�d pane! thickness �s 50 mm (2") the fram�, pravicled per connectian are Cwo hinges at extrucled aluminum thermally broken with 14 mm wicEe the corner fittings. INSUL.BAR with profiles as shovun in cross-section LOCKiI�G HARDWARE �" dTawings. 5tandard finishes available are clear For each pair of folcEing panels and on swint�panel(s), if anodized. dark bronze anodized, dark brown powder ��y, two paint locking provided is hardware consisting coated o� white powder coated. Custorn finishes can be of top and bottom Polyamide capped locking balis chosen from a range of over 200 RAL colors as listed in operated by a 180 degree turn of a ffat handle. Standard "Generai Information" section. Alsa, possible are handfe finushes are dark brown, white or dark gray. . different finishes an the inside and �utside If there is a swing panel, there are the foliowing additional Panel stiles and rails as well as frame corners are hardware options on ihe primary swing panel: connected by speciai cast alioy, thermally broken corner fittings that incorporate hinge components. 1. NYfon lever handles on laoth sides that operates a Finish is matchea to (nish of frame and panels. lockable latcn. Yale compatible lackset locks latch and ceadbolt. Tum of key or thumb turn Panels are pre-assembled. All pins and screws ta operates lock. assemble frame are pfovided. ? Three r�aint locking hardware consisting of top Non th�rmally broken flush s�ll as shown in cross- and bottom Polyamid� capped locking bohts and section c�rawings �s available as an option in a clear a horizontal bolt operated by a 18�Q degree curn of anodized finish, nyion handles located on both sides. Lockable with a Yale car�pat3bie lockset. Turn of key or GLAZlNG Ihumb turn operates loci�. Units can be supplied glazed with ternpered, laminated, 3. A�A approved pull handfes an both sides with a clear insulating temper�d. insulating �Low-E tempered, deadboit operated by a Yale corrapatible lockset. or open. If supplled open. standard glass stops and Tum of k�y or thumb turn operates lock. Lockset option of having key operation on both sides. �dr��" glazing gaskets suppiied are far a gl�ss thickness o# 24 mm (15i�6°}. Available as an option are glass df Opcion 3 is selected for the primary swing panel and if stops r`or other glass thicknesses. 5ee "General there is a secondary sUrina panel, pull handles on both Informat+on" section for further detaiis an glass sides af the secondary swing panel wfth separate key specifications required. aperate� bolts at top and bottom. If there is no swing panel. for inward opening units, WEATHERSTRIPPINCa there is the rollativirrg additional hard�vare option on fold- As sncwn in crass-section drawings, all weather 4ng pa�r to be opened first: Two point locking hardware � ��r��r�ing consisting of APTK. EPDM or brush seals are consisting of top and bottom Polyamicle capped locking �rovided for seal�ng between panels and betwee�a bolts �perated by a 180 degree turn of a nylon handle ,��r���l and frame. on the inside or a flat handle on the outside. L.ackabPe with a Yale c;ompatible locksef. Turn of key or thumb , � J�J� turn nperates lock. � � �1 ggg Nana Wall 5ystems ��:. .._ ,. ..` :-.. �� -. .. . _.. .. . _.. .._r'. �" hTM�� , � � . 4 ``� �'y `'�.-`.' . A} . �,� .¢}t 5 � . . .N.�V� r�.�` . ) {. L Y�„ ':.kF,aa:-�.�..�7 ''y:. ..�-�'.,. i�'� ��.. 0 - �' _ - !qi'"�. g``' - ; s ; �„-: r � ? r> � '•� r+ . � :�� � . � �k�`>.'�.� .� . � ' . . �'x ; .,s� 1 . �,'��:, i . ' - . . {'„A ;` . r $'�+ ,r� i ♦ � - 7i'. . , ' .. r'rw�•�.�rtr„ � . .� . , � � :' _ . ¢�,, .s.a- .. ...t�.v..-y�-•:a� :r�s` . .. . . :� ' _ � ` ... , �- 4 . � 1%.,r�»_`, � p�� _ �� `��r�w� t 1 , r . �T } r ' �49 k� _ :3�.�.:' L � �tYY.4m�3. ' 4 ..� �,4,}v. . . �i,�., .:y , — °� .:_.�.. �, ;C`_}���,= d � , �f . 3 r k z �," c r �r �< �t ,�.�,., �{-. - - l �,-r,,�:� �'I.� i F .,_ -"� ':j F` �,e... ����*�'f -r- � �, - �: � ��� Vi ��a � �c : �, ,-: � � r,� ;w p.i2 - r�„+� ,,:�.�;`-,� .. . .. - � . . :Y�, � �li 1 C ' s �A �.. - s `�.� f,_ � '��� � a i`.;� N�: '. � . T i' - 5q r�1°''c � ,L� Q �� �..L. � l./7 ^ v � �..r � �� O �}� a �� m � � � —�G `p °C O � � Q �,.J � � 0 � a, - C � \ � C � � � o � � o _� �L -o O � . •x � O � �� � � � {..t..! � r Galder� Peak Base Facility Larkspur Market ��,� �T� ��� Window/Door Revisions 7.30.99 �� ��� �� � C��t�-i--� ���� !� - a - � _ �� � � ❑ 0 � - ��,, �� � � i � � . , . � _ 1�1 � . � .;; Partial Plan - Proposed 1/8"=1`-0" Gnlden Peak Base Facih�► larkspur Mar�Cet Windaw/Door Revisions 1.30.99 � � � — — -----� __- —�ci�tv �•p-M � �" � �k��`�� (�lh�l� a � Interior Elevation- Existing �/2~W ��—o° . Gol�en Peak Base Facility Lar�CSp�ur Market Window/Door Rev�sions 7.30.99 ��-�'�-p �->-�r�r' , �--- � ' �li�I cx�..l . f - --�.-- - - � - _ --- , � �/ -�-�,M P � i ' . `� ! ' � �/ � / i . --- - , �j �. -�-p / V � =-----_- - - .._� _=_ _ . � i • / � ��W �rka+ t�� �1.F-GLc�,�Nca— �r�"ep Interior Elev�tion- Proposed �� � �/z~=r—o° � � � Design Review Action Form rowx a�vu� �� T�O�N �F VA�L Praject Name: Larkspur- Lighting and �roject Number: PRJ99-0286 Walkway Modifications Project Description: redaction of concrete wall and addition of stone cap and railing to matcl� existing; replacement of exterior light fixtures Oumer, Address, and Phone: Thomas Salamunovich/Vail Resorts I,arkspur Restaurant and Bar, LLC 458 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: KH Webb Architects {Kyle) PO Box 205 Vail, CO, 81658 477-2990 Project �treet Address: 458 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Tract F, Vail Village 5th Filing Parcel Number: 214108109004 Building Name: Golden Peak Comments: Board/Staff Action 1'viotian by: Action: staff appraved with canditions Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1. a stone cap and metal railing shall be installed after concrete wall is reduced; 2. new materials mus# match existing. Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 10/O1/99 DR.B Fee Paid: �20.00 Project Name: Larkspur- Lighting and Walkway Modifications Documentl � " �� �'�~� ��r ' t ��" Qucs ' s? Call thc Planning Staff at 479-2!2$ '• ' � �y�1 Y . ��� - � > > l� APPLICATION FQR DESI � � � ��� TO�Y1'V�FYAIL � G�1 ��IEW APPROVAL SzEN'ERAL TtVFOT�Mt'�T1QN This applicatian is for ai7y projeci requiring Design Revietiv appror•al. Any proje�t requiring desi��reviezv ii�ust reccive Dcsigi� Revicw approval prior to submitting fvr a building permit. For specitie information,see the subnutt�l rcqi�ircments tor the p�rticu�ar ap�roval that is requested. Thc applic<ition caruiot 6c acccpted�ntil all the reqi�ircd infonnation is s��binitted. The pro.ject njay also need to be revietived by thc To�vn Council �'�nd/or the Planning and � E�iviro��mcntal Cornmitision. Design Revicw [3�;�rd apprsaval expires onc ycar after final approval unJcss a . builr�inrl p�r•mit is issucd and constructir�n is startcd, A. DESC2fI'TION OF THE REQUEST: 'I'� � � �, ` � " - � ���'�' '' � ' r - � � '71.�. E' �� _ . I B- LOCATfON OF P�OPOSAL: LQ7'; � �� BLOCT�: FILI1�'G. ��i� v��4� ��;t;��1 � ... PHYSICAL ADDRESS: ^ ) �1 �' � j C. PARCEL#: �ioJo�,l p�{;�, �'—.�(Gont�ct Ea�le Co. Assessors Officc at 970-32$-$t4p for parcel #) �. ZONING: �. NAME OF ObViVER(S): � i _ � � - MAfLI\G ADDRESS� ��� ' � ' �� e � � �,� PHO�lE: ,�F. QbVNER(S) SIGNATllRE S : f ) G. 1�lAME OF�PPLICANT: K—. � ,_, �,_ MAILTI`'G ADDRESS: �' � - -�� ��' � �--: � PHON£:_�-�I�l-`Z_�`I�.� � H. TYPE fJF �2EV1EbV AND FE£: ❑ Nc�v ConstrucMOn - '�2(1p Coiistnictia�i of a ne��buildinb. � '���'h�� ' �SO fncludes ai�y additiaiZ wi�ere squar•e faota�e is addcd to any reside»tial or coin�ncrcial buil�#ir�g. f��'�,'Min�r Altccation _ $Zp Ii���i���s f��ti�������I���s to buildin�s aa�d site impro�cmcnts, such as, rcro�tin�,painting, tivindow additions, landscaping,fcnecs and retaining walls, ctc. DC�B fi:es are to be�aid ak the time of submitkal. Later, when applyina for a 6uilding permit,pdcase identif'y the accurite valuation of tlie�rojeci. Tllc Town of Vai(�viil adjust the fec according to khe�rajcct val�atiQn. r PLEASE SUB11'[IT THIS APk'LICATION,ALL SU�NII7"TAL REQUIRE�1-IENTS AND THE F�E TO THE DEPARTI4�IENT OF Cpil�[NIUNiTY D�VELOPME�1'l`, 75 SQUTH FROIVTAGE R�AD, VATL,COLOR.t1p0 81657. F r ffic nlv• i • ,., , ..,. :. . : Fee Faid:.� l�s.G ` _B >�> ,; , _ � ; , r .. : � 'U CK# �,. � � Applic�tia��Date: ��r €,:..,��� , . .,. . ;.� ; _ . . ._ DRB:Mcefing�D7te � : . .. Prc-A�plic�tion Me�ting Date: � � � ' LIST QF PROPOSED i11ATERIALS QL.�iLDIT,'G MATERIALS: TYPE OF \r(ATERIAL: ��p�:* �toof 5idin� C3tlicr Wall ltilaterials , � �L� F�scia _ S�ftits �Vind��vs tiVindo�v Trin� Doors ' Doar�'rim Hanc� or Dcc�: Rai Is f�-'`���'��- 2;�y!; fi, F�ues Flasliinbs C'liiit�iicys Trash EnclaSi�res Grcenhoi�scs � Rctainin� W<�f95 Exterior Li�htin� � � � � �* + . 1 A .,� ' ` ��_ 4 t ` OthcC * Plcase specify tl��manut.�chirer'S colar, �iUmber and attach a small color�ha� ** ?�II cxterior lightin�_nnist mcet the To�m's Lightin� Ordinance 1�.5�.050(J). If exterior lightine is pra�osed, �fcasc indicate the numper nffixta�res and locations on a separate lighEin`,plan. Identiij+each fi:chue ry���id provid� tt�e i�ci;ht abo��e erade, Pun��ns aut�ut, Iuntii�ous arca, and attach a cut shcet ofthe li�hrin�fixt��res. � L'pda[cd bi9? , a . �+.. _ Inspired 6y Ehe lanterns of Gustav 5ticklev and Dirk U'an Erp, the BerkeEey Serizs features spun brass fixtures fitted ;vith slumped glass lenses. Riveced brass eanstruction provides decorative detail and str�ctural tntegrity. Available in 14 different sizes. - � BH-8W0 $erkeley 8" Free-Hanging fixture :�.�th white _°� opalescent art glass lenses in -y,�rrra finish. t�ti�ti�+l�t�� � `��`�L� # `v' � J R?r �„�: fvb1-., .��,�F3 �,:� . g.� �i � � ��. ��P.; �... .± �^,� ,�'�. � ' ��y'-�..�xt^.�`�5 �c+n�-a`�--�r-s�^w�... . �_�f � ri , ;_-�,�� ��''s tF-� �3zra�. �,�� , '3e�F9 Free-lianging �'" '' � ... a .'r e� :'� .u' ,:� �,�, �r . --��----- . . . ^� � p.. .�'� �"1fi'3trv '`Fk J *�� r5�• � �� � � F7Xttlfe �YeTd�� Maximum � l r�' ' " '' ' ""'�� �� r .z: �r?�# r�' Mode! Hei ht lfei ht ��a x � 3� �+ :� '��' '�'.`�. � 4,�� �� �;,_ °�, � -- — 9 9 Wattage �4t.# e c � r �e `�'�*� 'ry ""Y�:. '��` ��i� 8N-6 10?'e" ig i y � ��; � � � �.��t� h,�^�n� � � (?)100 '^"f��` ..��.i, b'�: � .�.�ne ,�..,.ir,�a��. � �sv.;���'�a So � , �.: r� �.'� aR�+�fi � 8H-6L 12" 19 -.,° (1)100 _ ���,, " „ BH-7 12 i,4., 19 jR,. �1j1C0 £ r,, � � • � �r '... i` ::1` '_"r BH-7L 14 tr1.• 2P I�. (1 100 ,�����'-'�� �'yK?� b ��� BH-8 ty r,y., 22 �a' � � ;y.. .i f1�I00 ' s� +�.-�y,� ,. ' BH-11 1Q �z" 24 �,z" (1)lOQ �,�^'�' �'�'� BH-lll 13" 27" (1��00 '��+r+ ;, �"� ,�,`_,y t � �. ����.r„ � � BH-14 1? 3.u'" 2� a,,;., (9�100 �y;TY � � . ;� r�,�;: � BH-14L 16 s_,. 30 ;_ ri)100 �'✓,f�«' ;� . es.s-4� ���-n e�c a,i j BH-17 15° 24 � , !1)J00 i �r'� � . '^ s4,,�h . _ �•� a��-7�� zo �,z,. 34 � «yioo _ t �3 � ---�— . - � �'..! 8H-d�hru BH-[IL on�p dN�l�tFini 6H-f:[�na�„h�., .-rn i_ .- dmti churn,rcsPedively.dli p�rwms nio�un��vah i; :,���i�;�. � ��.'"a, «r�� .�e a,�;f,,,,.� yic's tY�� rano0y.C�II.(.listNA 1rr Aamp l�anons fi�rhurs.a�.a..u�o:�hry ' �J�`a�� `: Y � ' � jor 131','ranrnact/luo��renr ha,np,nn ,;, ; � ^'r'*�r . � ._1 �- ' , p;: ::: 1�,,:: ': . ,. _. � .. .�Ft �.r.;....,_ar.' �••v,., .. . BH-14GW "* Berkele 14" Free-Han 7n lantern with aid �r,� _, Y q 9 9 �� � ` � �' � ' white iridescent art glass in verdigrts patina BH-17LW0-BZ � finish. 8erke(ey 17" elongated 6ody Free-Hanging � `,�M_; �•�im white opalescent art glass in bron�e�`rnish. K, r. ����b 11fCP,V1QCTS a`�`i[;«cemii�e wee 91�.47L1Y'U I'o�f O�fice Bo�i05 4T0.4171965 ifl '�ai aco kylewc66�+vmf.nci � El September 17, 1999 Brian�"�IcCarfney, Vice President af T,hauntain Op�rations Vail Mountain Past Office Bax 7 Vaid, C0. S 165$ RE: Gofden Peak Base Facility Dear Mr. McCartney, iarkspur Restauran� ar�d Bar L.L.C. the new operatQrs of the former Bella Riva Rest�urant in t�e Golden PeaK Base Facilily, as you knaw, are in 1ne pro�ess of upgrading fheir r�ew space. It is o requirement af the Tawn of Vail that al�exlerior improvements nre approved by the Owner. Therefore, in order ta proceed wit� modificatians of the space, your approual as Owner's�eprese�tative is requ�red. The modification is for exterior site walls as shown on #he enclased site plan and photas. The goal af this minor change is �o apen up ihe restQUrani's views ta the mountain further bath i�aet�sing views af the ski yard ar�d the restaurant's visi6ility from the ski yord. The modificotion will mai�tain the exact existing mnditio�s, but remave visi6le borriers that are not required for functional ar building code requirements. All compliance with the Americans wilh Oisabafiiies Att flnd the Unitorm $uilding Cade will remoin in place. Chef Thomas and Nanry Sabmunovich the proprierors af�arkspur or I would be�appy to discuss the propo5ed ir�provements with you ar other owner's represenlatiaes. Of caurse, lime is of the essence far the proposal so we may complefe canstru�fion hy the upcaming ski season,yo�r�irnely response would be much appreciated. If you wi5h fo consent to such r�odmficafions, please execute the aitached conse�t and retum to: K.ff. Webb Architeets by FAX afi 477-2965 as soon as feasible. Sincerely, �� 4� .� _-�(yle H. We66 AIA K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS Represeniative for Proposed�hadificatians Memicr or!hc hm¢n;an In�fifu'te of drehifau+ ,•. �•. ••n�w r���� ir��i — 17T:uftdna;�.i .d;f �NV �1�.19Q0 P�,i a+,n a�ro5 910.�n29�s;►� Ihil, lydrn�hb�v,'I,nel ' �. � 816 �L: Pot ti�rn,Vail Assoc. 8rian Mc Cariney,UP of Mpunlai�O�erotions,Uoil Mountoin ' lack Hunn,VP of Constructinn,Vail Re�orts Develapmenf Ca, 1ana�han G�e�rte,Uaif Reso�is pevelopme�l Co. Rokanne fsaocsan,Golden Peok Geneial Monager Jeff Bab6,Ma�p��r pf�punlQl9�Op6t01lb�s,Uail Mou�tain Vaii Resarfs,nereby�onsents to the proposed terwnl modifications la the exteri�r af the�ilden Peok Base Fntililv's Re�fourant spoce at de�uil�d o�ove and in the attac�ed i�armation�ockage and ntloched hereto. �� �� ���� � �� � . Dat�: � '��� � � p�aialian Representative: � V .; ��rr of Ihr dmericw M�I'lale af dutiile�li ��.. r. i'ieC�6 i.�ICfIITC'CiS � �S±t i'trcenuce lnne ?70.471.2Y?0 Pasi Of#ice Box 205 97b.4�7 2�65(fl i ' ', � V�rado f�ylewe��vml.nel $ SepPember 17, 1999 �avid �. Corbin,Vice President Vai!fcesflrfs Developmenl Company Post Office Box 959 Avon, CO3 81620 (via hand de!ivcry) RE: Golden Feak Base F�ciirry Dear Mr. Corbin, Larkspur RestQUrant and Bar�.L.C. �he new operalors af the former Bella Riva Resta�rant in the Golden Peak Base Faci(ify, as you know, ore in the�rocess af upgrading fheir new space. It is� requirement of the Golde� Peak As�ociation �s well as the Town of VQi(that al�extecior ir�provemenis�re appraved by fihe Assaciatian. Therefare, in order to proceed with modificatians af the space,your approv�i as AsSOCiation Presiden� �s requ�red. The modifications in question relate to re-using interior (exteriar roted) Ggl�t fixtures (five� that we intend io now �se an Qn exterior overhang abave the existing �erraee. Currenily, there are three ex�sting recessed cans in thi� lacation that we would like to replace as shown in the enclosed plan and photos. Ck�ef Thomas and Nancy Sa(or�unovich the proprietors af Larkspur or I would be happy to discuss t�e proposed impravements witn yau ar other owner's representatives. Df murse, �ime is of the essence for the prapasai so we may complete construcfion by ihe uptoming sfci season,your timely response would 6e much appreeiated. If yau wish ta consent io such mod�fications, please execute the atiQChed ronsem and retur� to: K.H. Webb �rehi�ect5 by FAX at 477�2965 os soan as feasible. Sincerely, -Kyle H. Webb AiA K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS Representative for Proposed Modificafians �M�emoer af(he dmencan Insfi{ufr af drehifecls h. H. WC'bb �:1[(�111C'C?S �592�Siream�icc Gi�ie � 97C_417.294u Pa�f Office Box�05 91Q.4l7 2965(fj 4a ¢do kylcwe66Qvoil�.el , ' ,' � &1 CC: Pat Hirn, Vail Assoc.. Brian Mc Cartney, VP of Mo�ntain Operaiions,Vail Mauntain lack Hunn,VP of Construction, Uoii Resorts �evelopment Ca. Janat�ar�Greene, Uail Resart5 Development Ca Gol�en Peak Association, hereby cansents to ihe praposed modification5 io t�e exterior f ighting of the GoldeR Psok Base Facility`s Restaurnnt space as described above and in the attached infarmation packogP and attached hereto. c Date: � � °l°� Association Representative: � ' � �ti� �- �� t �S . [.►esD�D�J �—�'I�— CC�1���Nc u v -���a G l r4.`t'LE>�1 � l N-[,_ . � � � ^Icmber ei ihe dmrncar imEilvic oi Cahiled� .. . _ , � 1,� ! i � , �,j it s � r t ;• y+�f ��i} 'r,a . �� � � • :' '• • �� .t-�' � � � �'•6 i A i. �.• . . . ' ,. . , . .. r.� ,- . .' . ' r �'_ �_� ..ix 4r t:1� � �X��:�.� � n?��;}, •� ��'* ^:,�f�! .r '� �,�' ,� . '. . .i � T �ko ,, e�:� �C .„�i M 1 ,� �ti 1 • . � ' . . . � • ., ' , ° '.• :i�� y, `�., « ,�' ' . 7,�5.. . ' . ' � . • ti��i .�•'1 . .%. �.� . t� ��i �^ 1� iZ1. y ' . ' " ' t ' !1-. • ' -.7''�ti. � . ' ' . �� � �. . � � . . _, , . : : , _ . .� �l . . 0 . . . � . . ■ , - CC� , � . . . N .. .. �I�� � ' . .� . T � � � � � � � � ..--t��1. \ 1 1 � l W .' i r-- - - _ _ , z� � - ----_---- 3�---`------- � ' _._�/__ _ �� - -- . -- - > > �__ _ �' tarks ur � Golden Peak K.li. We6b A�c1�itects tLC Posfi Office Box 205 New Exterior Light Fixtures p vo��,Colam�3o 81651 1/4" = 1 ' - 0" 9.15.99 Reslaiirant&Bar/Market Remodei 97D.417.294{� . �. . . 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