HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB030447 4 � � � Design Fteview Board � �4CTION FORM ��, �; ���� Departmer�t of Community Developrrtent "j���1�i` ��-� ��'����' 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81657 te1: 970.�+79.2139 fax: 9�0.474.2452 web: vvww.ci.vail.co.us �Project Mame: ]asper Residence DRB Number: i�RB030447 Project Description: REMODEL LQWER LEVEL SPA TUB AREA INTO A BEDR�OMI AND AQJOINING BATH, EXTEND MAI�I �EVEL FLOORING OVER THE SPA AREa. INIpEN MAIN LEVEL ENTRY PLA7FORM Participants: OWNER JASPER, MARRY J. & pEBORAH )10/07/2003 phone: 24738 FOOTHILLS DR N GOLDEN CO 80401 License: APPLICANT ]ASPER, HARRY J. &DEBORAH J10/07/2003 Phone: 24738 FOQTHiLLS DR N GOLDEN CO 80401 License: Project Address: 3245 �T505 RANCH RD VAIL Location: 3245 KATSOS RANCH ROAD- EASf UN1T Legal Description: lot: 8 B�ock: 1 Subdiyision: VAIL VILLAG� FILING 12 Parcel Number: 21�1a2301041 Comments: 5ee conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTJON Motior� By: Action: STAF�APR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 10/10/2003 Conditians: Cand: 8 (PI.AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written tonsent of Town of Vail staff andJor the appropriate review cornmittee(s). Cond: U (PLAN): DRB approval does nat constitute a permit for bu'rlding. Please consult with Town of Vail Building persannei priar ko construction activities. Cond: CO�V0005178 The app4itant sha81 repla�e the wrndows in the open-to-below area with tempered glass windows to match the existing identically if it is determined th�e windows need to be changed for�uiP�ing code reasons. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $300.0(l � . � ! i . �E NE . ��«: �er (,� r��'3 Lcgal dcscriPtion:Lot�_Block 1 Fi(in� A} ;f[a �J �`n �c�' Address 7J��5 � .._-- RS y . Ou�t�cr Phonc Arct�itcct _ Phonc Zanc dis�rict �� ++�i Proposcd usc Lot sizc •� Biuldable arta , 1 � . � lla�vc x" tin , . Pro c Tatal Rcmainine Tatal GRFA + = 7 y � �,�i -i- !�� - ���I I O`� ,� ,� •�� . --�- . �_ _ �lS«� �'GFtFA +(42�) (675*)- J� -� J 3� = ,�, ,��� _ ����� �'�j'� �t5'd3Ty GRFA +(425) (67�*)°�� � IlD -t- _.�— = c�'��� ����� �' 67�=42� crcdit plus 25Q addilian ' � � �a� rn�ud e �c �5Q ��af I7acs�his rcqucst invaIvc a 25Q Ad�i4an? Qa�'i '�JI.J1 t f (a�l� �,�► e i 1 SJ1� � ,� � a!( GR�- �s u d � � `� E� Ho�v much of thc alloivcd 2�Q rl,ddition is usc��vith thi5 rc�ucsi? � � ' , �,r��ot.G�s� �o% � �{,593.�, � �.,�, ^_ � HC,��r 1sr �-�o� � � JI�G 3 a. 5��� (30 (33 .J � Sctbaeks Front ',, ?p' Sidcs .��� � . Rcar 15' Landscapin5 ���� il�iit�imurn i____�_I�V.0 � ~ �1.� . �_ � Rctait�in�ti�Jal� Hcigl�ts 3'/6' ' � 1'ari:in� Rcquircd � � � � � � , E�tc�o�cd Gar.igc Crccfit (;00) (6D4) (90D) 120D) NO���w . , '� Drn•ctivay Pctmittcd Slopc�_�/ PrapoSCd�lopc�A, o/a ' Complirs�vith T'OV Lighting Orciinancc Ycs� ��o ' Ar�finished e,}adcs Icss than ?;1 (50%) � Ycs� , Na Fn�7ronct�cnta'�fHa�rds 1)�'crcent Slopc({>30%)� �j� � /�f � � � �(p���� " 2)Eloodpla�n � � � � a ' . 3)Wcclands �j1l.'v'�+""7 4)Watcr Caurse 5etback{30�(�Q)_�_ S7 GcoIo�ic Hazards �A �N� a) Strow Avalanchc � � . (�'1�d�� b) Rocl�'all 'r C� �C�?i15�jQty Prc��ious conciirinr�s of ap�ro��al (c6cc�:prv�crty filc)• a�1Qi . Is thc prop�rty nan-conforming? Dc�cribc: � � � �1 . � � d ��,a � lu � - � .- � I o`�:� - . � � �� . " . DESTG�r'REVI��V CHECKL,I57 � . .Pro�ect: • ❑ SURVEI' . ❑ FL�OR PLA.NS 5calc • , ' t ^ . Bcnc2unark ` Sr.alc - r . , • : Lcgal dcscription . `. CRFA ' � LotSizc . �. ,. 250 addibor�a! GRI=A '��t�r�� �r' . . ' � ' ���• �� , � � Cra�vlWctic 5paco � �� ��`�`��•"� �uilclablc Arca ' ' ,- , � ' ''�`�*� � EHU �' Eascrucnts ' - ' �- � �:.cw ' . . ❑ SUILDING EL�V.4TIQ\�5 8 ,,., ' � Topo�pby ' , � , . C _ , '�r, s �' , 1��)T.f�flOd��31ft " �Cii�C � . � �Vater Cvursc Se#back Colorl�"�4ateria�s Enuiranmcntal Hazarcis ' RoofPitch ' . Trees Q L•�VDSCAPE PLAN . • . , Utility Iocations ' ` ` E�isbn�crccs . , Spot cicvations ° . � , �praPescd trccs ❑ SITE PLAN , Lc�Gnd ., • , _ , � ' � Scalc , . ,. . ` MI�CELLANE�US • . ' Bui�ding Height Condo Approt�al Encroacluncr�ts Ti�1c rcport(.�&B) S�fbacks C1tility vcr�ficat�on forn� , , ; ; . K.�. , . . , 'f � Sife Cavcrage;"�r+ ,' � � pbptfls of sitc • ` 4� y �s� ; . Eavcs/Ovcrhangs(4'} �� r '- Bui�dingm�tetiaLsamplcs . 1 Dccks/Balconic , r• ' '�-+-�— �,�Verifi�atibn , " , • " •.�t'�� 5 .. y��.� �• , ti Garagc conncction :, f '`'� °� : .SunlShadc,�ng)cs � ` , : . .. � . ! � . , . " ' Sitc Gradc151opc , , Utili�es(unc�crground) _'._�;,:_ . _ .. _ , ::;K:,� .. Retaining ZValls ' .; ' , -�--- vic�v Corradors. . � . -�, • . . .,� - . ° . � � Fcnces , , ' ' ,� . ' . . Variancc`s•__ . , . � � Parlan,gl'Garagc —� Plat restrieti�ns � ft Tuming Raclius �'; Dri�cti�ay(aeccss and gradc) � � � :ntr;. Snotiv Stara�c - � , '•s' s �..,��,y�, . , , , .`'� Firc Acccss ' • '., ;� , � .� •.� , ; - f Y � * � � i � � � 4� - ���,��-�� App��cation for Design Review �,��, �, ._ � � 'z"��� Departr�ent of Cammunity Development T(� ,{�I�—! � ; 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Calorado 81657 tl�''4'i1' O� 4'1��L{�'� tei; 97o.479.2i39 fax: 970.479.2452 vveb: www.ci.vail.ca.us ; Generalln#ormation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a buil�ing perrnit a�piic�tion. Please refer to the submittal requir�menfis for the particular approval that is requested. A� application for Design Review cannot �e accep�ed unti] a!I required informatian is received by the Communfty Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Tqw� Coun[il and/or t'he Flanning and Environmental Commission. Design r�view approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction camrnences within one year of�he approval. E?escriptianoft�eRequest: k�.b'UfC�p�:L LDu1�R L-�VE�. �F'� �tJP� Afz�A 1�1'(v � t :;., ..,,�. .r ��1bsTf�lf+l�� �yA'TE'[_ �X��-i�lE� MlttrN �.�V�1. ����Klt�� ov�� k �.�;-;�. _. r �� �t�� ��.k.A � ►M�A�N �,�tti° l��v�L �NrRY ��,�7F�R.1�. k�SvBG�lt�c�t�� r�F" �n^�' 3 Locatior� af the Rraposal: L+afi: � Black: f Subdiv�sior�: VA�t� V'�=�-�G�� P'hysieal Address: ��,� ��-�`� 1Cf�7 �i:::':; I��t��t°e t�b�U - t`U��" ��ylt� Parce[ No.: ��' ������ �D,�D1{r� (Contact Eagle Co. ASSessor at 974-328-85�0 for parcel na.) 1 � Zoning: t�✓d'�'T�'''/ I�ame(s� af f�wner(s); !� �. � r✓(;r�v r' c�l` .;�fi��''�,t�' Mailing Address: v( � '��t� � ` �!� ` �j ���'�i�"� G�Li�EFt�t , C�� ;,�::���� fW�►�� PF�one: 3t�3 . �Zlo -2 ���i h 3�3 `�ZD .��'����?��: Owr�er(s) Signature(s): ' � •°C�� I��'�''��'��"1 � ��' y�`I'� l�ame of�lpplicar�t: _f�f/}���" K.�°."1� ��'�'r�.l�- - I�iailingAddress: — of��P;1;. �f'; ' r�r;���¢F. � Phone• ��� - ��D - �� � � E-mai1 Address: t r" �,i � � ��:' _ r.� ,�e.�,rr� Fax. , ' Type�f Review and Fee; � Signs $5Q Plus$1.D0 per square f�t of total sign area. � Conceptual Review Mo Fee O New Construction �b50 For cc�nstruction of� new building or�emofrebu�ld. : �1 Addition $300 For an addition where square footiage is added to any residential or commercial building (inclucfes 250 ddditions&interior conversions}. G Minor Alteration �250 For minor changes ta buil�ings and site improuements, such as, , (mu�t�-farniEy/commercial) reroofing, painting, window additions, 9ands�aping, fences and retaining watls, etc. � Minor Alteratior� $20 For minor changes to build'angs and site improvements, such as, (single-family/dup9ex) reroofing, painting, window addiCions, 9andscaping, €ences and retaining wal�s, etc. = � Changes to Approved Pl�ns �20 For revisions to plans already approv�d by Planning Staff or the - s Design Review 6oard. � ❑ Separation Req�est No Fee � ������(� � '4 Far O�ic� Use Only: '� Fee Paid: Check No.: By: - Appiication Date: DR8 Na.: Plan�er. �roject No.:�'' 't - ' r � � ]OINT PROP�RTY OWN�R � ����" ���:� WRiTTEN APPROVp1L �.E'T"f'ER <,��„ ���� , ���'���V �� �'���'L � I, (print name) ��Lj�f1� �'�'�'�i^ , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) ���/J �Clr�'c?S �Gtv9G'd� /�'aCZfl� ��C�`� _/�/�C� / �`'�GZ/,j �/!t''�r1'9['_ }�rovide this let�er as written approval of the plans dated %�� ��� �QF'.� wh�ch have been s�bmitted to the Town of Vail Commu�ity Development Department for the pr�pased Frriprovements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: ,k�e�n�d�� d�' /���e�� %e i�� ;��� �z�� i�fa c� �Jer�rc�o��a ���d �cE��i�1���c, �ufhr-Qam. �x����� �af�, /er�e/ f�`o�rf�,� Ar���- �� 5 C�i''�'GL_ GG`irr1��' °? /�'IGtl,�7 c°w�'/� �r��Y' !'C�17'��G"�/h . I further �nderstsnd tt�at rriinar modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review proce�-�e�ensure compliance with the Town's a�pEicable codes and regulatians. �� \ °� .2'� . o� . (Sign ture) (Date} Page 2 of 12/02/07/QZ ' • � � �+**�****��**�*�**��***���**��*****��****$***���*****#****��***��**���********�*�****�**��** TOWN OF VA1L, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 10-�7-2003 at UG:5G:41 10/07/20Q3 Statement **��*�x�*******+�********�****��***+*****��*�*�+�***��x�***���x**���*****��*�*�:**w+�***�v:�:w�*** Statement N�amber: R030004851 Amount: $300.OQ 10/07/200306:56 AM Payment Method: Chec� Init: DF Notation: CHECK 2191 -----------------------------____--------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB034447 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 210102301�41 Site Address: 3245 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Location: 3245 KATSOS RA�ICH ROAD- EAST UNZT To�al Fees: $304.00 This Payment: $300.00 Total A.LL Pmts: $300.00 Balan�ce: $0.00 ******�x�****�**�*****�***�x�****��:�*m�**��*�***�x��***�x�x�***��*****�***�*�**�****m�***�*****�* ACCOUNT IT�M LIST`: Accaur�t Cade Deseriptiar� Current Pmts DR 0�100003112200 DESIGN REVIE+�1 FEES 300.D0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------