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• � � Y � . ,� a�sign R��riew B�oard �� r. A►�TI�N FO�RM ;,� �� '" �'�� �eparkment Qf Community L7evelaprnent 1.V Y4�i1�' Vr ������ 75 Sc�ut#� Frvnt�ge Road, Vail� Colorado 8i6S7 t�1: 970.479.�139 fax: 47'a.474.�452 we�:www.ci.vail.�a.us Proj�ct Name; Hin� Res.Change to A�pro�r�� DRB Number: [3RB0�((]3[l7 Project Descriptian: �hange tr� pr�viaus3y approved plans (9-26-a3}: Changes in�lude repla�ing r�ece�ry siding with siding painted to rnatch arsd clading t�ie additic�ns ir�sidirag t� mat�ch.Thi�change t�apprvwed plans adr�ed 26.3 s�uare feet ca€GRFA for a total addition af Parti�cipants: OVIINER FiINT,Z, BERf�D]URGEN 07/07j�{�04 P�rQn�: NOVAR F3dUSE 24 �Ql1EENS RD 1NEYBRIDGE SURRE`( UlV1TEQ KING�]L7M K"C"13�UX Lic�ense: APPLICAfVTT hiIMZ, BERf�D JL1RG�fV �7/�7�'20U4 Phane: NOVAR HC3115E �4 QUEE�S i�D WEYB�,IQ�E SUR�EY UfVITED KII�GD�Nf KT139U!{ License: Project Address: 313(l 6�07N CR�EK �R VAIL Lv+eativn: 3130 S�OaTN CftEEK ❑RIllE Legal Q+es�criptian: Lot. lU Blcack; 3 St�bdivisian: VA�1.11�LLAG� FILING 11 Pa�el Number: 2101023D40+Q2 Camm�nts: See Ccrnditivns 60ARD jSfiAFF A�TI�dN Moti[�rr By: A�ctinn: STAF�APR Secand �y: Vate: Date of Appraval: 0$/04/�OD4 +Cenditians: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No chang�s to t'�ese plans may be made withcsut the writ�en Consent of Tnwn oF Vaii staf�a�d�er�the�ppropriate review commit�e�(s}. Cc�nd: (7 �PLAN}: ❑RB apprcrval does not c�nstitute a permit For huifding. Pleas�corss�lt with T�wn af Vail Buildirig persannel prior to eonstr�ctio�a�ctivities. Cond. 2�i �RS�pprov�l shall n�at becc�me�alid for 2a�days fe�llowing the date af apprav�l. Cond: 20� Appraval of this praject shail Vapse and b�come�raid �n� (1}year folfowing the dat�e a�final appr�aval, un�ess a building permit is issu�d and construekion is�c�immenced � � � . arrd is tEiligent�y pursued toward com�rletion. Flar�ner� Warren Campt�lf DRB Fee Paid: $2[].QO �`��o�t �5 �� � r��s�n � . . � � � v� c����� � � � ��;�: �� � ��� Lc�;ai dcs�ri�tiara:��t��Block � �'ifin� �� i � 'i i[ `''"` ���� Aci�ress ���� F'honc f�r�hitc�c �' _ Pnos�c - Z�nc rfislriCt W� - . � Proposcd usc Loi sir� Bidiltlablc arca ' . � �d.� �;� a � ��� � ���a3 ,�,��I -� ��► • � e n�in n +�+�1� T���1 ��� �I .� +__�.._� � ��'� �:� .,. ,�[�� ,.. �;�J,3 f �.�,�,� ° . —��_ � �� �'rimary GRFr1 -�{9Z3}(675')� � _ . —�-.�� 5�eondary GRi'r� �- (.�2�} (67�*)- .� � _ * 67�_�?�crcdit�lizs 2�{J aritfitian , D�cs tliis rrqtacs[irivvlvc a?SO Ac4ditiran? r'� � ��o�v iIiL1Ch�CEIiC 2II41YCi���[}1'��(IlbOR CS 115C�lirll�l��115 fC{�I1CSI? �� Q � SItC COS•CF`d�C��� � +� 1 j �y ^�j' _ ���.� � /1��, -_-�_� � �'� � 1 icight �3���� yE . +.��. SctbacS:s �rant '.. ��� �^ Sidcs .�,� �,� ,�p� Rcac ]�" � �1rtic�sca�in� ��� i1�fE3iitnum ��� � ��� ... ��� �7 � ���� , --�-----. ftctainin�ti'��ail f�ci�l��s 3���� � �ip f"4�. 1'zr�n� I�+ec�uircd- � �� '�j c�`- � , Encloscd Gar-3;�Crcclit {�p(}� (�Qp)(9{}[��`{1�(lD)�) � . L}�iti•crvay ' Pcr�aiiilcci Sla c j � 4� —.WL�°Ia Prn�[asctf SIopG � maa Ca���alics�vi�b TQV Ligbtina Ordin��cc Ycs�, \�a ' Ar�finis�icd gracics icss tl�ara ?.! �5(1f9) Y�s� N� , �n��arn:rrn�ci[aUHazazds l)Pcrccnt Slope(���D%,)_ �'1b ' 2}I��oodpla'sn � ° � ' ` 3)1Ycliands �� * 4)Watcs-Caursc Sctbacf:(3b)�Q, `� c� ,p�,°�� 5}GcoPogic Haa2aarcis � a�} �f1d3Y I�W�Z3f]C�1C ` � . b} Rc,c3;.fa11 +� i C� DC��SS F�p�Y /Y I� 1'rcviaus c�nditions ofap�rv��a1 [cltcck pro}:�crty f"slc)• �+��.Q,, � [s thc J�ropercy n�n-cvnf�rrnin�'? �cscribc, ' ��� . , �7ESIG�t'I2�VI�4V CF3EC�CLIST ' Pro��ct. • � 5UR'9J�Y � � FI.QO�t PL,�"S Scalc . _ Bcnctsmark Sca�� f � f � � ; Lc�l dcscriJation ' �•. CRFA - ` Lot Siz� 250 additia�ial GI�FA Bu�ldablc Ar�a C�a�vl4�ti�rc S�ae�'�= ti�'� . . . . . Eascm�cnCS �"�"• ; - ' �I�U 4� 'I'opa�;raphy ` � BUII.D�iG EL�'VATIC}r�'S . 1Q4}�r.[inad p��in " • 5c��]e � SVastr Cvursc S�tback ` C�lor'�1,Ta��ria3s Environt��nraFHaz�rci5 Rc�afPircli ' . TcecS �'�.�Lt�fDSCAP�PLAi'�1 []tility�oeati�ns ����n�trec� , S�vt cicvahsyns ,P��pa�cd trccs C� SITE PI,AN , , �.cr,,,ersd ' S • ' _ " � . - �5 * . . . '.'� , ` MISCELLA�FEC]US " . Sca!c Bui3ding Hcsg�t �vnr�a:l�pr�ti�aT Er�crcra�hmcncs Ts't�c rcpnrt{A&B} 5c��acics Utt€ity wcrificatinn fe�m� . Sitc Cav�ra�� , • � 3•� "�r.f� . ' .: �'��Eas af�itc � . �avcs/4avcrhan�s{4') , $uilciing rraa�caial sarr���lcs , , Dccks/8alconics ' C,�.Vcrifcat�on � �ara�c c4ru�cc�ion Sur�'k�hadc r'�l�I�s Site G€�de1SJ�pe Utilitics(undCr�;rounr�} Rctainia�g tiYails Vic►v Corrieiors. � . . � � � . . . . ' . F'cr}ECS �. ��. � � _�„ . '..-�„�,_ Variars�cs. ` . • . _ i �t(*�,�r'r,i,� �?arking/G�tag� -��� P{at`r't',�f-ictloqs r ���k, : ',•s �r '* , � }, ' ,�..:,.� .'Tuniing�adius , , . - ` . , � ,,,,F� Drivcavay�acecss��n,��racle) , Sna�v�tc���c � • , �'tFC t"1CCCS5 � - ' ' � � - , , , � . �} r ' � a5foi 'aa i�::�� e��x ois3��°�:333�a !�n��;e�t rt.c F�1aat ,_ �71��12�'�4 04:36 978�iM �AUER � PA�iE f31f01 � ��xteriar A�lte�����n� y' R -,,� � . n fa�r flesig�n R�vi�ew ".. '� �". � �CE� U a� �'''S�°`�'�� p�rtrntnt of Carnm�nity D��I�pment � � ,.. ,,,. ,fi� r. ft �5 Soutl'F Fr�n�e k�3d,V��,[olDrado 81657 J � � c��„� ��,-�,� � � ��py� ���% t�ei:470.479,21�4 fax:97�.�79,24�5� TOYY1W l."��F��f� web:w�vrw.waligov.carr� Ger�er�l ir�#ormatia�r�: �,vel �ar tc subml[ting a b�rllding perr�it ap�qca��. a��se A�I pro�ects rcquiring ci�sSgR revi¢w �+ust re���RP � n Reti+Cew rtfer t�+tf�subm�tal requfrerne�for the particuta�agproval that�S�{u�sted. An d�pilcatlan far C3csig cannat �e a�ceF�d unal all seqvire�! infa�at3an is r�CekvE+� bY � Camrnunit�r DevalOp��nt I7eparttr��t• � pra�ect rr�Y alsa ne�d to tie re�i�'wed bY '� Tawn C�a�n�dl�lti Is 1 sued�nd'construction �m�nces witl�i� �iesign review a�r�ra��l iapses tanf�s�►5ullding Pa� on�year of thQ appraval. Qescript�r�n af tF►e�tequest; C��/IF .I".z�S_ I R��'Q '��---��`���`�"�� �'�� � � ,; r' li ih �lc..�N� LocatiCn of th�Proposa�: Lat; �" 8l�ck: .,,�5ubdivisfon: ' -.� �_.��'cIl � I.f` . / 5 PhYsicai A�dress: �!� ti$� _ __ � Parc�l hlo...���'1 C' � 9��"�'� {Cor�tad Ea�gle G�.AsseSSO�at 97D�328-$�44 for p�raef na.} �ontng: �larna(s) o'�awner(s): _ ,�f�._ f�! �J� fsT13`�'� rl�r Mailing Ad�frr^ass. -�t' ��G����iE�' �'1� phone:, +�I!45'� L�"3. _ },� �wner(s��SiQnatllTe{�}: J��J� ' . . � �r�. �?a �I � �rame eF Appfic�n�: "�` Maitir�g Addrass. ,�Q"•�'' Phane� �C} � 39�i�o?��! E-rr�ail Arldre�, Fax:,_ ��-9� ./��`�'� TYP�of Revi�w�nd Fee; r ur,�e foat crf total stgn ar�. �J 5[gns �sa 1u3$�.:ao pe � Cl GantepCUal&evlew �a Fee � New Cor�tn�cct�an $fi5A FDr�cc,al�tru�tlan a�a new'buf�d�ng 4f demol+'�bvildi. Q qdAktic�n $3D0 for ars addit'son wher�s�uare raotage is add�d �an4' resi�enti84 or C4mmerciai bu"rfd6n9(tnducies 25f1 additians�1nie�i�'conVersions}. p P7inor A�lteratian 5250 far m;nor�han�g�e�'t°�ndaws a djtiCns,� landscap{��,S��nces and (enukb-famiiyJcammesr,lsi) rerna�r�, p� n9. r�iainin9 wa1Cs,stc. ' p MYnor A1t�r��+on $2� ��fi�C c��n9=�m wund�o�w�� add tions�pa�istaP��3�fe ces arxl (si�g�e-F��rr i ryr du plex} retaining waE�,eoc �Ved �Y planning 5tb�f ar t3r� ;��ng�s to PEppraved Plans $za �or r�+isicr� tc� plans alreadY aPP DESig� Revlew&�ar'd. p Seper�dvn Request �ao Fae , C3ff36� ' . �� ,[� � � -, �or .. .. � - ;: . � � p �"� -':�, e�,pr�l�_ �(�'�,. � : _ � . �8q��Llti�: ��1�C�4�ta.,.y�'9��' "7 i - " Ji h�eeting Dat�. � � . ,�,,.. .. � .. ,DRB E�n - Planner; ` �l - � �roj�No., :; P�ge i of 1�J�4l281� . - . * � **«**�*******+*�*�*****�*�***�*��***�«****«*��«�*��*�*a�*����*����«*�****#��*�**��***���**��* TC►W-N O�`VAII.., COLO�.AI.?Q Staternen# *��w�**�z***�s**��*�*e***m*�*s***x�*��*�***�****�***«************�*�*�*****�*�***�***�******��* Statement Num3��r: RO��?i}D6167 Amvunt: $�4.00 07/07,1�OQ404:1� PM Paym�rlt Methad: Check Inat. JS �lotatitin: #1b703�B.FIUER HCJME IMPR[J�T,�I�NT Permi't DTo; DRF3040307 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Par�el Nv- 21t}1i323c14(}42 Si te Addx'ess: 313 0 Bfl�QTH CREEK DR ',fAIL Locati[�n: 313{l BpL}TH CREE�C DRIVE Z"otal Fe�es: $�Q.i�0 This Payrr[9ent: $2U.da To�al ALL l?mts: $20.00 Balance: $4.a[] ��*****t*�+�**�**�***��**�*�***�********��*���**�***�****�******��******�*�***�r�w�*+*���*�*�*� ACCC)�,LFNT IT�N1 LIST: Ac�ount Cnde �escription Current Pmts [7R D(J14C���31122a� �ESIGN REVIEW �EES ZO.QO ' � � PRUt��SEQ NlAT�RIAL$ Buildinq Ma#erials �pe of Materia! Cvlor R�af �f�` �'"�/S'771'�C� .�l'.�l �'� �'�ISI?.�,'�� Siding i — , i � Other Wa�l Materials Fascia SafFits - ��— Windaws Windaw Trim Donrs ; i�oor Trim � :� � j H�r�d or L�eck Rai1s f Flues Flas�ing Chirnneys `T'rash Enclosures GreenhQUSe� i ��taining Walls Exterior Li�htir�g � � �� ather � Nofies: Ple�se specify khe manufa�urer''s r�ame,the�alv� nasr�� and number an� attach a caior chip. Pa�e � aF izJi34J2�104 -