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, , � � 5 . . Design Reviev+u B�aard �```` " �� ACTICy� ��]FtM ' '�,��i f7epartr�ent of Community C�evelop�'n�nt �U'YY+�r l!� �r'i11� ' 75 So�th Fronkagc Road, Vail, Calorado 81657 te1: 97Q.479.Z1�9 fax: 97QA79.Z452 v,reta:www.ci.�ail,co.us Project Name: Hintz Residence DRB Mumber: DR�{73Ci357 PraJect QescriptiQn. 80 SQUARE FC7[7T RDdITIf?N TO EXI�ING �INGLE FAMILY, NEW DECK AfVD WTNG WALL, HOT TEJB, EKfERI�R FI�JISFi CNANGES, AND A HEATED DRIVEWAY. Rarticipa�at�. dWNER �iI�I1Z, BERND 7lJRG�N f}8��5/Z003 Phor�e: N[?VAR �iCJUSE ,�4 QU�ENS RD WEYBftIDGE SURREY CJI�ITE[] KIMCDC3N1 KT139U� License: R�PLICANT HINTL, BER[��7 JL�RGEN 0$125,12(l03 Phone: NQVAR HOU5E 24 QLi�ENS RD 1NEYBRIQGE SURR�Y IJNITED ICIiVGDOM Ki"139UX License: Prd�ect Adtlress: 313Q B�QTH CREEK DR VAIL Lo�ativn: 3130 B��C7TH CREEK RF.�V� Legal Des�ri�stion: �ot: 1.{3 Rlo�k: 3 Subdivis�on; VAIL 1liLLAGE FILIf�G 11 Par�el Mumh�r: 21�102304002 Comments: See C�r�ditions BOAR�JSTAFF ACTIU�►I Motion By: Actinn: SfAFFAPR Sec�nd By: Vate: pate csf Appror�ai; �9�+25]2�t}3 Con�ditians» C�nd: 8 (PLA�IJ: �10 changes ta these pfans may be mEad� withc�ut the wr�tten Gonsent of Town c�f Vail staff and�or the apprapriate review cammit�ee{s�. Cond. � �PLAN). D€t6 approval daes not constituke a per�nit �ar b�ilding, �lease cansulf with Tawn �7f Vail Buildi€�g persvnrrel pri�r tC�eUnstr€t�t�an aetiviti��. CQnd: CONOi}(�5159 The applicant si�all pr4vide utility sign-offs approving af the the heated pavers in th� utility easem�ent priar ta submittal fQr a b�ilding permit, for st�a�F review and approvai.. Planner: Warren Campbelf DRB Fee Pa�d: $3�(}.d��} ' � � , �'��, App�icatic�n fvr D�sign Review � � , : 3,� �a. � [7epartment of Comrnunity fl�velopment 7'(� �r,(��[ ( �� 75 5auth F�or�tage Rr�ad,Vail, CQlorada $1657 !V��`i!� V.! ��1��Iw��� tel: 97i1.479.2139 fax: 9741.479.2452 we�: www.Ci.vaiLCO,us Ge�eral Information: All prcajec�s req�irirag �Sesign review must reeeive approva! prior to su�rnittin� a l�uildir�g permit applicatian. Please refer to the submittal requirerr�ents for the p�rticular approval that is requ�sted. An applicati�n far Design Review cannot �fie dccepted untii all required in�ormatian as r+eceived by the Community D+eaelapment Department. The project may als� need tQ be re�fewed by the Town Coun�l ancf�ar the Plannirtg and Environmenial Commissic�n. Des�grt review appr��al lapses uraless a bu�lding perm�t is issued �+nd construetion �omtn�nees within ane year of the approyal. � , . _ . Descri�a inn �f the Res�u �t: � • �� -- _ Lvcatian of th�e Proposal: Lat.�BCock: � �ubdivis�on: r � � _ Physical Address: �1�� V �► . �` Parcel Na.: • , � � �� � �� (Cvntact Eagle Ca. Assess�ar at 97�-3�8-86�Q for parce� n�.� Zrsning: �� ������� � 'a`� Na�e(s) af awner(s): � a' Mail�ng Address� V� t ��� �� ., �'"' .,� phanet < <_� � � ovar��r[s) s�gnatur,�(s): ,'`.�' °•��-. Mame vf Applieant: d �!� +� ���'� '�! . !/. � . p y Mail"rng Address: • • �� � � � Phon�- E-m�il Address: �ax: ' Type��Review and Fee: L7 Sigr�s $5�l Plus$l.t}0 per squar�foot c�f total sign area, ❑ Con�eptuai Review Nc� �e� CJ hf�w Canstructi�n �65Q F�r ennstructior�of a new bu�ldi��g or dema�rebuiid. �' Addition $340 For ar� �ddition where Square f4�k�ge is added t�s any r2sident�a! or camrner�ial building (includes 2S0 additior�s &interiar conversions}. ❑ Ntirrar Alteration $�50 For min�r changes to buildi�gs and site'smprovements, such as, {r�°oulti-Family/�amrnercial} rerc+�fing, p�inting, wir�dow a�dikions, iands��pin�, fentes and retaining v�alls, etc. � Minor Alteration $ZO Frar mir�or c�ang�s ta buildinc�s and site ir�prc�vements, such�s, (single-family/dup}ex) r�roafing, �ainking, windo�v additions, €ands�aping, fenc�s and retaining wal�$, etc. ❑ Char�ges to Appror�ed Plans �20 Fs�r revisions to piar�s already appraued hy Planning 5taff �r the I7esign �tevsew 6oard. ❑ Separatfan Res�uest No Fee ' q �,��l� �y�j���-� 7 �:` f �� _�'`i _� For t?�c� Use Uniy. Fee Paid: Check I�n.: By: App�iGa#ion Date: DRB No,. Planner:--- _ Project�lo.: '�f' l. ;�— �_,'" ��.� � , � � PRaPOSED MATER�ALS 6uildin4 Materials T e �f Materia! Cs�lor • RoDf i �►1 � �� i� �� �Yt� �+1 �l`i�t� s����,� • i . Uther 4"Vall Mat�rials � � .N � �'�������� �� . • Fasci� . �x ���r � ��?�� � � . . soff�ts �,� + � . . +�`�—'---� �� � ���--��F t �Ifll�L]W5 �� • r � . wirtdow Trfm - . Mw►+�v� �r �{vt��t, +� � - r aQpfS �� � ' � ����� ����� • Daor Trirtt — � �--v----- R+���� ���y�� . Hand or Deck �tails • • �� � � r *+''�T�_ ��`h � F{ue5 � • s Flashing �� i . �himneys ��l v�� Y R�1 � �V � �� � �f�� Trash Enclosures _.--�— ♦ Gae�nha�s�s �7 ` R�taining Walls M �� r ExteriQr tightir�g _ — �r ' �'� �h�l�� � �'I����O �f`IS�W�! �r � � �Oth�r � ��. � Q� �,_ ��..'� ��`_� ���'� � � � Nat�s: Please s�cify tt��� rr�a�ufac[+urer`� n�me, tt�e colo�� nanie ai�� i�s�n�ber and attach a color �hip. Pag� 6 of 12�'U2�"07�0� � � ' , �____--�-_A.,._-�— � �C�I�''T— '!1'�e Tawn �f Vail - ' ^'°�: ���i�� , � ' DAT� , �y�~.— � � � � � � � � . t� ' R�CENEa ERC1M � 4 ' ADDRESS f k � � � � � � -- T?�DI.I�.ARS $ w � Foli�e It�ceip��Iumtaers s Permit i+lumbers � � � �` IiC)W 1'AID—Cash��ck�� _ _.. - -- ,,.,,��.._�— ----—-- -