HomeMy WebLinkAboutADM140005 ��'` Department of Ccammunity Dev�lopment
75 South FrontaQe Road
TUWIU �F UAlL �k va��, eo a�ss�
Tel: 97Q�79-2�28
De�eloprr�ertt Review Coordinatar
Adminis#rative Application
Gondominium and Tawnhous� Plat
Genera# lnformation: Condominium and townhouse plats which do nat constitute"con�ersions"fram rental as defined
in Seetior� 13-7-2, Definitions, Vai!Town Code may be approved by the administrator, subject to review by Q#her Town of
Vail departments. Please see Section 13�, Candorninium and 7ownhouse Plats, Vai� Town Code for mor� detaiied
information. Vail Town Code can be found on the Town's website a#wr�,n�w.vail ov.c�m.
� Fee: $700
Recording Fees: Please visit the Eagle County website
http://www.eaa_Iecountv.usfClerklRecarding/Recard a Dcocur�ent/for the most u�-to-date recording
fees and check with your,planner prior to submi##ing tl�e paymen#. A�heck written ou#to the Ea€�le
County Clerk and Recorder is �eq�ired to be submittecf once the plat has been ap�roved by tha
Plar�ning anc! Environrnen#al Corr�rnission and prior to the r�cording af the p�at.
1,]B3G�Ipt10� Of thB ReqlJest: Revision ta Condaminium Plat fQr the F:esidences at 5olaris-Vail fo su6diuide residential storac�e unit RS 8-4
PhySlCaf AddfBSS: '�41 East Meadow DriWe, F2S 8�
Parcel Num6�er; 2�fl�-4$2'�-�8g (Con#act Eagle Ca.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)
Propel'ty Owt�el^: 5olaris Prvperty Own�r,LLC
IUlailiFtg Addl'435: �41 East hAeadow Drive,suice 2��
Vail,Colorado 81657 p�on�: 970-479-6000
Owner's Signature: ,,,t�-
Primary Contaetl Own pr�Seflt�tlll�: Ryan Smith
Malfif�g AddrQSS: �49 Eas�Meadow Drive,Suite 211
Vail,Colorada 8165T PhOEI@: 303-888-p9S9
E�Mall: ryan�u solarisvail.com �ax: 974-479-6666
For Office Use Only: Cash� GC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# Aut� # Check#
Fee Paid: Received From:
Me�ting Date: A�M No.:
Planner: Pro�ec# No:
Zoning: Land lJse;
�ocat�on of t�e Rroposal: Lat: 81ack: Subdi�ision:
row�u o� vAl� �
Comm+�nixy p�velopr�e„t JOINT PROPERTY OWNER
The appi�cant must submit writt�en joint property owner approva! far applications affecting shared
awnership praperties such as duplex, condominium. and muiti-tenent buildings. ThiS form, or similar
written correspondence, must be completed by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of
t�e home owner's assaciation in the case of a condominium or muiti-tenant building. Aii completed forms
must be submitted with the applicants completed appircation.
i, rir�t name Craig Cohn
�p ) , a joint awner, or authority of the
association, of property located at 141 aSt �� oW rive
provide this letter as written appra�al of the plans dated �/21 f2014 �
which ha�e been submitted to the 7own af Vaii Community Development Department for the proposed
improvements to be campleted at the address noted abo��. I underst�nd that the proposed
improvements inciude�
Subdivision of residential storage unit R5 8-4 into new residential storage units RS 8-4A
i uncierstand that madifications m�y be made to the plans over the course of the review pracess to ensure
compiiance with t�e Town's appiicabie codes and reguiations; and that it fs the soie responsibiiity of the
appiicant to keep the joint property awner apprlsed of any changes and ensure that the changes are
acceptable and appropri� �ubmiftal of an applicat�on re�uits in the appiicant agreeing to this
statement. '`,!�
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Craig B. Cohn,President, The Residenc
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