HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB140074 Streamtract Agreement Mar 13 2014 12: 04PM Good Feet 3032820767 p. 2 � �:. '�'� �e �.'�:� � . � ; . :_s���:WN �F VAIL # : _�:.�� _. - . � . 7��outh Frontage Road West Core'►mu�tFty Dave�iopinent Department i Cobrado 81857 � � 3�' 9T0.479.21�8 ���. i � =r v:COm 570.479.2452 fax �,�'����� :: ` ��ivary 15. 2014 # : �`` ��ih`: Bart Valls 2930 Booth Creek�e, Unit B Vail, CQ 81657 Mr. Metthaw �'leeger - �'►� �kt�i Cre�k Drive '1�?i�',.���5� Mr. Peter Benner 293� Booth Creek Drive, Unit A � :,.�:::_ Vail, CO 61�57 i � � ;.-.��� r :``�j�. Re: Town o�Vall �ublic .�am t�a�f. prqperty a�lj�cent to propertfes at 285Q 9ooth Creek Drhre�nd 29�0 B+�o�th Cr+eek Drive,llail � Dear Mr. Banner, Mr. Vails, and Mr. Fleeger: . Thank you tor your willin�ness to work coHaboratively with tl1e Town of Vail to resto�e the , publi�ally-owrred stre�m�ract p►ap1erty��j�r.ent to each oF fhe referenced prop�rties t�� t�eatthy r._.. riparian area. Per discussions with All three propeity owne�s aht!Gearge Rut#ter, Directt�r, �= Community Devebpment Depattment, bn December 5, 2iJ13, and a gubsequer�t tneeting with the project coMra�tor, Scolt Sones, Lan�dscape Architect, on January 6, 2014,fh�fuAcjwing tenrrs and conditions were agre�d-upon as canditi�ns bf cor�pliance and rq�diation. Wroperty owners (Banner, Valls end Fteeger)wiil: 1. Contract with a Landscape Architect to submit a landscape plan to the �zs�'�� ' Cor�nmunity Develap�ment Departrnem by J�tivary 17, 2014 for r+ev���� _ �!i p+ ; ..:. i n�r'"r ;+�P �, it .:�, ��:a; � �� _, �' approval prior to initiating at�y work wlthin the stream ttact. � ' �`' ._;, : : ; :. . , 2. Cont�d wlth, and procure th�s�rvices of Landscape Architec:t and�� - � E.. .° -:. . : _; , •. Landscape Cont�ar to remove eil �t1►�ati�e turF grass and �lanf a mix oi ` - �ative ptarrts, inclUding a grass s�ed mix, shrubg, wNlows, ahd other riparian sp�Cles. 3. Complete the fr�stallatian o�f the work by June 15, 201� 4. Contihue to irci��te the r�st±�red area fdr two years follawin�ttie installatic>n to insure proper�ermination and g►awth. FolloWing fFre two y�ar p�hod (June • 15, 70'fS), cut and�ap fl�e irrigation�ystem at the property fine. 5. �iscorrt'rnue�11 unauthori¢ed e�tivi�es in the town�wned stream i#�ct. 6. Acknowledge that�ll work installed by the property owners wil!be awned by the Town from installafror�thereafter. 7. The property owners shali be the responslble for the co�t af the stream rad restoration worlc. Mar 13 2014 12: 04PM Good Feet 3032820767 p. 3 .... ; ,. -.: r-�. -raw - _ . ..,. - ;. ,. - : _, _,. ,. _ _ -:. ; � ; , : . , _ - : _ �. . . - ������i�.. . �� . - . : k . ,_: _.__ ,.; '.:. :'' .. : ...'` ,.B.�. .:�� ';: .:_: .".... . - 1 ,_� }� ;' ' � *f ��• �jy �� �� ' � ��x. . P!' " ! �i�������� :�I• ��.. `p . :�I��.�}+IR�e�i 7l�Rfif � �_ �r N m � �i �e.. c�#f�8ula�`�'�'�t� '_.� � � �µ x_ �,������t�e`���l � 2. F��Cta.�� .� : 1��� -k, �R � ��l1��-"� ,,.., � _ 3. ���t�;`i��t' �. . _ rro . k:'• �°� � - .: . ,,; . ,,�y,,� .� ���!��p���- ,, �'�, �+'�'��'�!'El�T�qtc�t.:.' 'EE'N�"�"+��i1. , �a - � � : . _ _ , :- , ,, , ,_. �'d.fik�to tt�ltrt�:�Fw�����±���� ,.�.., ��€�9►�cie�►�-;t�l�r+g;��� ttia sf� �t�dt��I�tN��� �` ��c��i�c�-i i��r��carrsp�i �` . h1c►Pe #�� �11�. ��`�#�ei`.ar►,�+ q�+��s�itfi-r����� �gt�rn�nts o�t��#��1���#�t`� ±����r�1���'��s�l�. Cr�h�,; � ��;�g,�,� � !f��tc9'cttit�wr���;��t�%��"���a�, - . � ,. . : 4 ,- a�b���s; _ - �i k�.��. � .� r .. s �f..�k�. j .�f ... � . I ' u S� �.,,�.���� � �- .. �' ��I'+1•. ���,t'F •C �' , f .�_�T�.Y �:: ' i'1 i.� * .� ,� � ..A'1�i y�i,, J����� f.r.{�.Li' F'Y�`1'}Tx.'..�Y I 4 �� ._ d . ' � 1 F '�. .7y t�l.f 7 „�(i� -� � ��fLt��.,�I'w ... . I .. . '� ^ � {���{S .�V��:„-�{/���� . - . , 5 _ . .,� :,., y . „ � . _ _ . . _. . , �. .. �i�.a., . .� . �. ;..'. . _ .... _,., ... .. _ . , . . _ . . . _ . . ':' . . . ... ':: _ . : .' .:' .+ ` .. � . .. -' . � . 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Can't com'plain though as the weather over the past three days was perfect. Classic spring skiing conditio�s. I have attached�copy of the a�reement{etter signed aFready sfgned by Matt. The Iandscape plan prepared by Ceres has been approved by the Tawn. I spvke with fhe 7dwn Counc�i regarding weed management: Again,the Town has commitCed$1.5 rnlUion to stream tract restt�ration work. The Town, fike ar(I others, is obiigated tv fotlow the adopted weed man�gemEnt program. This inefudes its str�am tract owned lands. I can only comtriit that I will p�rson�lly push the Town's efforts to aid in the lon�term success vf the rest�ratton wotk, in tfie er�d,we wiN a11 have a lot invested in this praject. Once the agreement has be�en fully executed,the proJect is ready to go. Then, it is only a matter of waiting for the weather tcr improve so work can begin. Please do not he5itate tv call with questions. I look forward to the start di the project lat�r this spring. Regards, George Ruther,AICP Direct�r Community Deve4aprnent T��# Q� 1�A�L �` 970.479.2145 970.376.2675 cell www.vailgov.com www.twitter.00m/vailgov i