HomeMy WebLinkAboutB14-0069 cut sheets �._ � NIGH = - _ HEAT/NG BO/LER ��Q�� CONTROL WITH ADVANCED USER FEATURES NOx MODELS FROM 80,000 TO 285,000 BTU/HR — Oe";"e° � � # 5:1 FIRING RATE MODULATION LESS THAN 20 ppm NOx DIRECTVENT FLEXIBILITYTO 100 FEET 95��0 AFU E E�` . . UP TO 98% EFFICIENCY IN LOW TEMP APPLICATIONS Most Efficient 2014 www.energystacgw � OO � 0� ��� knightheatingboiler.com HIGH EFfIGIENCY BOILERS&WATER HEATERS 0 HEAT/NG BO/LERS 9S% DOE AFUE EFFiciENCv TH E B EST YO U CAN B UY I 5 NOW EVEN BETTER� KNIGHT is recognized for its reliable,proven performance and high quality standards.Its award winning design assures contractors and home owners peace of mind and lon�term savings in operating costs. Lochinvar has raised the KNIGHT standard to even greater heights.The SMART SYSTEMr`"control with color display gives installers and maintenance personnel a greater level of control than ever before. It's easy to access all the information they need to setup, troubleshoot and monitor all boiler functions. Additionally, two cascading options allow the installer to fine-tune sequencing of multiple boiler installations. More than ever, KN/GHT is the best choice for traditional hydronic space heating, radiant�loor heating and indirect domestic hot water applications. � f � NEAT/M6 BO/LER�� All KNIGHT Boilers meet or exceed the moststringent requirements,with less thpn 20 ppm NOx. Most E�cient 2014 www.energystar.gov The KNIGHT Boiler has been designated as one of the KN1G1..' g KNI�"F�T�L CUIIAMERCIAL MostE(ficientENERGYSTAR �,MME��,.,.,,,T quali�ed products in 2014. Need more BTU's?KNIGHT XL Commercial Boilers are available in 5 sizes from 399,999 to 800,000 Btu/hr.See KNIGHT XL literature for more details. _ ���° - - uTS M �;- . .,�,- �. AND INFORMATION ATYOUR �t' � �° v `'`� �. ti�� �rS,v���:.�� �'6,�' s• �»IT,��ri@Y ��' t :;� c '� ` ......_t�,,'���-',�,��..r.i., -� -. ,._ ,�'plL�,.��" -. ' ' . �.. The SMART SYSTEMT"is the most advance ._LL �� :���� :��_� '�_ �, r.��� integrated boiler control on the market t � -'"=�';'L� -�., -, i ~C� �1 ..: LARGER LCD SCREEN , .yr 'y � ! � � � .� . � f Displays more information. Y :� SoFr K�rs - + i- � '�` Forsimple programming. .�. �` + �� , . 'p _- `r � i r ,_- 1,•. �. .� NAVIGATION DIAL = d �� For fast transitions from screen to screen �,�.`� �Mq�T and easy adjustment of settings. � �'� " � : _ �: � � r� ' � ;r�� r�. �. . y,.:, i tY���'� - c a''= USB Poar ' ' . ,.: � ���ti;, ' +� ; '- � •: ,� USB port permits connection to a laptop compufer k +... � ' t` �d°"o -�- software may be used to troubleshoot and program t�C� ,`��,4 y ��r<� 'r� set date and time,monitor historical data,including��l�d�(' t�, r�! �; energy consumption. � � ���{y }�� '!T���V 5 t 1��f �� � ' i� ,.. �.�_ �e.ytqi��' 'i , . ;+' 1 :. � .�, . . AT A-GLANCE COLOR-CODING � �, : . ,:'; . '_,. . '�;: - BLUE SCREEN YELL0IW SCREEN RED SCREEN Normal system Maintenance due-shows ; Lockout mode-shows operation. the installer's name and active fault and number on the display. = installer's name and - number on the display. SELECTABLE CASCADE OPTIONS When multiple KNIGHT boilers are installed together, the SMART SYSTEM built-in sequencer can be set for"lead-Lag" cascade or"Efficiency Optimized" cascade operation. LEAD-LAG CASCADE EFFICIENCY OPTIMIZED CASCADE � � � � � � 0 0 � � � � � � � � The"lead"boiler modulates with demand to capacity.As demand This feature optimizes the modulation capabilities of the Boiler Plant increases,additional boilers fire and modulate to capacity.This while evenly distributing run time across all cascaded boilers.Euery 24 continues,with additional boilers firing and modulating to capacity hours the SMART SYSTEM automatically shifts the lst boiler on role to uotil all units are operating.Every 24 hours,the SMART SYSTEM the next in the sequence,distributing run time equally. automatically shifts the lead 6oiler role to the next in the sequence, d istributi ng lead-lag runtimes equally. sMaRrsvsrEM cascade oprion auows z-s boile.s ro be sequenced. �� MANAG EM ENT PATIBILITYWITH COPPER FIN II *DHW MAX FIRING RATE -CONDENSING BOILER AUows you to limit the maximum percentage of I N PUTS & O UTPUTS 'ng rate when in DHW mode. N� PARATELYADJUSTABLE OPTIONAL MODBUS CAPABILITY `DHW MODE SWITCHING TIMES Allows boiler communication through Modbus MU � s controls to be tailored to meet system protocol.Simplifies BMS/boiler interface for CONTROL emand.Design system setup for Flexibility. status monitoring. KNIGHTS of one or more sizes can be combined into a single cascade to maximize turndown and �NDIRECT WATER HEATER 0-10V BUILDING MANAGEMENT meet minimum demands. ZONE PUMP COIVTROL SYSTEM(BMS�CONTROL INPUT All boilers in cascade can be used to meet DHW BMS-driven input for modulation rate or *�NTERNAL CASCADING$EQUENCER demand as well as satisfy building load. temperature control. WITH MULTIPLE PROGRAMMABLE SYSTEM EFFICIENCY OPTIMIZERS SYSTEM&BOILER PUMP CONTROLS O-1OV CASCADE SETPOINT Fine-tune installations using Lead-Lag or Provides power to system and boiler pumps on AND MODULATION CONTROL Efficiency Optimization Cascade features. a call for heat.Programmable post purge allows BMS-driven input for modulation rate or pumps to operate after a call has been satisfied. tempereture control of cascade. *CONTROLS UP TO THREE Option for Continuous System Pump Operation. SETPOINTTEMPERATURES * 0-10V HEAT DEMAND INPUT , . PUMP RELAY WITH Enables thermostat or a 0-10V signal to initiate `ll for heat.Gives the BMS options on how to :ble boiler or cascade. 1OV BOILER RATE OUTPUT nal output of modulation rate allows BMS to nitor boiler firing rate. 1OV PUMP SIGNAL INPUT ut from variable speed system pump allows = ATER LOW'NDICATOR ster reaction to changes of flow in system, reducing possibility of temperature over-shoot temperature differential to protect and cyding. st low flow in heat exchanger by reducing modulation or forcing boiler shutdown. 0-1�\/$IGNALTO CONTROL VARIABLE ODUtT � ��' �° '- e for cycle count,operation 5 FLEXIBLE OPTIONS FOR DIRECT-VENTING UP TO 100 FEET� Placement of units within a building will never be a problem with KNIGHT. Oar�oNa� It permits up to 100 feet of air intake and 100 feet of exhaust vent with SIDEWALL VENT PVC,CPVC,polypropylene or stainless steel pipe. l �� TERMINATION *OPTIONAL KITALLOWS FOR AN ATIitACTIVE SIDEWALL TERMINATION WHEN USING PVC�CPVC OR POLYPROPYLENE VENf MATERIAL. '•- �.i,.. t '-`, '�.2 Direct-Vent Vertiwl Vertical with Sidewall Air Direct-Vent Vertical* Direct-Vent Sidewall* Direct-Vent Sidewall *An optiona!concentric vent kit is sold separately to allow a single penetration for 6oth combustion airand vent pipes. '�7�T�-�F�����,��!` �E���!.��� �� �!��� �f�,�,�U�TI U N SYSTEM - Advancec�'Nega'i� a n o KNIGHT safely and reliably operates with supply gas pressures as low as 4 inches water column. Plus "Neg/Reg" technology automatically adjusts gas pres�ure to ensure the correct volume of fuel and air entering the burner. Direct-Spark I�;n;i��an ,�;�. ,,,r . F�M� , � A� 1 r. � _ . _ _. ��.dc��� not req�u.. �l�rcol,A'�I�!I'��"� i r" � :�� � . , rrt�e�;,� � �` � �`elt�Connecti��1�� �- User-friendl'yterminal strip allows for44 low-voltage field connections. Four-line volt���on P ' ��':�� �:ly pvv�+erto the unit and up to three �ttr�� �M. . � , � � ' T�nn KN I G HT wirH SQU I RE Fo R LOW-COST DOMESTIC HOT WATER� KBN286Shown i KNIGHT's Domestic Hot Water Prioritization feature means you can easily install it with Lochinvar's SQUIRE�indirect _ water heater, available in 30, 40, 50, 65, 80 and 119 gallons. This combination will give homeowners high- _ � � _ efficiency space heating from KNIGHT, and abundant domestic hot water from SQUIRE. With a stainless steel tank and heat exchanger,SQUIRE provides more hot water � _ _ and lowerwater heating costs than standard gas orelectric water heaters. KNIGHT�BOILER DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS-FLOOR-STANDING MODELS � III y I '� „w I . �'I �. - � � �a� l�11 � � � e R � � ��I, i ��� - , KNIGHT HEATING BOILER DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS ,. ° _ � �" � � il�D�e1 �lih.�j�d� Afl� IC�T� � ° )1 C if � � G il I J K �as 1Nater Air Vent �It� ) Number MBH MBH % IHBH MBH Conn. Conn. Inlet Size Wt s. SMART SYSTEMTM FEATURES ' > STANDARD FEATURES > > > ;�:RfsY STAR Nou<. > � > > � � �' > OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT > > > � , > ; ' > , � FIRING CODES > > � > - MostEfficient ■2014 :. ���, ,�t� �,��,���,�a�� .,,.,,,� KBN-09 (Reprint KBN-09 7/13) FO-lOM-1/14 Printed in U.S.A.