HomeMy WebLinkAboutB14-0092 Asbestos Report p � � � � � � ...��'° . APR �� �014 �i�. ,�„�..,K f�.�..,N,...,���..� �.,_� TOWN OF VAI L. � February 7, 2014 Mr. Carl Cox Excel Environmental, Inc. 1852 Jasper Street—Unit E Aurora, Colorado RE: Asbestos-Containing Building Materials Inspection Kids Sports—Unit D2 122 E. Meadow Drive—Vail, Colorado Valor Project No. V14-1052 Dear Mr. Cox: Valor Environmental, LLC (Valor) inspected the Kid Sports—Unit D2 (the Site) located at 122 E. Meadow Drive in Vail, Colorado for asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM)on February 3, 2014. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)-licensed Asbestos Inspector William A. Godby Jr. (License #17749) conducted this inspection under an agreement between Valor and Excel Environmental,Inc. The purpose of the inspection was twofold: 1) determine locations and conditions of asbestos-containing products at the Site; and 2) assist in obtaining the necessary building permits with the State of Colorado in accordance with Colorado Regulation #8. Based on the laboratory analysis of the bulk samples collected,all samples that were collected were all non-detect. 4g33 Front Street • Unit B / #295 • Castle Rock, CO • 8oio4 • (�20) 285-6035 � � � -- ao � a Page 2 All accessible areas associated with the Kids Sports — Unit D2 room were viewed and suspect materials touched by the inspector to determine the location, condition, and friability of observed asbestos material. Bulk samples were submitted for PLM analysis. When suspect material was initially sighted, bulk samples were usually collected. By definition, a homogeneous area means an area of surfacing material,thermal system insulation material, or miscellaneous material that is uniform in color and texture, and is installed within the same period. Valor has had extensive experience with older buildings that have been abated during demolition or renovation projects. Occasionally, additional asbestos was discovered during demolition of concealing ceiling,wall, or flooring materials. The PLM Report in Appendix I indicate the results of PLM analysis for bulk samples collected in the Unit D2. The PLM Report shows the room or area in which the sample was collected and provides a description of the sampled material. Any product containing more than 1% fibrous asbestos, when analyzed by PLM, is considered a potential hazard by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). PLM is the EPA-recognized method for determining fibrous bulk asbestos content. Additionally,the EPA indicates that further analysis by point counting be performed to confirm asbestos content for friable materials found to contain less than ten percent asbestos by visual area estimation. Point counting analysis may be omitted if the material is assumed to contain more than one percent asbestos and is then handled accordingly. All samples collected by Valor were analyzed by Reservoirs Environmental, lnc.'s NVLAP-accredited laboratory in Denver, Colorado. Sample analysis reported as "None Detected" should be interpreted as meaning no asbestos was observed in the suspect material above the reliable limit of detection, (1% by visual estimation) for the PLM method. The following materials did not contain asbestos: • Drywall,joint compound and orange peel texture on the walls • Drywall,joint compound and rough texture on the ceiling Based on observations made at the Site,and results of the analysis of bulk samples collected during the inspection, Valor recommends the following: 1. Friable ACBM that is in good condition and is not disturbed does not require additional action. However, if the friable material becomes disturbed, or is in poor condition, then stabilization measures need to be taken. 2. If ACBM are to be removed or disturbed as part of this demolition activities the ACBM should be removed under abatement conditions before demolition begins. 3. According to Colorado Regulation#8,CDPH&E must be notified for all demolitions of all facilities and all asbestos abatement projects that exceed the trigger levels, whatever is the lesser quantity. The notification requirements apply to both friable 4g33 Front Street • Unit B/ #295 • Castle Rock, CO • 8oio4 • (�20) 285-6035 Page 3 and non-friable asbestos materials.Notifications must be postmarked or delivered at least 10 working days before initiating abatement activities, and must be made using CDPH&E forms. Forms can be obtained by contacting the CDPH&E Asbestos Notification and Information Section at 303-692-3100 or online through the CDPH&E website at www.cdphe.state.co.us. 4. Collect additional bulk samples from previously concealed materials that may be revealed during demolition activity, or from materials outside the original inspection scope of work. "Suspect" material includes any material serving as a sprayed-on or troweled-on acoustic or fireproofing surface; floor and ceiling tiles; transite panels, siding or shingles; thermal insulation or any material associated with mechanical systems; or any binding agent such as tar sealant, mastic adhesive, roofing tar, caulking,et cetera. Colorado Regulation#8 requires bulk samples in public buildings be collected by a licensed Asbestos Inspector. 5. If any material cannot be positively identified as non-asbestos-containing by the analytical results of samples collected during this inspection, it should be treated as asbestos until a sample of the newly identified suspect material can be collected and analyzed by PLM. 6. The building owner should be aware that removing ACBM does not discharge ownership. During transport or after burial in an EPA-approved landfill, any contamination throughout the lifetime of the material remains the responsibility of the building owner. Valor has endeavored to inspect the existing conditions within the affected areas using CDPHE inspection protocols. Regardless of the thoroughness of an inspection, it is possible that some areas containing asbestos were overlooked or inaccessible. This report presents general descriptions of various construction materials and the general locations where these materials were encountered. lf questions arise during the planning for renovation,demolition or other construction,Valor should be notified to permit us to review the situation and present recommendations. This report has been prepared on behalf of and exclusively for the use of Excel Environmental, Inc. The conclusions expressed by Valor regarding the conditions of the site are based solely on the observations made on February 3, 2014, the data collected during this inspection, and the laboratory results of the samples collected and analyzed. The beneficiaries are hereby advised that conditions observed are subject to change. This report and the findings contained herein shall not, in whole or in part, be disseminated or conveyed to any other party or be used or relied upon by any other party, in whole or in part, without Excel Environmental, Inc. or Valor's prior written consent. 4g33 Front Street • Unit B / #295 • Castle Rock, CO • 80104 • (�20) 285-6035 Page 4 Valor appreciates this opportunity to provide asbestos consulting services to Excel Environmental, Inc. We have enjoyed working with you on this project and look forward to meeting your needs in the future. Should any questions arise concerning this report,please contact us at(720)285-6035. Sincerely, William A. Godby, Jr. President CDPHE AMS/Building Inspector#17749 Valor Environmental, LLC 4g33 Front Street • Unit B / #295 • Castle Rock, CO • 8oio4 • (�20) 285-6035 Page 5 APPENDIX I BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS 4g33 Front Street • Unit B/ #295 • Castle Rock, CO • 8oio4 • (�20) 285-6035 Reservoirs Environmental,Inc. Effective January 1,2013 Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual T:\QA�C\Lab\Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual.doc RE- �� Reservoirs En vironmen tal /nc. ..'.- ' February 4, 2014 Subcontract Number: NA Laboratory Report: RES 281025-1 Project#/P.O.# V14-1052 Project Description: 122 East Meadow Drive Unit D-2 Vail,CO BJ Godby Valor Environmental, LLC. 4833 Front St. Unit B#220 Castle Rock CO 80104 Dear Customer, Reservoirs Environmentai, Inc. is an analytical laboratory accredited for the analysis of Industrial Hygiene and Environmental matrices by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Lab Code 101896-0 for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) analysis and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Lab ID 101533 - Accreditation Certificate #480 for Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) analysis. This laboratory is currently proficient in both Proficiency Testing and PAT programs respectively. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. has analyzed the following samples for asbestos content as per your request. The analysis has been completed in generai accordance with the appropriate methodology as stated in the attached analysis table. The results have been submitted to your office. RES 281025-1 is the job number assigned to this study. This report is considered highly confidential and the sole property of the customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study with personnel other than those of the client. The results described in this report only apply to the samples analyzed. This report must not be used to claim endorsement of products or analytical results by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval from Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Samples will be disposed of after sixty days unless longer storage is requested. If you have any questions about this report, please feel free to call 303-964-1986. Sincerely, '�,�,: �,�,�.�._. l��t,�.,..: s�������� ��°��-��� ��� Jeanne Spencer President P:303-964-1986 5801 Logan Street,Suite 100 Denver,CO 80216 1-866-RESI-ENV F:303-477-4275 www.reilab.com Page 1 of 3 � Reservoirs Environmental,Inc. Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. NVLAP Lab Code 101896-0 TDH Licensed Laboratory#30-0136 TABLE PLM BULK ANALYSIS, PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VOLUME RES Job Number: RES 281025-1 Client: Valor Environmental, LLC. Client Project Number/P.O.V14-1052 Client Project Description: 122 East Meadow Drive Unit D-2 Vail, CO Date Samples Received: February 3, 2014 Method: EPA 600/R-93/116-Short,Bulk Turnaround: 24 Hour Date Analyzed: February 4, 2014 Effective January 1,2014 T:\QAQC\Lab\Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual.doc ND=None Detected TR=Trace,<t%Visual Estimate T re m-Act=T re m ol i te-Act i n ol i te Client Lab � ��hs�esf�,. n �.": , Non Non- �;� h Sample ID Number A Sub Asbestos Fibrous Number Y Physical Part � Fibrous Components E Description (%) Mineral � visuai Components (%) R ; Estimate(%) ° J-7412 EM 1110035 A White paint w/white compound 5 ND 0 100 B White paint w/off white compound 10 ND 0 100 C White/tan drywall 85 Np 10 90 J-7413 EM 1110036 A Off white texture w/white paint 30 ND 0 100 B White/tan drywall 70 ND 25 75 J-7414 EM 1110037 A Off white texture w/white paint 20 ND 0 100 B White/tan drywall 80 ND 20 80 J-7415 EM 1110038 A Off white texture w/white paint 30 ND 0 100 B White/tan drywall 70 ND 30 70 J-7416 EM 1110039 A Off white texture w/white paint 10 ND 0 100 B White tape 10 ND 98 2 C White joint compound 10 Np 0 100 D White/tan drywall 70 Np 25 75 P:303-964-1986 5801 Logan Street,Suite 100 Denver,CO 80216 1-866-RESI-ENV F:303-477-4275 www.reilab.com Page 2 of 3 Reservoirs Environmental,Inc. Effective January t,2014 ReservoirsEnvironmentalQAManual RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL� �NCi. T:\QAQC�Lab\ReservoirsEnvironmentalQAManual.doc NVLAP Lab Code 101896-0 TDH Licensed Laboratory#30-0136 TABLE PLM BULK ANALYSIS, PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VOLUME RES Job Number: RES 281025-1 Client: Valor Environmental, LLC. Client Project Number/P.O.V14-1052 Client Project Description: 122 East Meadow Drive Unit D-2 Vail, CO Date Samples Received: February 3, 2014 Method: EPA 600/R-93/116-Short, Bulk Turnaround: 24 Hour Date Analyzed: February 4, 2014 ND=None Detected TR=Trace,<1%Visual Estimate T rem-Act=Tre mol ite-Acti nol ite Client Lab � "�_ h`' .,�e� ,�ten�";m : Non Non- Sample ID Number A Sub 6 Asbestos Fibrous Number Y Physical Part � Fibrous Components E Description (%) Mineral � visuai Components (%) R ; Estimate % ° J-7417 EM 1110040 A Off white texture w/white paint 10 ND 0 100 B White tape 10 ND 9$ 2 C Off white joint compound 10 ND 0 100 D White/tan drywall 70 ND 25 75 TEM Analysis recommended for organically bound material(i.e. floor tile) if PLM results are<1°/a. :') �' Analyzed by: J fi(��' .�--��---- �' Paige Terry P:303-964-1986 F:303-477-4275 5801 Logan Street,Suite 100 Denver,CO 80216 Page 3 of 3 Data QA: ,t.'�:vi��� _._ �,F E�t..�.-�:- Nicole Mari 1-866-RESI-ENV www.reilab.com Due Date: � ����� � ��S 28�025 Due Time' saE+ u°.B �i �SE�rP'1/l�%!".s El7V��"L7I7IT7@�7tc7/, /!7C_ � 5607 Logan St Der.ver.CC 602i5•ar.3:;J 964-�g86•Fa:303-�??-a275 •TIXi Free�866 RESi•Ef.�' P8g8 i _ � Atter Nours Cell PhOrse:720-339-9228 � fNVOiCE TO: (IF DtFFEREN CONTACT INFORiNAT10N: � Valor Environmental li.0 �°^� �^�� B,I Gpdb C0n1°�� Bi�Godb _.... --- -- ----._--- —_ . . __ naam�. 4833 Front Stteet Unit B#295 --- - naare99 -- -----.. -- --.- --- -- - -- --- --- - --- -- -- -- ___ . . ___--- —.._ ..__— ._—_—__ _ _—_.___—. ...—_.._. 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' -„ ` - '� _'i :t�- �`t8,16 i[ ' = Colorado Department = _ = _ - of Public Heaith " �:` .. _ .� � � . .� �. - - . and Environrnent �. - _ . � � ; , : _ : ASBESTOS CONSULTING FIRM ` This certifies that - � . _ ; < � . . :: - `_ _ _ . �- ; � Valor Environmental, LLC �` ` ` Registration No-:: ACF- 20737 ' � - ;. lias met the registration requirements af 25-7-507, C_R.S. and the Air Quality Gontrol � Coir�missiori Regulation Na. 8, Part B, �nd is�ereby authorized to perfor�n asbestos consulting - � ' - activities as required under Regulation No 8; Part B, in the state of Coiarado. , ' _ ,, -, _ ; _ :,$ - < �: , � : : , - ,,,,°�'-. :: . Issued: O�tober 08, 2013 , ~ - � � , ` �'�` _ �� t= - .-� Expires: Octaber Q8, 2014 : '", - � ��� _ _._.�_._�_ _ . 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