HomeMy WebLinkAboutB14-0095 Uepartment of Community Development
75 South Fronfage Raad
iOWN OF VAII' VaiI,C081657
Development Review Coordinator
(Separale applicalions are requiretl for alarm 8 sprinkler)
Project Sheet Atltlress: Pmjecl N:
610 W Lianshead Place 504
(Number) (SUeet) (SuiteR)
BuildinglComplex Name:
Landmark 8uliding Pe�mit#:
Conhactor Info�mation Lol R: Block p SuCtlrvision:
Busfness Name- SRE Building Associales
Work Glass: New�j Atltlilion�j Alleration(Q
Business Address:
Cily Slate: Zip' /'�
Type of Builtling:
Single-Family� �uplex�J Mulfi-Family�
Conlacl Name: Sarah
Commercial� Olher�
ConlactPhone: 9�0-390-5776
. sa�ah srebuilds.com Work Type: Inlerior O F�lerior O Bolh O
Con�acl E-Mail. @
I hereby acknowledyc Ihal 1 have rcatl Ihis applir.a�ioq flletl oul Valualion ol
in lull I�e informa�ion required,mm0leleA an accurale pb!plaq Work Included Plans lncluded Work
and state that all Ihe intormation as required is mrtect. I agree lo Eleclrical OVes aNO OYes ONO _ G'���
eumply wtlh�he informa[ion antl plot plan,to comply vrilh all Town
ordinances antl slale laws. antl lo build Ihis slmcWre acmrtling lo Mechanical �Ves O�NO OVes ONO �(';CiO
the town's zoning antl subtlivision cades,design 2view ap- /� �
pmved,In�emalionaBUiltlingantlResidenlialCodcsantlother Plumbin9 �Ves �NO QVes MNo �pi�fY)
ordinances of Ihe Town applicabk Il�erelo. �1„ �„
l /` Building OVes ONo OVes ONa �S��Z
X ��Y✓l l,�^ Value of all work being pertormetl: S �� l�� ��O �
Ovmer/— O�r er�Rep e enlalive Signalure(Required) (�ame ea:ee o�lec semo�iosa n Iac sectio�me�)
Elecirical5quare Pootage 1536
Appliwnt Information Detailed Scope and Location of Work:
AGP��nt Name: Conirac�or Inlefiof fenoValion lo indUde neW flnishes,reloCalion of
qpplirant Phone: mas�er ba�h
Applicant E-Mail:
Project Information
Owner Name: Sanliago 8 Cristina Luque
Parcel B: Z�01-06330-055
�FOr r,mal K,�o�mn eaeie co��ny�..a..o�n om�a�Isvoaaeasao or m.n
�use a�tli0onal sMe[ii ncressary)
I+or ORCC Ilse 11n1y: Dn�c R��cCivcd:
Fee Paitl:
Receivcd Fmm:
Cash O�edc#
CC: V"sa/ MC Last 9 CC N cxp da�: