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B14-0096 Heat Calcs
Ratlian�WarksProfessianal Mechanical5ummaryRapoR anoizoia Projectin�ormatfon Contact�MOrmation ProjactAssumptions ProjectNUmber DesignetlBy BreniHauinger OutCOOrTemp-41 'F Prqec!Ouo�e Company Name Geort]e T.Santlars Company ElevaGOn 8000 ft Project Name Snowberty Duplex Side A Phone Number 910-06&8254 Wind Spaetl 10 mph Desgnetl For Jab Type Re�idan4sl VNL,CO (COloredo) Pump Specs Zone Name Flow Heatl Dalla T Suppy Fluid 7emp Zone 1 2 GPM 2 R 20 06.3°F 2ona2 12GPM 1.9fl 20 95°F Zona 3 0.�GPM 1.3 fl 20 120°F Zone 4 0.6 GPM 0.]ft 20 120°F Zone5 1.2GPM 1.2ft 20 120°F 2one 6 0.4 GPM 1.6 ft 20 120°F Zone] 03 GPM 1.3 R 20 120°F 2ane 8 2.9 GPM 2.5 ft 20 120°P Zane 9 14 GPM 1.3 ft 20 1d0'F Zone 10 0.2 GPM 0.2 ft 20 110'F SnOwbCrry Duplex Side A.fad Capynght(c)watb Ratliarrt 2008 Page 1 of 3 Radian�WOrksProfessianal MechanicalSummaryReport ana2oia Project Informatfon Contact�MOrtnation Project Assumptions ProjeclNUmber DesignedBy BreniHettinger Ou[tlaorTemp-21 °F PrqeR puo�e Company Name George T.SanEers Company Elavation B000 ft Project Name Snowberty Duplex Side A Phone Number 970d6&8254 Wmd Speetl 10 mph Desgnetl For Job Type Reaitlmtial VAIL,CO (COlaatlo) Pump Specs � Zone Name Flow Head Detln T Supply Fluid Temp Zorie 1 2 GPM 2 fl 20 %.3°F Zona2 12GPM 1.9fl 20 95°P Zone 3 0.]GPM 1.3 fl 20 120°F Zone 4 0.6 GPM 0.]ft 20 120°F 2ona 5 �.Z GPM 1.2 fl 20 120°F Zone 6 �.4 GPM 1.8 ft 20 120°F 2one7 0.3GPM 1.3fl 20 120°F Zone 8 2.9 GPM 2.5 fl 20 120°F Zone9 1.iGPM 1.3% 20 140°F Zone 10 0.2 GPM 0.2 fl 20 110°F Snowberry Duplex Side A.red Copynghqc)wans ttaaiant zooe Page 1 of 3 .— _ - ____ _. _.—_ . _ ..– __--. _ . RatliantWOrks Protessional Mechanical Summary Report y�oreoia Heated Area Descriptions Applicatlon ConsWClion HeatedArea VroductTOtals 2one 1 �> Room Lis�(Gaage) Ratlian�Heatlng Slab 1092 ft' (5)250'lengths of 1I7 Nwie RetliantPEX+ Zone 2 � Room List�EnVy) Retlient HeaGng Slab 6]5 fl' (3)250'Lengths of 12' None RadianWEX+ Zone 3 <> Room Lis�(Betl-1,Hall,BaN-1) RatliantHea�ing TTinSlab 420fl' (2)225'Lmgihsofl/2' Nona RedientPE%+ Zone 4 <> Room Lis�(8ad-2,9sth-2) Radien[HeaGng ThinSlab 260fl' (2)150'LangMSOti/2" Nane RedianiPEX� Zone 5 o Room Lis[(Famity) Ratliant Heating ThinSlab 4W fl' (3)il5'Ler1glhs ot i/2" None RaDianIPEX+ Zone 6 o ftoom list(BeG�,eath3) RadienWeaGng ThinSlab 205R' (1)225'LengMSOf1Y2" None RatliaMPE%* 2one] o Raom list(BetlS) Radiant Hexpng ihin5lab 19]ft' (1)225'LeigMS ot i/2" None Retllar�PEX+ ZoneB �> RaomLis[(Kitchen,Dining.LiNng,POwtler) RaEiarR Hea4� ThinSlab 884 R' (6)2W'LergNS of t/2" None Ra�iaMPEX+ Zone9 o RaomList(MasterBed� Ra�ian�Hea4ng ThinSlab 338 R (3)200'Lenglhs N 1/T None RaEieniPEXi Zone10 o Raomlibt(MarterBath) Radian<Heatlng ThlnSlab 135 ft' (1)150'Ler�gt�s o(1/2" None RadlantPE%+ Heating Load Summary Tube BacklEdge ToWI ToWI Spacing Intensity Lossea Required Providad Supp. (in) (BTU/h�R') (BTUIh•R') (BTUIh) (BTUIh) Needed Zone 1 77670 17729 Garage 12 1648 212 176]4 1]]29 Snowberty Duplex Side A.rad Copyngh�(c�WatLS Radlan�Y008 Page 2 of 3 RadianKNOMS Professional Mechanical Summary Report �ionma Zone 2 8319 12961 Eniry 12 12.32 5.52 8319 12961 Zone3 6516 11143 Beb1 12 13.83 1.06 3]O6 6438 Hall 12 15.23 1.06 7W6 2]96 Bsih-1 12 2].01 149 1134 1908 Zone4 5351 7268 BeeQ 12 18.86 4]9 4281 5885 BetM1-2 12 32.42 1.24 10]0 1583 Zone 5 11203 72592 Family 12 22.50 1.40 11203 12592 Zone6 3874 6020 Betld 12 16.62 1.18 2559 3]OS 8etlw3 12 21.86 1.13 1115 2315 Zone 7 3253 5002 Betl-5 12 16.51 1.11 3253 5002 Zone 8 28086 31664 Kitchen,Dinirig,Living 0 32.8 1.66 2190] 30366 Powtler 12 6.d1 0.94 1�9 12�8 Zone 9 70753 12586 Master8ed 8 31.81 240 10]53 12586 Zone 70 7444 4611 Me�e.e�n iz io.� a.eo iana as>> Project Summary To[al Flow: 10.7 GPM Total System Head: 2.5 R Boiler Load: 107242 BTU/h Total System Votume: 60 Gallons Total Heated Area: 4703 ft' Please venfy all projec[information for accuracy. Signature: Date: SnowberryDUplexSideA.rad caoyd9nqc)waaraadian�2ooe Page3M3 aaaiamwoncs cmressionm Mechanical Summary Report snonoia Project Information Contact IMormation Project Asaumptions ProjeclNUmber �esigneEBy Bren�Hetfinger OuttlaorTemp-2t'F Project puote Company Nama George T.Santlers Canpairy Elevation 8000 fl Prqect Neme Snowberty Duplex Side B Phone Number 910-068-8254 Wind Speed 10 mph DesignetlFOr JobType ResMential VAIL,CO (COlaratlo) Pump Specs Zone Name Flow Head Delta T Supply Fluid Temp 2one 1 2A GPM 1.6 R 20 95°F Zon¢2 0.8 GPM 0.4 R 20 95'F Zane 3 0.5 GPM 0.3% 20 120°F Zone 4 0.5 GPM 02 fl 20 120°F Zane 5 0.4 GPM 0.2 R 20 12D°F Zone 6 1 GPM 0.9 fl 20 120°F Zone� 0.3 GPM 1.3 fl 20 120°F Zane 8 U.3 GPM 1 fl 20 120°F Zane 9 2.3 GPM 1.5 fl 20 120°F 2one 10 02 GPM 02 fl 20 120°F Zone i t 02 GPM 02 R 20 120°F Snowberty Duplex Side B.rad Copyri9ht(c)Watta Ratllen�2008 Page 1 oi4 RedieMWOMS Professbnal Mechanical Summary Report �/ionoia Heated Area Descriptions Application Construction Heated Area Produet Totals Zone 1 o Room Lirt(Garege) ftaEiant Heating Slab 1088 fl' (5)250'LenqMS of 1/T' None Ratlian�PEX� Zone2 o RoomList(Entry) Radian�HeaUng Slab 51]fl' (3)200'Lengths of il2' Nme RatlianiPEXt Zone 3 o Room Lisf(Betl-0,Bath-1) Raaiant Hea[ing ThlnSlab 2531Y (2)150'Lengtha W 1IT None RaEianiPEX+ Zone 4 �> Room List(Beb2,Hall) Radian�HeaGng Thin5lab 284 M (2)150'lengihs of il2' None Radian�PEX. Zone 5 o Room List(Beb3,Ba�M1-2J Radiant Heetlry Thin5lab 266 R' (2)150'Lengtlis N 1/7 None RadianiPEXi 2ona6 o RoomLis[(Famliy,HaN) RaCiant Heafing Thin5leb 49]ft' (3)1]5'LengMS M 1/2" None RadianiPEX+ Zona] o Room Lis[(Betl-0,Bath3) RaEiantHeatin9 ThinSlab 205fl(1)225'Ler�gMSOtiY2" None RedieniPEX+ Zone B o ftoom List(Bee<) RatlianWea4nq ThinSlab 19]iN (1)225'Lengihsofl/2" None RsdieMPE%+ 2one 8 <> Room List(Kitchen,Dining,Family) RatliantHeaGng ThinSlab BS6fl' (6)225'Langihsofi/2" Nme RatlianlPE%+ Zone 10 <> Room List(Master Betl,Powtler) RatliantHea�ing Slab 128%' (1)150'Lmgihsofl/2' None RadientPEX+ 2one 11 o Room List(Master Bath) RatliantHeating ThinSlab 135fl(1)150'Lenglhsofil2' None RadiantPEX� SnoWbEflyDUpIBXSidEB.I2d CoPyn9ht(c)WattsRatliant2008 Page2ol4 RatliantWOrks Professbnal Mechanical Summary RepoR a��aizma Heating Load Summary Tube BacklEdge 7otal 7Mal Spacing Intensiry Losses Requlred Provided Supp. (in) (BTUm•ft') (BTUfi�ft') (BTU/h) (BTURi) Needed Zone 1 78704 26270 Gare9e 12 11.19 4.91 18]04 262P0 Zone 2 5614 9997 Entry 12 10.86 4.88 5fi14 99W Zone3 4905 1220 geE-1 12 16.65 1.73 3600 5609 BaM-1 12 3829 1.18 7225 1811 Zone4 4219 6833 BeE-2 12 18.48 1.27 3031 3944 Hall 12 9.9 0.85 1188 2889 Zone 5 3656 7707 Bed3 12 122] 0.81 2625 5432 8eM-2 12 20.65 1]2 10.33 2289 Zone 6 9227 12592 famliy,Hall 12 18.56 1?1 922] 12592 Zone 7 3229 6020 eee-a iz +a.zs i.o� � siss 3]05 BeM-3 12 2025 142 1Q33 2315 Zone 8 2897 5002 Betli 12 14.61 1.02 2891 5002 Zone 9 22141 30388 Ki�cheq�ining,Famity 6 25.8] 128 22111 30386 Zone 10 1188 5908 Mas�er Bed 12 6.41 d.22 fi41 472� PowEer 12 19.54 5.65 549 1181 Zone 11 7444 5837 MasterBaM 12 10.] t.00 idd6 583] Project Summary Total Flow: 8.9 GPM Total System Head: 2.6 ft Boiler Load: 88765 BTWh Total System Volume: 54 Galbns Total Heated Area: 4424(N Snowberry Duplez Side B.red CoPydghpc)wa�aadiant 2ooe Paqa 3 oro Ratlian�WOdcsProfessional Mechanical5ummaryReport 3noizoia Please verify all project information tor accuracy. Signature: Dale: SnowberryDuplezSideB.rad �Y^9hHc)WattsRatliant2008 Peqeaof4 _ __—_ __ _ . _ _—. .__.— �