HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB140097 Utility Sign-offs LfTIUTY APPROVAL S N�RIF�CATION This form serves ta verify tE�at the pro�os�ci improWements will nat impact any exist�ng or proposed utility s�rices. arid alsa to veri#y servlee avalfabllity and lacation far new conswctlan and shautd be used in corijun�tion with preparing your u6lity�lan and seheduifng inslallations. A site pfan,inefuding grad�ng pian,fla�or pian, and�levatbns,shail be subrnik[ed to the fof{owing u6iities tor appEOVai and�erificati�n.PL�ASE ALLflW UP TD 2 YYE�KS F8R APPFt�YA!QR GDM- ME.�iT5 FROM THE UTiLiTY COMP�4NfES. li you are unabie to obtain s�omments within that�me#rame please contact The�'own of Vsl I. ����.� �,� Subject Praperty Address: ���,��?�a,�1e 1�$� � Lat Black Subdivision: M��cC7awGr Pr�ma/��Cor�ck f Owner Representative: ��aron Cohn �l�1�M��poW 3�V• Phone: 303-55(?-455� (1'/ Plans @a#es�, a � Prlma Cvnta r�r Represent�tive Signakure � �j y�f�� Authorizeei Sf�r�att�re �gmmanCa � C�11"TURY L1Nii 970.328.8288(tel) % / 97Q.328.5282(fax} ;�1.5�Z�' �.,D ���y ��--j,-�C f � G"�'z�:� 1 Z������ Gontacts:B�r6 Qavis t ��?�.d�ui��r� turwP�nk.c�r k�GEL HIGN PRESSURE GAS �7�.a06.1784(tei) 97C}.a6�8.,441 (fax) Cantaat: Rern ngtan Baker r�n�c,s.,fi��s��ne�c;r+,cu�r� HDLY CRt]SS EN�RGY 970.947.5425(tel) 870,945.4481 (fax� Cantact�Jeff Vroam �v_raorr��cDhn�v�r�s.t�m XCEL Ensrgy ���n.2s2.aoas tt�y ��o.�s�.aass�f�� Contacts:Pam lu�cGuire n�m�i����'i:relr3?xCFl�f1£rq�r. �ftt EAGLE F21V�R WA�ER&SANlTA71�0id bISTRICT s�o.axr.�aas(�ei� 9'7Q.645.y298 ttax) Contact:Tug Birk �hir�: ��'��� caMCa�r ca�� �70,930.4713(lel) 303.fiO3.10Q4(fax� Ccmtact;Michael Johnson t�l�cha�l iehnsoni���F�1s.�ri�.��t.com C�T(Oniy in CDOT Right�f-�vay) 97U.6B3.82$4(tel) Conta�t:Qan R�ssin paniel.rou>S�it����Q�s�at�.co 4,5 NO'}'�S; 1. U�I�ty Icrca�ons must be�taned before dlgging. 2. A Revaca�le Wght-of-Way Perm�f mdy be r�qu6r�for arry irnprovemertts within a�t right-�af-v+ray. Contact the Pu��c Worifss bep�rtment for verit3catbn 970.�F79.2198. 3, It Is the responsl�iiity a�the utility�mpany and tFie appl6cant to nesolve problemS Identlfied a6ove. *�. The Primary CantactJ�wner R��entati�re is req�:red ta sub�nit any revised�aan�s ta t�e ahave ager�s far r�-appra+val &re-verification if the submttted plans are ait.�red In arry way af�er tf�authorized signature date. UTIL.ITY APPRQVAL&VERI�iCAT10N This form serves to verify that the praposed impro�ements will not impact any existing c�r prdp�sed utility services, and also ta verify ser�ice availability and lacation for�ew construction and should bs use�i in canjun�tion with preparing yaur utility plan and scheduling insfaflations. A site plan, including grading plan, #loar plan, and elevations, shall lae subrnitted ta Fhe following utilities for appro�a! and ver�fication. P�.�ASE ALLOIN UP TO 2 WEEKS F�R APPROVAL QR COM- M�EiVTS FROM 7HE UTILITY C�MPANIES. If yQU are unable to ob#ain commen#s within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Addr�ss: ���4-�628 Buffehr CreekRd �,ok Block 5ubdivision: Elk M�adows Primary Contact 1 Owner�Repr�sentative: Michael Suman Suman Architect Pho�e; g7� 47'� 6122 o� ���„u�ns�,h 3, ,,,er.� _�n�a;�v��„�,e�z�a,,,.¢,�5 2.18.14 MichaeC' Suman « z�,� Plans Dated: Prirnary ContactlOwner Representative Sigr�ature Authorized Sic�nature Comments C?ate CENTURY L.INK 97b.328.8288(tel} 970_328.SZ82 {fax) Confacts: Kelly McClemon kelly mcclern�n(cr�eenturvlink.cam, XCEL�iIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.406.1784 (tel} 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Remingfnn Baker renilllC�ton c L��ker(�xcelenerqv.corn HOLY CROSS EN�'�iGY 970.947.5425{tel} 970.945.4081 (fax) Gontact: JefFVroom vroom hol �ross cpm XCEL En�rgy 970.262.403J(tel) 970.262.4038 (fax} Contacts: Pam McGuire a�ri7�la mcquire(e.�xeel�nerqv.com EAGLE RIV�R WATER&SANITATION DISTRICT 970.477.5449(tel} 970.845.7218 (fax) Contact:7ug Birk tbirk(c�erwsd or� COf1ACAS7`CABLE 970.930.4713(tel) 303.603,1004(fax) Contact Michael Johnson n � Mje��ef�oh_nson�cable�crsmcast,cqm, � ,,U � 1 l� _ GW` CI�OT(Only in GDC)T Right-of-way) 970.fi83.62B4(tel) Cantact: Dan Roussin D.�niel rc�t+ssincDdof.statP�o;us N�TES:. 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging, 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Perm�t may be required for any irnprovements within a skreet right-of-way. Contact t�he Public Works Departme�t for verificatipn 970.479.2198. 3. It rs the responsibility of the utility com�any�nd the applicant to reso�lv� problems identified above. 4. The Primaryr ContactJOvuner I�epresentative is required to submit any revised drawings to the abo�e agencies for re-approval & re-�verification �f the su�bmitked plans are altered ir� �ny way a�ter the authorized signature date. UTILITY APPROVAL 8 VERIFICATION This form serves to veri that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or prop s d u�il ty services, and also to verify service av ilability and location for new construction and should be used in conj tion j 'th preparing your utiliry plan and scheduli g installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and ele a ons, hall be submitted to the following utilities f r approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FO PI� VAL OR COM- MENTS FROM THE UT LITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within tha ti efr�a e please contact The Town of Vail. sub�ect Property nddr ss: 1624-1628 Buffehr CreekRd Lot_Block_Subd i iorj: Elk Meadows Primary Contact/Ow r Representative: Michael Suman Suman ArchiteCt ph • � 0 471 6122 ogb.,M.�;"�„'°'�'. �..am..d�.�.��_ Michael Suman ° °-�- pians t d• '2 18.14 Primary Contact/Own Representative Signature� Authorized Sianature Comments Date CENTURY LINK 970.328.8288(tel) 970.328.8282(fax) Contacts: Kelly McClemon kell .mcclernon centu lin .com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE S 970.406.1784(tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Remington Baker remin ton.c.baker xcelen r .com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5425(tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact:Jeff Vroom ivroom(d holvcross.com XCEL Energy 970262.4039(tel) 970262.4038(fax) Contacls: Pam McGuire amela.mc uire xcelener .com EAGLERIVERWATER& ANITATION p�c,5� g�h,ed�l,� .� e-h� 9 04R77.5449(tel) � w�+�" C'I,s{+'��o�.- �2� � ^' ' ' I 970.845.7218(fax) I� °n" `'+� '}y �IQ�S � � Z I 2�+I�`I Contact Tug Birk b..c.� 6Fti�foa�� tbirkCa)erwsd.ora COMCASTCABLE 970.930.4713(tel) 303.603.1004(fax) Contact: Michael Johnson Michael 'ohnson cable. mcast.com CDOT(Only in CDOT Righ-of-way) 970.683.6284(tel) Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel.roussin dot.state. .us NOTES: 1. Utility locations mu t be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right- f-Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street g t-oE- ay. Contact the Public Works Departme t for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibi ity of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems ident i atlo e. 4. The Primary Conta Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings t e at� e agencies for re-approval &re-verifi tion if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorize gnat re date. UTILITY APPROVA!S VERiFlCA7'ION This form seNes to verify that the praposed improvements wiil not fmpac#any exi�ting or proposed utiiity services,and also to verify service avaliablfity and lacation for new construckion and shauld be used in aonjunction wfth p�eparing your utility pian and scheduling instailatians. A site plan,incfuding grading plan,flQOr pian,and elevatlons,sh�l)be submitted to the fofiowing utiiities for approvai and verificatian.PLF�ISE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COM- MENTS FROM THE UTiLI'IY COMPANIES. if yau are unable to dbtafn comments within ihat Gmeframe piease cpnt�ct The Town of Vail. ����,�„ �,� Subject Property Address; �� ,�b?�o ��1� K�' Lot Siock Subdlvisi�n: NI��CC�D�+`►G7 Prima Contsict/Owner Representative: Sharon Cohn �[.K M�,p�pW y�V. phone: 3Q3�550-4551 Plans Dated:,� D ?� Prtma Conta n�r R�presentative Signature G� �/�yJ Authorized Slanature �� p� CENTURY I.INK 970.328.8288(tel) 970.328.8282(fax) Cnntacts:Barb Davis k�.d�ul����nEu i��L�k�,c�rn XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.A06.1784{tel) ' 97U.q68.1401(fax) �oniact; Remington Baker ' reini�r�tt�n,c.ba��rtc�s,�, fe��r��corT+ HOLY CROSS EN�RGY ' 97p.947.5�125(tel) 970,945.AU81(fax) Contact:Jeff Vroom , � �v�rnra��kh��v�rsr�s�� XCEL Energy 97(}.262.4039(tel) ���� f 970.262.4D36(fax) � ��� ���"�° � C� Cvntacts:Pam McGulre �,r �1'� l �.� �� �m �,t�;r�K 1 n i .�r*� � ��� EAGLE RIVER WATER&�ANITATION � ��� DlSTRIGT �� 970.477.5449(tel) � 97Q.845.7218(iax) Contact:Tug�irk 4bl�kl��rvr�#,vtca COMCAST CA�LE 97U.930.4713(tel) 303,6U3.1004(fax) Contact:Michael Johnson PJf��#i.�.�„ir�hn�on�r,�rl�corr��t�7 GDQT(Oniy in CqOT Right-of-way) 970.683.6284(tel) Cvntact:Ran Roussin ��r�i�f,r�u�sin�d�t.��t�ar u� f VOTES: i. Udlity locatians must be obW�ned before dlgging, 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permlt may be required for any Improvements wimtn a street right-of-way. Contack the ; Pubiic Worics Departmsnt for veriflcatlon 970.479.2198, 3. It is the responsibiiity of the utillty campany and the appllcant to resolve problems identltied above. 4. The Primary CvntactJOwner Representative is required to submit any revised dra�wings to the abov�agenc(es for r�-approval&re-verification if the submitted plans are aitered In any way afiter khe authorlxed signature date,