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HomeMy WebLinkAboutB14-0066 CR1 Asbestos Report A & I� Asbestos Testing and Cons�lting John R. Peterman �*�����*���:�����.� �".0�. Box 1230 Clifton, CO. 51520-1230 Ce1197�-270-3689 H�me Phone '�70-464-5265 April 1, 2014 To: Rocky Moun�ain Constrt.�ctian Group 12� Wiilow Bridge Rd #7 Va�l, C�. S 1 b57 Attn: Mark RE: Asbestos inspection and testing at Sweet Basi� 193 Gore Gr��k Dr. Vai1, Co. Q�. Description_ Cr�st 3 —Bulk Sampies (24 Hr. tum aro�nd) @ $55.04 each $ 1r55.00 1 - Days Labor $ 44f�.04 TOTAL �►.�f�LJNT DUE 'THIS INV+aICE $ 565.00 Due and Payable upon Re�eipt — Thank you for your business � 1 A & D Asbes�os Testing and Consulting Jo�n R. Pe�erac�an ����������� P.�. �ox 1230 Cliftan, CO. 81520-1230 Ce11970-270�368g Home Phone 97�-4�4-52b5 INSPECTI(.�N REPURT PREPA RED FOR: �ock}r Mountain Canstructic�n Group 120 Willow Bridge Rd. #7 Vail, Co. S i 657 LQCATION: Sweet Basi� 193 Gor� Cree�C Dr. Vail, Co. REFQRT PREPARED BY: �ohn R. Peterman Inspector Manager COLORADO Certificate Na. 66QI COLC�RAD4 Registration ##ACF-16522 i 2 A & D Asbestos Testing and Ca�sulting Joha� R. Pe�erman Asbestos Testing and Consulting INTRODC�CTIO�T: On March 28, 2014 an ins�ectian/survey was conducted and 3 bulk samples we�e callected fram: Sweet Basi� 193 G�ore Creek D�r. Vail, Co. The purpose a�'the inspection/survey was to locate and sar�ple �uspec�ked Asbestos containimg materials tl�at might be present in the area of Svveet Basil that is planned for sel�ctive ir�ter�or renovation. The inspection wa� made, and the samples were colleeted by John R. �'eterrnan, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of CQiorado Certified Asb�stos ,�nspectar. (�r�at care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done ta the existing b�ilding st�uuctures during the �nspectian so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM Sci�nc� Lab in W`fieat Ridge, CO. T'his laboratory is deemed "Froficier�t" in the E.P.A. Q�ality Assurance (QA) program far the determination: of asbestos in bulk materials, and is a+ecredited by the American Hygier�e Assaciation (AHA), SAMPLING PRUTOCQL: A random sampling scherne was used to sarnple the sus�ect materials that were discovered, If durir�g any future demoli�iQn ar renovation work, suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. , � A & D Asbestos Te�ting and �'onsulting John R. Peterman Ashestas Testing and Consulting Swee�t Basil 193 Gt�re Creek Dr. Vai�, Ca. RENf1VATI�N AREA DESCRIPTTO�: The Sweet Basil is pl�nned for selective interiar renavati�n. The interior walls are covered in sheetrock with a light texture, concrete blocks and ceramic t�ies, The ceiling is covered with sheetrock like the wal�s and exposed concrete tw�n t�es. The floor is covered ceramic tiles. CONCLU5IO�S & RECQMMEI�IDATIQNS: Laboratary analysis, of the bulk samples indicates that no Asbes�os was detected in any of the samples. � Date: April 1, 20'��4 I Location: Sweet Basil 193 Gore Creek 'Qr. Vail, Co. � SAMPI,E I.00ATI�NS 5AlIf�PL� NU�11�ER AREA 5AM�L� REMOVED FROIVI DESCRIPT�UN FRIABLE SB-B 001 Composite Sheetrock WI Texture Camposite Sheetrack WI Texture NO SB-B 002 Composite Sheetrock Wl Texture Composite Sheetrock WI Texture NQ SB-B 003 Composit� Sheetrock WI Texture Composite Sheetrock W/ �'exture NO # Date: April 1, �014 Location: Sweet Basil 193 Gore Creek Dr. Vail, Co. SAMP�.E RESULTS SAMPLE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ASBESTOS TYPE °/4 SB-B Ofl1 Composit,e Sheetrock 1JV1 Texture NAD Q SB-B 002 Composite Sheetrack WI Texture NAD 0 SB-B OQ3 Com�osi#e Sh�eetrock WI Texture NAa 0 Key: NAD # No Asbestos Detect�d Date: April 1, 2�14 Locatiora: Sweet Basil 193 Gore Creek Dr. 11ail, Ca. P�OT�NTIAL FOR DISTUI�BANCE Sample Numb�r A,ccessibility Potential In�luence Potential Located in Plenum yeslna cor�tact vibra�ion air erosion yeslno SB-B �01 YES HIGH LUIN LOW NO SB-B 002 YES HIGH LQW LOW N� SB-B 003 YES HIGH LOpW L�OW NO Date: April 1, 2014 , Location: Sweet Basil 1�3 Gore Creek Dr. Yall, Co. I�� SUSPECT MATER�AL C4NU��`ION SAMPLE IyUMBER TYPE OF SUSPEiCT MA�'ERIAL 4VERALL DAMAG�D % TYPE OF CONDIT�ON DAMf�GE SB-B 041 SUR GOC)D NO 0 NIA SE�-B Ofl2 SUR GOOD NO Q N/A SB-B 003 SUR GDOD NO 0 NfA KEY: SUR # Surfaceing � � t.�vi ��-��-�-����„�,r��,:�� 12V21 W.+49THAVENSJE.L�Ni'Pflb WHLA7'N1DGk.CO 611033 f303}463-5:76 BIII.K ASBEST�S TEST REPORT PAGE I OF 2 CLIEN'C: ANALYSIS DATE: 3-31-14 A�tp ASBE$TOS"I�5�ING AIti'D CONSULT'ING RFP�)RTFNCr 17ATE: 4-I-14 P.q.BUY 12361 Rk.CGIP"1'I�AT£: 3-31-14 CL[�'7'UN,CO 81520-123U CLIFNT JOD N�.: SWElT QASIt PRQJECT TITLE: 19.i GOR�CRF:6K AEtIV�-VAiL,C'Cl 17C`h15L PROILCT: Af]A'k'847 �ERCENTAGE COMPi7SITiON BY VTSUAL.ESTIMAT'E TOTAL DC'W151. C.LIEN1 TOTAL. P�i2CEIV`IAfil SAMI'LE SAMPLE SAMPLE PERCENT ASBESTOS ASBF.STC3C pTHER F[BIt011S Nt3N-FLBRflUS IDENT[FIED NUiWBER NUMBER llA'i'E UTcSC`1ZIP°CIQN OF SAMPLE TYPE ItANGE °1n ln"SAM�L6 CONST'ITUEN'f5 CONST[TUEIY'CS MA'7'ERIALS -1R SEi-B-001 3-2R-14 A. 'lAN YAIAIT 3.0% ND 0.0 100.0 I00. B. TAN F1RR�US S.11°io l�D 1[MU.fJ U.0 LOU. C. W9#I"1'�;'I`EXTUFtR 2D.0°in ND 0.0 IOO.d 100. D. WH1TE[)RYWALL 73.0"i�r Np l.0 99.4 1fl0. ND -2R SB-B-0U2 3-2li-14 A. YFi.L4W�IBROUS,WQVEN I.0°r« IVp �06.0 O.17 100. B. TAI+T FESROU$ 6.Q°ia ND 100.0 0.0 10U. C. �fI�LTICOLORED PAIIVT 20.U°/� �D 0.0 100.0 IOQ. I7. WHITE TEXTiJRF. 25.b°�, fVp O.0 1U0.0 100. �. WI11TG DR�`WALL 48.0°1� ND I A ')9A 1110. ND -3R S[3-B-003 3-2$-l4 A. W91I7`�7�XTURF i.0% NU Q.0 100A 100. B. TAN FESROi1S 4.0°i�� N1ll IOf1.0 Q.D IQO. C. Mi.T[..TiCi]LOREpY,A,R�17 10.0% ND O.Q 11)0.0 L00. D. WHCCf€7RS'WAI:LMUI? 20.Q"1 I�U OA IUCI.0 IOD. E. WHITGSlR'YWALL 65.4°r�� IVp IA 94.0 lilp. ND FOCt CALCULATICIN PL1RI'OS�.S,TRACE(TR)IS AS�UMED TO BE 0.5°/. (1)•INS�P.hR.ACiLE�.AY�R; ND-NONE DETEC'f�:D '1'HE SAtvlPLES W�R.E RF.CEIWED[N ACCEPTAFILE COND1TlON. THIS TEST REPORT RELATES ONLY TO THE ITEMS T'ES"F'E�, TAIS REPORT MAY hIOT B�REPktc7�DL'CED�XCEPT IN F'ULL, WI"fHQIJT ThIE WRffT�N APPRQVAL Ok Tf1L LA1343Et,,�TORY. I