HomeMy WebLinkAboutB11-0496 Civil Specs approved STRATA VAIL CIVIL Alpine Engineering P.O. Box 97 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Specification Sections: 02220 Site Demolition 02230 Site Clearing 02260 Excavation Support and Protection 02300 Earthwork 02315 Lean Concrete/Flow-Fill 02370 Erosion and Sedimentation Control 02510 Water Distribution 02530 Sanitary Sewerage 02580 Electric and Communications Systems 02630 Storm Drainage 02720 Unbound Base Course 02740 Flexible Pavement 02750 Rigid Pavement 02751 Concrete Paving Joints 02752 Concrete Paving Curing 02753 Cold Weather Concreting 02754 Hot Weather Concreting 02760 Pavement Marking 02922 Topsoil Received By Carolyn Godfrey at 10:16 am, Apr 02, 2014 B11-0496 CR3 Reviewed for Code Compliance Code: 2012 International Building Code (IBC) TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK 02220 Site Demolition 02230 Site Clearing 02260 Excavation Support And Protection 02300 Earthwork 02315 Lean Concrete/Flow-Fill 02370 Erosion and Sedimentation Control 02510 Water Distribution 02530 Sanitary Sewerage 02580 Electric and Communications Systems 02630 Storm Drainage 02720 Unbound Base Course 02740 Flexible Pavement 02750 Rigid Pavement 02751 Concrete Paving Joints 02752 Concrete Paving Curing 02753 Cold Weather Concreting 02754 Hot Weather Concreting 02760 Pavement Marking 02922 Topsoil STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02220 - SITE DEMOLITION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Removal and satisfactory disposal of buildings, foundations, fences, signs, structures, pavements, traffic control devices, utilities, and other obstructions not designated or permitted to remain. B. Related Work: 1. Site Clearing: Section 02230 2. Earthwork: Section 02300 3. Erosion and Sedimentation Control: Section 02370 1.02 PERMITS A. CDOT Special Use and Access Permit B. Road Cut (TOV) C. Stormwater Discharge Permit (NPDES) D. Construction Dewatering (NPDES) E. CDOT Utility Permits 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS Protection: Protect all vegetation, utilities, structures, and other facilities to remain, from damage in manner acceptable to Engineer. Maintain designated temporary roadways, walkways, and detours. PART 2 PRODUCTS None PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PAVEMENTS, CURBS, GUTTER, FLATWORK A. Remove all pavements, curbs, gutter, and flatwork not designated to remain. Where existing construction is to be partially removed, saw edges to remain in place on straight line with vertical face. B. Break up concrete to be broken and left in place so largest fragment does not exceed one (1) square yard surface area. SITE DEMOLITION 02220 – 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 3.02 BRIDGES, SEWERS, CULVERTS, DRAINAGE STRUCTURES A. Do not remove structures in use until arrangements have been made to accommodate traffic. B. For structures removed down to natural stream bottom, remove those parts outside stream to 1' below ground. Remove all portions within limits of new construction as necessary to accommodate new work. C. Maintain satisfactory traffic bypass at all times. 3.03 STRUCTURES Remove structures within project limits or as shown on drawings. Protect portions to remain from damage. Damage to be repaired at Contractor's expense. 3.04 UTILITIES Remove designated utility lines within project limits, properly capping or plugging existing lines to remain. 3.05 DISPOSAL Deposit all removed material in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site. Complete topsoil and reseeding of site if required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove and dispose of all waste materials off site. 3.06 RESTORATION After removal of obstruction, fill and compact to finish grade in accordance with these specifications. END OF SECTION 02220 SITE DEMOLITION 02220 – 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02230 - SITE CLEARING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work included: Clearing, grubbing, removing and disposing of all vegetation and debris within work limits and from borrow pits, and such other areas as required, except objects designated to remain or to be removed. Also includes preservation from injury or defacement of all vegetation and objects designated to remain. B. Related Work: 1. Site Demolition: Section 02220 2. Earthwork: Section 02300 3. Erosion and Sedimentation Control: Section 02370 4. Topsoil: Section 02922 1.02 PERMITS A. CDOT Special Use and Access Permit B. Stormwater Discharge Permit (NPDES) C. Construction Dewatering (NPDES) D. Road Cut E. CDOT Access Permits 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS Protection: Protect trees, shrubs and planted areas to remain from damage or from unnecessary vehicular traffic, in manner acceptable to Owner and Engineer. Protect benchmarks, staking, existing structures, roads, sidewalks, paving, and curbs from damage. Maintain designated temporary roadways, walkways, and detours. Burning is not permitted. PART 2 NONE PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 CLEARING A. Clear and/or grub all surface objects and all trees, stumps, roots, bushes and other protruding obstructions, not designated to remain. 3.02 DISPOSAL Deposit all waste material in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site to satisfaction of Engineer. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove and dispose of all waste materials off site. SITE CLEARING 02230 – 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT INTENTIALLY BLANK END OF SECTION 02230 SITE CLEARING 02230 – 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02260 - EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Design and installation of shoring and underpinning system to protect excavation perimeter from movement or collapse. 2. Protection of adjacent buildings and improvements from movement, settlement or collapse. B. Related Sections: Earthwork: Section 02300 1.02 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Criteria: Contractor shall be solely responsible for design of shoring and underpinning system as required to resist lateral earth pressures and surcharges due to traffic, storage of materials, adjacent structures and all other loads imposed on adjacent soil during the construction period. Comply with requirements of soil and foundation investigation. Type of system used must be compatible with construction procedures and structural details and acceptable to the Structural Engineer and General Contractor. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirement: Obtain permits and permission of adjacent property owners as required. 1.04 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Existing Conditions: Investigate to determine the location of adjacent existing underground improvements. B. Subsurface Investigation: A subsurface investigation report has been prepared for the Owner. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Excavation Support System: Provide piles, piers, walers, lagging, sheeting, anchors and structures as required. EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION 02260 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Existing Conditions: Examine existing conditions to determine shoring and underpinning requirements. Examine existing adjacent improvements to determine their condition before starting work. Record their condition by written report, survey and photographs as required. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Take all necessary precautions and make provisions to protect adjacent existing improvements from damage from shoring, underpinning and excavation operations. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Design and install systems as required. B. Make proper allowances for building structure and improvements including waterproofing, damp proofing and foundation drainage systems. C. Install shoring as concrete formwork for outside walls where required. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Make periodic inspections and surveys of existing adjacent improvements. Keep accurate records of movements or changes in their condition. 3.05 REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT A. Repair any damage or replace damaged existing adjacent improvements. 3.06 REMOVAL A. Remove shoring and underpinning systems as required after permanent structure is in place. Leave shoring in place where required. END OF SECTION 02260 EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION 02260 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02300 - EARTHWORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Excavation and borrow pits, removing and satisfactorily disposing of all materials taken from within work limits, including excavation for ditches and channels, inlet and outlet ditches for culverts and structures, all necessary shaping and sloping for the construction, preparation, and completion of all backfill, embankments, subgrade shoulders, slopes, gutters, intersections, approaches, and driveways, to required alignment, grade, and typical cross section shown on drawings. B. Related Work: 1. Site Demolition: Section 02220 2. Site Clearing: Section 02230 3. Erosion and Sedimentation Control: Section 02370 4. Topsoil: Section 02922 C. Definitions: 1. Suitable Material: Earth fill material consisting of on-site or similar non-organic sands, gravels, clays, silts and mixtures thereof with maximum size of 6". Bedrock that breaks down to specified soil types and sizes during excavation, hauling, and placement may be considered as suitable material. 2. Unsuitable Material: Any material containing vegetable or organic matter, muck, peat, organic silt, topsoil, frozen materials, trees, stumps, certain manmade deposits, or industrial waste, sludge or landfill, or other undesirable materials. 3. Unclassified Excavation: Any and all materials, including surface boulders, encountered during construction. Rock formations that can be removed by ripping with D-9 tractor in good repair with single tooth hydraulic ripper are considered as unclassified excavation. 4. Rock Excavation: Rock formations which cannot be excavated without blasting. Includes removal and disposal of all rock. 5. Backfill and Embankment: Embankments, including preparation of area upon which they are to be placed, dikes within or outside right-of-way. Placing and compacting approved material within areas where unsuitable materials have been removed. Placing and compacting of material in holes, pits and other depressions to lines and grades shown on drawings. Use only suitable materials in construction of embankments and backfills. 6. Borrow: Backfill or embankment material which must be acquired from designated borrow areas to make up deficiencies which cannot be completed from excavation within work limits. Borrow material must be approved by the Engineer and Soils Engineer. 7. Proof Rolling: Applying test loads over subgrade surface by means of heavy pneumatic-tired roller of specified design, to locate weak areas in subgrade. EARTHWORK 02300 – 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 1.02 PERMITS 1. CDOT Special Use and Access Permit 2. Road Cut 3. Stormwater Discharge Permit (NPDES) 4. Construction Dewatering (NPDES) PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FILL AND EMBANKMENT MATERIAL Any suitable material or borrow as defined above. Free-running water shall be drained from materials before placement. 2.02 CONSTRUCTION WATER Acceptable water shall be provided at Contractor's expense. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXCAVATION Unclassified Excavation: All excess or unsuitable excavated materials, including rock and boulders, that cannot be used in backfill and embankments, shall be placed in designated disposal areas or disposed of off site. Where shown on drawings or considered necessary, construct intercepting ditches above top of cut slopes and carry to outlets near ends of cuts. To blend intersection of cut slopes with slope of adjacent natural ground surfaces in uniform manner, shape tops of all cut slopes, except those in solid rock, for flattening and rounding in accordance with details shown on drawings. Treat earth overburden above solid rock cuts in same manner as earth cut. Engineer reserves the right to change cut slopes during progress of excavation. Scale all exposed rippable rock cuts of loose, potentially falling rock at Contractor's expense. 3.02 PROOF ROLLING Proof rolling will be required to determine whether certain areas of subgrade meet compaction requirements. Proof roll designated areas with heavy rubber-tired roller approved by Engineer. Areas found to be weak or fail the test shall be repaired in accordance with recommendations by the Engineer. 3.03 SUBGRADE PREPARATION Adjust completed subgrade from slope or grade stakes to assure surface width conforms to typical section, dimensions, lines, and grades on drawings. Compact subgrade in accordance with compaction requirements. 3.04 EMBANKMENT AND FILL CONSTRUCTION A. Place earthfill materials for backfill or embankment in thin horizontal layers and compact as specified before next layer is placed. Use effective spreading equipment on each lift to obtain uniform thickness prior to compacting. As compaction of each layer progresses, EARTHWORK 02300 – 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 continuously level and manipulate to assure uniform density. Add or remove water as necessary to obtain maximum density. When directed by Engineer, remove excess moisture in bridging across streams, ponds, and swampy ground. Place embankment in layers not greater than 18" which have been demonstrated to meet compaction standards. B. When embankment is to be placed and compacted on hillsides, or when new embankment is to be compacted against existing embankments, or when embankment is built one-half width at a time, slopes which are steeper than 4:1 measured longitudinally or at right angles to roadway shall be continuously benched over as work is brought up in layers. Benching shall be well keyed into existing slopes a minimum of 8' wide. Begin each horizontal bench at intersection of original ground and sides of previous benches. Material benched shall be excavated and recompacted along with new embankment material at Contractor's expense. C. Rock fill embankment material consists predominantly of rock 6" to 12” in diameter placed in loose lifts up to average rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum layer thickness may be agreed to by Engineer provided material is carefully placed, large stones well distributed, and voids completely filled with smaller stones, earth, sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each layer with suitable equipment, distributing soils and finer fragments of earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to facilitate compaction prior to placing additional lifts. Embankments consisting predominantly of rock larger than 8" in greatest dimension, shall not be constructed above an elevation 2' below finished subgrade. Balance of embankment shall be composed of suitable material smoothed and placed in layers not exceeding 8" in loose thickness and compacted as specified. D. Remove all sod and vegetable matter from surface upon which embankment is to be placed. Completely break up cleared surface by plowing, scarifying, or stepping a minimum of 6" to insure a bond between embankment and original ground. Recompact to specifications. E. Frozen materials shall not be used in construction of embankments. F. During construction maintain area in such condition that it will be well drained at all times. G. At the end of every construction day all fill areas must be flat rolled to provide proper drainage. 3.05 BORROW Provide test pit if required by Engineer to evaluate acceptability and limits of source at Contractor's expense. If more borrow is placed than required, amount of overrun will be deducted from borrow volume. Contractor shall notify Engineer at least 10 working days in advance of need before opening borrow area. Strip all borrow pits of sod, topsoil, and unsuitable materials. Restore borrow area, grade and shape to provide proper drainage before placement of topsoil, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. EARTHWORK 02300 – 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 3.06 DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS Deposit all surplus materials or unsuitable materials in such places as designated on drawings or approved by Engineer. Deposit all waste material in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site. Complete topsoil and reseeding of site if required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove and dispose of all waste material off site. 3.07 COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS A. Thoroughly scarify surface upon which embankment is to be placed to depth of 6”. B. Compact scarified materials and embankments to following % AASHTO T99. Moisture content shall be within 2% of optimum for granular soils. For clay soils moisture content shall be 0 to +2 percent of the optimum moisture content. 1. Landscaped area 95% 2. Roadway 100% 3. Interior Slab on Grade 100% 4. Beneath Structure Foundation 100% 5. Hardscape (sidewalk, paver, flatwork) 100% C. Where Engineer agrees to rock fill material embankments constructed without moisture and density control, place in loose lifts up to average rock dimension not exceeding 2'. Apply water as necessary to facilitate compaction. Route construction equipment, compactors, or both, uniformly over each lift prior to placing additional lifts. Apply sufficient compactive effort to each lift to achieve uniform, well-compacted rock fill. Distribute rocks throughout layer, spaced far enough apart to allow compaction equipment to pass between and permit cross rolling. Place, move and compact embankment materials, and apply water to facilitate compaction and prevent voids in embankment. Number of passes required will depend on available compaction equipment to achieve compactive effort agreed to by Engineer. END OF SECTION 02300 EARTHWORK 02300 – 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02315 - LEAN CONCRETE/FLOW-FILL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Furnishing, placing and curing of flow-fill in conformance with lines, grades, and typical cross sections shown on the drawings. B. Related Work: 1. Earthwork: Section 02300 2. Unbound Base Course: Section 02720 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source: Engineer shall have access to batching plant at all times work is in progress. B. Record of Work: Contractor shall keep record of time and date of placement, temperature, and weather conditions. Retain until completion and furnish copy to Engineer. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturers Data: Additives, curing compounds. B. Mix Design: Proportions of fine and coarse aggregate, water, cement, air content, admixtures. C. Placement: Method proposed, if requested. 1.04 JOB CONDITIONS A. Cold Weather: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting when descending air temperature in shade and away from artificial heat falls below 35 degrees F, and there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mix shall not be less than 60 degrees F at time of placing. B. Hot Weather: When air temperature in shade exceeds 90 degrees F, concrete mix at delivery shall not exceed 80 degrees F. Fog sprayers or special wetting agents may be required for protection. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CEMENT AASHTO M 85, TYPE II, 50 pounds/cubic yard. Contractor may substitute 30 lbs/cy of cement and 31 lbs/cy of fly ash. LEAN CONCRETE/FLOW-FILL 02315 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 2.02 AGGREGATES A. Fine Aggregate - AASHTO M 6, 1650 to 1850 pounds/cubic yard B. Coarse Aggregate - AASHTO No. 57 or 67, 1650 to 1750 pounds/cubic yard 2.03 WATER 325 pounds/cubic yard (or as needed) The amount of water shall be such that the flow-fill flows into place properly without excessive segregation. Approximately 39 gallons of water per cubic yard of flow-fill is normally needed. 2.04 FLOW FILL REQUIREMENTS A. Compressive Strength: Less than 100 psi B. Slumps greater than 6 inches C. Entrained Air: 10% to 15% 2.05 QUALITY Follow agreed mix design PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND FLOW-FILL Unsuitable foundation material shall be removed and wasted in a manner acceptable to Engineer. Unsuitable foundation material which is suitable for embankments and suitable surplus excavated material shall be used in the construction of embankments. Unsuitable material removed below designed elevation shall be replaced with approved material. Rock, hardpan, or other unyielding material encountered in trenches for culvert pipe or conduit shall be removed below the designed grade for a minimum depth of 300 mm (12 inches). This extra depth excavations shall be backfilled with loose flow-fill (Class 1) or other approved material. The base of flow-fill shall be scarified to a depth of 150 mm (6 inches) and compacted with moisture and density control prior to placement of any structural backfill. 3.02 PLACEMENT Deposit near final position on grade with minimum segregation and without damage to subgrade. Operate transit mixer outside forms at all times, except in locations agreed to by Engineer. Place concrete on subgrade in successive batches for full width between forms in manner requiring as little re-handling as possible. Spread mechanically to prevent segregation and separation of materials. Additional spreading may be by hand shovels. LEAN CONCRETE/FLOW-FILL 02315 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 3.03 COMPACTION Compaction of flow-fill will not be required. The maximum layer thickness for flow-fill shall be 1m (3 feet). Additional layers shall not be placed until the flow-fill has lost sufficient moisture to be walked on without indenting more the 50 mm (2 inches). Any damage resulting from placing flow-fill in layers that are too thick or from not allowing sufficient time between placement of layers shall be repaired at the Contractor’s expense. When the Contractor substitutes flow-fill (Class 1) or (Class 2), the trench width may be reduced to provide a minimum 150 mm (6 inch) clearance between the outside diameter of culverts and trench walls or for conduits as specified on the plans or shown on details. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Obtain four (4) test cylinders of flow fill for each batch of flow fill. B. One slump test for each set of cylinders. C. Obtain entrained air content for each set of cylinders. D. Obtain unit weight for each set of cylinders. 3.05 PROTECTION A. Have plastic sheeting or other suitable materials available at all times to protect fresh uncured surfaces from rain. B. Provide full protection from freezing. Admixtures (calcium chloride) are not acceptable for freeze protection. C. For hot weather, use fog spray or water retarding additives. Do not throw water directly on surface. 3.07 CLEANUP After completing concrete operations, clean surfaces, pick up excess materials, and clean work area. LEAN CONCRETE/FLOW-FILL 02315 - 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT INTENTIALLY BLANK END OF SECTION 02315 LEAN CONCRETE/FLOW-FILL 02315 - 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02370 - EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Excavation, grading, and installation of riprap, filter material, jute netting, straw bale sediment barriers, and all necessary appurtenances. B. Related Work: 1. Site clearing: Section 02230 2. Earthwork: Section 02300 3. Storm Drainage: Section 02630 4. Topsoil: Section 02922 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Test Reports: If requested, furnish copies of tests from certified and acceptable testing laboratory 1. Gradation and Soundness of Riprap. 2. Gradation of Filter Material. 1.03 PERMITS A. Construction Dewatering B. Stormwater Discharge Permit (NPDES) PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 RIPRAP Hard, dense, sound, angular rough fractured stone meeting AASHTO T 85. Excavated shot rock may be used if agreed to by the Owner's representative and the Engineer. Neither breadth nor thickness of single stone to be less than one-third its length. Nominal Size Min. Volume Min. Weight 9" 0.25 CF 30 lbs. 12" 0.5 CF 75 lbs. 18" 1.8 CF 250 lbs. 24" 4 CF 600 lbs. Size of stone and total thickness of riprap as shown on drawings. Stone well graded so voids can be filled, and at least 50% of mass equal to or larger than size called for on drawings. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 02370 – 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 2.02 FILTER MATERIAL Aggregate Filter: Conform to following gradation: Sieve Size Percentage by Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieves 3” 100 3/4" 20-90 No. 4 0-20 No. 200 0-3 2.03 FILTER FABRIC Manufactured especially for stability of erosion control construction. Made from polyethylene and polypropylene yarns, in accordance with following: Weight 4.0 oz/yd ASTM D1910 Thickness 15 mils ASTM D1777 Grab Strength 130 lbs. ASTM D1682 Elongation Break 62% ASTM D1682 Burst Strength 125 psi ASTM D7742 Trapezoid Tear Strength 70 lb. ASTM 2263 Water Permeability 0.02 cm/se CFMC Water Flow Rate 4.80 gal/min/ft CFMC Equivalent Opening Size 70-100 U.S. Sieve ASTM D422 2.04 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS AND TURF REINFORCEMENT MATS A. Install Landlok 450 TRM, C2 Fabric or as shown on plans 2.05 SILT FENCE A. Silt Fence Fabric: The fabric shall meet the following specifications: Fabric Properties Minimum Acceptable Value Test Method Grab Tensile Strength (lbs) 90 ASTM D1682 Elongation at Failure (%) 50 ASTM D1682 Mullen Burst Strength (PSI) 190 ASTM D3786 Puncture Strength (lbs) 40 ASTM D751 (modified) Slurry Flow Rate (gal/min/sf) 0.3 Equivalent Opening Size 40-80 US Std Sieve CW-02215 Ultraviolet Radiation Stability % 90 ASTM-G-26 B. Fence Posts (for fabricated units): The length shall be a minimum of 36 inches long. Wood posts will be of sound quality hardwood with a minimum cross sectional area of 3.0 square inches. Steel posts will be standard T and U section weighing not less than 1.00 pound per linear foot. C. Wire Fence (for fabricated units): Wire fencing shall be a minimum 14-1/4 gage with a maximum 6" mesh opening, or as approved. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 02370 – 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 D. Prefabricated Units: Envirofence or approved equal may be used in lieu of the above method providing the unit is installed per manufacturer's instructions. 2.06 SILT SACK A. SILTSACK Fabric: The Siltsack fabric will be manufactured from a woven polypropylene fabric that meets or exceeds the following specifications. PROPERTIES TEST METHOD UNITS GRAB TENSILE STRENGTH ASTM D-4632 300 lbs GRAB TENSILE ELONGATION ASTM D-4632 20 % PUNCTURE ASTM D-4833 120 lbs MULLEN BURST ASTM D-3786 800psi TRAPEZOID TEAR ASTM D-4533 120 lbs UV RESISTANCE ASTM D-4355 80 % APPARENT OPENING SIZE ASTM D-4751 40 US Sieve FLOW RATE ASTM D-4491 40 gal/min/SF PERMITTIVITY ASTM D-4491 0.55sec-1 2.07 EROSION LOGS (WATTLES) A. Sediment Logs shall be made of Aspen Excelsior fibers encased in an outside open weave containment fabric. Fibers shall be curled with soft, interlocking barbs to form a strong, organic filtration matrix. A minimum of 80 percent of the fibers shall be 15cm (6in) or greater in length. Fibers shall be evenly distributed throughout the diameter and length of the Sediment Log. Excelsior fibers shall be weed seed free. Excelsior color shall be standard Aspen (natural). Netting at each end of the log shall be secured to assure fiber containment. 2.08 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE A. Stabilized construction entrance shall have a minimum width of 10-feet and a minimum length of 50-feet. A twelve (12) inch high diversion ridge shall be constructed 15 feet from the existing roadway. Stabilized construction entrance shall be graded to drain towards the construction site at two-percent (2%) slope. Rock shall be two inch crushed screened rock. Rock shall be placed to a depth of at least six (6) inches. Type I* Type II* Type III* Type IV* Nominal Diameter 50 cm (20 in) 30 cm (12 in) 23 cm (9 in) 15 cm (6 in) Length 3.05 m (10 ft) 3.05 m (10 ft) 7.62 m (25 ft) 7.62 m (25 ft) Weight (±10%) 13.62 kg (30 lb) 9.08 kg (20 lb) 11.35 kg (25 lb) 5.45 kg (12 lb) Net Opening 2.5 cm (1 in) 2.5 cm (1 in) 1.9 cm (.75 in) 1.3 cm (.5 in) EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 02370 – 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 FILTER FABRIC Place fabric over shaped surface loosely where, when large stones are placed, they will not cause stretching of fabric beyond elastic limits. Overlap joining sections 2' at edges. Secure overlapped edges to subgrade with cinch pins. If riprap is dropped, place aggregate bedding 2" thick over fabric. Place riprap in a manner that fabric will not be damaged by stretching, punching, or ripping. 3.02 RIPRAP A. Angular reasonably well-graded from smallest to maximum size specified. Stones smaller than 10% of smallest size not permitted. Control gradation of riprap by visual inspection to assure thickness of riprap conforms with drawings. B. Hand Placed: Rectangular to facilitate butt placement. Fill openings with loose, well- graded road aggregate base material. 3.03 FILTER MATERIAL Wet subgrade, reasonably shape, and compact prior to placing filter material. Filter material may be backdragged with loader bucket to a reasonably smooth surface for placement to lines and grades of drawings. 3.04 SILT SACK Install silt sack in accordance with drawings. 3.05 EROSION LOGS (WATTLES) Sediment Log consists of an outside, open weave, containment fabric filled with Aspen curled excelsior fibers. Its purpose is to provide a flexible, lightweight, porous, sediment control device demonstrating the ability to conform to terrain details and dissipate water velocity in concentrated flow areas. Straw Wattles can be installed on contour of slope, with a slight downslope angle at the end of each row to allow for slow drainage during heavy precipitation. They can also be used at the top of slopes to prevent sheeting over the edge, and they can be used at the toe of slopes. Straw Wattles can also be used along sidewalks and curbs and around storm drains and inlets to prevent sediment pollution. They can also be placed in drainage swales to slow flows and capture sediment: they can be used as level spreaders to prevent concentrated flow, and in place of earthen berms or dikes. The height of a Straw Wattle is 9 in., the installed height is approximately 5 -7 inches. Straw Wattles should be installed in shallow trenches, 2 - 4 in. deep, depending on soil type and slope steepness. Dig the deeper trench for soft, loamy soils and steepest slopes: dig the shallower trench for hard, rocky soils and gentler slopes. Use shovel to dig the trench, throwing excavated soil to the up hill side to prevent run off from undercutting the Wattle. Lay the Wattle in the trench and stake with wood stakes at each end and 4-foot on center. When installing running lengths, Straw Wattle ends should be buttoned firmly together to prevent leakage, and securely staked together. DO NOT OVERLAP. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 02370 – 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 3.06 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Clear the area of debris, rocks or plants that will interfere with installation. Grade the area for the entrance to flow back on to the construction site. Runoff from the stabilized construction entrance onto a public street will not be allowed except for the first 15 feet connecting to the public street. Place geotextile fabric/filter fabric prior to placing rock. Place rock as required. 3.08 SEDIMENT POND/TRAP A. Construct pond per plans and as directed by Engineer. B. The area under embankment shall be cleared, grubbed and stripped of any vegetation and root mat. The pool area shall be cleared. C. The fill material for the embankment shall be free of roots or other woody vegetation as well as over-sized stones, rocks, organic material or other objectionable material. The embankment shall be compacted by traversing with equipment while it is being constructed. Maximum height of embankment shall be 4’ measured at centerline of embankment. D. All cut and fill slopes shall be 2:1 or flatter. E. Geotextile Class C shall be placed over riser. Fabric shall be embedded at least 6” into existing ground at bottom of pond. F. Outlet – An outlet shall include a means of conveying the discharge in a erosion free manner to an existing stable channel. Protection against scour at the discharge point shall be provided as necessary. G. Outlet channel must have positive drainage from the trap. H. Sediment shall be removed and trap restored to its original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to ½ of the wet storage depth of the trap (900 cf/ac). Removed sediment shall be deposited in a suitable area and in such a manner that it will not erode. I. The structure shall be inspected periodically after each rain and repaired as needed. J. Construction of traps shall be carried out in such a manner that sediment pollution is abated. Points of concentrated inflow shall be protected. K. The structure shall be dewatered by approved methods, removed and the area stabilized when the drainage area has been properly stabilized. 3.09 SILT FENCE Install silt fence in accordance with drawings. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 02370 – 5 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT INTINALLY BLANK END OF SECTION 02370 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 02370 – 6 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 SECTION 02510 - WATER DISTRIBUTION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Excavation, backfill, bedding, and installation of pipe, valves, fittings, fire hydrants, vaults, service lines, curb stops, valve boxes, pressure reducing valves, meters, and all necessary appurtenances. B. Related Work: 1. Site Clearing: Section 02230 2. Topsoil: Section 02922 C. Definition: 1. Trench Excavation: Excavation of all material encountered along trench other than rock excavation. 2. Rock Excavation; All solid rock formations which cannot be reasonably broken by a backhoe with 3/4 cubic yard bucket with bucket curling force and stick crowd force of 35,000 lbs. each, and requiring drilling and blasting. D. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Specifications: All work shall conform to the standard specifications for water lines as adopted by Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. The Contractor shall coordinate and obtain District approval of installed system. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings or product data showing specific dimensions and construction materials for: 1. Valves and Valve Boxes 2. Fittings 3. Fire Hydrants 4. Vaults 5. Service Lines 6. Meters B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and trench stabilization materials, concrete mix design, and compression test. C. Permits: Submit copies of all permits issued for project. D. Certificates: Submit copies of acceptance from Health Department prior to placing water system in service. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting when descending air temperature in shade and away from artificial heat falls below 35 degrees F and there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mix shall not be less than 60 degrees F at time of placing. PART 2 PRODUCTS – All materials shall conform to the local water district’s specifications. 2.01 PIPE AND FITTINGS All ductile iron pipe and fittings used shall meet the latest AWWA Specifications. A. Pipe 1. Ductile Iron Pipe: AWWA C151, working pressure 350 psi, minimum thickness class 52, with cement-mortar lining, AWWA C104. Bituminous outside coating one mil thick. Pipe joints, push-on type utilizing rubber ring gasket, AWWA C111. 2. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe and Couplings: AWWA C900, working pressure 200 psi, with push-on joints ASTM D1869. six inch (6"), eight inch (8") and twelve inch (12") PVC water lines shall be Class 200 dimension ratio 14 (DR 14). PVC pipe may be used only in corrosive areas and in the Edwards Metropolitan District provided the static water pressure does not exceed 170 psi. Installation of PVC pipe in corrosive areas must have prior written authorizations from the District. 3. Steel Pipe: All steel pipe and fittings shall be fabricated in accordance with AWWA C200 Standard for Steel Water Pipe-eight inches (8”) and larger-and AWWA M-11 Steel Pipe Manual. Working pressure shall be 350 psi. All material used shall be acceptable under ASTM A283 Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality or ASTM A36 Standard Specifications for Structural Steel. For mill-type pipe, all material used shall be acceptable under ASTM A53 Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless. All fittings shall be fabricated from tested pipe and dye checked in accordance with AWWA C208. All steel pipe and fittings shall be prepared, primed, lined, coated, painted or wrapped as hereinafter specified: a. Exterior Surfaces – Tape coating system conforming to AWWA C209 and C214. b. Interior Surfaces – Cement-mortar lining conforming to AWWA C205. 4. HDPE Pipe: With authorization from the engineer and approval by the District, this pipe may be used as an alternative in those applications where “hot soils” are determined to be found. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 5. Fittings: Fittings shall be made of ductile iron and in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C153, pressure rating 350 psi. Mechanical joints shall conform to AWWA C111. Bolts and nuts shall be low-alloy steel. All fittings shall be cement-mortar lined, AWWA C104. Bituminous outside coating shall be a minimum of one-mil (1) thick. 6. Joint Restraint Devices: Joint restraint devices shall be made of ductile iron. Twist- off nuts, sized the same as the tee-head bolts, shall be used to ensure proper actuating of restraining devices. Joint restraint devices shall be EBAA Iron, Inc., Megalug Series 1100 or 1700 or Uni-Flange Corp. Series 1400 for new pipe restraint and EBAA Iron Sales, Megalug Series 1100SD or 1100HD or Uni-Flange UFR1300-C or UFR1390-C for existing pipe restraint or accepted equal. 7. Solid Sleeves: Solid sleeves shall be made of ductile iron, mechanical joint, long body. Sleeves shall have a minimum pressure rating of 350 psi. Where a solid sleeve is used to join two pieces of pipe of the same diameter, a “wedding band” is to be inserted between the two pipes inside of the solid sleeve. 8. Tapping Sleeves: Wet taps shall only be made with the use of a tapping sleeve. The District will allow epoxy-coated Smith Blair 620, Mueller H304, JCM 412 or equivalent. No tapping sleeves will be allowed for any application with a working pressure of 150 psi or higher. For those applications where working pressure exceeds 150 psi, the District will require the use of a tee. B. Fittings Fittings shall be ductile iron and in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C153, pressure rating 350 psi. Mechanical joints shall conform to AWWA C111. Bolts and nuts shall be low-alloy steel. All fittings cement-mortar lined, AWWA C104. Bituminous outside coating one mil thick. 2.02 VALVES The valves shall be the same size as the main. A. Gate Valves Gate valves shall be Mueller A-2360, Waterous AFC-2500 or U.S. Pipe Metroseal with an epoxy-coated interior and exterior cast iron or ductile iron body, pressure rating 250 psi, bronze-mounted, AWWA C509. Resilient seat (wedge) rubber encapsulated gate, flanged or mechanical joint as required. Valves with ring stem seal, two-inch (2”) square operating nut, open left must be used. Resilient wedge gate valves on all pipe sizes up to and including 12 inches are required. Direction of Opening: All valves are to open left. Specifications: Gate valves in sizes through twenty-four inches (24”) shall be of the iron body, non-rising bronze stem, resilient seated wedge type manufactured to equal or exceed ANSI/AWWA Standard C509-80 and the specific requirements outlined in these Special Provisions. Valves shall have a bottle-tight working water pressure of 250 psi with zero leakage and be capable of flow in either direction. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 End connections shall be mechanical joint and shall be furnished with all necessary joint materials. Valve openings shall be furnished and installed with valve stacks and covers in accordance with locate water district specifications. Valve body, bonnet, stuffing box and disc cast shall be manufactured of either gray or ductile iron. The exterior of the valve shall have epoxy coating per AWWA standards, applied to the ferrous parts of the valve, except for finished or seating surfaces. All internal ferrous metal surfaces shall be coated with a two-part thermosetting epoxy coating. The coating shall be non-toxic, impart no taste to water, protect all seating and adjacent surfaces from corrosion and prevent build-up of scale or tuberculation. The valve shall be structurally designed so that if excessive torque is applied to the stem in the closing direction, with the disc seated, failure of the pressure retaining parts does not occur. Stem failure under such conditions shall occur externally at such a point as to enable the stem to be safely turned in the opening direct by use of a pipe wrench. B. Valve Boxes Valve boxes shall be Tyler 6668-2. All buried valves shall be provided with a six-inch (6”) cast iron, valve box, screw type. The valve box shall be of a design which will not transmit shock or stress to the valve and which shall have enough extension capability to be raised to final street grade. The valve box shall be cast iron, adjustable screw type, with minimum five-inch (5”) diameter shaft provided with cover, marked “Water”. C. Pressure Reducing Valves All pressure reducing valves shall be CLA-VAL 92G-01ABXCKDS as appropriate and determined by the Engineer. In addition, the PRV is to have the following features: 1. Pressure reducing pilotry with pressure control ranges for correct valve operation where installed. Pilot material shall be bronze body only, brass and stainless- steel trim. Tubing shall be copper. 2. Epoxy coated interior and exterior suitable for potable water contact. 3. Dura-clean stem design shall be installed. 4. Valve opening shall be regulated by means of a “speed control valve” for flow control. 5. Ductile iron, globe body, minimum 150-pound ANSI flanges or as may be required by system pressures, bronze trim. 6. Pilotry flow-clean strainer and minimum of three (3) pilot cocks. D. Pressure Reducing Valves-Bypass Line The PRV shall be CLA-VAL 90-01 valve, sized appropriately to allow low flow to bypass around the main PRV. The valve shall have a ductile iron globe body with screwed ends. Pilotry is to be equipped with a flow wye strainer and isolation cocks. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 E. Air Release/Vacuum Valves Shall be an APCO air vacuum combination valve sized by the engineer as manufactured by Valve and Primer Corporation or an equivalent valve that has been approved by the local water district. The valve shall have a cast iron body, cover and baffle with a stainless-steel float. The seat shall be fastened into the valve cover, without distortion and shall be easily removed, if necessary. Air release/vacuum valves shall be installed at all high points in the system on any main line extensions. F. Check Valves Golden-Anderson Silent Check Valve (Figure 280). Bronze mounted, AWWA C508. High strength cast iron gate with bronze gate ring. Bronze, back-faced seat ring. Solid bronze Y-shaped hinge. 2.03 FIRE HYDRANTS A. Fire hydrants shall be Mueller Centurion A423, mountain hydrant which conform to AWWA Standard C502 with a working pressure of 250 psi. They also shall be six-inch (6”) mechanical joint inlet, minimum 5¼ inches, compression-type main valve that closes with pressure, two 2½ hose nozzles, one 4½-inch pump nozzle, nozzle threads ANSI B26. Nozzles must be easily replaceable in the field with standard tools. Operating and cap nuts must be 1½-inch, Number 17 National Standard hex main valve which open to the LEFT. An arrow cast on top of hydrant shall indicate direction opening. These shall be a breakable section that permits clean break at or near ground level, preventing water loss in case of breakage. Working parts must be removable for maintenance or repair without excavation. Also required are operating mechanism non-wetting, oil reservoir lubricated, with O-ring seals and barrel drain bronze mounted with at least two (2) outlets, which operate automatically with main valve. Fire hydrants must be installed at the end of all main lines. Finish grade of the fire hydrant shall be twelve inches (12”) below the flange for final grade and paving inspection. B. Fire Hydrant Extensions New Installations: All new installations shall be installed at the standard 7-foot to 9-foot of cover measured from the top of the pipe to finish grade. All fire hydrants shall consist of a single solid shaft. No fire hydrant extensions will be allowed. Any special circumstance will require written approval from the local water district prior to installation. Existing Fire Hydrants: No more than one (1), two-foot (2’) long, fire hydrant grade extension (extension section) shall be used or installed on fire hydrant assemblies. All hydrants shall be installed with a guard valve to isolate the hydrant for repair while maintaining service to main. No service line taps will be allowed between the guard valve and hydrant. Guard valves shall be installed on the tee off of the water main. The maximum distance from the guard valve to the fire hydrant shall not exceed fifty feet (50’) Fire hydrants shall be installed at the end of all dead-end mains. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 5 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 C. Fire Hydrant Marker Flags Install fire hydrant marker flags for all newly constructed fire hydrants. The required flat is a Nordic Flex Flag, FF2-72 inches. 2.04 SERVICE LINES A. Copper Tubing Type "K", ASTM B88. Connections to be compression or silver soldered. B. Corporation Stops Mueller 300 Ball Valve No. B-25008 or B25028, AWWA C800. All brass construction with compression connection. McDonald No. 4701 BT or 4704 BT, AWWA C800. Ford cc/comp FB-1000-G Ford IPS/comp FB-1100-G C. Curb Stops Mueller 300 Ball Curve Valve No. 25209, Ford B44 with compression connections, AWWA C-800. McDonald Ball Curb Valve - 6100 T, AWWA C800. D. Curb Boxes For curb stops up to 1”: Mueller H10314 with 89982 lid or McDonald 5601 with 5601L lid. For curb stops larger than 1”: Mueller H10314 with 89982 lid and Tyler 6500 Series Enlarged Base #144809 or McDonald 5603 with 5601L lid. Shaft diameter shall be 1” and the top of the shaft shall be a minimum of 18” from final grade and lid. E. Saddles Ductile Iron Saddle: Mueller DE2A, JCM-402, Smith & Blair 313, Ford F202, McDonald 3825, 3826 or equal and approved by the District. The saddle must have a double flat strap design with ductile iron body. Said saddle must conform to AWWA C800. 2.05 METERS Rockwell SR Compound Meter A. All services are required to have a positive displacement Rockwell meter with ECR touch-read pad. Conformance per AWWA C702 Standard for Cold Water Meters - Compound Type. 1. SR 2. SR2 3. Compound 4. Meter type will be determined by the District. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 6 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 B. Installation must be in freeze-proof, accessible area. C. A telephone jack must be installed within five feet (5') of the meter to provide for future automated meter reading. D. Installation will be near floor level in a horizontal position. Isolation valves shall be located before the PRV and after the meter (i.e. valve, PRV, meter, valve). E. Customer shall install wire from meter location to touch-read pad prior to meter installation. F. Touch-read pad will be located on street side of building, five feet (5') above the ground in an accessible location free from snow. G. Master Meter Vaults: All master meter vaults will be required to have a six inch (6") Rockwell turbine meter with a two inch (2") positive displacement low flow meter. The Contractor will be required to submit a piping schematic to the District and Engineer prior to any installation. Refer to Details for additional information. 2.06 BEDDING Two types of bedding material are allowed: Screened rock and soil or select imported material, meeting the following gradation specification table: Sieve Size Total Percent Passing by Weight Screened Rock Soil or Select Import 1 ½ inch maximum, and maximum of 10% of pipe diameter to ½ inch 100 100 No. 4 0 to 10 30 to 100 No. 200 0 to 5 0 to 50 Minimum Compaction Requirement Tamp to spring line to fill voids below pipe haunches 90% of Standard Proctor placed at +/- 3% of Optimum Moisture The maximum particle size of pipe bedding should generally not exceed 1½ inches or 10 percent of the nominal pipe diameter, whichever is less. Bedding for small pipe such as service lines should generally have a maximum particle size not exceeding ¾ inch. Bedding materials shall be free of topsoil, organic material, frozen matter, debris, or other deleterious material. Screened rock used for waterline or sewer pipe bedding should be crushed, angular material that meets the requirements of ASTM D 2321, Class IA bedding material. The material should have not more than 10 percent passing the No. 4 (4.75 millimeter) screen, and less than 5 percent passing the No. 200 (75 micrometer) screen. The bedding should be tamped under WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 7 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 the haunches of the pipe to spring line. Where future excavation is anticipated, the sloughing properties of screened rock when unconfined should be taken into consideration. The District may require soil or select import. Where groundwater may be present, the potential effects of groundwater interception by the bedding material should be considered. Groundwater interception may be controlled by: constructing check dams with low permeable material at intervals in the bedding; providing drainage to daylight at intervals along the pipe; substituting low permeable bedding; or a combination of these. Compacted pipe bedding should meet the requirements of ASTM D 2321, Class IB, Class II, or Class III bedding material. The material should have a minimum of 30 percent passing the No. 4 screen and less than 50 percent passing the No. 200 screen. Class 6 aggregate base course per CDOT Table 703.2 conforms to this gradation criteria. The bedding should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent at +/- 3 percent of optimum moisture content, referencing Standard Proctor (ASTM D698, AASHTO T99). Material containing 10 to 30 percent passing the No. 4 screen can be used with the following considerations: materials in this range can be expected to possess properties similar to screened rock except that compaction will be required and materials in this range may be too free-draining to be testable for compaction by ASTM D698. Flow-fill, a ½ sack (50 pounds) per cubic yard lean concrete mix as defined in the CDOT 1999 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Section 206.02, may be used as bedding where a combination of ease of placement, low permeability, and unconfined stability is desired. Additional Requirements: -Bedding materials shall be free of topsoil, organic materials, frozen matter, debris, or other deleterious materials. -Flow-fill as specified by CDOT 1999 Standard Specifications, Section 206.02, may be used with District approval. -Ductile Iron Pipe may be required to be encased in loose polyethylene in conformance with ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5 installation methods, unless site soils and proposed bedding materials are determined to be non-corrosive to iron pipe when evaluated according to Appendix A of ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5. -Materials not meeting these requirements shall be used only with prior written approval of the District. In specific areas, such as where access is extremely limited, the use of on-site materials may be allowed, and, when used, must be on-site 1½ inches minus well-graded screened material, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris, or other suitable materials. Use of on-site bedding material must have prior written District approval. 2.07 TRENCH BACKFILL Backfill with same materials excavated from work limits unless unsuitable. No boulders over six inches (6") in diameter in top twelve inches (12") of trench. No backfill material with boulders larger than twelve inches (12”) eighteen inches (18") in diameter shall be backfilled in the trench. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 8 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 2.08 NON-DETECTABLE MARKING TAPE The installation of “blue” marking tape is required on all water mains and service lines. The tape shall be installed approximately twenty-four inches (2’) above the main or line. The tape shall meet the following specifications: A. Four (4) mil thick PVC material. B. Solid “blue” color with black lettering C. Six inches (6”) in width 2.09 CONCRETE MATERIAL A. General: All materials shall be furnished from sources agreed to by the Engineer. B. Cement: ASTM C-150 for Portland Cement, Type II. Cement which has become partially set or contains lumps of caked cement shall be rejected. C. Aggregate: ASTM C33. D. Water: Water used in mixing or curing concrete shall be clean and free from oil, acids, salt, alkali, or organic materials harmful to concrete. 2.10 CONCRETE MIX A. Design Mix 1. Proportions Cement 5-1/2 sacks per cubic yard Coarse aggregate - 43% Water - 5.5 gallons per sack Maximum size aggregate - 3/4" 2. Slump: 4" maximum 3. Strength: Minimum 3,000 psi at 28 days 4. Air Content: 5% - 7% B. Job-Mixed Concrete Mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors of America. Mixer shall be capable of combining aggregates, cement, and water into thoroughly mixed and uniform mass. Discharge entire contents of drum before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch for not less than 10 minutes after all materials are in drum. C. Ready-Mixed Concrete Proportioned, mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete not plastic and workable when it reaches project shall be rejected. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 9 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 2.11 POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT A polyethylene encasement material shall be manufactured in accordance with AWWA C105, with the following additional requirements. The raw material used to manufacture polyethylene film shall be Type 1, Class A, Grade E-1, in accordance with ASTM D-1248. 2.12 THRUST BLOCKS AND ANCHORS Concrete thrust blocks and anchors shall be sized for the internal pipe pressure and soil bearing capacity. Standard sizes and shapes of thrust blocks and anchors are shown on the details. No thrust block shall be smaller than that size required for an eight inch (8") main. Thrust reaction blocking shall be concrete of a mix not leaner than 1 part cement to 2-1/2 parts sand and 5 parts stone, and having a compressive strength of not less than 3000 P.S.I. after 28 days. Megalug joint restraint devices shall be used in conjunction with thrust blocks. All thrust blocks shall be formed in accordance with the local water district’s specifications. See ERWSD 2006 Standards Specifications for detail. The Water District shall inspect all thrust blocks. 2.13 PRESSURE REDUCER VAULTS All proposed installations shall be “factory-built” vault including the appropriately sized main line inlet and outlet. PRV installations shall include an appropriately sized manual bypass with an approved gate valve; two (2) appropriately sized CLA-VAL Model 90G-01ABK pressure reducing valves with approved isolating gate valves. All vault installations shall include a 120/240-volt power panel; all assembled, tested and painted. Minimum dimensions of the vault shall be 7’ (H) x 8’ (L) x 6’ (W), skid – mounted capsule with Bilco Model MNB-50 access hatch, ladder, fluorescent light, gravity drain in sump, dehumidifier, 240 volt heater, exhaust fan and two (2) magnesium anode packs. All proposed vault installations must be pre-approved by the local water district. 2.14 CASING SPACERS Carrier pipes to be installed inside casings shall be installed with self-restraining casing spacers. Casing spacers shall provide axial thrust restraint to prevent pipe joint separation during and after installation. They shall also provide dielectric insulation between the carrier pipe and the casing and facilitate installation of the carrier pipe into the casing. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 TRENCHING A. Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavation to work limits. B. Rock Trench Excavation: Prior to removal, notify Engineer of areas requiring rock excavation. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 10 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 C. Blasting: In general, blasting will be allowed in order to expedite the work if a permit by the local authority having jurisdiction granted. All explosives and appurtenances shall be transported, handled, stored and used in accordance with the laws of the local, state and federal governments, as applicable. All blasting shall be controlled so as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance with the permit of the local authority. Prior to blasting, provide minimum 24- hour notification to Engineer. D. Trench Support: The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety of workers provided for as required by the most recent standards adopted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized where required to prevent any excessive widening or sloughing of the trench, which may be detrimental to human safety, to the pipe and appurtenances being installed, to existing utilities, to existing structures, or to any other existing facility or item. 3.02 UNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM AND EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bottom of the excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders, refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragments of inorganic material that cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure then the Contractor shall further excavate and remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted by the Engineer. 3.03 BEDDING Install in conformance with drawings. Place from minimum of 4" below bottom of pipe to centerline for entire width of trench. 3.04 PIPE INSTALLATION A. General: Deliver, handle, store, and install in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations and the applicable paragraphs of AWWA C600, AWWA C603, and ASTM D2321. Carefully examine all pipe and fittings for cracks and other defects. Groove in bells of ductile iron pipe to be full and continuous or be rejected. Remove all foreign matter from interior and ends of pipe and appurtenances before lowering into trench. Carefully lower all pipe, fittings, valves, and hydrants into trench piece by piece to prevent damage to pipe materials, protective coatings, and linings. Do not dump into trench. If pipe cannot be lowered into trench and into place without getting earth into it, place heavy, tightly woven canvas bag over each end and leave in place until joints are made. During pipe laying, place no debris, tools, clothing or other materials in pipe. Keep trenches free from water during pipe laying and jointing. Dewatering of trench considered as incidental to construction an all costs included in contract prices. When pipe laying is not in progress, close open ends of pipe by watertight plug, or other means approved by Engineer. B. Deflection of Pipe: Pipe deflections are discouraged. Do not exceed 50% of the deflection limits for each type of pipe as recommended by pipe manufacturer. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 11 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 C. Pipe Jointing 1. General: Cut pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces in neat and workmanlike manner with no damage to pipe or lining. Leave smooth end at right angles to axis of pipe. 2. Mechanical Joints: Thoroughly clean last 8" of spigot and inside bell to remove oil, grit, tar, and other foreign matter. Coat spigot and gasket with solution furnished by pipe manufacturer. Slip cast-iron gland on spigot end of pipe with lip extension of gland toward spigot end. Coat gasket with joint lubricant and place on spigot end of pipe to be laid, with thick edge toward gland. Push entire section forward to seat spigot in bell of pipe in place. Press gasket into place within bell, even around entire joint. Move ductile-iron gland along pipe into position for bolting all nuts with suitable torque wrench. Alternately tighten nuts 180 degrees apart to produce equal pressure on all parts of gland. Pipe Size Bolt Size Range of Torque Inches Inches Ft.-Lb. 3" 5/8 45 - 60 4"-24" 3/4 75 - 90 3. Push-on Joints: Thoroughly clean exterior 4" of pipe spigot and inside of adjoining bell to remove all oil, grit, tar, and other matter. Place gasket in bell with large round side of gasket pointing inside pipe bell. Apply thin film joint lubricant over gasket's entire exposed surface. Wipe spigot end of pipe clean and insert into bell to contact gasket. Force pipe into bell to manufacturer's jointing mark. 4. Flanged Joints: Thoroughly clean faces of flanges of all oil, grease, and other material. Thoroughly clean rubber gaskets and check for proper fit. Assure proper seating of flanged gasket. Tighten blots so pressure on gasket is uniform. Use torque wrenches to insure uniform bearing. If joints leak when hydrostatic test applied, remove and replace gaskets and retighten bolts. D. Thrust Restraint: Concrete thrust blocks are required. 3.05 SANITARY SEWER CROSSING A. Normal Conditions: Whenever possible lay water mains over sanitary sewers to provide vertical separation of at least 18" between invert of water main and crown of sewer. B. Unusual Conditions: If above separation cannot be met, use following: 1. Sewer passing over or less than 18" under water main. Install continuous watertight pressure pipe C900 PVC or Yelomine until the water and sewer pipe are separated by more than 10 feet horizontally and or more than 18 inches vertically transition couplings to be HARCO or equivalent. 3.06 TAPPING PIPE Use experienced workmen with tools in good repair and proper adapters for size of pipe being tapped. Drilling and tapping machines proposed for tapping directly into pipe agreed to by WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 12 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 Engineer. If tap is improperly installed with leakage around threads or, in opinion of Engineer, connection is substandard, provide tap saddle at Contractors' expense. If damage to pipe cannot be repaired by saddle, install approved repair sleeve over injured portion and retap at Contractor's expense. Install corporation stop and couplings, flanged coupling adapters, and service saddles to provide clean seat. Wipe gaskets clean before installation. Flexible couplings and flanged coupling adapter gaskets may be lubricated for installation on pipe ends. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Tighten bolts progressively from opposite sides until all bolts have uniform tightness. Use torque wrenches or other approved equipment. 3.07 SERVICE LINE Place true to line and grade in accordance with drawings, from main line to curb stop or meter, in shortest direct route by continuous section of pipe with no splices. Locate 10' horizontally from all sewer lines. Terminate near center of each lot or as shown on drawings. 3.08 VALVES AND HYDRANTS Carefully inspect valve and hydrant before installation. Clean interior. Operate valve and hydrant to determine parts in proper working order, with valves seating and drain valve operating properly. Set plumb and securely braced into place. Set hydrant with bury line at finish grade, with hose nozzles parallel to and pumper nozzle facing pavement, at least 6" behind curb or sidewalk and 18" from property line or as shown on drawings. Provide drainage pit having 9 square feet of surface area and 2' of depth below seep hole. Backfill pits with 1-1/2" washed rock to 6" above barrel drain hole. Provide thrust blocking at bowl of each hydrant as shown on drawings. Do not obstruct barrel drain hole. Hydrants and valves backfilled by installing 1-1/2" aggregate road base to subgrade. Valve boxes centered and plumb over the operating nut. Valve boxes supported by bricks or other means to prevent any shock or stress transmitted to pipe or valve. Set valve box covers to just below subgrade level to prevent damage during construction of surfacing if applicable. Adjust to grade of surfacing. 3.09 PLUGGING DEAD ENDS Install standard plugs or caps at dead ends of all fittings and pipe in accordance with drawings. If dead end is not to be extended, place water service line as near dead end as practical. 3.10 VAULTS Construct vaults to line and grade shown on drawings. 3.11 CONCRETE WORK A. Placement: Place to required depth and width conforming to drawings. Place concrete as uniformly as possible in order to minimize amount of additional spreading. Place and consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honeycomb or pockets. Well vibrated and tamped against forms. B. Retempering: Do not retemper concrete or mortar which has partially hardened by remixing with or without additional cement, aggregate, or water. Provide concrete in such quantity as is required for immediate use. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 13 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 C. Curing: Protect against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, from rain, and flowing water for not less than two days from placement of concrete. Immediately after finishing, cover concrete surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by Engineer. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs by removing forms immediately to provide these surfaces with continuous curing treatment. 3.12 BACKFILL A. One Foot Over Pipe: Use bedding material for cover material and backfill by approved mechanical methods. Cover material shall be clean soil, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris or other unsuitable materials. Place and compact starting at top of pipe bedding extending upwards to 1' above top of pipe. Place in lifts to a density of 85 to 90%, AASHTO T99. B. Remainder of Trench: Backfill with same materials excavated from work limits unless unsuitable. No boulders over 6" in diameter in top 12" trench. No backfill material with boulders larger than 12” 18" in diameter. Carefully lower boulders larger than 12" in diameter into trench until backfill is 4' over top of pipe. 3.13 COMPACTION A. Demonstrate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstration section for uniform density throughout depth of each lift. Alter construction methods until acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or compaction is not being achieved, then demonstrate new method. B. Compaction requirements for all trenches: 1. Predominantly cohesive soils where AASHTO T99 procedures are applicable: Compact uniformly throughout each lift to 100%, AASHTO T99. Moisture content shall be within 2% of optimum. For clay soils the moisture content shall be 0 to +2% of optimum. 2. Predominately of rock, to 12" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to average rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum layer thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and large stones well distributed with voids completely filled with smaller stones, earth, sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each layer to distribute soils and finer fragments of earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to facilitate compaction prior to placing additional lifts. 3.14 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Score existing surface with a cutting wheel to create clean break line. Remove and dispose of existing surface and aggregate base course. Leave 6" undisturbed subgrade lip on each side of trench. After trench has been backfilled and properly compacted, place aggregate base course in accordance with permit requirements or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact aggregate base course to 95% AASHTO T180. Replace pavement in accordance with permit requirements or minimum thickness in these Specifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM D1559; consolidate concrete with vibrators. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 14 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 3.15 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Notify Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes until observed by Engineer. Notify Engineer at least 48 hours before pipe is to be tested. B. Hydrostatic Testing 1. General: Make pressure and leakage tests on all newly laid pipe. Test two or more valved sections not to exceed 1000 feet. Test first section of pipe laid to verify if watertight. Lay no additional pipe until first test section has passed tests. Furnish the following equipment and materials for tests, unless otherwise directed by Engineer: 2 Graduated containers 2 Pressure gauges 1 Suitable hose and suction pipe as required 2. Testing Procedure: Test each 1000 feet of line installed while trench is partially backfilled and joints are left exposed for examination for leaks. Do not conduct pressure tests until 48 hours after placement of concrete thrust blocks. After pipe has been partially backfilled, slowly let water into line. Vent to allow air in line to be released. Flush line as necessary for cleaning. Leave water in line for 24 hours prior to pressure test. Test at 1-1/2 times working pressure, calculated for low point of test section, or 150 psi, whichever is greater. Valve off pump and hold pressure in line for test. Test for two hours or as agreed to by Engineer. At end of test, operate pump until test pressure is again attained. Calibrate container of water for pump suction to determine amount of water to replace leakage. 3. Leakage Allowance: Leakage is quantity of water necessary to refill line at end of test period. No installation will be accepted until leakage is less than: ALLOWABLE LEAKAGE PER 1000' OF PIPE IN GPH Avg. Test Nominal Pipe Diameter - in. Pressure psi 6 8 10 12 18 200 0.64 0.85 1.06 1.28 1.91 175 0.59 0.80 0.99 1.19 1.79 150 0.55 0.74 0.92 1.10 1.66 125 0.50 0.67 0.84 1.01 1.51 100 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.90 1.35 *For pipe with 18' nominal lengths. To obtain recommended allowable leakage for pipe with 20' nominal lengths, multiply the leakage calculated from the table by 0.9. If pipeline under test contains sections of various diameters, allowable leakage will be sum of computed leakage for each size. Reduce allowable leakage proportionately for sections less than 1000 ft. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 15 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 3.16 FLUSHING AND DISINFECTING A. General: In accordance with AWWA C601. Acceptable chlorine disinfectants are calcium hypochlorite granules and sodium hypochlorite solutions. B. Chlorine-water solution method: Chlorine Required to Produce 25 mg/L Concentration in 100 feet of Pipe - by Diameter Pipe 100 Percent 1 Percent Diameter Chlorine Chlorine Solution In. Lb. Gal. 4 .013 .16 6 .030 .36 8 .054 .65 10 .085 1.02 12 .120 1.44 16 .217 2.60 Induce chlorine solution into pipeline at a continuous feed rate to attain a concentration of 25 Mg/L free chlorine. C. Chlorination Test: Assure valves are closed on existing system to prevent chlorine solution flowing into existing system. Retain 25 mg/L chlorinated water in pipeline for minimum of 24 hours. During retention period operate all valves and hydrants to disinfect. At end of 24 hour period, chlorine in system to be no less than 10 mg/L throughout length tested. When section being tested meets 10 mg/L chlorine after 24 hours, flush main. Water samples taken shall show no coliform organisms. If water in pipe does not meet the governing health agency requirements, repeat disinfection procedure, at Contractor's expense, until requirements are met. Furnish acceptance forms from governing agency to Engineer. 3.17 CLEANUP AND RESTORATION Restore all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and other structures or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before work began, and to satisfaction of Engineer. Deposit all waste material in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site. Complete topsoil and reseeding of site, if required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove and dispose of all waste material off site. END OF SECTION 02510 WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 16 Alpine Engineering, Inc Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 SECTION 02530 - SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Excavation, backfill, bedding, and installation of pipe, manholes, service wyes, service lines, force mains and all necessary appurtenances. B. Related Work: 1. Site Clearing: Section 02230 2. Topsoil: Section 02922 C. Definitions: 1. Trench Excavation: Excavation of all material encountered along trench other than rock excavation. 2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formations which cannot be reasonably broken by a CAT 375 backhoe with 3/4 cubic yard bucket, and requiring drilling and blasting. D. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Specifications: All work shall conform to the standard specifications for sewer lines as approved by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. The Contractor shall coordinate and obtain District approval of the installed system. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings or product data showing specific dimensions and construction materials for pipe, fittings, and manholes; or certifications that products conform with specifications. B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and trench stabilization materials, concrete mix design, and compression test. 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS Environmental Requirements: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting when descending air temperature in shade and away from artificial heat, falls below 35 degrees F, and there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mix shall not be less than 60 degrees F at time of placing. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): 4"-15", ASTM D3034, Type PSM, SDR 35; 18"-27", ASTM F679. Push-on joints and molded rubber gaskets. Maximum pipe length 13'. B. Ductile Iron: AWWA C151, Class 52. Push-on joints. Poly-lined or Griffin “Sewer Coat” ASTM A746. SANITARY SEWERAGE 02530 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 C. Yelomine: Restrained joint PVC pressure pipe and fittings. Conform to ASTM D2241 "Standard Specifications for PVC, pressure rated pipe (SDR Series)". D. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe and Couplings: AWWA C900, working pressure 200 psi with push-on joints ASTM D1869. Transition coupling from SDR35 to C-900, pressure pipe shall be Harco Manufacturing 337-080, Class 150 and ASTM3139. All spigot ends shall be beveled to manufacturer’s specifications. 2.02 MANHOLES A. Manhole bases: Precast concrete ASTM C478. B. Manhole Sections: ASTM C478. Precast concrete (wetcast) with the lip outside with minimum wall thickness 1/12 of internal diameter. Cones eccentric. C. Manhole Rings and Covers: Cast iron, ASTM A48 with a flat lid with the lettering “Sewer” cast on the cover. Ring and cover combined weight greater than 255 lbs., machined to fit securely. Non-rocking cover. Hot dipped in asphalt. HS20 traffic loading. D&L A-1043 or accepted equal. D. Manhole Grade Rings: An alternative to concrete grade rings is high-density polyethylene (HDPE) as defined in ASTM D1248-84 with a “wedge” design. E. Manhole Steps: Two non-skid grooves in surface of step and capable of a vertical load of 800 pounds and a pullout load of 1500 pounds (ASTM-C478), six inches (6”) from face of manhole. The steps shall meet industry standards or equal and be plastic coated. F. Manhole Joint Sealant: Double Rub-R-Nek with primer. One inch (1") on 48"-inch diameter manholes; 1½- inch on all larger numbers. 2.03 BEDDING Two types of bedding material are allowed: Screened rock and soil or select imported material, meeting the following gradation specification table: Sieve Size Total Percent Passing by Weight Screened Rock Soil or Select Import 1 ½ inch maximum, and maximum of 10% of pipe diameter to ½ inch 100 100 No. 4 0 to 10 30 to 100 No. 200 0 to 5 0 to 50 Minimum Compaction Requirement Tamp to spring line to fill voids below pipe haunches 90% of Standard Proctor placed at +/- 3% of Optimum Moisture SANITARY SEWERAGE 02530 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 The maximum particle size of pipe bedding should generally not exceed 1½ inches or 10 percent of the nominal pipe diameter, whichever is less. Bedding for small pipe such as service lines should generally have a maximum particle size not exceeding ¾ inch. Bedding materials shall be free of topsoil, organic material, frozen matter, debris, or other deleterious material. Screened rock used for waterline or sewer pipe bedding should be crushed, angular material that meets the requirements of ASTM D 2321, Class IA bedding material. The material should have not more than 10 percent passing the No. 4 (4.75 millimeter) screen, and less than 5 percent passing the No. 200 (75 micrometer) screen. The bedding should be tamped under the haunches of the pipe to spring line. Where future excavation is anticipated, the sloughing properties of screened rock when unconfined should be taken into consideration. The District may require soil or select import. Where groundwater may be present, the potential effects of groundwater interception by the bedding material should be considered. Groundwater interception may be controlled by: constructing check dams with low permeable material at intervals in the bedding; providing drainage to daylight at intervals along the pipe; substituting low permeable bedding; or a combination of these. Compacted pipe bedding should meet the requirements of ASTM D 2321, Class IB, Class II, or Class III bedding material. The material should have a minimum of 30 percent passing the No. 4 screen and less than 50 percent passing the No. 200 screen. Class 6 aggregate base course per CDOT Table 703.2 conforms to this gradation criteria. The bedding should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent at +/- 3 percent of optimum moisture content, referencing Standard Proctor (ASTM D698, AASHTO T99). Material containing 10 to 30 percent passing the No. 4 screen can be used with the following considerations: materials in this range can be expected to possess properties similar to screened rock except that compaction will be required and materials in this range may be too free-draining to be testable for compaction by ASTM D698. Flow-fill, a ½ sack (50 pounds) per cubic yard lean concrete mix as defined in the CDOT 1999 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Section 206.02, may be used as bedding where a combination of ease of placement, low permeability, and unconfined stability is desired. Additional Requirements: -Bedding materials shall be free of topsoil, organic materials, frozen matter, debris, or other deleterious materials. -Flow-fill as specified by CDOT 1999 Standard Specifications, Section 206.02, may be used with District approval. -Ductile Iron Pipe may be required to be encased in loose polyethylene in conformance with ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5 installation methods, unless site soils and proposed bedding materials are determined to be non-corrosive to iron pipe when evaluated according to Appendix A of ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5. -Materials not meeting these requirements shall be used only with prior written approval of the District. In specific areas, such as where access is extremely limited, the use of on-site materials may be allowed, and, when used, must be on-site 1½ inches minus well-graded screened material, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris, or other suitable materials. Use of on-site bedding material must have prior written District approval. SANITARY SEWERAGE 02530 - 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 2.04 CONCRETE MATERIAL A. General: All materials furnished from sources agreed to by the District. B. Cement: ASTM C-150 for Portland Cement, Type II. Cement which has become partially set or contains lumps of caked cement shall be rejected. C. Aggregate: ASTM C33. D. Water: Water used in mixing or curing concrete shall be clean and free from oil, acids, salt, alkali, or organic materials harmful to concrete. 2.05 CONCRETE MIX A. Design Mix 1. Proportions: Cement 5-1/2 sacks per cubic yard Coarse aggregate - 43% Water - 5.5 gallons per sack Maximum size aggregate - 3/4" 2. Slump: 4" maximum 3. Strength: Minimum 3,000 psi at 28 days 4. Air Content: 5% - 7% B. Job-Mixed Concrete Mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors of America. Mixer shall be capable of combining aggregates, cement, and water into thoroughly mixed and uniform mass. Discharge entire contents of drum before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch for not less than ten (10) minutes after all materials are in drum. C. Ready-Mixed Concrete Proportioned, mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete not plastic and workable when it reaches project shall be rejected. 2.06 TRACER WIRE Tracer wire shall be ten (10) gauge insulated copper wire and be required on all curve-linear applications. 2.07 MARKETING/LOCATING DISK The District will provide 3M “Green” marking disks to the contractor. The contractor shall ensure their correct installation. SANITARY SEWERAGE 02530 - 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 2.08 NON-DETECTABLE MARKING TAPE The installation of “green” marking tape is required on all sewer mains and service lines. The tape shall be installed approximately two feet (2’) above the main or line. The tape shall meet the following specifications: 1. 4-mil thick PVC material 2. Solid green color with black lettering 3. Six inches (6”) in width 2.09 CASING SPACERS Carrier pipes to be installed inside casings shall be installed with self-restraining casing spacers. Casing spacers shall provide axial thrust restraint to prevent pipe joint separation during and after installation. They shall also provide dielectric insulation between the carrier pipe and the casing and facilitate installation of the carrier pipe into the casing. Restrained casing spacers shall be provided at all pipe joints. In addition, casing spacers shall be installed every ten feet (10’) of the pipeline to support the pipe barrel and the weight of its contents. Restrained casing spacers shall be Uni-Flange Series UFRCS1300 or URFCS1390, or an approved equal restrained joint device and Cascade Waterworks Manufacturing Company, Model CCM casing spacers. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 TRENCHING A. Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavation to work limits. B. Rock Excavation: Prior to removal, notify Engineer of areas requiring rock excavation. C. Blasting: In general, blasting will be allowed in order to expedite the work if a permit by the local authority having jurisdiction is granted. All explosives and appurtenances shall be transported, handled, stored and used in accordance with the laws of the local, state and federal governments, as applicable. All blasting shall be controlled so as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance with the permit of the local authority. Prior to blasting, provide minimum 24- hour notification to Engineer. D. Trench Support: The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety of workers provided for as required by the most recent standards adopted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized where required to prevent any excessive widening or sloughing of the trench, which may be detrimental to human safety, to the pipe and appurtenances being installed, to existing utilities, to existing structures, or to any other existing facility or item. 3.02 UNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM AND EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bottom of the excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders, refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragments of inorganic SANITARY SEWERAGE 02530 - 5 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 material that cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, then the Contractor shall further excavate and remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted by the District. 3.03 BEDDING Install in conformance with drawings. Place from minimum of 4" below bottom of pipe to centerline for entire width of trench. 3.04 UNDERDRAIN A. Water seeping from trench banks, but not flowing in trench bottom: Install gravel underdrain in accordance with drawings. B. Water flowing in trench bottom: Install underdrain pipe in addition to gravel where water volume will fill a 4" pipe 1/4 full. Cleanouts at each manhole in conformance with drawings. C. Daylight all underdrains as shown on drawings or as directed by Engineer. 3.05 PIPE INSTALLATION A. Construct pipe accurately to line and grade shown on drawings. Pipe installation may be lamped daily by Engineer. Remove and replace pipe not conforming to line and grade at Contractor's expense. B. Install to manufacturer's recommendations, continuously upgrade. Bell ends face upgrade. Prior to making joints, clean and dry all surfaces. Use lubricants in conformance with manufacturer's recommendations for insertion of pipe in joint. Set pipe in position and check line and grade. Keep dirt from entering all exposed pipe ends. Joints watertight. C. Wyes and Risers for Service Connections: Angle upward so 1/8 bend connected to fitting will make service line invert equal to inside crown of sewer main. Where elevation of top of service is more than 12' below finished grade, install riser pipe as directed by Engineer. 3.06 WATER LINE CROSSING A. Normal Conditions: Whenever possible, lay water mains over sanitary sewers to provide vertical separation of at least 18" between invert of water main and crown of sewer. B. Unusual Conditions: If above separation cannot be met, use following: 1. Sewer passing over or less than 18" under water main. Install continuous watertight pressure pipe C900 PVC or Yelomine until the water and sewer pipe are separated by more than 10 feet horizontally and or more than 18 inches vertically, transition couplings to be HARCO or equivalent. 3.07 MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION A. Manhole: Construct in accordance with drawings. Extend concrete manhole base at least 8" below pipe barrel. Slope floor of manhole from centerline of pipe to maximum of 2" above top of pipe at face of manhole. Shape invert when manhole is set. Construct SANITARY SEWERAGE 02530 - 6 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 side branches with as large radius of curvature as possible to connect to main invert. Inverts shall be smooth and clean with no obstructions, allowing insertion of an expandable plug in pipe. Place complete and continuous roll of joint sealant on base ring in sufficient quantity so there will be no spaces allowing infiltration. Join each succeeding manhole section in similar manner. Trim away all excess material and repair all lifting holes. Turn eccentric cone and steps away from roadway ditch. B. Manhole Ring and Cover: Install at grade of finished surface. Where surface will be completed after manhole construction, set top of cone so maximum of six, two-inch reinforced concrete rings will adjust ring and cover to final grade. 3.08 CONNECTION TO EXISTING MANHOLE Make connections to existing manholes, where no pipe is stubbed out, in similar manner as new manhole. Break small opening in existing manhole as necessary to insert new pipe and attain watertight seal. Chip existing concrete bench inside manhole to provide enough thickness for mortar bed to make new smooth continuous invert. Place expandable waterstop around portion of sewer pipe inserted into existing manhole. Use expandable grout to completely fill hole in manhole to create watertight repair. 3.09 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LINES Place true to line and grade in accordance with drawings, from main line to house service, in shortest direct route. Locate 10' from all water lines. Terminate 5' from lowest corner of lot or as shown on drawings. Where wyes have not been installed in main sewer, tap by machine drilling hole in main, sized to fit saddle for service line. Each wye or drilled tap and saddle shall be inspected prior to backfilling. Service line minimum grade of 1/4" per foot. If service line is to be stopped at property line, place 6-foot steel fence post at end, extending 2' above finished ground. Place watertight plug in end of service line. 3.10 CONCRETE WORK A. Placement: Place to required depth and width conforming to drawings. Place concrete as uniformly as possible in order to minimize amount of additional spreading. Place and consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honeycomb, or pockets. Well vibrated and tamped against forms. B. Retempering: Do not retemper concrete or mortar which has partially hardened by remixing with or without additional cement, aggregate or water. Provide concrete in such quantity as is required for immediate use. C. Curing: Protect against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, rain, and flowing water, for not less than two days from placement of concrete. Immediately after finishing, cover concrete surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by Engineer. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs exposed by removing forms immediately to provide these surfaces with continuous curing treatment. 3.11 BACKFILL A. One Foot Over Pipe: Use bedding material for cover material and backfill by approved mechanical methods. Cover material shall be clean soil, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris, or other unsuitable materials. Place and compact starting at top of pipe bedding extending upwards to 1’ above top of pipe for entire trench SANITARY SEWERAGE 02530 - 7 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 width. Place in lifts to a density of 90% AASHTO T99. B. Remainder of Trench: Backfill with same materials excavated from work limits unless unsuitable. No rocks over 6" in diameter in top 12" of trench. No backfill material with rocks larger than 12" in diameter. Carefully lower rocks up to 12" in diameter into trench. 3.12 COMPACTION A. Demonstrate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstration section for uniform density throughout depth of each lift. Alter construction methods until providing one acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or compaction is not being achieved, then demonstrate new method. B. Compaction requirements for all trenches: 1. Predominantly of cohesive soils where AASHTO T99 procedures are applicable: Compacted uniformly throughout each lift to 100% AASHTO T99. Moisture content shall be within 2% of optimum. For clay soils the moisture content shall be 0 to +2% of optimum moisture. 2. Predominately of rock 12" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to average rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum layer thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and large stones well distributed with voids completely filled with smaller stones, earth, sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each layer to distribute soils and finer fragments of earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to facilitate compaction prior to placing additional lifts. 3. Trenches in landscape areas: Compact to 95% AASHTO T99. Moisture content shall be within 2% of optimum. 3.13 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Score existing surface with cutting wheel to create clean break line. Remove and dispose of existing surface and aggregate base course leave 6" undisturbed subgrade lip on each side of trench. After trench has been backfilled and properly compacted, place aggregate base course in accordance with permit requirements, or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact aggregate base course to 95% AASHTO T180. Replace pavement in accordance with permit requirements or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM D1559; consolidate concrete with vibrators. 3.14 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Notify Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes until observed by Engineer. Notify Engineer at least 48 hours before pipe is to be tested. B. Testing 1. General: Conduct infiltration or exfiltration test for each section between manholes. Test first section of pipe laid to verify if watertight. Testing may be required during course of work where infiltration appears to be grater than maximum allowable, or quality of work is questionable. No sewer line will be accepted where water tightness tests show leakage exceeding 200 gallons per inch diameter per mile per day. Flush and clean sewer line prior to testing, wetting pipe, and cleaning out debris. Plug all pipe outlets to resist test pressure. SANITARY SEWERAGE 02530 - 8 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 2. Infiltration Test: In high ground water table installation only. Plug upper manhole to determine leakage in section of line between consecutive manholes. Record quantity of water collected in time period to calculate infiltration rate. 3. Exfiltration Test by Air: Test each section of pipe between consecutive manholes to determine test duration for section by computation from Air Test Tables. Pressure-holding time is based on an average holding pressure of 3 psi gauge or a drop from 3.5 psi to 2.5 psi gauge. Add air until internal air pressure of sewer line is raised to approximately 4.0 psi gauge. After internal pressure of approximately 4.0 psi is obtained, allow time for air pressure to stabilize. Pressure will normally show some drop until temperature of air in test section stabilizes. When pressure has stabilized and is at or above starting test pressure of 3.5 psi gauge, commence test. Before starting test, pressure may be allowed to drop to 3.5 psi. Record drop in pressure for test period. If pressure has dropped more than 1.0 psi gauge during test line has failed. Test may be discontinued when prescribed test time has been completed even though 1.0 psi drop has not occurred. ASTM C828 "Low Pressure Air Test for Sanitary Sewers". Pipe Size Time Inches Minutes 4 2-1/2 6 4 8 5 10 6-1/2 12 7-1/2 15 9-1/2 18 12 21 14 24 15-1/2 3.15 CLEANUP AND RESTORATION Restore all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and other structures or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before work began, and to satisfaction of Engineer. Deposit all waste material in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site. Complete topsoil and reseeding of site, is required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove and dispose of all waster material off site. SANITARY SEWERAGE 02530 - 9 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT INTENTIALLY BLANK END OF SECTION 02530 SANITARY SEWERAGE 02530 - 10 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 SECTION 02580 - ELECTRIC, COMMUNICATION CONDUITS, AND GAS SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Excavation, rock excavation, blasting, rock disposal, dewatering, backfill, bedding, compaction, installation of conduits, vaults, pads and all necessary appurtenances and coordination with the telephone, cable television, electric and gas companies. B. Related Work: 1. Site Clearing: Section 02230 2. Topsoil: Section 02922 C. Definitions: 1. Trench Excavation: Excavation of all material encountered along trench other than rock excavation. 2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formations which cannot be reasonably broken by a backhoe with 3/4 cubic yard bucket with bucket curling force and stick crowd force 35,000 lbs each, and requiring drilling and blasting. D. Utility Company Specifications: All work shall conform to the standard specifications of the telephone company, the cable television company, the electric company and the gas company. The Contractor shall obtain approval of the systems they install by each of the respective utility companies. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings or product data showing specific dimensions and construction materials for pipe, fittings, and vaults; or certifications that products conform with specifications. B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and trench stabilization materials, concrete mix design, and compression test. C. Permits: Submit copies of all permits issued for project. 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS Environmental Requirements: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting when descending air temperature in shade and away from artificial heat, falls below 35 degrees F, and there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mix shall not be less than 60 degrees F at time of placing. ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 02580 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): 2"-8", Schedule 40 PVC. Electric rated for electric application. B. Electric primary conduit supplied by Holy Cross Energy. C. Gas pipe to be supplied and placed by gas company. 2.02 VAULTS All switchgear, transformer, splice vaults, pads, and bases to be supplied by Holy Cross Energy. 2.03 BEDDING A. Granular material - 3/4" screened rock. B. On-site 1-1/2" minus well graded screened material, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris, or other suitable materials. Use of on-site bedding material must have prior written approval of the utility company and Engineer. C. Use sand or 3/8” minus well graded screened material for gas line bedding. 2.04 CONCRETE MATERIAL A. General: All materials furnished from sources agreed to by the Utility Companies. B. Cement: ASTM C-150 for Portland Cement, Type II. Cement which has become partially set or contains lumps of caked cement shall be rejected. C. Aggregate: ASTM C33. D. Water: Water used in mixing or curing concrete shall be clean and free from oil, acids, salt, alkali, or organic materials harmful to concrete. 2.05 CONCRETE MIX A. Design Mix 1. Proportions: Cement 5-1/2 sacks per cubic yard Coarse aggregate - 43% Water - 5.5 gallons per sack Maximum size aggregate - 3/4" 2. Slump: 4" maximum 3. Strength: Minimum 3,000 psi at 28 days 4. Air Content: 5% - 7% B. Job-Mixed Concrete Mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors of America. Mixer shall be capable of combining aggregates, cement, and water into thoroughly mixed and uniform ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 02580 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 mass. Discharge entire contents of drum before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch for not less than ten (10) minutes after all materials are in drum. C. Ready Mixed Concrete Proportioned, mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete not plastic and workable when it reaches project shall be rejected. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 TRENCHING A. Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavation to work limits. B. Rock Excavation: Prior to removal, notify Engineer of areas requiring rock excavation. C. Blasting: In general, blasting will be allowed in order to expedite the work if a permit by the local authority having jurisdiction is granted. All explosives and appurtenances shall be transported, handled, stored and used in accordance with the laws of the local, state and federal governments, as applicable. All blasting shall be controlled so as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance with the permit of the local authority. Prior to blasting, provide minimum 24 hour notification to Owner, Engineer and Fire Department. D. Trench Support: The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety of workers provided for as required by the most recent standards adopted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized where required to prevent any excessive widening or sloughing of the trench, which may be detrimental to human safety, to the pipe and appurtenances being installed, to existing utilities, to existing structures, or to any other existing facility or item. 3.02 UNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM AND EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bottom of the excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders, refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragments of inorganic material that cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, then the Contractor shall further excavate and remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted by the Engineer. 3.03 BEDDING Install in conformance with drawings. Place from minimum of 3" below bottom of pipe to centerline for entire width of trench. 3.04 UNDERDRAIN A. Water seeping from trench banks, but not flowing in trench bottom: Install gravel underdrain in accordance with drawings. B. Water flowing in trench bottom: Install underdrain pipe in addition to gravel where water ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 02580 - 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 volume will fill a 4" pipe 1/4 full. Cleanouts at each manhole in conformance with drawings. C. Daylight all underdrains as shown on drawings or as directed by Engineer. 3.05 PIPE INSTALLATION A. Construct pipe accurately to line and grade shown on drawings. Remove and replace pipe not conforming to line and grade at Contractor's expense. B. Install to manufacturer's recommendations, continuously upgrade. Bell ends face upgrade. Prior to making joints, clean and dry all surfaces. Use lubricants in conformance with manufacturer's recommendations for insertion of pipe in joint. Set pipe in position and check line and grade. Keep dirt from entering all exposed pipe ends. Joints watertight. 3.06 PADS AND VAULTS Install pads and vaults to line and grade shown on drawings. 3.07 PULL STRING Pull string shall be labeled to identify which utility company or spare conduit the use of the conduit is intended for. 3.08 CONCRETE WORK A. Placement: Place to required depth and width conforming to drawings. Place concrete as uniformly as possible in order to minimize amount of additional spreading. Place and consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honeycomb, or pockets. Well vibrated and tamped against forms. B. Retempering: Do not retemper concrete or mortar which has partially hardened by remixing with or without additional cement, aggregate, or water. Provide concrete in such quantity as is required for immediate use. C. Curing: Protect against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, rain, and flowing water, for not less than two days from placement of concrete. Immediately after finishing, cover concrete surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by Engineer. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs exposed by removing forms immediately to provide these surfaces with continuous curing treatment. 3.09 BACKFILL A. One Foot Over Pipe: Use 3/4" screened rock or on-site screened material (if approved by Engineer) for cover material and backfill by approved mechanical methods. Cover material shall be clean soil, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris, or other unsuitable materials. Place and compact starting at top of pipe bedding extending upwards to above top of pipe for entire trench width. Place in lifts to a density of 90% AASHTO T99. B. Remainder of Trench: Backfill with same materials excavated from work limits unless ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 02580 - 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 unsuitable. No rocks over 6" in diameter in top 12" of trench. No backfill material with rocks larger than 12" in diameter. Carefully lower rocks up to 12" in diameter into trench. ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 02580 - 5 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 3.10 COMPACTION A. Demonstrate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstration section for uniform density throughout depth of each lift. Alter construction methods until providing one acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or compaction is not being achieved, then demonstrate new method. B. Compaction requirements for all trenches: 1. Predominantly of cohesive soils where AASHTO T99 procedures are applicable: Compacted uniformly throughout each lift to 100% AASHTO T99. Moisture content shall be within 2% of optimum. For clay soils the moisture content shall be 0 to +2% optimum. 2. Predominately of rock 12" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to average rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum layer thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and large stones well distributed with voids completely filled with smaller stones, earth, sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each layer to distribute soils and finer fragments of earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to facilitate compaction prior to placing additional lifts. 3.11 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Score existing surface with cutting wheel to create clean break line. Remove and dispose of existing surface and aggregate base course leave 6" undisturbed subgrade lip on each side of trench. After trench has been backfilled and properly compacted, place aggregate base course in accordance with permit requirements, or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact aggregate base course to 95% AASHTO T180 moisture content shall be within 2% of optimum. Replace pavement in accordance with permit requirements or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM D1559; consolidate concrete with vibrators. 3.12 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Notify Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes until observed by Engineer. Notify Engineer at least 48 hours before pipe is to be tested. B. Testing 1. General: Conduct testing in accordance with procedures approved by the appropriate utility company or as directed by engineer. 3.13 CLEANUP AND RESTORATION Restore all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and other structures or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before work began, and to satisfaction of Engineer. Deposit all waste material in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site. Complete topsoil and reseeding of site, is required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove and dispose of all waste material off site. ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 02580 - 6 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO MARCH 31, 2014 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT INTENTIALLY BLANK END OF SECTION 02580 ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 02580 - 7 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02630 - STORM DRAINAGE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work included: Excavation, backfill, bedding, and installation of pipe, manholes, catch basins, inlets, outlets, underdrains, irrigation ditches, channelization, detention storage, siphons and all necessary appurtenances. B. Related Work: 1. Site clearing: Section 02230 2. Topsoil: Section 02922 C. Definition: 1. Trench Excavation: Excavation of all material encountered along trench other than rock excavation. 2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formations which cannot be reasonably broken by a backhoe with 3/4 cubic yard bucket with bucket curling force and stick crowd force of 35,000 lbs. each, and requiring drilling and blasting. 1.02 SUBMITTAL A. Submit shop drawings or product data showing specific dimensions and construction materials for: 1. Precast Manholes 2. Precast Catch Basins 3. Frames, Grates, Covers B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and trench stabilization materials, concrete mix design, and compression test. 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS Environmental Requirements: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting when descending air temperature in shade and away from artificial heat falls below 35 degrees F. and there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mix shall not be less than 60 degrees F. at time of placing. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Non-Reinforced Concrete Pipe: ASTM C14 B. Reinforced Concrete Pipe: ASTM C76, circular; ASTM 506, arch; ASTM 507, vertical or horizontal elliptical. Class pipe as shown on drawings. STORM DRAINAGE 02630 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 C. Concrete End Section: Same ASTM specification as pipe. Equivalent in area as circular pipe. D. Corrugated Steel Pipe and Arches: AASHTO M36, gauge as shown on drawings. Bands shall conform to following: Pipe Size Corrugations Number Bolts Inches 2-2/3" x 1/2" 3" x 1" 6-30 7" - 2 ea 36-60 12" 14" 3 ea 66-120 24" 20" 5 ea Thickness of band one gauge less than pipe but not less than 16 gauge. E. Corrugated Steel Pipe End Section: Sizes and dimensions shown on drawings. Materials same as corrugated steel pipe. F. Bituminous Coating: Where required on corrugated steel pipe and fittings, AASHTO M190, Type A, with minimum thickness of 0.03". Coupling bands fully coated. G. PVC Pipe: Schedule 40 PVC, ASTM D 3034. Blue Brute, AWWA C907 PVC, AWWA C900, AWWA C905. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): SDR 35; 4"-15", ASTM D3034 & ASTM F679 in accordance with ASTM D1784. Push-on joints and molded rubber gaskets. Maximum pipe length 20'. 2.02 UNDERDRAIN PIPE A. Corrugated Steel: AASHTO M36 Type III. Holes 3/8" double row each side of pipe for 6"-10" size pipe. Triple row each side of pipe for 12"-21" pipe. Spaced in center of each depressed corrugation nearest to center pipe. Install hole row each side of pipe for 6"- 10" pipe; triple row each side of pipe for 12"-21" pipe. B. Rigid PVC Schedule 40. C. Flexible Polypropelene or Polyethylene/Hancor. 2.03 PREFABRICATED INLETS AND OUTLETS A. Corrugated Steel Units: Conform to drawing dimensions, AASHTO M36. Bituminous coating when specified, AASHTO M190, Type A. Steps fabricated into units. B. Precast Concrete Units: In accordance with drawings, ASTM C478 and C789, wall "B", wall thickness 1/12 internal diameter. Steps precast into units. 2.04 MANHOLE A. Manhole Bases: Precast concrete. Manhole base and first barrier section cast monolithic per ASTM - C478. B. Manhole Sections: ASTM C478. Precast concrete with minimum wall thickness 1/12 of internal diameter. Cones eccentric. STORM DRAINAGE 02630 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 C. Manhole Ring and Cover: Cast iron, ASTM A48. Ring and cover combined weight greater than 400 lbs., machined to fit securely. Non-rocking cover. Hot dipped in asphalt. D. Manhole Steps: Two non-skid grooves in the surface of step and capable of carrying load of 1,000 lbs. 6" from face of manhole. E. Manhole Joint Sealant: RubberNek. 2.05 SLOTTED DRAIN AASHTO M36 with grate assembly, ASTM A123. Joint and couplers of ring compression type. Where required, expanded wire mesh attached across top of drain opening. Fittings provided with annular ends for hugger-type bands. 2.06 FRAMES, GRATES, COVERS, AND STEP Metal units conform to drain dimensions and to following for designated material. A. Gray Iron Castings: AASHTO M105. B. Carbon-Steel Castings: AASHTO M103. C. Ductile Iron Castings: ASTM A536. D. Structural Steel: AASHTO M183 and ASTM A283, Grade B. Galvanizing, where specified, AASHTO M111. 2.07 BEDDING A. Pipe and culvert - roadbase, percent by weight passing square mesh sieves: 3/4", 100; No.4, 30-65; No. 8, 25-55; No. 200, 3-12. B. Underdrain - washed gravel: percent by weight passing square mesh sieves: 1", 100%; 3/4", 95-100%; No.4, 0-5%. 2.08 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. General: All materials furnished from sources approved by Engineer. B. Cement: ASTM C150 for Portland Cement, Type II. Cement which has become partially set or contains lumps, caked cement and have been exposed to inclement weather shall be rejected. C. Aggregate: ASTM C33. D. Water: Water used in mixing or curing concrete shall be clean and free from oil, acids, salt, alkali, or organic materials harmful to concrete. STORM DRAINAGE 02630 - 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 2.09 CONCRETE MIX A. Design Mix: 1. Proportions: Cement 5-1/2 sacks per cubic yard Coarse aggregate 43% Water 5.5 Gallons per sack Maximum size aggregate 3/4" 2. Slump: 4" maximum 3. Strength: Minimum 3,000 psi at 28 days 4. Air Content: 5%-7% B. Job Mixed Concrete: Mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors of America. Mixer shall be capable of combining aggregates, cement, and water into thoroughly mixed and uniform mass. Discharge entire contents of drum before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch for not less than 10 minutes after all materials are in drum. C. Ready Mixed Concrete: Proportioned, mixed, and transported in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete not plastic and workable when it reaches project shall be rejected. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 TRENCHING A. Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavation to work limits. B. Rock Excavation: Prior to removal, notify Engineer of areas requiring rock excavation. C. Blasting: In general blasting will be allowed in order to expedite the work if a permit by the local authority having jurisdiction is granted. All explosives and appurtenances shall be transported, handled, stored and used in accordance with the laws of the local, state and federal governments, as applicable. All blasting shall be controlled so as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance with the permit of the local authority. Prior to blasting, provide minimum 24 hour notification to Engineer. 3.02 UNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM, EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bottom of the excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders, refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragments of inorganic material that cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, then the Contractor shall further excavate and remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted by the Engineer. STORM DRAINAGE 02630 - 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 3.03 BEDDING OTHER THAN UNDERDRAINS A. Pipe: Install in conformance with drawings. Place from minimum of 4" below bottom of pipe to centerline for full width of trench. B. Culvert: Install in conformance with drawings. Place from minimum of 6" below bottom of pipe to centerline of pipe for entire width of trench. 3.04 PIPE INSTALLATION A. General: For new embankments, place fill so width each side of pipe is at least five (5) times pipe diameter. After embankment is placed, proceed with trenching. Begin all pipe installation at downstream end. Bell or groove ends of rigid conduit and outside circumferential laps of flexible conduit facing upstream. Place flexible conduits with longitudinal laps or seams at sides. B. Corrugated Steel Pipe: Remove all loose excavated materials from bottom of trench and install bedding to required thickness. Install pipe true to line and grade. Install remaining bedding material along sides of pipe to avoid any voids. Repair bituminous coating damage using similar coating material. Lubricate coupler bands. Vertical elongation caused by backfill operation shall not exceed 3% of pipe diameter. Compact backfill to 90% AASHTO T99 and continue to 1' over top of pipe. C. Concrete Pipe: Extend bedding around bell where bell and spigot pipe is used. Place pipe on bedding as shown on drawings. Place remaining bedding along pipe sides with no voids. Compact backfill to 95% AASHTO T99 and continue to 1' over pipe. D. Underdrain Pipe: 1. General: Install to lines and grades shown on drawings. Extend underdrain material a minimum of 6" over top of pipe. Cover underdrain material for entire width of trench with filter fabric. If shown on drawings, line trench with fabric before installing pipe and underdrain material. 2. Concrete Pipe: Install with bell resting on trench bottom facing up grade, with underdrain material supporting pipe. 3. Corrugated Steel or PVC Pipe: Holes or perforations placed down with maximum 1" underdrain material under pipe. Joint according to manufacturer's recommendations. 3.05 SLOTTED DRAIN INSTALLATION Install in accordance with drawings. Trench as narrow as possible and backfill to create uniform foundation side support. Install true to line and grade. 3.06 MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION A. Manhole: Construct in accordance with drawings. Extend concrete manhole base at least 8" below pipe barrel. Slope floor of manhole from centerline of pipe to maximum of 2" above top of pipe at face of manhole. Shape invert after manhole is set. Construct side branches with as large radius of curvature as possible to connect to main invert. Inverts shall be smooth and clean with no obstructions, allowing insertion of expandable plug in pipe. Place complete and continuous roll of joint sealant on base ring in sufficient STORM DRAINAGE 02630 - 5 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 quantity, so there will be no spaces allowing infiltration. Join each succeeding manhole section in similar manner. Trim away all excess material and repair all lifting holes. Turn eccentric cone and steps away from roadway ditch. B. Manhole Ring and Cover: Install at grade of finished surface. Where surface will be completed after manhole construction, set top of cone so maximum of six - two inch thick reinforced concrete rings will adjust ring and cover to final grade. 3.07 CONNECTION TO EXISTING MANHOLE Make connections to existing manholes, where no pipe is stubbed out, in similar manner as new manhole. Break small opening in existing manhole as necessary to insert new pipe and attain watertight seal. Chip existing concrete bench inside manhole to provide enough thickness for mortar bed to make new smooth continuous invert. Place expandable waterstop around portion of sewer pipe inserted into existing manhole. Use expandable grout to completely fill hole in manhole to create watertight repair. 3.08 CONCRETE WORK A. Placement: Place to required depth and width conforming to drawings. Place concrete as uniformly as possible to minimize amount of additional spreading. Place and consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honeycomb, or pockets. Well vibrated and tamped against forms. B. Retempering: Do not retemper concrete or mortar which has partially hardened by remixing with or without additional cement, aggregate, or water. Provide concrete in such quantity as is required for immediate use. C. Curing: Protect against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, rain, or flowing water, for not less than two days from placement of concrete. Immediately after finishing, cover concrete surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by Engineer. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs by removing forms immediately to provide these surfaces with continuous curing treatment. 3.09 BACKFILL A. One Foot Over Pipe: Use 3/4" road base for cover material and backfill by approved mechanical methods. Cover material shall be clean, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris or other unsuitable materials. Place and compact starting at top of pipe bedding extending upwards to 1' above top of pipe. Place in lifts to a density of 95% AASHTO T99, at a point 6" above top of pipe. B. Remainder of Trench: Backfill with same materials excavated from work limits unless unsuitable. No rocks over 6" in diameter in top 12" of trench. No backfill material with rocks larger than 12" in diameter. 3.10 COMPACTION A. Demonstrate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstration section for uniform density throughout depth of each lift. Alter construction methods until providing one acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or required compaction is not being achieved, then demonstrate new method. STORM DRAINAGE 02630 - 6 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 B. Compaction requirements for all trenches within limits of pavement, shoulders, or back of curbs: 1. Predominantly of cohesive soils where AASHTO T99 procures are applicable: Compact uniformly throughout each lift to 100% AASHTO T99. Moisture content shall be within 2% of optimum. For clay soils moisture content shall be 0 to +2% of optimum. 2. Predominantly of rock, to 12" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to average rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum layer thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and large stones well distributed with voids completely filled with smaller stones, earth, sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each layer to distribute soils and finer fragments of earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to facilitate compaction prior to placing additional lifts. 3.11 CONCRETE STRUCTURES A. General: Cast-in-place concrete conforming to dimensions shown on the drawings and accurate to tolerances of 1/4". Install forms so all finished lines will be true and straight. Install reinforcing steel with the spacing between the forms and between bars as shown on drawings. Keep excavation dry during construction. Compaction requirements same as above. B. Inlets and Outlets: Either cast-in-place or precast units, in accordance with drawings. When required, set castings accurately to grade with adjustment courses of brick in full mortar beds. Construct pipe inverts or smooth concrete inverts same size as pipe up to centerline of pipe, with bench to stand on. C. Frames, Grates, Covers, and Steps: Install accurately according to drawings. Anchor castings in place and set in adjustment mortar to assure firm foundation. D. Trash Guards: Install in accordance with drawings and manufacturer's recommendations. 3.12 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Score existing surface with cutting wheel to create clean break line. Remove and dispose of existing surface and aggregate base course. Leave 6" undisturbed subgrade lip on each side of trench. After trench has been backfilled and properly compacted, place aggregate base course in accordance with permit requirements or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact aggregate base course to 95% AASHTO T180 moisture content shall be within 2% of optimum. Replace pavement in accordance with permit requirements or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM D1559; consolidate concrete with vibrators. 3.13 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Notify Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes until observed by Engineer. STORM DRAINAGE 02630 - 7 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 3.14 CLEANUP AND RESTORATION Restore all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and other structures or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before work began, and to satisfaction of Engineer. Deposit all waste materials in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site. Complete topsoil and reseeding of site if required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove and dispose of all waste materials off site. END OF SECTION 02630 STORM DRAINAGE 02630 - 8 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02720 - UNBOUND BASE COURSE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work included: Preparing surface of subgrade after utility contractors have completed installation of all utilities and furnishing and placing one or more courses of aggregate in conformance with lines, grades, and typical sections shown on drawings. B. Related Work: 1. Earthwork: Section 02300 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Test Reports: If requested, furnish proposed source of materials and copies of tests from certified and acceptable testing laboratory: 1. Sieve analysis - ASTM C136 2. Wear Abrasion - ASTM C131 3. Liquid Limit - AASHTO T89, T90 4. Moisture Density Curves - AASHTO T99 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 AGGREGATE A. Aggregate shall conform to following gradation: Sieve Percentage by Weight Passing square Mesh Sieves Size Class 2 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 4" 100 - - - 3" 95-100 - - - 2" - 100 - - 1-1/2" - 90-100 - - 1" - - 100 - 3/4" - 50-90 - 100 No. 4 - 30-50 30-70 30-65 No. 8 - - - 25-55 No. 200 3-15 3-12 3-15 3-12 Liquid limit not greater than 35 for Class 2; 30 for Class 4, 5, or 6. Plasticity Index not exceeding 6. B. Requirements for this Project: Furnish Class 6 aggregate for this Project. UNBOUND BASE COURSE 02720 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Staking: Contractor will provide at his expense all additional staking necessary to ensure work conforms with drawings. B. Subgrade Preparation: Shape and compact to crown, line, grades, and typical cross section shown on drawings before placing base material. Compact to 95% AASHTO T99. 3.02 MIXING The Contractor shall mix the aggregate by methods that insure a thorough and homogeneous mixture. 3.03 PLACEMENT If required compacted depth of aggregate base course exceeds 6", construct in two or more layers of approximately equal thickness. Maximum compacted thickness of any one layer shall not exceed 6". When vibratory or other approved types of special compacting equipment are used, compacted depth of single layer may be increased to 8" upon approval of Engineer. 3.04 SHAPING AND COMPACTION Compact each layer to 95% AASHTO T180. Maintain surface of each layer during compaction so that uniform texture is produced and aggregates are firmly keyed. Apply water uniformly during compaction so moisture content is within 2% of optimum. END OF SECTION 02720 UNBOUND BASE COURSE 02720 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02740 - FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Furnishing, laying, and compacting hot-mixed asphaltic concrete pavement in conformance with lines, grades, and typical cross-sections shown on the drawings. B. Related Work: 1. Unbound Base Course: Section 02720 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source: Engineer shall have access to batching plant at all times work is in progress. B. Record of Work: Contractor shall keep record of time and date of placement, temperature, and weather conditions. Retain until completion and furnish copy to Engineer. C. Owner will arrange and pay for all field tests to determine compliance of base course and pavement materials and compaction with the specification and the approved design mix formula. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Samples: If requested, provide samples of proposed materials. B. Test Reports: If requested, furnish copies of tests from certified and acceptable testing laboratory: 1. Aggregate - AASHTO T96, CP-45, AASHTO T304, AASHTO T176, AASHTO T89, AASHTO T90 2. PG Graded Binders, use PG 58 - 28 - AASHTO T48, TP48, TP5 AND T51 3. Liquid Asphalt - AASHTO M81, M82; ASTM D2026 4. Emulsified Asphalt - AASHTO M140 or M208 5. Compaction – Colorado Procedure 51, CP44 or CP81 C. Job Mix Formula: The Contractor shall submit the following to the Engineer. 1. A proposed job – mix gradation as required by the contract, which shall be wholly within the Master Range Table of Table 703 – 3 of the CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (CDOT Specifications) before the tolerances shown in Table 401 – 1, of the CDOT Specifications, are applied. The job – mix formula shall establish a single percentage of aggregate passing each required sieve size. A single percentage of bituminous material to be added to the aggregate and a single temperature for the mixture at the discharge point of the plant. FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT 02740 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Trucks used for hauling bituminous mixtures shall have tight, clean, smooth metal beds thinly coated with a minimum amount of paraffin oil, lime solution, or other approved release agent. Petroleum distillates such as kerosene or fuel oil will not be permitted. Each truck shall have a cover of canvas or other suitable material to protect the mixture from the weather. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. Weather Limitations: Bituminous plant mix shall be placed only on properly constructed surfaces that are free from water, snow, or ice. The bituminous mixtures shall be placed in accordance with the temperature limitations of Table 401-3 “of the CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction” and only when weather conditions permit the pavement to be properly placed and finished, as determined by the Engineer. B. Protection: After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on asphaltic concrete pavement until cooled and hardened. Provide barricades, flagmen, and warning devices as required to protect pavement. Maintain pedestrian and vehicular traffic as required. Cover openings of structures in paving until permanent coverings are placed. C. Confirm in writing, aggregate base course constructed by others has been compacted to requirements of these specifications. Use any means necessary to proof roll or test to confirm aggregate base is satisfactory to receive asphaltic concrete. Notify in writing to Owner any deficient areas so they may be brought into conformance with specifications prior to placement of asphaltic concrete. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 AGGREGATE Clean, hard, durable particles of crushed stone, crushed gravel, natural gravel, or crushed slag with not more than 45% of wear, AASHTO T96. Sieve Percentage by Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieves Grading SX 1-1/2" - 1" - 3/4" 100 1/2" 90-100 3/8" - #4 - #8 28-58 #30 - #200 2-10 Sizes #8 and larger, tolerances + 8%; #30 + 6%; #200 + 3%; where 100% passing, no tolerance. Use Grading SX for this project. FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT 02740 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 2.02 ASPHALTIC CEMENT A. Viscosity Graded Asphalt Cement conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M226, Table 2. B. Superpave Performance Graded Binders shall conform to AASHTO Provisional Standard MP1 for PG 58-28 Performance Graded Binders 2.03 TACK COAT One of the following, grade and type as recommended by supplier: A. Emulsified asphalt, AASHTO M140 B. Cationic emulsified asphalt, AASHTO M208 2.05 MIX DESIGN A. Use Grading SX, 75 Design Gyrations, PG 58-28 Binder. 1. Job – Mix Formula as defined in the Submittal Section (02740 – 3, Part 1.03 C). B. Furnish aggregate gradation. C. Accepted design mix shall meet compaction requirements of these specifications. 2.06 MIXING A. General: Comply with ASTM D995 for material storage, control, mixing, and plant equipment and operation. B. Aggregates: Keep each component of various-sized combined aggregates in separate stockpiles. Maintain so separate aggregate sizes will not be intermixed and to prevent segregation. Heat-dry aggregates to reduce moisture content to not more than 2%. Deliver dry aggregate to mixer at recommended temperature to suit penetration, grade, and viscosity characteristics of asphaltic cement, ambient temperature, and workability of mixture. C. Asphaltic Cement: Heat bitumen to viscosity at which it can be uniformly distributed throughout mixture. Select temperature range of 275 degrees F to 350 degrees F to suit temperature - viscosity characteristics of asphalt. Do not exceed 350 degrees F. D. Mixing: Accurately weigh or measure dry aggregates and weigh or meter asphaltic cement to comply with job-mix formula requirements. Mix aggregate and asphaltic cement to achieve 95% minimum coated particles for base mixtures in accordance with AASHTO T195 and 85-90% coated particles for surface mixtures when tested in accordance with ASTM D2489. FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT 02740 - 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION OF SURFACES A. Base Course: Blade, shape, and smooth aggregate base course to uniform section. Remove loose materials. Clean the surface to be paved by mechanical sweepers, blowers, or hand brooms, until surface is free from dust. B. Existing Surfaces: Clean of all foreign materials. Fill holes and low places with levelling courses and compact prior to surface placement. Tack coat existing surfacing at 0.1 gallon per square yard. Apply only to areas on which surfacing is to be placed immediately. Do not extend more than 2000' ahead of paving equipment. Prevent traffic from travelling on tack coat. 3.02 FRAME ADJUSTMENTS Set frames of structures to final grade. Place compacted asphaltic concrete to top of frame. If permanent covers are not in place, provide temporary covers over openings until compaction is complete. Where frames and covers are paved over, mark so crews can find on emergency basis until cut out and adjusted to final surfacing. 3.03 SPREADING AND FINISHING A. Place at temperatures of not less than 275 degrees F, or more than 350 degrees F. If temperature is below 50 degrees F and falling, asphaltic concrete mix shall not be less than 300 degrees F, while on trucks just prior to laydown. Mechanical, self-powered pavers shall be capable of spreading mix within specified tolerances, true to line, grade, and crown as indicated on drawings. Road grader equipped with automatic blade control may be used for levelling courses. Pavers shall be equipped with hoppers and distribution screws which place mix evenly in front of adjustable screeds. Screed shall be adjustable for height and crown, equipped with controlled heating device for use as required. Screed shall strike off mix without tearing, shaving or gouging surface, to depth and cross-section specified, without aid of manual adjustment during operation. Paver shall be capable of placing courses in thicknesses from 1/2" to 4" and from widths of 8' to 15'. Extensions and cut-off shall permit changes in widths by increments of 6". B. Strike finish surface smooth; true to cross section; uniform in density and texture; free from hollows, transverse corrugations, and other irregularities. Paint contact surfaces between gutters, manhole rings, catch basins, and other similar structures with thin, uniform coating of tack coat. Final surface shall be 1/4" above all structures and gutters sloping away from paving, flush with gutters sloping towards paving. C. Hand Placement: Where certain areas because of irregularity, inaccessibility, or unavoidable obstacles, do not lend themselves to machine placement, Engineer may agree to hand placement. Spread and compact to same finish and compaction tolerances of these specifications. D. Joints: Make joints between old and new pavement, or between successive day's work, to insure thorough bond between old and new surfaces. Clean surfaces free of sand, dirt, dust, or other materials, and apply tack coat. Construction joints must have same texture, density, and smoothness tolerances as other surfacing. FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT 02740 - 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 1. Construct transverse joints to existing material by cutting material back to expose full depth edge. Paint thin uniform tack coat on joint and place new asphaltic concrete. 2. Prepare longitudinal joints by overlapping screed 1" on existing surface. Deposit sufficient material to complete joint. Push excess by hand rake 1/2" on new mat leaving vertical uncompacted face approximately 1" high. Compact against joint by rolling equipment. No depression allowed exceeding 1/8" for width of 6", after final compaction. E. Finish Tolerance: Place levelling courses within 1/2" of design grade. Finished surfaces will be tested with 10' straight edge, parallel to center line at location of wheel paths for each lane. Straight edge will be advanced 5' and space under straight edge shall not exceed 1/4". Correct areas deficient in smoothness by completely removing surface material and replacing. Overlay corrections may be made only if approved by Owner. F. Thickness Tolerance: Compacted thickness shall be no less than that shown on drawings. Any surfacing which does not meet minimum thickness shall be removed and replaced. 3.04 COMPACTION A. General: Provide one pneumatic-tired and one steel-wheel roller to obtain required density, surface texture, and rideability. Begin rolling operations immediately following placement of asphaltic concrete. Do not permit heavy equipment, rollers, etc. to stand on finished surface where deformation may occur. End each pass of roller in different place. B. Rollers 1. Steel-wheel rollers self-propelled, developing contact pressure under compression wheels of 250 to 350 psi per inch of width of roller wheel. Rollers equipped with adjustable scrapers and means for keeping wheel wet to prevent mix from sticking. 2. Pneumatic-tired rollers self-propelled, developing contact pressure under each tire of 85 to 110 psi. Wheels so spaced that one pass will accomplish one complete coverage equal to rolling width of machine. Wheels oscillate but not wobble. Remove and replace immediately any tires picking up fines. C. Compaction Procedures 1. Compact longitudinal joints and edges first, starting at outside edge and gradually progress towards center of pavement. Begin superelevated curves rolling on low side on previously transversely compacted material. Successive passes should overlap by one half width of roller. Mat temperature must not be below 185 degrees F. 2. Immediately follow rolling of longitudinal joint and edges with breakdown rolling. Place drive wheel nearest paver and pull roller towards paver. Return roller to existing surface and make gradual shift to overlap previous pass by half roller width. Operate pneumatic-tired rollers as close to paver as necessary to obtain density required. Make enough passes for reasonably smooth surface. 3. Final rolling by a combination of steel and pneumatic rollers to obtain density, surface texture, and surface tolerances required. FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT 02740 - 5 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 D. Pavement shall be compacted to a density of 92% to 96% of the maximum theoretical density, determined according to Colorado Procedure 51. Field density determinations will be made in accordance with Colorado Procedure 44 or 81. 3.05 PATCHING Cut out and fill with fresh, hot asphaltic concrete. Remove deficient areas for full depth of surface and base course. Cut sides perpendicular and parallel, and perpendicular to direction of traffic to extent of failure. Apply tack coat to exposed surfaces before placing new pavement. Compact and finish to specification. 3.06 CLEAN UP After completing operations, clean surfaces, pick up excess paving materials, and clean work area. END OF SECTION 02740 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT 02740 - 6 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02750 - RIGID PAVEMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Furnishing, forming, jointing, placing and curing of concrete pavement, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, pans, in conformance with lines, grades, and typical cross sections shown on the drawings. 1.02 RELATED ITEMS SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Earthwork: Section 02300 B. Unbound Base Course: Section 02720 C. Concrete Paving Joints: Section 02751 D. Concrete Paving Curing: Section 02752 E. Cold Weather Concreting: Section 02753 F. Hot Weather Concreting: Section 02754 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source: Engineer shall have access to batching plant at all times work is in progress. B. Record of Work: Contractor shall keep record of time and date of placement, temperature, and weather conditions. Retain until completion and furnish copy to Engineer. C. Installers: 1. All work in this section to be accomplished under direct on-site supervision of thoroughly trained and experienced journeymen who are completely familiar with the requirements of this work and the recommendations contained in the reference standards. Unless otherwise specified, hand finishing methods will be permitted only when performed under the direct supervision of a Craftsman holding the following certificate: ACI Concrete Flatwork Finisher and Technician (ACICFFT) or other Flatwork Finisher certification program approved by CDOT. A minimum of one certified Craftsman is required at each finishing operation. A minimum of one certified Craftsman is required for each three or fewer finishers (non-certified ACICFFTs) at each operation 2. In acceptance of the finished work, allowance will not be made for lack of skill on the part of the workers. D. Manufacturer's Recommendations: Manufacturer's recommendations shall be strictly adhered to concerning both methods and materials. Where surrounding conditions or base materials are not compatible with manufacturer’s recommendations, notify Engineer in writing prior to bidding. E. Design Criteria: See Part 2 Products RIGID PAVEMENT 02750 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 F. Testing Agency: All testing shall be performed by an approved testing laboratory and paid by the Owner with the exception of Contractor submittal requirements, qualifications of proposed materials and establishment of mixture proportions and other tests required by the Contractor to assure Contractor is furnishing materials and construction in compliance with the contract documents. G. Source Quality Control: The Engineer or his representative shall be offered uninterrupted access to the ready-mix batching plant at all times that the work is in progress. H. Record of Work: Keep record listing time, location and date of placement of concrete for structure. Keep such record until completion of project and make available to Engineer for examination at any time. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Reinforcement, precast sections. B. Manufacturers Data: Additives, joint materials, curing compounds, concrete sealant with 10-year manufacturer warranty, fly ash, reinforcement, concrete bonding agent, precast concrete reinforcing supports. C. Mix Design: Proportions of fine and coarse aggregate, water, cement, air content, admixtures, fly ash. A laboratory trial mix shall be prepared and test results submitted. The Concrete Mix Design will not be approved when the laboratory trial mix data are the results from tests performed more than two years in the past or aggregate data are the results from tests performed more than two years in the past. Provide all of the information outlined below for the concrete mix proposed for the project: Identification: 1. Project. 2. Name and address of Contractor and concrete producer. 3. Mixture designation. 4. Class of concrete and intended use. Materials and Proportions: 1. Name and location of material sources for aggregate, cement, admixtures and water. 2. Type of cement and additives (if used). 3. Cement content in kilograms per cubic meter (pounds per cubic yard) of concrete. 4. The water/cement ratio of modified concrete is the ratio of the mass of water to the combined masses of Portland cement and supplementary cementitious material. 5. The saturated surface dry batch mass for the coarse and fine aggregate in kilograms per cubic meter (pounds per cubic yard) of concrete. 6. Water content (including free moisture in the aggregate plus water in the drum, exclusive of absorbed moisture in the aggregate) in kilograms per cubic meter (pounds per cubic yard) of concrete. 7. Target water/cementitious ratio. 8. Dosage of admixture(s). Entrained air may be obtained either by the use of an air-entraining Portland cement or by the use of an air-entraining admixture. 9. Sieve analysis of aggregates. RIGID PAVEMENT 02750 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 10. Absorption of fine and coarse aggregate. 11. Bulk specific gravity (dry and saturated surface dry) of fine and coarse aggregate. 12. Dry rodded unit mass of coarse aggregate in kilograms per cubic meter (pounds per cubic yard). 13. Fineness modulus (FM) of fine aggregate. 14. Concrete unit mass. 15. Material certifications for Portland cement, admixtures, and aggregate. The laboratory trial mix shall include results of the following: 1. AASHTO T119 slump of hydraulic cement concrete. 2. AASHTO T121 weight per cubic foot, yield, and air content (gravimetric) of concrete. Air content from AASHTO T152 air content of freshly mixed concrete by the pressure method may be used in lieu of the air content by the gravimetric method in AASHTO T121. 3. AASHTO T22 compressive strength of cylindrical concrete specimens shall be performed with at least two specimens at 7 days, two at 14 days and three specimens at 28 days. 4. Report compressive strength at other times as necessary for expected opening to traffic requirements. D. Placement: Method proposed. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Hauling Time: 1. Mix concrete in accordance with ASTM C94. When air temperature is above 85°F, reduce mixing and delivery time to 75 minutes. When air temperature is above 90°F, reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. 2. Excessive slump or delivery time will be considered as a basis for rejection of the concrete placement. B. Extra Water: 1. Deliver concrete to site in exact quantities required by design mix. 2. Should extra water be required before depositing concrete, the General Contractors Superintendent shall have sole authority to authorize addition of water. Any additional water added to mix after leaving batch plant shall be indicated on truck ticket and signed by person responsible. 3. Where extra water is added to concrete it shall be mixed thoroughly for 40 revolutions of drum or 3-1/2 minutes at mixing speed, whichever is greater. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: 1. Cold Weather Placement: a. When placing concrete in cold weather, as defined in Section 02753, follow specifications for Cold Weather Concreting, Section 02753. b. When placing concrete in cold weather that does not meet the definition of “cold weather” in Section 02753, the following requirements shall be observed: 1. Maintain concrete temperature at minimum of 50°F for not less than 72 hours after depositing. RIGID PAVEMENT 02750 - 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 2. Maintain forms in place for minimum of 72 hours after depositing concrete. 3. Do not place concrete without acceptance of Engineer on days when temperature 9:00 A.M. is below 40°F until, the General Contractor has taken all necessary precautions and supplied all necessary equipment to prevent concrete from freezing. 2. Hot Weather Placement: a. When depositing concrete in hot weather, follow specifications for Hot Weather Concreting, Section 02754. B. Protection: Protect newly finished slabs from rain damage. Cover masonry walls, glazing and other finish materials with polyethylene or otherwise protect from damage due to pouring slabs, sidewalks, or other concrete. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 READY-MIXED CONCRETE AASHTO M157 2.02 CEMENT Portland Cement ASTM C 150, TYPE I/II. 2.03 CONCRETE Use CDOT Concrete Class P 2.04 AGGREGATES A. Fine Aggregate - AASHTO M 6. 1. Fineness Modulus (FM) – AASHTO T 176, 2.50 < FM < 3.50 B. Coarse Aggregate - AASHTO M80. Coarse Aggregate shall conform to the requirements of CDOT Class P concrete. For curb and gutter, curbs, sidewalks, pads and pans use AASHTO M43 coarse aggregate gradation #67. 2.05 WATER - AASHTO T26 A. The maximum slump of the delivered concrete shall be the slump of the approved concrete mix design plus 1-1/2”. B. Water cement ratio - 0.44 maximum 2.06 ADMIXTURES A. Air Entraining Agent - AASHTO M154. See table for percent air requirements. Nominal Maximum Size Target Entrained Air Content aggregate, in. at the point of delivery, percent* 3/8 7-1/2 1/2 7 3/4 6 1 6 RIGID PAVEMENT 02750 - 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 1-1/2 5-1/2 2 5 * tolerance, -1% to +2% B. Chemical-Admixtures AASHTO M194 2.07 QUALITY A. Provide approved mix design B. Conform to applicable requirements of ACI 301 C. Field cylinders shall produce 28-day minimum compressive strength of 4200 psi. Cement content 660 lb/cy minimum. 2.08 REINFORCEMENT A. Deformed and plain billet-steel bars AASHTO M31 B. Fabricated steel bar rod mats, steel wire fabric AASHTO M54 2.09 JOINT MATERIAL AASHTO M173 2.10 CURING MATERIALS A. Burlap cloth from jute or kenaf - AASHTO M182 B. Liquid membrane - AASHTO M148, 1 gal/150 SF C. Sheet Materials - AASHTO M171, 4 mil 2.11 SEALANTS A. Euclid Baracade Silane 100 High Performance Water Repellent or Symons Silane 40% 2.12 WATER: CLEAN AND POTABLE 2.13 FLY ASH: A. ASTM C 618. Use Class F fly ash only. The amount of fly ash shall conform to the percentages allowed in CDOT Class P concrete. Fly ash shall be from a source listed on CDOT’s Approved Products List (APL). Verification from the supplier shall be submitted, confirming the fly ash is currently on CDOT’s APL. 2.14 DOWEL BARS AND TIE BARS: A. Dowel bars for transverse joints shall conform to AASHTO M 254 for the coating and to ASTM A615, Grade 60 for the core material and shall be epoxy coated, smooth and lightly greased for their full length. Dowel bar sizes and placement RIGID PAVEMENT 02750 - 5 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 shall be as designated in the current CDOT M&S Standards unless indicated on the plans and details. B. Tie bars for longitudinal and transverse joints shall conform to AASHTO M 284 and shall be grade 40, epoxy coated, deformed steel bars. Tie bar sizes and placement shall be as designated in the current CDOT M&S Standards unless indicated on the plans and details. When tie bars are required between concrete pavement and adjacent curb and gutter, the gutter thickness shall be increased to match the pavement thickness. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SUBGRADE/BASE COURSE A. Check for soft spots by proof-rolling or other means prior to setting forms. Remove soft yielding material and replace. Compact to specification. Wet to optimum moisture to 6" deep, not more than 12 hours prior to placement so subgrade will not absorb moisture from concrete. B. Test for crown and/or elevation to assure specified thickness. If additional material used to bring subgrade to correct elevation, compact to specification. Before placing concrete, clean subgrade of all loose materials. No disturbance inside forms after fine grading subgrade. 3.02 INLETS, MANHOLES AND SIMILAR STRUCTURES CAST IN PAVEMENT: Thicken pavement and install joints and bond breaker at inlets, manholes and similar structures according to the current CDOT M Standards unless indicated on the plans and details. Smaller structures such as valve and monument boxes do not require a bond breaker. 3.03 FORMS A. Capable of supporting loads imposed by construction equipment, with maximum deflection of 1/4". Straight and free from warp, with maximum surface deviation of 1/8". In good condition, clean, and strong enough to resist pressure of concrete when placed. Joined neatly and accurately to line and grade, and mechanically tamped to assure firm placement. Oil prior to concrete placement. B. Set dowels if required and expansion joints, preformed construction joints, and header boards in accordance with current CDOT M Standards unless indicated on the plans and details. Securely stake preformed baskets to prevent movement. Lightly grease dowels full length. C. Backfill behind forms as required to prevent water from entering subgrade. 3.04 REINFORCEMENT When indicated, place wire mesh as shown on drawings. If required for this project, place dowels and tie bars in accordance with current CDOT M Standards unless indicated on the plans and details. Hold all tie and marginal bars in proper position by sufficient supports or pins. If center longitudinal joint sawed in lieu of placing metal or plastic strip, bars may be mechanically installed or placed on supports. Where rebar, rod mats or steel wire mesh is RIGID PAVEMENT 02750 - 6 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 required, support with bar chairs. Where two layers of mesh are required, support bottom layer by bar chairs with separators for top mesh. 3.05 READY-MIXED CONCRETE The use of ready-mixed concrete shall in no way relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for proportion, mix, delivery, or placement of concrete. All ready-mixed concrete shall comply with ASTM C94. Concrete shall be continuously mixed or agitated from the time the water is added until the time of use. The concrete shall be deposited in place within 90 minutes after batching when concrete is delivered in truck mixers or agitating trucks. The 90 minute time limit for mixer or agitating truck may be extended to 120 minutes if: (1) no water is added after 90 minutes (2) the concrete temperature prior to placements is less than 90° F. The 90 minute time limit for mixer or agitating trucks may be extended to 180 minutes if (1) no water is added after 90 minutes (2) the concrete temperature prior to placement is less than 90°F (3) the approved concrete mix contains a water reducing and retarding admixture which conforms to AASHTO M194, Type D. In accordance with ASTM C94, water may be added to ready-mix concrete one time in order to get slump within range, as long as the specified water-cement ratio is not exceeded. Engineer shall have free access to the ready mix plant at all times. The organization supplying the concrete shall have sufficient plant and transportation facilities to assure continuous delivery of the concrete at the required rate. The contractor shall collect delivery or batch tickets from the driver for all concrete used on the project and shall deliver them to the Engineer. Batch tickets shall provide the following information in accordance with ASTM C94: A. Name of ready-mix batch plant B. Serial number of ticket C. Date D. Truck number E. Name of purchaser F. Specific designation of job (name and location) G. Mix # or specific class or designation of the concrete H. Amount of concrete in cubic yards I. Time loaded or of first mixing of cement and aggregates J. Water added by receiver of concrete and his initials K. Weights of fine and coarse aggregates L. Type, brand and amount of cement M. Type, brand and amount of admixtures N. Weight (in gallons) of water, including surface water on aggregates 3.05 PLACEMENT Deposit near final position on grade with minimum segregation and without damage to subgrade. Operate transit mixer outside forms at all times, except in locations agreed to by Engineer. Place concrete on subgrade in successive batches for full width between forms in manner requiring as little rehandling as possible. Spread mechanically to prevent segregation and separation of materials. Additional spreading may be by hand shovels. Deposit excess concrete to provide roll ahead of strike off screed for full length of screed. Consolidate concrete with vibrators and spade next to forms, so final surfaces will not have holes or honeycombs. RIGID PAVEMENT 02750 - 7 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 3.06 FINISHING A. Use equipment designed to spread, consolidate, screed and float freshly placed concrete in one pass, providing well consolidated, homogenous mixture, requiring minimum of hand finishing to meet surface tolerances. Strike hand finished surfaces to tolerances by methods agreed to by Engineer. B. Finished surfaces will be tested with 10' straight edge parallel to centerline immediately following first floating of surface. Straight edge will be advanced 5' and space under straight edge shall not exceed 3/16". C. Final finish pavements after floating and straight edging. Curbs, gutters, pans, and sidewalks shall be broom finished unless otherwise indicated. D. Finish: Broom finish unless otherwise indicated. Finish edges with a slightly rounded edging tool. E. ACI certificated finisher(s) must be on-site during finishing. F. The contractor shall not add water to the surface of the concrete to assist in finishing operations. 3.07 CURING (see Section 02752 Concrete Paving Curing for detailed specifications) Apply curing compounds or sheets immediately after finishing. Do not mark or mar finished surface. Coat sides within one hour after form removal. 3.08 PROTECTION A. Have plastic sheeting or other suitable materials available at all times to protect fresh uncured surfaces from rain. B. Provide full protection from freezing. Admixtures (calcium chloride) are not acceptable for freeze protection. C. For hot weather, use fog spray or water retarding additives. Do not throw water directly on surface. D. When indicated, apply two (2) coats deep penetrating sealant. E. Conform to ACI 102.2R-09 “Guide to Durable Concrete” 3.09 JOINTS (see Section 02751 Concrete Paving Joints for detailed specifications) A. Contraction joints. For concrete pavement and concrete pans, depth 1/3 the thickness of concrete. For sidewalks, depth 1/4 the thickness of concrete. For curb and gutter, depth 1/4 the thickness of the gutter concrete. If curb and gutter is poured monolithically with concrete pavement, transverse joints shall be to the same depth as the pavement. 1. Hand formed with tool, header board, or trowel pushed into surface to move all aggregate from joint. 2. Saw joints as soon as concrete can support equipment without marring and cutting can proceed without chipping, spalling or tearing, no later than 12 RIGID PAVEMENT 02750 - 8 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 hours after placement. Saw as soon as possible to prevent erratic or uncontrolled cracking and prior to the development of shrinkage cracking. Transverse joints to be perpendicular to centerline. First joints sawed approximately 60 feet apart, intermediate joints sawed after initial joints. Suitable guidelines shall be provided to ensure joint is straight and true to line. 3. Curb and gutter, sidewalk and pan joints shall have tooled radii per current CDOT M Standards unless indicated on the plans and details.. 4. Longitudinal joints, including tie bars if required, shall conform with current CDOT M Standards unless indicated on the plans and details. 5. Fabricated steel or plastic strip held rigidly in place. B. Construction joints shall conform to the current CDOT M Standards unless indicated on the plans and details and, if required, tie bars shall be installed. Transverse construction joints shall be planned to coincide with a contraction joint location. 1. Joints constructed by forms with tie bars. C. Expansion joints with preformed joint filler in a vertical position, deviating not more than 1/4" from a straight line. Install at all existing and proposed structures projecting through, into, or against pavement, in accordance with current CDOT M Standards unless indicated on the plans and details. D. Install joint sealant in all joints, at temperatures above 50 degrees F., in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Clean all dust, debris and water from joint. 3.10 THICKNESS Remove and replace work less than 95% of thickness according to drawings at Contractor's expense. 3.11 CLEANUP After completing concrete operations, clean surfaces, pick up excess materials, and clean work area. 3.12 OPENING TO TRAFFIC Pavement shall not be opened to traffic until 14 days after the concrete was placed and the concrete has achieved a flexural strength of 650 psi. 3.13 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. General: All testing, with the exception of slump tests, shall be performed by an approved testing laboratory. The following tests and procedures are subject to change during construction at the discretion of the Engineers. B. Testing Laboratory: The selection of a testing laboratory for any of the following tests shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. C. Testing Priority: Control tests shall be used to determine the concrete quality throughout the project, however, special tests shall have precedence over control tests, and core tests shall have precedence over all previous tests. RIGID PAVEMENT 02750 - 9 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 D. Slump Tests: Provide all necessary equipment and make tests in conformity with ASTM C143 at a minimum frequency as indicted by CDOT specifications, with additional testing as needed or as directed by the Engineer. Provide for tests to be made by a person thoroughly familiar with the requirements specified. Reject batch if slump excess the limits specified. Keep accurate record of time, location in the work, and the results of all slump tests. Make available for inspection by the Engineer. E. Control Tests: Control tests of concrete work, as a minimum, shall be made at such times and in such manner as indicated by CDOT specifications, with additional testing as needed or as directed by the Engineer at the expense of the Owner. For this project, each test shall consist of 5 standard 6” test cylinders cast and cured in accordance with ASTM C31 and ASTM C172. Compressive strength samples shall be obtained at a minimum frequency of one sampling per day and more if deemed necessary by materials testing organization. Two cylinders shall be broken at the end of 7 days after placing and three cylinders shall be broken 28 days after placing. The Engineer reserves the right to stop all future concrete work when the 7 or 28-day tests indicate unsatisfactory results; until, in his opinion, proper corrective measures have been taken to assure quality concrete in future work. Tests shall be made at the time test cylinders are taken, and recorded on the reports to determine the slump, air content, unit weight, and temperature of the concrete. All tests shall be made in accordance with ASTM C39, ASTM C138 or ASTM C231. F. Maturity metering: When maturity metering is required, each pour shall include the necessary wires and connectors for maturity meter monitoring. 3.14 PROTECTION General: Protect all exposed surfaces of concrete from premature drying and frost. Protect freshly placed concrete against rain damage. Protect all concrete surfaces from staining, cracking, chipping and other damage during progress of work, and leave in good condition upon completion. END OF SECTION 02750 RIGID PAVEMENT 02750 - 10 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02751 - CONCRETE PAVING JOINTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION Work of this section generally includes provisions for joints for concrete paving; concrete sidewalks; curbs, and curb and gutter; and saw-cutting existing concrete or asphalt pavements for new joints. 1.02 RELATED ITEMS SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE General and Supplemental Conditions and all of Division One Sections govern and are hereby made a part of the work of this Section. A. Earthwork: Section 02300 B. Concrete Paving Curing: Section 02752 C. Flexible Pavement: Section 02740 D. Rigid Pavement: Section 2750 E. Cold Weather Concreting: Section 02753 F. Hot Weather Concreting: Section 02754 1.03 MEASUREMENT A. No measurement will be made for street pavement load transfer expansion joints. Include cost in unit price for concrete paving. B. No measurement will be made for saw-cutting existing concrete or asphalt pavement for new joints or existing concrete curbs. Include cost in unit price for concrete paving. C. No measurement will be made for formed or sawed street pavement contraction joints; longitudinal weakened plane joints and non-load transfer expansion joints regardless of material. Include cost in unit price for Concrete Paving. D. No measurement will be made for joint for Curb, Curb and Gutter; Concrete Sidewalks; and Concrete Driveways. Include cost in unit price for Curb and Gutter; Concrete Sidewalks; and Concrete Driveways. 1.04 REFERENCES A. ASTM A615 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet – Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. B. ASTM D994 – Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type). CONCRETE PAVING JOINTS 02751 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 C. ASTM D1751 – Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Non-extruding and Resilient Bituminous Types). D. ASTM D3405 – Standard Specification for Joint Sealant, Hot-Poured, for Concrete and Asphalt Pavements. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product data and samples in accordance with requirements of Section 01300 – Submittals. B. Submit product data for joint sealing compound and proposed sealing equipment for approval. C. Submit samples of dowel cup, metal supports, and deformed metal strip for approval. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Board Expansion Joint Material: Filler board of selected stock. Use wood of density and type as follows: 1. Clear, all-heart cypress weighing no more than 40 pounds per cubic foot, after being oven dried to constant weight. 2. Clear, all-heart redwood weighing no more than 30 pounds per cubic foot, after being oven dried to constant weight. B. Preformed Expansion Joint Material: Bituminous fiber and bituminous composition material conforming to ASTM D994 and ASTM D1751. C. Joint Sealing Compound: Silicon based mastic, color to match paving, conforming to ASTM 3405. D. Load Transmission Devices: 1. Smooth, steel dowel bars conforming to ASTM A615, Grade 60. When indicated on Drawings, encase one end of dowel bar in approved cap having inside diameter 1/16 inch greater than diameter of dowel bar. 2. Deformed steel tie bars conforming to ASTM A615, Grade 60. E. Metal Supports for Reinforcing Steel and Joint Assembly: Employ metal supports of approved shape and size that will secure reinforcing steel and joint assembly in correct position during placing and finishing of concrete. Space supports as directed by the Engineer. CONCRETE PAVING JOINTS 02751 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PLACEMENT A. When new work is adjacent to existing concrete, place joints at same location as existing joints in adjacent pavement. B. If the limit of removal of existing concrete or asphaltic pavement does not fall on existing joint, saw cut existing pavement minimum of 1 –1/2 inches deep to provide straight, smooth joint surface without chipping, spalling or cracks. 3.02 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS A. Place transverse construction joint wherever concrete placement must be stopped for more than 30 minutes. Place longitudinal construction joints at interior edges of pavement lanes using No. 6 deformed tie-bars, 30 inches long and spaced 18 inches on centers. 3.03 EXPANSION JOINTS A. Place ¾ inch expansion joints at radius points of curb returns for cross street intersections, or as located in adjacent pavement but no further than 60 feet apart. Use not boards shorter than 6 feet. When pavement is 24 feet or narrower, use not more than 2 lengths of board. Secure pieces to form straight joint. Shape board filler accurately to cross-section of concrete slab. Use load transmission devices of type and size shown on Drawings. Seal with joint sealing compound. 3.04 CONTRACTION JOINTS A. Place contraction joints at same locations as in adjacent pavement or at spaces indicated on Drawings. Place smoothed, painted and oiled dowels accurately and normal to joint. Seal groove with joint sealing compound. The spacing of joints shall result in approximately square panels and spaced as follows: Slab Thickness ¾” Aggregate inches max spacing, ft 5 10 6 12 7 14 These joints to be perpendicular to centerline. Align curb and gutter joints with street rjoints. 3.05 LONGITUDINAL WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS A. Place longitudinal weakened plane joints at spaces indicated on Drawings. Seal groove with joint sealing compound. CONCRETE PAVING JOINTS 02751 - 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 3.06 SAWED JOINTS A. Contractor may use sawed joints as an alternate to contraction and weakened plane joints. Circular cutter shall be capable of cutting straight line groove minimum of ½ inch wide. Depth shall be one quarter of pavement thickness plus ½ inch. Commence sawing as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to permit cutting without chipping, spalling or tearing and prior to initiation of cracks. Once sawing has commenced, it shall be continued until 24 hours of concrete placement. Saw joints at required spacing consecutively in sequence in concrete placement. B. Concrete Saw: Provide sawing equipment adequate in power to complete sawing to required dimensions and within required time. Provide at least one standby saw in good working order. Maintain sawing operations. Sawing equipment shall be on job at all times during concrete placement. 3.07 JOINTS FOR CURB, CURB AND GUTTER A. Place ¾ inch expansion joints through curb and gutters at locations of expansion and contraction joints in pavement; at end of radius returns at street intersections and driveways and at curb inlets. Maximum spacing shall be 100 foot centers. 3.08 JOINTS FOR CONCRETE SIDEWALKS A. Provide ¾ inch expansion joints conforming to ASTM A1751 along and across sidewalks at back of curbs, at intersections with driveway, steps, walls and across walk at intervals not to exceed 36 feet. Provide expansion joint material conforming to ASTM D994 for small radius curves and around fire hydrants and utility poles. Extend the expansion joint material full depth of the slab. 3.09 JOINT SEALING A. Seal joints only when surface and joints are dry, ambient temperature is above 50 degrees F and less than 85 degrees F, and weather is not foggy or rainy. B. Joint sealing equipment shall be in first class working condition, and be approved by the Engineer. Use concrete grooving machine or power-operated wire brush and other equipment such as plow, brooms, blowers or hydro or abrasive cleaning as required to produce satisfactory joints. C. Clean joints of loose scale, dirt, dust and curing compound. Term joint includes wide joint spaces, expansion joints, dummy groove joints or cracks, either preformed or natural. Remove loose material from concrete surfaces adjacent to joints. D. Fill joints neatly with joint sealer to depth shown. Pour sufficient joint sealer into joints so that, upon completion, surface of sealer within joint will be ¼ inch below level of adjacent surface or at elevation as directed. CONCRETE PAVING JOINTS 02751 - 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 3.10 PROTECTION A. Maintain joints in good condition until completion of work. B. Replace damaged joints material with new materials as required by this Section. CONCRETE PAVING JOINTS 02751 - 5 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT INTENTIALLY BLANK END OF SECTION 02751 CONCRETE PAVING JOINTS 02751 - 6 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLOARDO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02752 - CONCRETE PAVING CURING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work in this section includes curing of Portland Cement Concrete Paving. 1.02 RELATED ITEMS SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE General and Supplemental Conditions and all of Division One Sections govern and are hereby made a part of the work of this section. A. Earthwork – Section 02300 B. Rigid Pavement – Section 02750 C. Concrete Paving Curing – Section 02752 D. Cold Weather Concreting – Section 02753 E. Hot Weather Concreting – Section 02754 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM C171 – Standard Specifications for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete. B. ASTM C309 – Standard Specifications for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall conform to requirements of Section 01300-Submittals. B. Submit manufacturer’s product data for cover materials and liquid membrane-forming compounds. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 COVER MATERIALS FOR CURING A. Curing materials shall conform to one of the following: 1. Polyethylene Film: Opaque pigmented white film conforming to requirements of ASTM C171. 2. Waterproofed Paper: Paper conforming to requirements of ASTM C171. 3. Cotton Mats: Single layer of cotton filler completely enclosed in cover of cotton cloth. Mats shall contain not less than ¾ of a pound of uniformly distributed cotton filler per square yard of mat. Cotton cloth used for covering materials shall weigh not less than 6 ounces per square yard. Mats shall stitched so that mat will contact surface of pavement at all points when saturated with water. CONCRETE PAVING CURING 02752 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLOARDO DECEMBER 20, 2013 2.02 LIQUID MEMBRANE – FORMING COMPOUNDS A. Liquid membrane-forming compounds shall conform to ASTM C309. Membrane shall restrict loss of water to not more than 0.55 Kg/m2 of surface in 72 hours. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01.1 GENERAL A. Concrete pavement shall be cured by protecting it against loss of moisture for period of not less than 72 hours immediately upon completion of finishing operations. Do not use membrane curing for concrete pavement to be overlaid by asphaltic concrete. B. Where curing requires use of water, curing shall have prior right to all water supply or supplies. Failure to provide sufficient cover material shall be cause for immediate suspension of concreting operations. 3.02 POLYETHELENE FILM CURING A. Immediately after finishing surface, and after concrete has taken its initial set, apply water in the form of a fine spray. Cover surface with polyethylene film so film will remain in intimate contact with surface during specified curing period. B. Cover entire surface and both edges of pavement slab. Joints in film sheets shall overlap minimum of 12 inches. Immediately repair tears or holes occurring during curing period by placing acceptable moisture-proof patches or by replacing. 3.03 WATERPROOFED PAPER CURING A. Immediately after finishing surface, and after concrete has taken its initial set, apply water in form of fine spray. Cover surface with waterproofed paper so paper will remain in intimate contact with surface during specified curing period. B. Prepare waterproofed paper to form blankets of sufficient width to cover entire surface and both edges of pavement slab, and not be more than 60 feet in length. Joints in blankets caused by joining paper sheets shall lap not less than 5 inches and shall be securely sealed with asphalt cement having melting point of approximately 180 degrees F. Place blankets to secure an overlap of at least 12 inches. Tears or holes appearing in paper during curing period shall be immediately repaired by cementing patches over defects. 3.04 COTTON MAT CURING A. Immediately after finishing surface, and after concrete has taken its initial set, completely cover surface with cotton mats, thoroughly saturated before application, in such manner that they will contact surface of pavement equally at all points. B. Mats shall remain on pavement for specified curing period. Keep mats saturated so that, when lightly compressed, water will drip freely from them. Keep banked earth or cotton mat covering edges saturated. CONCRETE PAVING CURING 02752 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLOARDO DECEMBER 20, 2013 3.05 LIQUID MEMBRANE – FORMING COMPOUNDS A. Immediately after finishing surface, and after concrete has taken its initial set, apply liquid membrane-forming compound in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. CONCRETE PAVING CURING 02752 - 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLOARDO DECEMBER 20, 2013 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT INTENTIALLY BLANK END OF SECTION 02752 CONCRETE PAVING CURING 02752 - 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02753 - ACI 306.1-90 - COLD WEATHER CONCRETING 1 - GENERAL 1.1 - Scope 1.1.1 This Standard Specification covers requirements for cold weather concreting and protection of concrete from freezing during the specified protection period. 1.1.2 The provision of this Standard Specification shall govern unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. 1.2. - Definitions These definitions are to assist in interpreting the provisions of this specification. Accepted - Accepted by or acceptable to the Engineer. Engineer -The engineer or engineering firm issuing Project Drawings and Specifications, or administering the Work under the Contract Documents. Cold weather - A period when for more than three successive days the average daily outdoor temperature drops below 40 F. The average daily temperature is the average of the highest and lowest temperature during the period from midnight to midnight. When temperatures above 50 F occur during more than half of any 24 hr duration, the period shall no longer be regarded as cold weather. Cold weather concreting - Operations concerning the placing, finishing, curing, and protection of concrete during cold weather. Contractor - The person, firm, or corporation with whom the Owner enters into an agreement for construction of the Work. Contract documents - Documents including the Project Drawings and Project Specifications covering the required Work. Day - A time period of 24 consecutive hours. Owner - The corporation, association, partnership, individual, or public body or authority with whom the Contractor enters into an agreement and for whom the Work is provided. Project drawings -The drawings, which along with the Project Specifications, complete the descriptive information for constructing the Work required or referred to in the Contract Documents. Project specifications - The written documents which specify requirements for a project in accordance with the service parameters and other specific criteria established by the Owner. Protection period - The required time during which the concrete is maintained at or above a specific temperature in order to prevent freezing of the concrete or to ensure the necessary strength development for structural safety. Reference standards - Standards of a technical society, organization, or association, including the codes of local or state authorities, which are referenced in the Contract Documents. Required - Required by this Specification or the Contract Documents. Submitted - Submitted to the Engineer for review. Work - The entire construction or separately identifiable parts thereof which are required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. Work is the result of performing services, furnishing labor, and furnishing and incorporating materials and equipment into the construction, all as required by the Contract Documents. COLD WEATHER CONCRETING 02753- 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 1.3 - Reference organizations ACI: American Concrete Institute P.O. Box 19150 Detroit, MI 48219 ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials 1916 Race Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 1.4 - Reference standards 1.4.1 ACI Standards 301-89 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings 1.4.2 ASTM Standards C 31-88 Standard Method of Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field C 150-86 Standard Specification for Portland Cement C 494-86 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete C 803-82 Standard Test Method for Penetration Resistance of Hardened Concrete C 873-85 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders Cast in Place in Cylindrical Molds C 900-87 Standard Test Method for Pullout Strength of Hardened Concrete 1.5 - Submittal of procedures 1.5.1 Detailed procedures - If required, submit detailed procedures for the production, transportation, placement, protection, curing, and temperature monitoring of concrete during cold weather. In the submittal, include procedures to be implemented upon abrupt changes in weather conditions or equipment failures. Do not begin cold weather concreting until these procedures have been reviewed and accepted. Minimum procedures for placement, curing and protection of the concrete shall follow the recommendations in ACI 306R, “Cold Weather Concreting.” The details should include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Procedures for protecting the subgrade from frost and the accumulation of ice or snow on reinforcement or forms prior to placement. b. Methods for temperature protection during placement. c. Types of covering, insulation, housing, or heating to be provided. d. Curing methods to be used during and following the protection period. e. Use of strength accelerating admixtures. f. Methods for verification of in-place strength. g. Procedures for measuring and recording concrete temperatures. h. Procedures for preventing drying during dry, windy conditions. 2 - - MATERIALS 2.1 Scheduling protection materials All materials and equipment required for protection shall be available at the project site before cold weather concreting. 2.2 - Concrete Concrete for slabs and other flatwork exposed to cycles of freezing and thawing in a wet condition during the construction period shall be air entrained. COLD WEATHER CONCRETING 02753- 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 3-- EXECUTION 3.1 - Preparation before concreting Remove all snow, ice, and frost from the surfaces, including reinforcement, against which the concrete is to be placed. Before beginning concrete placement, completely thaw the subgrade. Do not place concrete around massive embedments identified in the Contract Documents unless such embedments are at a temperature above freezing. 3.2 - Concrete temperature 3.2.1 Placement temperature - The minimum temperature of concrete immediately after placement shall be as specified in Column 2 of Table 3.2.1. The temperature of concrete as placed shall not exceed the values shown in Column 2 of Table 3.2.1 by more than 20F. Table 3.2.1 - Concrete temperature (1) (2) (3) Least dimension of Minimum temperature Maximum gradual section, in. of concrete as placed decrease in surface and maintained during temperature during protection period, °F any 24 h after end of protection, °F Less than 12 55 50 12 to less than 36 50 40 36 to 72 45 30 Greater than 72 40 20 3.2.2 Protection temperature - Unless otherwise specified, the minimum temperature of concrete during the protection period shall be as shown in Column 2 of Table 3.2.1. Temperatures specified to be maintained during the protection period shall be those measured at the concrete surface, whether the surface is in contact with formwork, insulation, or air. Measure the temperature with a surface temperature measuring device having an accuracy of +/-2 F. Measure and record the temperature of concrete in each placement at regular time intervals at a frequency not less than twice per 24-hr period. 3.2.3 Termination of protection - The maximum decrease in temperature measured at the surface of the concrete in a 24-hour period shall not exceed the values shown in Column 3 of Table 3.2.1. Do not exceed these limits until the surface temperature of the concrete is within 20 F of the ambient or surrounding temperatures. When the surface temperature of the concrete is within 20 F of the ambient or surrounding temperature, all protection may be removed. 3.3 - Curing of concrete Prevent concrete from drying during the required curing period. If water curing is used, terminate use at least 24 hr before any anticipated exposure of the concrete to freezing temperatures. 3.4 - Protection of concrete 3.4.1 Combustion heaters - Vent flue gases from combustion heating units to the outside of the enclosure. 3.4.2 Overheating and drying - Place and direct heaters and ducts to avoid areas of overheating or drying of the concrete surface. 3.4.3 Maximum air temperature - During the protection period, do not expose the concrete surface to air having a temperature more than 20 F above the values shown in Column 2 of Table 3.2.1, unless higher values are required by an accepted curing method. COLD WEATHER CONCRETING 02753- 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 3.4.4 Protection against freezing - Cure and protect concrete against damage from freezing for a minimum period of 3 days, unless otherwise specified. Maintain the surface temperature of the concrete during that period in accordance with Column 2 of Table 3.2.1, unless otherwise specified. The protection period may be reduced to 2 days if use of one or more of the following to alter the concrete mixture is accepted: • Type III portland cement meeting the requirements of ASTM C 150 • A strength accelerating admixture meeting the requirements of ASTM C 494 • 100 lb/yd³ of additional cement During periods not defined as cold weather, but when freezing temperatures may occur, protect concrete surfaces against freezing for the first 24 hr after placing. Any changes in the concrete mix proportions for reducing the duration of the protection period to prevent early freezing should be submitted for review or acceptance. 3.4.5 Protection deficiency - If the temperature requirements during the specified protection period are not met but the concrete was prevented from freezing, continue protection until twice the deficiency of protection in degree-hours is made up. Deficient degree hours may be determined by multiplying the average deficiency in temperature by the number of hours the temperature was below the values shown in Column 2 of Table 3.2.1. APPENDIX - METRIC CONVERSIONS Inch-pound unit Factor S1 unit In. x25.4 = mm Lb/yd3 x0.5933 =kg/m1 Psi x0.006895 =Mpa Temperature, °F (°F-32)/1.8 =°C Temperature interval °F °F/1.8 =°C END OF SECTION 02753 COLD WEATHER CONCRETING 02753- 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02754 - ACI 305.1-06 - HOT WEATHER CONCRETING SECTION 1—GENERAL 1.1—Scope This Specification covers requirements for hot weather concrete construction. Provisions of this Specification shall govern, except where other provisions are specified in Contract Documents. This Specification shall not be used in conjunction with ACI 301 or ACI 530.1. 1.2—Referenced standards 1.2.1 Standards of ACI and ASTM referred to in this Specification are listed with serial designation, including year of adoption or revision, and are part of this Specification. 1.2.2 ACI Standards 308.1-98 Standard Specification for Curing Concrete 1.2.3 ASTM Standards C 31/C31 M-03a Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field C 39/C 39M-05 Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens C 78-02 Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third- Point Loading) C 94/C 94M-05 Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete C 138/C 138M-01a Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete C 143/C 143M-05a Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete C 171-03 Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete C 173/C 173M- 01ε1 Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method C 192/C 192M-05 Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory C 231-04 Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method C 293-02 Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam With Center-Point Loading) C 1064/C 1064M-05 Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete 1.2.4 Abbreviations for and complete names and addresses of organizations issuing documents referred to in this Specification are listed: American Concrete Institute (ACI) PO Box 9094 Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094 Phone: (248) 848-3700 Fax: (248) 848-3701 website: www.concrete.org HOT WEATHER CONCRETING 02754- 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 ASTM International (ASTM) 100 Barr Harbor Dr West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 Phone: (610) 832-9500 Fax: (610) 832-9555 website: www.astm.org 1.3—Definitions day—a period of 24 consecutive hours. evaporation retardant—a material that generates a continuous thin film when spread over water on the surface of fresh concrete and thus retards the evaporation of bleed water. hot weather—job-site conditions that accelerate the rate of moisture loss or rate of cement hydration of freshly mixed concrete, including an ambient temperature of 27 °C (80 °F) or higher, and an evaporation rate that exceeds 1 kg/m2/h, or as revised by the Engineer. hot weather concreting—operations concerning the preparation, production, delivery, placement, finishing, protection, and curing of concrete during hot weather. moist—slightly damp but not quite dry to the touch; “wet” implies visible free water, “damp” implies less wetness than “wet,” and “moist” implies not quite dry. protection period—the required time during which the concrete is protected against thermal cracking due to rapid temperature drops. temperature of fresh concrete—the temperature measured during the discharge and placement in accordance with ASTM C 1064/C 1064M. temperature of hardened concrete—the temperature measured at the concrete surface. units—values stated in either U.S. Customary or SI units shall be regarded separately as standard. Values stated in each system might not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently of the other, without combining values in any way. 1.4—Submittal of procedures 1.4.1 Before hot weather concreting and the preplacement conference, submit to Engineer for review and comment detailed procedures, including production, placement, finishing, curing and protection of concrete during hot weather concreting. 1.5—Preplacement conference 1.5.1 At least 15 days before the start of the concrete construction schedule, hold a preplacement conference for the purpose of reviewing hot weather concreting requirements and mix designs. 1.5.2 Send a preplacement conference agenda on hot weather operations and procedures to representatives of concerned parties not less than 10 days before the scheduled date of the conference. 1.5.3 Preplacement conference shall include, but is not limited to, representation of Contractor, Concrete Subcontractor, Testing Agency, Pumping Contractor, and Ready-Mixed Concrete Producer. 1.5.4 Distribute the minutes of the preplacement conference to representatives of concerned parties within 5 days after the preplacement conference. 1.6—Documents required on site 1.6.1 Copies of ACI 305R, ACI 305.1, and ACI 308.1 must be available at the project site during concrete construction. HOT WEATHER CONCRETING 02754- 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 2—PRODUCTS 2.1—General 2.1.1 Store all materials and equipment required for curing and protection at or near the project site before hot weather concreting commences. 2.1.2 Initial site curing of strength test specimens for acceptance—Provide facilities that ensure compliance with the initial curing requirements of ASTM C 31/C 31M. 2.2—Concrete mixture proportions 2.2.1 Submit concrete mixture proportions to Engineer for review. Include specific materials, manufacturer, and type for hot weather concreting. The submittal shall include concrete mixture adjustment parameters and methods to be implemented during changes in weather conditions. SECTION 3—EXECUTION 3.1—General 3.1.1 Do not place concrete against surfaces of absorbent materials that are dry. Do not place concrete against surfaces that have free water. 3.1.2 Prepare all materials required for accepted evaporation control measures and have them available on site so that specified measures can be executed as necessary. 3.1.3 Initiate accepted evaporation control measures when concrete and air temperatures, relative humidity of the air, and the wind velocity have the capacity to evaporate water from a free water surface at a rate that is equal to or greater than 1.0 kg/m2/h (0.2 lb/ft2/h), unless otherwise specified. Determine the evaporation rate of surface moisture by use of the Menzel Formula: W = 0.315(eo – ea)(0.253 + 0.060V) [SI units] W = 0.44(eo – ea)(0.253 + 0.096V) [U.S. Customary units] where W = mass of water evaporated in kg (lb) per m2 (ft2) of water-covered surface per hour; eo = saturation water vapor pressure in kPa (psi) in the air immediately over the evaporating surface, at the temperature of the evaporating surface. Obtain this value from Table 3.1(a) or (b). The temperature of the evaporating surface shall be taken as the concrete temperature; ea = water vapor pressure in kPa (psi) in the air surrounding the concrete. Multiply the saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of the air surrounding the concrete by the relative humidity of the air. Air temperature and relative humidity are to be measured at a level approximately 1.2 to 1.8 m (4 to 6 ft) above the evaporating surface on the windward side and shielded from the sun’s rays; and V = average wind speed in km/h (mph), measured at 0.5 m (20 in.) above the evaporating surface. Monitor site conditions (air temperature, humidity, wind speed) to assess the need for evaporation control measures beginning no later than 1 hour before the start of concrete placing operations. Continue to monitor site conditions at intervals of 30 minutes or less until specified curing procedures have been applied. For measuring the rate of evaporation of surface moisture, use equipment or instruments that are certified by the manufacturer as accurate to within 1 °C (2 °F), 5% relative humidity, and 1.6 km/h (1 mph) wind speed. Use equipment in accordance with the product manufacturer recommendations. HOT WEATHER CONCRETING 02754- 3 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 Table 3.1(a)—Saturation water vapor pressure (kPa) over water (SI units) Air and concrete Saturation Air and concrete Saturation temperature, °C pressure, kPa temperature, °C pressure, kPa 4 0813 28 3.78 5 0.872 29 4.01 6 0.934 30 4.24 7 1.00 31 4.49 8 1.07 32 4.75 9 1.15 33 5.03 10 1.23 34 5.32 11 1.31 35 5.62 12 1.40 36 5.94 13 1.50 37 6.28 14 1.60 38 6.63 15 1.70 39 6.99 16 1.82 40 7.38 17 1.94 41 7.78 18 2.06 42 8.20 19 2.20 43 8.64 20 2.34 44 9.10 21 2.49 45 9.58 22 2.64 46 10.1 23 2.81 47 10.6 24 2.98 48 11.2 25 3.17 49 11.7 26 3.36 50 12.3 27 3.56 Data source: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 68th Edition, 1987, mathematically converted into kPa. Table 3.1(b)—Saturation water vapor pressure (psi) over water (U.S. Customary units) Air and concrete Saturation Air and concrete Saturation temperature, °F pressure, psi temperature, °F pressure, psi 40 0.121 81 0.523 41 0.127 82 0.542 42 0.132 83 0.559 43 0.137 84 0.577 44 0.143 85 0.595 45 0.147 86 0.615 46 0.153 87 0.637 47 0.159 88 0.658 48 0.166 89 0.679 49 0.171 90 0.698 50 0.178 91 0.722 51 0.185 92 0.746 52 0.192 93 0.769 53 0.199 94 0.789 54 0.206 95 0.816 55 0.214 96 0.843 HOT WEATHER CONCRETING 02754- 4 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 Air and concrete Saturation Air and concrete Saturation temperature, °F pressure, psi temperature, °F pressure, psi 56 0.222 97 0.870 57 0.231 98 0.896 58 0.238 99 0.920 59 0.247 100 0.951 60 0.257 101 0.981 61 0.267 102 1.01 62 0.277 103 1.04 63 0.285 104 1.07 64 0.296 105 1.10 65 0.308 106 1.13 66 0.319 107 1.17 67 0.327 108 1.20 68 0.339 109 1.24 69 0.352 110 1.27 70 0.366 111 1.31 71 0.378 112 1.35 72 0.388 113 1.39 73 0.403 114 1.43 74 0.418 115 1.47 75 0.433 116 1.52 76 0.443 117 1.56 77 0.459 118 1.60 78 0.476 119 1.65 79 0.494 120 1.70 80 0.510 Data source: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 68th Edition, 1987, mathematically converted into °F and psi. 3.2—Maximum allowable concrete temperature 3.2.1 Limit the maximum allowable fresh concrete temperature to 35 °C (95 °F), unless otherwise specified, or unless a higher allowable temperature is accepted by Engineer, based upon past field experience or preconstruction testing using a concrete mixture similar to one known to have been successfully used at a higher concrete temperature. 3.2.2 Measure the fresh concrete temperature at the point and time of discharge in accordance with ASTM C 1064/C 1064M. Frequency of temperature determination shall be in accordance with ASTM C 94/C 94M and at the option of the inspector. 3.3—Qualification of concrete mixture proportions 3.3.1 Approval of concrete mixture and proposed maximum allowable fresh concrete temperature, supported by past field experience of Section 3.2.1, shall be based, on similar climate and production conditions, materials, mixture proportions and temperatures, placing and finishing methods, and concrete delivery time. 3.3.2 Approval of concrete mixture and proposed maximum allowable fresh concrete temperature, supported by preconstruction testing of Section 3.2.1, shall require materials similar to those proposed for use in the project. 3.3.3 Laboratory trial batch—Batch the laboratory concrete trial mixture within 2 °C (3 °F) of the proposed maximum allowable concrete temperature and mix in accordance with ASTM C 192/C 192M, except as modified herein. If necessary, move the laboratory mixer into an enclosed, heated and ventilated space, or use heated mixing water, or both, to achieve and maintain the proposed HOT WEATHER CONCRETING 02754- 5 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 maximum allowable concrete temperature. For drum-type mixers, the concrete mixture shall remain in the mixer for 47 minutes after completion of the 3-minute initial mixing period unless specified otherwise. During the 50-minute period, cover the mixer opening with a non-absorbent material, such as plastic, to prevent moisture loss, and rotate the mixer continuously at an agitation speed of 6 to 8 rpm. For laboratory mixers without speed adjustments, simulate agitation by rotating the mixer continuously at a drum angle between 45 and 75 degrees from horizontal. At the end of 50 minutes, mix the concrete mixture at full mixing speed designated by the manufacturer (8 to 20 rpm) for 2 minutes. For pan-type mixers, the concrete mixture shall remain in the mixer for 41 minutes after completion of the initial 3-minute mixing period. During the 44-minute period, the mixer shall cycle through periods of rest for 5 minutes, and then mixing for 1 minute. During the rest period, cover the mixer opening with a non-absorbent material, such as plastic, to prevent moisture loss. At the end of 44 minutes, mix the concrete mixture at full mixing speed designated by the manufacturer (8 to 20 rpm) for 2 minutes. During mixing and agitation periods for both drum-type and pan-type mixers, the addition of water, chemical admixture, or both, to adjust slump is permitted provided that the specified concrete mixture w/cm is not exceeded. As needed, check and adjust the slump of the concrete mixture during the middle 1/3 of the 50- or 44-minute laboratory trial mixing period. The proposed concrete mixture shall meet the specified slump range at the end of the laboratory mixing period and meet the required strength at the specified test age. 3.3.4 Field trial batch—Batch the field concrete trial mixture within 2 °C (3 °F) of the proposed maximum allowable concrete temperature in a truck-mixer with a minimum batch size of 3 m3 (4 yd3). If necessary, move the truck mixer into an enclosed, heated, and ventilated space to achieve a concrete temperature within the specified tolerance of the proposed maximum allowable concrete temperature. The concrete mixture shall be held in the mixer for 90 minutes, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer. During the entire 90-minute period, agitate the mixer at 1 to 6 rpm. At the end of 90 minutes, mix the concrete mixture at full mixing speed designated by the manufacturer (6 to 18 rpm) for 2 minutes. During mixing and agitation periods, the addition of water, chemical admixture, or both, to adjust slump is permitted provided that the specified concrete mixture w/cm is not exceeded. As needed, check and adjust the slump of the concrete mixture during the middle 1/3 of the 90-minute mixing period. The proposed concrete mixture shall be within the specified slump range at the end of the 90-minute field mixing period and meet the required strength at the specified test age. 3.3.5 Test values obtained in accordance with the appropriate ASTM Standard shall include compressive strength (C 192/ C 192M or C 31/C 31M, and C 39/C 39M), flexural strength (C 192/C 192M and either C 78 or C 293; C 31/C 31M and either C 78 or C 293), or both; slump (C 143/C 143M); air content (C 231, C 173/C 173M, or C 138/C 138M); concrete density (unit weight) (C 138/ C 138M); and concrete temperature (C 1064/ C 1064M). Slump, air content, and concrete and air temperature measurements shall be performed after initial mixing, intermediately as needed or as desired, and at the conclusion of the mixing period along with the other specified tests. 3.3.6 Acceptance of concrete mixture proportions— Submit to the Engineer for acceptance a request for a specific higher maximum allowable concrete temperature. Include the constituent materials and proportions of the proposed concrete mixture and all values obtained from past field experience or preconstruction testing. Test results shall be within the Project Specification ranges and tolerances. 3.4—Concrete production and delivery 3.4.1 Concrete shall be produced at a temperature such that its maximum temperature at discharge will not exceed the specified maximum allowable concrete temperature. Acceptable production methods to reduce the temperature of the concrete include: shading aggregate stockpiles, sprinkling water on coarse aggregate stockpiles; using chilled water for concrete production; substituting chipped or shaved iced for portions of the mixing water; and cooling concrete materials using liquid nitrogen. The submittals for hot weather concreting shall indicate which methods will be used and in HOT WEATHER CONCRETING 02754- 6 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 what order they will be initiated when multiple methods are to be used. The substitution of other cooling methods will be considered by the Engineer when requested in the submittal and accompanied by satisfactory supporting data. 3.4.2 Unless otherwise specified, deliver concrete in accordance with ASTM C 94/C 94M, which requires the concrete to be discharged within 1-1/2 hours or before the truck-mixer drum has revolved 300 revolutions, whichever comes first. 3.5—Concrete placement and finishing 3.5.1 Concrete placement and finishing operations shall proceed as quickly as conditions will permit. 3.6—Concrete bleed-water evaporation 3.6.1 Control concrete surface bleed-water evaporation with application of evaporation reducers, plastic sheeting, fog spray, or wind breaks. Use these materials and methods in accordance with ACI 308.1 Submit for approval the desired method to be used when concreting during periods with evaporation rates higher than permitted 3.7—Concrete curing 3.7.1 Concrete curing—Cure concrete in accordance with ACI 308.1. 3.8—Concrete protection 3.8.1 Protection period—Protect the concrete against thermal shrinkage cracking due to rapid drops in concrete temperature greater than 22 °C (40 °F) during the first 24 hours unless otherwise specified. 3.8.2 Protection materials—Acceptable protection materials to prevent excessive temperature drops are insulating blankets, batt insulation with moisture-proof covering, layers of dry porous material such as straw, hay, or multiple layers of impervious paper meeting ASTM C 171. These protection materials shall not be applied until the concrete surface temperature has become steady or is beginning to decline. HOT WEATHER CONCRETING 02754- 7 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT INTENTIALLY BLANK END OF SECTION 02754 HOT WEATHER CONCRETING 02754- 8 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02760 - PAVEMENT MARKING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Layout and paint lines and direction arrows, signs, handicapped designations, etc. at: a. Parking garage slabs b. Asphaltic and concrete vehicular paving 2. Paint curbs as indicated- if applicable B. Related Sections: 1. Asphalt Paving: Section 02740 Flexible Paving 2. Parking Garage Slabs: Section 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete 3. Cement Paving: Section 02750 Rigid Pavement 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Company specializing in pavement marking with proper equipment for pavement marking project of this size. 1.03 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: Do not apply pavement marking in wet weather or when temperature is below 40 degrees F. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 STRIPING PAINT A. Paint: Solvent base paint complying with Colorado State Highway Department Specifications. 1. Color: White or yellow as directed by Architect and Civil Engineer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 MARKING A. Preparation and Layout: 1. After paving is fully cured, sweep paving clean. 2. Layout: Layout and paint symbols, direction arrows, signs, etc., on asphalt paving, concrete paving and parking garage slabs as indicated on Drawings. 3. Verify marking layouts with Architect before proceeding. PAVEMENT MARKING 02760 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 B. Markings: 1. Lines: Four inches wide painted by mechanical striping machine. 2. Markings: Apply lining and other markings sufficient quantity to produce completely opaque lines and markings. END OF SECTION 02760 PAVEMENT MARKING 02760 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 SECTION 02922 - TOPSOIL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTIONS A. Work Included: For areas not formally landscaped or covered under landscape topsoil specification. Stripping of existing topsoil, storage in stockpiles, replacement of topsoil after other work is completed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 TOPSOIL Material stripped from site consisting of loose, friable loam, reasonably free of admixtures of subsoil, refuse, stumps, rocks, brush, weeds, or other material detrimental to proper development of vegetative growth. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 TOPSOIL EXCAVATION Remove all sod, topsoil, organic earth. Stockpile topsoil as directed by Owner’s representative or Architect. 3.02 TOPSOIL PLACEMENT A. General: When job has been shaped and ready for placement of topsoil, cover all cut-fill areas and construction scars with topsoil to depth of 6". Contour all surfaces in accordance with drawings to blend with existing adjacent terrain. Dispose of all excess topsoil off-site. B. Slope Rounding: Round top and bottom of slopes and feather into undisturbed natural terrain. Avoid abrupt grade changes by making smooth transitions from slopes to more level areas. C. Slope Molding: Avoid long, continuous slope faces by molding face of slope to accent existing adjacent terrain. Steepen slope faces near ridges and bluffs, laid back to link to natural draws, creating an undulating face. TOPSOIL 02922 - 1 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO STRATA VAIL 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL, COLORADO DECEMBER 20, 2013 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT INTENTIALLY BLANK END OF SECTION 02922 TOPSOIL 02922 - 2 Alpine Engineering, Inc. Edwards, CO