HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0013 CR3 Special Inspection Reports (2) corrections required West Slope Testing & Inspection LLC Report #1
3177 Glendam Dr.
Grand Junction, CO 815 Q4 Page 1 of 1
Phone: 970-43 4-698 8
Cell: 970-260-2844
Ins ect�on Re rt
Date: 10-1-13
Client: HP Geotech �Job ##HP 112 111B)
Project: Mill Creek Properties
Address: �03 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO
Building Permit No: B 13-OQ 13
�eneral Contractor; George Shaeffer Construction Company
Contractor that Performed Work: Myers & Company
Ins ection of sho fabrication or field work at 'ob site: Field
Report: Visually inspected the field vvelding at steel beam to wall embed
connections & ledger angle to embed connections a most locations {some of ledger
angle welds at top sides were covered with steel decking 8� could not be
inspected) basement level framing. �lisually inspected the field welding at steel
beam to wall embed connections & perimeter channel steel to wall embed
connections grids 5 to 6 ground level framing. Note high strength bolting at areas
inspected above was not�et completed & will need to be inspected at a later date.
The field welding inspected above appeared to be in substantial conformance
with the plans, and the quality requirements of the AWS D 1.1 Structural Welding
Code e�cept as note below.
1) Noticed angle clips at one side of steel beam to wall embed connections were
not welded, as there did not appe�.r to be enough room between the steel beam 8�
concrete �vall to perform the welding. Noticed this condition a basement/garage
elevator framing level grids 1 to 2.5, and ground level framing grid E/5.
2) Typ. weld detail on Myers & �ompany plan E21 for steel beam to wall embeds
just showed the angle clips welded on the vertical sides. I guess this was revi�wed
by the stru.ctural engineer 8� that welding was not required on the top or bottom
sides of the clips unless note�..
3) Noticed embed plate appeared to be too low to weld top side of perimeter
channel steel ground level framing at approximately grid D.7/6.1.
4) Noticed a weld ne�ded completed at perimeter channel steel to wall embed
ground level framing at approximately grid C.2/5.7.
Mitch Sturde the j ab site supervisor with George Shaeffer Const. was made aware
of t�ese items c4� corrections should be reinspe ted at a later date. �
Inspector/Technician: Douglas E Youn ; `�'��" �OU
g � j 70�
� � � �r �2
�tTest Slope Testing & Inspection L,LC Report #2
3177 Glendam Dr.
Grand Junction, CC� 815�4 Page 1 of 2
Phone: 970�-43 4-69 8 8
Cell: 970-26�-2844
� Ins ectlon R
e �r�t
Date: 11-d-13
Client: HP Geotech (Job #HP 11 Z 111 B)
Pro j ect: Mill Creek Properties
Address: 3�3 Mill Creek Circle Vail, C�
Building Permit I�To: B 13-0013
General Contractor: George Shaeffer �anstruction Campan�
�ontractor that Performed Work: M�ers & �ompany
Ins e+ction of sbo fabrication or field work at 'ob site: Fie1d
Report: Visually inspected the field welding at steel beam to wall embed
connections & perimeter channel steel to wall embed cannections bottom side
only {top side was covered with wood sub floaring) grids 1 to 5 ground level
framing, and inspected high strength l�olting at steel beam, column, and 'oist
connections ground level �raming.
Visuall ins ected the field weldin at steel beam to wall emb�d connections
Y p � �
steel truss connections completed to date, 16"x8"x318" tube steel connections grid
line 5, and erimeter channel steel to wall embed connections. Also ins ected hi h
p p g
strength balting at steel beam, colunln, and 'aist conneetions main level framin .
J g
The field welding 8� high stren�th bolting inspect�d above appeared to be in
general conformance with the plans, and the uali re uirements of the AWS D 1.1
�l tY q
Structural Welding Code � the AISC/RCSC Specification for A325/A490 bolting
except as note belov�.
1) Noticed angle clips at one side of steel beam to wall embed connections were
not welded, as there did not appear to be enou roam betv�een the steel beam &
concrete wall to perfor�n the �velding. Noticed this condition as noted in re art #l
at basement/ ara e elevator framin level rids 1 to 2.5 & ound level framin
g g g g �' g
grid EIS. Also observed this condition on this �isit at grou�.d level framing grid
C13, Steel erectors had welded top flange of steel beams ta embed lates with multi
pass vvelds at side were angle clips could not be welded basement/ ara e elevator
g g
framing conr�ections, Top flanges of beams ground level �raming were not welded.
Before a final report could be issued som� documentation would need to be
provided regarding this condition as being acceptable or not to the structural
2)Noticed angle connection clips were not installed./weld.ed at one side of the tube
page 2 of 2
steel truss main level framing grid A.8/4. It appeared that the wall embed plates
were misaligned with the tube steel truss conneetions.
3) Noticed onl one an le cli was installed/welded at steel beam to wall face late
�' g p p
conriection main level framing grid C/5.4, Appeared ta be a wall pocket too close
to beam to weld Znd an le cli .
� p
4) Some of the steel beam &joists cannections had been field welded in lieu of
bolting varies locations where bolt holes did not align. Connections had generally
been welded three side with 1/4" fillet vvelds, Have structural engineer
� S) �T elding & bolting �vas being completed were steel n�.embers had been cut loose
ground floor framing grid C to D bet�een 1 c� 2, and a fevv bolts needed tightened
varies areas. Also beam connection clips needed welded main floor framing grid
C,2 at 5.8 & 6. This work will need to be inspected an a fu.ture visit along with the
remainder of the ro'eet that was not et com leted.
p J Y p
Dou s E Y
Ins ector/Technici n• D � cw� �so7
p a . ouglas E Young Q�� P. 111
West Slope Testing & Inspection LLC Report#3
3177 Glendam Dr.
Grand Junction, CO 81504 Page 1 of 2
Phone: 970-434-6988
Cell: 970-260-2844
Inspection Report
Date: 2-5-14
Client: HP Geotech(Job #HP 112 111B)
Project: Mill Creek Properties
Address: 303 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO
Building Permit No: B 13-0013
General Contractor: George Shaeffer Construction Company
Contractor that Performed Work: Myers & Company
Inspection of shop fabrication or fietd work at 'ob site: Field
Report: Met with the structural engineer Mark Mueller & Mitch Sturde the job
site supervisor with George Shaeffer Construction Company discussed items noted
in the previous special inspection reports #1 & #2. Per our conversations it
appeared that Mark was satisfied with the items note in the previous reports as is
or as per his instructions to correct them, and would provide some written
Visually inspected the field welding at steel beam to wall embed connections &
field welded channel steel joist connections ground floor level framing grids C.5
to D.8 from 1 to 2 that was not completed and inspected on the previous visit, and
high strength bolting that needed reinspected as noted in report#2 item#5.
Visually inspected field welding at tube steel connections & high strength A325
bolting at steel beam/column connections as best as possible with wood framing &
sheathing in place top of main floor level framing to roof level framing.
The field welding & high strength bolting inspected/reinspected above appeared
to be in general conformance with the plans, and the quality requirements of the
AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code & the AISC/RCSC Specification for
A325/A490 bolting except as note below.
1) There appeared to be some welds that needed completed at steel beam
connection beam 3B 19 main floor framing grid C.2/5.8, bottom of tube steel
column SF4 upper level framing grid C.5/3.7, and plate to steel beam connection
top of sloped tube steel member upper level/lower roof framing grid D.8/5.5. Also
a weld needed repaired (slag inclusions/incomplete fusion) at steel plate to sloped
tube steel member upper leveUlower roof framing grid D.8/5.5.
2) There appeared to be some A325 bolts/nuts that needed tightened to a minimum
of snug tight at bottom of steel frame 4F 1 & 4F3 top of main level framing grid
page 2 of 2
line 1 & grid C.2/3; and at steel beams 4B4 & 4B 17 upper level/lower roof framing
grid 1.9 & D.2/5.5.
Note to the best of my knowledge this completes the special inspections of the
structural onsite welding& high'strength A325 bolting on the project as outlined in
reports #1 thru #3 except for the items noted in this report. These items will need to
be reinspected or some documentation/photos provided showing that welds have
been completed/repaired & bolts tightened along with some written documentation
from Mark Mueller the structural engineer in regards to items noted in reports #1 &
#2. Then a final report can be issued.
Doug1�s E Yo
Inspector/Technician: Douglas E Young �'N� �6o�oi �
QC16?SP.7 /201
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the mj muelfer ca:, inc. , �
14 February 2Q.'(4 `, `
Mr.� Kyle H. Vll�bb
7�0.Vllest Lionshead,Circle
� Suit�.A . _
Vait, Co��r.ado 'S'1658 � . .
. . , .
_ ,. .
�ubj�ct; ,St�e1 S��:cia! lnspecfi�on� ;: , .
. `�.NEF��..CREEK CtRC�:E RE.Sl;DEN:CE � •
� . �nt'#� � :
' Vait,�Colorada -
,4t yo�r re.quest;.t�is o.ffice fias coordiriate� the stru.c#ural:ste�l insfallat�ori:�or the project _ - .
- rne�t;oned a�ove with GEORGE SHAEFFER CO .NSTRUCTI:ON CQMP�NY and MYERS.:&. . .
: C4MFAN�' Tf�e �nsfaflatior� has �een.fnspecfed.by 1/1lEST S�O,PE�:TESTING & INSF'ECTI,O;N
, L�C�, se.e-repor�s da#ed �0`1:-1�;; 1.'! 6-13 and 2 .��14 This,le#ter �s a r�sponse to`ffi�.re�or�s:
to cp�frm:the�i�voi�ement�of�his offce�:re�arc�mg �he'items.m.eri�ioried....The foilawing items .
af��t�..be r�ot��: :.� . �
� :_ _;
� a) '; #'� IN REPOR7'#'f
� The.fwa outside:Wl2�x 65 on fhe Gara.g� Ele'vator-Frarning Plan haue acc�ss issues : .
.- for the bacfc c�ip an"gle befirveen th�e 6eam arid the concrete �ival� _
- ° � Tf�is:office;coo�d�na#ed firs#;�add�ng a sol�d bearing plat� welded fo tNe beam p�a.eed
� � beneat�r the beam to=the `slab be�ow Second.iy,�tfae tr�r�t�ar�gle.was weld.ed pe�.:plan, :�
' the bac�c;an�f�.is weleled on theto�.��Final�y,�'a salid bar.:was uueld�d`betw�een;fhe top :_
�(ange of tl�e b�am anci t�e emb�d pf.ate 4 lacafi�ons typ�ca�, � -
Any weEding �hat was "m�ssed" must be:corriple��d;`�erns.peeted�and approved �n:=
�ers:on or,t�iro�gn 3�a party and:phatog�aphs::_ �
. � . .: �} � #2 1N'REF'.ORT#4 `:� ,
� . .Generalfy; t�e loads were smatf.eno�ag�;a�d.the ang�es long eno�rgh;;fhat weldi�g�was
� .only req�ired on tt�e �e�#icai edges. :W�ere,reg�ired, tk�e:weld was continued;arai�nd : . :
#�e angle:on fh'e t�oriz�t�ta! .ecfges or.��� s�ze of't�ie welci viras increased ori t�e�vertical'
� 'edges. " -
, �� #3 !N REP�RT#1 .
�ivil �rChitecturaC and structiiraf engineering • P.o box 2747°vaii,calor�do 81 b5S �76-2627 476 2637 (FAX)
,... „ w`.�,� � � . .
i St.. ,. - ' � , . .._ . _
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.: ', L _. r; . . . . _ - , .
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� Page 2 . - . .
` Mr:.Kyie, H .Webb .�"; : -
14�Feb��rary 20:'!4° - .
Vlleld on the bottom ot fhe chann�f only i5 accep#able for this particular condifion.
d) #1 fN REPORT#2. -
See a}:abo�e regard�ng fhe basernen#/garage elevator-.connections. The W'�O x 30. '
- conn�cfion iocated at'Grfds C/3'was coorefinated�witl�-this offc� �o install fhe eas€ang�e
�er plan; the west angEe,can onEy be welded on:fhe to�:and battorrm edge,-and add.a .
. new bearing angle'�eneath.fihe boftorn.�at�ge of:#he beam:" ; �
e}' #2 [N REPORT#2 . _
" Tkie �ube:'steel'#russes connec�ior�s��located.at GeidsA.8/4;were coordmated with fhis
- o�Ffice '�he �ertt pfafes w��e.coordit�ated tluring the shop drawEr�g;�proceSs,�Verify�
- � adequate welciing to th� em�ed pfate antl #he �ube steel #r�ss: � . .
,,. ;. ... _. . . ,
`': � #3 iN.REPORT#2 :"� _ _
The be��i did.`no� prop�rly�al�gri:wi�tli.e emb�d piates `Tl�is.o�Fice.coor�inated usmg a
. � . paeca;af �12";pla�e to b�=welded �o�the`em�e� plates ar�c� e�er�ded to �h�:�edge of t�ie
tne�haris.af openEng'acfJaining the VVfi2 x 5$:' The.wes#angle<,was instafi�d per �lan,"•,a
- �ar;rras �u�stitutec! �ar.the east:angle,`an� �b�.aring.ang�e was a�ded�b�neath the `
bott�m �ar�ge � >
:g� '°, #4,�_!�t I�EPOri�T�,#2 : , ,� ,
- VVeltli�g was�fiefd coordinated as an a�ceptable optior� when I�oles for �ait�d
��� co.nn.ec#i.a�ts:dicf:not aiigr�.as fabricateci'.
� _
- r i.
:h) -AL�°:REP4RTS
A1E'ifems.and-connec#ions'pre�EO_usly-inspecied ar�d fflund to have rni�sed or defc�er�t'
_ vwefds, miss�ng,or fcaose.�olts�, m�rst be;=repaired dr'completed,;r�cnsp�cted:and� -
- : appro�ed;in.=pe�son or tl�rough 3��;parties and photographs;�to:confarm with the :
,_ , - , -, . ;. .
, . .
� � constru.ction cfacument�. � � . ; .
Thfs ietter:�is required to alfow WEST SLOPE TESTING& 1NSPECTI:ON, L.L.0 to�cornplete the
. 4« and finaf compEef�orr"re�ao� � ' � 'o�ec#: If you'��ave ar�y questiorts regarding fhis ietter�1.
: :,or`_t�te ba�artce o.f the stru . ��� � project, p[�ase contac.t this offce
� � Sancerely yo�ars, _ ,�. ;� !
. THE !�! J MUELLE � � , -� " .
� , . . � ,:, ,
: Mark J.�M�eller, PE . ��:�� �,;�
President - a% ���
�.�.:�'�,.»..w,�:._...�...� ..:�"_"•� .�..:_ __ . ,..� . +, ... . . . �..-: . ' . . . , .
: �_t . . . . . ' . .
�he mj mueEler co., inc.
28 Feb�uary 2014 .
Mr. Ky�c� H. �`Jebb
7'�0 'JU�st Licnshead Circle '
Sui�e a _ . �
Vail; Col�rado 8'1�57
°. �ubjecfi: Ste�l Speci�l.lnspectior� ; .
LQt #3 � � .
`Jail, Ce�ar�do :
Tf�e last visual ins�ectiQr� by WEST SL.OPE TESTf NG & �NSPECTlON, LLC (V115T&.I) . �
procl�ced .one ste�[corir�ecfion,of concern�. :The connecfion is between_the.W8 X 15 wi�dow
he�der shawn on:S�eet S4:at�Grids 5:9�fG.1:5 and�f�e embed pfate..in the ertc! o�tFie
. . .
'�OC:E1C���[011.W�I�. - `. - , �
T�is cortr�ectran;�� ver� ligfitly:loacled,.ancf according to�plar�; has� cl�p�ang�e on.bot�'.sides:,
Oniy �rie c[ip ang�e has.�eert discussed. T�ie exposed:clip��ar�gle as:we�ded is aclequate for'
the design laa�s. Make sure bof� bfllt,�:are:tigh�ened;.�nd th�s`co�ir�ectior� �s corrmpfeted �R"
.. accordance rivifihi'the`iriten#�of the:'struct�ara[ plans, details:,and specifcations
If.you �iave ar�y,add�#ional'questions regardi�g �h�s proJecf, please contact:�his offce afi t�e : .
:� : phone number's�tou�ir�;below.
S�ric � . -
T � ` �� CO., INC , ;
� �
�.� � ,
- �. . � �,q3i�L�� � � . � . ' .� .
S '�.
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�K� t a
�t'°y'�, es°' . _
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Pre �,. . .
, .. .
cc: Mi�ch S#urde=GSCC . ,. � .
Douglas E.:Yoang-WST & I. �� � = .
civil �rchitectural �nd struct�rral engineering • p.o: �ox 2747.vail, colorado 8i658 476-2b�7 476-2637 {FAX� :
West Slope Testing & Inspection LLC Report #4
3177 Glendam Dr.
Grand Junction, CO 81504 Page 1 of 1
Phone: 970-434-6988
Cell: 970-260-2844
Final Inspection Report
Dates: 2-19-14 & 3-1-14
Client: HP Geotech (Job #HP 112 111B)
Project: Mill Creek Properties
Address: 303 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO
Building Permit No: B 13-0013
General Contractor: George Shaeffer Construction Company
Contractor that Performed Work: Myers & Company
Inspection of shop fabrication or field work at job site: Field
Report: Reinspected field welding & A325 high strength bolting note in the
previous report #3 items #1 & #2.
The field welding & high strength bolting reinspected above now appeared to be
in general conformance with the plans, and the quality requirements of the AWS
D1.1 Structural Welding Code & the AISClRCSC Specification for A325/A490
Also received & reviewed letters from the structural engineer in regards to items
#1 thru #3 noted in report #l, items #1 thru #4 noted in report #2, and one final
issue of concern in regards to connection of steel beam 3B 19 to embed plate at end
of wall. It appeared that per his letters he was satisfied with these items as built.
To the best of my knowledge this completes the special inspections of the
structural steel onsite welding & A325 high strength bolting on the project, as
outlined in reports #1 thru #4.
� Doug s E Young
Inspector/Technician: Douglas E Young � wi o�o�s�
c� �. �i�i �a