HomeMy WebLinkAboutB11-0496 VAIL SPA Construction Easement Agreement-Vail Spa_recorded 8.20.2010EAGLE COUNTY, CO 201016399 TEAK J SIMONTON P 17 12:39:10PM 08/20/2010 &K&O DW: Y CONSTRUC."I'l QN' EASE ME NT A(,,RF.F,,JVIF-'.,,N'F 'I'l-flis 0I')NSTRkJ(.1 HON (",A is nlade as ol the 31-"i'L of 20,,09, by :uid between, VAIL SP CONIDONMIMIJ-M, ASSOCIAW& it-'Stiiil;;IproPt corporation ("Grintot"'), and L1()NS]IE'AD INN'LLC a Colorado fi-'anit d Habilifty company I tab, C Tr f I&I As, I A., ("-mntol -'s ffic g 'a ing ov"mc, s associatixi fi.)r Vail "spa S ahe "Vafl S'na lcicaWd in dheI'own of Vail, Cotinty of of(-") d othe whicill, Vad Spa Covdcrlliaium vv re c-Stablisshed by ulhat cenaitl C"ondw-ninimnl recorded ir" "'Ibe "'mi property records lbr ]'.-%agle Colmty� C'oforado (the "Records'), o.'n Decen-iber 4, 1979 izl ik-wk 295 ol Page 458, ax al the rcWted Condonlinivnyl for Vail Spa Cmdonnnium recorded oil December 4, 1979 in Book 295 at Pag, 457, both as atuende• and recol-ded ln, the Records, 11-w prope-,y ,vhich is incluCh�.d". with-in that, om ftme. ilne a Map, and Cixxiominhlni Dec-hwation is 1] 7't reterred to ihc-,rcinafter as tile Gma"of i� tn akin g this Afire thew oil ft,,4 cnvn behaff m)d on beklaJf of iis c-onstitumn-1 me,,-nbers (tb'e 'Ig'� F wwotive-ly W. 'd s-ingwlarly, vhk "Idember's i)xt,, 'he tile Vail Spa afte is tile wv-ner of mtai'I'i real property contiguoas" w the sorvicm D;tato C nmamnly knn,- vn as The .:iom head, lnn. 'ocatod in. the Town of V ai,L Cowww of 1-ag-le, State of Colorado (the "Dorripant The 'Mxl-lirlant Fs at is more described in tile attached EIMM A. I I .1he Grantet is W Ahe Inscess of roplhujingjbe Dorninant Eswto and 1- repiat, tile F"Imlina-l" evil, encompas,,, that propery which is �niore parficuiarly &scrflbcd on Exhibit I3, Gnrate,i% intends to co-nmnlence the developinc.n., and constrzir""J.on mn the Dmnohnant Eqate o'f a condonliqiwn and, resov, �Ihcility' cornplcmCn zed, by a, ^ I " a, . � ok "'Ic"n -Y su'r1i'a.ce improvenmen"S fffiin- vddh i parking area ;�vftlh a"tend"Im Widscapitlg 2,cofllectively ',hc� Ip as genend.y depicted on the aaachod ExhiW C, D", or &.Z. to co'n."menwc comtraotmn tat the "miect- G'rantc has rcq les"edl wail the (Imlsor gwlt an easemcm 10 operaoo' v>rl and vdfllin' C-Q'Aain k anchors, soldiel- isean-is miO anter, incan, pmdms of Ole Scrvien", E's�3,"W, col�l- mc6c'n tiebiw :",,453 mawi iaLs "locessary to intel-im sm-ppor, for a,,-md w, -,uabilizo, exanvadon and hiWat.ion th Sjj" 'd, - s( - s du ha ,eCt and nj-e�era -)s� ence c,,� -)d r th co,-,,-m".e of �,onmm don; it ."g zmflizc ziir spao x, above !"ho �-ninspo.tt and to -y r"�e of m �t' ctio. laterials and vveightod, load TV arm C4 so Savon, WN Mated by dw (Ame Use is de-picted in th". plamj�' dated Ooob;�r 3 1, 20,08 wla hed hereto ;a's F'Xhihit C. I'nadw a pari hwT".tof i""c Grantor ha.� k• grant the C.-asunent n accordanc with ililw Saiject to w" i " e tors - pl-ovi "sion od" ulhis, l'A to Gnantcr iWmi reasonable rcqm.,T' a, no-n-exci�li',M as rc.asonahl',- BUS RMW Rut". -,r co, del -,ck a 'o -ori " -I, , ar MIaSsa"".. fi "U"nuctio-,, 74 tich -s� �,oldier beanas and elmied' niat al" .1 ecoss 'y to "b t.? .a.,. ..1 SUPPOYI, 1'0!- a,,nd I.o mabl-Hize constnictR)n, excavation an hn'staflation iV-ork Sabig to us of the SerAwn EM Me, to uffl-i/,e -�ir Space ubov,��, flne Don"inar"t ""a r "b" transpc-�-rt by of construction tnatcrials mid i,�,oightod load", to provid4 for and RTaging arcw�,, ac(x.ss by eonsvucfi�-xi vehic-Its andpersonnel� and t till lose con"ained Jin. dhis Ag,-roennent ,M `Lich IIAaun Ifirve as (irantor deci&s W redevelop tk Sor-viLnt Jr-, :'Viuh Panagraph II, F- NOW, fIU,,'R--E'F'ORF, I comOdualion of tihe above prunlses,, a-iad 111C nzi,,.utuai co nanzs and agreements, s-'c tbrth Grantor and. Cl�antee Ce'veria:k1t, and agree as - , C`or,5, - -ira, 1. Tr, I aliction �,:ase inew- The � ator, on A own Malf mid on behalf of Us Manhys, hein'y gua& and" Convoys u) C*Trn-.qt;ee7 811. irro'vocable, u:,111porary. non- Oxclusivo Collstalction C�lsci:nont upo'n, (,Vcr mid ben<,ath tbat purtior, of 1he Serviciv, Fstato to, aczonunod o wm-Structio."', insulilalion, Operation, testing, in"'Pectiov, ,naintotlauc� use a"'Id c, n ' t joynlen�� of flu Tiebock,, andi the Cnme <.Nc in conjunction whh and throughout the course of tile in:` a.Hation and developnioi-A of �he rlr(joct as, fivtber so, l'onh and hrniwel in this Aggro :31i3 i , Ole 'M�- I asonicnt for the Tiebacks shall cover ail area within and ufhler Ohe au f,,.£. tht Servient 17.sialems dyknd on the Tieback Plans, zrnd t-he oaseincnt fo., I ixC C.'rane Cover an are<l "'itli.in the airspace ,above ffie, of the Sorvientf`,staW as depiotcd on the C'rane P?ug. and ot:hcrwise for the ii,,e and of the Easement as oonw-,npla-t�,,d heroi-,,? and tkw t rforinance of GrantcCs obligations ind duties herounder. This Hasoinent shadi bixonie effi otiv � iL�, of tile date of the nitatial extxu6w,, and delivery of this Agrcenle,nl, and- Fhafl real r,. in fill, and effee� undi the ootnpli.tion of the con�;trudiorl of the flrqiect, -which for ihia ?u—qxiso shall be deeined to occur only at such fimc, `rs C'Franloe flrsi SCUIlres a iernporary of pcn-nmleln cenifleate of occupancy issued by t1hC Totxn, or wiy co.rnpannble "."Itarnai-ise fornn of per�nit or approv.,"'d that tile -Foval Trl.zIy issue Bo r lype of Proj"oe-, "-milict F.S. Pr•vainng pi-actieos, v,, -hick authorizes" uhe oagomg Oceupa=,Y, il33e an'd, C-uoynient of thc, PIT 'on. at Q if and Men Grantc�� Vollanfai-ily r6i-tqui,�Il's its nghl's uniJerth- a anumat by a recorded Wnen histnin-,ent to tbat efleci executed by provided, hom-�Vt-,.r that drio shall tenlliaaie auiomalicilly on, the earfier to OCC'ur five Years' T, - -wit R -io - "" -le head In ip, -lei, Q,, i or don � Hti on olf d 11,ul .1 Veil 't-"Ou"hk! be USA cljupod o-ndl occupicd by (kamee and is agems, ernployoes and and any e"n"s, conmacton> and, inviwc� .,,cting by, flbrougli-i or under wq of fr.# m. md is mAVIS "Cofl, 6vc,"Y Naive, Me 's, We's Mens Constructii,,n Inoce,3 Mee A dvn,. Grawlee Covenants w tile Ciraiiwr that the oks will be eomstructcd and installed hi ir ,aiorial vith the p1mis and spec%ahons dMod janwry 4, 2008 lffi.vxelzir, (Collectively tile a descr, be d in fl io a ached EVAR C Tow s m ca lie Plans snay be. tin he nodified, as roquired by the 1, C, i a dt'u-,7rnined by So lung as any such� inodiflca6ons do vol create any riiateria-I conflic-, kvith the o-dior provindoiis of -CWt, Ag�roenlenz or nluw3I,,AJy and al-Toc:t he 11�e> or Ato of any of be Suvims We. Gran-wo covenants that tile oo istruction and o!" 2 a>YMPOUZ, �11 ' " W "I h - dk�m11'ent irl a g,,00d, and 'ivorkivanhke in the 71'iebacks �,'he "Immuggi �C 3R, Witil all applvabk or blAlding pern-;jt and consLruouon, requirenma.nv,� and purs,,,ant to custmoulry d'Hiling amhods.. Ohai: (3T-antcc Will wse co"Imnlerc.ially roasunable efNins, standard W,-3 lndu'qr�-' P1, ctiu' -") minirnize tiod,,w wid vibza-don assodateA 5%4h G� 'e is mint 'es aalvizie�"; --hat Csrat'lzeo v'.ifl not pbysically damag..e any building. iinprovenien, Pr se y locazed, Ol, -;ht, Servic-ra I "'tate., and that the 0,,,nstruction -'vi]l no-1 inlpaAr aunly zulbjacent or late'-n.." sup on �'r ol'o-r z-'my inaprovemews 0,3- 'aptmrten'allces' on tlne Sen.dent Es€'ltt. —ho hod to be gilizedby Ch--andkor R�y removing -,k an thc' Servien." 'net, he Tleba� -Chm S utl& a, -Ouc redevelop-naent of the Scrvient Estate sh, tfl' b required il" aad v"hell G'ranwr Commez �"-Ovod. in adva"I'ce by C',-ramace' "Flu, , ndes acknowledge tha -le Owners and olher owupnn-ts, and visitors of the u m , -ughou! fu-z� �:ou-rso of we comvuaon„ tl ser-"'icut Est ;t, may encoluder Oondtons rcjg•thafl," associatQ.d with lnQluding dust, noi-se, and heavy eqt ipment traffic, which raiiy filcOavenie'n.ce the L. rea--i abi 11" uwrwrs and- other oc�cupan^>'-' and, Visitors, Gramec -"haffl uise commc., Hy . son, e effo ' mini-l-nize dismption to, the rt�e and enjoYTI-le-ra of the SQId:tit F"state' an"'t to mininai "uc['' this!, iwisei dcbris, .triad, offieir un�,ig.hdy conditions, and traffic. If any rnud ,undovoer uns�ghlly Imon dw suhme of khe Servien't �Esta�, or dasnage thereto m�-,.uhk. ftn 6 e t"he Prqjet ' the remmaul to ?i 'j'o til d repaired r remedyimg of the same vvili bc pro p y and re'torcd by Gr,&,j.ec at Us sak not and expense. In any cvmA the Aregoing ShMI not b Consmuzed to ap ly to lilt txcrcise of Odhor precx"' ting easelnent -ngiss ummated to the lln jea- q vii; NuchaWs liens, Grwrwe will nol, taus e or Pe"Init VMY m n m -, arty ov,,-n,�,rship interosts in the Ser-Vi M , !tats that ec'uirdc"�, Hen 0-Imms to be r� de agains 0 it Es r6se 11om 11-tv Consl'�rucfiom 'If any such Trwdrtam'Cs lic--a Claim is mcorded against any property inaer(5t"' theT'l Clnultu "Irk 11- within tiiirtC (30) days after uw rocording Ofsuoh .lien, `�om ". I ien 6.unkm� esbtain. the TJlease of the ft"' s., interest~ in, the Servic."It E"Sulte i - uch clainn, 4"w1 er b� di�Chmrge� bonding u� ofherwJ'-.'Se. H' (3rat)tee fail's, to finnely cau'e ally fitell clai€ ". to b'e relcas�`>:I- C'71.-anam; may! wk in, op lion, net..jl.re jj- Y CW1 �Q, release of tile, jen claila ky ul ra , av'a'ila'hi"-. ilidudL-qg�.. "by payinent, h��,nding ar re-,or' to 'Iny securily by 'Gml."We' il" -�'Vhiclh Ca"'e G-rame�, shall, vvidmin 30 d&y"" of den-'an Girankor -f,,)r all m� ±.ii costs and eKPCaSeS mcluding roasoi�lahit, at',§:�r.tiey 1�c"' and hond prcnni'ulms rczL Q Remsental—W. cngineer e!ngage by' C-i-rantor in, Cxmnmion vAfflb, thi�,, Agreenncm A 'h itt ��O'i)y of tlic Tk-,,"vack Phins and Crayle. Plnns. `''hotfld i" 'ec'n iu; 'td ac ;S at_ the d--irill, ffiat Z. F' Repn-�sentt' tint haw m' s ,he co,---tstnlcuon o, I Irz m' 'undeTtaAL'ing insNs -ions asst-vc conipiiatice with we 'art rn, roWns hemnij rcason6ble access AN! NL- prcsvidc'-(" So ioing a-, Sucill, acu'ss i'Jii not intcriere 3vilh �m co-nMrl"'cfion C9 do Pays or pm' a ri'-sk o" bodily sift: ry or propetty Qtm;Wge ("Immor mum-, 01btain G canto c.'s pnor au"'I"Orizatim be-"amore entening the Project or eonstruction site on be Immount Emme Q T)u."-PC^-Cs of the joregaing, voich consero, vvifl nu,, be t:nreasonabl.y OWNS and Gran L a x ay zei,,,uirv. Graittot-'s Represeniative bc. aceompanied lby a repo-esonuativc'. seliae tod by Gnitlwt� �11' �lfl lilm'os t..mrlwr nlay change 61nmim-'s upon %'vrklen, t tice to musaromm "'i Giraritoe, at its sole cost and Poten'da", move-n-mit m�and dannagc to dw Sonvierit Estm,w to oft'he Pr( M as R16HOAm Ivy we PUMOSO of mcmiton.m�, i 1 " u zmwvenleyt, (ira-n-tee: �.A) will suwvoy md phozograph dhe interior and t,,xtenor of 1k1 e Estate� i ir"J'Aing the e.e.iES Col ins, "A"Uh, -mch SI.-i-vey to LIckidC, er"w-'k. "Fla "j" anO phg.)�,ograpining to, inchmto� the %•alls of tat Va-Ld. Spa w-lils, conamlon ai-eas and tem-nis comcus, in order it) estabRsh an, hil'ortylational base of th; exAting Condition of Me buildings and Spruveynents Memon, AM sttrve�- be coanpleted. bef�ore the commonce.-IO'ni of any excmaraon actiAtios within the Dondn.,--knt or Sersdeat E'st<ate, and (B) wifl, im,,taU and jb�� " not los�, t"han six (6) nao'numclit, rne�isuring devices, gpj, ,en� Devices") t!pon the qp Servient, , state, ineltiding the tervilis courts prior "n tile eoinniencemeat of my excavation act, al e ,, ivide� wig Don.,-.-dm--1n!t or Ser-Vi.ent E,.stal.c. Grantor shall canse Giranior's kopro.sema-iv to co-operate dihgentiy with Gtqntei f`nrth,,-rancc of e\peJifing ffinctions. (ii) lm,eia' readings of' the Mon ,t Dc. vict-, s: fl he takui, P-kor to any enCavatior, actividies Mtlhin, efthor the Domiaam or Sorvient Estate, The Ne'lommient Dovico` , ' - Vii,- "tored by P, ae" - , -,�r qllalic -Yor or eng""neor i sh In moni -, o k Fng�� � ing! or U-InOv- -i ied svrv�, reasonaHy accoptabic io, both parties en,,gaged by G-ranaov bm, at Grantee'5. sole ---------------- cxpenuse. Ss folloLt s: (A) once a �x—ek Ming excavadon and Tkbwk adWhies, and, consaruction, of the enti"e fimnda, ikml of die Frq',009,, Ww"il fl he k (B) one Me per nwnth affifter Cornpletim", of "he of the fowidaeion ("vilich shall imlude f£)oting, euld basemQnt mAN) and unlil fhe Fr(ject. is compltte fas evidenced by the omm's issnmice therefor of a temporary (it, pennanent eetrdficate of oectipancy or eo-n.Parable ahernafive fb�rn,,. of pe rruh or approval); and (C) one tinv each si.N (6).n.,,o nix s after the py iii) Qt is compline tb- a period of one (1) you. The Siir-veyor shail pfovicle a "vritter, rcpori� eithzr by me, o-mafl, a" personal delivery. of dw mgmitts of the nwasaTemonts taken, p,m,-,iaLnq 1-0, this parag.mpft of the Agycemem, to GraMoCs Representative and", to Omraee_ after Coniplel-ing s and,' of rne,,-�suretnems, Grwntor!�,, Reprosentative -,hall m"Ake his fax, e-nai available, x (IFT'ant'le for this puq)ok?e m H, 'fig 6 , , In .he ever�i 'h"it any omon dkncas -,miovement in the building i.n.elt,"ohig the tonnnis .outs, 1,ocated on dhe (,,k) lnai noz Cie-,irly 10 k�\Cavafion + r wher aclivi6es, conduczed by On 11,w SLL�ivieo-,, FsmW and sip Uhai (y) W I excess olAmical deUmbons M' 25 im:h deflec imsof .....'.'.•.1 -16, ,mAting in damagQ. to ,,,aoh bw—dimqq ( 3 "N'tatet, 1, x4ovenlonz"F , tht-r, (,irantce sta,,pend all oxcavatli.,mi ":, d Toback activides nnffl, Oranb e hz-,I, inst'Jauted, :aR aszlre,,. T�Casonably nmemmy to prevent any damage or RuTher is .`a and �haH Idso be olbli,ga, , to ued undor�akc an and all re, 'S necessaly to r�.-medy arly, daniage pai� In, that Granb£e shall ha�t prepared and ftirnfishod' to Granzl-m`s Proposed plaT-ls zo, prevstw any damag"C or C,-�T-I-hor dail"age, and, forany repair -'and Repre Ono propkx�odl gene:t-m contnwtor to kwidertake sanic. both of i-vhich shali Im. Emb -,mect to the svi "act ,,,Pproval of CRantor (Which Shall M)t bo nmycas(m-l'a"'A Y C;rantee AMN be RM ."able ibr any and . I sn'61 ::Iaamvge and ilac ret-1-iiisife ,-;,-.,Pw,.rs shcrcof to Grantoc�s indiennni,,.y z.mdler Par�,,!graph, 4 N--Iow, 4 i6R' ' tectian of senjont Esta"e. of the Tiobacks the Crane _,se, and, undc'�­�,"­t­h`e' So-rvicni, F',R'late W rml damage (Awatnes improvements, inclu,fing, but not 1",nuied t o Granto,,`,s foundation, trees, si:bxurfaj,-,te :,qmpport ,vaztfr and d0nage NO% and any utility s41: c,2, CRUMO Repre"'enlative Shall have the 6gm (WQject to the li"llizations in Paragraph 2(d) nlhovc) k) insivet the Construction -work to be perfimmiod ank, _h xppsed te.rnpurary, shoring and :"oumda-don deback synnn un� flie Servient F,.state vvhfflo the Oxoavatiart i's f."Pml. (g) Re�servatiqp, and Limhation of R, iubilhi - Graatortti tx::,rcise of or 'knaction with respect to. inspection and monitori_ng ights under Pvaggraphs, 2(d) n d 2(e' albovc and the poyWons Wereaf (1) WAI wherwise have no el"lect on be pn-.,vided pursnar,,, t s Panqgrao.,, 4 of tbis Agv, emLnt; and �ii) shall iust be. coustrw, t to alai e Oranaee stlb�ject to an liabUities or rmnedies i.> the ab,,,ence of any prqp�rly damage or Awr WbMty or h3s., suffered by the WnWr or any csf ,he h.,d,-nanhrlod, PaniZ.s (a:3 de.fined in llarkagraplh, 4), (b) I y3.7 Grantor cacknokvledge�-> that Grantee, ,viii, ,v< grade the ri,,-,.rthcast oorntr of Gsrjnti.,)r,s site, as described in and m, ai:cordancc with ExhibitC- Sheet Cl ff.. for the plarposes of rfe'loc"adr.g. existing uti)ifiQ,� wd construcuing, a Concrve. Path per "'he'lovin. of Vail mquirenients, This construo-Oon 3�;tl be at Clrrnwe�s co"A. (i) C,'a kplia e WS Loy In 011 aspects of Grantee "s work, (Jncludi g, willhput i.nnnafion, consut:CLft>_+tl`SuWng and constructkrn 'hours; contun,-, of eroz,:fln, &Ot, 111"ad, g vei and" ofliva- de-hris associated with the use of Me Emameny regWation of Water. and sedimem run -ii fft*r, tile of the con'struction site; use of pub"ic ngii,s of -waL,, wad efjncx�,",--ws), Grantee Shah comply Wit'll appikable lakw including, (Wiflhout limitation)� applioable rules and regulations of the, Tovvn of Vai� and wiy oiher g�")vcrvinonla,a awhonty- Oraln.ee �,;halll in-unediately t-odA, Grwltoi`�, of the o'ccurrence of any dischargc, ,.seape or release of any iniatenal-, from �kho Doadnwat, 1'.'statc in. of �..Jppjj". "_Je an d _ AoeeSaj�j vws, Grantce 4 vill adhere to the siaging wia, access phuls fbr he demolition of thc Lionsahead Inn and the conks'vuetion of the llrojec,.k dated _wber "ll, 2,0,08 i LYrl. Omm being Me (AlOruction Nans�, A a y of f-he Consuniction Plans k att.ached. as Exhibit D. Orm-naec tnay revise tho Colu5tnlcfia n Ph.irls in minor 1,vays form tilno ','(, tiln,t:: V,.. ,auA flc.,�o A am tppro,�,al lionq Gtwqto 1 to sulhjoc, to the, approv i oft"he lovtrz. Cn"Llmee 11CA makko 'my material change to the Construction lllanz. "Y""'lald niatorial"y iirni or adversely change (hantoes accesy to, Tho See- lent estaie of othevvise unred,,.onably inconvenience Grantor ,vit'licsut notice to and cansen., by Gronk)f-, -vklhich C-ansent not be or dek td, Grwitee :Alall use Commercially 'reasonalbie Wits to zusure that !he ' "olwLruclion Plans Coril'orn.,, to applicable law in -dl mu,,�-wKial restpe�cts, EmpmWan. (hantees deApt and Cor'stnietion of the prqje wiH in a manule:r_ Go 1hat Ciralltor., in iredel ,.-eloping Servicni vA"I bc ,-, ,,.kwned and execuied, be awe W examwe o_zn the serview, lr,state to the, depth of 8 W15 A (UW3S) but nw Wyond al t _c :t Wilhow -the re-apairoanent tbr addilk5nal slionng or bracinE�,, provided thc eiovationdoe not ekzend mon. ithan 4 i"ect it The 10 f6oi sze".bad of the servit�az f.""slate an�d �hat z,-hc exc'mltion slopc�; at a nain "alwal Am f I fbot vertic"al to i flooi. 1-wrizonta.] stich tha� thc -ni" '. ni_znun'.. 'So"U elw >a ,t`,. "3t. tile Prqjcd. -fou'adhation wOl is ,125_5 t", and f2) se, as u, en.. _;un_' that ""'ne� baseux"n" WON of he pmvct that are cotaiguous vvidih une 'Servient s'dulE be ��mh, `0,1� jp�h excavah.on to the Mona of be Womm wal bolms on dw Sudelit can� occ�ur -�vft'hcwa mquiring a dizicinal shoring or 'bracing of thesc Project aller th�� ' " he P'�zrojicv"'s construaim-, In Proceeding with any redevelopmcrit of the S','ervicnt Com�ple:non ol u ,,,.:;Ft.., vAH not undaunine or WhawNe dhWrb the fou-ndation nd MANgs or EPA f"he St'n.m.""nal snppoft ofthe F'roject 1 boa, Moe, 'The E, mC7 Aiall mid the Grantor, on 'It A Us omm lvh• f and on bthAf u& i'Ls Nwir"ber", cxpres -rcN Qrw-s the ri ght to the tnichsturb&I use, a. dl o'_cupancy of the, sur, ce of and Al odwr portions of the St rvieai Estate fOr anY W A qwposes thm are nol ni•onsste-M with dbe t�.riT­,i of the LH',asetnent zind, the fi,, its, and humegs aRbaled 0 (,mameo under f. Gramor, on fts on bv mif and on bcluufof As 'Nlenllmm spi�c"Jficz3jly agree"'; thmt llone of them shall do or per it anything to be donc w-hich pll�. sic&lly disalrb� or impairs lhe furwfimn of the Tiebacks e�r Iffic. Cnano 'Use (h-u, inw.. the, courso of the Constnucdc.'n� or �,,hich otherwise inaterially violtlle" or ti hil the use anct el py3ment t:u; l-'asenwnt vwnawe or 11he Other Pcrnlittecs 4, 1p ni.N '�d sticces�ors wid za-ssn�, �.,hafl fuily indein d"_-.f -nd (.'rantor ,and i• Nlombcrs, their guests, hlvitccsq, wzaara".' employocs and a&ent".' U'lld, c s"q' p"'s (collect.""veiY, dic "La' fic and Anal] ll-iold oa6 of .he-m In- inst any clain.is, causes of action, 'Alits� liabilhies, dan-'ages 0" lip and I amnlesa nal and a "). a I ex pen'ses that arisc' or are inc,"'rred by aaly o. them as 'I m'ult of Way pensonal injjut bodiiy is c, ge occask)ned. fton-i tb��. mdertaking of injury� siAnoss, di',' death o"r pmper�y los r dxna-6 ftnxl.c�n� c.-,r any ad� or omk'sioll� including wid-lout 1�h'nluation neghgencc or �"Vffltlll' 'he Cxx'�." 'miscio .du ct, o: "'h Cwamcc or any of be Pumisres in clad dc-sn ic, t rightu, provided' undker this Agreement or rc�akld to ffic llroj�xq� or 'my ibreach of obligation's uvnderlhi," A 'll - a_nd expen, . grnenL 'd,, iladenum-y will Aso ond. include nmsonahle cosz p nsest including wid Qon,`.ultanCs and expenk&es caused lbs , or ansing ou" of any 0,,Ak-i di stan di ag any impi"calions to I r -brc pro.-A'Sion. I the inde-,--n-'lJAL-.d uude he I 'going con'trary i'n q,'e J.Corcgoing provisiont the f'4�lr goin, ��hali rum be. consnrued to w-aiv;- or Hnffi�lar'Y -an nos.ed upo th irklen-mlicd party by la-vv to naiitip . its dwnages, and, ffi.i's, the extent ffie� -0 " -,e negl gmrmx� -w"' 'a'.1 indommi..'Y sh'all not appiy ntalle."�' y 'trk J - nbscoaduct or Reach a" this Agpreenncut by tho. Onintor &Zld..O�r 'my Mel.n& Y'(S)' Th-S Ind survive or C\piTai 6o oft Lis Agvc�en',i�ml 'Rimed hy anv IS Qns of War pa"Y 1t t' wer n "y lie On 'ty in - 0-"c rc - -ia, -and availlabc at "a%v or equi wi'dlout linmiwtiol -covery, f,.dan ges or oth oquitablo ivfiief 'u-s prevent the occu'rrenc.e or Confixtuunce of a,"Y uk-f4ult or 1", onforeo the perRix-ni-ance amid o'b"ervaf,"Ce of tho terms of this A goenmti, AN mnne`ics ,hall be cunirdwive wil and A addlon tci, and noi, exclusive c.'.K one anmheq any and ai"I mmctH mm.,� be pwi-sued by the Pzvi-ty either succc"'S""'VQl ti_ ' com­,'u3�m,nflS � -, 4and th.c exerc-'se of "my one renledy shat not be cons'rue i as or conslitute ' bar to 6 Bm"Emsym, the 0."Cercizc of any othe-r reirwd,�,'. AH unpni�� balwnxcs dtic enbor the Grantor or Gnarftce heircin Iha" I 1-war iraerost 'a", tlw n"U ofvv&,e percent per anT-ni33'- 1 "Q e p7 1-1 It vent any linga� �occcding ari.ies av�t cAfthiis and is prosc aed -us final jodgnlent, 0'-w previiHng party shffl be entitfed to recc'v bkc aw 'fi expense's in c<l fi�oql flac other party aH of tiw preva. ing, cos"S and pai conneclion lhorewiUh'� iiwlt-.ding reaso.'n,lblc attorneys' '3:ee.s Uind wi,y' prending cotirt vvill be bcwi to rnAe th�is Shold"d the applicadon of this provisi"on in, -any ci."Cwnlswr�cc 'prove to Conflict Wh any otfhor pro"�--iskin of AjgrLv#uent tbf- 11he of atiorneys� lkos" this pa'�v'isiex" shafll ,'%, controll-sig, V 12cacyosssnoy W Man , The rhglat�, iaterests wd obligsatioras of -the parties Oqis Agn�Q iwri', inc!"'xiing the E"ascn-eni, sluffl toach £.Pad concern and .:iii xith the land as ben :at. wnd bi rdcn to tile S:)-'xnc�rship of di o &'S'dent Est"Ite and Dominaw E�staw.. all re&rc�lces herein, to ffic "Grantor" shal! be deernt\1 to, a Id if',cinde con.'�fittleni Menabom and Gran"Or .shall be Obiigatod' "o use conin-wrckaily rcasvnable el'brts U,) cawsc its Nkmi.>ors .. o ibide by, confoxm to, and refrain froai violating Grantor'.-s cxpres� obligations and duties henna.,, der, AArcfi; retwcs 1"..' the "Grantec" shall be 1-o ei.lconxpss wid incitidu any sllccesso.r in it inay have, for th£ dev Iopnent of thf'. projeo, lnA once th' projecfi"� 4 -3-nn:pktod (as QvidhW.nccd by Oh4 -Fov-�-n's issvz%'Ice of ". "Cinpon ry or pen-nanent C'ertific'me of occlqparlc"'� or cornparable niternwivc R)rna ofperrnit or approval)� the ohligaticm L-ind dudi�',' of the C.'-n.intee bereondor s.hall rw�, tf� any of Grantee �s soccc�5sors in in,,'.c,,rest in the avv-nuNship of ths- Doininb,ni Fstate, In any COs the pwchascrs of `in condorninhin-, L,rnas wiffi-in. the Rrk,�,ecl and their sticcessor-, 'wad at)y rel"aled, C'%'Viors association, shaR not, have any lia""bility fior slich. oW,.igations and dwic-, tbstand " "1135, Such suc-cessiom 41,`O ership interes's, Grantee wifl rnain liablo ,"or it\ o"bligal"o'n"; 1:,ndwr -, --,is Agreetrient, A ♦yopty Channe husby Fprosepts to, Gr"'xlor tha GV'ntee has tak�!rk or 7cceived all corpon't 3ction or R.tr Grantee to cnlcr ii.iio thi's Agrewnent; - ` -y in o , A� Jioriz - po - ,, c "hol Chw"Ie�; s entl �tc this p�cenieni' cnnstlhlft�s the dul�� aw' ,edl coT !ate a tion of .anvil th A thiis, Agreointat is bindin"o, o."I Grank''. G-wi-akor Ln varn M-�Preszt"Ilts1c, OTar"Wc Granior, ha", 3 akcn' �d` actions and" rtc, ivLd all corisenas. , r atifhorizuioris frorn its board of dirLcto,nh \hove'ker denc, and(n, its N-It-nnbe7s Wh'ic"In' are requisit.fj to Grnnto!`w tnazry into Jm At ven -it, J-1 --y hi- ffi h N'1�' -i- i act G, --rrk'i -,nU c, I is Ag"'cofn -w 0a; AMAc"g !no d althol ZQ-d s,r wid ;3s"'06'at.-'wn nawn of '91h;� (irwator� and that t1h.s Ap�c.rneiit ii txndingon the (.1ramor Z.nd its "'.Tnik: s soorwr terraLrated in. zicc'ordance with P qph 1 ap,-sn 1,110 cornpk-'ion of we conmmchon Odic as sllclh i's, 'I" paragnaph 1 abov, the sfiadl toraninato, Uran".'e S.1h9lt o��Ise to 'Is", thQ Own= and A QN, 6-dio aTid "c',-l"cirest 'hey"'jinder of" 1"w, Grantce Qaali, ce,, c, ten-rjipaic ay.,d donel, an ' G 11 e 'he .'hall -hold Ow Sat Ea me We Wn IQ rights so aban, % d iranzei,� shal b deemed to, havc abandoned it rights graj.?,'ed hene-in and, will 1c. vo no lfunffie.r right io 11he 11SC and crzj joyrnx.'nt of "he Tiebncks and Fhall he jctrne l to have Arkhed Se sanwr, ho,avevcr, opon sil-Ich -c -tn 'oneii. of un - hasenlent� it is �"Tldcnstood, that theTebacks x, h� LN xi d n place oil The Servic, nt: E�iaze w,,d shall have no oWNMWn or My to remove dw swum Ljon s•h :r5,.,. :$ an".nxn.", Gsn�wiitoz�, in, t'u'rnz andi a". ils" Oec'tion a: 'zd ".vifrw a O.Nigaoor-" to Gh-amec%' nl-'y ' ."'ve 1WS I;= "V �� .?:3 'Fi�+acks in macc- or omherwise mana.L'ie� treal or di-s- pos,�,, of the Tiebacks it) mazanc perzuitz,.�J, by lkv�v. :md "Civant�,�C wJ."). ""iavo no I'Vxffiker obligation in cc-mnectio, wjAbA, Ticb;,acks commoving Ron", and ,N suQlh abandurmaem. 'Upon fl-tc of the F."'-sen"on, due to Compkion of congnwtion or pan�-, upon the rqu,,,st of ffic odwr, shili exe mse and dclivei a, reomdiuble ; omflmrdng that suoh terraination h mcurred,, aiid thi�a Lhe pmtes are lWased from any further obligalimns and dwits Not�.�,ith-.,tanding any a"ansfQ'r of the D'o".-unan! Bmwe or MW Powon thkereo. tile. (7raintee named heroin wifl retani tilt- righ,l and po ctu"Ite 511ch co-'Ifi-nnation of ternVinad"C"n unle�,S sui:,h right and ase e,xPI-essly as��igned Of record, 9, (a (""ramee covenantF and agree,-, thml it s&iJI at all linntnq during the ,onm, of lbu,,,i jg,,n�enienf. zuad dwring thke conmruQuon of 'LhQ. Ps "qjeet, znaitna:4-, or cwusc to, be mainiaiwd, at no, e- enSe, v) Gnum-or, respect W the Pr:,,Ject and Me us by or through. Granwo oif tilsz, sera :,,ent ':-,�gWte pur�,,ua.-nf to this agree ment� commercial gei.-,eral liability In —Surance �-Vud cxcess, Embility h--tsunzmoe w"Ith limits of I'S -1 ,00t),004. pc r omczrrenu� in th"c Lg and $25 00(.Wft rospec6wly, vvhich shah mcludo a Per pn�ji�:O aggregate linuit cnudorso,znew, and 's"hu.-i"I nasne Grantor and its Mmb�n-s as an additional insur eds , and ixicludo the Rfflo'�ing conlraot�ual lia-bility, - sonal ixkj auh, darnage ki prop�cny of others, per, ury� de, coveu,ge fbr ton, "Hiability I'vith respect to any and aH ChIms apsinst which Ggranloo has agy""e-ed to per indemrdr,y, Ormtor, o, tuion-,,, and premises, Th6s coverage sKall. b p5man flbuwrv. and fliree from ffie 'x C -.' exclusiom-s 1.14r explosion, and collapse and.l. undeT rowad, hazaals, bul ina my cme may hi:,,subject to smldard exclu,--,ions for envil"unmental , - - "N - `•. ' or � - -�Twr - "ranto ; S, mwkwrx� S" all not be �,anM -d alio!,ed emoo on 45 dps P6 Hften nonce. to (n 7 -hal! Con""ain a pwvisio un Gmntor and any of As N-Iembcrs, although nanied as addi�ionai inxsureds, slh,all neverdioles.s bt elvidied a) recover, under ti „.ich policies for any systah-.,edb,,,- 3.hem, notwAh.standing any negligence by Or"u"Itco w, ,iny of its Nmnittcm such addluional inNured cc,verage to tv limatod to Me pme-nmge fault attrib4tabIQ to Granteo'�� negiigenoe; and sliall be SA'da,-m, hy insta-wnee L z}vpwics, duly qndifi e'd to do Nisines” in ffi e S-k-oit"', of Colorado, and having. a rao."ag ofno+ Jess ffian.A as establisbwd by Ihst and Company-, and (ii) vvorkcr�s Convoennation, imuram--e in amoani.' qual to applieshle suitutory "'Z'r Workers em"'ag'd in 'lie Co-,,I,'4TmCtiozn, o"", d,,� 1.4,.Sta3.£.. Sueh, C.,,overag£-s under fhi-tse, 6,, and (Jii) ubo-vi. may be maintaiood im, whob� of. p.an� by Ckant"� by its :,.enual contu,',Ctor or as Granlce rnm'y cl•et, Grwnc or its gent-ral eontrwwr R)r the Prfjeel wi-11 pro-vidle Orantor VJk-h -,,I ce-rthka�e ol, insuranoe 106- she f6mgAng (mvemp prior io of All urwm� jpol icit:,i inchoe a w9vu of sthrogation s in o" ,t.nd -'s Nonm, Ri� i, b, n erm, cwvenazlt, <�.Ond -m. or p -,v,;; -� of -Iti, a, , ot d s A .Agreumiimt :,,hall, at any tinw or to any ex' £' 3l. be Jinvalid oi- un..,-nfo�rceable� fine remainak., ofrlds. Agroem n,,,,� shuI] not 'b,� A`ected uhemby, it being, the intenl of dhe paxties thaz' tbis Agreonie,,-v and each P"'w-visjon he'reof shall be enfbr,,:ealbk and enfbrced w fhe Nkst extent perianiaed, by Lase. fl'� at any On. e afwr Me dak of this Agreeu en,,, G n.tor -w Tepiace uiumke or 3.111 of d4e it-apro"el"u"at's o-I the. �Skrviem dhen Girante�-� itself an,-I its suu-e`,�o-rs in intcrest as ow.ner of the Dovnftlant to, gra?",, a con'struction caseneni W accommodaw, to the extezat reasonably leasiblc. under then provailh§g �aag,e3FGe :i iE u1x Granu)Cs demolition o renovatiom of 0.%is•tg imaprovemtmf,,- xnd, co.,,Vtructicm, (A', mm; imprcvermems in, "lie of the Senvient [,,stale, 4,.cludi-ag� vtwna \ _m fith n. 0) excavascm as dosc,-ibod in du! kiAor dmcd June 3, 2009, <sddxcs,,so-[ Lo The well (aks CousullUdut lo, Chuj.atec) fi-val monm & Nle,5'cll Ine, 1�vhk4i5 allaciied to Agreomimft as EjhRAt D; Q) use: of cons-tructior, crano equipnem that, s.,wings, Fsuate; ii, ,3 w €' 0 CC', nd of do-lxck atichors, and iv) accoss by tr nehing vehi I , a , ;fa a " and, Personnel; povided, flla, the of contomplated to GrFulto.'r Under thi's Paragraph I I sliall not dclay or Othenmiso interfmv in any -o material ;vfth the Construction schedule fr the rsf tile Donlinant Estaw. the recilm"C"I easement comemplated to Gramor under fliis flwmigraph ', I Khali include 'ffi he ah 'o v ect-bi Cnnwe recovevv of up to as for ,At.orn-s� and n w ,ta7 oos nts, Fees dhat 6-ramee act"J'Llly hneurs, hi the course of (.-framWs rede-,,,elopnlzni o-'a,�iston't vvith pmra 1h 12 be�ow- Gmm , p ee agrm�, not 'm oppo,,w any redevelopmant of' ffi,-�, ser-,Jent 1-,wae� and m e Ceute and dolivex all dmuments 'tva�sonaifly requesied lby CiranWr to taeiiiwac such Gran %,-o vi,-ffl z r Grantor iip to SOS,() nmpcn,,�aie ,,mator L. a-140MCys! lees and consulmnts lbes (including, C€-,gftleerzs, aadarcbilw incurrcd by Gra,,nlo-t but he%re and aher the dme of bis Agreenrwrnt. Graritee isvill make fil payment or !,xkynnients. rttqtdred by It EM UM 12 fir in time to time and LS 30 cahndw days of by Graraor of dawfling the Rms hounvd, by Manton I ",, , Cqij s i d g rp q c, n, 1honwe wit pay Onantor zhe sum of" M0j)MCk in of i1he, be.nefil ,, and granted by (inamor 43 Oramee Under this Agre,ement, GnarAor hat ffie $10,000 pay-nalit fully Grantor ffir the C-ost" lb,a Gramtor nnay incur in rentoving ffte Tieback anclhoTs iin thc event G,,-anto:� the °-emient in the ffitum Gtarxtc.4�. will tender tile pay�-menl to Gramm- before tile: Ltd tivork by (kanke on fhe Do.minont D'amte, t-,� F'mire J"his Agrmnent andl my otbe,� co-ntrac.,�,,- 0�, .0 t. ko herein, represent tile entire 1 greem4n1 bctwi�ov, the p<Wties hereto With ,m,pecf to tij rnauer &33d aj, prior or extrinsi, ppeenmots, uW .sta nd Ogs ur t% deeaaedl inc�-g"i WE AR Whibits refe--,ed io Agr-wanont auach ed her to are h by deemed inemporawd into this, Agyenmenl and mack a 1 S, of, Ile beaAngs viii-i appear in Ap-C-ement WN ,o- pu, pose's of alid pefei -.'ace and aro. -)t in al "ense m lhe S nod fVing thc "5, umg.-raphs itl vihi In th-ey appewn References to Ob hz. h Lnelu&:, the plura"L I -all b deetne', nd W fl,,w plural sball include the singular, and any refennice, to am�,y one gondersh e licable to all gmdas, 'o hnclud.e 'm -, p, 16, �Qpv�inimy L-yv 11iis Agremont sliall be, governed by and ir, aocor an-oe -viuh the c?ftije Sjaq4e- of Cojgma,,IS`,, 1"."Xclusive fim, anzy .cgal action ansil-g ur r,,1at d to, ftiis Agreement shafl, lie in tile sta ComAs in, nd fi �r E' ag, i Cc, lu n. y. -'olm _kdo, 9 1�mmmmm�Hmm 'T, N-ii; tai ic - - N-o ai-ver, of ffic Umm of thi� Ag,cce,-m,civ, i-.�rl,,urported waivei, by an). pany of any of hs 11g and i•ewsm hereunder, sAH bc bindin,g unk,,ss and e-,"Cer"t to Hhe exwaf ,,pccificaily set fbrth int a wrktmi instrument executed tg the pary 'ag4--Jn'q .thou) of [he PuT'orted mociifiicatkm'� or "vainer is sought, 4-1 ais Agreement may Ni executod in counterparts, cach oJ7 wWch MmH be dmnmd an odginh and A of w Mch tvgc'Oh-r simll con'fitule One and the same kund ag-'-�!uz-nenl" 0, Nouces: Bu,-,inc s Day-, Anynot-ce required" mr, permitted under thze tern-is of idh.is Ai geemw.n- sh:ffll be wrifi-ng may he siSte v by 'lie pxziies hem o or sa� - h rw"!e,;,' ' a st, -wn lia -.--r h counsel, rid, mH be doerried give-n. and rect�ived wL � nd deiivo ed to t 0 rocipiew', b hawvor meari's; ii) tilree ki3) business clays after the san--ze is deposited in be 'led f ai ' I stntes anai ��th ad-oqua-k yustage pv,W, and sent 1--�y registon-d or oedif n; I 'v"it'h rourn reca�Jlt requested-, (iji) urne (1) busin.eNs clay aRer thaw same is deposilwd 1,vith an t Courier of naionw or repute ion having za, dolivery axca the 'addre-'' of the intanded recipient, v,,--iih the dcliwry �,hargos prepaid; or (jv) Ia an tltt-� in ended rccipienCs fac-khties acce,��sed by dh'��- ��vhwz mooiwd m t I 'Oepbone ..la se forth, below rovided such 4csimiie and F c6p , is 'Zonfixna�: d the fac'siix ile. facil"6ex of fhe noticing. pa-atyl. Auiy notice under Clause (11), (10 ur i) bove shall 1"c deiiv,< rod or rnwied, as !Q ase rnay :G.. °.i5 the appropri4t ad'd lrcs set lbnl 11, to Gran�ec lJonshead lnn� LIA, do AM AM 'HIC Wells Parli'lor"'i-tip 7951 Maplewood ,"-v., SQile 200 Gree'n'w'ood village, C'O 80 H I MTh a AmMancous cc'Py to� Reh<-,,-ca, Amlerson Fischer SI-lerman & Hovvard I-L'C" 633 17" Sued. Who 3000 DenveT C',() 80202 U to Gnmour VaR Spa AndomhAwns Attn: Cienerai Manager 7H) W IMAM Cir, Vail, CO S]65",? Ash -a copy To: Daniel F, woff 1 'r - Imalf & A.WC19% P& 953 AM Nonmge Road NWe,,-,t Vail, Colorado 8165,7 FM-1y, M."ay chan-pe its addn ss e, and.'at- fiax nun-tbcrs t K. pursuwnl to a wriften notice gi-ven in acc.ordanc4ti wiffi ziv_ ! wzmi.� hcrcof As used", 4 r•n. the tevu "busiacss day" mean any day Winer than :A 'Sat-arday a Srinday, w- a, lcgal holiday to M,-tieh tnO si��nicc is not provide& Wbenever any doe or tbe expiration of any period s,,\ecific(lundL�r tH6 Agreoment -i ic or Period sha-11 de-elned, extcnded to, tile HY, on day Other "Onw, -,,z bushiess day, 'lie, such da ne>a b-'usiness da-y ti't-reaficr. 21 BIgIlYAMSO, Or ,or niakeN no Fqpm�,,entatuni as to the condition of iidoz-,, of it-S vh.- location! of it: utliftics or any offie, xt,alter Rcfo _ti inu ""his 'k,kuunient sh"11.1 bs, recoTded, in the real propor record's ai igif' , , - -wntyl State ofColon.do, cIz the oxponsc of 01-ankee, I-Balarku of page intenfianally left Maukj BukIMOVSw IN WITNESS W'HERF.0F., Grantor wid Graracc� have madc this Clop stnuctioti 'A ofthe day month and yew first, kx-;-vv- written, CiRANTOR, VAR, SPA CONDOMIN111liN-1 ASSOClATION, a Colorado norqvrofif coqx�.rwdon Name- We- I'M 0 In C NTY 1[- -- ----------- -1� -4-ru,.Z, ac wig ot .o-. -RlTegoil nwu� was knowledgod l.io,060 rc o,'� Vwl Spa C�ondornnwum Assmatioa, WC olorado rionprofit car:pona*tio-n-. Wimnc-,,,s lay lmmd and,offici�il seal. N'TV con.-Imission, ................ ... . ............ pdbi [Signature blocks continue cm next page] �&S GRANTEE., LKTNSPIEYW WN, U-,(.',a Cc, 101KIle Hinhod lial.- i !Ay' Ompary NamM, AjQj S'r,VrL .......... "as g a um- bux4-11(, a Calora& lik,-r-ifted 1"abuity 4c sQ. ,7 as k- i S6. NOTA,q z LxWbA A Biie--,C'�iptio.z, of L"Onshead Ina Parcel Reftr to 1'opogmaphic Miap piepared by Alpinc Engineering, Inc. d-atod 9.!2TO'7 P,BgEt n_ PJ4 �S nortk-,r- of lot i, Slock 2, VAHLAJONS14PAI•, f1,11RD FUANG dcscffl:bed as Bq' f < cu-ve and o'n, �,be southerly righ, ot'way line tiff -",-acTstaw No, 70 awnc souflmosterly - I 12�,00 ��"eet ",114311'a tile aro of a 3650 foot radius curve to t1w oft whwse ori -aid I ��etlural anp� �s 0 1 '574V wid who,;,,. to.ag obord bl.,ars S 67'2711' 'W,' 124.99 thene' S -)"','02'46" E 210.84 WQ Tome S 7501Y53" F', 8(04 R.& to a poi.n� or Iffic eastorly line, of said, Lol I whiefi, is on t"'te arc of -a 15"", ffxA radiw, cur w" thwnwc northorly along said ea,,-,,tcfiy hae. on E, e iii lowing AM coww': 1 ) 1 &00 f et along tht, of "aid to, tho lefl whoso cent-al a-nq gte is 652-!32" and' whose ,on chord bears N 1,261J, 6' F 1, 7,99 e& w, a point f u ,g nt; N, 2"OU W 1&5,00 toc,� to a ��urve; 3) 4`06 fcct alongd-e $r ?c r u s curve to Sr Ma whwe cuVal EqWe 6 18969T' and, lon, ohord bears N 1143W V14038 fN• u, a point of conipomid curw; and 4) 3161 W Wone the am Ma 25 fo;x radius ci n to tho IiJt whoso comrad angle is 9047 25` ar , hot � �di o "e, I Ong c :d ho as, N 66' I (Yl 4 " W -3, 5, �,, 0 roo ! to Ulie point of Ile g i nni -a g, County of Eag"e, of Coiorado 'I "n - , -fllird' accoreirqg ., hm part of I x 1, to ale '-Allp 6wreof recorded in id--,.o ofiloc of lhm,- Fag'k C,ourzty, Co'4,midoi Clerk and Recordcrl dc,.wribed as 1",ollows.- a, pC"im on Ox SOMNQ nq.sh of way line of I Nc,. 70 whwm�,c the ost Nonherb, coiner of aid lot 1 bems It 672T IV 1.-,, 124,99 l`c,-L• , thonoe atong said rig -1A erf Q( ,.Aim i.+:..:?.,.. of a 36 511) lbot radius curve to the: s cc, nt nl! u-�gh ol"', Z. 02QFI 7 and a ohord thal, bears. S 6P! TW W 150,00 to tho No11u,a-Acfly cort.er of Vail Spa aCizw,-di-,qg to tb. =p thensof recorded in. the offlec Of C"o—un"' wnd', R,ocorder; Meme depaning mid rjht of smy S 2POTO" F 179.40 tiM alongtho F-w-Aerly bourkdary of'said Spa w zhc. Nord-hv"'eqwdy conmr of Wan at Vail' &Ccurding.. to be Nbp dwreof gueorded n, oft-,c.e o e Eagle County Clerk arkd Recorder- Ohenc,��, Courses alon�,t, the Northerly, F,.asterly t3 iii' Southerly bo;,mdaryof'said. - n, Vail C ndomimurn o 1) N 6637MP F 9110 W 2) S 2VOYMY E 4C 19 ket; 31) N NO= E 21 IMO; 4) S.. E 161S IN S 690,44'54"E 40,47 6 Ono , cI SoD,') IRxt radius alrvc. lo the right havirt4, a Lentrod an I g 89'4454i.� zrad Obal Iva-, S 2,4*5227" 1'-' 7,06 re e(-, 7) S VV 19 02 zee; 57,`,56'0'l�� W 11,6J-i feec; V) S 66OTNr Vk" i J,,4 &',) fetA to said -F'.a,,a-rIY botumbry of voill, Spa leme S DAM" E 1138 M abng s1d 11gert Bof -1,nd'ary w u, Point on flu Moat ght 01" way line of 'West Uousheumd "C"irelt; Acme 1AIWAY oAm, .Jon L? s—,d rig bz Of way; 2,", i 289M foot radius curve to Ow right having a, L.enval wnge of ho ',,tQhusS8VIYM"E20h7&d, ,md a c. ,rc 2) 13,01,22 akng te am of a 150MO i13 "t va"b's c.: I.rvo to the I kii 'having a eQntral ungle. of 87'56', 9' au d, cj chor i that be�Lrs N 485042" L 2(X28 foet', d -,, aid, of way N 79', 0'53" W 80,94 fa-�, flu nco N 2310,246" W 2.11084 fet!lk hence dcpaidng � to to PWN of beghuNg. of (,'oiorado. ON RMNUAM Exhibit 1 Pro of Lionshcad Inn aatacf.,od R.�Plat t-ne.pared t Aipinc Enginvcringt lno: dated 11rd'iin-linairy 12-18-07, A pcirlioia of I, B31odk 2, Tlaird ',Filing7 in lbe SW.1/4 of Sectkm, 6, Township 5 So,,nh, Range 80 West of thc' 60" Pri icipal NNAICridian, Towin of vai4 Cowli.y S(at . of C'Aorado� '­""oro Particrdwd"y: dewribod as WHOWY vko n..ning at dl t most Nortlior)y Corner �.,` sa -c - , 'id Lot whici.1 poifxl is arbe end of a 25 tofm radius eury and opAw solitburly rigN-o!'-way line of intcn�tliz'e 'High'va Nc4, 70 Soiuffi Frontugt!. Ri,,,ad; tlience sokabwesterly on said -al ang is way iLne 2"" AM f= aiong the are, k.,, s, 3650 PXA rAMS cume to tl"o lefft "vho',o cenu IC s 04 e WO]. " a,,'.id whose long chord `be, rs 66 " 10 3" % 274 94 kCft to he northeas'erly corner of vai� S, pa Comicsn'indwrns acarrdillg to the 1? 11 na the Office o," ale E. g.L Cownty Colkwado Cic.rk and R��wrder at Rweeption No� 891852j'hence depaniing said rigk�,r ot iv S23 ' 02461', M.40 fleet along the ewrly borindary of said, Vail Spa "'o - -th ' Vail ( j.jn.jull -i dw� R ap Ol T rf ree )rde ,hc'No� wester�y corner o"I al. _-'o�,jdc�r as �tccording,,, n, iw eo d ec wn -No, 133,690; In tia . ()1"fAce ofthe FA& CMnj Cie& and R cpfi Thence Mlawbg n emrses ah, Q. Northerly. E'asteny arld sokifliorly bcnlndary of seud zian Condcn�inium-'Is; N66,,`5700T.", 93,10M, 2) 'S23 44,19 lt�et-, Qet' 4) S23 0 MOT 1605 M, 5) � 69`4454E, 40,47ft�a' 6' 7.84 fbtn ak-ig, tbe an of a 5AU £ is radWs tangent mwe to 1,1wrigbt having a eontra_I amfe, 7) S20 0 MUM 19.02 bet; S) Sw summ 1&91 w; c) � S6`, ) 571(.,,O"W 114.60 fi:c" to S"i-id 1:'""'Iswny boundary of Vail Spa S23 * MOM Q49 fe.i aiong said T.'asterly Boundary to a po.,h-r o,-� ,he righ', ot',way I'mc of Nk'e\' Lion"hi��.ad Chem, 1heme the Mowing flrv,a: along said rig-it of,,vay, 1) 20.95 Met along -01-le an: ol"a 289,(.0 lbol r dius, cwrv,'�, so dhe a ,'t�nznal angie ofl)4' 0911 " and a ChOTI! beaTs '-,89 2) 24&22 thet ahqg to i , tx,,,: arc al" a 15 �'), 00 tbo, ra-di w� c. n that bi�ars',\La5 " , 2-251-.' 220,�_5 f'ec't; 3) N 2 4) 4196 fect along the am of a 125 'oot radius tangent curve to t1he ieR eentn-il aulgpt� is 18 46''_:­2` and w��,ssk� lonzz c�lord b,��.,,_lrs N 1 -1 ` 2.3316" W, 40,7i� fect. a.- a point (if cornpound. curve., and 5) 39,61 % almag Mc am of a 15, tioot raiij, euve to Um leh ydwse, central amgje is 90' 47`25" Co­,tainml� 11,57 acze-. more c'sy less UOVAT54MM EANU ( Rell-lr tomlmched by OZ Arch.itecIrve and, Novemixr 9p, 2,00-.,;: '111ts �j S'h,oe,,, C1.02 shect C ".03 Sheet (IL04 Una LA Sheet L2 Jh, ��Jbm-AmOL� s�� -Na Refer to at� ached dtawing prepared by Hyder Construction dwM August € 0, 200'.7 Shea C I M ll, " prgy,M! - Re fi a to aTWc.hcd drw�lngs pTaparad by Sohmbel Shee� 'i �-,,1'2 daWO DmemNn- I NO ,-heet 2 of 2 dated Novcinlibea 30, 200" w!"Onnow,