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Department of Community Development
� 75 South Frontage Road
TOWN QF UAiL ( / � va�i,co s�ss�
,,� , Te1:970-479-2128
U www.vailgov.com
Development Review Coordinator
(Separate applications are required for alarm&sp�nkler)
Project Str�eet Address: j j� ' Project#: � -
� a7 �rcx Y�^ /SC.�''1 LV I V-'L_ ��r�'� � DRB#: J I '
(Number) (Street) (Suibe#)
�' BuildingPermit#:� � �=(' j �oZ
Building/Complex Name:
Contractor Information Lot#: Blodc# Subdivision:
Business Name: � ���� �L
Business Address: �12� 1`�a�'`M 1���'�CIP � v�P�r �1^w l��ass: New�j Addition� Afteration�
City �Qi1(_. State:�_Zip: (6� �} Type of Building:
�.�.�G�� Single-Family� Duplex�j Multi-Family�
Contact Name: �
Commeraal�j Other�
Contad Phone: � �� ��3
Contad E-Mail: �Y � " ���,Wlc�/�r Woric Type: Interior� Exterior O Both�
1 hereby adcnowledge that I have read this application,filled out Valuation of
in full the informafion required,completed an aocurate plot plan, Worfc Induded Pla Induded Work
and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to Electrical OYes O)No Yes OjNo ��
comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town
ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure acoording to Mechanical QjYes O)No �Yes �jNo
the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap-
proved,Intemational Building and Reside 'al Codes and other Plumbing QjYes O)No O) es No
ordinances of th vm applicable th . 9 ^ O� � ^ Z�
�• Buildin U�Yes No Yes ��)No
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X � Value of all work being performed: $ �
OwneNOwner's R resentative Signature(Required) (value based on IBC Section 109.3&IRC Section 108.3�
Electrical Square Footage �V
Applicant Information Detailed Scope and Locafion of Work: ��12
Applicant Name: �.�. ��/"3�� Y�� �1M tt�L �} 1(f-� �/.;i N�-�• �V�
Applicant Phone: 1�D � �3 � —�J��.
Appliqnt E-Mail: �"C����V� l, �.��
Project Information -^ -�"
Owner Name: � .J �n r�J
Parcel#: i�,� � � /�� / ? � �fO
(For Parc�ll�k,tonFad Eagle ComKy Assessors Offic�at(97032a-36�0 or vislt
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�S v;�/M� ���# �p da�e: APR 2 5 2014
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State of Coloracb
Asbesbos TesNng&Abatiemerrt Requirements
Asbestos testing and abatement protects workers, homeowners, neighbors and emergency services responders from ex-
posure to harmful asbestos. It is your responsibility to be in compliance with the State. PlPase contact the State directly
for their requirements at the contact info listed betow.
When is asbestos testina reouired�
�(Nl buildtng projects disturbing more than these threshold levels of building materials require asbestos testing:
One-and Two-Family Dwellings: 32 square feet
Ail Others(commeraal spa�s, hotel rooms,etc): 160 square feet
Deflnition of a single-famity dwelling:any dweliing unit that is used primarily for a single family,induding
multi-family/condominium unit�,and fractionat fee units.
Asbestos testing results must be provided with your application for a Iwiiding permit.
Tests which identify POSIfTVE results at more than 1%require abatement by a State-certi�ed abatement contractor.The
air dearance letter or form must be submitted to the Town of Vail before the building permit wiil be issued.
Project Checklist
MY Project falls inb�tfie category d�ecked below:
� 'll not disturb more than the threshold limits identified above.
Tested negative, or at 1%or below(1 aopies of test results induded)
� Tested positive at more than 1%, requires abatement(1 oopies of test results induded)
• Even recent construction projects may include asbestos-containing materials, so buildings of any age require testing.
• The"1989 Ban"on asbestas-containing materials is oommonly misunderstvod. "In fact, in 1991 the U.S. Fifth Circuit
Court of Appeals vacated much of tl�e so-called "Asbestos Ban and Phaseout" rule and remanded it to the EPA.Thus,
much of the original 1989 EPA ban on the U.S. manufacturing, importation, processing,or distributlon in commerce
of many asbestos-containing product categories was set aside and did not take effed."-CDPHE
Asbestos test results should be submitted to: Town of Vail,Community Development, 75 S Frontage Rd,Vail,CO, 81657.
Town of Vail Contact: State of Colorado Contact:
Fire Prevention Bureau Colorado Department of Public Health
Vail Fire Department and Environment
75 S Frontage Rd Asbestos Compliance Assistance Group
Fire_inspectors@vailgov.com 303-692-3158
970-479-2252 asbestos@state.co.us
onsu in
Asbestos Inspection and Sampling Report
2427 Garmish Dr. A,Vail, Colorado 81657
Presented Ta:
Mr. Rex Ingram
3078 Wildridge
Avon, CO 81620
804-370-5613 cell
Performed&Prepared By:
Mr. Brandon Sinkbeil
DS Consulting,Inc.
PO Box 3793
Aspen,CO 81612
Office: 970-274-8859
Project Details:
Project Number: 9Z94
Conducted: January 24, 2014
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1.0 Introduction
2.0 Scope of Work
3.0 Site Description
4.0 Certifications
5.0 Inspection,Sampling&Analytical Procedures
. 5.1 Inspection Procedures
5.2 Sampling Procedures
5.3 Analytical Procedures
6.0 Homogeneous Areas
6.1 Material Friability
(,,2 Material Classifications
6.3 Material Conditions
6.4 Sample Quantities
7.0 Overview of Findings
8.0 Conclusions&Recommendations
9.0 Asbestos Abatement&Demolition Requirements
10.0 Major&Minor Asbestos Spill Response Actions
11.0 Disclaimer&Limitations
12.0 Copyright Notice
APPENDIX A Inspector&Firm Asbestos Certificates
APPENDIX B Analytical Data
1.0 Introduction
On January 24, 2014, Mr. Brandon Sinkbeil with DS Consulting, Inc. (DSC) conducted a limited asbestos
inspection and collected asbestos bulk-samples of suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACM) within a
portion of the single-family residence located at 2427 Garmish Dr.A,Vail,Colorado.
The purpose of the limited inspection was to identify and sample potentially hazardous friable and non-
friable ACM that will disturbed and/or demolished by planned renovation and remodeling activities.
Asbestos bulk-samples were collected of the smooth textured drywall in the upper level master bedroom
closet as well as the upper level office/spare bedroom area of the residence. All of these samples were
found to be none-detected for asbestos.
2.0 Scope of Work
The scope of the limited inspection and bulk-sampling was limited to specific areas and materials of the
residence defined by the contractor as listed above. The remaining areas and materials within the
residence,garage or any out-building on the property were not included in the scope of the inspection.The
limited asbestos inspection did not constitute a full building inspection and does not fulfill the asbestos
inspection requirements for structures that are to be demolished.
3.0 Site Description
The residence is a wood-framed,three-level,single-family residence with an attached garage.
4.0 Certifications
The limited asbestos inspection and bulk-sampling was conducted by Mr.Brandon Sinkbeil with DSC. DSC
is a Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) certified Asbestos Consulting Firm,
Registration No. 14912. Mr. Sinkbeil is a CDPHE certified Building Inspector; having certification number
13442 (see AppendixA for certificates).
5.0 Inspection, Sampling& Analytical Procedures
5.1 Inspection Procedures
The limited asbestos inspection was conducted by an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
CDPHE certified Building Inspector. The inspection procedures included identifying and sampling
suspect ACM within the pre-defined areas, submitting samples to an accredited laboratory for analysis,
classifying the materials and assessing their condition, and compiling a final report detailing the
inspection and the analytical results of the bulk-samples.
5.2 Sampling Procedures
Statistically random bulk-samples representative of the suspect ACM of each homogeneous area were
collected according to the guidelines published as EPA Final Rule: Title II of the Toxic Substances Control
Act (TSCA), 15 USC, Sections 2641 through 2654 and in compliance with 40 CFR, Part 763 and CDPHE
Regulation Number 8, Part B -Asbestos (Reg.8).
• DSC has collected the appropriate number of bulk-samples to meet all regulatory requirements for the
classification and quantity of each homogeneous area. Some minor destructive sampling was conducted;
however,walls,columns and perimeter pipe chases were not broken into in order to locate and quantify
suspect ACM. It should be noted that additional ACM might be located in these and other inaccessible
5.3 Analytical Procedures
All asbestos bulk-samples were analyzed by a National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
(NVLAP) accredited laboratory via Polarized Light Microscopy(PLM) for asbestos content (see Appendix
B for laboratory report).
The percentage of asbestos within each individual bulk-sample can vary depending on sample location,
homogeneity of the material, and the type of application. Any sample reporting a "TRACE" amount of
asbestos must be considered positive for asbestos greater than 1% unless it is re-analyzed utilizing the
point-count method and verified to be less than 1%.
Materials containing less than 1%asbestos are not regulated by CDPHE Regulation 8, Part B -Asbestos.
However,all demolition/abatement activities should be performed following the applicable Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. This would include, but not limited to, the
appropriate asbestos training for the type of material being removed/disturbed as well as having a
properly trained supervisor onsite, using wet removal methods, wearing adequate personal protective
equipment (HEPA-filtered particulate respirators), medical surveillance of workers, personal-exposure
air monitoring, area air monitoring in occupied buildings, etc. There may also be landfill disposal
requirements for these materials, depending on the facility. DSC recommends that all
demolition/renovation areas involving any amount of asbestos be subjected to visual inspections and a
final clearance air testing by a CDPHE-certified Air Monitoring Specialist (AMS) after the work has been
completed,but before any containments are dismantled and the area is reoccupied.
6.0 Homogeneous Areas
A Homogeneous Area (HA) includes materials that are uniform in appearance, color, texture and date of
application. The asbestos content of the bulk-samples collected within a homogeneous area can be applied
to the entire homogenous area if they conform to the above characteristics and the regulated minimum
sample quantities of each type of material are collected and analyzed.
6.1 Material Friability
A material can either be friable or non friable. A friable material is one that,when dry,can be pulverized,
or reduced to powder by hand pressure, a non-friable material cannot. A non-friable material may
become friable if its condition had deteriorated or has been impacted by forces that have rendered it
6.2 Material Classifications
Sampled materials are divided into one of the following three categories:
• Surfacing Material: sprayed or troweled onto structural building members
• Thermal System Insulation (TSI): any type of pipe,boiler,tank,or duct insulation
• Miscellaneous Material: all other materials not classified in the above two categories
• 6.3 Material Conditions
Sampled materials are placed into one of the three following categories of conditions:
• Good: none to very little visible damage or deterioration
• Damaged: the surface is crumbling,blistered,water-stained,gouged,marred or otherwise abraded
over less than one-tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed, or one-quarter if the
damage is localized
• Significantly Damaged: the surface is crumbling, blistered, water-stained, gouged, marred or
otherwise abraded over greater than one-tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed,or
one-quarter if the damage is localized
6.4 Sample Quantities
DSC collected at least the minimum number of samples from each homogeneous area necessary to meet
all regulatory requirements for the quantity of material to be disturbed. The quantities listed in this
report are approximate and on-site verification of the exact quantity of each material is required. The
following outlines the minimum sample quantities required per homogeneous area:
• Surfacing Materials: up to 1,000 ft2 of material requires a minimum of three (3) samples; between
1,000 ftz and 5,000 ft2 of material requires a minimum of five (5) samples;over 5,000 ftz of material
requires a minimum of seven (7) samples; one (1) sample of each patch
• Thermal System Insulation (TSI): each homogeneous area requires a minimum of three (3) samples;
at least one (1) sample must be collected from each patch; and collect enough samples sufficient to
adequately assess the material and determine the asbestos content for TSI fittings such as pipe
elbows or T's.
• Miscellaneous Materials: collect enough samples sufficient to determine the asbestos content
7.0 Overview of Findings
DSC collected a total of three (3) asbestos bulk-samples of one (1) homogeneous area. Asbestos bulk-
samples were collected of the white-painted,smooth-textured drywall on the upper level of the residence.
All of these samples were found to be none-detect for asbestos.
Table 1 below describes the materials composing each homogeneous area as well as the locations of each
bulk-sample collected. Also listed is the classification, condition, friability and estimated quantity of
material to be removed and/or disturbed,as well as the asbestos content within each bulk-sample. Please
see Appendix B:Analytical Data for the layer break-down of each bulk-sample.
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8.0 Conclusion &Recommendations
Asbestos was not identified within the materials of the residence that were within the scope of the limited
inspection and bulk-sampling performed on January 24, 2014; therefore, no professional abatement
activities are required to remove or disturb the above-referenced sampled materials.
9.0 Asbestos Abatement &Demolition Requirements
If ACM is to be removed or disturbed in a single-family residence,and the total quantity exceeds any of the
regulatory trigger levels of 501inear ft.on pipes, 32 ft2 on other surfaces,or the volume equivalent of a 55-
gallon drum,a CDPHE-certified General Abatement Contractor(GAC)is required to perform the work. The
regulatory trigger levels within a commercial building are 2601inear ft.on pipes, 160 ftz on other surfaces,
or the volume equivalent of a 55-gallon drum. In addition, formal notification to CDPHE prior to the
abatement of ACM as well as air monitoring, visual inspections, and final air clearances by a CDPHE-
certified Asbestos AMS is required. DSC can provide the client or building owner with a proposal for project
design,abatement oversight and air monitoring upon request.
CDPHE regulations allow for the demolition of a building that contains non-friable asbestos-containing
materials,such as caulking,mastic or resilient floor tiles. However,demolition must be completed without
causing the non-friable ACM to be rendered friable. Burning a building with any ACM is prohibited.
Operations such as sanding, cutting, crushing, grinding, pneumatic jacking, etc. of ACM are not permitted.
Recycling of building materials such as concrete, metal, or wood that are bonded or contaminated with
ACM,e.g.glue,caulking,or mastic is also prohibited. If any of the non-friable asbestos containing materials
are to be recycled and rendered friable after demolition (i.e. crushing mastic-coated concrete), these
materials must be abated of all ACM prior to shipping offsite for recycling.
OSHA regulations regarding occupational exposure during demolition activities is still mandatory. OSHA
29 CFR 1926.1101 requires that workers performing construction-related activities be protected from
asbestos fibers in excess of the permissible exposure limit of 0.1 f/cc of air. Contractors are must comply
with applicable provisions of OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 during demolition and renovation activities. These
OSHA provisions include, but are not limited to, PPE and respirators, personnel training, personal-
exposure air monitoring, employee medical surveillance, wet removal methods, signage for regulated
areas, etc.
10.0 Major &Minor Asbestos Spill Response Actions
If ACM is significantly damaged and the total quantity exceeds the regulatory trigger levels, the area is
deemed a "Major Asbestos Spill." The area is consequently subject to the requirements in Reg. 8, Section
III.T.1. - Major Asbestos Spills, as outlined below. Additional asbestos air or dust sampling should also be
conducted within the remaining areas not directly impacted by the Major Asbestos Spill to determine if
asbestos-containing dust/debris has spread to adjacent areas. If asbestos fibers are found within any other
areas or on building contents, they should be included in the scope of professional abatement and
decontamination. The following response actions must be followed per Colorado Reg. 8 when a Major
Asbestos Spill occurs:
• Restrict access to the area and post warning signs to prevent entry to the area by persons other than
those necessary to respond to the incident.
• Shut off or temporarily modify the air handling system to prevent the distribution of asbestos fibers
to other areas.
• Immediately contact the Division by telephone,submit a notification in compliance with subsection
� III.E. (Notifications) and, if in an area of public access, apply for a permit in accordance with
subsection III.G. (Permits).
• Be exempted from the requirements to have a certified Supervisor on-site at all times, until such
time as the immediate danger has passed.Any cleanup or asbestos abatement that must occur after
the immediate danger has passed shall be supervised by a person certified by the Division.
• Using certified Supervisors and certified Workers in accordance with section II. (Certification
Requirements) of this Regulation,seal all openings between the contaminated and uncontaminated
areas and establish none-detect air pressure within the contaminated area in accordance with
paragraph III.J. (Air Cleaning and None-detect Pressure Requirements). This is to be accomplished
using polyethylene sheeting to cover areas such as doorways,windows,elevator openings,corridor
entrances,grills,drains,grates,diffusers and skylights.
• HEPA vacuum or steam clean all carpets, drapes, upholstery, and other non-clothing fabrics in the
contaminated area,or discard these materials.
• Launder or discard contaminated clothing in accordance with subsection III.R. (Waste Handling).
• HEPA vacuum or wet clean all surfaces in the contaminated area.
• Discard all materials in accordance with subsection III.R. (Waste Handling).
• Following completion of subparagraph III.T.1.a.through III.T.1.i.above,comply with air monitoring
requirements as described in subsection III.P. (Clearing Abatement Projects); air samples shall be
collected aggressively as described in 40 C.F.R. Part 763, Appendix A to Subpart E (EPA 1995),
except that the air stream of the leaf blower shall not be directed at any friable ACM that remains in
the area and
• Comply with any other measures deemed necessary by the Division to protect public health.
In the event of an asbestos spill involving less than or equal to the trigger levels, the building owner or
contractor should take the following non-mandatory steps:
• Restrict entry to the area and post warning signs to prevent entry to the area by persons other than
those necessary to respond to the incident.
� Shut off or temporarily modify the air handling system to prevent the distribution of fibers to other
areas in the building.
• Seal all openings between the contaminated and uncontaminated areas.This is to be accomplished
by using polyethylene sheeting to cover all areas such as windows, doorways, elevator openings,
corridor entrances,drains,grills,grates,diffusers and skylights.
• HEPA vacuum or steam clean all carpets,draperies,upholstery and other non-clothing fabrics in the
contaminated area, or discard all contaminated materials in accordance with subsection III.R.
(Waste Handling).
• Launder or discard contaminated clothing in accordance with subsection III.R. (Waste Handling}.
• HEPA vacuum or wet clean all non-fabric surfaces in the contaminated area.
• Following completion of subparagraphs III.T.2.a. through III.T.2.f. of Regulation 8, conduct air
monitoring as described in paragraph III.P.3 of Regulation 8. (Final Clearance Air Monitoring and
Sample Analyses); air samples shall be collected aggressively as described in 40 C.F.R. Part 763,
Appendix A to Subpart E (EPA 1995), except that the air stream of the leaf blower shall not be
directed at any friable ACM that remains in the work area.
11.0 Disclaimer & Limitations
The activities outlined in this report were conducted in a manner consistent with a level of care and
expertise exercised by members of the environmental consulting and industrial hygiene profession. All
activities were performed in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations as well as
� generally accepted standards and professional practice. No warranty is either expressed or implied. DSC
assumes no responsibility or liability for error in public information utilized, statements from sources
other than DSC, or developments resulting from situations outside the scope of this project.
The details provided within this report outline the inspection activities on the date(s) indicated and should
not be relied upon to represent conditions at a later date, the limited number of bulk-samples collected,
and the laboratory results of those bulk-samples. The laboratory results contained in this report apply
specifically to the materials in which bulk-samples were collected. The results do not include or apply to
any other materials within the structure that were not sampled, but may contain asbestos; including
materials that may be hidden or inaccessible.Additional inspection and bulk-sampling activities would be
required to determine if any other materials contain asbestos.
This report has been prepared on behalf of and exclusively for use by the Client,with specific application
to their project as discussed in the scope of work. The results of any surfacing material indicated in this
report also includes any associated overspray of that material,e.g.,under carpet,above suspended ceilings,
etc. The information contained in this report is intended as supplementary material for abatement design
and is not to be used as the scope of work for abatement activities,bidding or billing purposes. Contractors
or consultants reviewing this report must draw their own conclusions regarding further investigation or
remediation deemed necessary. DSC can provide a full scope of work for abatement upon request. DSC
does not warrant the work of regulatory agencies,laboratories or other third parties supplying information
which may have been used in the preparation of this report.
12.0 Copyright Notice
O DS Consulting,Inc. 2013.All Rights Reserved.This document contains material protected under Federal
Copyright Laws. No part of this document or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or
adapted,without the prior written consent of the author and DS Consulting,Inc.
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, Reservars Environmental,Inc. Eftective January 1,2013
Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual T:\QAQC\Lab\Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual.doc
� � � �
RET Reservo�rs Env�ronn�enta/, /nc.
January 30, 2014 Subcontract Number: NA
Laboratory Report: RES 280455-1
Project#i P.O.# None Given
Project Description: 2427 Garmish Dr.A,Vail,CO
Brandon Sinkbeil
DS Consulting, Inc.
5366 Flatrock Ct.
Morrison CO 80465
Dear Customer,
Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. is an analytical laboratory accredited for the analysis of Industrial Hygiene and
Environmental matrices by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Lab Code 101896-0
for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) analysis and the American
Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Lab ID 101533 - Accreditation Certificate #480 for Phase Contrast
Microscopy (PCM) analysis. This laboratory is currently proficient in both Proficiency Testing and PAT programs
Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. has analyzed the following samples for asbestos content as per your request. The
analysis has been completed in general accordance with the appropriate methodology as stated in the attached
analysis table. The results have been submitted#o your office.
RES 280455-1 is the job number assigned to this study. This report is considered highly confidential
and the sole property of the customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study with
personnel other than those of the client. The results described in this report only apply to the samples analyzed.
This report must not be used to claim endorsement of products or analytical results by NVLAP or any agency of the
U.S. Government. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval from Reservoirs
Environmental, Inc. Samples will be disposed of after sixty days unless longer storage is requested. If you have any
questions about this report, please feel free to call 303-964-1986.
� _ ..r ._ _ , _ _ t .
Jeanne Spencer
P:303-964-1986 5801 Logan Street,Suite 100 Denver,CO 80216 1-866-RESI-ENV
F:303-477-4275 www.reilab.com
Page 1 of 2
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�� " * :., Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
���� �� ���� .."' �-- Vail, CO 81657
Tel: 970.479.2128
� www.vailgov.com
Development Review Coordinator
Use this form when submitting additional information for planning applications or building permits.
This form is also used for requesting a revision to building permits. A two hour minimum building review
fee of$110 will be charged upon reissuance of the permit.
Application/Permit#(s)information applies wY� y ���_.__..__�____._.._.___._.__.___._____.�_..___._w.____r_._____
to: Attention: �Revisions
�� (� ` U �"',� ,.�'F�esponse to Correction Letter
1 � 1 t� `-'�" �,attached copy of correction letter
���1 � � /.� �S � (�Deferred Submittal
� f(�Other
Project Street Address:
�� C�'►� tS��
'(Number) (Street) (Suite#) _______ �. .___..
�Building/Complex Name: Description of Transmittal/List of Changes, Items Attached:
��j--�� C�...G �
, pplicant Information �
� - G�; �,��, �7' S r��2��
!(architect,contractor,owner/owner's rep)
I , �----� `-j �.1. � (.0 i+��Gt�� �Lf� .
Contact Name: � U���
Address:���� ���1�'t �t�11-��1�M� � �, �'Jf
\ ��City State:�_Zip:
ContaCt Name: PJ u;V(� (use additional sheet if necessary)
�Contact Phone: �� 5��� Building Permits:
' ��� ( � ,,� Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations(Labor 8�Materials)
;Contact E-Mail: �-��" t✓1G��'"+ �' ' (DO NOT include original valuation)
iI hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out Building: $
in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan,
� and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to Plumbing: $
� comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town
� ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according Electrical: $
; to the town's zoning and s sion codes, design review ap-
i proved,International B � i and Residential Codes and other Mechanical: $
i ordinances of the pplicable thereto.
X Total: $� �
!Owner/Ow er's presentative Signature(Required) __._._.__..___.._...._.....-.-.__.._.-__----..._.._......._..____..__........__._._______._.___..__.�__.....____._.._.........—_.
� __ _ �_ ____,___ . Date Received:
For O�ce Use Only � � � � � � �
Fee Paid:
Received From: �j}/
Cash Check# �'�7R�I� ����}
CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# exp.date:
Authorization# ���h� �� "^I�
t� V/-1
.._ .,_ ,.,.*'
Rex Ingram
From: JR Mondragon <JMondragon@vailgov.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 201410:38 AM
To: 'rexingram@earthlink.net'
Subject: Corrections required 614-0142
Garmish unit A
require stamped framing plan for new window,elevation of window in shower area for code compliance(sill height)
safety glazing, u value
electrical load calcs, high efficacy lighting?( building)
Need window catalog cut showing trim color.(planning)
Thank you
_ ,,.
���� �
� � � �
Florencio Mondragon JR
Senior Building Inspector/Plans Analyst ICC
Building Safety and Inspection Services
Community Development Department
970.376.2673 cell
� .�
, �
Wagner Efectric, fnc.
P.O. Box 162Q
Avon, Colorado 81620
May 12, 2014
Mr. T.J. Conners
2427 Garmisch Drive Unit A
Vail, Colorado 81657
R�: Master Bath Revisior�s
Vail, Colorado
Following please find a load calculation for the above residence electrical service for the
purpose of determining if the existing electrical service requires modification to
accommodate the proposed revisions in the master bathroom.
The residence is currently fed with a 120/240 volt single phase 100 ampere service fed
from a utility company transformer located next to the road in front of the residence.
Based on the Nationaf Efectric Code ( Z�(78) NFPA 70 220.83 (A) : �
General lighting 1856 sq. ft. Q 3 w/ft. 5.57KW
Small Appliance Circuits 2@ 1.5 KW 3.0 KW
Laundry branch circuits 1 Q 1.5 KVN 1.5 KW
Refrigerator i@ 1.92 K�IV �.92 KUV
Disposal 1@ 1.92 KW 1.92 KW
Dishwasher 1@ 1.92 KW 1.92 KW
Hot tub 1 Q 8.84 KW 8.84 KW
Gas Clothes Dryer 1 @ 4.5KW 4.5KW
Clothes Washer 1@ 1.5 KW 1.5 KW
Steamer 1@ 7A KW ?A K1N
Microwave 1@ 1.5 KW 1.5 KW
Gas Fired Heating 1 C 1.92 KW 1.92 KW
Garage door operator 1@ 1.5 KW 1.5 KW
TOTAL 42.59�N
First 8 KW of load @ 100%= 8 KW
Remainder�f load (34.59KW} @ 4Q %= 13.84 KW
Total Calculated Load 21.84KW
� � � � � � �
t��Y �_ �� �f�14
1� /L� �r"� r L/`'i� �`� .''�►
�'C�Wl� C�� VAlL
Load Calculation
Conners Residence �
Page 2 of 2
Total Calculated load (21.84 KW) /240 voits= 91 Amperes
As the calculated load is 91 amperes and your residence is fed with a 100 ampere
�enrice, the revisions to the master bath will not require any service upgrade.
Please call with questions.
Robert Wagner
Wagner Electric, tnc.
Colorado License#3875
Alpine Lumber
111 E. Chambers Ave
Eagie, Co. 81631
QUOTE BY: Paul QUOTE #: JPW600462
Rex Ingram
PO#: REFERENCE: 040714
Ship Via: Ground/Next Truck
Line-1 CLCA4818
Rough Opening: 48 3/4 X 18 3/4 Frame Size : 48 X 18
Siteline EX CLASSIC Clad Awning,Auralast Pine,
Brilliant White Exterior,
-�`�� Natural Interior,
1.� �`'•-.� Nail Fin(Standard), Color Match Metal DripCap,
6 11/16]amb, 4/4 Thick,
Viewed from Euterior.Scale:1/2"=1� Venting,
Folding Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware, Concealed/Stainless
Hardware, 2 Locks,
US National-WDMA PG 35,
Insulated Low-E EC Tempered Glass, High Altitude,
BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen,
U-Factor: 0.29, SHGC: 0.23,VLT: 0.42, Energy Rating: 17.00,CPD:
PEV 2014.1.0.879/PDV 5.886(O1/03/14)NW
$474.58 1 $474.58
Tota I: $474.58
Colorado(2.9%) $13.76
Eagle County(1.5%) $7.12
NET TOTAL: $495.46
Total Units: 1
� � � � Od �
���� 1 �k zo�4
qQ-2.15.z.1363 cust-ooa169 Page 1 of 1(Prices are subject to change.) ]PWB00462-5/8/2014-10:13 AM
Quote Date:4/7/2014 Drewings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All Last Modified:5/8/2014
orders are subject to review by)ELD-WEN
��-�� �� ��.�,..
....r..�.�.o,.�..�. .�. ,� . .� � � .. . . _...,�.w�.
' �
Vllagner Eiectric, Inc.
P.o. Box 1620
Avon, Colorado 81620 --�
(970)949-6161 `'���'�g��` ��� �'�`'
May 12, 2014 ��
Mr. T.J. Conners �� 5 �Z��` �
2427 Garmisch Drive Unit A ��/: �
Vail, Colorado 81657 /�
R�: Master Bath Revisrorts�
Vail, Colorado
Following please find a load calcufation for the above residence electrical service for the
purpose of determining if the existing electr�cal service requires modification to
accommodate the proposed revisions in the master bathroom.
The residence is currently fed with a 120/240 voit single phase i 00 ampere service fed
from a utility company transformer lacated next to the road in front of the residence.
' ,-� ����
Based on the Nationat Etecfri ode (zi�8) NFPA 70 220.83 (A)� �
� ___.__-- L,%��
General lighting 1856 sq. ft. C� 3 w1 ft. 5.57KW �
Smalt Appliance Circuits 2@ 1.5 KW 3.0 KW
Laundry branch circuits 1@ 1.5 KW 1.5 KW
R�frigerator 1 @ 1.�2.KSN �.92 KW
Disposal 1@ i.92 KW 1.92 KW
Dishwasher 1@ 1.92 KW 1.92 KW
Hot tub 1@ 8.84 KW 8.84 KW
Gas Glothes Dryer i@ 4.5KW 4.5KW
Clothes Washer 1@ 1.5 KW 1.5 KW
Steamer 1 C'� 7.0 K1N 7A K{N
Mlcrowave 1@ 1.5 KW 1.5 KW
Gas Fired Heating 1@ 1.92 KW 1.92 KW
Garage door operatar 1@ 1.5 KW 1.5 KW
TOTAl.. 42:5��N
First 8 KW of load @ 100%= 8 KW
Remainder of load (34.59KW) @ 40 %= 13.84 KW
Total Calculated Load 21.84KW
I, �s � � � � � -
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� �� �-�w �� .
�fC)10Ut� �� �A,lL
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Load Caiculation
Conners Residence '
Page 2 of 2
0512i 4
Total Calculated load (21.84 KW) /240 voits= 91 Amperes
As the calculated load is 91 amperes and your residence is fed with a 100 ampere
sencice, the revisions to the master laath will not require any serviae upgrade.
Please call with questions.
Robert Vllagner
Wagner Ele�tric, tnc.
Colorado License#3875
i Alpine Lumber
111 E. Chambers Ave
Eagle, Co. 81631
QUOTE BY: Paul QUOTE#: JPW600462
Rex Ingram
PO#: REFERENCE: 040714
Ship Via: Ground/Next Truck
Line-1 CLCA4818
Rough Opening: 48 3/4 X 18 3/4 Frame Size : 48 X 18
Siteline EX CLASSIC Clad Awning,Auralast Pine,
���� Brilliant White Exterior,
Natural Interior,
�� �� Nail Fin(Standard), Color Match Metal DripCap,
6 11/16 Jamb, 4/4 Thick,
Viewed from Exterior.Scale:1/2"=i� Venting�
Folding Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware, Concealed/Stainless ,
Hardware, 2 Locks, �
US National-WDMA PG 35,
Insutated Low-E EC Tempered Glass, High Altitude,
BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen,
U-Factor: 0.29, SHGC: 0.23,VLT: 0.42, Energy Rating: 17.00, CPD:
PEV 2014.1.0.679(PDV 5.886(Ol/03/14)NW
$474.58 1 $474.58
Total: $474.58
Colorado(2.9%) $13.76
Eagle County(1.5%) $7.12
NET TOTAL: $495.46
Total Units: 1
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QQ- cust-004169 Page 1 of 1(Prices are subject to change.) JPWB00462-5/8/2014-10:13 AM
Quote Date:4/7/2014 Drewings are for visual reference oniy and may not be to exact scale. All Last Modified:5/8/2014
orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN
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