HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0013 CR4 Geotech Steel Report F�' i'-� I ril- I i � I,�i�.�� , ni�ul. In�c_ �� 1 11,un � h i I I 5-4 �� C�Icn��ou�� �� �in ' Col i�a�o 81601 Phom 970 94� !`)A8 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECFWlCAL F.��: 970-945-8454 .nmi6 h��_c��'r�h��;;enred�rom Apri124, 2014 George Shaeffer Construction Company Attn: Jon Stevenson P. O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 (.lonS(cDgsconw.com) Job No. 112 111 B Subject: Review of Structural Steel Inspection Reports, Millcreek House, Lot 3, Vail Village First Filing, 303 Mill Creek Circle, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Stevenson: As requested, we have reviewed the structural steel reports made to date for the subject project. Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical is performing construction observation and testing services for the project, submitting our reports under the above job number. The inspection ofthe structural steel connections for the project was performed by West Slope Inspection and Testing (WSTI) as a subcontractor to Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical. Doug Young with WSTI, who performed the inspections, is a certified inspector for welded and bolted connections. The structural steel construction is essentially complete at this time. Four inspection reports were�nade for site visits Yo the project by WSTI between October 1, 2013 and March 1, 2014. These reports are attached. The inspections indicate the structural steel connections were made in general wnformance with the project plans and specifications or have been resolved as acceptable by the structural engineer. The structura] engineer (MJ Mueller Company) provided letters regarding the acceptance of non-conforming connections and these letters are also attached. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, HEPWORTH — P�I�/-I�AK� ����AL, INC. � � ' s�i ��°e o �� 0 d' � ���. P �a• r. , � David A. Young, P.E. d-n z 8 � ��'4, �24�'��k,�� DAY/Ijg �'o,��e°^�,DO �.�°`�:*`�me ��,�8���E@9�2���Q� attachments West Slope Testing and Inspection Field Reports 1 through 4 MJ Mueller Company Letters dated February 14 and 28, 2014 cc: MJ Mueller Company—Mark Mueller (m�m(�um�mUe.cum) ���. il.c;� ����� s�l-�u9 � C:�,l�,i.i:l�, ti,,rin�� ,��)-6>>-s�62 • sil,�erth�„ne 9��-46h-19ti9 West Slope Testing & Inspection LLC Report #1 3177 Glendam Dr. Crrand 3unction, CO 81504 Page 1 of 1 Phone: 970-434-6988 Cell: 970-260-2844 Inspection Report Date: 10-1- 13 "�" � Client: HP Geotech (7ob #HP 112 1 i 1B) Project: Mill Creek Properties Address: 303 Mill G`reek Circle Vail, CO Building Permit No: B13-0013 General Contractor: George Shaeffer Construction Company Contractor that Performed Work: Myers & Company Inspection of shop fabrication or field work at�ob site: Field Report: Visually inspected the field welding at steel beam to wall embed connections & ledger angle to embed connectians a most locations (some of ledger angle welds at top sides were covered with steel decking & could not be inspected) basement Ievel framzng. Visually inspected the field welding at steel beam to wall embed connections & perimeter channel steel to wall embed connections grids 5 to 6 ground level framing. Note high strength bolting at areas inspected above was not yet completed & will need to be inspected at a later date. 'The field welding inspected above appeared to be in substantial conformance with the plans, and the. quaiity requirements of the AWS Dl.l Siructural Welding Code except as note below. 1) Noticed angle clips at one side of steel beam to wall embed connectaons were not welded, as there did not appear to be enough room between the steel beam & concrete wall to perForm the welding. Noticed this condition a basement/garage elevator fratning level grids I to 2.5, and ground level framing grid E/5. 2} 'Fyp. weld detail on Myers & Company plan E21 for steel beam to walI embeds just showed the angle clips welded on the vertical sides. I guess this was reviewed by the struct�zral engineer & that welding was not required on the top or bottom sides of tl�e clips uzaless noted. 3) Noticed embed plate appeared to be too low to weld top side o£perimeter channel sfeel ground level &aming at approximately grzd D.7/6. 1 . 4) Noticed a weld needed completed at perimeter channel steel to wall embed ground level framing at approximately grid C.2/5.7. Mitch Sturde the job site supervisor with George Shaeffer Const, was made aware of these items & corrections should be reinspe ted at a later date. , Inspector/'I'echnician: Douglas E Young ° �� ro��,y ,/ _ c o�o,. � i// / 1 7! /28r�r� West Slope Testing & Inspection LL.0 Report #1 3177 Glendam Dr. Grand 3unction, C� 81504 Page 1 of 1 Phone: 970-434-6988 Cell: 970-260-2844 Inspeet�on Report Date: 10-1- 13 ' "" " Client: HP Geotech (7ob #HI' 112 111B) Project: Mill Creek Properties Address: 303 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO Building Permit No: B13-0013 General Contractor: George Shaeffer Construction Company Contractor that Performed Work: Myers & Company Inspection of shop fabrication or field work at iob site: Field Report: Visually mspected the field welding at steel beam to wall embed connections & ledger angle to embed connections a most locations (some of ledger angle welds at top sides wexe covered with steel decking & could not be inspected) basement Ievel framzng. Visuaily inspected the field welding at steel beam to wall embed connections & gerimeter channel steel to wall embed connections grids 5 to 6 ground level framing. Note hi� strength bolting at areas inspected above was not yet compieted & will need to be inspected at a later date. The field welding inspected above appeared to be in substantial conformance with the plans, and the. quality requirements of the AWS Dl. l Structural Welding Code except as note below. 1) Noticed angIe clips at one side of steel beam to wall embed connections were not welded, as there did not appear to be enough room between the steel beam & conerete wall to perForm the welding. Noticed this condition a basement/garage eIevator framing level grids 1 to 2.5, and ground level framing grid E/5. 2) 'Fyp. weld detail on Myers & Company plan E21 for steel beam to wall embeds just showed the angle clips welded on the vertical sides. I guess this was reviewed by the structural engineer & that weIding was not required on the top or bottom sides of the clips unless noted. 3) Noticed embed plate appeared to be too low to weld fiop side of perimeter channel steel ground level fxaming af approacimateiy grid D.7/6. 1 . 4) Noticed a weld needed completed at perimeter channel steel to wall embed ground level framing at appro�mately grid C.2/5.7. Mitch Sturde the job site supervisar with Geoxge Shaeffer Const, was made awaze of these items & corrections should be reinspe ted at a later date. ' Inspector/Technician: Douglas E Young ° '�aa YQ o7oi , T .. 7! 128 West Slope Testing & Inspection LLC Report #2 3177 Glendam Dr. Grand Junction, CO 8i 504 � Page 1 of 2 Phone: 970-434-6988 Cell: 970-260-2844 Inspection Report Date: 11-6-13 Client: HP Geotech (Job #HP 112 111B) Project: Mill Creek Properties Address: 303 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO Euilding Permit No: B13-0013 General Contractor: George Shaeffer ConsCruction Company . Contractor that Performed Work: Myers & Company Inspection of shop fabrication or �eld work at �ob site: Field Report: Visually inspected the field weIding at steel beam to wall embed connections & perimeter channel steel to wali embad connections bottom side only (top side was covezed with wood sub flooring) grids 1 to 5 ground level framing, and inspected high strettgth bolting at steel beam, column, and joist connections ground level framing, Visually inspected the field welding at steel beam to wall embed connections, steel truss connections completed to date, I6"x8"x3/8" tube steel connections grid line S, and perimeter channel steel to wall embed cozuiections. Also inspected higla stren.gth bolting at steel beam, column, and joist connections main level framing. The field welding & lugh strength bolting inspected above appeared to be in general conformance with the plans, and the quality requirements of the AWS Dl .l Structural Welding Code & the AISC/RCSC Specification for A325/A490 bolting except as note beIow. 1) Noticed angle clitps at one side of steel beam to wall embed connections were not weided, as there did not appear to be enougtx room between the s#eel beam & concrete wall to perform the welding. Noticed this condition as noted in report # 1 at basemenUgarage elevator framing Ievel grids 1 to 2.5 & ground level framing grid �/5. Also observed this condition on this visit at ground ievel framing grid C/3 . Steel erectors had welded top flange of steel beams to embed plates with multi pass welds at side were angle clips could not be welded basement/garage elevator framing connections. Top flanges of beams gzound level framing weze not welded Before a final report could be issued some docurnentation would need #o be pxovided regarding this condition as being acceptable or not to the structural engineer. 2) Noticed angie connection clips were not installed/welded at one side of the tube page 2 of 2 steel truss main level framing grid A.8/4. It appeared #hat the wall embed plates were misaIigned with the tube steel huss connections. 3) Noticed or�ly one angle clip was installed/welded at steel beam to wa11 face plate connection main 1eve1 framing grid Cl5.4. Appeared to be a wall pocket too close to beam to weld 2°d angle clip. 4) Some of the steel beam & joists connections had been field welded in lieu of bolting varies locations where bolt holes did not align. Connections had generally been welded three side with 1/4" filtet welds. Have structural engineer review/approve. 5} Welding & bolting was being completed were steel members had been cut loose ground floor framing grid C to D between 1 & 2, and a few bolts needed tightened varies areas. Also beam conzxection clips needed welded main floor fi•aming grid C.2 at 5 .8 & 6. T'his work will need to be inspected on a future visit along with the remainder ofthe project that was not yet completed. (� Doq s E Y Inspector/Teehniciau: DongIas E YoUng ��yQ�, 96p „� West Slope Testing & Inspection LLC Report #3 3177 Glendam Dr. Grand 7unction, CO 81504 Page 1 of 2 Phone: 970-434-6988 Cell: 970-260-2844 Inspection Report Date: 2-5-14 Client: F3P Geotech (Job #HP 112 111B) ProjecE: Mi21 Creek Propecties Address: 303 Mill Cxeek CircIe Vail, CO Building Permit No: B 13-0013 General Contractor: George Shaeffer Constraction Company Contractor that Performed Work: Myers & Company Inspectiun of shop fabrication or field work at job site: Field Report: Met with fhe struchual engineer Mark Mueller & Ivfitch Sturde the job site supervisor with George Shaeffer Construction Company discussed items noted in the previous special inspection reports #1 & #2. Per our conversations it appeared that Mark was satisfied with the items note in the previous reports as is or as per his instructions to correct them, and would provide some written docwnentaxion. Visually inspected the �ield welding at steel beam to wall embed connections & field welded channel steel joist connections ground floor level framing gtids C.S to D.8 from 1 to 2 that was not completed and inspected on the previous visit, and higl� strength bolting tkxat needed reinspected as noted in report #2 item #5. Visually inspected field welding at tube steel connecrions & high sh�ength A325 bolting at steel beam/column connections as best as possible with wood framing & sheathing in place top of main floor Ievel framing to roof level framing. The field welding & high strength bolting inspected/reinspected above appeared to be in general conformance witlx the plans, and the quality reqnirements of the AWS Dl . l Structural Welding Code & the AISC/RCSC Specification for A325JA490 boiting except as note below. 1 ) 1�ere appeared to be some welds that needed completed at steel beazn connection beam 3B 19 main floor framing grid C.2/5.8, bottom of tube steei column SF4 upper level &aming grid C.5/3.7, and plate to steeF beam connection fop of sloped tube steel member upper level/lower roof framing grid D.8/5.5. Also a weld needed repaired (slag inclusions/incomplete fusion) at steel plate to sloped tube steel member upper leveUIower roof framing grid D.8/5.5. 2) There appeared to be some A325 bol#s/nuts that needed tightened to a minimum of snug tight at bottom of steel frame 4F1 & 4F3 top o£main level framing grid page 2 of 2 line 1 & g►id C.2/3; and at steel beams 4B4 & 4B 17 upper leveUlower roo£framing grid 1 .9 & D.2/5.5. Note to the best of my kxxowledge tfus completes the special inspections of the structural onsite welding & higti strength A325 bolting on the projecY as outlined in repoxts #1 thru #3 except for the items noted in this report. These items will need to be reinspected or some documentation/photos provided showing that welds have been completed/repaired & bolts tightened along with some written documentation from Mark Mueller the structural engineer in regards to items noted in reports #1 & #2. Then a final report can be issued. Doug s E Yo Inspector/Technician: Douglas E Xoung �'N� o7oi � QC1 �P. � /201 West Slope Testing & Inspection LLC lieport #4 3177 Glendam Dr. Grand Junction, CO 81504 Page I of 1 Phone: 970-434-6988 Cell: 970-260-2844 Final Inspection Report r)ates: 2- 19-14 & 3- 1-14 � Client: HP Geotech {Job #HP 1 I2 111B) Project: Mill CreekProperties Address: 303 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO Suilding Permit No: B13-0013 General Coatxactor: George Shaeffer Consixuction Company Contractor that Performed Work: Myers & Company Inspection of shop fabrication or feld work aY job site: Pield ReporE: Reinspected field welding & A32S high strength bolting note in the � previous report #3 items # 1 & #2. The field welding & high strength bolting reinspected above now appeared to be in general conformance with the plans, and the quality requirements of the AWS Dl . l Structural Welding Code & the AISC/RCSC Specification for A32S/A490 bolting. Also received & reviewed letters from the structural engineer in regazds to items #1 thru #3 noted in report #1 , items #1 thru #4 noted in report #2, and one final issue of concenn in regards to connection of steel beam 3B 19 to embed plate at end of wall. It appeared that per his letters he was satisfied with these items as built. To the best of my knowledge tbis completes the special inspections of the structural steel onsite welding & A325 high strength bolting on the project, as outlined in reports # 1 thru #4. InspectorlTechnician: Douglas E Young �wi 5 7073t� C���ct �. �iu �a �: - �. , � v � t< � i , . -� � �.. '. . + � . ,, `. .., . - : . � . . J '.� . . T t .. � ' � ,� � „ � .. , . ;.,: ,.> � _ t - ,:. . . ,; . .. . ... . .. .. . s_� . . . . , ._.. . �� � . _ -�;. � , .. ,. � .:,. . , �.: . . . . . .�.. ....:� . .. - ' . � . . . . ' . . . . r ; : . : : , .. . '� .. �: . . : : :. . .. . . :. . . ' ' . . . .. , ,, :. : : . . . . . . . .. . �, ' i � i " - : .: � t . . '. ' ;' ' ... . . . : . . , . . . . � . . . �h ` � . . . '. . � . . . ' . . . ' . . . ' . . . !he mj muetlerco:, inc. . . . . 14. February 2014 . -.. ': _ . ' Mr Kyle H. Webli � , K H 1NE8BARGHITECTS 'PG � ' ' • 710- lNesf Lionshead Circie. .: . : ' :; Suite A ; ;. , . . _ .:: .•. : '? Vail Col�rado . 81658 ' ; , . Sub�ecf .Stee1 Speeial Inspecfion " MtLL�GREEK CIF�CLE RESIDENCE < �; :. _ , ,: . ;.L`qt #3 ' '. ; : �/ail, •Colorado AYyour request this'affice has coordinated the:structural ;sfeel insfal(ation, forthe pro�eet rtie�t;oned ;aBove witfi GEORGE SHAEFFER CQNSTRUGTION CQtNPANY antl MYERS & COMPAMY The insfallatrqrt has been. in�pected by yVEST_SLOPE :7ESTlNG:& IN8PECTION LE� seQ .reports tlated 10 1 13 11 6 93 a�d 2-5:_14 Fhls:;le�ter �s a� response fo fhe.reports ko�confrrri:fhe involuement of this offrce:regarding'the items rt�enfioned The foilowirig ifems at� �a be noted ; - , r;'. �. ` a)'. #1 IN, REPQR7 #1 ' ' � � . , . : ; _ , The fwa outside W'12 x 65 on khe'-'Garage EleVator Fram�ng Plan have access �ssues for t#�e hack elip �ngle beiween tt�e beam:and the:coperete.Wall This.office coord�nated first addirig a saiid lieanng �late weided fo the beam placed beneath the beam to the:.slab below Sccondly, the .#Yant angle was welded per plan , the back an�le;,is welded, on the top Fin�lly, a s�lid:bar was;weldec� beivaeen the:.top flange Qf the 'beam and.#he ernbed plate 4:Iocattons ;tS+prcaR ,: Any weldmg that was "iriissed" must be completed, retnspectec� and approved in .� . person or thro."ugh 3� pa,rty and _pfiiztog�aphs b) #21N' REPORT;#4 Generaily the (oads were small enough and ,the angfes long enough, tiiat welding:was only reqwred ;on the verfical edyes: Whe�e;�equued,, the weld was continued around the arjgle on th'e horizontal etlges or the size of'the weld was increased on the. vertical :: , ; . . edges: _, . > , ; . - c) #31N` REPORT'#1 , civ�I �CChitectural and swctural engineeang • p:o box 2747 vaii colorado 81658 476 2627 476-2637 (FAXJ " : t �°'iG.."�'vz K''��.1_4�' 4 - . . � . •�> . . . _ ) S fS � N Lki tuk Page 2 .�- Mr Kyle H Webb :'. �:, ;. . . '14• February 2014 ' . � VVeld on the :6ottom of the ohannel only is aeceptable for thi's particular condifion: d) . #1. IN REPORT #2 ; See a) aboue �egarding .the pasemenUgarage elev�tor connections. .The W'I.O. x 30 ' � � connectton' Iocated'af Gnds CX3'was coo"rdinated :with this o�ce to install the ea'st angfe � , :per plari, tlie west angie can onfy be welded on fhe top and . bottom edge . and arJd a ; ' new; bearing angle:tieneath. #he boftom:flange offhe beam: . , , . . , , . . _ . : , ; . , .� , - . . ' e #2 IN REP�RT #2 � , The. tubesteeltrusses;connecfions focated atGtidsA 8/4 were coordinated with: this . office 7he.k�eRtplatesl;were coordmated:during the:shop drawEn� pro�e�s verify adequate weJdmg to the embed,piate and -tiie fubesteel }russ ,. . ,. . . .. ,: :., � , , : . � #3. IN REPORT #2 . ' ` � ; _ �} . '. -. . � The beaM did; nqt progerly alEgn'.with tfie einbetl plates This`:ofFce coordinated using a :: . � piece af 3/�':plate to be'welded ;to the embed plafes anrA extended to=.the edge.cz� the , rrie�harr, al,opening adjoaning "the W`T2 x 58 The.wesY �ngle;was installed per plan a bar:rias �ubstitufecl forthe east:angle, aqd� abearirrg apgle was added:beneatfi the , ;.. ,: . :. ;bo#am na�59� :.. :: ::: :, _. ,: , . . : 9�' �4 iNr1�EPQF�T #2 ', ; ' ` ; - Welding was fieid coordinated �s.an aGCep#able option �[vhen fioles for:tablt�tl . canoectiQrrs did not,ahgn as fabriCateci h) ALL �REPORTS : � ��, . ; AO items and connections previously mspeCtedar�d found to tia�ie mi55ed or defic�ent ° welds missing or laose bolts must be repaired or completed, ,ieinspeCted and approved in p,erson or through 3rtl;parties and photographs to;conform with the : - Construction. docurnenfs:` �.:. � . This letteris`°required to allow 1NEST SLOPE TESTING & INSRECTION, LLC #o complete the 4'h:and firiahcompletio� repo ojecf If you have;any questivns r:eg`arding ffiis letter or the bafartce of the"sf project, pl�ase contacf'this office.. ':• Si.ncerely y,ours ,� :. ° o ' TNE M J M.UfLLE � ; .a� , . • $ � Mark J Mueller PE � " �' .. ' ' . - A��� �' : . . . . .: President ; , :. . , ea, .e . _. . .,:: _: .::. � .._�.. , ;=.: She mj mueller so., inc. 28 February 2014 Mc Kyle H. UJebb K H �NEBB ARi',HITECTS,. PG . 710 tNest Lionshead Cir.cfe Suite A Vail, Coiorado 84E57 Subject: Steei Special Inspect�on MILL;CREEK .CIRCLERESIDENCE , . . , ,. . : • . . . . . Lof #3 .. . " , , `Jail,.Ccloi�do �. . ; . . . . The last. v.isual insnectian by WEST SL`OPE TESTING, 8� INSPEGTlON LLC {1NST & I) � produced orie steel connection of concerri�. 'fhe 'connecfion, is beiween fhe:W8 X f5 window : headec shown on. Shee# S4 aY Gnds'S:95/C 15 and the embed pla#e_in the end of tfie . foi:ndaiion wall ` � This connection i$ uer� lightly.�loaded,. and accordmg to plan, has � clip angie:on both' sides Qnly �ne clip angie has been, discussed The exposed cli,g angle :as welded is atleqaate for th:e design loads .,',Makesure:both btilt�,are tzgfifened, �nii;this connection is completed in .: accordance wdh Etie'infent of tne sfructural plans,; detads. and speeifcations .' If:you have,any additional quest�onS regardrng tl1'is pro�ect please confactfh�s. office at the gfione. number shouvn below ' Sinc T. `�` ' CO , FNCi � �. 'SM� � . . .. . ' ` � ' p^ : N � . . . ['.e , � - . � . � . .u+ �#�� .. � ����� ' � o� - . . . T 'yq a'° . . R . . . . . • . .. . . . Pce ' ` . : . . cc° MitcFi 'Sturde=GSCC , : " DouglasE.Yoang WST & `I ' " ` - c'Nil architec[ural and.strudural engineering � p o tiox 2747 vail, colorado 81b58 478-2627 476-2637 (FAXj , �