HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0013 CR4 Special Inspection approved � � � ����; � SPECIAL INSPECTION POLICY 7he International Building Code (IBC} r�quires spec�al inspections be performad an buildings constructed within the scape of Chapter 17'. Following are the generaf procedures that wiff be utilizecf fnr th�se pravisions. �. Stte-Speeific S�a�cial lnspectior� Fie�suiremersts A. Tne Qesign Professional{s) shall submit a s#afem�nt of special irrspections c�mplianf w�th Chapter 17 of the �nternatio�,al Bullding Code, (IBC 17D5) The S�ecial 7nsp�ction Statement shall include any additio�al special inspections as specified in the site sperific d�sign doeuments. B. Owner or owners agent shalf submit a list of sp�cia! inspeetors to be us�d to comply with fhe special ins�ec�ion program far �ppraval. The lis± of special inspectors shail also include the qualifications of the sp�cFal inspectors. ( ISC �704.1.1) 2. Specia� Inspection Reports Required A. �wr�er or owner`s ag�nt shall �ubrnit a r�cammended report submittal schedule to the Building Official for approva� prior to the start of constructaon. C. �ina! rep��± af special ir:spec#ion requir�el, (�gC ��p4. „�} 3. Duri�g Construction (IBC 17p4,1_2) A. Contractor(s} rn�st natify specia� inspectors wher� wvork is ready for inspectior� and retain inspsction r�por�s. B. Repor�s of special inspections must be provicied to tf�e Building Official prio� to the a�plicable insp�ctions being requested by the contractor as r�quired by the ca���. Na required inspections will be m�de unt€I all appficable special inspectians repnrts t�ave been re��ived. C. Sp�cia! inspector(s) must notPfy the eantracfor AN�] desi�n ;arofessional(s) in r�snon�ible churge, of fiePd disere,pancies observed during inspections, D. A!I field discrepancies obsenfed c��.�ring special inspectiorEs �ust b� resolved. and appl�ca?�le re�orts indicatirag such .must be s��bmi*T�d �o th;� Building Off�ci�,l prior to ar�y reauired ins{�ections being ap�roved by the jurisdiction. E, P,outine construction inspections otherwise required by the code must still be perfor�re� at the appropriate stages of construetir�n. (IBC 109} F, Cerkificates af Occupancy 1 Temporary Cer�ificates of Occupancy will nat �e �ssued until all required special in�pecfions are appro��d, required pragress reports and final reports of Special Inspecfions with seal and original signatures are receiv�d by fhe Bui�ding Offici�l. E . � i1/ � . Vi i�d� [ SPECIAL fNSPEC�'OR APPROVA� PROC�SS The buiiding regulations of the Town of Vail require speciai inspections for types of work specified under Chapter 17 of the International Buildin� Cade be ,performed by individuals approved by the Building Official. The Building Official will issue ap�roval in each special +nsp�ction classificatian required to be perFarmed. (IBC 1703.1) 'f. Required Forms and Documents A. The r�quired documents shall be submitted by all applicants for new a�d additiona� appravals as Special Inspector. B. Afl applicants rnust provid� uerification thaf fhey haue current certifications as listed on the Qualificatian of Sp�cial Inspector. C. An appl�car�t shall submit a stat�ment-of-quaf�fications from a Registered Design �rofes5io�aal (Engineer, Architect who has the certifications listed in C,�ualification of Special Inspectors) that has direct supervision af the appficant; listing the applicant'� education and experience. D. The approval af the statement-of-qualifications from the Register�d D�sign Professior�al is up to #he discretion of the Buildir�g pffic��l based upon the re�iew of th� applicant'S education anci experience and the Registered Design f'ro�essional's experi�nce and educatian. The Building Qffiicial has the discretion of requ�sting additional specific �xperier�c� dacumentation from the applicant and the Registered Design Professional as is deemed necessary. (see A�apendix C for minimum quafifications) �. All Registered Desig� Professional's must be approved by the Building Official to be a special inspector. His/Her experience is subject to r�view of the Suild�ng Official. JobName: �9-1lCUa.eu(:rrfe.__Qaf ��„an�: �m il JobAddress: �O.i ��I1C�eacG�r�l�e �U��F��' � Permit No.: �i �3 � d013 SPECIAL INSPECT(ON AND TESTING AGREEMENT (To applicants of projecis requiring Special Inspection or Testing per Secfion 1701 of the IBC) The owner or his/her representative, on the advice of the design professional in responsible charge, shall complete, seal, sign and submit a copy of the Special Inspection Agreement and Structural Tests Scheduled to the Fown of Vail for review and approval. Signat�res ars required on both pages; photocopied or faxed signatures are accepfable. The owner and hislher general contractor, where applicable, shall also acknowledge the foliowing conditions applicable to Special Inspection Testing: 1. Contractor is responsible for proper notification to ihe Inspection or Testing agency for items listed.(Page 1) (IBC 1704) 2. Only the testing laboratory should take sampfes and transport them to their laboratory. 3. Copies of all laboratory reports and inspections are to be sent directly to the Town of Vail by the Testing agency on a weekly basis. 4. Inspectio� agency to submit names and qualifications of on-site special inspectors to the Town of Vail for review and approval.( Page 2) 5. The speciai inspector is responsible to immediately notify the Town of Vail Building Official in wri�ing of any concerns and/or problems encountered. 6. It is the responsibility of the contractor to review the Tov✓n of Vail appruved plans for additicnaf inspection or testing requirements that may be noted. A pre-construciion conference at the job site is recommended to review special inspection procedures. 7. The special inspector shall use only the Town of Vail approved drawings. 8. All special inspection field reports must be left on site for review by the Town of Vail staff prior to required inspections or re-inspections. BEFORE OCCUPANCY WILL BE GRANTED: The special inspection agency shall submif a signed and sealed statement fhat all items requiring testing and inspection were fulfilled and reported. Fhose itsms not tested andlor inspecfed shall be npted in this statement. A copy of the statement shall 6e mai�tained at fhe job site for the Building Inspector's review prior to final inspection. Acknowledgement: Owner: �"'�: ,/"� - ,�r�,d..� ��L� Signature Print Name Date Qya,� Speciai lnspection � Agency: � ��e, �� �ig ture Print Name Date Praject /'��,, / /� " / y�,gQ. Arch/Eng: ���c v��G�1 �✓i d !"'f $�/ ign � re Print Name �ate Contractor: jGy,�.�-wWnSet� `'� 2H i Signature Print Name Date . ���7 E �R1Y OF U� • SPECEAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE (I$C 1704) ProjectName: 1M� �1 Crr.eK ( •��tt �ss �ycr Permit# �13 �Oa (3 Owner's Name: Testing fn Ctl SignaWre / PrintName Da(e AgeRCy: -2 l'L G✓i l vt �z�'"�� Testing Inspection Si aNre Prin�N e Date Hereby certifies fhat t Testing/lnspection Agency named above has been engaged to perform structural tests and inspeciions during construction as checked below, to satisfy all applicable portions of the Building Code Prior to iinal inspection, the Inspection Agency shall submit a siatement that all items oF designated work performed were reported. Any items checked but noi tested or inspected will be noied and explained. Whenever any designated items on the list are ready for sampling, testing, or inspection, it shall be Ihe responsibility of the cantractor fo give timely notice to the fnspectlon agency so that the required services may be performed. REINFORCING STEEL' UNDERPINNING: � Tensile&Bend,one set per heat per_tons _ Temporary7Permanent h�speciion of Plac=ment � Inspection oi Steel Fabricaiion Inspection of Welding _ Inspection of Reinforcing 8 Forms Epoxy _ Inspection oi Concrete Placement _ Inspection of Tiebacks MASONRY: Prelim. Acrep±ance Tesis(Masonry Units,Woll Prisms) — SOIL NAILS: Subsequen[Tests(Mortar, Grout, Field Wall Prisms) _ Temporary Shoring Inspection of Placement and Grouting _ Permanent Wall CONCRETE� SHOTCRETE, GROUTAND MORTAR: STRUCTURALSTEEL: Concrele Shot Grout Mortar _ Sainple&Test(List specific members be3ow) Aggregate�esis for design � Shop Identification 8 VVelding Insp2ction j Sui;abi�ity of aggregates _ Shop Ultrasonic Inspection i Mix Designs Shop Radiography ; Tesi Pane1 �,� Field Welding Inspection oaich Plant Inspection �_ Field Bolting �nSpeCtlOit I I Cement GraU Samp�e _ Field Ullrasonic Inspection I inspeclPlacing — _ PieldRaoiography Compression 7ests _ Metal Deck Welding Insp2ction Cas�Specimens FIREPROOFING: ; Pick-up Samples ShrinkBge Bars — ��SpCC[i0f1� PI8C0fO00t � Yield Check SOI�S: � nir Cher'c Acceptance Tests - Dry Unil Weigfit Moisture-Density Determination PRECAST CONCRETE: Field �ensi!y Reintorcing Tests Drilled Piers _ Inspection of Reinforcing Placement Deep Foundation 7endon Tests — _____ Insp=ction of Tendon PlaCement STRUCTURAL WOOD; _ Inspection of Concrztz Placement Inspection of Fabrica[ion Inspzction of Concrete 8atchin9 Inspec[ion of Truss Joint Faoricatio❑ _ Inspection of Panel Attachment 8 Ins2rts Sample&Test Components Compression Tests Inspection of GIU Lam Fabrication Inspection of SUessinglTransfer � SMOKECONTROL: PILWG, CAISSONS, CAPS,TIES: — _ Inspection of Reinforcing Placement SPECIAL CASES: _ Inspection of Con�rete Placement Inspection of Concre[e 8atching SPECIAL INSPECTIDN: Seismic Resistance Specily otliertes(s,inspections orspecial insVUCtions required. _ N1ind Requiremenis APPENDIX C " '�� QUALRFICATiONS OF SPECIAL INSPECT�RS ��0��1�:!" Category Cocfe Reference Minimum Quaii�ications 1 If recuired, see below for type of fabrication. Inspections of Fabricators PBC Section 17a4.22 2. Fabricators authorized apprflved by special inspection agency Steel Gonstruct�on IBC 5ection 1704.3 �. Current ICG Structural Steel and Welding High—Strength 8olts Certific�afe. IB� Sectian 1704.3.3 2. Current AWS/Ad�C Certified Steel Structure Inspection. 3. Current ICC Structurai Steel and Bolting Special Ir�specfor Certificate. Welding IBC Section 17D4.3.1 1. Current American Wefding Socfety (AWS) Certified Welding Inspector. 2. Current AWS Certrfied Weldirtg Educator. 3. Current AWS Certifiec�Weldin� �ngineer. 4. Current American UVelcf�ng Society/American Institute of Steel Constructian (ASW/AISC) Certified Steef Str�acture Inspector. 5. Current ICC Structural Welding Special Inspectar Certiticate. a) Nandestructive Testing of WeIJs IBC Secfion �704.3; 1. C�rrent Nondestr�ctive Testing Leuel II ar III Table 1T04.3 (5); 1707.2 aj �e�el Il persor�nel shall be qualified in accordar�ce wtth th�American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) document SNT-TGIA (current edition) Levei II eertification as determined by a le�e! III exarniner is requ�red for each category, b) Levef ill Examiner shal( be certified by ASNT unless all devel II personnel have a c�rrent ASNTIACCP certification. Qnly then will in-hause designation of Leve1 lll nondestructive testing personnel be permitted. Concrete Constructic�n IBC Section �704.4 1. Current lnternational Code Councif (ICC) Reinforced Concrete Special Inspectar 2. Current Ar�erican Conerete Institute (ACI) Concrete Field Testing 7echniciar� — Grade 1 Gertifcation. M�sonry Gonstruction IBC Section 17fl4.5 1. Currenf ICC Structural Masanry certification. 2. Professfanal Er�gineer, Wood Gonstructian IBC Section 17D4.6 1. Professional Engineer So�ls 1BC Section 1704.7 1. Current National Insti#ute for Certi�ication in Engineering 7echnologies (NfCET) �Level II P�le Four�d�tians IBC Section �704.g certification in geotechnfcal engineer�ing fecnnology/construction. 2. Registered Gec�lo�ist. 3. Registered Errgineer. Waii I�aneis and Veneers IBC Section 1704.10 1. Professionai Engineer. Sprayed Fire Resistant Matenals fBG Section 17C�4.�1 Current ICC Spray-Appli�d Fire pTOOfing certific�t�. Prestressed Cancrete (PC) IBC Tabfe 17p4.q, 1. Current ICC Reinforced Concrete Certifieation Pretensicrn Tendons (PC�) ltems 8 and 1D 2. Current ACI Concrete Field Testing T�chnician Grade f Certification. Post-Tension Tendans (PC2) 1. Current Post-Tensioning lnstitute (PTI) Post-Tension Sfak�s-dn-Ground tPTS} Certification. Exterior Insulatian and Finisl� System IBC Section 1704.12 1. Registered Architect. (EI�S) 2. Current Association of Wafl and Ceiling InJustry (AWCI) EIFS Insp�ctar Gertification. Special Inspection for Smo�e Contral IBC Sectian 17d4_14 1. Current NPCE'� N-II-FPAS certification. 2 Current �110ET N-II-FPFA certification. 3. Current I�afional En�iranmental Balancing Bureau certification. 4. Current Associated Air Balance Councii certification. Q�aality Assuranee for Seismic Resistance IBC Section 17fl5 Professional Engineer Quality Assurance for Wind Req�ir�ments 18C Section 17a6 Professianal Engineer Speeial Inspections for Seismic IBC Section 1707 Professional Engineer Resistance a) Mechanical ar�d Electrical IBC Section 1707.7 Componerts Structural Testin�for Seismic Resistance IBC Sectian 1768 Professional Engineer Str�ctural Observations IBC 5ectior� 1709 Professiana� Enginaer Design �trengths af Materials IBC Section 1710 Professional �ngfne�r Alternative Test Procedure IBC S�ction 1711 Professionaf Er�gineer T�s# Safe Load IBG Section 1712 Prafessional �ngineer !n-Situ Load Tests fBC Section 1713 Professionai Engineer Pre-construction Load Tests IBC Section 17�4 Professional Engine�er Material and T�st Stancfards IBC Section 1715 Professionaf Engineer d +� �7��y k f�/�1 ��Y,f1lL��• SPECIAL IMSPECTION AGENCY APPROVED LIST RC = F�einforced Concrete SS = Structural Steel Welding/Bolting PC = Prestre��edlPost 7ens�on Cancrete FP = Spray Applied �ireproofing SM = Structural Masonry A enc Name Address PF�Qne Number RC PC SM SS FP ucp��r.��- PAW ?�K s� ca�h.� Read Is�r ��o-��ts--�i�$ �tD�+���MCG C �v►6. ��apwaad ��f��u��i �� �. ��l.sl f . TC1WN4�VAII, ` FINAL REPORT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS Project: s•���I CVte,K Crvcl�t. '�Z.dSLc�euc.� Permit Number. � I3"dp �3 ProjectLocation: _ �'6Sy jYil1� �dc-eK CPrcl.[. owner !�'liil CvtcK PNOaav�ly 1 LG Address o��l� U1ar� t�ea� .�-r}e. �n�� City: �}vvac�a Zip: �GCA�2 DesignProfessionallnCharge: �AJ�d. I�t . �/Ok�tq -}�p�.,�vr{-(.,_�7a�IctK �c.°i�'Lti Address:��Z� �00. � �S� City: — Ln�,t�60� rJ C� State: C_ZJ Zip:�$�� Phone: ��{S�7�S� Fax: � S ��f 5 E-maiC (ya�� � nae��k • c,o �- To the best of my inzormation, knowledge, and belief, the special inspections and/or testing required for this project, have been completed in accordance with the contract documents. Interim reports submitted prior to this Final Report of Special Inspections form a basis for, and are to be considered an integral part of this final report. Any discrepancies that were noted in all interim reports have been corrected. �j}�KCf 7�L fG�-� cvf- '�'� , - Prepared by: �� `y �"� �' J ' .z��� e '. c�r�J�c�- A- �Duna $ ' �`` .� :W ,v� :� Type o Print Na �;�� ,� �,,_,.� - +' -* �)'y `w,� �w,x,/:�..°v.a aa �,{�,� V`i�.A�C °��j��'']^�,���, -7-2�1��1=JS�e' l� ♦' � ��" "h �� !i� .��ig ture — s�������14�@��R Date Preparer's Seal and Signature Required . 3 TYJWN OF YAII, ` REPORT OF SPECIAL fNSPEC710NS Project: �+�1 �Y48V� �rrttC IuS�dcHCe PermitNumber: ��3�Obf3 Project Location: 3b '`�'� �:�l C�utC C+r�1�e. Owner 1�1t11 e.u.¢�K Q�Pe�a.p,V�h L.LC. Address r-.�-31C� Wavd �ea�, `,y�¢ (�^ � City: Arvada Zip: `($Oo0?_ Registered Design Professional� -1 � _ / � ������� l' ��� In Responsible Charge: �l�iJ�C�� ��/)�.tr�oi � � r L- , / �r Address: J�Z'� � OA � �J `f' City��en�ovd5���.�c,s State: � Zip: �� Phone:"(�S7! �S� Fax: Z �� g�S�' E-mail: �QV�C/�°D���. J'yV� This Report oi Special Inspections attached is submitted" as a condition from permit issuance in accordance with Section 1704 Infernational Buiiding Code. It includes a Schedule of Special Inspection Services applicab[e to the above referenced project as well as the identity of the individuals, agencies, or firms intended to be retained for conducting these inspections. The Special Inspector(s) shall keep records of all inspections and shall furnish interim inspection reports to the registered design professional in responsible charge at a trequency agreed upon by the permit applicant and buifding offcial prior to the start of work. Discrepancies shall be brought to the immediate attention of the confractor and design professional in responsible charge for correction. ff the discrepancies are not corrected, the d'ascrepancies shall be brought fo the attention of fhe building official by the registered design professionaE in responsible charge prior to the completion of that phase of work. A Finaf Report of Special Inspections shall be submitted by the design professional in responsible charge to the building offcial at the-�conclusion of the pr ject a before a certificate of occupancy will be issued. S1 � uG f7(lQ.� s�.°N� «Lrt?:dw+;.a,�,, Prepared by: � ;��"'�r€ �a°,����, �LP�a,fa �� ,d �� C.�vu�ar ��� �,,. ;���..�`:b ��`��i'� Ty(Le(� rint Nam � . . i�:; �) � � t` 4 � � °� +�"�.-�av ' ,Y°,�. Si ure y t��i� �#�' �-z� -(y. ��� 06 �,��������.����, Date ����POi17�1A Preparer's Seal and Signature Required To be filled out by the jurisdiction and returned to applicant Building Official's Acceptance of Special Inspecfions Frequency of Interim reports: Monthly Bi-Monthfy � Upon Conipletion PerAttached Scl�edule Signa[ure Date Permit Numbe�