HomeMy WebLinkAboutB14-0120 REV2 Transmittal Department of Community Development 75 Sauth Frontage Road TOWN OF VAIL ' Vail, C081657 Tel:970.479.2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator TRANSMITTAL FORM Usc ihis form when submitling atltlitional infomialion�or planniny applications or building pr,rmils. ihis form is also usetl inr reques�ing a rovision to buikliny permits. A nvo hour minimum boiltliny rcvicw fee of$110 will be chargetl upon reissuance ol lhe permil. Applica[ioNPermit IHs)intormation applies �o� Attention: Re:visions �7 � Z � �Response to Correclion Letler �LyL ���� ��7_4'1� ����(� �al�cheticopyoTcorreetionletler ��eferretl Submillal (�Olher Prqect Stree[Atldress: _a-�-'�— F. C-,�v v c ✓v�r �? 3N7�3> i (Number) �Sheet) � �y (�Su`�i�te�M)f BuiltlinyComplexName: LU7��l�' i-WiC` (J Desc/ripIlionolTransmillaUListolChanges, IlemsAttached: Applicantlnformation — " `���� I V` '��P1�I.C '�' � �!✓� r (arc�iteet,coNrac�oq owner/ow9�ne�r's rep) /n�C,� (� — Conlacl Name'. � � L 1J � \� �/� r l),'N1 V Address: Cily Stale- Zip: ContaciNam�' "�" ` �usaaeaiLonalsneqlilnecessary) Con�aclP�ane: � IID /`7'�� Y' 1 BuiltlingPertnits: Contacl E-Mail�.qllY 9 4a l���C�dll ��+G� ��/]� Revisetl ADDITIONAL Valuations(Labor 8 Maf¢rials) Y (DO NOT inciuJe onglnal valuation) I heroby acknovAedge that I have reatl this applir.ation,blletl out guiltling: $ Z U, (�Z`Z� m full I�e in�ormalion requiretl,compleletl an accurate plol plan, and slale Ihal all Ihe inlormalion as required is coired. I agree lo Plumbing�. $�� wmply wi�h Ihe informa�ion and plo�plan,�n comply wifh all Town — ortlinances antl slale laws, antl�o buib Ihis slrucWre acwraing Electriral: $ ,{`}— lo Ihe lown's zoning and subtlivision codes.desi�n review ap- / pmved,Inlema�innal Building and Resitlential Cndes and o�her Mechanical: $ 7t (r�� ord c s ul�he Town applicable IhereW. ° ) X � � Tolal. $�;f� (/7�7� > OwnedOwner's pmsenlalivc Siynalurc(Re�uire�) Date Receivetl: 4'or OR e U.w Ouly: fs Vaitl: Rrt.eivetl Fmm: Ush � Oieck p LC: Visa/MC lmt 9 2# ap.tlale: nu[nor'vation# �- � ; �''�4-� .,�`� , � �� � , ,,.�r �,���;"r'� �s,�.� �''� �-'�: � �► �1► -� "';�" , ��_ �y , 3MTM Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+ FIREBARRIER FLEXIBLEWRAP 2� �&AIR °x �DUCT Fire Protection Fire Protection IVV �1 . Product Description 3M"'FireBarrierDuctWrap615+isaflexiblefire-resistantwrap consisting of an inorganic fiber blanlcet encapsulated with a scrim-reinforced foil.The product is 1-1/2 in.thick, ��� NFPA� 6pcf density.'It is used to fire rate commercial kitchen grease ducts as well as ventilation ducts.3M"'Fire Bar- 96 ICGES ESR-1255 rier Duct Wrap 615+is a proven alternative to 1-or 2-hour fire-resistant rated shaft enclosures for grease ducts (ICC-ES ESR-1255).With its excellent insulating capabilities,low weight and thin profile,it is an ideal choice LISTED for a duct enclosure system.This non-asbestosz wrap installs easily due to its high flexibility and strength. ��GA Po�y LISTED �/n accordance with the tolerances in ASTM C 892 Standard Specificarion for High-Ternperature Fiber Blanket Thermal lnsulation. o a 'Has been demonstrated Ko be soluble in the lungs according to EUguidedi�ae 97/69/EG,,for biopersistence. � W 'm �" c ~� us �qqTOPUs � '�'' Product Features Intertek Intertek : � ',� • TWO-IayeT WT'1�7 fOT gT'e1Se CiUCtS ' Hl��l fleXlbl�lYy fOT 1115taII2tlOt1 2aSe FIRE RESISTANT DUCT FIRE RESISTANT DUCT � SEEINTERTEK DIRECTORY SEEINTERTEK DIRECTORY t�?�•�, � rated as a shaft alternative per • Foil encapsulated for blanket °°�1�� ASTM E 2336 protection,less dust,and high SSIF � ' • Zero clearance to combustible wrap strength �,v�' �Fp " � ��`� throughout the entire enclosure . Widest range of penetration u � �,� � _ system for congested spaces seal systems �� � • Butted inner layer in 2-layer • Available in 24 in.x 25 ft.(609.6 GreaseDuctA lications BATfSANDBLANKEfS pp T11TY1 X 7.C)2 lll�3.11C�4H lIl.X ZS ft. FOR USE IN FIRE RESISTIVE DUCTASSEMBL.IES Flexible and lightweight with a thin . Qne-layer WT.ap f0I flre-00S15t1V0 �1219.2 IY1TY1 X 7.62 1T1�T'O�IS SEE UL FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY profile for easier application and ventilation ducts er ISO 6944 soss reduced space requirements p • Blanket adhered to foil scrim v g r,NC 2. Applications 3MT"Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+is an ideal fire resistive enclosure for com- ,���,F mercial kitchen rease ducts and ventilation air ducts. It is a roven erfarmance alternative to a 1-or 2-hour 9Oi g P P S'�„aE Mae� fire-resistant rated shaft enclosures for grease ducts and provides zero clearance to combustible construction eR"`` throughout the entire enclosure system.3MT"Fire Barrier Water Tight Sealant]000 NS,3M°'Fire Barrier Water Tight Sealant 1003 SL or 3M"'Fire Barrier Silicone Sealant 2000+is used in combinarion with 3M"'Fire Barrier CSFM Duct Wrap 615+to firestop the duct when the duct penetrates fire-rated floor or wall assemblies.3M`"'Fire Bar- LISTINCa N0. rier Duct Wrap 615+also provides a firestop solution where a T-rating is required for penetrations located outside wall cavities or outside fire-resistance rated shaft enclosures. 2440-0941:112 Two-layer grease duct applications:3M"'Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+meeYs the criteria of ASTM E 2336 Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Grease Duct Enclosure Systems. Single-layer air duct applications:3M�'Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+has passed ISO 6944-1985 Fire Resistance Tests—Ventilation Ducts. T-rating for metallic through-penetrating items:3MT"'Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+is used in conjunction with 3M Fire Barrier sealants to achieve up to 2-hour equal F&T-ratings in ASTM E 814(Ul 1479)tested through-penetrations. 3. Specifications Installation shall be in strict accordance Typically Specified Division or Seetion with manufacture's written instructions, as shown on the approved shop D��iSion�—Thermal and Mo�sture Procect�on Section 23 07 13—Duct Insularion drawings. 3MT" Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+ shall be a high-temperature Re►ated Sections fiber blanket thermal insulation encapsulated in a fiberglass-reinforced alu- secciono7zi oo—The�-a,a�Proce�tion minized polyester foil. Duct Wrap densiry shall be nominal6 pcf(96 kg/m3) section o7 2l 16—slanket tnsulation Section 07 84 00—Firestopping and have a nominal 1-1/2 in. (38.1 mm) thickness. ThC fiber blanket shall section z3 00 00—xeating,ventilacion and Alr-Conditioning(xvAC) have a continuous use limit of 1000°C(1832°F). The blanket thermal resis- Section 23 3] 13—Metal Ducts tance(R-value)at ambient temperature shall be minimum 6 3 °F- t=hr . Btu Smoke Developed Index and Flame Spread Index of the bare blanket, and of the foil encapsulated blanket shall be 0/0. The foil encapsularion shall be � bonded to the core blanket material. For more information on 3M Fire Protection Products,visit:www.3m.com/firestop 4. Performance & Typical Physical Properties Btu-zn. W Scrim Color: Aluminum with Black Text Thermal Conductivity: T� hr-ft�-°F m�-K Blanket Color: White 500°F(260°C) 0.60 0.09 Blanket Weight: 0.9 lbs/ft.�(4.38 kg/m�) 1000°F(537°C) 1.15 0.17 Surface Burning: Foil Encapsulated Blanket(ASTM E 84) 1500°F(815°C) 1.93 0.28 Flame Spread 0,Smoke Development 0 1800°F(982°C) 2.51 0.36 2000°F(1093°C) 2.94 0.43 Single layer R-Value of 3MT"'Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+at 77°F(25°C): Linear Shrinkage(24 Hr@ 2012°F(1000°C)): 1.2% 6.38 °F- t'-hr Btu 5. Design Listings Grease Duct Listings—ASTM E 2336/ICC-ES AC101 Fire Resistive Third-Party Testing Services Rating Enclosure System Design Listing Description ICC-ES ESR-1255 Rectangular 1-and 2-hour 2layers of 3MT"Fire Barrier Intertek 3MU/FRD 120-18 Rectangular Duct Wrap 615+ Intertek 3MU/FRD 120-19 Round Ventilation Duct Listings—ISO 6944 Fire Resistive Third-Party Testing Services Rating Enclosure System Design Listing Description Intertek 3MU/DI 60-01 Rectangular/Round(1 Hour) 1-and 2-hour 1 layer of 3MT"Fire Barrier Underwriters Labaratories HNLJ.V-27 Rectangular(2 Hour) Duct Wrap 615+ Intertek 3MU/DI 120-01 Rectangular/Round(2 Hour) This docun�ent only contaiils a partial list of Design Listings.For the latest information go to www.3M.com/firestop or speak to your authorized 3M distributor or sales representatrve at(800)328-1687. 6. Codes &Test Standards 3M"'Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+has been tested in accordance with the following: ICC-ES AC101 ASTM E 2336 ASTM E 119 ASTM E 814 ASTM E 84 ASTM E 136 ASTM C 518 ISO 6944-85 3M°'Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+,when installed per ASTM E 2336 tested Grease Duct Design Listings,meets the following code requirements: NFPA 96 2008 Edition International Mechanical Code� 2003/2006/2009 Uniform Mechanical Code 2003/2006/2009 3M""Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+,when installed per 1S0 6944 tested Ventllation Duct Design Listings,can help to satisfy the following code requirements: NFPA 92A 2009 Edition—Section 6.6.2 NFPA 92B 2009 Edition—SecCion 7.5.2 International Mechanical Code� 2006/2009 Editions—Section 513.102 International Building Code� 2006/2009 Editions—Section 909.102 7. Packaging, Storage, Shelf Life 3M"'Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+rolls are packaged in corrugated cardboard boxes. Product is stable under normal storage conditions.Normal stock and stock rotation practices are recommended.3M'"'Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+shelf life is indefinite when stored in original unopened packaging in a dry warehouse environment.Pallets should not be stacked.3M°'Fire Barrier Water Tight Sealant]000 NS or l 003 SL or 3M"'Fire Barrier Silicone Sealant 2000+must be also stored in a dry warehouse environment. 8. JClfe HClnd��ng �nf�CmCll��n Consultcountry-of-useMaterialSafetyDataSheet(MSDS)priortohandlinganddisposal. 9. Availability �� � � � �� Space-saving,flexible duct wrap with up to 2-HR protection 24"x 25'Roll Roll 00051115-54905-2 1 EA Space-saving,flexible tluct wrap with up to 2-HR protection 48"x 25'Roll Roll 00051115-54906-9 1 EA Collar for buttetl joint installations 6"x 25'Roll Roll 00051115-18804-6 4 EA For additional technical and purchasing infonnation regarding 3M Fire Protection Products,please call:1-800-328-1687 or visit www3m.com/firestop. 3M°'Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 615+is available from 3M Authorized Fire Protection Products Distributors and Dealers. Important Notice to User: � Technical Information:The technical information,recommentlations and other statements contained in this tlocument are based upon tests or experience that 3M believes are reliable,but the accuracy or completeness of such information is not guaranteetl.Product Use: Many factors beyontl 3M's control antl uniquely within user's knowletlge and Building and Commercial control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. Given the variety of factors that can affect the use antl performance of a 3M protluct,user is solely responsible for evaluating the 3M protluct and determining whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of application. Services Division Warranty and Limited Remedy:3M warrants that each 3M Fire Protection Product will be free from tlefects in material and manufacture for 90 days from the date of purchase 3M Center,Building 223-2N-21 from 3M's authorized distributor. 3M MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR St.Paul,MN 55144-1000 USA A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. If a 3M product does not conform to this warranly,the sole and exdusive remedy is,at 3M's option,replacement of the 3M product or refund of 1-800-328-1687 the purchase price. Limitation of Liability: Except where prohibited by law,3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the 3M product,whether direct,intlirect, www.3M.COm/firestop special,incidental or consequential,regardless of the legal theory asserted. Please Recycle.Printed in USA.OO 3M 2011.All Rights Reserued. 3M is a tratlemark of 3M Company.All other Reference: 98-0213-4648-5 tratlemarks are the properry of their respective owners.