HomeMy WebLinkAboutOTC14-0031 ��rr�rr�a��si �vel��rr���# e r� �r�t 7� �outh �r��tf��� R�a�! �st ��i�, �� 1 �57 T � � � VA � � � r��: ����7�-�7z� Ccsmms�nity �evel€��crrsent .V�6'g��.��6'6'1 ������'e`�� De��loprn��t� R�v�ew C��rdir�at�r ' - ' � � ('fhis p�rrnit is a��alicable #o one anc! t�o f�mily dwe�ling ur�it�, rr��itifarr�ily ��sild�r�g�) ' {�errnit fee = sfiandard building fee� and design revie� �ee) � � , , : � � � � �€ � �� 'TYPe of �u'tdirag: Proj�t Ini�rmatimr ��� . � '� � : � ��� - - er u��: Multifar�tl � _ ) One Famil �� ) T�o Famil Du lex ��� Y (s Y � YE P � � �) F'arce9 #. � �` � � � � � � � � ��� � �'�� �t l� � � '� � ��� �} � j ��or Parce� #, cae,tace €�se cmu� ass�sors cas� at gs��-szs-as� � �re . Joirrt Fraperty Owner i�iritten Rpproval Letter �duplex ar , www.eay�ecour�ty.uslRaae} mu(fi-famil� HQ�1) �roaect Stree� A�dr��s: e Twa (2) pian s�ts irtdica�ing: _ �, . � Site plan sho�ng location of b�lc�ni�, ciecks, stair- .� �� �'�. �` �'� �1�1 � �� ����1 � ��-� � � ways, side�alk�, Peciesfi�n and vehieular exits fr�m (1�um�r} (S t} {suit� �) fihe building and utility meters a R�f plan sho�r�g pi�ch and slope �ontractor In#orrt,afs€�n • Snow retention mefhod and {ocafion. Mc�t�i-family , , � building snor�t re#er�tion is required tcs be �esign�d, Business Name: � � �� � ' � `' � � i � signed and sea(ed by a lice€�sed �ng�n�er � 9f heat �ape ss �o kse �sed �s sn�� �;t�ro4��sr�, �oa€� �al- Business Addeess: � � �.} �� � ���r` � �'`�� k � culations musf be pravided Ctfy �� €��� �� �.��'— Zip: � �' �- �� � co oeria! 4ype {i.e. Composi�e Sh6�ag��s Class �t� �csd State: Cantacf Name: �f 11':�_ l ; � � ��t i a Fs�l! vie� roo� photos a� �he era8ire baaitdirag • �afi�: Raofs �ith a horizorttal dimension less than �8" Car�tact Phc�ne: ? t � �' � �� ` � `` � ' are exempted fro►vo snow refen�ian Contat� E-t�ail. i����l�€) � � �' �� �� � � � �'1��� l , r'��'� �` „ �, � �, ���„� ��� Detailed Scope and Locafion of Work: ������ r �� ,�- � A�pli�ar�t fr►foren�ta�n �till ir� if �ifFerer�t fram co�tractor) ���, r�. e£ � �, ,a� �t � ���;,� ��� �� �- i��i � � � •�� ��_p �z�;�,,�y��,� �plicanthlame: �� E� "� � �� � � ��e��� �° �` t3�� �.e . � � �PP[icanfi Ph�ne: (usc; add'itional' sheet if necessaryj v �' �� ( ��°�'� . ApPiican� �-�ai{: lfaivatian a� ifVork I�c�uded Pians 6�cEa�dd�d i�ark I hereby ackno�+ledge that I have read fhis application, �illed �ut . �"`�v°� �` �-= �� ����� in full the informa6an requiredr eompleted an accurate plot plan, �lecfrieai ({ }Yes (` 4)hlo (�. )Yes � � }�Ic� � � and state that all the informa#i�n as �equir�d is carrect. 1 ageee fo Building ��)Yes ��jF�o ��� )Yes �� ���[�a comply r�rith the infarmafion and plo� plan, to comply �th a[I Towm ordinances ar�d state laws, and to build this structure ac�arding to y��u� �yg �!f wark being perf�rmed: $ �C� . � �� �' � d� p the tawn's zaning ar�d subdivision codes, design revie� ap- (val� �ased on !BC Sectiari 409.3 � tRC Secfion 908.3� proved, Intema�ional Buitding and �esidential Codes and other Elecfrical Square Foofage ordinances of fihe �oWn applicabie thereta. �.���i � � ,% ?P�)�,-�������,r�, �"� �at� eiV�d : Ownerl�wner's Repre ` entative �ignature Required (typed or digital signature) ( } Ghecking this k�ox indicates you are electranically signing this applica�ion and agree to the abave statemenf. For ace !!� Clr�ly: F'rojec� #�_ ' Fee Paid: ' Fteceived from: Building Permit #: Gash Check � Lot #: _ Block #� 5ubdivision: CG: Visa ! fthC �ast & CC �k Ats6� �- 13-Jan 18 ��� � �" �� , _ .. f` i: , , � : " •` : �_ � � � � �°�?� �����r�t rr��s� ���€°�;t ������ ��i�� �r��rr�y ����r �p�r���� ��€ ���i�ti€��� �����t�� ���r�� ���e�€�i� €�r������ s��� �� d�pl��> cc�����€�i��, an� �€�[�:-�����t buildi�g�. `��ai� �c�r�, �r ����I�r ���r� v�rr��p������, s�€�s� �� c�rn- pl�f�d b;� t�t� ��;c�ir��r�g �€��i�� u�i� ������r �r ��� �t����ri��d ����� �f �€�� ���� ��r�e�'s ���u�.���i�r� :� a�;� ���� �f � �c��- d���r�ic�� �r �;tc€3��-�����€� b�€i°dir�. �6I �€�������� ��srrr�� rr���� �� ����{�� �i�� ��a� ����i�r�t� �������� ���l;�t�€�r�. � � � � e � � � ,_ .F� ( , {�r��f ����; � � � � � � � ..-£ � �- � ` ' � �, � � e � ����� ����: c�� ��������3 �� ��� ����i��3��, . 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' , J l T t L, L 7"h� �pp1�r.�t�t �tu�# ��abt�€t ��ter� j�int Pra�r�Y c���r �ppr�v��l for a�lic�Yics�t� �f�irag �har� c�t��r�9�i� �r��rti� �uch as d�p3�x, �nd�ir�ium, �nd rrault6-t�n�nt b�aildi�gs. This farm. or ��mil�r �rit��r� cc�rc�sp�r�d , rr'us# b� c�rs�� pt�4�d by ti�� at3j�in' dt� x ta�a� o�r��r c�r ih� �t�th�ed �g�nf o# fhe hosra� c�nec'� � ' ti�� ir� i�►e cas� tr€ � c�tam d�mi�iu� c�r s��aE#i-t�nant building. Ail c�rr�pleted �orms must be submi4ted w'sth the �pplir�n� compl�t� �pli�ti�n. 1 , (Pri�t nam�} . B� `� �Ylt � ° , , � j�int �aw�er. �r a�t��rity �# th� o � €��, of pr�p��€y loc�t�d �t ��� �3' � � prc��d� �h�� #�ft�r a� �rot#�n appec��3 �� th� pl�n� d d �t�se� ��v� �u itfed #� th� T��� �f ��i! 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