HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB140431 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road ���N �� ���� vai�, CO 81657 Tel: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator Application for Design Review Minor Exterior Alteration General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site improve- ments, such as roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at www.vailgov.com under Vail Information — Town Code Online. All projects requiring de- sign review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building per- mit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $250—Multi-Family/Commercial $20—Single Family/Duplex 4� Single Family 4� Duplex p Multi-Family I Commercial Description of the Request: Install 2 new skyliqhts (see photo for locations) skyliqhts are to line up with existinq skliqht and are to be equal size and line up with each other Physical Address: 600 Vail Valley Drive #B313 Parcel Number: 2101-081-18-013 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: SilverFelf Inc Mailing Address: 1 ER Retorno de Sierra Itambe 101 Col Real del Las lomas Mexico City 11920, Mexico Phone: Owner's Signature: Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: Nedbo Construction Mailing Address: PO Box 3419 Vail, CO 81658 Phone: 970-845-1001 E-Mail: warren(a�nedbo.com Fax: 970-845-9979 For Office Use Only: Cash CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# Exp. Date: Auth # Check# Fee Paid: Received From: Meeting Date: DRB No.: Planner: Project No: Zoning: Land Use: Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: Nov 2013 Dep�fdne�t arf CamsnunFty bew4oprr►�r�t T6 Sau#!� Fronl�ge Ftosd Y�fl,�a�1�357 T�WWJY 0� VA�I� � Td�: a�ro-�»-x��� ,�..,...�.,��,...... „ E?+eve�lopnne�nt ReVisr+r Cn�rd�naba� r�►�.r��r�����r�� �+u� �+cs�w��r rtrzrresrNr Minr�r �x#�eri�r �41ter�tion �en�r�i �nsormaziun; a ra�s appucatic�r� 4s requirea ror aEi pro�sa�5 invarv�ng minmr cnxng�s�v ouw�ain�pa pncs nna �tri��rr�Me- r�ent�. �u�h as raofiny, paintin�. wind,�w addition�, landacaping, lences, retaining +walls, +�tc A�rplic;�bi� Vai# [��+rwn Code sections �an be fr�urad at www w�m,vuk..+��4! under 1/ail Informat�on— T'awn �ade Onllne All �?r�}cact� rc�q�ibrYnq d�- siqr� revi�w anc��t re�eive appraval pr��sr tv submittinq a buildinq permit apptdcatio�, A�n a�pllcs�9ian fc�r bm�6t7r� f�tavl�w tne s�artr�cfa� requ�rertter�ts. �r�e �su�ac:� �iaay ei55� itiaGU lV Uis fkJY�4rwe� uy Gwi� iyw�� �u+��a�ii �Ji�urv� �rGe rrnruuii+y ����� E�avi�ronmental Cvmmission. Q�esagn r�view apprravai eacpices or�e year iram the c�ale+�f approvai, ��n1�ss � k�ufldMrig �ar• mif Ir icci iwri an�i nnncfncr.tinrv r.nmm�±n�5 sza������ F�m��yrn����� . '�--Single Farnily �Dup�ex � Mu�ti-Family ��omnno��rcYal I u wi#h exisiin skli ht and are t+� be_e uaf size �nd line u wi h each thet ' Parrcei Frlum�r: 21 Q1-081-18-0�3 {C+antac,t Eagle Co. Ass��e�or,�1 E17`�3•32�i-�4�7�rar �ac�rC,�l rto � M�ai�ing Address: �ER Retcamo de_Sierra ltambe i�1 C�I R�al del Las laar��� — :�•- s xxz::=. � �����,r�.,� .��� � p o�=, - - - i Qwnsr's S�gna#are: - - �'nr�ary +�.ont�v uwc�er Keprese r�re. 1'���[7c7 �..Of�s[�UC[K?�l ' �$���R� AC�i�1'@�58: �'� �X � '� �Ilr � ,�,r� $��]�J$ - �flf.lflA: �7�-��J-��� E-M�11: 'W$f�B(l�R�fiC?.[X3R1 FeX: 91�"0-8�5-�aM97� Fnr()ffiGe lJ�+p�fy: �XP. D�tc. /'e4�ilt �! t;t,c,s,k�l �ash�. GC: V+sa!iNC Lasi 4 ��#� - Rer9�ived Fr�m --_- F� I'�►#d' _ [�RE� h�v.. _ _ M�el�a�� [?at+e: Prcr��c� No P���n�!r. ls�nd lJse: Zan��+g: Loe:ati�n o�`the �ropo�l: Lc►t:_----� '��odc:�- --- Subdivi�i�r, �I�,W lr�t a �o� � � � aoD�, P.O. Box 1231 • Vai�, CO 8� 658 Otfice: {970) 47F-3486 Fax: (970) 479-9053 To: Town of Vail September 16, 2014 From: Patrick Pinnell, General Manager Subject: B313 Change to approved The following change to approved project submittal has been reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Committee of the Northwoods Condominium Association. Individual owner projects: Unit B313: Change Kitchen cabinetry and add two skylights Approvals of these projects are conditional on the owner following the Procedures for Approval of Architectural Changes requested by Owners established by the Association. The Association's Approval is subject to review and modification in the future in accordance with any applicable revisions to the current Architectural Review Committee Guidelines or the adoption of any applicable policies or rules by the Board of Directors or the ARC.