HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB140463 Project Name: DRB Number: DRB140463 Project Description: NUDORU - restaurant sign Participants: OWNER WEST VAIL MALL CORP 10/02/2014 299 MILWAUKEE 501 DENVER, CO 80206 APPLICANT SIGN DESIGN 10/02/2014 Phone: 970-949-4565 MONTY PO BOX 2994 AVON CO 81620 Project Address:2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: "NUDORU" restaurant sign Legal Description:Lot: 2-A Block: Subdivision: VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 3 Parcel Number:2103-114-1501-2 Comments:See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 03/03/2015 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0014127 By April 3, 2015, the applicant shall ensure the Nudoru sign is code compliant and meets the parameters of the West Vail Mall Sign Program. Specifically, the applicant shall replace the "N" in order to resize the sign to be 20 square feet or less, and trim caps and returns shall be painted bronze. Planner:Joe Batcheller DRB Fee Paid: $69.50 . _ . . I ' ;���j���f,� ` , . �f'%r� - Depar#ment.oftC�mmunity D.Qvelo�ment�� f�•�p •4I'iL�S`F� . 3���,;;� .�,�. - , 4. . �� ..� �, �. Yr��.. . . �: . .,, , :fi3 South F�antage�Roac! ; :�. 4 . . �i+�+.4 ? 7 a-_ f i 7, y'1w � r`�� r�J . �i� 'rS a ' 1 ���1-. . ��� '+� � �a�� �t f.. R , - fp� �y,1.� '', . f, � ,.'.j: ''�' � �f�; • ,,. .. 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An appiication for Design Review cannot be accepted until ail requfred informatla� is recelved by the Commu�ity Development Department. Design Review approvai lapses unless slgn is Instalted within one year of the approvaL �50�LUS$1.00 per square foot of tota)sign area Business/Buftding Name: lwl�S7 (/lllC..MALS-- ` 'i Il�`J ���v (( � Number of existin � Number of proposed signs: g signs: Length of business fron#age: Height of sign(s)from grade:,��`T �.�_ ', Square Footage of Sign: -� .�J �, �� ' o Free Standing Sign o Hang(ng/Projeding Sign o Window Sign � Wall Sign � D(Busfness Sign o Buiiding Identificadon o Subdfvision Entrance o loint Dlrectory Sign � o Menu/Disptay Box o Business Operation Sign o Open/Gosed Sign o Sale Sign o Sign Program o Gas Filled/Flber Optic o Temporary Site Uevelopment Sign , o Other Physical Address: Zl6/ A/. �-�Dan�QC� QOA�t.lEJT /2 P�irM�b�rz ��O 1 I y„�'�D/2► (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970- for parcel no.) Properly Owner: �Al�ST �/,O�i_I�iOC�._�-Oit.P. MailingAddress: �� 1�/CLJ�OUKFE. sT. �sa1 � g 6 Phone: 720, '�,/90. �$Z5� Owner's Signature: t... �T U�(KKc..M�-�b� Primary Contact/Owner Representative: Siqn Design & Graphics. LLC Mailing Address: PO Box 2994,.Avon CO 81620 Phone: 970.949.4565 E-Mail: artwork@signdesignvait.com Fax: 97U.949.4670 For Office Use(?niy; Cash CC: Vtsa/MC Last 4 CC# Exp. Date: Auth # Check# Fee Paid: Reteived From: Meeting Date: ll�6•� ( � , DRB No.: � �I�� � � Planner: ProJect No• `�'�I� `�(�����— Zoning: Land Use: Location of khe Proposal: lot:� Block: Subdivision: � �Yi�-- ��"S �C-4"�U1�� �I1.��,..� "-a ����� ,10INT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPRUVAL LETTER The app(lcant must submit written j�nt property owner apprava! for appffcatfons affecttng shared ownership properttes such as dupiex, condami�turn, and muttl-tenant lw1ldfngs. This form, or simHar written corresponde�oe, must be com- pteted by the adjotning duptex unit owner or the auttiorized agent of the hame owner's assodatian in khe case of a con- dominlum or muitl-t;enant build(ng.Ail oompleted forms must be submittai w{th the appllcants oompleted ap�icat�on. I, (print name) ��011l ����_. , a jolnt owner, or aud�ority of tl�e associat€on, vf praperty located at,_Z!�( �, f�O�tCI'�P�GYJ��'�(Z , ptavide thts letter as written approval of the pians dated �4(���'`{ wh[ch have been submitted to the Town of Vall Community Development Department for the proposed impravemer�ts to be compieted at the address noted above.I understand that tt�e proposed improvements indude: 22 /� s� `'Alu�o�c.c�" Sro��-�v1r7 S��l �tJr <�� �.A,/�a.s_. 1 ( OCT�./ (Signature) ��G/Jlt�.�.lroc-t-CDl�P. (Date} Additionalty,pfease check the statement befow which is most applicable to you: I understand tfiat minor madfilcadons may be made in bhe p/ans over the c�vurse of dre re�'ew proc�ss to ensure rnm- plfa wllt�bhe Towrt s app/Icab/e codes and r�gulattans (In/da/her�) I a I unr/er�land drat al/mo�dlAcatfons, minor or olfierwise, whfch ar�made to the p/ans over tfie course af the revlew pro�c ' ess, brriught m my ait�ntlan by lfie appllcant foraddltlona/approva/befi�re undengoing further r�vlew by the Town. ' i ; ; (fnitia/lter�) � � . � �� . ' � t ..� j • • � + ` . � �_ � ' 1 __ 8 <} ___ � �l t � � � � � + , �"»f' � � ���` I � �c _1 � �,, 3 ,. a � � f ' QnQ !CZ � - � � Y j ; __ _ � t ��t,� � i � ��'t o XpD � m� � i � � i � : -, � -, ,a � � ���,� �1 :�� j; � � ,. o cn ;p Z 3 ,.�� � . � � t r i ' ;'' O � R�' � � F l , �� � � s O� j ` ,� i * � 1 =� r. � �. �.E�J � --- '{ ;�` ' .r 1 i + � 1 ��� �. � D ��' � � • � �= i � � �� r� ��1`1a t � � � i "? � Z^ N , � � � I � K�' �t .' R{, 1 ' . 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" ; .� � _ � � E . � • . � � . **********************************************************************************++****+**� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *****************************************************�****************+**********+*+***+**** Statement Number: R140001610 Amount: $72.00 10/02/201402: 33 PM Payment Method: Check Init: CG Notation: ck 1009 Nudoru West Vail One LLC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB140463 Type: DRB - Sign Application Parcel No: 2103-114-1501-2 Site Address: 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: "NUDORU" restaurant sign Total Fees: $72.00 This Payment: $72. 00 Total ALL Pmts: $72. 00 Balance: $0.00 *+*******+********************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 SP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES 22.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------