HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB140492 with Action Form Project Name:Replace T-Mobile Antennas DRB Number: DRB140492 Project Description: Remove & replace 3 antenna 1 per sector at 34'. Install 3 radioheads at ground. Install FCOA cabinet and SSC cabinet. Participants: OWNER SONNENALP PROPERTIES INC 10/20/2014 20 VAIL RD VAIL, CO 81657 APPLICANT T-MOBILE 10/20/2014 Phone: 303-981-3578 GEOFF SQUIER Project Address:501 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAILLocation: Sonnenalp Resort Legal Description:Lot: 8-B Block: 2 Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number:2101-063-0201-1 Comments:Please see below. BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 10/21/2014 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0013967 All new equipment shall be painted to match the predominate color scheme (tan). Planner:Jonathan Spence DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 � � � Q � � Department of Community Development D75 South Frontage Road TOWN OF VAIL' vai�, co s�ss7 OCT 2 0 2p�4 Te1: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator pp ication for Design Review Minor ExteriorAlteration General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site improve- ments, such as roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at www.vailqov.com under Vail Information —Town Code Online. All projects requiring de- sign review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building per- mit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $250—Multi-Family/Commercial $20—Single Family/Duplex �_ ,._.M � Single Family � Duplex � Multi-Family Commercial Description of the Request: �F�✓1 v✓� �k��1�L/a�'>= �;� c n-�c=�����,�f)�� s�,� �n. r� �w 3y ' ��y��t�� (�� ��-c��� �����c�S r�_����r�nrl ��Il, ins�G.► I �G'!► C/-h>�✓vE T ccn��( S.S.S�" ��:�����. Physical Address: S�!'1 n/ �✓�n�r� �►�r7 w�sr VAi�. �o �1�„S -� Parcel Number: ��► o l -p��3-v.�- ��f ► (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: 5�.��nr-�c l�� ���'�,k.-,^��NS t,�c, Mailing Address: '�C ��c�� I ki�, v�2, I, ��' .Ss I E S 7 Phone: �I �7a- �I7�7 - Syy�-/ .. _._, - Owner's Signature: ����� L�-;�� j" ---. / ��-• •� � Primary Contact!Owner Representative: .�,���, ;�� � �S Mailing Address: <2C �Jr, � 1�? ��, �, �G� �1 E, S � Phone: �i 7 G'--y79 - 541�-/�r E-Mail: �,�,:11 S�%-� 'r��,�����. <�� Fax: —�� J -3�S ��' o �� �������C� C,���j�S��i�2 � 3 �' ����,.5 � � ���✓�')Pc�fS � �C ��Pv'C � .. ,�dr� For Office Use Only: Cash CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# Exp. Date: Auth# Check# Fee Paid: Received From: Meeting Date: i 1 ��j r DRB No.: � 1 � �{g � Planner: Project No: P(c�`T14�—(S Sg 7. Zoning: Land Use: Location of the Proposal: Lot:� Blak: Subdivision: ' - � ��-- Q�tfl�u --�t,� , Nov 2013 ************+**********************************�******************************************�* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******+*+************++++*****************************************************************+* Statement Number: R140001762 Amount: $250.00 10/20/201408 : 33 AM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: CG Notation: visa goeffrey squier ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB140492 Type: DRB-Minor Alt,Comm/Multi Parcel No: 2101-063-0201-1 Site Address: 501 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: Sonnenalp Resort Total Fees: $250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Total ALL Pmts: $250.00 Balance: $0.00 *******************************++*****************************+***************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4utlovk.com Print 1Vlessage Fa�e 1 of 1 ��i7# t:lc�s� ��'ec��z�: John Mills (jmills�sonnenalp.com) ��:�:s#: Thu 1Q11�f14 7:14 PM "�"�,.; sBellm@vailgov.com (sBellm@vailgov.com) ��`�°� Geoffrey Squier (geoff.squie�a gb-projects.com}; 7ohannes Faessler �j fae s s ler�s onn en a1p.c vm} To4�n of Vail Flanning and F,uilding Dept. Shelly, I,John Mills, anthorize the agent for T-Mvbile, Geo$'Squier,to apply for and ohtain a11 necessary permitting regarding the scheduled maintained as deseribed in the atta.ched CDs. Site Number DN41334E. If you have any questions regarding this rnafter please ca11 me at 970-4?9- 5444. This authoriza�ion valid through 412D1�. �in3:,�r°��y�Jr,��r� i=e (�1iN�, �_Fi.�� ������r7r�?r7�,1�� Cye: ��is;`��_��•�M;�= �tg��.i��° ;��te :=�c.c�a_���;it:icsr�. �- � �..���:,���� �:��`�.,r���t�`��; � �_��.. �c.�a�l:;�i���i�r�;`ta`!�-��2�j��ct�.c�r.r� _l�;hanr�ps F�es:�l?r,, �'�wt��r, S�,r�ren�i�� https:llbay l$1.mail.live.comlollm ail.mvcfPrintMessages?mkt=en-us 10119�2014 Property Information Property Address Parcel# - ! Legal Description �/c+.� i Pox�-r 0,9�N a �or Development Site Area sq ft acres buildable sq ft Zone District/SDD# Hazard Zones SnowAvalanche �'-'High Severity �""Moderate Severity(""' N/A Sections 12-21 & 14-7 Debris Flow �High Flow �M`"Moderate Flow � High Avalanche N/A Rock fa// ���High Severity ��"Medium Severity �"�`N/A Excessive Slopes 4°;?30% �°°i N/A Floodplain �100 year floodplain ��,Floodway s�;Wetlands �N/A Creeks,Streams Gore Creek �on site ���`adjacent to site �N/A Section 12-14-17 i�Other tributary: �W�on site j�'adjacent to site (�`';N/A Project Information Project Description Development Standards Allowed Existing Proposed Gross Residential Floor Area Primary sq ft (maximum) Secondary sq ft Chapter 12-15 EHU sq ft TOTAL sq ft 250 Addition Interior Conversion Credits: Setbacks(minimum) Front ft Section 14-10-4 Side ft Side ft Rearft Watercourse ft Site Coverage(maximum) see definition Section 12-2-2 Building Height(maximum) Sloping ft see definition Section 12-2-2 Flat ft Landscaping Softscape sq ft See definition Section 14-2-1 Section 14-10-8 Hardscape sq ft TOTAL sq ft Driveway Max Curb-cuts Sections 14-3-1 &14-3-2 Max Grade @ cen- terline Min Width Heated drive? �Yes j�"No �Yes �No Snow Storage% Pa�king #Enclosed Spaces Sections 12-10& 14-5 #Unenclosed TOTAL Outdoor Lighting(maximum) #fixtures Section 14-10-7 �r��d ��t � ��i f i��t i��� ����s� ���. � ,e,��»� ����°� a�r�+rfw_ .. . �r��;�-��s 1 �as-��Tn,�� _ AndrewrRl LluaiPol� Antennal 648-896 MHzJ 65° horizantal beamaviclth,RET compatihle �° Excellent choice to maximize both co�erage and capacity in suhurban and rural applications _ °- Ideal choice for site collocations and tough zoning restrictions <� Extended elevation tilt for maximum flexibility in urban core areas = Remote beam tilt managem ent is an optional feature using Andrew's Teletilt� system z > The RF connectors are designed for IP67 rating and the radome for IP56 rating �����r�i��a� ����i+Fi�c��ir��� Frequency Band,MHz 698-8116 8d5-896 t,ait��, dBi 1=�.1 15,0 Eearnw•i�th�, Hnri�ontal, dE�ra�s E�.S c5 Bearn��vidth, Hc�riiontal TolErance, deqreFS }� �� Beam+rricltF�, Verticai, degrees iQ.C� 17.� Eeam Tilt, der�rees �—is r-1.5 USLS, ty�ic.ai, c1B 1' iS Front-to-Back P.atic� .�t 180°, dB �� `� C��� at 6�resiq#it, d8 � 1? 12 CF�F� at 5ertr�r� dB iU l0 I�claticn, �1E 30 �d VSVttF: � Ret�:rn La�s, d8 1,4 � 15,ei 1,4 � 15.6 PI��1, 3rci Order, '2 x '�0 tN, �ESC -15�J -15C� Inp�itF'o�,��er per P��et, rnaxirr��_�m, �,vatts 400 �i-�� Poi�ri Watinn t45' t45� Imp�dance 5Ll ohm 5G ohtt� �+����r�i��$ �p��i��c�oti�a�� Colcrr Light gray. C�nn�cxor Interfaue 7-16 DIPd Femafe Connec�or L�cati��n Bottr�rri Carin��tor QuariYity - Li�}'�triinc� Proter_.ti�n dc_��r�un�.�1 Ra�orne P�latari.�l Fiberglass, U�v resistant lA+ir7d Araa, maxirriurn �,'� r�i= ( 1,9 ft� '�Jirid Loacling, rna�irr��_im 374.� PJ tm 150 kmj'h 85.4 Ibf c��i 150 km,�'h7 'e'dind Spzed, n��ak:imum 241.t�krn/h � 147,� rriph �it�P�"651�?�S �,Ept� ' 1�1.L1 mm � 7.1 ir� �Ength 1�52,0 mm � 46,5 in VVidth 301.D mm � 11.9 ir� ��t f���ar,t i3,n k� � ���.� �� �r��t� �1����°i�+�� Ti�t ���7� I�f�r°re���i�ra tvlodei earith Factory Ir+stailed AISG l.l F�ctu�tr�r L�1�:-�512DS-F;2M t�2013 CammS�e,Inc.All rights�e�nred.All trademarks idaniifiad by�e7orT"'am r�iateiad hademarks,aaspacti�rely,okCanmSoopa. page��*t 2 All spacifioati�ns are subject t�?dwn�wiihout notioe.See ww�nr.00mmsc�ope.00m for the m�t cur�ent inf«mation. {�evised:May 3{f, 2713 June 14','��13 ��-�� ��� � ��if i��ti��� ���,��� {����° � LNx-�i512[�S-VfM �h�7:'°'` pNp,��w ' M��e) u��ith Factory Instailed �.I�G 2,fJ �+,ctuat�r LNX-5512D�-A1F�1 . �ET��y�tam Tei�tilt� ����€!�s#�r� �a ��i�r�e���+�r�i�i���i�r�� ,A��ncy Classificatior� �pHS ?011,f65f'EU Compiiant by Exempti�!n China RoNS 5�/T 11364-2Q06 .4bove Meximurn C.or�centration l�ai�_�e(P�1C�') ISO 9Q01:?Q0� De_.ianed, rnanufartiared anr_ij`ar- distribute�-1 undEr this c{uaiity enanagerrient�yst�r�i �� �����. ��,.,�. 1���c��l�d ��°������ D6380—Pipe t���i�ianting Kit far 2.�"-4.5° (60-115rnrn; �D rour�� memhers�r�� tnride pariei antsrznas. Inr_Iud�s 2 clarn� sEt� ari��! �`��u�iie nuts, DB5Q83 —Qav,+ntilt Niounting K.it fe�r='.4"-�.5" �;o� - 115 mrnl OD rour�d rna_rn�iers, Inci�.���es a he3vy-�iuty, galvanized steel rl���vr-�tiit rnountir-c3 t�rarket assemEaly �r7d asso��iated har�a�,•arz. Tfii� F:it is crrn�.�tiLile ��vith� the DB3�0 pipe m�unt kit for par}ei anter�n�s that are equipp�d ++u'ith t�vo mnt.ant�ng brack�ts. T-045-G1.-E —.�rqus(r� .�.djustable Tilt Pipp (��iruntir�q k;it for 2.0"-�.5" (5i�-115mrn;) QD r�ur�d rriembFes fnr p.�nel antennas. IncludPS'? clarrip sets. LY2413 CammSoo�e, Inc.All righh ieserred.All trademarks identified by Uor'"'aie re�ist�ied frademarks,iespactirefy, af CommSa�pe. f�2 af� All specific�tions are subjact m dwn�wilhout noti�. 5�e www.oammso�pe.00m far the moat cunent infamation. I�evised:May 3Q, 2t713 June 14,�'�?1� � i � � _. z , 3 �utline dimension and mounting hole layout and eye-bolt layout EYE BOLT E re-bdt lavout and dim ensions l � % % 1 % � % � l % / NOTES: 1.FI NIS H:P owder P a'rR(outdoor gradeJ.0 OL�R:G rey[li�t G ray RAL7035jWITH T E M URE. IAustmeetDELTA'S SPEC.10004000�10400-0094,10000-0222,100040063 2.TOLERANCES: inch±p.01 WNLE�S OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. [m m±0.3] «�...�.,�..«��������_�omRinneT 1 � � \ � ` ti ti � 1 ! � \ i � SECT�ON A_A AiourNna hde mrart and dm e�sions DETAIL'8" [B dh Side} � I Drawn: OS25.2012 Design: oao.�o�c ��'��I��Y3�R���`� � ��� DELTA E�ECTRONICS,i�vc. Nancy.Huang Tomrn�.Wu THE5EORtfyAANGS{sNOSP�IFICATIONSARETHE �� Description: P RO P ERTY 0 F�aTA ELECT ROIJ IC S,1 MC.ANO SHALLNOTBEREPROOUCEDORUSEDASTHE pHYSIGAL DIMENSION BASIS FDRTHEM1AFsMUFACTURE OR SELL OF ��RO+'++a� APPAfttiTU5E5 OR C�E�ACES WRHOUT PERMISSI4N. ^ta-�+�'o" ' � PartNo. REV. t i � � � o���� a-aao la+ ��-9a a�� �� ESOA240-CCU01 �� rA-�90 JC]] K -�'A 10 JAY! -W 12! +�90�]UO -ZW N] ]l0-+90 0-9KR 1]1 xw.aai ma-zm�naa ��ZE 3CA�e 1:30 utilT mm UBED ON �2W�cG�n� SHEET i OF 3 I8Sl1E GATE:OS252012 y� vrr}o i��Yes�'iA}tl.�:4Ei��'J��1L,�n+'+!W owyr•IXlOfl�110LCCUaioo06S � �■ � CONFIGUR,ATI�JN i ■ ��� � SECfIUN C_C 119t000 lule ForZone3 119ffi00 fule For2one2 i :1199000 dule For Zone 1 3 � � tom er SERIES :6810G2;TE R IA INRL:1316G 4J i•r— —�i PPWER&Y5TElA '�'T'"�T� k10GULE NWA E:ESAA2U0.CCD01 I I ' 1 1 EQP Zar�e-----_�L�_ 0 I I 1 I I I I I BaBery Zone � � 100.4H��_ � j� I I BalEery Zone �� • -� 190.4H i i , I � � NOTES: 1.FI NIS H:P owder P a'rR(outdoor gradeJ.0 OLO R:G ray(Li�t G ray RALT035JWITH T E l(T URE. k1 ust m eet DE LT A'5 S P EC.10906000�10600-0694,10000-0222,100060063. 2.TOLERANCES:inch±0.01 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. [m m±0.3] ._......�.-....e.,.e�..�o�. � ` Graund Bus-bu� 1142D UNC INSERT NUT 3 � 4 nc o�u�+sn �8B acH�t� �oe�k� AC 6 utlet � �� iSABreaker o ` �W RCRectifier2,4 SOA Breaker � ACRec'4fier1,3 SOA B reak a U�II�Y BOK ASSV AC S Utilty Box Assy G round B us-bar _ �. Ai41NSERTMUf .�I M ain W Breaker ■ r --•---- �. •� T . . HideUtilily Bpr.Couer �• ACForCusDomer e �1"k rock-out hale h'p(�) lkiltv BaxA.ssr 5ECTI4N D�D Drawn: 0525.2012 Design: OS252012 � q�'��I����R���� Tommy.UUu ��� DELTA ELECTRONICS,i�vc. Nanc�.Huang THE5E�RWMNG5AFID�P�IFICATIONSARETHE �� Description: PROPEFTY OF�ATAELELTRONICS,INC.AND SHALLNOTBEftEPF00UCE0URUSEOASTHE pHYSICAL QIMENSION BFlSIS FOR THEhAAAlUFR1CTURE OR SELL OF �nwou+a�c FsPPFlRATUSES OR C1EUICES WITHOLR PERMI5SIGN. ^�a-�'o" � ' PartNa. REV. � � � � ' A3 �°°> x��`" '-,W'° "�-°°W �: ESOA200-CCU01 00 ;e.,m „ � -„� � - �:, , o�a 3 . ic: �aa-aoo a xo-.w �,—�a-g'!�ti++ �ot—ian r.ar.ani ma-zao yoaa ��ZE 3CALE 1:D] UNiT mm u8eo ON �CW2mcCln� SHEET 2 OF 3 ISSUE GATE:�3�2320i2 � �,uo v..�rsnNwsc�e��1M'Ji�W1n>!IW owY�Ottee'Aa:abt[�BiaGlO �'t �' : � � � ■ 1 , Z , 3 Qaar s�ring out layauts and clearan�e �t the b�ck for air flo�r dravuing � � o � C7 �� ' •�� r �� C� � NOTES: 1.FI NI5 H:P owder P arR(outdoor gradeJ.0 OLO R:G ray(Li�rt G ray RAL7035jWITH T E xT URE. !A ust m eet DE LT A'S S P EC.10004040�10000-0094,10000-0222,100040063. 2.TOLERANCES: insh±0.91 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. [m m±0.3] .._..�.e�.a,��er 1 i // slearant e atthe koo k fa'a'r flow �fG�L+ /1 'J1LL�L/jL .Q Q� 0 j�7�1�7�"?[T�F•Sf•SG� _�� I P � I :. \�� ,� . �' IC Drawn: OS252012 Design: uac�.[oit � Q�'��I.��.�'%`J�R��f�� ��� DELTA ELECTRUNICS,itvc. Nancy.Huang Tommy.Wu THESEOR4+SfNNGSRNOSP�IFICATIONSARETHE 1 � Descriptian: PROPERTYOFOH.THELELTRONICS,INC.ANO (� SHALINOTBEP.EPF��UCEDORUSEOASTHE PHYSICAL DIMENSION BASIS FORTHEMANUFFtCTLJRE OR SELL 6F ^^o"'91L APPFsR0.TUSES OP.LIEUICES WfTHOIlT PEftMISSIUN. i+ea.ec�on � ' FadNo. REU. i i � � � .�° �°_, ���LS '-'°° '°. "'-°°' 11 A� ESOA200—CCU01 00 �!0-�W 193! % 1 -�]9 N ' 9 10�] C00-991 �S• >CO-AY 103 0'SW N] !!a-+W —$a'�`KR�� i0° "''"'Y" m0'�'0 'A" j�ZE ISSUE GATE:05.252012 3CALE 1:29 UMIT mm uBED ON BiJ14200CrUp1 SHEET 3 OF 3 � 'iff}0 Y��Y[56F]C{<46��y��••1M1iY�Yn:SlaOwYr.IXl•YC'l1lC%C40��YEW f+