HomeMy WebLinkAbout16. Dobyns construction use tax refundI Application for Refund of Use Tax Paid Please refer to instruction on the back of this form. TaxpayerName: ____ D~o~b~y_n~s,~P~e~te~r~J~·------------------------------ Project Address: __ 3_0_80_8o_o_th_F_al_ls_C_o_u_rt_, V_a_il __________ _ Mailing Address: _ __;,P..;;0~8::...o::...x::...1..;;6;,;4..;.4:...;, D::...u::...x::...b::...ury...L.l,;, M..;;A;,;..;;0.;;;.2::...33::...1::...-1,;,;6::...4..,;,4 ______ _ Phone or e-mail: ------------------------------------------ Building Permit Number: 813-0033/813-0034 Date of Payment: 4/17113 & 4/29/13 Total Amount Paid: $64.204.49 Total Refund Requested: $35 935.19 Reason for Request (please mark the appropriate line): Construction materials costs were less than 50% of the project valuation shown on the building permit. An audit of the project cost is required before the town can provide any refund for this reason. Audit costs are borne by the taxpayer. Documentation showing the total cost of the project, copies of paid invoices for materials, and bills of lading showing delivery to the project site should accompany this request. If a determination cannot be made based upon the information provided, additional information and/or audit procedures may be required. The taxpayer will be notified if audit costs are expected to exceed $500. Exemption under section 2-8-5 of the Vail Town Code (see www.vailgov.com) Deed restricted employee housing with a price appreciation cap _X_ Tax paid in error or by mistake over charged Provide details on reverse side or on a separate sheet of paper. Attach all supporting documentation. I declare under penalty ofpe!jury that this request, including all attachments, is true and correct to the hest q( my knowledge. f( I have requested a refund hecause my materials cost less than 50% r?f' the prqject valuation, I acknowledge the Town of Vail may charge up to $500for audit costs >vi thalli additional not(fication. _________ , .... _._,, ....... --·-----------------·----- 75 South Frontage Road-Vail. Colorado 81657 (970) 479-2100 FAX (970) 479-2157 75SouthFrontageRoad –Vail,Colorado81657 –(970)479-2100 –FAX(970)479-2157 FINANCEDEPARTMENT Detailsandsupportinginformation: INSTRUCTIONS 1.)Attachacopyofthebuildingpermitorpermitreceiptshowingtheoriginal amountofusetaxpaid. 2.)Ifyouareclaimingarefundbecause: a.actualcostofmaterialsusedforaprojectislessthan50%ofthe valuationshownonyourbuildingpermit –submitthisformfor reviewalongwiththeappropriatedocumentation. b.youareexemptfromtheusetax -Identifywhichoftheexemptions citedinsection2-8-5oftheVailTown Code (availableat www.vailgov.com)appliestoyouandattachdocumentationto supportyourclaim.Submitthisformwithin60daysafterissuance ofthebuildingpermit. c.youpaidtaxonmaterialsusedtoconstructdeedrestricted employeehousingunitswhichhaveapriceappreciationcap – submitacertifiedcopyoftherecordeddeedrestrictionconforming toTitle12oftheVailTownCodewithin60daysofissuanceofthe lastcertificateofoccupancy. d.youpaidtheconstructionusetaxinerrororbymistake –provide anexplanationastowhythetaxpaidiserroneousandany calculationsusedtodeterminetheamountoftheerror.Submitthis applicationwithinthreeyearsafterthedatethematerialsareused. 3.)Signtheaffidavitonthefrontofthisform. 4.)Keepacopyfor yourrecords. 5.)Submit originalform totheFinanceDirector,TownofVail,75South FrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657bymailorhanddeliverytothe frontdeskofthemunicipalbuilding. ForTownofVail UseOnly AmountofRefund:Date: Approvedby: