HomeMy WebLinkAboutOTC14-0060 HOA sign off �011�'� �� �'��L J41NT' PRaPERTY C�V11f�Ef� WR�TTEN �PPR(31laAL �,ETTEl� The applic�nt must submit wrilten join# �raperty o�rner approv�f for�pplicaf�ons af�ecting shared o�nrn�rship prop�rCies such as duplex, cor�dr�minium, and rnulti-tenan# bt�il�Ifngs. T�is forrr�, or similar written corres�andence, mtast be c�m- piefied by#he adjoining du�,l�x �anit owner or the aufhorized agen#of the k��rne awner's assoc�ation ir� the case of a cors- daminiu�or mult'r-t��rant bui€ding.A�f compl�ted€orms must t�e submitted with the appiicarats completed application. �, fPri�t nam�}�Cp� �'1�2 S (�4.n�p ,.,'�_��i41�'�� jaint owner, o�'aut�arity af the association, 4f�ro�erty focated at_ �{ ,-n ar� r�c----�1'N � ��s��C� .� , Pft�Vlf�G tFliS I�.'t��F�5 Wfl��il approvaf of €he pians dated which h�ve been submitt�d ta th� T'own of Vail Gammu�€i�jr pa�elaprr�ent �3e�r��trnent far the prr�pn�sd improv�rnents to be compfet�d ai#he address nat- ed aboVe, i und�rstand that#he propased imprauements in�iude: �°'4't7�3"� O'F C.t i�4��� � � �[1�'7�'"S �—� I understand that modi�icatians €nay be made Fo the p1�ns,�ver the caurse af the reuaew proces5 to ensure complianee with the Tovvn's agplicable codes anr� regulations;and tlzat it is the sole respansibility of the appEic�nt to Eceep Ehe joinf prc�perry owner ap�rised of any change�and e�ssure thai#he ch�nges are acc�:pEable and�pprc�priate. Sub€�ittal o�an applicafion results in fhe applicant agreeing to this sf�t�mea�#. _ ���'� �� .. _._.��....--- �igr�ats�re Date ��r�d _,�,e�s �. ..Prin#�iame