HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ97-0058 B97-0099 f SOILS AND FOUNVATION INVESTIGATION TOWN OF VAIL I'UBLIC WORKS 1309 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE I . VAIL, COLORADO f • � � I Koechtein Consu�ting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy • Suite 135 • Lakewood, CO 80228 , MAIN OFFICE AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) 989-1223 (970) 949-6009 (970) 468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS 1309 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO ������t�u u n r u u�i��,i t►��R EG�s��''�• O�••'t� Ko'' F''� � •• • .• = � : 15962 : - ��e. .�_ �90••. 7-/q����'�W: . .��'.� ���; . �fi t��'•....••. ```�� 4.,u��s/p N'A�`E���.�. Prepared for: Susie Hervert Town of Vail 1309 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Job No. 95-223 September 28, 1995 DENVER: 12354 Wesl A(ameda Pr6�wy.,Suile 130,Lakewood, CO 80228(303) 989-1223 AVON: P.O. Box 1794,Avon,CO 81620-1794 SILVERTHORNE: P.O. Box 2747,Si(verthorne, CO 80498 TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 2 SITE CONDITIONS 3 RADON GAS 3 INVESTIGATION 3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4 FOUNDATION 5 FLOOR SLABS 6 BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCTION 7 FOUNDATION DRAINAGE 7 LATERAL WALL LOADS 7 CONCRETE 9 SURFACE DRAINAGE 9 COMPACTED FILL 10 LIMITATIONS 11 VICINITY MAP Fig. 1 LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Fig. 2 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Fig. 3 GRADATION TEST RESULTS Figs. 4 thru 6 TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL Fig. 7 TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL Fig. 8 SCOPE This report presents the results of a soils and foundation investigation for the proposed expansion of the Town of Vail Public Works facilities located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado. The approximate site location is shown on Fig. 1, Vicinity Map. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the subsurface conditions at the site and to provide geotechnical recommendations for the proposed construction. This report includes descriptions of subsoil and ground water conditions found in the exploratory borings, recommended foundation systems, allowable soil pressures, and recommended design and construction criteria. The report was prepared from data developed during our field investigation, laboratory testing, and experience with similar projects and subsurface conditions in the area. The recommendations presented in this report are based on the proposed facility addition construction. We should be contacted to review our recommendations when the final plans for the facility additions have been developed. A summary of our findings and conclusions is presented below. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Subsurface conditions encountered in the four exploratory borings were relatively similar. The subsurface materials encountered consisted of either 6 inches of topsoil or 2 inches of asphalt underlain by either a sandy silt to a depth of 6 feet or a roadbase to a depth of 8 inches. Below these layers, to depths ranging from 3 to 11 feet, the subsurface conditions consisted of sand and gravel with pockets of clay and silt. Below the sand and gravel layer, to the maximum depth explored of 39 feet, the subsurface conditions consisted of cobbles and boulders. 2. At the time of this investigation, no free ground water was encountered in any of the exploratory borings to the maximum depth explored of 39 feet. 3. The proposed additions may be constructed with spread footing foundation systems supported by the undisturbed natural soils, as recommended within this report. 4.� Slab-on-grade floors may be constructed on this site with a low risk of movement, as recommended within this report. 5. Retaining and foundation walls may be designed and constructed for cut and fill areas. 6. Drainage around the structures should be designed and constructed to provide for rapid removal of surface runoff and avoid concentration of water adjacent to foundation walls and to avoid ponding in parking lot areas. 7. The potential for radon gas in the subsurface strata is a concern. We suggest that the buildings be designed with ventilation for below grade areas. � PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION No plans of the proposed additions were available at the time of this investigation. We anticipate that a single story structure will be constructed as an addition to the administration building located near exploratory boring TH-1. A single story structure will also be constructed as a drivers lounge and a general facility building located to the west of the administration building addition, near exploratory boring TH-2. The final addition planned for the public works facility is the expansion of the existing bus barn. The expansion of the bus barn is located by borings TH-3 and TH-4 We anticipate that this will be a single story, metal frame structure. We anticipate that neither basements or crawlspaces will be provided for any of the additions. Maximum column and wall loads 2 were assumed to be those normally associated with light commercial construction. SITE CONDITIONS The proposed additions are located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado as shown in Fig. 1. The site is located northeast of the town of Vail. The site is being used as the town of Vails public works facility. The public works administration building is located on the east side of the site. The east side of the site, including the administration building, is approximately 5 to 7 feet higher than the western side of the property. The public works shops and bus garage building is located on the west side of the site. The site is predominately paved. The overall drainage of the property is to the south. RADON GAS In recent years, radon gas has become a concern. Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced when minerals in soil or bedrock decay. Radon gas is typically found in bedrock formations. The gas is more common in igneous or metamorphic rock formations than in sedimentary rock formations. Fractures in the earth's crust and the dryness of the soil allow the radon gas to move to the surface. Radon gas moves more easily through dry soil because moisture inhibits the movement of radon molecules. We don't anticipate that any below grade areas will be constructed however, if below grade areas are planned than ventilation should be provided in these areas. INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions were investigated at this site on September 11, 1995 by drilling four exploratory borings at the locations shown on Fig. 2. A field engineer from 3 our office was on-site to log the subsurface soils within the borings. Representative soil samples obtained from the borings were tested in our laboratory. The laboratory testing included visual classification, gradation classification, and natural moisture content. Graphic logs which summarize the subsurface materials found in the borings and results of laboratory tests are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 3 and Gradation Test Results, Figs. 4 thru 6. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface conditions encountered in the four exploratory borings were relatively similar. The subsurface materials encountered in exploratory boring TH-1 consisted of approximately 6 inches of topsoil underlain by a moist, dense sandy silt to a depth of 6 feet. Below 6 feet, to a depth of 11 feet, the subsurface conditions consisted of a moist, medium dense, cobbly sand and gravel. Below the sand and gravel layer, to the maximum depth explored of 39 feet, the subsurface conditions consisted of cobbles and boulders. The subsurface materials encountered in exploratory borings TH-2 thru TH-4 consisted of 2 inches of asphalt underlain by roadbase to a depth of 8 inches. Below the roadbase, to depths ranging from 3 to 7 feet, the subsurface conditions consisted of a moist, medium dense to very dense, cobbly sand and gravel with pockets of silt. From the sand and gravel layer, to the maximum depth explored of 18.5 feet, the subsurface conditions consisted of cobbles and boulders. Drill rig refusal was encountered in each of these exploratory borings at 18.5 feet in TH-2, 11 feet in TH-3, and 16 feet in TH-4. At the time of this investigation, no free ground water was encountered in any of the borings to the maximum depth explored of 39 feet. However, the soils may become very moist to wet during peak runoff times and wet periods of the year. 4 FOUNDATION The near surface material at potential foundation elevations consisted of either a sandy silt, sand and gravel or cobbles and boulders. In our opinion, these natural soils will safely support a spread footing foundation system. The spread footing foundation system should be designed and constructed to meet the following criteria. l. Footings should be supported by the undisturbed natural soils or compacted fill. Soils loosened by machine excavation should be cleaned from the excavation prior to placing concrete for the footings. 2. We recommend wall and column footings be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,500 psf. 3. Column footings should have a minimum dimension of 24 inches square and continuous wall footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches. � Footing widths inay be greater to accommodate structural design loads. 4. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced to span local anomalies in the soil. 5. Topsoil is not an acceptable foundation bearing material. The base of all foundation footings should be founded below organic materials. 6. The base of exterior footings should be established at a minimum depth of 4 feet below the exterior ground surface to protect the footings from damage caused by frost action. 7. Pockets or layers of soft or loose soils may be found in the bottom of the completed footing excavations. These materials should be removed to expose the undisturbed natural soil. The foundations may be constructed on the undisturbed natural soil or the resulting excavation may be backfilled with compacted fill or lean concrete. s 8. Fill should be placed as outlined in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. We recommend that a representative of our office observe and test the placement and compaction of structural fill used in foundation construction. It has been our experience that without engineering quality control, poor construction techniques and habits occur which result in poor foundation performance. 9. We recommend that a representative of our office observe the foundation excavation. Variations froin the conditions described in this report which were not indicated by our borings can occur. The representative can observe the excavation to evaluate the exposed subsurface conditions. FLOOR SLABS The near surface soils at the approxinlate proposed floor slab elevations consisted of sandy silts, sand and gravels or cobbles and boulders. We believe that the natural soils will safely support slab-on-grade floors. We recommend the following for the construction of slab-on-grade floors whether placed on the natural soils or compacted fill: � 1. Slabs should be placed on either the natural soils or on compacted fill. 2. A 4-inch layer of free draining gravel should be placed beneath the floor slabs to provide a moisture break and a level surface for construction of the floor slabs. 3. Frequent control joints should be provided in all slabs to reduce problems associated with shrinkage. 4. Any construction area should be stripped of all vegetation and topsoil, the resulting surface scarified, and then compacted. Fill may be required to establish the grade for slab-on-grade floors after removing the topsoil, or in excavations beneath slab-on-grade areas. Fill should be placed as outlined in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. Placement and compaction of fill beneath slabs should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. 6 BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCTION We do not anticipate that below grade areas will be constructed however, if excavations are required, conventional excavation equipment should be capable of completing the required excavation up to 11 feet. Excavations below 11 feet may require the use of heavy duty construction equipment since refusal on cobbles and boulders was encountered at this depth. Care needs to be exercised during construction so that the excavation slopes remain stable. In our opinion, the sandy silts, sands and gravels and the cobbles and boulders classify as type B soils in accordance with OSHA regulations. FOUNDATION DRAINAGE Surface water frequently flows through the relatively permeable backfill adjacent to buildings and collects on the surface of relatively impermeable soils at the foundation . elevation. To reduce the accumulation of surface inoisture adjacent to foundation walls, we recommend provision of a foundation drain. The drain should consist of a 4-inch diameter perforated pipe encased in free draining gravel. The drain should be sloped so that water flows to a sump where the water can be removed by pumping, or to a positive gravity outlet. Recommended details for a typical foundation wall drain are presented in Fig. 7. LATERAL WALL LOADS Walls may be planned which will require lateral earth pressures for design. Lateral earth pressures depend on the type of backfill and the height and type of wall. Walls which are free to rotate sufficiently to mobilize the strength of the backfill should be designed to resist the "active" earth pressure condition. Walls which are restrained 7 should be designed to resist the "at rest" earth pressure condition. Basement walls are typically restrained. For design, an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pcf should be used for the "active" earth pressure condition and an equivalent fluid weight of 45 pcf should be used for the "at rest" earth pressure. The fluid weights are for a horizontal backfill condition. A "passive" equivalent fluid weight of 300 pcf can be used to resist the wall loads where the soils will always remain in place at the toe of the wall. The equivalent fluid weights do not include allowances for surcharge loads due to hydrostatic pressures or live loads. A coefficient of friction of 0.5 can be used at the bottom of the footing to resist the wall loads. Backfill placed behind or adjacent to foundation and retaining walls should be placed as outlined in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. Placement and . compaction of the fill should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. To reduce the possibility of developing hydrostatic pressures behind retaining walls, a drain should be constructed adjacent to the wall. The drain may consist of a manufactured drain system or gravel. If gravel is used, it should have a maximum size of 1.5 inches and have a maximum of 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. Washed concrete a�gregate will be satisfactory for the drainage layer. The gravel drain fill or inanufactured drain should extend from the bottom of the retaining wall to within 2 feet of subgrade elevation. The water can be drained by a perforated pipe with collection of the water at the bottom of the wall leading to a positive gravity outlet. A typical detail for a retaining wall drain is presented in Fig. 8. 8 CONCRETE The soils in the Vail area may contain soluble sulfates. Sulfates can cause damage to concrete members constructed with ordinary cement that come into contact with the soil. Type Vi cement is normally recommended for high sulfate areas. However, a suitable alternative of Type Vi cement is a "modified" Type II cement. The "modified" Type II cement contains less than 5 percent tricalcium aluminate. Use of a cement rich mixture (maximum of 0.5 water/cement ratio) and 5 to 7 percent air entrainment further increases the sulfate resistance. This cement should be used for all concrete members (slabs, foundation, foundation walls, curb and gutter, and sidewalks) that come into contact with the soil. SURFACE DRAINAGE Reducing the wetting of structural soils and the potential of developing hydrostatic pressure behind below grade walls can be achieved by carefully planned and maintained surface drainage. We recommend the following precautions be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the structure is completed: 1. Wetting or drying of the open foundation during excavation should be minimized during construction. 2. All surface water should be directed away from the top and sides of the excavation during construction. 3. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the structures should be sloped to drain away from the buildings in all directions. We recommend a slope of at least 12 inches in the first 10 feet. 9 4. Backfill, especially around foundation walls, should be placed as outlined in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. COMPACTED FILL Fill may consist of the on-site soils free of topsoil or approved imported granular fill. No gravel or cobbles larger than 6 inches should be placed in fill areas. Fill areas should be stripped of all vegetation and topsoil and then scarified. Topsoil may be used in landscape areas. Fill should be placed in thin loose lifts, moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content, and compacted to the recommended compaction shown in the following table. The recommended compaction varies for the given use of the fill. Recommended Compaction � Percentage of the Standard Percentage of the Modified Use of Fill Proctor Maximum Dry Proctor Maximum Dry Density Density (ASTM D-698) (ASTM D-1557) Below Structure Foundations 98 95 Below Slab-On-Grade Floors 95 90 Backfill (Non-Structural) 90 90 We recommend that a representative from our office observe and test the placement and compaction of structural fill. Fill placed below foundations or slab-on- grade floors is considered structural. It has been our experience that without engineering quality control, poor construction techniques and habits occur which result in poor foundation and slab performance. 10 LIMITATIONS Although the exploratory borings were located to obtain a reasonably accurate determination of foundation conditions, variations in the subsurface conditions are always possible. Any variations that exist beneath the site generally become evident during excavation for the structure. A representative of our office should observe the completed excavation to confirm that the soils are as indicated by the borings and to verify our foundation and floor slab recommendations. The placement and compaction of fill, as well as installation of foundations, should also be observed and tested. The design criteria and subsurface data presented in this report are valid for 3 years from the date of this report. If we can be of further assistance in discussing the contents of this report or in analyses of proposed structures from a soils and foundation viewpoint, please call. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS By � � Scott B. Myers, Engineer `�p�����U W i u i n u i u r�i i .� 0 REG '��• a� a4�.....!sj.�•'. � ��,��''� N. KoF���9�% p a ;O.• �':E`% Reviewed by v�� •� �.• _v;� �'�= William H. Koechlein, P.E., President =,o� 15962 ��_ • , � •�u= :�p: ? �� ��4.� F � � °'�����'••.....••'�G`�``\. 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'200 '100 'S0'40'30 '16 '10'8 �d 3/8" 3/4' 1'/�' 3' S'6' 8' 100 I I I 0 90 10 80 I ' I 20 70 30 U' I _ � � � z � qp Z a � � � � Z 50 � C z � 40 � � � � � a 30 70 20 � � � 10 qp � � � 0 100 001 002 005 009 019 037 074 149 297 590 1.19 2 0 2.38 4J6 9.52 19.1 36.1 76.2 127 200 0.42 152 OIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CIAY(PLASTIC)TO SIU(NON-PIASTIC) SAND GRAVEL FINE MEDIUM COARSE FINE COARSE COBBLES Sompleof GRAVEL,Sandy,Silty GRAVEL 61 % SAND 22 % From Boring TH-1 at 14 feet SILT&CLAY 17 % L19UIDLIMIT % PLASTICITY INDEX % HYDROME�ER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS 25 HR. 7 HR TIME READINGS U.S.STANDARD SERIES CLEAR S9UARE OPENINGS 45 MIN.15 MIN, 60 MIN.19 MIN. q MIN. 1 MIN. '200 '100 'S0'40'30 '16 '10'8 'd 3!8' 3/4' 1 Yi' 3" 5' ' 8' 100 ' ' I � 90 10 80 � � � � 70 30 � � � � o vZ-i 60 � ? � I I � ~ Z `JD $� C Z � Qp I I ao �' a 30 70 20 I ' I 80 i 10 90 � � � p 100 001 002 O0.5 .009 019 037 074 149 297 590 1.19 2.0 2.38 4.76 9.52 19.1 36.1 76.2 127 200 0.42 152 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CIAY(PLASTIC)TO SILT(NON-PLASTIC) �ND GRAVEL FINE MEDIUM COARSE FINE COARSE COBBLES Sompleof GRAVEL,Sandy,Silty GRAVEL 54 % SAND 25 % From Boring TH-2 at 4 feet SILT&CLAY 21 % UQUIDLIMfT % PLASTICfTY INDEX % GRADATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 9b-223 FI(3. 4 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS 7 TIME READINGS U.S.STANDARD SERIES CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 45MIN.15MW, bOMIN.I9MIN. 4MIN. 1MIN. '200 '100 'S0'40'30 '16 '10'8 'd 3/8' 3/4' 1Y�" 3' S'6" 8' 100 _ . ' I _ I 0 90 _ _ 10 eo I I I zo 70 30 � _ � � _ � o Z 60 40 Z a l I I a z 50 � C z � 40 I I I � � v 30 70 20 _ I I � 10 _ qp _ � � � 0 � 100 001 002 005 009 019 037 074 149 297 So0 1.19 202.38 4.76 9.52 19.1 36.1 762 127 200 0.42 152 � DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CLAY(PLASTIC)TO SILT(NON-PLASTIC) SAND GRAVEL FINE MEDIUM COAf2SE FINE CbARSE COBBLES Sample of GRAVEL,Sandy,Silty GRAVEL 69 % SAND 2(l % From Boring TH-3 at 9 feet SILT&CIAY�L% LIQUIDLIMIT % PIASTICITY INDEX % HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS 25 HR. 7 HR TIME READINGS U.S.STANDARD SERIES CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 45MW.15MIN. 60MIN.19MIN. 4MIN. 1MIN. '200 '100 'S0'40'30 '16 '10'8 '4 3IB' 314" 1%:' 3' S' " 8' 100 1 I ' � 90 10 80 � � � � 70 30 � � I o ? ap 40 Z N Q Q Z 50 � ( � c z � 40 � � � � � a 30 70 2p � � � BO 10 pp � � � 0 100 .001 002 005 .009 019 .037 '.074 149 297 So0 1.19 2.0 2.38 4.76 9.52 19.1 36.1 76.2 127 200 0.42 152 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CLAY(PLASTICj TO SILT(NON-PLASTIC) $AND GRAVEL FINE MEDIUM COARSE FINE COARSE COBBIES Sample of SILT,Sandy,Gravelly GRAVEL 27 % SAND 30 0�, From Boring TH-4 at 4 feet SILT&CLAY 43 % U9UIDLIMfT °� PIASTICfTY INDEX % GRADATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 9b-223 FIQ. 6 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS 25 HR. 7 HR TIME READINGS U.S.STANDAftD SERIES CLEAR S9UARE OPENINGS 45 MIN.15 MIN. 60 MIN.19 MIN. 4 MIN. 1 MttJ. '200 '100 'S0'40'30 '16 '10'B '4 3/8' 3/4' 1 h' 3' S'6' 8' 100 _ _ _ � I I 0 90 10 . 80 _ � � � 20 70 30 � � � � o h � 40 Z � � � � � Z 50 50 c z � 40 � � � � � a 30 70 20 _ � � � 80 10 qp � 0 100 001 002 005 .009 019 1.037 074 149 297 590 1.19 2 0 2.38 4.76 9.52 19.1 36.1 76.2 127 200 0.42 152 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CLAY(PLASTICj TO SIIT(NON-PLASTIC) SAND GRAVEL FINE MEDIUM COARSE FINE COARSE COBBLES Sample of GRAVEL,Sandy,Silty GRAVEL 94 % SAND 1 % FfOm Boring TH-4 at 9 feet SILT&CLAY 5 % LI9UIDLIMIT % PLASTICITY INDEX % HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS 25 HR. 7 HR TIME READINGS U.S.STANDARD SERIES CLEAR S9UARE OPENINGS 45 MIN.15 MIN., 60 MIN.19 MIN. 4 MIN. 1 MIN. '200 •100 'S0'40'30 '16 '10'8 '4 3/8' 3/4' 1%:' 3' S' ' 8' 100 I I I � 90 10 80 � � � � 70 30 � � � � a ? bp 40 Z a � � � � Z 50 50 C z � Q� ( � � � � a 30 70 20 I I ' BO 10 pp � � � 0 100 001 002 005 .009 019 037 074 .149 .297 590 1.19 2.0 2.38 4.76 9.52 19.1 36.1 76.2 127 200 0.42 152 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CLAY(PLASTIC)TO SILT(NON-PLASTIC) SAND GRAVEL FINE MEDIUM COARSE FINE COARSE COBBLES Sample of GRAVEL % SAND % From SILT&CLAY °k LJ9UID LIMfT % PLASTICITY INDEX % GRADATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 96-223 FI(i. 8 12' MIN. CLAYEY BACKFILL aRAVEL — — — — — — — — — 2, =---==== — .q�a o:b� : — .o .o• • � BELOW GRADE WALL . . .o U . . COMPACTED ;oo ' o _o; BACKFILL o . O. �p'' D .o�� o. �, o� o o� �o o:O' . ,00 GRAVEL ��o4i MANUFACTURED DRAIN :o:o ' •�o'. .V.°'' (SEE REPORT FOR BACKFILL o���o .•: RECOMMENDATIONS) .•Q ,. '4�� :fl •�Q� � .o�.d • o•�'�' 'o .•� Q. U .o , o o•p o 0 Do� •o' ' . O� . ° �' O'Oo � O Z �O 'O . , �. O � �.O� ,� �': G O��p� ' , .O O, O• G • � O� ��� m � O 'O'��.a O •o •�o' PROVIDE PLASTIC SHEETING GLUED 4 iNCH DIAME�'ER TO FOUNDATION WALL TO REDUCE PERFORATED PIPE. 12' MIN. MOISTURE PENETRATION. NOTES: 1. INSTALL EITHER: A. APPROVED MANUFACTURED DRAtN SYSTEM AND GRAVEL COVERED P{PE OR B. GRAVEL WITH PIPE 2. DRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 6 INCHES BELOW TOP OF FOOTING AT THE HIGHEST POINT AND SLOPE DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 3. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1 /8 INCH AND 1 /4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN. 4, C�RAVEL SPECIFICATION3: WASHED 1 1 /2 INCH TO NO. 4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 396 PASSINa THE NO. 200 SIEVE . TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL JOB NO. 96-223 F�a' � 12�� MIN.. CLAY BACKFILL 10' ---- 1'�__ — —__—-- ----------- ------ 2'. ------___—_-- _-- MANUFACTURED DRAIN SYSTEM ------------ •__:0:;.�:p�Q.. ------ o:o:...o�.:o — .,oQ,.ao: 'o-.Q.. a�o Q� �. O.�.o�:000., . ..o::�:�oo::p..o ; :o�,:• .o .�••�• COMPACTED . , ., • ��. . BACKFILL •� .. . Op�:;.:.:p:�(�. ��� ���oo��:o... .:0:0�...0:,0:..�: o. o� ::����?��=��o:�°�:. :.�4:`oO:;Q.� . ..o:.o�•:'o•... :0��.;�o.:Qo:#�. . (3EE REPORT '�'•O:o�o•'�� � �•��'�U� ':. FOR BACKFILL ;•.:Q:.�:o�:o. RECOMMENDATIONS) �°�(Q.�::'=:`°': �• ..':o':o�:�:��. �. -QQ�.�:� :o o��:O p�� °' �O .�...•. p.o.a�;•O.�'•. O �o� Q .�;•.. � o'��, . .° 'O��'.• O '00; 6:�0:0;.�: �. �.0 °�` :0.��.' .�Q. WASHED 1 1/2 INCH TO NO. 4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3 PERCENT PA331NG 4 INCH DIAME7ER PERFORATED PVC PIPE. TFiE NO. 200 SIEVE. THE DRAIN LINE SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANCyING BETWEEN 1/8 INCH AND 1/4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN AND LEAD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET. NOTE: INSTALL EITHER 1, APPROVED MANUFACTURED DRAIN 3Y3TEM AND PIPE OR 2. C�RAVEL WITH PIPE TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL JOB NO. 96-223 F�a• 8 I � EXISTING BUILDIN(3S � ' � TH-1 5� � 24, ADM. A BUILDING 15' 50'� TH-3 TH-4 � TH-2 � EXISTING RETAINING WALL � 25, • 3 0' ' 35' �8� EXISTING PUBLIC WORKS, SHOPS, AND BUS GARAGE FR�N�AGE RO AD 1 1 �'1 / / / � / / / � / � ' ' / _./ / � / � / � � � ' / W gE T��VN� � � / RgS AZ E �� I ,� �' � / �N�E � / � / � a — f � , — _ — � . _ _ _ _ _ _ � _ _ _ NOT TO SCALE � LOCATI4NS OF EXPL4RATORY BORINGS OB NO. 95-223 FIG. 2 a -� _—_ -- � TH-1 TH-2 TH-3 TH-4 APP.EL. 105.5 APP.EL. 100.0 APP.EL. 100.0 APP,EL. 100.0 LEGEND: p 0 N ^� TOPSOIL ..�. .4<j �A• � .4' •q� •Q 50/12 ,Qq. 4q � 23/12 CJ WC=3 16/5 4 12/12 4' •Q; 5 ASPHALT 5 q -zoo=zi wc=s q 44• -200=43 o: q � � 'p �0• ROADBASE .�• p q, .4'• lo �A 17�12 � O wc=2 �J � -200=11 � 10 �. � � � SILT,Sandy,Gravelly,Clayey,Moist,Dense,Brown Q Q � CJ h o, WC=3 V 49/10 '4' SAND and GRAVEL,Cobbles,Pockets of silt,Moist,Medium dense to dense,Brown 15 (J -200=17 � WC=1 15 flQ ^ � -200=5 "V /� ~ v ~ COBBLES and BOULDERS,Gravell Sand Silt y W 9 W Y� Y� Y.Moi:t,Ver dense,Brown W W LL � ? 2o q 20 Z ^ �� Indicates practical dri11 rig refusal . 1 = `'� _ F- a p a w Q o I � DRIVE SAMPLE. The symbol 23/1"L indicates that �3 blows of a 140 pound hammer � � falling 30 ir:ches were required to drive a 2.0 i;�ch O.D. sampler 12 inches. 25 (� 25 � Q DISTiJRBED SAMPLE: Obtained from 4 �I auger cuttings. Q i 30 30 � NOTES: � 1 . The Exploratory Borings Werr� drilled on Septem�er 11 , 1995 with a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power aacswr. � 35 � 35 — �. The Boring Logs are subject to the explanations, limitations, and conclusions as contained in this report. I Qn � �. No free ground water was measured at the time ot drilling. V 4. Laboratory Test Results: 7 40 40 WC - Indicates natural moisture content {%o) -200 - Indicates percent passing the No. 20!1 sieve (%) � 5. Elevations of borings are based on parking lot drivE*.aay being 100.0. � � LOGS 4F EXPL4RA1"ORY BORINGS JOB NO. 95-223 FIG. 3