HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 2 Lot A & B - Bridge Street Lodge 1st Amended Condominium PlatUTILITY EASEMENT (REC. No. 96382} NW� CORNER SEC. 8 TSS,R80W,6thP.M. FOUND A 2�" BRASS CAP P.L.S. No. 27598 BRIDGE STREET & HANSON RANCH ROAD n=55'13'30" R=12.00' L=11.57' Ch B=N 79'02'45"E ChL=11.12' 1 \ � /�= 27'S6' QO" R=12.00' L=5.85' ChB=N37'28'00"E ChL=5J9' !�= 83'09' 30» R=45.00' L=65.31' , . �. � — - - � - E ' EASEMENT I (BOOK 197, PAGE 465) ' - - � FIRST AMENDED CONDOMINIUM PLAT BR,IDGE STREET LODGE GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE, A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT E, VAI L VI LLAGE FI FTH FI LI NG AND A PART OF LOT C, BL�CK 5—C, VAI L VI LLAGE FI RST FI LI NG AND GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE TOWN OF VAIL, COUNT� OF EAGLE, STATE OF COL(JRADO . 15' OVERHANG 20' UTILITY EASEMENT (REC. No. 562007) . �/ `? / ' \ � / � / / `-S 31°42'35" W _—" 5.66' LOT C / FOUND A No. 5 REBAR WITH A 1 �" ALUMINUM CAP P.LS. No. 27598 BUILDING EASEMENT FROM ELEVATION 8176' TQ 8214' GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 ft. �v-im m�� � n�nmcfl �� �NL � � � O � C O p � o �� o =� O � � � 0 ��� N � �N O �f A WN� �� A �A N Certificate of Dedication and Ownership Know all men by these presents that Bridge Street Investments, LLC, a Colorado fimited liabiliry company, being the owner of Units 403 and 501, and Bridge Street Lodge Condominium Association, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation, representing the owners of all that real property situated in the Town of Vail, E�qle County, Colorado described as follows: Bridge Street Lodge, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, state of Colorado, per the Condominium Plat thereof recorded December 29, 1995 in Book 684 at Page 840 in the office of the Eagle County Glerk and Recorder, containing 0.192 acres more or less; have by these presents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into eondominium units as shown on this condominium plat under the name and style of Bridge Street Lodge, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, County of Eagte; and does hereby accept the responsibility for the Surveyor's Certificate I, do hereby certify ihat I am a Professional �and Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this condominium plat is true, correct and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such condominium plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the horizontal and vertical location and dimensions of the condominiums, parcels, easements and streets of said condominium plat as the same are staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision of land; and that said plat was prepared subsequent to substantiai compietion of the structural components of any building containing or comprising the units; and that such map complies with, and contains all the information required by G.R.S. s38-33.3-209 and all other statutes and regulations appficable to maps of concJominium common interest communities. In Witness Whereof, I have set my hand and seal this Zg day of �c�/�LY� , A.D., 20�. Samuel H. Ecker Colorado P.L.S. No. 30091 completion of required improvements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart ali of the public roads and GENERAL NOTES: other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on the i> onrE oF suRvev: sePreMeeR, zois. accompanying plat as easements for the purpase shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the 2) BEARINGS BASED UPON THE MONUMENTS FOUND MARKING THE NW t6 CORNER OF SECTION $ TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, 0HS8R1@f1tS 8f0 2StafJIISI18d. - RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6Yh PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE SUBJECT PARCEI, SAID BEARING BEING N 81 °40'03" E(SEE DRAWING). EXECUTED this / day of '�(�V�+�h� , A.D., 2OI7 3) BASIS OF ELEVATIONS: FLOOR OF UMT 408, ELEVATION =8203.5b' (PER PREVIOUS MAP) 4) THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS CONDOMINIUM PLAT IS TO MQDIFV UNIT540.3, 507 AND THE LEVEL FOUR MECHANICAL ROOM.(GCE) ADJOINING UNIT 403 AS INDICATED HEREIN. ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF BRIDGE STREET LODGE PER THE Owner Units 403 and 5Q1: �/ �J / s,/,�,�'�� �Qp( �II CONDOMINIUM PLAT THEREOF RECORDED DECEMBER 29, 1995 IN BOOK 684 AT PAGE 840 REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND Bridge Street investments, LLC Address: •G /V / EFFECT. a Colorado limited liability company d'L9 / Z �T �� 5) GORE RANGE SURVEYWG LLC DID NqT PERFORM A TITLE SEARCH QF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO ESTABLISN -�-- '-����-�^-�� �-- '''�i s � �/ 6 OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS QR RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECARD. RECORD DOCUMENTS UTILIZED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS BY� UW`� � CON�OMINIUM PLAT WERE PROVIDED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANV, ORDER No. V5t10370761, DATED SEPTEMBER 4, --_.-_ __ .— .. _.--- 2073 AT 5:00 P.M. Name: %' A'�1 TO�I�1f�Y% ���G/�� ������� 6j NOTICE: AGCORDING TO GOLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION 8ASE0 UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS TIilO: SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFfER VOU RRST DISCOVER SUCN DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT M THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION 5HOWN HEREON. STATE OF �vb� � 7) BRIDGE STREET LODGE IS SUBJEGT TO THE RESTATED CONDOM�NIUM DECLARATION RECARDED DECEMBEfl 29, 1995, IN )$S BOOK 684 AT PAGE 839. , COUNTY OF �'�-'�' } 8) UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE, ALL POftTIONS OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTV ARE GENERAL COMMON ELEMENTS. The foregoing Certifi of Dedication and Ownership was acknowledged before me this y� y Of 9) ALL RECORDMG REFERENCES SHOWN NEREON ARE TO THE REAL ESTATE RECARDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND 1 S�J"��� -Td'„'v��aS w1 ��'�I Brid e RECORDER OF EAGLE COUNTY, GOLORADO. �� � , A.D., 20�, by 9 Street Investm , t§, LLC, a Colorado limited Iiability company. �-"'' k� �A� THE TERMS "GCE' OR "GENERAL COMMON ELEFAENT" USED ON THIS PLAT SHALLMEAN THE SAMETHING AS THE TERM � � � "GENERAL COMMON ELEMENT" AS DERNED 7N THE DECLARATION AND THE TERMS "LCE' OR "LIMITED CAMMON EIEMENT' My Com ' sion expires: 4 9 (� USED ON THIS CONDOMINIUM PLAT SHALL MEAN THE SAME THING AS THE TERM "LIMITED COMMON ELEMENT" AS DERNED Wi%, ❑y IlBfld 8f1CI O CIaI SeBL � IN THEDECLARATION. � --��---�-- 11 j THE ADDRESSES ON THIS PLAT ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO THE TOWN OP VAIL FOR �,.._�..�....-�x.a.�„ $A{ant� %�. o��nn�r� N�,�p�Y P���`� UPDATED ADDRESSING INFORMATION. %Notary Pu 97lRTE �F CCDLOftAD(� p�����,V ID YOOSA02.3079 ^qa� 12) LINEAL DISTANCES INDICATED ARE �N U.S. SURVEY FEET. Owners' representative: Bridge Street Lodge Condominium Association, Inc. a Colarado nonprofit corporation gy: . ,-..= r Name: f1+����� /�( � ��`�' �/�l � Title: �l'�-��1�✓?i� STATE OF � � j�CO � S ',-� ) , )SS COUNTY OF %Zc�.c�,'v�� ) Address: 356 E. Hanson Ranch Road Vail, GO 81657 The foregoing Certificate of Dedication and O�j nershi was acknowledged before me this ���day of �2C2w� �,-a,✓ , A.D., 20� byTgl����. �Ji�h�i�/� as �,�i5'��'�'lC7`" Bridge Street Lodge Condominium Association, Inc., a Goiorado nonprofit corporation. My Commission expires: O� ��-3� �d L% Witness my hand and official seal. f iJzi`N `w'��6��-(A.�`-,���1. Notary Public ;`�. Ft s �• Title Certificate Land Title Guarantee Company does hereby certify that the title to ali lands shown upon this plat have been examined and is vested in the respeetive separate owners ihereof, and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as follows: �w-re.�..�'�r� ,., �� z a � y Dated thisZ` day of �"�-+A.D., 20 Agent sign e Address: 610 West Lionshead Circle, Suite 200 Vail, C� 81657 Agent name 5��"^'^ =�_-�_�- � i ra.ie+�-�o�-+z.s� ^+�-l--���' Administrator Gertificate T is condominium plat is hereby approved by the Town of Vail Administrator this _l�� day of ee , a.d. 20�. Vail, �EAL � " V�/�IM�Q.� Administrator Town of Vail, Golorado Certificate of Taxes Paid i, the undeesigned, do h eby certify that the entire amount of taxes and assessments due and payable � as of the � day of� Cp v✓��Q ✓' , A.D. 201� upon all parcels of real estate described on this condominium plat are paid in full. Dated this �i _ day of�G'�O('��" A.D., 20�. Ka� �'Slw'$�-� �: C�i�.r.afi.v-��. ��tl� , �2/z`'� Treasurer of Eagle Counry Clerk and Recorder's Certificate This condqminium pl was fil d for record in the Office this �i day of �CCFii»� , 20� an rvo. aoi a 15 a� . �l,� � �I/- �11iyv� Orl� , Clerk and BV: �__411 G�t�n�V� , Deputy of the Clerk and Recorder at �� o'clock �, on d is duly recorded at R�eption ,s ��. s rord ;� � t,�?�� `��,�,� +� c .'.- �..�`�� ������ \ �� ORANN B3�i T `�� � DA7E. 7% l 2O�'� c,veerc� er. SE o,e.a�,vc No.: 12-648condo .�a No: 12-648 stet'r 1 of' 2 0 L.0.E. [ UIJIT 4�2' GCE MECHANI� 'a� � 10.2� - 7 0 7' GCE MECHANICAL 19 1' 8 6"';, i�%` ni 6.8 � � � x gj N - _� 6.4� �_ �. � SHADING INDICATES J " � 3, � 5.5' � p� � AREA ADDED TO �s. UNIT BY THIS �PLAT 6.3' �1.6� 3 UNIT 403 � I 0 2345.6 SQ. FT. N INDICATES A CHANGE � zs o �IN CEILING HEIGHT � _ Z _ o.i _ 8.4' . � . " .� . . / \ /� � � �� o � I o., � i � o., °' � 0;1 �A, a.a ' � 3, a.a 11.4' 11.4' 11.4' 11.4' aa 9.5' ur 1 S 89'39'42" W — 55.7' N 81'03'40" E — 12.6' TIE TO PARCEL BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY FI RST AMENDED CONDOMI NI UM PLAT BR I DGE STRE E T LODGE GOLDE N PE AK HOUSE, A RE SUBD I V I S I ON OF TRACT E, VAI L VI LLAGE FI FTH FI LI NG AND A PART OF LOT C, BLOCK 5—C, NOT A PART OF THIS PLAT GRAPHIC SCALE LEVEL FOUR ( IN F'EET ) 1 inch = 10 ft. �a0!'� ��17�'� �U1'V�'j�1ii�, L.LC � ._...-...—.�.u.n. �`��� �zi�lX'�� .. n+„ fi r x��t�`:. ;'� �vcri�€, C� 83�a'�� �g7�j �t76t-�,#�96 • fax t"3it�) �i"t9•�55 VAI L VI LLAGE FI RST FI LI NG AND GOLDEN PEA� HOUSE TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO 1 7.5 ��. ize• 12.9' s- 13.7' 0^ 5' — — —16.8' — LC.E. DECK � UNITS 402 & 403 a 0 ELEV. = 8203.50' � sr FLOOR PLAN & SE CT I ON DE TA I L A � s `� o• 1,10 � `�d O• 9. �6'� � Z5 y UNIT 402 /� 1086.2 SQ. FT. % � \ / � �y� � i / � � �, / / ryp`1- � / R• � \; / � �� > � �LC.E. DECK � UNIT 402 / / / / / p� �6� /�p�. / , �, �/ L.C.E. DECK UNIT 402 UNIT 403 �n N LEYE�S BELOW AR �NOT A PART OF THIS PLA SECTION A �. N O � � N � UNIT 501 h�� UNIT 402 0 0 ELEV. = 8212.67' e � � LEVEL FIVE L.C.E. DECK �UNIT 501 ( --� � — — -- —, — -- — INDICATES CHANGE IN,CEILING HEIGHT X.X' INDICATES HEIGHT OF CEI�ING ABOVE FLOOR GCE GENERAL COMMON ELEMENT LCE LIMITED COMMON E�EMENT NQTES: 1) ALL WALLS ARE PARALLEL, PERPENDICULAR, OR AT 45' UNLESS NOTATED OTHERWISE. �FtAD�O C� ��J��� ' 30pgi �� . !'„'� �zfiv�� DRANOV 8Y 'SE on�. 7/11/2014 c,v£crcea er.• 'SE flxn�c.vo.: 12-648condo .�a No: 12-648 sxEcr 2 oF 2