HomeMy WebLinkAboutE08-0228 �ro�F: r�rrs �E�m�� n��us r �� �vsr�a o�r ,�c��s�r� ,�r ,�Lt r�m�s ,. �����,�. . Town af Vail, Carr�rnunity� Develvpment, 75rSauth Frvntage Road, VaiC, Col�rado 81657 p. �70,479.�1�� f. 970,479.245� ins��ctivns 970.479.2149 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E��-��28 AGC]M Prvject #: PRJUB-0541 Jah Address: 292 E MEAQQW RR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUE[] Location.....: INCJUh9TAIN HAUS Applied . . : 4�f34l20(}8 Parcel No...: 21Q1(18228(]01 Issued . . : 10117f2UQS Expires . .: 04!'�6l2{7C?9 dWiVEF2 MC}�NTAII� FlAI�S 101 LLC D913QP20Q8 PC}gflX 539 E�WARDS CQ 81fi32 APPLICAhtT A.K. ELECTRIC D�f3012d08 Phvne: 9{17-390-�1975 PO 607C 62�31 AV�]N GQ �fi620 License� 117-E Ct]NTRAC70R A.K. ��ECT�IC 09130120Q8 Phane: 907-390-097� Pf� BtJX 6241 AVL��J CC} 816Z4 License: 117-E l7esciptiQrr: C(]MMON ECEMENT: CHAt�GE MAlN ELECTRICAL SERIlICE Vaivatian: �11C1,[104.G0 Square feet: Q fiT'wT�wTR�'w.xww.ww#f���wRlew�rtMM��ki��MMF'k'.h8�.i#iiit+i8t#iti;iiii#ii#+*tiiFf C'���1�k■■��[]�/ %W#RWFYM�aki+rM�lMMf�.M�hl�4Fa�fRt}�K.�pXwkwkwRi##�/frF*i*t*it�wioY*4i*�}}*iFa�Y*RR*ii* 1— 11�YlYY1 fl P Elecirical Permit Fe�-_------> $2.334.50 7otaf Calculat�ed�ees�.y $4,33$.50 InvestPgation Fee____._...___� $Q.pQ Addikivnal Fees-.______� �p.Op Wi91 Cail Fee--_________�__� $�}A� Use 7ax Fee______.��._..----___, �2,[�p�.0a TC1TAl. PEF2MkT F��---� �4,338.5i] TotaB Caicufated Fees------7 $4.338.5Q Raymer�ts---___.______.�� $4,338.54 BALA�ECE ❑UE---------� $Q.flU •R rtM M tr����Ir��i i�vr1 i�!�i�i iat#ii iiii{ii'++i.iMaYd A M#tAi#ifP�M M 1V/M hM R+F1lAM M�M M M**4 N#*5F11 ir�Y N iY'k kwRllY.w r k#'RR AY�A}Y k N!e�ktM'R�f!#4#N k k hi MRkR.RRwR Xen!w�F4�*RR1�*+lwle M1a#�!{�.�Y fr�.Y�M'M1 4�e M��FR#Yr/FrtR M R APPROVALS Item: t36�Q0 ELEC�RICAL�EPARTM�NT 1011 Bl20D8 �NAI�N A�tian:AF' ,..,......................................,,.........,,.........,................a.�.......t.....�..�....��.........�...�.�......�...,.....,,.�,.�..........,...,.«..... GQMOITIDhlB QF APF'�tC1VAL Cand: 12 (BLDG,}: FIELD INSP�CTIQNS RFi�REQUIREC�Tt}GHECK FOR CC7DE GC3MPi�lAI�CE. Entry: 10}16{20(}$ By: SFiAHh! Action:AP PAhJEL60ARC}A�ID SWITCH BQARp CB'S TQ B� FULLY RATEQ FQR AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT. Eniry: 1(�!'4fi1�D(38 By, S�AHN Ac#ion:AP Nl�A[}D17lDhfAL LDADS ARE BEfNG ,�iD[)EL3 TO SER'VICE A7 7H18 TIAAE. FI�*b**1F*5}k��F e�Yr k�Y Riii�F1e�Y fl k�ii!�!4�kalii!i#i#ii!#t*}*iY A**##*H*iiY f**�1l*I�*�A W x�w 4 e M h AM}�r r#�k�i�f1*M*A'M�tt�R Ylk 1'**#lk�"RRA*A**M1rA**kttr A i*****M*fr A i*MH**i*iiY****#**#}1r A#**#***�Yiv# QE�LARATION5 I hereL�y a�knowledg�thal I have read this applFC�#ivn, filled put in full the inforenation requ�reti,campleied an ac�ur�te pfpt plan,and state that ail the inforrrr�tion�s required is cvrrect. i agre�t�a comply vuith the in�ormafian anti p�o# plan, #o comply with all 1"own ardinanees arad sta#e laws, and to build this structure according#a khe tvwns zvning and subdiwisivn c�des,c�esign review approued, International 6uilding and Residenfial Ce�des arad other vrdinar�ces of the Tnwn appficable lhereta. REQUESTS FOR I�fSFE TlQt� ALL BE MAI3�E't+ITY-FC}�1R H43UR5 IG�A�VANCE BY TELEPHD�lE AT 570.479.2'149 GR AT C1UR QFFfCE FRUM f}� . ° �6.-- i' Signa#ur+e vf�wner or Contractor pate elec�rm_4419(78 **�###�#**�*�**##�#####$#*�#*#*t####�#*�*�*#*##*##�#��i*�##��*#i�######&**##*###*##**##4#***#* TUWN{7F VAIL, C�C}LQRADCl Statement .����*��*�����r•**���«�.�..��++..+.....��r�++*:s*�t+*++t+�+�+�e+�r+��+.+�.x.*�*���,r...r..:*����� 5tateanent �Tumlaer: R(380Q03372 A�aisnt: S4,338 .50 10/1'7/2�Q8�9: D1 F,M Payment Method: �h�ck Init: SAB Na�ation: 1'772 �,K ELECTRIC ------------------�_----------------------------------------__--__°----------- Fermi� Ng: E08-4228 Type: EL�CTRICAL PERMIT Parcel rilo: 21�1-U$2-28�J�1 Si�e Ad.t3ress: 29� E MLAI70W DR VAIL Lacati�n: MdUNT,�IIN H�'�US Total Fees: $4, 338.SC3 This Paym�ent: $�,336.5(} Total ALL F��s: $4,339 .50 Balanc�: $0.00 ***��*��**»���r*��r�x�*��������*�*�*�**�*�*�r���*r�r**�sr�s��r���rr����**�r�a��wtw����r�r*�xw��r�r��w�r�r ACC�i7NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des��i.p�inn Curr�nt Pmts -------------------- _---------________-------- ---- --- --_____-- EP Oflll?Q�4311114p ELECTRICRL FERMIT FEES �,334.5iJ zrr �.�.�vooc��iosoc�a c�s� T� �� a, ooc�.oa wC OD1D(1�q31128�C1 wILL CALL I�TSPECTaalv FEE 4.00 ----_-_°------------------------------------------------------------------,.__ _ :.� , . Developrnet�t Revie�v Cocsr�iin�r,�r �:-, '�.: , . .- °i.�'," ,� , 75 5r�uth Frc�rat�c}� i2t�acl Vaii, �C3 23I6�a7 - ". � , . �.,.; ,_ Phone: 91t7-�I7'�-�S2$ ��_ ; - , .;�":, �' �`-,: , �17�q, ,t-1 ^��9L . i_-�,{+� r ::'.., 4 f,:r,. . �. 4 �[��. 7fU��".Id�'t.'iJ� ' = �a , =' ' ,�.�' Insp�c#i�,ns: 910-14�'9-214� 1 V1T,�f���� '.���.. �:�r•�f�.. � , �'�...��.� . � . - . ., Transmittal Fa�rm Revision Submittads: 1. "Field Set"c�#approved plans MUST accampany revisir�ns 2. Na further insp�ctions will be g�erfarmed untif the revisi�ns as�e a�praued & the perrnit is r�-issu�d. 3. Fees far re�iewing rev�siorYS a�e $55.�0 per haur(2 hour rninimum), �nd are dsae upan issuance. � } Reaisions P�rmit#(s} information ap��ies ta: AttenfiQn: ��" E�esPc�nse to Correction Letter � V� ��� � 'a'�ached cc��y of correction tetter � ; ( ) Def+�rreci SubmittaC _ ( } [�th�r Pra�ect Address: ����G�,•a ��;t�rr ,��rv� Description 1 L�st af Changes: �-� ���! �,//��I�1�� r' _�'1 C�ntact Infvrrna?tiQr► � /� - -/ - --. _�v� Company: 1 ��{�'' ' !'��- Company Fh: �fF� "����?_ rax: -- — Can#a�t Name: . �t]��� _ _�_ Cantact Ph: ,`�,`�y�--r� Ceal: E-M�ii: ' Tc�wn oi Vai!Cnntrackvr i�egistration NQ: �,/r/� f,�` __r. A �f�r Sign tft�T+2 �reqraired} J� Re�rised ADDITIOhIAL Valuat��ans (Lat�rr&, Materials} (C�c� NOT include vriginal�aluatian) �udlding � Plumbing $ (tlse�dditional sheet if ne��ssacy) Electricai $ Me�hanical� Fire SprinklerlA6arm S [��t� Reeeived: Tat�l$ �I��� `,i� � � i _ _._.__.._ __..e...__�_...__— ..�_ ._... __._,�_. ._._.._ i � l� .._ _ __ � : �. � �' .rc��w� ��� �,��� � -�_...�._ ._ �___m_� l'�-E EN+Gii��.�RS, f�1C. � MECHANiCAL 1�ND �L��TF�ICA�. CONSI]L71NG EN�IMEERS 4Jctvber '�5, 2�Q8 Jc�hn Townsend AK Elec#ric Inc. P(} Box 6241 Avon, ��J 8'�620 RE: Mourtt�itt i�aus at the Covered Bridge M•E ENGINE�RS PR+[)JECT N[}. DBUBD'1�.40 � D�ar Jah�, Tt�� existin� �lectrica1 service is rated at 12Q� amps. (4 sets of #50b �lurninuml. We �r� upsi�in� tl�e s�rvice u�der the bas� praject to 1�0�1 amps. (5 sets of#5f10 �lurninurrt}. T�er� is a(so a�n alterna#e on the drawings t� upsize the service t� 200� amps. � se#s af #��0 copper. V4'e upgraded the hc�use dist�ibu#ion from 40[� amps to 60Q ar�p� and added a 15�0 ar�p pan�l for future hea��rac�. At this#ime no arlditi�nal�oads are being added to t��e servi�e. ff yc�u haue any questiar�s rega�ding this matter, piease dQ n�t hesitate t4 call_ � � Sinc�re�y, � � � � �FGo - � � ; �,�'p,� �:�'r� , ,.......,. � � M•E ��gineers, fnc. �c�°.�'q��'�'��C �'•��' CoEc�raolo Springs C]fFice � -., , �" � � 33u�79� : ; ,,.� `. � j_ ,� ,r,�: �I(.�, '��J 'c,� �� "C �'• F� .''vr�4 . � �� �`���,51��` �t,���� h_ --- . Michael V'�alla�e, P.E. , ; ___ _ _ __ � � , .. Sen�vr�ssaciate ; �i W:1P�taJECT51Destgn Bul1d Peogeetsl[}8D8U13.GU Mountain HauslSerr�ce Getter.�iar.10/15l2�$�:18 PM � _ r � �TC�1�"1''� C�F 11';'1�L _______._.__..____.. 3425I+.L3S74htBtUFFS PARKWAY,SLfITE 261 DENVER G�Lf}RA�C7 SFR9M�5.CO 8031& COLC?7Fi�4DU Sf'RIHG$ TEL;(719)535�f103fi LOS ANGELE5 FA7I:(719}5�-fl037 VAIL V�111�Y LC7lVDi3N m�vw.mg�nyi7e�rs.c�rr. N�W YdRK SAP6 a6EGO if�A�i5/�,S�ITY.�3AkLAS � M-E Eh1�fi��ERS, lNC. � M�CHANICAL AhJD '�L�CTRi�CAL -- C(�N5ULT1f�G EPJGINEERS C3ctober 15, 2(�i�� John Tawnsenti AK Eiectri+� lne. PO Bvx G241 Avan, CO 81�i�(} RE: Mountain H�us at#he Covered Bridg� M•E ENGINEERS PRC3.�ECT NC�. I}Bp8013.�10 Dear John, The existin� �iect�ic�6 se�vice is rat�d at �2�C� arnps. (4 s�ts af #50(7 aluminum}. We are upsizing the serv�ce under the ba�e prc�j�c#ta 1500 amps. (5 se#s af#5�0 alurr��nurri}. There i� also an aliernaf� on #he dr�wings t� upsize the �ervice ta 24�� amps_ 5 set� of#SDO cr�pper. We upgraded the h�use d�strit�ution from 40(3 �mps #0 6�0 arnps and added a 150 amp panel fs�rfuture heat trace. A#t�is time no additicanal Ic�ads �re ��ing �dded tc�#he service. !f y�au h�ave any questions re�garding this matter, �rlease do not h�s�tate to call. S�ncer�ly, �pp R����, �s�.����.....� T Elfl•E Engine+�rs, tnc. Yc°�=aP�`���t'��`�� Colarad+� Springs+��ce : � 333d�� ' -- ;� � `� �' � - : � � ; �� / ��L��/� �Y •z - �-' ` ,`= �yt �� ,p�•.��f �, � �CG' ,i. � lf 1 ' I? 1 � ���.r..� "� � y+� � . r V.7� ��S!{�,,,{�;�.c�` � �,� Michael V'��ilaee, P.E. '- �� � � � � � � •:��l�� . i� �enior Associate �_ W:Ii�RDJE�7S1C7eslgn BalEd Projac#lae�]801�.�9Ci Mout�tai�t NauslSenrice L�tker.d�ac i0I45f,�i308 1;18 RMF ' i�l�}y(,,}'�-•��fd1�1�,,, 34��ACI5T4N BLL�F�S PI1�tKWAY.5L11TE 201 C}EN1AE33 CQLC]�.4DCi SPftI,NGS.CC3 80918 CQLC7RADC�SPRINGS TEL:{719}53�-+�03� LC�B ANG�LE5 FA7S:[T'f 9)535-{)fl37 VAIL VALLEY L�h1dC}Pf www,me�nginears,com tVEUV'YORK SAN�[EGO �}4�f5AS ClTY,DALLA"s " N4-E EIV�GI�EERS, INC, � MECHANiCAI�AND �L�CTRICAL -- - - CDNSC1LTIf�G ENGINE�F�S �ctvbe�r 15, 2�08 Jo4�n Tc�wnser�d A� Electric l�c. PO Bvx 524� Avon, C4 81f2f? R�: Nlountain Hau� af the Cover+ed 8rldge M■� ENGINEERS PR[?.lECT NO. DE��}8�}13.�C1 Dear John, The exasting elec#r�cal service is rated at 12a� arrsps. �4 sets vf #5C7{} aftarninum). We are ups�zi�g th� se�vice under th��as� prc�ject tr� �5fl(l amps. {5 sets af#�0� aluminum}. There is �Iso ar� a{ternate on th� dr2�wir�gs tt� �psize �h� serv�c� to �+RaD arnps. 5 sets rf #5Q0 c4pp�r. We upgr�d�d the house dist�if�uf�an fram 4(l0 amps tv 604 am� and added a 150 amp panei for future he�t trace. A#this time no addiii�nal lo�ds are being �d+ded to the servi�e�. !f yau have any a��es#ions regardi�tg this matter, �l��s�dca nflt hesi�ate to call. Sir�cerely, p0 R��;a�, �o,'��,......�T�`�r' M•E Engineers, In�, c�°�.��q��`�1�1 a .'`�� : ._, �'t ��lara�o Springs O�f�ce - : � 33U(�9� : ; .y � : �����-��'�—� ' : – . �i�� .��a ;��. . "_ T� � ���,4�•f'►+.. +�• r��� �+ � , �i7�{�,1'�'1��,�� '�I�+f� � t' I Mich��el Wallace, R.E. ` `� �I�t, �I � Seniar Assdciate ' W:IPRDJECTS'4Design 3u�ld Rrc3jeeLtiDBQ8013.OQ Mcurtain Ma�us�Servlaa Lettsr.dnc 10f15f2C�DB 1:i8 PM 34?_5 AUS71N SI�UFFS PAf2KWAY,SUk�E 204 ��M'�`�R C(?LORAfI(7 SPFtINGS.G❑ 809'S8 GC3LC]RRDO SPFtINGS 7EL:[71�}536-0036 L(7S A1V+,�ELES �A7i: (TR9j 53E-Od37 VRIL V'ALLEY LC#h�EqON www.me-enginears.com �EW Y�}FtK 5AN UIEGO itA�tSAS CCfY €IALLA�