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Design Review Board ACTION FORM , ! Departmen[ of Community Development �}u�T/�r j/�❑ ' 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 iiinir ��r rr�iL tel: 970.4792139 fax: 970.479.2452 vr.xvvmce��ooveN. web: www.vailgov.eom Project Name: BURTON ADDITION DRB Number: DRB070556 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDITiON TO DQSTING SPACE Participants: OWNER OTTO STORK LLC 10/08/2007 860 24RD GRAND ]UNLTION CO 81505 APPLICANT OTfO STORK LLC 10/OS/2007 660 24RD GRAND J�NCTiON CO 81505 Projed Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: 288 BRIDGE Si.- BURTON Legal Description: Lot: A, B Block: SA Subdivision: VAIL VIILAGE FILING 1 Parcel Number: 2101-082-4100-2 Comments: Application withdrawn 6y Applicant. BOARD/STAFFACTION Action: WITHDRWN Conditions: Planner: Scot Hunn 1' • Conceptual Review Application for Design Review � . ^ rewt�n�aP T�An � • Department of Community DeveloDment � j�1R11' I YtLL 75 South Frontage Rwd,Vail, Colorado 81657 te1: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.mm � GeneralInformation: All projects requiring design review mus[ receive approval pnor to submitting a building permit application. Piease refer to[he submittal requirements for the particular approval that is reques[ed. An appli�tion for Design Review D cannot be accepted untll all required information is received by the Gommunity Developmen[ Department. The project may alw need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning anG Environmentzl Gommission. � Design review approval lapses unless a builtling permit is issued and cons[ruc[ion commences within one year of the approval. //�� Deuriptian of the Request: �d � �� I�Il �C iT1 y .L J( I �� 1 ��ci. ���l,�- L , v �>'^�� �f3�n/'Ll� " �I (�.�� '"� P.El� ^ Location of the Propoul: Loct�: ���� Blotk:��1 Subd1ivision: V�1,� . V ���Q�G' G' e' Physiwl Atldress: ��Srl �S'i JL Ol', � 1 C'L'2� � Parcel No.: n�. I �J I O cS.��I I C O-L (COntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Ce)-Pr�Pn P,�^["i t1_c_._ �. L I Name(s) of Owner(s): l � � I Q') �l O�'�\ /� _ . Mailing Address: �G� �� ��. GrQ,-n,�U, �l C� �l�Y� l,c;, C���J(� o n e: ��4 7� - 2.5.�- `� I S_h' � .. — Owner(s)Signature(s): Name of Appliwnt SC Yr�c> MaflingAddress: _ _ ',1,!/ �__ Phone: � E-mail Address: Faz: ��,I I I 7ype of Review and Fee: IJII ❑ Signs 850 Plus$1.00 per square foot of total sign area. TO W N OF VAI L �COnceptual Review No Fee ❑ New Construction $650 For cons[ruction of a new building or demo/re6uild. ❑ Addition $300 Por an addi[ion where square footage is added [o any residential or mmmercial building (indu0es 250 additions&interior conversions). ❑ Minor Alteration $250 For mfnor changes to buildings ana site improvemen6, such as, (multi-family/commercial) re-roofng, painting, window adtlitlons, lantlscaping, fences and re[aining walls, etc. ❑ Minor Alteration $20 For minor chan9es to buildings and si[e improvements,such as, (single-family/tluD�ex) re-roofing, painting, window addi[ions, landscapinq, fences antl retaining walls, e[C. ❑ ChangestoApproved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. ❑ Separa[ion Request No Fee For Office Use Only: - Fee Paid: ��� Check No.: �- By: � � ' - �� '�� � �V (� � � Meetinq Date � �� ` � � � DRB No � �� � az . Planner. Project No.: Zone Check Date: Legal description: lot C'�7> Block <�A Filing v4�1� \'�1UM�CC:�, > '��� � Address �i'p' ��«vr,s-�; � Owner�n �meA� phone Architect Phone Zone district ;"C.l - Proposed use Lot size � '� � �•�-- �i ,°v�- -�` � � rr. Buildable area � 1�T �-�CC�2wi�. Allowed Ezistin Pr000sed Total Remainina Total GRFA Primary GRFA +(425) (675") __ Secondary GRFA +(425) (675")= ' 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? If yes, how much ot the allowed 250 addition is used with this request? � 12�, �• i SiteCoverage �'-' r`15�.�`� ��' .✓+ - Is more than 60% of the site being disturbed (per Section 12-21-14E Restrictions in Specific Zones on Excessive Slopes)? Height �=.x�S�i . tt' ,^:, (3D) (33) F^rtaOo:r.,ri - PI' Setbacks — ri�ia Front 2d Sides 15' Rear 15' Landscaping Minimum Retaining Wall 3' /6' - Heights Parking Re�uired Garage Credit l3_:'�.�. �� - � � �� DrivewaY � - �y„� _�� - - - - % Complies with Tc �� Are finished grac ,,, , Environmental/H - �i�. _ . � �� � � .�i. Previous conditic , - � � �� — Is the PropeRy rn `— - � � ssaooy an� a6e�o�g Moug (epe�6 pue ssaooe) ,(emanua snipe,y 6uiwnl suogopisa� �e�d a6e�e�/ 6ui��ed saoueuen sa�uaj s�opwop Mai� sII�M 6uiuie�aa (puna6�apun) sapi�ilfl ado�g {ape�� a�ig sa�6uy apeyg / ung uogsauuoa a6e�e� uopeoi�ua� �p�� saiuoo�eg / sN�ad sa�dwes �eua�ew 6wp�ing („q) s6uey�anp / sane3 a�is�o so�oyd sN�eqJag w�o;uope�i;uan R�i�illl s�uawyoeo�ou3 (8py) uoda� all!1 146iaH 6uippng �eno�ddy opuo� a�eog Sf103N`dl�3�SIW ❑ Ntlld 311S ❑ saa�l pasodad suoilena�a yodg saa�l 6ugsix3 � suoi;eool �l!IPfI NVId 3dVOS4Ntll n saa�l 4�)!d ;ooy sp�ezeH �e3uawuonnu3 s�eua�eW �aolo� �aeq�ag as�no� �a�eM a�eog uie�d pooli ��� 00 L SNOIlVA3l3 JNIOl1f19 n ,(yde�6odol (1H3 s�uawese3 aoedg og3H/ IMe�� ea�y a19ePl!�8 y�aJ leuoil!PPe OSZ azig lo� y�a� uogdiiosap �efia� a�e�g a�e�g SNtlld 2JOOld � A3AiIf1S ❑ :t�afo�d ;si��seyp Meinea u8isap i ! TOWNOFVAIL ' Department of Community Deuelapment , 75 South Frontnge Raad l/¢il, Colarado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 www.v¢ilgoutom November1, 2007 Otto Stork 860 24 Road Grand Junction, CO. 81505 Re: Design Review application for Lots C& D, Block SA, Vail Village First Filing, 288 Bridge Street—the "Burton Store" (DRB07-0556) Otto, Please find enclosed your application for conceptual review of Minor Euterior Alterations for the Burton store, located at 288 Bridge Street. At your direction, based on a telephone conversation with you on November 1, 2007, Staff is of the understanding that you wish to withdraw the above referenced application due to sale ofthe above referenced property. � Thank you for your cooperation in working with the Town during the brief review of this application, and please contact me at 970-477-3551 if you have any questions regarding ihis matter or require additional information. Warmest regar � Scot Hunn Senior Planner Cc File 6a Hec}cceuvnree ACCOUNTlt R009940 REALESTATEPROPERTYTAXNOTICE EAGLECOIINTYTPEASIIFEfl ,e �.,, PAftCEL# 2101ptl2�IW2 2006TAXlSUULIk20f1] BO%4]9,5o0enOnoWnY � TAXDISTRICT SCIOi EAGLE,CO8163t-0C]9 duplicale wwrv.eaglecounly us TOW!JOFVAIL,03G 4.G99 143X.10 LAN[� 388,850 1¢,']�• MMTl1RNCEMLILRYIJISIRICT,043 oaso 13]TL IMPROVLMENTS fi66,J40 193,270 VNLPAftK&RFCREATIONDIST,O58 J28] 1,00595 TOTAL I,USi$90 30fi,040 CAGLIIiIVLR WA'1'GIt &SAN.. U59 I.111 3a0.A1 CORIVERN'ATEHCONSERVATION,O]6 �253 �.032 6J.63 ERW&SANDISTWATERSUBDIST,O85 2305 705.62 GGLF CfY I IGAI:I11 SFINICE.096 1,006 613ffi EAGLE COUNN,001 -011 8 499 2,W 1.0) COLOMTNCOLLEGE(CMC),012 )99] 1,22324 HEi�15CHOOLD159'.015-018 23.05f1 9p5422 IFTH85LTAX6SAREESCMOWCD�YYOURLENDF.R, TOTAL NETLEVV-->49.625 15,16]2< PLEASEFORWARDACOPYOFTHISNtifICLfOTNLM. GRANDTOTAL IS.ISi20 IFINUOUBT,WNTACTYOUHLEN�ERTOCONFlRM THEY WILL B[RLMI"RMG VOI1R 200fi(DUE IN 200])TAX PAVMBNL S 9 25-In aOSnre of Sble LeglslaXVe Fun�ing, yourSd�oolGe�remlFvntlmilllavyvmultlhavabeen �9.�6"1 SUB:VAILVILLnGEFILMfi IALK:Sn IALCU&SCkDPI'OCOK-0211 PG-0020 W�Ob-02-bi BK-0211 PG-0@ISWO08-02b"!BK-0]71 PG-0488QCD05-3P9] r,nmanReasurersCll¢elnmeaie�eryllam.mberepoearseeove. '..P FIXSTHALP ffU28,ZW"� 9,593.62 SECON�HALF JUN15,2007 9.593.G2 FULI.PAYMENT APR30,200] 15.18'l.2d PROPERTY IACATION�.400388 BRIDGE ST VAIL AREA 0 � Meke CFecks PeyebleTO: OTPO STORK LLC-R009940 EAGLE COUNTYTHEASIIFEF GO SPECIALTY SPORTS VENTURE LLC �O NOT�AYTHIS 91LL IFYOUF MOflTGAGE 299 MILWAU[(EE ST ST[$02 COMPANV WILL MAKETHIS PAYMENT. DEN VER,CO 80206 PlEase see reverse siae oi ihis form ' roraeaiiio�aiioiormetior.. . . . _ . . __ . _ . . ae.aiN.orromiorvroAmuAa�cmaos . . " _ " ' _ _ _' ___—____ '_" ___ . _ _' _ —_ . . . . � ti 2006 TAXES Dl1E M 200'! � Gon�pclTmuurela 011ko ImmatllaWiy II a numtm appears aG.x. ttm mrcenee oireu'i. qETUFN TXIS COIIPON FOP SEGOND HALF PAYMENTS w�e�i,oroia'r a�a s...v �"°'�°°"�� ° �'�� 2nd Half 2 �.� ro�m�„M,.� � Coupon ��a�-U�� e4GlE COIINiV TqFqSUflEP eoxns,saoeao.owav R009940 EAGLEC061691d4i9 � IF YOUR MAILMG AOOqESS IS NOT CORHECT, G�eek ihis bo�for chanAe a�aaCress,maXe cM1anges anE sign helow. raor[Att OTTO STOAK LLC-R009940 ownea oF GO SPECIALTY SPORTS VENTURE LLC q=c�qo SECOND HALf DOE BYIUN IS,20a"1 ],593 G2 299 MILWAUKEE ST STC 502 UENVER,CO 80206 anvvervr;nvsr ee im os.Forvos nrvo ow.wrv orv n us.ea�x EXHIRIT A That part of Lots C and D, Block 5-A, Vail Village First Filing, County of Eagls, State of Coloratlo, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot C, Vail Village, First Filing; thence South 0'09 '00" East a distance of 7 . 60 feat ; thence South 89' 35 ' 22" West a distance of 13. 7 feet to the true point of beginning ;� thence South 0' 24' 38" East a distance of 13 .68 feet; thence South 73' 14 ' 16" West a distance of 25 . 34 feet; thence North 16'45 '44" West a distance of 4. 70 feet; thence South 73' 14' 16" West a distance of 46 . 73 feet; thence North 16'45 '44" West a distance of 7 .00 feet; thence South 73' 14' 76" West a distance of 27 . 21 feet to a point on the East right-of- way line of Bridge Street; thence on an angle to the right of 102' 13' 23" and along said East right-of-way line and along a curve to the right having a radius of 191 .07 feet, a central angle of 1 ° 57 '43" , an arc distance of 6.45 feet; thence North �73' 14' 76" East a distance of 36 .91 feet; thehce North 0°03 '02" East a distance of 12.41 feet; thence South 69' 56 ' 58" East a distance of 59.47 fe6t; thence North 0°03 ' 02" East a distance of 2. 14 feet; then North 89° 35 ' 22" East a distance of 3 . 75 feet to the t�ue point of beginning. 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